om Taper Vea, MCKAY CLOSE OF PRESBYTERY ON CHURCH UNION, Hedy ey LL m-- Members Decide Not to Hold An- other Meeting to Take Up This | Question--The to General Assembly. The el its business 'on at two o'clock. apart from those already mentions were Revs. Boyd and Henry, and] Messrs. Meiklejohn, Elder and: Stirling | The first item was the appointment of commissioners to the general assem bly. Prof. Dr. Ross, Principal Gordon and Rev, W. T. Wilkins were chosen by rotation, and Revs. Messrs. Drumt Smith and MacTavish by ballot. The elders chosen by ballot are Messrs. ( Hay, Glenburnie; 8. Russell, Belleville: | Rev. A. McDonald, Napanee; Rev. R J. Craig, Kingston; R. Moatgomery Kingston; Little and A. Mitchell. The commission of presbytery was appoint | ed to meet in St. Andrew's church Belleville, on the 19th iust., at' two o'clock, Rev. home ed the work done as satisfactory, and usual grants, which were Prof. Laird reported from the mittee on the examination of students Members, pre John McKay Fur House, Kinasrox, Mr. Binnie reported from the mission committee. He describ in the different fields recommended the agreed to. com THES P.M. EDITION :- Commissioners | preshytery of Kingston contion- | Tuesday afternoon, | ent { young men of ability, THE DAILY BRITISH diplomas The recommendations apr sved, MN. Maod | of 'th ! of 'the o pe * 2 0, Ke mmilee reform, . us member on lem ir assed the presi this sabject. He had | attended a meeting 'of the committer in Toronto. They tind conference with jothers, and the form nne tery on result was the | council for Canada- 7 spoke of existing, even abounding, forcibly showed need of united action, submitting a resolutibn in favor of appointing a committee to co-operate with other similar committees on the subject. The presbytery agreed to i a committee was named Maodonnell, convener, and Laidlaw, Belleville, vice UR; iS INO FURTHER DISCUSSION tri it 'th 'moral 'ani svn] ris | Will Play Only One Gause With hub member. i | vile and Mr. onvener, I'he report of satisfactory state of the funds, and salary of the clerk to $20, Mr. Smith reported on Youn:z Peoples' Soeieties, Twentvfour of these are in the bounds of the oreshy- tery, with membership of seventy-three «{ was ungnimdusly agreed to increase. Increase was manifest in most parts of the work, though the contributions for sll purposes had decreased about £300. The convener thinks we are only beating time in this work, The report recommended, that in every congre gation Y. P. 8, Le organized, that as! far as possible these conform to the onstitution of Y.I'.8 C.E. that pastors and sessions be earnestly requested to take a lively interest in the work, that members of societies be desired ta contribute to the general objects of the societies, that as pastors dise ver they ask the | to take part in missionary work, that | whet®ver possible stutlent mission | Seven are about completing their stu dies and applying for license. A num. ber, chiefly in the arts course, are ap-| plying to be engaged in mission work for the summer, while others formerly | thus employed, continue their labors Rev. Mr, Shearer reported for the committee on Sabbath schools, The schools had reported well to the com | mittee, and were generally doing sat | isfactory work, 'The report om- | ser prxe sorts ut saying. ONLY | mending : First, that s:rmons be | iweached annually, preferably on Chil SW. A. Mitchell, dren's day, on the relation jof schools | : The Tome of Safety Razors lo the church Secondly that the blank be at session | of the whole school, Thirdly, that the | special thanks of this presbytery Iw hereby téndered to those superinten- | dents and ¢ students, who enrnestly endeavor to earry on Sabbath work. Fourthly, that accordance with the resolution of synod, it be re commended to schools to loin the | Bibleveading association. Fifthlv, the at] scholars encourgaged to compete & 'iThe Famous 12-Bladed Ever~ Ready Dollar Safety Razor Phe 1iggest Valug ile world ever saw WA ivy 3 | Safety Razors this means « it goes with x4 with forms read some school | in be | | | | { | | | | { which completely destroyed the com- mon 1a | dren lost theig fives, | For Spring Spot Muslins | Full range, in all size spots, 12}, 15, 20, . 2b, 35, 40, 0c. | i New Fancy Muslins. Dark and Light Designs, in Checks, Stripes and Spots, 15, 20, 25, 35, 40c yard. t New Allovers | In the Eyelet and Embroidered Styles. 50, 60, 75¢, 90c., $1.00, 1.25. At $1.00 Yard We are showing a particularly fine quality | of FRENCH BROADCLOTH, thor- 'oughly sponged and shrunk in all the new- 'est spring shades. OPALINE The Corgect Lining at 25c. YARD, in all the leading shades. Far superior to any thing in the city at this price. Compare values and prove what we say. i Fancy Sateens These goods are the very Latest English Ideas for Spring, 1908, and prices will be found remarkably moderate. 10, 12}, 15, 18, 20, 25, 3e yard. | subject for {ing meeting { vener ANKWOrs | journed {spread and a pany building | four | escape { choked {fell in the doorway were trampled up- | children | the * | that ecoald be fous. | this afternoon, | Toronto, | instituted by [as a result of the Queen's professor's | naughton classes be established, and that al | general field secretary be appointed All these recommendations were ap- | proved, "Church Life and Work," was the consideration at the even- Rev. Dr. Mackie, the con- | of the committee on this sub- lect, presented a long and able report The cinl subieet was the church in its relation to the community. This | viewed in different aspects as the the questions represented | report cordially ap- proved, and in cont rence several mem bers spoke on the matter presented The presbytery agreed not to hold an adjournment meeting to further consider the basis of union, agd ad- to meet in Cooke's church, Kingston, on the first day of July] next at ten o'clock in the moming, | RM vas i to these, The was © SOME SE VENTY-F Y-FIVE DEAD Lost ' Their Lives in B | Sydenham uilding. | hor purse, mii Cleveland, Ohio, March 1.--In a fire in Collinwood, chil- school building, suburb, to-day, seventy-five started The The heated fire was by an over furnace, flames quickly ensued when the filled the hundred to But two exits in the building with smoke and children attempted Une became available. soon with the were children, who madly dashed for the open air. Those who on by those behind and soon the way was impassable. The irightened turned to and panic-stricken get out through windows and any other means Escape -was-ewt | WILL WELCOME LIBEL sur. | Macnaughton Says He is Not a Bit Afraid. Macnaughton was interviewed, on his return from | to the libel suit! Lancaster, MP. | Prof in regard EA of | address before the Canadian Club Foronto, on Mouday. Prof." Mac was not aware of a Jie | suit having been entered 'Have vou anything to sav about | matter "was asked him 'No, <1 don't think 1 have to say at present," the professor plied, smiling. { "But you can say this, that I'm not | afraid of a libel suit. In fact, | would | welcame one." i "I'm not afraid, | the anything | rw he added. "Let} | them go ahead." | | come down to 3 ! A Pittsburgh Wedding. Wednesday = evening, February | 26th, an interesting event occurred od the home of BR. J. Rankin, Pittsferry, | when Mrs. Emma Seymore, of Collins | Bay, was married to Henry McNeely, | formerly of Sunbury, but of late years | a resident of Medici Hat, Ala. The | bride, tastefully attired wn a beanti- ful dress of embroidered cream silk, was given away by Mr. Rankin, while the wedding march was being played by Miss Maud Rankin. In the pre sence of a cheerful company of friends Rev. Mr, - JeQQuarrie - performed the ceremonyy At the close of the cere mony the happy couple and their guests sat down to a feast that did full 'oredit to the occasion. The bride's going-ay dress was a haosdsome suit of wri lady's cloth, with silk finish, set off with a becoming white felt picture hat with brown ostrich feather: A splendid array of beanti- ful and useful presents gave evidence of the high esteem in which the happy fouple are held. In a few days Mr and Mrs. McNeely will set out their long trip to their western home, bearing «iti them the heartiost good wishes of their many friends, On the ! the treasurer showed | ! close | come off. WHIG, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 4, 1908. work in ih are nearly wg dinghy eruft are HTH TO PLAY QUEENS == FOR SENIOR CHA! CHAMPIONSHIP &; ston OF KINGSTON. Jan » power will be "Varsity Here--Mic-Macs Beat | Black Watch--Other Sporting! News. > St. Lawrence River The lith Regiment team will only | | played on Saturday play one more game this season, When | apy of Gananoe it will meet Queen's on Friday night | peg one Basin for the city championship. The sol-l.g fo. (he ehamvion diers are anxious to play the students | (ng ¥ B 0. will ol to bring out the dificgence between O. |, <oturday night {.A. and intercollegiate hockey. The | wij) play in Trenton game has aroused considerable inter- {ook The return ame | est around the city and around . the jp... a8 soon as the k dab college, and the result will be watch: | 50 ---- e rink is availa ed with interest. | Manager Steacy received a telegram | from "Varsity, last evening, asking | for home-and-home games to decide |; the amateur championship of Canada. | § The locals wonld like to give "Varsity one game, but they do not want to] do any more travelling, as it is ord in the season, and they have been on | the jump since the season opened. H| Varsity wish to play here, the lth will accommodate them. -- Mic-Macs Beat Black Watch. The Mic-Macs and Black Watch play- ed another geome at Royal rink | Tuesday evening, the former winning | out by 4 goals to 2. The game was | gramme. In this Et and fast from start to finish. | Ormiston, U. Morris and Hose Seca One man was missing from each team, | took a vocal part, Litue Annie Tu | 80 six men were played to a side. The | wood reciting sweetly, Mr. Camerc teams lined up as follows : fof Queen's, played (wo numbers Mic-Maes (1)~Saunders, {the flute, and the Cherry, point; Lemmon, cover; charmed all with their violins ealfe, rover; Houghton, centre; | wore choruses by Mr. Marchand, right wing. ! { Dalton, My. Neish and Mr. Scott, Biack Watch, roal; | were much .effjoyed, Burke, point; new fo all his hearers, rover; Lalonde, of a' voice wing Mi "Monty" and tory referee { The games in"the Kingston Amateur | Late Mrs. Walker. Hockey Association series have all | The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Walk been wood contests and all drew large of Walker, Pittshur | crowds. Two postponed games have | which took place on February 26th yet to be played before the finals | the home of her daughter, Mrs. | Nevison, Barviefield, 1 learned regret by a wide cirele Deceased was well known respected The funeral te on Friday morning to { Mary's cathedral, where mass by Rev. Father Hanley husband, deceased survived daughters, Mrs Homes Quinn, Farrelly, Pittsbu » Walker, at bom The Finals Are On. | The first game in 1 evenin Frenton and , will ihe Tig v in Ganano and the iy the first of Had A Pleasant Time. The Anglican Young Peaple's As ciation varied its programme by g ing a pancake supper in St. nll, on Shrove Tuesday. The the button and the fivi-cent piece w there, but only | during supper, a representative horse artillery getting the { and a little girl from | finding the money, The | from F, Spangenbery, ring, a was in er when the fun was over on | credit is due all the officers, and the responsible for the lendid the 3 Fh Cooke, on and a vocal but the poss of true Rhodes "Lucky (2)~Coxworthv, Dixon, cover: Parkins, | centre; Hubbard, right | {and clear, a satisfac- | The Deep, i sor music, sang Jim "Out Ainsiee made wife Joseph Ww sein Operas vs. Nationals. A fast and exciting game of hoekev | was played 'at the Roval rink, last night, between Opera * House Ushers | and the employees of the National | | sincere | friends ! highly | place sung | her 1g Mrs Bernard son, M and « eld Georg A Very Sad Loss. On Sunday | vation Army | homeward journey street, in the or evening last, barracks, up Queen stree wonthn Ie fell from her ec | pocket. It contained the savings her own hard earnings. Her husba has been dipabled and unfit for. we for over five months The loser h | advertised her loss through the tumins of the Whig, { that the finder will { poor owner Baring of School off by. the flames, which, fry this time, had spread throughout the rooms. The yet did not this the building was of brick, retard the progress of return it to fc fell in, precipitating scores of children | to the the burning | embers, The the buil heart-rending Canick lye, the spread and hundreds of parents crowding about the buildihg in search of their children. In a few twenty bodies had been taken the ruins the stilled forms of dozens of others could fire. In"a few minutes the lower floor Victoria Day Celebration. | To-morrow evening a meeting of 1 j citizens has been called by the to consider the guestion of holding | Victoria celebration ag in | years, local horsemen want t fair grounds for Victoria day a also the day following, for eire and the ting on basement among Sag may ding was seene about day The news were moments | races, me | evening will decide teitizens will give way to | men. The Victoria day jcommittee has a surplus of : { last ye event, Nearby factories dismissed their men | . from the celebrati 2500 fre Plainly, writhing or be seen in the basement. ar s in th cures coughs and Se, and #1 bottle. at j {ross Drug re Phe ne { i . - i AntoStrop RAZOR ok ONLY RAZOR AND AUTOMATIC PTROPPER COMBINED IN ONE PIECE. and instructed them to assist Psvehine, braved the fire Gibson 0 rescue. They and | ~1 made heroic efforts to save those who were-not-dead: Drag & Chemical Co. Ag hali time the | was 1 to 0 in favor of the Up eras, and at fall time 2 to 2. | For the Nationals, the defence and | | Samper in goal, were the stars, and for the Operas, Joves and Woodrow The line-up : Nationals caver, rover, score Goal Comper: point, Da Smaliridge; centre, Wood Olkhie; wings, Eveps and iYY, row: | Bird, Opepas--Goal, Woedtow; { merville; 'cover, Douneliv: tle; rove r, Jovees wings, Sam Lit and point, centre, O'Neil | Hyland, Refevee--Nr. Buell, F. B, C. Likely Two More Games. The new OHA. champions will like- | ly have two more battles before the | SCRASON- 18 over. They will play | Queen's for the city championship. and, in all probability, 'Versity will play for the amateur | championship of Canada. The soldiers will not play home-and-home games | with the Toronto team, and they aie not supposed to, so if Varsity thinks | it van land the honors it has 16] come here. SIMPLE AND. UNIQUE | A, Common ---- Will Play Again. The Kingston and Pembroke railway hockey teams will play another game with the Grand Trunk, although the | date has not vet heen decided The | K. & P. team eypects to turn the ta-| bles on the GT.R. in the second | game, "Billy" Mackie is of the opin- | ion that they ean do it, and his fol- { lowers will give him their best sup- | port. -------- Last Game To-Day. At the RNingston skating rink, Tuesday, the second game in the in ter-vedr series was played between yours "Il and "10, the Jatter winning out by a narrow in. The final Hn betwéen '00 aud "19 will be play- on at the fink, to-day, and has arous ed considerable the in terest 'among students, ey ------ Yachtsmen Getting Busy. The owners of yuhts amd small craft around the city ame begioning to talk of getting Chim. 3 do shape fox the coming season will be played | George $f ring { the last two appeared | of the | button, | Old England | the | { | pst ye batch of cakes, and was | | Only discovered by a sharpeyed'work- | Great | Telgmann childre °n | [New Spring There de James | and | was | Besides | Nevison and] cof | and it is hoped | forme Thursda: whether of not tl horse Sense Self. the | las | ers 1 | er | the | fe. | { wn ere gut Ee | hel | les | gr 1 wm, on nd | st, | es | ep | On | er gh! at | ith of | rok | St by | ne wy mt of | nd | wk | as its | he or! a r he | nd iit he on iH Corsets Our New Corsets for Spring, 1908, are now ready and women planning for a New Suit, poise of figure should sce the new designs, French Model Corsets Spring and desire the approved These models produce the long, slender, graceful lines, that "NEW SNUG HIP" that trim effect demanded by present dress styles. Prices : $1.00, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 Crompton Corsets $1 00, 0c, 1.25. 75¢, D. & A. Corsets 50e to $2.00. Comfort Corsets $1.00, Special. | | SPEEEEEELLELLALALL0EEALLL040000000000000800A Two Splendid Bargains One Lot, all sizes, Ladies' Dongola Kid Blucher ¥ Cut Lace Boots. V ery attractive style ; excellent ¥ quality of Kid; would be good valiie at two-and-a- half; will sell while they last AT $2.00. Another lot just as good quality, but not so 8 well finished nor quite as good style, but splendid 3 leathers and good wearers ONLY $1.50. Bo Joockett Shoe Store. large stock Trunks 5 and Yplisen,