ts -- rr Ts A DURABLE FLOOR VARNISH Made by The Sherwine Williams Co.01s tough and elastic. Doesn't scratch of mar readily under' foot wear. Can be walked on bext day after application, Has a lasting lustre, = Easy These are the kind of Biscuits that Beaver Flour makes light, flaky, tasty, inviting, appetizing. "Beaver Flour" is equally good for Bread and Risewits -- Cake and Pies -- because it combines the famous pastry-making qualities of Ontario flour with the strength of Manitoba wheat flour, 74 Ask your grocer for "Beaver" JUST RECEIVED A largo assortment of Now Suits, egal to the best tallor-inde suits, finest binck agd Llue shades to be hod, also best quality worsteds, in prices from $5, 86. $7, $8.50, $10, $11, $12 and $13.50. We invite personal inspection of oir stock hod will give the best valde for Your money to be had In town. Alsd a large, new stock of Boots and . Bhoey, at lowest possible prices, msn fsaAc ZACKS, 271 Princess Street. The Phoenix Dry Powder (Fire Extinguisher. GB Kt ft, pe Hotels, wit, Dhroughos the" Do Be woud Is always s contains mo liquid fa who freee pr a 0.00 DAWSON & STALEY, B17 Princess St., Kingston. High Grade Plonos at living prices Biches aay an HIRE TRY] Cures ALL Coughs ALWAYS, costs aut I5¢ ome Ta EN 1) mue membran Painless, and not asirr . _Eent or poisonous, Mold wy Wr sent fn plain wroppe SL. or Taller Bh Tena THE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 308- 316 King street, Kingston, year, - Fditions at 2.30 and 4 o'slock pum. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 pages, pub- lished mn parts on Mon. and ursdsy morn- ing at $1 a year. To United States, charge { for post e as to be made SOc. for Daily; Soc. for Weekly. sii | Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices mm Canada: rapid, stylish, and cheap work; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lt'd. EDW, LB. PENSE, anaging Director. Daily Whig. RADICAL ELECTION LAW. Mr. Aylesworth has been giving the election act his special attention, and as a result several amendments to it These are of have been announced. the most radical character. There is first to be a publication of all the candidates expenses, not thosg only which an agent had to settle. Tt {is illegal for any corporation to con- tribute to the fund and anyone who violates this provision -of the law, {provided it passes), will be muleted in a fine of 81,000 or suffer two years') imprisonment. In the past a candidate has lost votes that were meant for him by the errors of deputy returning officers. It that no ballot shall be damaged or nullified by reason - of anyone's blundering. The omission of a name from the list does not dis- the elector. He can tender proper form, and is proposed franchise an oath, in the claim the franchise. It was offered as a plea for consider- ation in behalf of one now suffering, from disability that four years was long enough to disqualify an aceount of an offence. It was the length of an parliament. The new Jaw will make the punishment more pro- nounced. Tt will extend the period to man who tampers officer of the ordinary eight years. The with ballots--if an crown, that is an election officer--will languish for five years in prison with- out 'the option of a fine. a Two other classes will be affected hy the proposed law--those who repre- sent the machine, and the campaign liars. Outsiders will not be tolerated in the constituency, and anvone who invades it runs risk of a fine of $230 and six months' Imprisonment. The circulator of false reports is to be subject to a fine of #500 or two years' imprisonment, r& As in other laws there is an express prohibition as to the hiring of con- veyances. The "rigs" are essential] if some votes are to be gotten out, but the hiring of 'them is regarded as a huge bribe, for the support of the drivers, and parliament cannot blink at it, MOMEN AS PIONEERS, The Canadian Gazette hails with problem. It attributes the great un- rest of the people socially to the large number of women who have no ve- cupations, no prospects, no hopes and expectations in life. There are a mil- lion more of them in England than of men, and this fact is due to some of the disorders which have attended their attempt to break: into political life, "Being more erfluities," or less economic sup- remarks our contemporary, "without a place in the home or the working - world--unallotted blessings, $0 to speak--a large number of these million women have no more attrac: tive occupation than public agitation, and they strain after the shadow of emancipation through the parliamen- tary franchise because they are ' de- nied, or ghut themselves out from, the substance of emancipation through ao active useful life." Lircumstances have foreed many wo- men to seek employment in the sweat shops, where they work in penury and- jor a miserable pittance. Others failing to secure husbands are seeking engagement in shops and stores, in as far as possible coming into com- petition with the men : while -the few of higher social cast, become society haugers-on, spending Their time in seli-adornment and aimlesy pursuits, Exclude," savy the Gazette, "tha us: married women who have found hon- orable and useful places in life and there remain "thousands who are drones in the hive, largely becguse no chance is given them, or who are, in their iHl-paid work, a growing menace to the 'national life." : As a relief to this dark outlook is the vista which Miss Binnie-Clark has opened up on a veturn to her old home "from Canada. She is' what is called an educated gentlewoman who some years ago eigrated to this country and settled upon a homestand near Fort Qu'Appells. She did not began her tasks with the determina tion to succeed, and presently found hersell succeiding. What she 'has ac complished leads her to ive - that Canada's North-West is the i# THE DAILY save in the consciousness that she is doing her duty to the women of the motherland, FIRE DRILL FAILS. The school fire drill is a great thing, in theory. But at North Collingwood, as in Hochelaga, it failed miserably, and the awiul sacrifice of life which followed is a protest against the use ol apy public building, hall, schogl or chureh} which is insuflicient in its exits, What a distressing tale is that of the last school fire, in which about two hundred little children perished. The janitor, in the basement, saw smoke curling from beneath the front stairway, and at once sounded the fire alarm. There was an immediate re sponse. One of the teachers headed her class for the stairs, off the second flat, thinking only of a fire drill. They a panic ensued. The children, in their frenzy, plunged into the struggling mass before them. The teacher at- tempted to slow the "rush, but she fell, and went down iu the crowd, and ber body was found later piled high with those of her pupils. g There was a repetition of the catas- trophy in Hochelaga, where fire drill was had at regular intervals, but satisfaction a solution 'of the woman know much about farm life. but she} where it was forgotten in the face of a real danger. The city council of this city has called for a report as to the. deficiencies of the public buildings so far as exits and fire escapes are concerned. Its duty is to go further and insist on the owners of buildings complying w th the by-law, without de- lay. It is not necessary nor desirable to wait until some awful contingency transpires in the city in order to em- phasize the need of certain suggested reforms. ' EDITORIAL NOTES, The maps and records in the engi- raeer's offic: have not Leen posted for about two years. How is this ac- counted for ? -- The new "city engineer has taken bold of things with a firmer grip. Now if the aldermen would only let kim do his work without interference ! ---- the leader of the win- Brunswick, does Mr. Hazen, ning party in New not claim a conservative victory. He had the support of many liberals in the election. ---- One of Ontario's school book com- missioners says that up-to-date hooks will not probably be any cheaper than they have been. The question of copy- right makes a difference in any case." ------ In the new election act (Ontario) the province undertakes to pay the expenses of the polling places. That is right. The countils never should have been loaded up with provincial expenses. In Alberta and Manitoba the pro- vinces are supplyivg free school books. Will Ontario follow suit ? Mr. Whitney talks of the government printing its own books, for sale. The province will have to go one better in order to win applause. : mit The opposition at Ottawa found « great deal of fault with the French traats. They had no use for it, They desired it to be fully undersicod that it was absolutely without merit, And they showed their - insincerity by all but five of them voting for it! -- During the conservative period of ob. struction the Hansard reporters gave out, 'and the official record of the row ceased in consequence, What a mercy the drivil stopped, at - $5.45 a short column the expense is dreadful. Up to the day the siege began this session has cost $21,720. ------ Under tory rile there was to be lessened expenditure in Ontario, The amount spent by th# government last vear was $7,714,241, exclusive of the sum on the provincial railway. The expenditure, in other words, has ad- vanced by 32318229 in two years, and-is still going up, up, up. y . -- ---- Johnny Defines Belleville Girls. Bellpville. Intelligencer. - While giving a geography lesson a Kingston teacher called upon a pre- cocious youngster: named Johony to tell what he could about "zones." Johnny responded as follows : ""Thers are two kinds of zones, masculine and feminine, The masculine dare temperate, - while the feminine zones are both hotrid and frigid." Better Than Last Season. Campbell Bros', new $2 and $2.50 derbies are even better than the hats that bad such an enormous sale with this fiom last season. - - . Humble And Conciliatory. 0 Prot. Maenang jather 3 Sedet Taiitasibe was emi nently dum copcilia . Oyez, the incident may now be ons iio 25; or ome of each ny: times whem we hear ly" we think it means ing "wow and save raser's large stock, 78 ruth about ourselves ay : hton's reply to the J Fen 3 : BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1908 EE ------ ---- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS], rsx scar swome=s . First of Series a Great -- { Working For Power. oe Success. Toronto Star. The first of the series of studies on The rumor runs that Premier Whit- | the subjects which are to be discussed ney will wait until Be gets just ope | at the great Pan-Anglican congress in petition from a elub to repeal | June, was held in St. George's hall, the 'three-fifths clause and he will then | on Thursday evening, and was a bgl- begin to take the matter seriously, liant attendance was : large, and that the subjects are of in- terest to all women was.shown by the presence of many pot members of the Church of England Mrs. Adam Shortt was in the chair, Mrs. Lennox Mills reading the opening success. The -- -- Monsy To Burn, Hamilton Times; . Sir William Maodonald's gifts to McGill University amosnt te about 25,200,000. He has given the ther ; ; d Quebec institutions a million and | prayers. The subject was "The Value three-quarters. There must be money | OF Authority And Discipline In The iu tobacco. © | Home, The School And The World. Mes. E. T. Taylor read the first paper on discipline in the home, tak- mg a very high level in her treatment of educational ideals. She first spoke generally of the training necessary to enable the child to become master of himself. She then took up various divisions of the subject: First, at what age must training begin 7 Se cond, training as the mother's profes sion, the father as co-operator; third, for what are we training our chil: dren. Mrs. Taylor spoke convincingly on' the need of compelling obedience and the teaching of reverence, on the inculeation of self-control, and on the necessity for firmness and the exact ion of courtesy and attention from the child. A child fails or succeeds in after life, according to the training received in the nursery. So valuable was the paper felt to be that the writer has been asked to wave it printed. "Discipline In The School" was treated, in a very clever, thoughtful British licensing ' bill, introduced by | paper, by Miss Isabel Bureau, ons of Mr. Asquith, no" fewer than 30,000 | our most successful public school will, it is estimaged, be wiped oat by | teachers. 'The kind of training receiv that measure within twenty years. If | od in the home is easily discovered by the temperance crusade in the mother | the teacher. This paper, also, is country is not so sensational in some | Worthy of reproduction in its entirety, of its aspects as thaf in the United | being the product of trained intelli States, it is produéing some remark- | genoe. able results, nevertheless. There - was open discussion at the close of the papers," Miss Macaulay, Miss Hentig and Miss Loviek being amongst those taking part The next study will be on Thursday, March 12th, the subject being "Wo A Weak Indication. HamMNton Herald. The deputation from the board of education did not bring back Dr. Pyne's fromis to build a technical college here. They mercl¢ think that they saw a single straw of hope float- ing in the whirlwind of hot air raised. Sketch Of Imagination. Brantford Expositor. : . Mr. Whitney says . the present On tario government in its four vears of office has passed more good measures than the liberal party did durin- its thirty odd years of office. The fanny part of it is that such a statement can be made ahd any persons expect. ed to believe it, Trend Of Opinion. Ottawa Journal. Of some 90,000 - public houses in Great Britain affected by the new --- Printer's 'Errors. Taronto News. Prof. Maenaughton is to speak be- fore the Canadian Club on Monday ; "oma : next, and his subject will be "A | man's Work And Wages This will Glimpse At The Seamy Side Of Qur | be in charge of Mrz. Adam Shortt Democracy." Tn the notices to mem. | and O. D, Skelton, lecturer in eco- bers a typographical error transposes | nomics at Queen's, will read a paper "seamy side" into "sunny side," Rev. Dr. Cleaver's series of addresses on the "Life - Of Elijah" has been de- scribed by an enthusiastic but ill-in- formed admirer as sermons on the "Life Of EBza." W. J. Bryan, the de- mocratic leader, spoke in Toronto on "The Prince Of Peace." In one Ameri- can town a local newspaper announc- odd_his subject" as "The Prince Of Pil sen." Down in Kentucky, where he delivered the asme address, a farmer drove twenty-one miles to hear what { in the knee, inflicting a severe gash he. thought was to be a talk on "the | Mr. Machan, pound up his knee and price of peas." went on with the show, but the next morning the wound bothered him so that he was not able to bend his knee. Injured On The Stage. Joseph N. Machen, of the Marks Bros. company, who played here a few weeks ago, was the victim of a peculiar accident in Peterboro, this week. The company was presenting "As Told In The Hills,"" Mr. Machen appearing as "Tom" Hatfield, a moon- shiner. In his struggle with Arnold C. Baldwin, "Ed. Fenton," the latter dropped his dagger, striking Machen, CONCERT AT STELLA. ------ hKingstonign"s Take Part 'in the Programme Given. A fine concert was given in Victoria bhall, at Stella, on Thursday night, & number of Kingstonians taking pars. The hall was filled, and the pro- gramme proved most delightful. The proceeds will be devoted towards the tower fund of St. Paul's church. Rev. J. Cumberland was the chairman of the ovening. The programme consist- ed of instrumentals by Miss Hessie Mo- Donald, Louls Marchand: songs and re- citations by John Cousins and George Home From Klondyke. Gillespie, nnd solos by Mr. Waring,| William Madden, of Pittsburg town- Miss A. Rosevear, and recitations by | ship, has been home on a visit from Miss Jessie McRae. Refreshments were | the Klondyke, where he had been for served at the close. the past twelve years. Ho likes the x country, and is doing well. He was visiting in the city today, on his | way back to the Klondyke, If you are thinking of buying 5, 10 New Instruments Here. 'The new instruments for the mem bers of the Salvation Army band have arrived and the band had a practice with them on Wednesday night. A special service will be held on Monday evening, March 19th, when the instru- ments will be handed over to the band by Major Ross. I'he band is making rapid progress, under the leadership of Baudmaster Christmas, : Principal Gordon Ill. Belleville Ontario. The Canadian Club, which was to have met, Thursday evening, with Dr Gordon, principal of Queen's Universi- or 20 lbs. of tea, let me send vou sam ty, as its guest and speaker. is com: | ples. [ can please vou and save vou pelled to postpone the meeting until money, 1 bought thousands of pounds next week, owing to the receipt "of a before the advance. Gilbert message from the doctor that he had Many when they cast their broad been takem ill suddenly upon the waters want to follow it to, its destination Only One "Bromo Quinine." For that husky throat, Zyvmaole Tro- "That is Laxative Bromo inine | keys, at Gibson's Red drug Look for the signature of E. W. |store. Phone 230. Grove, Used 'the world over to cur You and I ought to think of the a cold in ose day. 25e. Cross rainy day fund before it commences ! to rain. Twenty per eent. discount designed for burning. Edwards &. Jen. on wood The New And Exclusive. Styles in men's hats are, as usual ' to be found at Camphelt Bros, King- | kin. ston's style centre for bats and furs. | To make { be as good a debt payer as he is a is very little reason to the | debt maker. many reasonable Not a few . rupt because matters right one should Thers very doubts Try Bibby's niity #2 hate | good Trying to keep up style on cight | Marmalade cutters for sale and to dollars a week' requires strenuous tac- rent, at Gilbert's ties. | See Bibby's genteel $1 He Knows Consult your doclor freely about medi- cal matters. He knows. Trust him, Do as he says. Follow his advice. men have become banks their credit was {oo so-called shirts, Talk with your doctor about Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. - Ask him if he prescribes it for pale, delicate children. Ask him if he recommends it when the blood is thin and impure, and when the nerves are weak and unsteady. Ask him if it aids nature in building up the general health. Free from Alcohol C. O) NOV 9s) See Bibby's Special $15 Silk- $ Faced Black Cheviot Overcoat : for Spring, 1908. : See Our Swell $15 Suits. They are Beauties. The H. D. BIBBY CO, FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS. Ysera) THE RAZOR OF PERFECTION EVERLASTING SHAVING COMFORT . NO RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE These razors are tempered as hard as flint by our exclusive secret process of electricity, You can obtain one on $0 days trial from your dealer without obligation to purchase, Firm of A. L } roadway, New ' For sale by McKelvey: Birch, 77 srock stacey, SILBERSTEIN, 47¢ 1 ¥ N Last Few Days of March Furniture Sale Reductions greater than ever. Don't disregard this saving opportunity. You can't realize the bargains until you have inspected our stock. Sideboards worth $20 reduced 17.00, Sidehoards worth $18 reduced 15.50, Sideboards worth $15 reduced 13.50. Extension Tables worth $23 reduc- ed 20.00; Extension Tables worth $18 reduced 15.00; Parlor Suites reduced 15 to 20%. { ) R. Jd REID, Ambulance On Call. PIG METALS Seo. We are headquarters. Sead us your inquiries: Canada Metal Co.,Ltd. foisity er "Profound Emotional Sense." Hold out your hands to feel the Jux. HE uty of the sunbeams. Press the soft [answered & Blossom ageingt your chies snd fing: Cell fashion, "The Phone, 877. Copper, Lead: A Big Book. Pare 1a with having youlh mn mos ] latter, wish er their graces of form, their delicate Wg to "take a rise" out of Parr mutability of shape, their pliancy ond i who was @ man of much dignity of freshness, Exp se vour fa Lu the aspect, bef 4 aerial floods that sweep ti heavens, usmtiances, "inhale great drafts of wou {doctor ami der, wontler at the credited cheeky' effective some frivolous a that the were 10 observed himaelf collab the could write a very: big activity. Pile note gn note the infin book. in enormous ope" said ite mugic that flows increasingly tol Parr, d ¥i¥s "i we put in ali that i your-soul from the factual sonorities [know and ail that you do not," of d thotwand bran beg mivil tumbling | waters. How can the world be shri i ional Sone, touch 1 ithe oe | Ae HAE, Leave order ws Ho \ . faithiy g ok Store, Servite? | am sures that if a fajry in going bade me choose between the seve ff tracks that sight and that of "touch 1 would not! or i part with the warm endeating con | ue, the tact of human hands or the wealth of | Kingston at fpr, the nobility Wad fullness that | store, Jress. jnto my palms. -- Helen Keller's! be man who Sense and Sensibility" im Century | vba Magazine, "0 i > {Nps Lagative-Bromo Quinine cares a cold Gilat in ome day. Sold at Gibson's Red'! "ross dy stern, ; witid 3 unwenried | or i ---- H. Conningham, piano tuner from wrong people have mache eound not he successfully great tomic, sald ig Gibson's Red Cross drug refuses to take not fail, bul ke pever attention te wail orders, Swell waiety is sometimes compos | jof a lot of people with sellod heady Uranges,- Edwnrds & Jeulkin, Ganony's. Edwards & Jenkia, ESRB ARS TRA 120