-- "ran ASETEET RAILWAY pacific Rafiway s-- A Sia Secofid Class One Way Soy Daily, ebruary 29 'to April' 29, i ( pf YAH B.C 1 0 Points, | + Y¥Yancouver, =| Seatt | Portland, ete. culate at K. & P., C Office, a St, an .] F. CONWAY, | Gen, Pass, Aged: 0 . f oi of + ND TRUNK RAILWAY. SVR REA AY COLONIST RATES 29th to April 20th. | L., Victoria, B.C., West. | Seattle, +» Tacoma, noire $50.10, Les Angeles, Cal., Fen. a BY ovprnrisiecmmisiimisiitin iti. 4 Branch Time Table. ill leave and arrive at Oity A t of Johnson street, GOING y Live. Clty Arr. Oity 12.88 a.m. 1.07 a.m OXPress o... 2.85 a.m, 3.17 a. an. 2,8, , 8,7 trains daily excopt Si partkouldrs, app) Agent, © te, INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Mail Trains rom Montreal to Halifax OTING WITH Mail Steamers om Halifax to Liverpool Pinan Roy Canada's Famous Train THE MARITIME - EXPRESS Leaving MONTREAL Fridays, =n 12.00 nt HAL TIA X the folio Bata Riternoon, SPECIAL TRAINS carrying wails whem inward gteam- Bot ponnect with the MARI UIME leave HALIFAX immediate said mak. | Marks N+ + ¥ to nearest GRAND AILWAY AGENT, pr to al Ticket Office AL St James St QUEBEC 8.8. COMPANY BERMUDA Jt tt, fon Nw Monk } to provements and b-clase steamers sail from New 10 days, of Bit 4S ae Sieg > giving mates of on, mpply to A, Oy Ager 39 Brow ayy ta : or uebec, mph leta all informati | 3] J, LIVERPOOL Halifax, Sty Yoh, Mar. 21. «» Mar. 27, Sgt, Myr, 28 and full formas from J Ey, LYRR., . a oO, / 8 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MA A. COMMON SENSE QOLO Designed by Chas. S. Sedgwick, Architect, Minneapolis, Minn. REH 6, 1908. NIAL. THEN YOU ARE A DYSPEPTI, The dimension of this colonial houss is 32 by 39 feet, exclusive of piazza. The trdatment of the exterior is quite simple and symmetrical with comer pilasters, a broad piazza across front, plain Doric cornice and treat- ment throughout ; The simplicity and refinement of this S9994900008009803%00u8 H. P. METOALFE, President: J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary, § C0000 000DO000OV0000000 IMPROVE Your EDUCATION $ arn ' INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER Day sm@ Evening Classes 8 the | Frontenac Business College, Barrie poll Clergy, Steg Spi I, N, STOCKDALND, TPitine, 680, 0000000000000 0000000 Cough Caution Never, positively never poison your lange. Ify 7 ven from a simple cold only~yousho eal, soothe, and ease the irritated b: tu 8 LIVING RoaM raxeod an) ana FIRST FLOOR PLAN. QUEEN OF PORTUGAL SOME INTERESTING NEWS CONCERNING HER. Most Pathetic Figure is the Boy King--The late King Had a Presentiment of What Was Coming, London, Match 6.--A charming little story is told. about the Queen of Por tugal, of her capacity for nursing. When walking in a wood with one of her ladies in waiting, she heard a ory, and found that a wood cutter had been injured by the falling of a 'branch, + The queen immediately herself | at- tended to him, and then assisted him to his cabin, Later she called to sée her patient, who said '1 shall never be able to repay you, but when 1 am 'better 1 will brig you a basket of and butter, "in order ~ Don't blindly suppress it rd Stupelying poison. It's strange how thin ¢ ¥ cothe about. For twenty years constantly warned people not te take tures of prescriptions containing Op roform, or similar poisons. And now-a 1fy e gress 5a. poisons are in your Cough Mixture." Go | ory !'1 Herea{terfor thisvery reason a d others, should insist on having Dr. Shoe 's Cure. No poison marks on Dr. Shoo and noue in the medicine, else it must x ® on the label. And it's not only safe, but be by those that know it best, a truly ree ble bough remed¥. Take noe! Riarly with your children. Insiston having r, 8 's Cough Cure. Compare carefully the . 8hoop package with Sthers and Jou the No poison. marks there! You cam always be on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's- Cough Cure "ALL DEALERS" fresh egus to thank you." I'he gueen visited England, but few. months ago, and the king in 1904 as the guest of King Edward, Dom Carlos was one of the happiest men, ong of the merriesy, his 'life from the a mobt joyful stand- Standing whilst shooting one snowy Wood Norton in Worces- THERE JRE JUANY BAKING POWDERS ' morning at one 8 so kind, they if you were the special guest of esac hi one, , Everytime I come 1 am more at] home," and then, pointing to the sno' and the bleak landscape, bie said | "I love it." He seemed like a merry schoolboy who was enjoying his holie "days, Staying #t Chatsworth with the! uke and Duchess of Devonshire, he bombarded his ambassador with snow- | balls. ob The Marquis de Soveral was saun- tering out with two ladies when King Carlos opened fire. He dared not re- turn the shell, but the ladies speedi- ly protected. their estort and a merry scene ensued, The freedom of England King Carlos the greatest joy. As he wandered through the streets with a cigar jn his mouth he. felt safe. The great strong man with a kindly heart and a goenisl. face and a ready laugh, this was the man who in a few brief moments was hurried from his throne into the world beyond the grave, py 2 The actual story of the murder has been told again and again in the jour- nals of every. nation during the last two weeks. Never has oly been enacted, the husband. the wife and the two bdvs. the woman ens deavoring to protect the son, ward: { SUT THERE IS ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER er RT Sl E.W.GILLETT travers UNDERLYING BONDS oF PUBLIC ESTABLISHED UTIATY CORPORA TIONS. 'offered at attractive prices. 'W. Graham Browne & Co., "BOND DEALERS, MONTREAL, ind off death with » 'bouquet, the mournial vigil the fwo queens through that J night, in the pre sence of death which had come with such terrible swiftness. R The King bad a presentiment of what would happen, for when be wi sented by Senor Franco with the docu faction, he said, death sentente, it does mot ma much !" and thes he affived his name. The very mibraing iv Lisbon, his w abd one who took | point. | | 8, | 2 {deeds as dark as those tershire, he said to a friend : "When | 3 I am in England I am happy. Every | make you feel as | + was to | a greater trag-| foreshadow di i hall this, almost | the, mont | | i figre iu the Boy King, who { ; ¢ ; to and Th house will commend the design many--it will always look well { will never 'go out of style." | plainness of | projected bay window 'in the centre of [the front in the second starey. The | roof is medium high pitched, with ample dormer windows lighting the | third storey on each side. The plan of the interior is con- venient with all modern improvements and a little removed from the com { mon plan. The stairway, located at | the left of the entrance, is a combin- {ation stairway with a section leading from Kitchen up to the main platform {and thence to the second storey, and | stairs underneath to basement, with | outside entrance at grade line. There 1% one central chimney, with an open fireplace in the large ving room, | spacious diming-room back of the liv j ing-eoom; and large ample pantry | opening through in connection with | the Kitchen. The second" chambers, ample { room, and large storey has four closets rear balcony | door opening on to same. The attic | stairs lead up over the main stairs, | vit large amusement room and vants' room in the third storey. The | estimated cost of this house, exclasive of heating and plumbing, is $4,500. ser has succeeded to the diffealt task of maintaining peace in this troublous kingdom, When the boy, who is now king re ceived the new premier, the old Ad mirg} J) Ferreira de Awaral, and the Other 'ministers he had summoned to his assistance, the boy threw himself weeping into the old admiral's arms, vaud said, "My dear friend, 1 have no knowledge of kingeraft. | know fioth- ing of anything except school books and my studies, i 1 want to take over the management | of the kingdom and I want you to ty and make everybody happy." Should these words he prophetic of the aim of his life they are indeed siguili- cant. - When he met his ministers of state, and made his formal speech, "I am very perience, said, and I have no ex. and I Leg of you to help me to do whatever may be right and best for my countyy, Aud so the i lays aside the light-heartedn youth, and takes the thorny ia reigning sovereign. I Portugal is now but a sniall king- | dom, but 'it has inherited a great tra- | dition, and the future of th Porty | Ruese depends much upon the way in | which thew rally to their young mon jareh, not only for the benefit of the little kingdom itself, but for the Jet ter ruling &f such domains as they Possess in other lands, where the grim was been cast, and of the Congo 1e young, &s of crown of | shadows of slavery } have been perpetrated, ---- ---- Not Taking Chances. estminster Gazette. na certain village a'woman fell into a trance: After the custom she was wrapped in a sheet to be carried to the «bmetery, but as the procession was passing through a narrow road a-thornof the wWwaveide pierced the sheet, wounded her so that the blood fiowed and she awoke, 'ourteon yeats later the woman really died, and again was borne' tor ward the grave. J As the procession fosted through thy | " shard salled : i "Not so 'near the hedge, friends narcow road the hu Not so near the hedge 17 . ---------- een Astonishing Information. Two men wrote to the editor. of ¢ correspondence column of a magazine Mr. A. asking what to-do for teething babies. and Mr. C. asking how to gon rid of .- grasshoppers, The editor iv answering got the names mixed, the man asking about babies got thi reply : i Ww + ' f "I you want to get rid of the lithe pests, cover them up with grass and set fire to it." And the one who asked about the grasshoppers got the reply : "IE they are teething. give them a warm bath and rub 3. gums with every day." ' was pre | ment which caused such deep dissatis- | id, "Lam signing | he left to. go tol this house is relieved by | the | bay windows mn the first storey and a | fuish for doors good | and bath- | with | boy | § hough you walked in a city of The interior finish is hardwood in the first storey, with polished haved { wood floors, and the second storey in white enamel, with red mahogan The house will look best painted on the outside pure white, with a green roof or a very light tint of ream 'color would look well. En porn S-- N ! J CHAMBER Jong craves 4 | BALCOMY SECOND FLOOR PLAN. NO HARM IN ONE KISS. A Bishop Defends the Action of a Pastor. Rev. Charles Tyler Olmsted, | of 'the diocese of Center) New York, in un interview published in the New York Sun, in regard to Rev. E. War- ren Saphore, rector of All Saints' church, Svracuse, who was accused, [last week, by seventeen year-old Viola Hayes, a meniber of his congregation, of, having asked her for a kiss while he was ¢ worting her home, is as saying "From what 1 understand and know of it there is no reason to think the request was made by the pastor im any immqral spirit. Rev, Mr. Saphore 15 growing on to middle, age, has a wile agd children, and his tastes are domest¥, He expressed déep regret at what he had ery at | tempt at rey openly ked the There is no reason | indkcretion; for { should be cause for his. church and: his re ing his whéle life's 'work "Why, I know 'ministers who going around and kissing the Women | of their congregations nothing .is thought of it It cepted as a little pleasantry and now when a pastor forgets himself for a moment. and asks a girl if it is usual for her to aceept kisses from her cort they want him th out I don't think it is right and, therefore, will make every attempt matlers inthe Syracuse parish "It has been suggested that punishment should he » and the idea is not ishop quoted done, made ev has forgiveness v small it aration and girl for her why that i the ligion such all man leaving and run is, are older and 18 Ar awn to readjust Mr: Saphore's a half Busy By Day; Lonely By Night Philadelphia Press H you happen to an evening in an English business fown vou can: 80t fail to be surprised at the almost jemplate solitude that surrounds vou. his town that you may have seen in ¢] afternoon swarming with such admbers of people, teeming with 0 intense a life, is now deserted. Et To its pre#ioms animation has seded a ptrange calm. It pend pusy Fue as the = dead. It is becapse every evening pi six selock work is over in the Eanglish town: the complex machinery of th immense labor organization stops. , e factory and the office, their doors open wide, cast into the street heir world of liberated workers. By mrowded tramways, by crowded pave ments, the town disgorges (tsflf. Each one, clerks, workmen, workgirls, office boys, bankers and merchants--with the sathe haste to regain his dwelling, leaves behind him the gloomy town where he labored, where he strove as inthe fists. It ix an immense and en thusiastic retreat. It is the daily exaduy of the Eoglish toward © their . " - What, then, is it, this home of which tha English constantly speak, the thonght of which touches their hearts, § whose memories dims their eves, that benfolds all the happiness of their life? It is home, a place in which to for: get the aggravations of the world. . in which to be with one's dear ones, one's pets. apd one's lares and penates gen- erally, § J you persist in keeping it there ther 'man will he around 10 knock the chip from off your shoulder: Too much of - pither. dhspopein or ' rs -- ---- TE ---------------- BEL LL 6000200004000 0000 Heerettesertecransng Your Shoe an Rubber Wants Can be attended to in a most satisfactory manner if you will drop into Sutherland's. Shoe Store The Home of Good Shoes. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTADLISUED 1867 apital, $10,000,000 ha 5,000,000 113,000,000 B. KE. WALKER, President ALRM. LAIRD, General Manager A. B. IREIAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up C Rest, Total Assets, - Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England BANKING BY MAIL 8 Business may be transacted by mail with any branch of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits made or withdrawn by mail, - Every attention is paid to out-of-town accounts. KINGSTON BRANCH CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS, P. C. STEVEN SON, Manager, A ---- Bitter Oranges, extra fine, 25¢ per doz. ~ Seedless Lemons, 25¢ per doz. Bahama Grape Fruit, 50c per doz. A safe, sure and prompt cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchial and Throat Affections. 25c. and 50¢. a bottle. At all drug stores. Get Tt for | TosMorrow's Breakfast '! THE BEST OATMEAL MADE." The 20th Century Policy issued by the (a Assurance Company fits into any case requiring life insurance, Before placing your insurance correspond with, or call into the office, where full information how a policy on this up-to-date plan wili shape, for you, AGENTS WANTED ---- Apply--Offide, 18 Market St. "1.0, FIUTTON, Manager, Ringren ont. 1® re Life