Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Mar 1908, p. 8

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7 PAGE EIGHT . RAZOR AND AUTOMATIC RN COMBINED IN ONE PIECE, BIMPLE AND UNIQUE A Common Sense Self. Strop ping Safety Razor Renews edge each shave and makes YOu, without previous Ea an Wot unscrewed of taken t to strop er h You'thave wih, sharpen and clean it so quickly that shaving mes a pleasure instead of a task. The Complete Outfit, $5 Y (Worth at least double) : Safety Razor : Blades RPT at sem. 0 NOTE One AutSirop blade is shea and outlasts doz f Ss Tamla and outs doses ofthe _ away when . FOR BALE BY Spangenberg, Jeweller EAN APO 7 URS) RA 7 ALA] Ready Dollar Safety Razor : Ehigwest valid the worl ever saw. ll Who've you best of ail Safety Razors, Meany $5 kied. and it goes with 'prve sorts without saying: ONLY Wo Ay-Mitchell, The Home of Safety Hasors. Jot. of ddlie. men 'are' mighty Ga porate with, the tongue. : 'Bibby's swell $2 hats, "How satisfying it is to leave your order at a 'store where you ver the fullest confidence that I there is ever one little thing wrong it will be 'W SPRING WOOLLENS are now wait t2 seo you and handsome they @ ri The THE 5 P.M. EDITION THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1908, | PERSONAL MENTION. | Movements Of The Peo | CHILD. ------ A Runaway, Along Wellington, eds #ireet abomt four o'clock on eiternoon, ome that came rausyng Prine I'hursday very nearly wd injur and cutter of J, B, riven down Princess leroy, hief Baillle, in trying to pass them, Oltided with their cutter, and both sleighs were tipped over. The occu ants were thrown out, lukily sap mg serions injury, The chief's horse ran down Princess street, at a rather slow gait (it being in the old age class), apd was soon stopped. The other animal started to faise trouble, and had soon kicked itself free from the cutter and dashed down the street The frenzied horse turned out Wellington street, nearly breaking Nisbet's window, in trying to turn the corner, At the post-office corner, two chil: Iren were pulling a baby in a sleigh, and were just in the middle of the lashing along the street, The crossing when the runaway tery were zo frightened that fropped the rope, leaving the child i the horse's path, and ran for safct It bas often stated that horse will pevir, intentionally, injure + human being, (specially a child, ind in thiz case it seems proved, as the animal swerved in its mad rash, the shaft that it was dragging just assing the child's head., People on the corner were powerless any aid, and £8 the horse they thought that the chill he killed Some shut others screamed, The § the city street, near came they n heen a to render lashed by would their « horse surely a, while captured wad ne: park, Special Cash Prices. For Friday and Saturday : Christie's Zephyr Cream Sodus, per tin, 2c. ; fresh = erisp cardhoard boxes, 20¢.. pure lard, 2 1b., 26c.; fresh egps for boiling, per dozen, 20e¢.; large La: brador herrings, per dozen, 25e.. spr- lines, 6 tine, 20¢.; Kippered herring, 3 tins for 20e.; sweet mixed biscuits, 6 Ibs, for ; best print butter, per th., 33c.: le. Japan or Black dea, per lb., 260. At Mullin's Grooery, sodas, M) Midland llockey Club are going to prosecute Randall, of the Lindsay team, for his intentional rough work, in the closing minutes of the final game at Lindyay, the result being that Switzer, the utir player of the Midland team, who is resting in a Toronto hospital, will lose the sight of his left oye, ' Pure gum rubber guaranteed, at Gibson's drug store, The tagt a lowest .o hot water bags, Red Cross of the Indian railways are ny in the world. S be keeps het corsets down and her stockings %p by wearing the CMC Supporter She also im- proves her figure by using this, the only perfect hose supporter on the " market. Beware of Imitations CHWestwoooaCo Lowen HOECHORORGECEOEO are. ON CRORE WL HORSES GARE {NOT TO INJURE A LITTLE Yesterday, Swerved to Escape Traguping on Baby ~Dash Was Down Princess and | Wall Street A very exciting runaway gocurred on serious damage, | fo some citizens. The horse |; Cooke, was being | byy bis t#0 young sons, when! young | They Are Saying And Dping | Toronto on Thursday: { visiting friends in tle city. : R. L. Reid, Hamilton, is visiting his {mother, Mrs. James Reid, | | street. | Prof. W. G, Miller, L.L.D., was elect ed president of the Canaflian Institute, { Rev. Dr. Ryckman will preach in Methodist church, Brock- { ville, on Sunday, Mrs, John Baker has returned (Deseronto, after a pleasant (with friends this year. } AK been Visiting at his home hers, leit for the west, last pight. George Nelson, olerk at J. Y. Park- {hill & Co., who has been ill, is able to be around again | Prof. Morrison, of Queen's Univer- | sity, lectures in Belleville on Mond | evening on "Ghost Stories And Fai Tales." Charles Hallett, of Watertown, N.Y. days with Mes, left for his to i i { ry i | after spending a few |T. J. Hall, Sixth street, | home to-day. { P. J. Lee, advance agent for Allen Doone, who appears at The Grand on | Saturday, March 14th, in "A Ro- mance In Ireland," was in the to-day. The many friends| of Warden ¥olev {will be pleased to khow that! ),» ol fred the Hotel Dieu} and has about | [recovered from the ifjuries he received lin his recent accident, | | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. -- Mother Asks About Fire Drills in the Schools. Kingston, March 6.- (To the Edi: tor): | beg to contradict » statement made by Inspector Kidd in vester day's Whig, as to the fire drills in the public schools. 1 have two children attending Sydenham sthool, and upon enquiry 1 find that there has not been | fire drill in that school since the au- | tumn. My little son's answer to my question, when asked was: "Why, mother, we ca'mot have fire drills in winter. We never do." Then | asked a young girl uttendipg Louise school, and was told the same thing. | have attended both these old-fashioned | schools, in my Young and know too well the narrow crooked stairs, and passages (both I Lelieve condemned hy the inspectors), and in the face of the awful calamities that have occurred in Montreal and Cleve- land, if no other protection is pro- vided, at least let the fire drill be kept up, or there will be more Rachels mourning for their childven that are not.--~AN ANXIOUS MOTHER. Ia days, Schcol Door Locked. A parent who neglected to sign bis hame, writes the Whig that he is in- formed that the Louige school door leading from Division street. is locked after the pupils are marched in. 1f this is 80, it is a dangerous practice. No school door should bo locked during school hours. CRAWLED TWO MILES. -- With His Severed Leg Under His 5.~Carrying : Arm, Vaneouver, B.C., March his severed Eght leg with bim, Dan- iel Stetson, a handlogger, crawled through two miles of bush to tidle- water at Toba inlet, got a hoat and rowed another two miles down the coast to the logging camp before fin. ally collapsing. He was working along Monday when caught by falling timber. It erushed his right leg into a shaveless mass, practically tearing it off, and Stetson completed the work by cutting the shreds of skin which remained, A man of iron determination and courage and although bleeding to death he re- tained consciousness and laboriously made his way through the bush to the coast. Foot by foot he crawled over the logs and through the swamp uatil he reached the water's edge, Suf- fering untold agony he got into the hoat and managed to reach a small camp two miles away. Then he wol- lapsed and died the next motning, YEAR FOR DESERTION. of RUM A Gave Himself Up. . Gunner Adolphe Fournier, a deserter from the RK. C.H. A, gave himseli up, and was sentenced to a year's im- prisonment in Cantral prison, - andy will 'also be discharged from 'the: ser vice. This is the third time that Fournier! deserted from the service; Land. ho was. given ther full peniity Na trace has heen found of the four members of the R. C. H. A., who de- serted a week ago.. They went thom here to Watertown, N.Y. 'so it is he- lieved, ----------t Valuable Horses Burned. Listowel, Ont., March 6.--About two o'clock this morning fire hroke out in the large sale stables of W, (". Kidd which werg totally destroyed, = to- gether with all the contents, also thirteen. horses, many of them being thorpughbreds, = aires and some trot ters of note. Amo the sires was famous Oliver Wilke. Only one horse out of fourteen was saved. The origin of the fire is dnknown. To Play In Gananoque. The Frontenae Business College hoc: key team will leave for Gananoque at seven o'clock Saturday evening, te Ray the Tigers in the St. Lawrence iver League, The teams will line up as follows ; Cane, goal; Fraser, point: Singleton, cover: Rattray, rover: Laird, coplre; McCartaey and Bate son, wings. Russell Britton will re force Member Tied Up Street Railway. The storm, to-day, tied the street railway up for a while, but the sweep- ors soon had the tracks clear again. The light snow flurries make the rails yory slippery and it is difficult for the ears to get a hold. George Thompson, Sharbot Lake, is | Princess Mining | visit | Ruttan, of Winnipeg who has | city | } | i DRIVING CLUB. i | Which Will Be, Responsible Day's Sport--A Race Be Held For Two Days. The annual ! day » | evening, Mayor Ross presiding. | treasurer's statement was the | thing considered and it showed balance in the bank of ¥532.65. The mayor enquired if the WCTORIN DAY EVENT ple--~What . i -- Charles W, Livingston returned from {INTHE HANDSOF KINGSTON | Ottawa, For af Meet toa adopted by the meeting of the Victoria celebration committee was held in | {the council chamber oa 'Ihursday | Yh know the facts of y " Yhe | 8% another unjustifiable firsy {Make party capital for the a commit- | | tee, wished to hold & celebration, and {hold a celebration { 25th. principally, nmgston ition, who asked that they be given of the members. of {and thgt all the proceeds be them, they agreeing to pay all ex- petises without asking any subscrip- tiops from the citizens, This caused considershls ssion, and' the mayor suggested that three members of the Victoria day commit- od | tee and three members of the driving club retire with him, and reach some agreement and report it to the meet- ing. Besides the mayor Dr, Waugh, Lieut.-Col. Kent, James McParland, W. J. Fair and Joseph Hiscock re- tired. The sub-committee brought in a report recommending that the club be given full control, with full respon- sibility for the financial end and that the surplus lying in the bank to the credit of the Victoria day committee be not touched, no matter what con- dition the driving club were in after the celebration. This report was adopted. The following of the Victoria day celebration committee were selected to act in conjunctign with the driving clab : Mayor Ross, J, Hiscock, W, W, Sands, Dr. Beli, G. A. McGowan, G Darragh, Lieut.-Col, R.'E, Kent, and J. P. Turner. At present the Kingston Driving Club has eighty-five members, and it is hoped to increase the number to 150. The club hopes not only to meet. on May 25th and 26th, but to give matinee driving 'events at the fair grounds during the summer, ANCIDENTS OF THE DAY, -- Nywsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Lettuce. Edwards & Jenkin, See Bibby's 50¢, spring ties. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778, The Fort Hillwas in fine condition for tobogganing last night, and there was 'a very large crowd out to enjoy the sport. A : Try Bibby's /Randsome $1 shirts. The Cape Vincents stage was in on time, to.day| and brought over a good crowd of passengers. The driv- ers report the roads to be in fine con- dition, especially across the ice, See Bibby's rich neckwear, Sie. The "'Shacktown Fund," fcr the henefit of newly arrived and destitute Englishmen in Toronto, has gone far heyond the amount needed, and has heen elfsed. Perhaps the closing had Some connection -with the little eon- versation, reported in Saturday Night as having oceurred between two of the Shacktowners : "These colonials are good-hearted folk, giving us coals, and food, and things to tide vs over the winter." "They ought to be good to us English. We owns them." COURT BAYS HE IS DEAD. Decision in Case of a Man Who Disappeared. London, Merch 6.--Ome of the strangest cases ever hrought before a sedate English court was heard this week in the probate division, when. an order was asked for leave to assume that a certain man who disappeared 128 years ago is dead, The man in question was C. M. Pulteney, who was practising as a surgeoni at Sherborne, in Dorsetshird, in 1780, The application was brought on behalf of the administrator of the estate of the late Sine Rebecca Pul- teney, a daughter of the surgeon, who herself depurted in 1533. The court took up the case in its traditional business-like fashion for the purpese of getting real evidence [that Mr. Pulteney was not an "inunor- tal, so that one-third of the sum of 85,000, represénting the surgeon's por- tion pf bis father's marriage settle ment; might finally te vara sver to ite: rightful owners, This sum of money was paid info eourt some time after Mr. Pulteney disappeared. and has been there ever since. It was finally decided that Mr. Pul- teney really died, and that £367 he- lofiging to him should be distsibuted to his heirs. A "Johauny' Got It. man who became rather too anxious to meet one of the show fire, last evening, was handed a on, in the shape of the voung lady's fist, and he received it right on the end of the nose. The "Johnnie's" surprise can well he imagined and next time he will take more care, , Big wold Discovery. Rawhide, Nevada, March 6--The most sensational gold discovery in the history of the state was made here, last night, when a body of ore was opened, In twelve hours, $40,000 in gold had been taken out. . A ---------- . Provast, Brock on mogion of Joseph Hiscock, second- |MVestigation before the public ed by Daniel Reeves, it was decided to | FOUN ! ob: Monday. Mav hand-made in large quantities in a ; 4 States, and could easily be made The meeting was made to: | Quebec i desired. Gentleman's Driving Asso- AY 1 the race track for that dav, that théy from Boston is on a par with other| [be allowed to eonduet the whole cele- [Misleading and inaccurate statements | bration, the sports in the forenoon, | Pablished editorially in the opposition | | the raids and games in the afternoon, [Papers and designed to discredit the | given | 80tion of the govermment in its deal | from Tr NOT FOUNDED ON FACT. i is Made Outside Canada. | March 6.--The sent | fout from Boston and published under | a flashing bead line in the Montreal! Star, yesterday, to the effect that } practically one-half of the Hoss rifle, | government for the militia of Canada. is not made in Canada, is entirely without founda- tion in fact, and is regarded by those Story That Ross Rifle | | | story | { ¥ the case here] Allempt Lo} opposition | {out of whole cloth, As a matter off fact, a few of the details of: the rifle} are aot actually made at the factory | in Quebec, as was announced in the ac- | are | the | in The rifle to all in-| tents and purposes is a strictly Cana- | committee These parts | dian amn, and the statement sent out | | { i {ings with the Ross Rifle company ------------ ELOPED AT AGE OF 70. -- Ward Selects Young Toronto Maiden, R.L, March 6.--Floping Toronto with Theresa -Moquin, a twenty-two-year-old French maiden, 'Col. Victor Ward, seventy-four vears old, the oldest living confederate army officer; former governor of Kentucky, and on the staff of President Jeflersan | Davis, of the confederacy, reached here yesterday, belioving they had outwit ted the rélatives of the girl, who they say are following them. Col. Ward is one of the best known men of the south, He called on Gov ernor Higgins and introduced his wife Considerable mystery was" thrown around the party hy two detectives who acted as a bodyguard Col. Providence, DRAGGED FROM TABERNACLF. Fcur 'Men Arrested For Attempt to Kill Shah of Persia. { | {believed to be Berlin, March 6.--A despatch to the Tageblatt from "Teheran states that four arrests were made in connection with the recent attempt to assassi- nate the shah. The men arrested are the actual throwers of the bombs from which the shah had such a narrow escape. They had tak- en refuge in the shrine of Abdul Azim, a holy place where criminals for cen turies have been allowed immunity, The troops, however, disregarded the traditions, dragged out the alleged as sassing despite the protests of 'the mollahs, and conveyed them to the capital, -- DOES NOT AFFECT CANADA. British Hay Embargo Applies 'to Countries Where Disease Exists. Montreal, March '6.--Private cahles received iu the city to-day state that the embargo placed on hay by the British government only applies * to those countries where there is foot and mouth disease, and' that the act does not affect Canada. Dear Girl ; Dearer Scenery, Foronto, Marth 6.--The beauties of Canadian scenery cost Samuel Jacobs $100, who is a sewer on pants, earning $Y per week, met Han: nah Weitz, an attractive little Hun gurian lady, in September last, a week after her arrival in this country, They spent many pleasant hours to- gether, and yesterday she sued = him m the jury assize court for $10,000 f damages for breach of promise. Jacobs admitted spending many evenings at the lady's home in the seclusion of the parlor, with * the lights subdusd but said he never talked of marriage as he merely used to talk about what a nice country this is. He adm tied, also, that he had serious thoughts of marrying a girl in New York, who had 8100 in real money of her own. The jury awarded Miss Weitz a solatum of 100. Jacobs, - Flour. Mne ton choice family flour {0 be sold at $2.75 per 100 lbs. Friday and Saturday only, at Mullin's Grocery NEW YORK 'S1TUCKS, Prices Furnished By F. W. Bosch Huckaback Towels 5%. Gahr > . Special Sale o~-Morrow. Remarkably good bargains just sccured will be offered To-morrow, commencing at 9 o'clock and lasting all day. ] 2 Yards Good Quality ' White Cottons Fine even make and just the cor rect weight for home sewing. This quality is considered good value at 12}e regularly. Yours To-morrow. 680 Pure bleached, good weight, some with hem- med borders, others with hem-stitched bor- ders. These are worth regularly 26c, 28c, 80c. Your Choice To-morrow, 18c Each. Remnants White Victoria Lawns, White India Linens, White Persian Lawns, 92 wy ay 24, 3, 1 yards. Different qualities, from the medium to the very fine. 91 Phese will be sold at a reduction Teo-mor- row mornipg. | { ANY. Central... ... .. .. .. (Per W. Hector H. Hume, Manager.) March 6th Stocks Opening (lose Amal. Copper... ooo rec 0 504 Amer. Loeg, com. .. ... n 33 Am, Sug. Refin. Co... .. 115 1152 § Am. Amite. & Refin, Co, oy - . 293 Am. Car Foundry. 30, 324 Awaconda Min. Co 32} Atches. Top, & St. Fe... 682 [2 "ae 498 Balti. & Ohio... ... Brooklyn KR. 40% Canadian Pacific ... Ches. & Ohio... Colorado Southern ... Delaware & Hudson G. Noth Ry., phd... ra Kansas & Texas, com... Louisville & 'Nashville... Missouri Pacific 204 Min. St. Pg 8 F¢ 102 "oy 124 1234 1143 i 114 zn 9 Lr 313 104 Erg" Railroad sland...... Rock Juland, pid ay Southern Ry., com... Southern Pacific ... Sloss Sheffield .. Twin ty. HR U. 8. Steel, com. tl. 8 Steel, U. 8 od Tr - 2 oom Union Pacific, com Berea ieee 2 (® ® ® SRE EE eseT Bese sss seals ve Last Week of the Display on Bargain Tables. on them will be laid | and arranged for spring After this week the tables and goods Away and the 'Store House Cleaned,' business. ALL THIS WEEK WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS Ome Table Ladies' Fine Patent and Kid Boots, $3.75, 1 wie wis. One Table Ladi. $3.80, for ---.-- One Table, regular ¥3, for One Table regular $2.50, for One Table, regular $2, for Shoes, yegular $3, for - - - One Takle Ladies' One Strap Slipper regular $1.50, for . : One Lot Misses" $2 Boots, for «-vuvonnn , ene $1.60. Ghe Toockett Shoe Store. stock Trunks and Valises. - $2. $1.50. 3 and 4 Strap Evening Ss, with Low . £1

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