PRESIDENTIAL = NOMINAT IONS CREATE INTEREST. W. H. Babnt, So 1 1s Believed, Has Given Up All Idea of : Nowination--Gover- Looked Upon ng inati The aghey Leng Governor in. the only man the republic garty can put up who will be Abja tos Bryan in this state, New #iate does not hold the su- in ithe electoral college that once did, but oar governor, through his noble fight against gralt and grafters, has claimed the atten- tion of the whole country, and his se- ceptance of Movernorship, though it cost him & persoual and a financial sacrifice, given him the, confidence of many i of his own party; though the senate has dismissed thatges, st Otto Kelsey, superin- ifisurgnce, every honest man any tbelieves that money and t justice So behind it, and regrets that our governor has not been sus. . Hearst, we think, has given of receiving a nomination, p t League, of which J," propose to adopt the iobal, and, after. waiting un- he democratic and republi- fan hominations have heen nade, to become & new clentérit To Loth these Parties bo scouted "with by putting ol « Roosevelt and keeping before the eountry, hoping thus his Te on in #pite of him. - t such a move would weaken other parties is unquestioned what might: be the result no man could foresee, if it: were possible to Reddy. 80 Used "'in wpite of " We-imagine the party doing "Have You A something "in spite of nimsell"? would uot be "Teddy. ™ Bince' the docessfal crip of the Vis count de Sirae, from Bordesa to Cannes, which id - the. vecord balloon trip of {he wall, fights through the air, are becaming popular. M. Jue ques Faure how" how made a journey of 185 miles with a maximum altitude of 4,600 metiés.' When the air becomes filled with these vessels of transporta- tion, and crowds of them darken the sky over Greater New York, a great fortune will await the man perfecting a safety device shat will prevent too many metres (megters) from resulting in a muitiplied pumber of droppers. Ia the harbor of greater New York, is seen one of the + most antiquated forms of "sailing the deep" practiced by a civilized people. The carrying of coal in barges, without any power of their own, and with even meagre fa- cilities for sell-steerinig, depending for the trawsportation' and safety of both their cargo and their 'crew, upon a tug-boat and o towline three or four thousand feet long, is not only anti- quated but heathenish, There have been many protests against this form of traffic jn the harbor, and along the const, 'and shipping men are prepar- ing another protest. The abuses con: nected with the handling of the barg-| 8 es seem almost ingredible in a Chris tian land, and on an ocean, where navigation is controlled by a govera- meot clai to be many ahove the savage state. The men who take jobs on these barges are not seamen, and cannot: usually handle themselves well at sea. They are hir-| and without inquiry as to what they and po names are recorded, Onge afloat" they are no 'more cared for than a rat, Ii thes fall overboard and are drowned, no is made, In a storm, if ® barge fills with water to the danger point, the tow line is cut by the carbiih C+ the tag. and the barge with its human freight is cool- ly left 2 its fate, and mare they pi p '* abandoned 3 t out into the the "@iveat océan grev wrecky jometi coursed "of hounds, and ger 10 them. H the lameness 8 due to Lambago or Rheumatiamt. 16 the muscles the following treatment js almost certain to relieve at ones. Rab the back and siden - thoroughly with "Nerviline,"--the more rubbing the better, The pain destro cles a Nervi tection Best for Baby --n-- Best for You ogy .thé reputation of that lack the good : Own, genuine. ALBERT SOAPS, Jake Care of Your Skin In Winter 8 "Baby's Own Soap prevents chapping, « aracking and soreness of the skin. It keeps your hands soft and smooth. "It renders the use of expensive skin CPEAMS UNNEecessary. ' As there are many imitations, s6ld on you must insist on MONTREAL, J g properties of Nerviline will sink thraagh all the ¢ords and mus svg affected--the tension and stiffness will ease ofi-- depart' after.the fiest or second: application, Hine Porous Plaster which will continué to Gupply warmth and pro- to the tender spot. Those who have used " tale fo tige tiugcular pain in any part of thé Weaioins: wid o ' ' meness will It i then advisable to put on Thi ea tment say it nev. body, Baby's Ow Soap, qualities" pf Baby's getting the LIMITED, MFRS. » # seb ages L941. WONTAEAL OOO00 DOTOTOO0GC the poor crektures they hire "shore mongrels," but it Jooks as if the bra tal characteristies 'ususlly considered #= belonging to the monprel, werd as pronounced in the sgent ag the man he characterizes, or in the corpora tion he represents, for you know "dorporations have no souls." That is why they should. be under careful government control. An effort is being made to remedy those abuses, and perhaps stop this form of transporta- tion entirely. The length of the tows, which afe sometimes one mile, and and carelessness regarding human life will be modified by limiting the fore- men abd registering the name of every man employed, These coal barges are towed all along the coast from Portland, 0., to Savannah, Ga., and sometimes even go around Flori da to the Galf of Mexico, It certain- ly is time that the New York harbor Was relieved, from erudities and our Trans-Atlantic 'lines from all possible danger thereby to thousands of lives constangly ig their care. Secretary Straus' 'has his attention upon the matter, and now a thorough jnvesti- gation Js to he made of the whole subject, At the first arnual meeting of the Japan Society, at the Hotel Astor, on aturday, in an. address made by Profess, Takshashi, of the Imperial University of Tokio, he said i "Per sons who suggest that the United States is getting ready to fight Japan are unaequainted with the history of the twa countries, The United States is the best friend Japan has ever bad, we have always looked om it as our bedefactor."" He said that 'not only France but Russia were now friendly: to Japan, and that "Peace among nations must be the pedestal on which international confidence must be based." And in ending claimed that Japan is to-dav "a highly civil ited world's nation," which claim no oné hry longer doubts. An international ocean yacht race will be run nest. summer from a point As near as possible te where Columbus tied, when he made his historic v which resulted in the discov- ery of America, All the yacht clube of North and South America, belonging to eountries that have benefited by t Misdoveries of Columbus, will be a to join, The race will start on thé 400th anniversary of the sailing of thd Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina. It will follow their course, which was $iX hundred miles, and' which took them six days: the finish will be at Santa Cruz, Yachtsmen of this city aré looking forward to a memorable event in this contest. The races on the Ormond-Dayton- beach, under the auspices of the automobile club of America, will come of this week. Many prominent New Yorkers are en thusiastic lovers of this sport, and will attend, The weather permitting, it is hoped the one mile record of 28ATD seconds, made on this track, may be beaten. Next week we are pro- mised full particulars of the aytomo- bile carnival, which is to be held the week of April 6th, in, Greater New York, to celebrate the tenth anniver- sary of the introduction of aptomo- biles iuto this city, ANNA CHANCE, "The Awakening OF Mr. Pipp,2 -------- Cheapness And Was Philadelphia Record, . tay The Dry-Goods Reporter; reminding employers that they cannot afford to hire incompetent help, adds: "Don't tale chances with men because they are cheap." The advice is excellent--and it a plids to advertising mediums as oo. as to clerks und salespeople. An om: oyee 'who earns less than his salary dear at any price; # "ad." that "t bring in more fh. its cost in' 'prafits on new. business is a poor in- vestment, no matter how small the initial outlay. I$ pays to use the available--the * first-class § 3 IN WEIRD. - BANGE Isa Attack' Priest and Two Other Men With Pumiture, Pots and Other Missiles. Naples, March 7.--At Castelnuovo d'Annia, near Foggia, have been hap- pening strange events, . whi have aroused much curiosity and ich - the jn- $ at tribute to. the © interv same house dwelt her two -- dughters - jn- law, their: husbands having temporar- ily emigrated to America. The old woman died and the datghters-inlaw continued to live in the "same house, Ten days after the widow's death, however, strange noises 'began to he heard during the night and were re- peated for several nights in succession. esterday, about ten o'clock in the evening, the noises became louder than ever and pieces of furniture were hurl ed about the room in a most alarm. ing manner. The chairs began to ex- ecute a diabolical dance, beating time on the floor with their legs. 2 Some Lively Scemes: The two women, who had retired to rest, jumped terrified from their beds and, dressing hurriedly; vas t6 call a bricklayer who lived near them: Ter- rified in his ture, the bricklayer in- voked all the saints in the calendar and hurried off to summon the parish priest, who repaired to the haunted house accompanied by a sacristan. No sooner had they set foot over the threshold than their shoulders were as- sailed by a shower of stones, while the light which the priest held in his hand was extinguished in a mysterious manner. For no apparent reason a re- ceptacle full of wine suddenly burst into fragments with a great poise. Priest, sacristan and bricklayer took refuge ip the bedgoom, locking - the door, and there they 'remained, trem- bling with fright and reciting pray- ers. Soon a large earthenware pot, hurl ed by an upseen hand, struck the priest in the back and broke into a thousand pieces, while - another aval- anche of stones came from the diree- tion of the closed door. The three meg opened the door, whereupon all the furniture began to dance again, jumping up to the eeiling, while all the bells ip the house were set ringing in maddening discord. Then the men and the two 'women as well, fled as fast as their legs could carry them. House Now Shut Up. Now the bewitched house has heen shut up, A priest, a doetdr and sev: eral other persons worthy of credence gave testimony to thede extradrdina: occurrences, of which it is impossible to suggest any satisfactory explana. tion. nt Use Of Spoon. Only one spoon, and that a large soup spoon, forms a part of a dinner cover. If a small pointed spooy is found beside the forks, it may be safe ly assumed that this is. to be used for a course of grape frit. At lun- cheons where grape fruit and "hot Lbouillon in cups are setved the point- the larger for the hot soup spoon omce placed in the is never taken from it, save the hot liquid © {6 'the mouth, the rule to dip from' one's self when eating soup from a plate. It is also the rule to drink Tiquits from the side of the spoon. With tea, coffee' choco- late and lemonade; care mmst be tak- en hot fo stir in "cream and Sugar till the china rings with the clatter of the spoon. The coffee; tea or fom- onatlo spoon is intended merely to aid in stirfing and in sipping' to test" the flavor and temperature; After one or two spoonfuls the spoon is to be laid aside in the saucer or plate on which the cup or tumibler stands. To drink from a cup or glass in which the spoon remains is to present a tesque ap- [outance: The spoon should not ~ he eft standing in an empty tea or cof. foe cup, liquids The plate lift It is to : It Just Fitted Him. Rochester Herald, A: young 'man entered un bat store and asked to see the latest styles in derbies. He was evidently hard to please, for soon the counter wap cover- ed with hats that be Lad tried on and found wanting. At last the snies- man picked 'up a brown derby, brushed it off on his sleeve, and' extended admiringly. "These are belag very mueh worn i be said, "Won't you it The customer sput the hat on ahd surveyed himself criticatty in the mir. ror. "You're sure W's the style ¥* "Thin fashionable ed or 'the small spoon is for the fruit, 4 sR6000 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1908. RAZORS No. 1--Arrested fo Fit.Reform Suits and Ovescoats, It guarantees complete and lasting. satisfaction. Aad it says thet you can get your mosey back should any Fi. Reform gament prove un- satisfac tory. I séeme to us that the Fir Reform trademark is a mighty important thing to fied in a Suit or Overpoat, Look for it always, @80000N000e00R0E soe0ess ene seneses 000000 Be. gn carrying coficealed weapons. to breathe at times. 1 PAGE NINE. ™™ ---- MONTREAL TROUBLES WITH THE ITALIANS. PUZORS #35 12 ow DE No. 2--=HIS HONOR~Tat tat, a medns of safety ms | The The old-fashioned razor is assuredly dangerous, n fact tis wenjpon and ad a sha ving (mpl ous, But, the civilization, Thin fs vot i 1 f prisoner is dascharged, n illette Safety Raw . Why, I carry a Gillot te both as § ARBER mark of Advance Showing of Correct Spring Styles The final decrees of fashion--the master- pieces of the weavers--are offered for your critical inspection, in this opening display of Fit-Reform Suits and Overcoats. We'll show you every new model-- every striking effect-- every modish shade and color--that good taste sanctions. All of these pattems are exclusive with Fit-Reform--and in many cases, there are no duplicates. That is another reason why you shoifid make early selections, CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kingiton. EEE ~~ Do Not Accept Dangerous Substitutes There is nothing "just as good" as Dr. Wood's. Put up in a yellow wrap. per; three pine trees the rade mark ; the price is 25 cents. COLD SETTLED ON THE LUNGS Mrs. Trwin Bennett, Parrshoro, N.S., writes: "I feel it my duty Bo write a few words in praise of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I took a bad eold, which settled) (m wy lungs, and made it almost im- constantly aml could not sleep al sights. A friend told me how 'w= Norway Piste Syrup had helped ber, so 1 procured some, nd before I had taken one botile Wy cough was gone asl 1 could Tis down and sleep at night." ' YI TT oe C0000ET00000000000000000000000000000000R0000000000000000000000008 DR. WOOD'S ORWAY PINE SYRUP ; 4 4 X : f- Contains all the wonderful lung-healing virtues of the Norway pine tree and cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles L8800000aR0000 ReRoneansr CESAR ONS : 2 F