¥ a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1908. - ST LSE SRE og PAGE CLEVEN. Get Well oh Tevesseesesscssssssse THROW MAY LINTNENTS TIDINGS FROM PARIS Pa ------ S-- -- " -- . EDUCATIONAL, COMING INTO CANADA, | PICTURES OF INVISIBLE ; to Open | Are to Ba Taken By Scien- | ! tists. | London, March 6. ne | vice-president of the a and a | S. Industry Factory Here. i Among the many popular American | articles which have been introduced | den, into Canadu. and are being made here, } stitution, . i Latest U. 'A GIPSY: VAN GUARDED TO THE FRONTIER. | Frederick Hovi London 1 F may o member of i Kingston Business o Heres the Prescription to _ College J TAmitel, head bt Quem stress, : CANADA'S HIGHEST GRAD business pchool, Bookkeeping, ly Ltypowriting, a fo ugly Came 8 PRepatant Sxperionced teachers, & nd | night gy Eoter at ® Phage, 440. oilers BH. FP. METCALFE, Presideiit, * J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary, 0000000000 0000000000 BOG0000000000000000000 IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION and INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER | Dey iS Erening Classes of iis | Frontenac Business V' College, Purvis pall Clergy Sey I. N, FTOCKDALBD, 680, Priscipaly COAL. 2000 LBS 2, & 7 ( / w P. Walsh, Coal Dealer BARRACK STREET, Synopsis of Canadian North sest HOMESTFAD REGULATIONS, Any even pumbered section of Domine Lands in Manitoba or the North-West 'ovinoes, excepting 8 and 26, not re served, may be homesteaded Ly any per apm the sole head of a family, or male prer 18 years of age, to the exteat o Sneguartsr section, of 160 acres, more o> . Application for homestead entry must made fn person by the applicant gt a A or Sub cy. land apples Tor 18 vecant or is vacan he lelegram such Pphcar 5 ave priority and the land will til the wecessary papers to transaction are received by cane ation" or fraud the Heant will forfeit all priority of claim Br if eptry bas been granted it will be - oancelled. on tion for cancellation must be rson. The applicant must be Sowmtond entry, and only one npplication r cancellation will be re ooived from am individual until thet sp jot has been disposed of. 00 Bet uton of cancellation procewdings, the for Sanceliation will be en titled prior right ol ry. A t for cancellation must state in what particulars the homesteader is is Betauit. A homesteader whose entry is not the ol cancellation proceedings may to the approval of Departs ment, relinquish It in favor father mother, son, daughter, brothér or sister #f eligible, but to no one else, on Sling tiom of abandonment. DUTIES-A settler is required tq per- the duties utider one of the follow. At least six months' residence wup- cultivation of the land in each uring the term of Lhres years, tender may, if he so de m the wired residence viag on farming land owned im, not less thaw eighty (80) extent, in the wicimity of hi Joint ownership ln land will is requirement. (or mother, # the econsed) of a homesteader has on farming him, mot less than 80) meres im extent, in the vici the homestead, or upon a ho stead gmtered for bY him in the vicinity, teader may performs his o g i : ] i { E i § 1 Cure Rheumatism. Liniments only reach the skin and | the muscles directly under the skin. | { 1away, the pain Now, liniments can't eure Rheuma- tiem. They simply deaden the nerves | for a time. When the effect wears returns worse than | | | | i | | ever, | If the ocowels do mot move regularly | ~if the kidneys are strained or weak | ~if the skin is dry or harsh--the | blood is sure to be filled with impuri- | ties or ures. This urea is "changed | into uric acid which is the polson that | causes rheumatism. : Now, the only possible way to cure | Rheumatism Is to prevent uric acd | | from being formed. Logically, the | only way to do this is to keep kid. neys, bowels and skin in good working order, and prevent the stomach from being too acid. And the only way 1p do this is to take "Fruit-a-tives™ ® These marvelous tablets of fruit Juices and tonics act directly on the three great eliminating organs--bdows~ els, kidneys and skin-and put them in perfect condition. That is the only secret. of their great success In curing rteumatiom, sciatica and lumbago, S0c a box§ for $250. g "Fruita tives," Limited, Ottawa. = ? PR rh Young women are often Shoal sufferers for want of proper advice at just the right time. Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., has always issued to young girls a spec ial invitation to write to her about their sickness, She is a mother and fully understands. In nine chances out of ten your '| VEGETABLE COMPOUND case will be just the same as that of the young lady whose letter follows. LYDIA E.PINKHAM'S what you need to restore heal Miss M, R. Morin, 335 Ontario St. Montreal, writes to Mrs. Pinkham. **k was in very poor health and doe tored for months, receiving very little benéfit. * 1 had lost all ambition, was nervous, ind subject to dizzy spells and painful periods each month, "A friend sug 'ested Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound as the proper medicine for me, 1 procured a bottle of this remedy and began tak- | cofiee | habitants of he Motor Beat Races at Monte Caelo --Two-Legged Dogs Employed By Paris Revenue Authorities. Paris, March 6.--Brazalinu specula- tors are trying to capture the retail coffee trade in France and. nine, country, where towns and villages are never far apart, their plan seems jike- ly to stcceed Shipping coffee direct from Brazil 10 France they are estab. lishing in various French " ports large factories for roasting and packing the in small attractive packages. Heddlers travelling - in automobile vans sell the cofiee direct to the in- the villages ang towns The results have shown {hat it is wholly impossible for the little gro cers and rural shopkeepers to compete with these up-to-date peddlers and protests are coming into the trade journals from all parts of France. The motor-boat races which form the climax of the gay season on Riviera, will take place as usual Monte Carlo early this month. year there are many extraordinary er tries, for French inventers have been as busy on the water as in the air. The Marquis Ricardo Loriano, who few months ago married Miss [tala Blair, a daughter of the Chicago banker, will drive a 200-horse-power six-cylinder motor-boat known as the Typheoida, In thé preliminary trials it has al- ready shown that it is bound to re- volutionize this kind of racing. It owes its name to thé spiral shaped ap- paratus placed under the bow, which goes into the water as a gimlet goes into wood." The little boat which will this queer new to beat every record At a lonely spot on the frontier be- tween Belgiom and - France, a gypsy van, inhabited by a family has been standing five months, guard- ed by gendarmes of both nationali- ties, ' Iu October, 1907, the van was being escorted by Belgian gendarmes out of the country, but when it approached fuserl to admit it into republican ter- ritory. So the gypsy family, unable to move od on the boundary line, two French and two Belgian gendarmes being on constant duty to see-that the gypsies do not attempt to penetrate into either country. Thus it seems likely that the van will remain there indefin- itely, unless the French or Belgian po dice withdraw The new eriminal shobe' has been discovered The first specimen of the species that has been caught is Louis Durand, who was arrested for syste matically damaging automobiles Durand's method was to haunt the corner of the Avenue de "Opera and the Boulevard des Italiens, where au- tomobile traffic is verv dense and scores of cars are held up by the traf- fie. regulations. Moving about among the stationary cars, Durand prodiied the tires with a stiletto, When arrested, Durand declarad that he had sworn eternal enmity to anuto- nobiles, and would 'never rest uutil they were all swept from the face of the earth. "Two-legged dogs" loyed by the Paris ties. These strange creatures are employed to go around at night bark outside houses whire it is that people Keep de type--the "'auto- are now men and sus weted , and ing, and before it was finished, I felt so much better that I continued its use and gave if a thorough test, with the 4 am to-day well and a much healthier girl than 1 was three years ago, I have 'no mote painful periods, dizziness or nervous troubles." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN, , For Shigy" years Lydia E. Pink. ha lg; Compound, made ts Rerbs, has been the 8 Arc remedy for female il and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tumors, -ifregularities, kache, that bear. tf-do , flatulency, indiges- n,dizZINess, OF nervous prostration, Why don't you try it? --- Mattreses. All kinds of Mai'resses in stock _ Was (6 order pn shurt notice. "oy BH your does not keep Our Mat mind send pr All at our offies, 11 lergy stréet'und get the best wuiue you ever i To for your money. Hair Matipessez renovated mand re covered as good as new. KINGSTON MATTRESS " FACTORY A Storhl of, dhe Ignorante of a Tina Ma City Girl. The city girl coming down to break- fast at the form house aud observing 8 Jats of honey on the table said, x : I see you keep a bee.' i yy the wav some people al 1 ht of haldniss--just as H a "was somethiog one ot all at once irstead of being 'the result of 00g dete tion by an insidd}- ous germ w thrives upon the roots of the hair wid succumbs to only one known remedy; Newbro's Herpjvide: Newbro's Herpicide is not a tomic any more than electricity is a hid. It is 'an, exterminator, pure snd sim: "Desitoy the ore er ST Sold br E Srannisty, Send 1c. rab Sr tevis nd. 1e, 8 Co., 'Detpoit, Mich. Two -- you remove the wade the dogtax The idea is that the dog inside the house will be sure to answer the bark, and-then a note is made of the house, which shortly eceives a demand for the two-dollar Thirty dollars n month is fog-tax "two-legg the pay of the doy "HEFT AND MURDER the Suicide of Murderer. Paris, March 6.--Antoine Laurent, a elerk in the railway station at Mure, near Grenoble, who had ¢mbez zjed $3,600, has' murdered his wile wd two children and committed sui- cide. Laurent was penniless and had per- suaded his wife that it would be bet- 'ter dor her and the children to die with him. clothes on: Thursday ing up to the garret Laurent hanged his wife from a hook in When body -downstaibe-to the room hig two Jittle daughters, aged and -five were sleeping, and. after strangling the two children with his bands, laid them on the bed beside their mother. He wrote. a letter confessing his crime, and 'declaring he had commit- ted it to save 'the children from the misery. of poverty, He them went up to the gwrret again and hanged him- sell from the same hook on which he had hanged bis wife. HONOR FOR HEROIC DOCTOR. German Professor Presented With An English Medal. Berlin, March 7.--Prince Fitel Fried- rich, the kaiser's sceond son, has pre- sented she gold medal of the English Knights of St. John to Professor Le- coq, of the Berlin Ethnographical rou. scum. The prince was selected to present" the medal as gragd master of the German chapter. Two years ago, when Professor Le- cog was travelling on the confines . of India, he rescued Major Sherer, an of- hicer of the Indian arvy, from almost certain death, and, at great incoun- Yenience and danger, be carried the major, who was sick with fever, over the Karakoram to Srinagar. The weda I, which 1s the size of Lead to England spends $40,000,000 per vear for and try. for F io 'she - poultry. for one-half of t on f Thand the | aj in Pags. | strange | om- | revenue authori- | | the | La | They all put on their best | evening, and go-| the ceiling. | she was dead he carried the | where eight | {none have met With more success than the Gillette Safety Razor. The Gillette Safety Razor company have {found it a wise and profitable invest ment to install and operate a . purely | Canadian factory. i The delicate work of producing, by sharpening, 8 uniformly. keen | | shaving edge, has been proved an im-| possibility No man can write bis | pame twice exactly the same. Then, | how can he put precisely the same! | microscopic edge on thousands of raz- tors. This problem is solved in the | Gillette factory by machinery. | One will readily understand the fine | ness of - quality in the steel used iv {the Gillette blades when he realizes { that it costs nine times ns much as| the old style razor steel. In making the blades, the first] | blanking process is done on presses. | {The crude blade is fed into a harden | ling or tempering machine. A moment | after, it comes out cbld, black and so | near in hardness to the diamond that | lit will eut window glass. This unusa | al hardness is due partially to the pa { per [thinness of the blade (6-1,000 of | lan |inch thick), as the } } thinner the | {| blade, the harder it may be tempered. | This paper thin blade is a feature o ! the Gillette, patented by this firm, and { is found in 'no other razor: In sharpening, the grinding, honing | and stropping machines are accurate- | always bevel and sharpen | a i | {ly set to " { precisely the same width of edge. One lof the wonderful features of these ma- { chines is that when they have ground | sthe blade exactly right, they stop of {their own accord. After these ma- | {chines have done their work, the| | blades are carefully tested with human | race for the Monaco cup equipped with [hair for seven defects and each blade | been arrested -at - Malines, for propeller, is expected | must split a hanging hair before it can | gpiring to murder a wealthy manuigc | pass muster ; | The Gillette people were guitk to see! i ve Gil I tthe manv advantages they had achiev of eight, [ed over all other razors, and that the | jystigating the crime, and a cha | surest and quickest way to bring them | Fhefore the whole people was by the | Tibe ral use of printers' ink, and the {razor is in daily use by millions of | people from kings, emperors and presi The man in charge of | dents, down : 2 * pe ¢ 1 1 oY the frontier, the French authorities re-| the Canadian factory of the Gillette | pryscels to waylay him on his Bittues, who in-| | Safety Rajor is A. A stalled the Gillette plants and tems of manufacture in Europe. £V8- {In| either forward or back, have remain- passing, it is. worthy of remark that 4 the Gillette repeated, in England, | | France and Germuaty, the sudtess it achieved: in the United | | States.) He is the kind of American | | that Canada appreciates--the man who | { does things. Me. Bittues has made the | { -| Canadian factory one of the most ef { be | ficient in any country. i -- ti Rheumatic Ills Banished. i The - group of uric acid diseases | known as rheumatism, neuralgia, | | gout, sciatica, lumbago, ete. all have | {a common cause and can be thorough- | | ly eradicated by owe remedv. Dr. | Hall's Rheumatism. Cure, No. remedy | ever introduced has given such marke od and uniform results. It thoroughly cleanses the system of rheumatic pois- on and builds up pure, rich blood and vitality. Sufferers can try this remedy with certainty of almost t immediate relief and of permanent cure in due season. Ten days' treat- | mont. I'rice, H0e¢., at Wade's drug! | store, abundant | -------- Repulsed. { The effort tw. prégd pastors and | church members to greater : effusive {ness in welcoming strangers to public | services may lead to overdoing hospi tality in various ways. Unc of the! | ways was revealed to a warm-hearted | | western pastor Coming down from | {the pulpit after the evening sermon, {he found a stranger in the person of {a fair haired Swede and, greeting her | | with a cordial handclasp, said: 1] {nm very glad to see vou. 1 want vou {to feel at home here. 1'd like to be {| come aciuainted with If you'll | {give your--address, I'll call-and "Thank you," she replied, "i I have a fellow 1" Sou soe} vou." wt | Piles Relieved At Once. | Wade's Ointment relieves the dis- | tressing symptoms of piles at once and | | faithfully used, will cure permanently. | i1t has remarkable soothing and heal- | {ing properties, Best for all purposes | { for which a healing ointment can be] | used, | | Cures eczema, salt rheum, scaly or! itching eruptions of the skin, pimples, | | blotches, dandruff, ete. In big boxes, | at- Wade's Drug Store. } 25¢., 'Women Traders In Africa. wmerican Flour asd Feed Journal. ! The method of doing business is to j soll the goods an eredit to women, {who are the principal traders of the | country, and who in turn resell it in | smaller quantities. For instance, the | woman trader will come along and | purchase one barrel or ten barrels of { our, This will be taken to her hut, | where she will peddle out the flour in {smaller quantities, her principal cus- | tomers being the native bakers, who are also women. The principal foods of the countrv are native corn, sweet potatoes, yams, plantains, and ban: anas. It is through the education of the trader that these West Africans are coming to use and appreciate com- modities which are the necessaries of life in this country. A Cask In The Sea. The smailest, simplest and best pro- tpcterd postoffice in the world is in the Lerait of Magellan and has been there for many years. It consists of a small painted ke or cask and is chained tc the rocks of the extreme cape in a manner 80 that it floats frre of posite Tierra del Fuego. Pass- ing ships send boats to take lett:cs out and put others in. This curious postoflice is unprovided with a post master and is, therefore, under the ratsutioy of all the navies of the worl 'Right Rubber Goods. Right in price, assortmest ty. T - {fountain ad apal: | ciples Of Nature," ! some | prove br ' | immediately | seen {afterward {wronged by | speut { have | reason learned povietics, is preparing four lec : A Study Of The I in which be dJiv startling scientific which lhe-i® prepared 1 tures, entitled rH ls Wer truth oi CA Perrine fil. the Mr. Hovenden electricity, heat the same fluid, be made visible to the naked eve His second tement that he can declares _ first that © one and I if illuminate is of cal starthng sla N mos ing ¥ take tures | the invisible. His theory js that every human be- ing exhales ether or electricity at the finger-tips, and that movi i may be taken of this process This last assertion, trol. Hovenden claims to, have proved in the following tures way - ; A square glass box is filled , mixed with ordu cigarette smoke Ihe experimenter thrusts a ti air. through a hole in the bottom of this and" turns on a powerful Fhe cther or electricity may be seen issuing finger tips, and of this photographs may be taken. The electricity from minute holes on the top of the which are used } police glass box, arclamp. from the Issues minute finger-ndges for making system oi identification. "Prof. Hovenden adds that the issuing from the finger electricity, proved beyond dispute by impressions wn the fluid tips is the galvapometer. WIFE HIRES MEN Her Husband--Three Arrests Made. March 7 To Kill have cin bruss Two men turer of that town, The wife 'of the manufacturer arrested oun the charg was oO NO man was also taken mn custody fo acting as intermediary. According to the police stor who imagined greath her hushand, her Wo men 1 was the wife, hergelt wot to charwoman enga She agree him purpose and murder them for the 1 allowed home to pay The plot was to leak out the police arrested the conspira tors enormous ple, Economize At Wrong Time. ppleton's Magazine One would think that saved in is plenty of it about, prosperous there | that is not the time when it is saved it is spen then that spends It is body it roads, corporations, capitalists, h keepers, builders, coll People expand their we governpent house ants times, and satisly of them then is when it is most of all impos sible to live on anything a vear. But after all the money has been spent a few times over and has begun to be scarce, and borrowing has come to he a serious matter, and folks have much less to spend and no expectations then everybody groans and beging 16 desperately to hounds of such and save, not only wryine squeeze back inside of the income, but to back in expectation of a wind Tine w pay fe aving would have become conven To most of us that comes, And vet there am which spend afford, at really penditures, What has bheéerespent and the lack of it time never things thay justify more do SO alter we arg would thar bought what i money hack Painting Butterflies, limek- Democrat vit iful New Fhe blue * at it closely the head "Another fake, And with his the glistening blue Or butterfly was # as lustrous as satin, but | collector finger du and lo sect s wings, common brown all As the collecting of butterflies gr more popular," he explainsd, and more butterfly fakirs t hese men with powders color wy . rn various aniline nt insect Ri0 or i ten | resemblance of hard to dete mito a geo a Their work is that for x het whe { and discolors pect nothing belonging to every Butts would do the same thing | | i | i i i | | vas |. MUNYON'S 3X RHEUMATISM CURE seldom falls to relieve in 0 three hours and cures io a few da price $1 Munyou's Dyspepsia cure Is guaranteed | > eure all forms of indigestion aad stom- ) Kidney Cure speedil pains in the back, Noins or forms of kidney d M y cares gruius and ali Cure stops head. Price 25 prevents id in a few hou ent positively cures e 25¢ + umonia and bresks up a « ITS Munyon's Pile Olutn all forms of piles " 2 Munyon's Vital tores to weak men Price $1 Musyen's Retaedies at all druggists. powers i - for | HAD A STAB-LIKE PAIN THROUGH THE HEART. | | MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS CURED HER AND SAVED HER LIFE. There is no one, we imagine, sets abou deliberately to de injury to the heart, yet in the excitement and excesses of day living, the mervons system is done | violence to, and the heart and nerves being %0 intimately bound up with one another, i ization of the ome means disease and disorder of the other. : When you find your heart the least bis out of rhyme, your nerves unhinged, don't wait until you are trated on a bed of sickness. Take Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. They'll pus you im such eon- dition you'll never know you have a heart, make your brain clear and acti nerves strong, your blood rich ad your whole being thrill with o o, Pills, and after using twe boxes I was eompistely cured. I cannot praise them enough for the world of good they did me for I believe they saved my life." Price 50 cents per box er as receipt ice by imited, Toronto, Oub The most conclu- sive evidence that there is no tonic better than WILSON [NvALIDS Port QO la quing du Pérow) --A BIG BRACING TONIC is the fact that the leading Canadian Physicians have endorsed and recommended it to their patients. Should this not guide you when in need of a tonic? ~--That"s the point. BIG BOTTLE 84 ALL bauscISTS EVERYWHERE jand Cinderella Shoes FOR LADIES. stylish in » They are skilful mae trade part in Wn iewlarly very {Make your life pleasans and agrecatle Ly {wearing a par of our { i | | | | | your | Cinderella Shoes $3, $3.50 and $4. St. H. JENNINGS, King Imperial Crown Brand When buying Underwear must not lose sight of the that lImperind Crown Brand made a world-wide Fvety garment guarontesd for the Red Label on every gar- ment with the the centre, Wwude from the very fluost of material, made only hy you fact bas reputation. Look Crown in Kingston Hosiery Co. ILtd., Kingston, Ont. WE PAY CASH FOR ALL KINDS OF RAW FURS. W. F. GQOURDIER, Exelusive Furrier 78 and 80 Brock St. 'Fhoney 700, Kingston, Ont. 78, LATE AGAIN | Being late for work often Causes a man or woman to lose their position. There is no excuse. If your watch does not keep the cor. rect time we will make it. Possibly there is some little thing out of order that will only take a few minutes to Tepair, or it may need to be cleaned and regulated. Bring your repairing here. Our watclurakers are experts, having had long and thorough experience. We guarantes. every watch we repair, Kinnear & d'Esterre Cor. Princess and Wall. ington. wptila dion of FURL WINNIPEG. AGIC BAKING POWDER GILLETT'S PERFUMED LYE GILLETT'S CREAM TARTAR. When your dealer, in filling your order for any of above goods, reaches for a substitute, STOP HIM. It That is the time to do it. is too late when you get home, and the pa kage opened, partially used and found wanting, as is generally the case with substitutes, There are many reasons why you should ask for the above well advertised arti les, but - absolutely none why you should let a substitut ing dealer palm off something which he claims to be "just as good," or ' better" or 'the same thipg " as the article you ask for, The buying public recognize the superior quality. of well advertised and standard articles like Gillett's goods. The substitutor realizes this fact and tries to sell inferior goods on the advertiser's reputation, " E. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED ne TORONTO, ONT. MONTREAL, DE PROTECT YOURSELF BY REFUSING SUBSTITUTES.