YEAR 715+ XO. 57. 'FLAP DOODLE Offered By the Tory Op- position, QUEBEC BATILERELD DISCUSSED IN THE HOUSE OF | COMMONS, ' The Bil to Purchase Was Passed «The Vote Was 91 Even W. F. Maclean Scored His Unpatriotic Brethren, From Our Own tawa, March ol Quebec again tioh of the hose, Foster's usual irrevelant Sir Frederick Borden gave polite and quashing replies "Lavergue isi { again forward with the matter and raised the question about the future site of the Ross rifle factory, which is on the Plains of Abraham Wil frid Laurier informed the Quebec mem ber that that was a matter for proprietors to settle themselve they had been bought out this brought Uriah Wilson nud Addington) 'to his fect upbraided the government having ascertained the upkeep of the would and also would be the cost of the buyine up of the Ross rifle factory. He 1 pared to vote for the government on the resolution before the house, but' he declared; 1 cannot do so until the prime minister lays this information before the house." The honorable member for North Toronto (Mr. Forter) again returned to the attack with a lot of un t- ing quibbles, but Sir Frederick n was in his best mood and easily turn ed the tables on the would-be leader ol the opposition. Mr. Foster finally sat down without having drawn any information from the other side of the house, R. Blain (Peel) pointed out to the government that when the Ross rifle factory was placed on the Plains of Abrabam, it was by the majority of looal opinion, but Sir Frederick Bop. in went the question. to the right it when he told him that the lead. ng vitimons had favored: the plan and that the only people who did dis ugree were those who 'had received a nasty Kick as members a disap pointed gol club!" Loud laughter greeted Sir Frederick's concluding re: mark, and Mr. Blain joined in it Pr. J. D. Reid (Grenville) ascertod that the Ross rifle company would not be inclined to build up a fresh fae tory if they were obliged to «hift from their present premises and it was unfair of the government to take the steps which they proposed He was in hearty agreement with welebration of the tercentonary of the city of Quebec, but could net bring himselil to the opinion that the rifle factory should «uffer on that account Northrup (East ame opinion and took long time his. fellow-member i Correspondent 7.~1he battichelds occupied the atten and in reply to Mr, questions, Armand Jui was ol Sir when NOX he ot annual (La and for the what cost of gardens o be was pre inter bore of opined «RB wan of the s Fidieulonsly opinions of n to express the He thought that the government was aot to buy land property [resent to ing foolishly ia which was really and had been trying their made own a of DAILY MEMORANDA. Particular people Demand Cog phot] Wonderland svening Bible Br Hats Theatro--Afterngof @nd i good vaudeville. Socket y Ar Queens SL. Metholisg Hp. Rev, Jonue Lribson will give an Illustrated address Bijou Theatre--Splendid Historic Drgm, in 10 acts, "Francescn da Rimini. Two sos ot each show. John Robart Davis sings 'Miss Killarney era Holden shgs "Just To Be With You, Se---- WRIO TELEFEONES, "Rae Eart Rooms. 898---Jobbify Departmen®, | Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. Marmalade! If you are doing up Mar- malade, don't forget we have all kinds of Tamblers and Jars Suitable for that purpose and at the right price. wm, nl Church Meetir Mond Fore nt out | fuse to he parted. Herr Von Bohlen to 11--| effectual, | the | proposed | viral | the | Hastings) { ad Now York, March T.--Because he was refused he Dail Rifle ix years ago. Dr. T. 8 Sproule (East od a gesticulating speech, {the idea of the § HEART AFFAIR he Koss company Grey) a condemn government pene FH0,000 of the public's money a probable inrther cost to the country of the buying up of the Ross Kifle | 'ompany. Lorenzo Robitaille {Qanbec Caused the Banishment of a Woman t | | county) followed in much the samo | strain and it @ppeared that the ob | struction tact the opposition would see an itting. D. Henderso : of} Wwe resolution for Near. Then, bey i sald, the motion eould™he put to the {People of the country and, by the re lich what the people thought of the | THE CZAR'S BROTHER LOVED proposed expenditure and the large! sum which that would probably fur A Lapy, ng mg with | { i he passing Overament to ¢ i 3 tutus of the members, they could 2a | { | i {ther entail George Tavior, conde a attitude penditure of 300, 000, Shafiner, Souris, explained that |e had had no orders from constitu [Fuey to vote ke such an expenditure { He had received, however, a number of | questions, and to these he was unable jto get a satisfactory reply, They { were all more or less trivial in the ex- | treme, but Sir Wilfrid Laurier, reply {lng to one, said that the commission { appo inted to enquire into the matter ad no authority to spend one dol- lar without the sanction of perlia- ment." Mr. Taylor quickly sat down, {no doubt feeling sorry that he had the rather silly question again returned to the own bi and speech that matter >that of ' Quebec with | X Leeds, followed on the while F L.| Whose Name is Kept Secret--The | First Affair of the Heart of] Grand Duke Michael Was Cut | Short By the Czar. March a e his 7.~Grand | androviteh, the | a bachelor and] Petersburg, buke Michael ezar's only brother, pearly thirty years of age, is having his first aliair of the heart and the woman he loves has been promptly banished from Russian soil. She is the daughter of a South Russian | landed proprictor, but, her name can- not be learned at present At the court of St. Petersburg had been noticed for some time Grand Duke Michael secured an un- usual number of furlo hut his military superiors were informed where lie' spent his frequent vacations. | Indeed forbidden by the] imperial t inguire, until | recently himself ordered a strict Inve gation t was then | learned that the grand dueal outings | all in South Russia and that his | attended by | St. | | i wh it | stggested that | A. Las | attack his | theclared in an impashioned the alinir was the the dominion Peel the hasty i eryne { on party's | whi ye yd to awd not to Mr. Blair government for | clared it one that ought to have ol at least a vear | with a long rigmarocle | trary ideas the cessfully wooed the Then Dr a these were highness the czar belong province the i de legislation and consider went hi an Joep on had a go" measure and 4 was ¥ been were He about goings and comings were the utmost The emperor the truth from valets. The grand duke, smitten with the daughter of Russian landed proprietor, he passed in the girl's fam- ily a simple gentleman of leisure from St. Petersburg, there no objec to his repeated visits the " As to the young woman, the informant described her in ex- ¢ Ago. on | | learned | of Mic hae o's | he said, "had { con SOCTeCY . subject, I sue a trifle later to on Bows one Dufférin, got and said that he could the dominion parliament vote £300,000 to a particular vince for that distriet's special own purpose. He declared that the initial of 200.000 was perhaps nothing | sum there | estate millions of extra' expenses which, |4ar s though they could not it at the travagant terms '"'as the loveliest monient, was certainly bound to come, [irl in all Russia," a circumstance He could not, he vote for the | that caused Nicholas to cut short his motion, as if he he would be brother's romance without delay. burdening the 'dominion with a most | The czar ordered a trusted army of- expensive item that belonged to the [fier to accompany the valet and province which wished to celebrate its learn all that was to be learned of the own tercentenary, pot that of the do- The imperial representative did ARO , not go a minute too soon. A day ox W. F. Maclean, York, two before his arvival the grand member of the opposition, duke's incognito had bean accident that he wae prepared to vote ly lifted on the occasion of a i bill and delivered a" passionate {ously attended dinner, tendered him otie speech in which he declare {by the father of his lady love, The that there disclosure cansed consternation among | Canada--they all Canadians the guests and the girl swooned away. | sons of its soil, who ought to But the grand duke quickly ed | gether and celebrate such an her by declaring, hefore the whole au- | ocousion as the tercentenary dience, that he was serious and would | {Lond oloers from: the | marry her, even if obliged to give up } i name and fortune lennox thought that the whole | When the report odd be recast and expressed the | knew at once that that the preamble was neces. |08t of the question, the benefit of the a most determined f Sir Wilfrid disagreed i man. Unless strenuous measures South Mime adopted at he might 'actually that . he the girl. So the czar telegraph government, Kaulbars, hd | thotight that the OL atry ordering him to repair about the management of h the w hout y He alto thought that the | inform the voung woman's Hather that he and his danghter desired hy the czar to leave Russia at | urge A717 mes and tive abroad; atthe is expense, until time sity' allowed him fo return 1 that the vortened if the her eliverec barr, his become a South and since | | [ foot | why not See should pro | | { was cost tion to behind that { were ! perhaps | said, did so affair, though a intimated for the patn gam in and { historic of were no different races were revi join to ue ber overn meet Mr iil opi sached Nicholas he | # half measures were lw brother gentle } i since his won sary for Canada i the member for latter retorted to go with the young peop!» « f se | | with Wers { and the prepared | Marry but be | od to | Oclossa, ought to he once, was Gen yovemor rere estate on spot and know | the concern. { Ross Rifle company was not air treatment from the The prime minister replied {that there { the | chase | Quek ec | And SY { when the the {tion of the opposition was beaten 191 to U1, figures which to { house how much time lost fon the "Hap-doodle" the { opposition The house. then went the third reading of the Hamilton St) | Catharines railway, and Ir Fast Gray, got up and tried his best futile his efforts the extreme | to condemn the megsure ACTH atage thers were fo the how eleven conservatives and twenty-two iberals, so that the value of the cussion mav be gauged by the bers present, and more than half of} those who were in attendance spent) their time in writing letters. Aiud the evening ended, nothing done ! more mony | | receiving were government and Cay ¥ h such a when hi was no mismanagement proceedings necessary for the of the historic battlefields pur « intimate banish 3 A of Kauibars Wi as J ment might Wa i {J HaArTie dak Gen posi- | MASKATH land. dizgpateh | Michael's departed | hour : | Kaulbas' axider | Raulbat girl | n class i 1 this cruel 7 promntness | nd Duke her viarents | within An on the argument went division eame on S06 i a with such energ that art by Ay proved Gir had offer sweet) and 1 bee Ad from tate Their ar Tr ¢ six | stination I= Len, | " oh to: & I the czar's secret, | TT { JEALOUS SISTERS Sproule Fight a Fierce Duel--One Badly Wounded, Mirch 6.=Two sisters Tonghtd with pistols at' Poitiers, to- and one of them badly that she is not expected to were in Paris, {a duel | dav, wounded recover, Alphonsine Bachelier. who twenty-four, was violently her sister Marie, who, although she is| | thirty-three, had won the affections of | the man to whom Alphonsine { had been engaged. A duel wins decided on and | fired three shots at each other. Marie was badly wounded in the bead. The bullet. has tot vet been extrac ted and her life is in danger. When Marie fell her sister Alphonsine turned the revolver against herself and fired, hut a whalebone in her corsets deflected the bullet; and her wound is not serious. She has been arrested lise mem wWaS 80 only jealous of | in "0 | being | voung MUST DO HIS DUTY. Bertha Xrupp's Husband Called to Army Duty. Perdin, March 7--The levelling ten dency of wis ersal military service illustrated by the fact that Heer Krupp Von Bohlen Haliach, the hus: band of the world's wealthiest wo. man (Bertha Keuppl, has boon sum- moned to the colors to undergo six weeks" training in a regiment of cavalry, in which he formerly served as private, Herr Vou Bohlen-Halbarh, who as sumed the management of the Krapp works at Been after Bie marriage, will have to leave his responsible du ties, and proceed to Potsdam, where hie regiment is in garvison. The Krupp bowsehodd will be moved to Potsdam during the period of military dill, as the devoted joung couple, who made a love matoh, re the girls 15 FIVE MILES OF CANAL. St. Catharines Firm: Will Com- mence Work. Cobourg, March 6.-- Messrs. Larkin and Sangster, of St. Catharines, who have taken the contriwt for semtion No. I, of the Trent Vallgy canal, have alfeady visited Trenton, and "31 §4 learned that they intend to pressed with the work with men and teains without Helhy. The section is a very heavy one, and includes the constrae- | tion of 'three dams and three, locks. In length, commencing wt Trenton | bridge and ending in deep water, it is] five miles. This fem built section No. 2 wl Simcoe Balsam Lake divisivh of the Trent canal. Halbach and his wile have taken Mira. mare palace, overlooking ond of the picturesque lakes near Potsdam. i Fate Of A Foolish Lover. | | tow iit { 8 i oozed | heart {rugged edges i Places, | | | A Daring Plot of {a { The { pearance, | *tranger, i picked up her Bi itish ° KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1908S. J TAKES OUT HEART i And Sews Up -Wound-German | Doctor's Feat. Berlin, March gical operation Sultan, in the -An astounding sur-! reported by Prof. | German Medical Week- Iv. The heart of a person who at- mpted suicide and fiwed a bullet into was taken out and' sewed up snd} thd patient discharged from the hos- | [Pia six woeks later absolutely cured Prof. Sultan gives the following ney | eount of the operation, which { lieved to be without pasalle! : "On June 29rd last the patient, | catrinetanaher, thirty-eight vears old ired at his heart. with a small caliber i revolver. Examination showed a small! powder-blackened hole in the beart | through which hardly any blood is-| Late the evening of the i ond day, thirty hours after the shoot ing, we decided to operate, and made | an incision the sternum, i "As as the eardial sac was | opened a great quantity of dark blood | forth. The heart, lying quite} free for itz entire length, was careful- | ly lifted up. Upon the frontal side ap-| peared only a small extravasation the | of a lentil, but as as the | was turned toward the right appeared a smal wound about half a centimeter dimmeter With three stitches ilk thread the edges of the wound | ined, while, for safetv's | was made at | i f 15 al sued in ROC BOON size soon there with | { : i in of fine were neatly sake, another the | seam "Fo hold the strongly beating heart | was progress required foree Every time the turned to the right in or- teh the | w was scarcely audi heart vin became lool had the entrance visible, and it by catgut had been pulse beeame entirely while se wing in consideral heart der tc tke diminished until but when the | le was ym a it the 1 ble, was turn round wa normal. After from bullet mediated chest incision breathing d normal.' been drained | hole of the | 'was im When the repaired all the became closed W | i nr WANTS WIFE' s TONGUE TIED. Tlergyman Applies to Scottish Court For Unprecedented Order. London, March 6.--A case unproce- dented in the annals of the Scottish court eame before Lord Guthrie in the Edinburgh courts when the Rev, Her- wert Heriot Hill, 'an Episcopalian clergyman of Dundee, asked for an in- terdict against his. wife, [rem whom he is living apart under an English deed of separation. His 'wife, he said » having made her mind to wake his life in Scotland, followed hi went and spread unfoune derous stories about him. He had been compelled to leave three or four hie said, because of his wife's landerous work, By the | his ecclesiastical superiors to have his wile interdicted from spreading these slan- ders in Dundee. Lord Guthrie sai authority for amst percons however of petition answer wilhin of advice he soucht 1 there giving judgment said things. He grant an order for which Mrs. Hill six days. A ROBBER IN INA SAK KILLED BY WOMEN IN A) TERRIBLE CONFLICT. that was no who would, vice could Armed Bandits to Enter a Village Was Frus- trated at Budapest. ( March T.-A the &state of Count the of an with armed robbers, a) daring plan for in the absence of its Late in the evening a man. huge sack, and appar exhausted, knocked at the farm and begged for a night's shelter occupant of the the farmer's 3 not liking the man's died not care about admit Iebng Kie: Bat, #1 iy enrrest entreaty allowed him to the depositing his bur then left, and the prepare the eveaing meal. Whilst she * was doing so a caused her to look round, and, horror, she saw that the sack moving. as though some cue were side, Then the blade of a knife peared, slowly - cutting through the | smoking. Thoroughly terrified, she father's gun and fired, with the result that the movement | stopped at once, and blood commenc- ed to ooze through the wek on to the | floor i The girl) now alarm, fled from onely famm Karolyi has | exciting Budapest, lonely on i scene eucoun who had eo ROWS owners carrying almost door of the! only house was wha, ] at the | time v ter, leave 1 en in the kitchen, girl began | to 1 noise | to her was ine ap- i { 1 almost mad with the house and went in search of help. After going some distance, she met her father and told | him what had happened, at which he | obtained the assistance of two gen darmes and hurried home. The gen- darmes speedily o8t open the sack, i burly man, armed with 5 revolver | and a koife, with & gunshot wound in the head, which had eviilently caused death, Suspended from His neck was a whistle, and believing it was intended | as 4 means of summoning accomplices, the police blew a series of dalle. Al most immediately Three men ran up, and, seeing themselves trapped, opens od fire with revolvers. A desperate fight followed, the gendarmes using their revolvers freely s the of the rob bers was shot dead, and his two com- panions were captuned. Subniit To Hague Iribunal. Peemission to wed Katherine = The ai and Kihranite, mda March betctind Times, in an editorial this' a J0) hi id iat She Seamer Tate tribunal, | ago, | London extravasation | ce tain { 0A the German | basis ; lightest manner, { published, { to many | governor-gene | riage | i i { i amd inside found the dead body of al AMARESNEST ~- -- 'Says Daily Mail of Antl-|, German Scare. BERLIN EXPLAING WHY | KAISER WOULDN'T DREAM OF INTERFERING, Conservative Papers Treat Matter Rather Lightly--Government Papers Bitter Against Times For Trying to Stir Up Strife. Bertin, March ~The foreign offices admits that Emperor William wrote a letter to Lord Tweedmouth, first lord of the British admiralty, some but the assertion made by the) Times that his majysty had to interfere in the naval | iT endeavored {plans of Great Britain is @aracteriz- ed as untrue, The kaiser in his letter, corrected erroneous impressions in Eng- regard to the development fleet matters the ation the land with is en- expert, kaiser as an In titled it and land peror foreign tic naval to explained at he 'is recognized as well in Germany. As em. of Germany he would reject any attempt to decide the propor German fleet, and on this repudiate the idea that he would interfere in the naval af. fairs of Great Britain,' The German official view that there no reas the letter should not be pub- it is declared that the personal one between the Tweedmouth. consider was as ms of the wold is is on why lished, but, matter a kaiser and Lord 18 Times' Thunder Bolt Fails. London, March So fur as the London morning 'papers are concerned the Times' thunderbolt has failed of its apparent intention to stir up anti-German fury. The Daily Mail, which itself is often vehement, de- vlares that the whole affair a mare's nest, an epistolary comedy, vot containing the making of a scare, snuch less an international crisis. Con- i, 18 or any other foreign country, not treating the matter as as the Mail, treats, in the the kaiser's share in many, while lightly the incident. The Morning Post thinks the could been written only sequence of a misapprehension of the peculiar position occupied by a Brit ish minister The governmental papers bitterly at tack the Times for attempting to stir up strife. The Daily News declares the Times' attion throws the atroéity of vellow journalism into the shade. The Morning Leader denounces the Times for irresponsibility malignity. W, ". Stead of the Times ought to be Tweedmouth comes in a severe scoring for al lowing the of the letter to be known. He is twitted as being se flat tered by the attentiqn he could not the pleasure brag without the kais er's letter will not he contents are known | letter have in con- and says the editor shot Lord receipt L ra Kaiser's forego it I'he its ging about sanction but pe TaOons, A vio le nt the Bri h rumerous Ww f them on ther st the coast of terday, mall craft of Ireland lives wer v of sles causing reeks most coast ea about twenty BOMB THROWER FREE. | An Austrian Jury Acquitted Young Lady. March 7 eri i Ihe ten Russia aod 15 Improve acquittal, by Russian girl sassinate Warsaw, existing Anstna ry the an Austrigh revolutionary Skallon, in Au- Vi sion be not likely narkable jury, of a who tried to sy: he od o- fem of 1906 Dobrozdicka, the prisoner, twenty vears old, and was formerly a student at Warsaw University. While Skallon was driving in his threw four bombs at gust Wanda troy she him, | {but only succeeded in wounding some [town and vicinity, ieft for home | Cossacks. | She stceeeded in escaping to Lrieste Maple afterward settled 1a Galicia, matried an Austrian paint er. The Russian government ascertained her residence and de! {| manded her extradition. As she had | {become an Austrian subject, however, | andl where she trial took place at Wadowice, Galicia, The prisoner gloried in her atiempt, whith she described fully in court. 'nated by the revolutionary party in Warsaw to carry ont the "sentence of | death" om the goversor-general, and an elaborate conspiracy was organ inl by t lenders of the terrorist | group. In a seli-possesssd] manner she in- formed the court that she was ~uilty of throwing bombs, and added that | she considered bersell ay a soldier who | gate his life for his country and was not a murderer. She to escape, thinking she would be kill ed by the explosion or shot in) | the subsequent confusion. Military officers were forbilden to attend the court, which was crowded | when the jury returned, after fifioon minutes' pelirement, a unanimous ver time | foreign office | as such in Eng-| {posed of his fast pacing that | is! car- | finally | She stated that she had been desig-| pever sxpected { ree-- PITH « OF THE NEWS, : -- i i | ! | The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Reinhardt, a Montreal business committed suicide with a carv- knife. { A man, ing from the government mines on the ! ilies Limit. f The estimated expenditure for | provinee of Ontario for this year 501,876.67. Five large lumber companies the west have amalgamated with a capital | of ten million dollars. : Ontario * will contribute $2000. to send a team of athletes to compete at | the Olympic games try. it is reported rates at Fort vanced owing counts. A great potlach of | northern coast has just commenced at | Alert Bay. Nearly a thousand of the tribesmen have gathered from various | villages. The British Naval Veterans' Association, | setts, will bring a regiment to bec at the time of the visit of f Prince of Wales in July | Chancellor Day, Syracuse Univer sity, must answer before the New York conference of the Methodist Epis. copal church, to a charge of speaking evil of President Roosevelt The world's motor record was! broken in Ormond, Fla., by Emmanuel Cedrino, who drove his Italian 300 miles at an average speed | seventy-seven miles an hour Miss Rose L Fritz, the world's typewriting { for three and eighty-seven a hour going from New part speed coming pia. Fears cantinue is | i in ! ! that William may to a deficit be ad- the aor 00000 00000000 NTOO0 Indians of the Military | Massachu Que- the | and ol of | | car ol - has held championship types correctly minute for an| York to take at the forth at Olym * who | years, words 000 ©0000 OOOTOCTO0O00 00000 is contests exhibition m business to be expressed of} the danger that awaits Kine Alfonso | on his coming visit to Barcelona. In| that city the republican majority i the municipal council voted down a resolution to let the king take pres cedence of the mayor at the inaugura- tion of the new public works The Paris had a bad scare, | Thursday evening. When the king, who travelling incognito as the | Duke of Lancaster, stepped from his motor at the hotel door a flash went up from the curb near by. Foy an in- stant evervone thought it was a bomb, but it only the flashlight of an enterprising photographer. police is was GANANOQUE TIDINGS, Gananoque, March 7.-The young people's association of Grace Metho- dist church beld a very pleasant ser vice last evening under the auspices of their literary committee. 'Tho ser vice was devoted to "Art." W. R. Acton, Garden stieet, has dis. stallion 'De- | veras, to J. J. Black, of Winchester The price received was §1,000, The Gananoque rifle association held | their annual meeting last evening The election of officers result in Major J. B: Robinson as captain, Stanley and W, J, fie treasurer ciation solid bership now being over eighty, creasing, The formal presentation medals and prizes won at the {match took place, 0. J. Killam wiving the gold medal and Frank | Willis the siiver medal A large sil {ver cup has been donated for om {petition this year and a big series of | imatches will be held, the first of | § {~hich take place Empire day Miss Delong her {recital for her pupils i {Stone street, last evenir The home of Mr. and IDarling, Leeds townshi éast of the {very pleasant it marriage of their {Dariing, to George Bay, The nuptial IRev. Henry CGiracey Gilbert left to moon, in Ottawa Mrs. Joseph Bogart, ship, passed to } residence, vesterda of several {ty-three years of age. Mre. William J. Reid, gpent the past few days in atiendance at the funeral {mpther, Mrs. Elijah Joyner James Beattie, of Philadelphia, {spending the winter with friends secretary | The the Be on ASSO 8 basi= mem z and in of fall re on held a will Essie annual " t r home Je miles of Mrs fe goPNC a w town, was the social event ou the daug Occasion Miss of Seel tied nesd being e hter Gaiibert, knot was Mr spend 1 eods al y. Alte De wlased was t rest her late r an weeks None slireet, Kingston Pr Ww. J several Lioyd, dave dar with friends evening of Grove, spent past week Wadne lay ling the Watertown, N.Y. John Lee, severely injured by falling down stairs some six weeks ago, gain able to be around, Mr. iman, the young Englishman, i% Cola who had | {Bay, some weeks ago, is able to get {around town with the aid of crutches i { ----- Negro Confessed To Mutder. Indignapolis, Ind March J ohn Grubbs, evlored, who was charged with the murder of William Colwan, wear | | Rushville, x confessed, vesterday, that Mrs, an assisted hig in the terime, Me sari she threw ber arms around her husbasd"s neck while he | struck Colwan with a hatehet, Avoth jer mob formed yesterday, and CGrabbs was brought to Indianapolis for sale kerping. ----_------------ Sent To Prison For Forgery. Kenora, Ont, March 7 Theodore {& Chedalier, a Frenchman, was seat {Kingston penitentiary to serve three fyeate for forfring checks amounting to some forty dollars. : i i : to | Silver ore is to be shipped at once | the i the telephone ¢ 0-O< FOOT COO0 Oo | "Phone, §77, in} regular price. Secure {she could wot be estradited, and her (his leg broken while gating on the | § i i | truth i {secretary tof office. LAST EDITION ES Probabilities Toronto, Oat, March 7, Ottawa Valley and Up~ per St. Lawrence (10 a.m.)e-West- {erly winds, part- ¢ fair and mild. inday, strong | | north west winds, becoming much [colder again ; snow flurries. { 000000ODOOOOOOTOCCOION in the old coun-|{ 0 Steacys Ready-to-Wear Department Is just teeming with stylish and beautiful garments for the coming season. 0OO000Q0000Q000RTCOOO0OL0000000 O Ox OOC Spring Fashions are Established Accepted decrees relating to modes and materials have been interpreted in a multi. of ways, as many erent expressions have been given to the various approved styles as there are desigmers in the field. Stunning Ideas in: Coats, Separate Dresses, Silk and Net Whitewear, Kimonos, Children's Dresses, Ladies' Tatlored Skirts, Blouses, Blouses, Silk and Children's Dresses, Infants' Spring Suits, Silk Muslin Dainty Muslin Coats, Infants' Cloaks, ete. Quarterly Style Book Now Ready, At STEACY'S IOC OOOOO0 OOTTOO OTTO 00T 0000000 DUDUT 0 OOO BICC OOT000 000 OOOO Seo > ROBERT J. REID, The Leading' Undertaker. 227 Princess street. <= A Genuine Bargain o on Lombard Plums in heavy Syrup 10 Cents Per Tin This the you is one hall what want quickly as the stock limnited. Every tin guaranteed las, Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. is exactly HE 1S NOT RESIGNING. Report Regarding the Becretary of State is Incorrect: Ottawa, Marek There is no in the repott «ent out that Hon, BR. W. Scott, secretary of stats, has resigned owing to a recebt state ment made by him about the city of Montreal, which bas hess resented by members from that city. Theres is seid to be Bo immediate prospect of the of state giving up the cbr + MH your chikiren ate delicate, try Livol--the tasteless concentration of cod liver oil, Easy to take; wondrous in its effects as a flesh builder, For sale at Best's. Special bargsips ind stockipgs of every description, New York Dress Roe form, A ' Don't forget Weess's wall paper sale, Monday, § By eet