Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Mar 1908, p. 2

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7 / © suant to PAGE TWO. Bedroom Furnishings Specialized. of in The latest designs high class desigus, Mahogany Oak and their lLwitations ia: Ladies' and Gents' Dressers with artis. tically shaped mirrors also the good, but cheaper grades rang- ing Irom §7 to $65 eachy [SEN | zz Beautiful Iron and Brass Beds, over 35 styles on the floor, all sizes OSTERMOOR and all the leading lines of Sanitary Mattresses, from $2.50 up, of Curtains, Draperies, Mills New 1908 Carpets, Rugs, Linoleuins, Floor Oileloth, vie... arriving from OM Country every week, Hepair and Upholstery work promptly done. 3 . Have your Mattress done over NOW, before the rush. Yours, Ts F. Harrison Co., PHONE 90. 0000000000000 0000000 Wire Mats Our Wire Mat impor- tation from Germany ¢ has arrived. The Mats ¢ are suitable for inside + or outside of your porch rust in any 'We Have All Sizes from 60c. R. McFaul Carpet Warehouse, it iE 08000 9, e NOTICE TO CREDITORS. bedi In the Estate of Orlando G. R. Johnson, Deceased. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN PUR. R. 8, 0, 1897 Cap. 129 and amendments thereto that all persons having claims against the estate of Lhe above pamed deceased are required on or of March mext to payment to the teforn the 17th day present the same for ulidersigned at her place of business in the Market Square, Kingston: After said date the assets of said deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled relo. FRANCES J. JOHNSON, BExecutrix. J. B. WALKEM, Solicitor. 25th February, 1908. Single Brick 2 story, 8 rooms ot 140x172, pleasantly situated ¢ the water and couveni:at to THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1908. QUEBEG. CELEBRATION .. WILL LIKELY TAKE| Bethel church--Rev, G. A. Mackenzie 1 | minutes; Crawiord, 22 minutes; Van- half, Van- migotes; Second thorn, 2 minutes, { horn, 2-2 minutes THE TH MET DEFEAT: PLAYED A BURLESQUE MATCH WITH QUEEN'S. | Score Was 10 to 4--Queen"s Have Improved, But Would Be Np Match For the Soldiers When Latter Are in Condition. The greatest surprise of the hockey sprung at the Kingston] skating rink on Friday evening, before one "thousand people, when the 14th }e vell, 2 How The Play Went. The play opened fast and clean, exchange of rules. The to the soldiers, after minutes play, Crawford the trick on Potter's pass. A minute later Macdonnell made a lone rush down the i vile and found the nets on a hice long shot. After part of the! game the checking began to get close and strong, the players beginning to | get warmed wp to their work The | soldiers well watched. Ceorge 0. H, A. senior champions, poe Bh Richardson was watched like a feated by Queen's. To say that. - VW Every time he received the puck surprise is putting pe was pocketed, and checked good and | Be Very few Peop 13. bard. After five minutes play Potter | that Queen s would re Bhs found the net Richardson's pass, fo put it. over the sgidiers, The {| making it 2 to 1 for the soldiers. The | lege deserved their Yicioey ha | coMlogians charged 14th 'goal from the | can justly ject proud of i gy So face off but Hiscock was there with the ey aves he sae spl of Bote oe ps ware would not have rested again in with | first | an i four Count 'went doing this Season wag were rat. § 1 { he result a rather lea it bovs was mild, any on col- season, LL gether won course, nets | one con- not in about each up once or men were when was a toss-up or not organizations, inside zoldiers return fast Season heen, } were be game {in goal. To the play he put up much credit for the victory is due For Queen's Dobson, George, donnell "and Bennett wory the George put up his best game of season. He was getting handed lots of punishment, but he was taking it all and saying nothing. He played Bernier good and close, stealing away for many rushes that counted much to The Teams and Score. the-seore. George is a heady player, Queen's, (10)~--Bennett, gon: Mac- | Playing hig position all through! and donnell, point: Pennock, cover: Camp. |i8 always there when called upon. Mac stars land from the face off Crawford landed, may went on the ice determined nd of the rink said the puek was in as they did last evenine. anc ford scored on Richardson's pass and and not considering past events, | {making the half time score 7 to 3. a lot of punishment they were going Into hey were going te pull out, After have had two very hard battles in the al gently used in their last game at | winkling both players dropped their terion {two minutes each. During Bennett's the soldiers little, when necessary, but they seem- | idiere: did hit up t {In the last five minutes Queen's landed soldiers dic rough it up to a and when he did start, it was - too | Notes Of The Players. penalized it waa {fine games, each scoring two goals, of I ™ | main one heing that in the O.HA., a attle, Their play was really a bur- done. Fhis did not bother Queen's as : pid : x team with a black cat. The gift was was very seldom that thee took ad says that he refused to allow the 14th through the game. Ove-halfi was play- cold, best game of the season and some of {and was a great help to the defence.. stacle to the soldiers' charges. They |®F to be ready to relieve on the one last night who seemed to be play- game put ap by the soldiers, was not |9Pon him. Richardson has not been the that thev can and have |Proke up a great many of George's tor time they would charge down the the od content te shoot and skate away evened the score, George finding the : I truggle. The [PEE on Crawford's pags. One minute Toronto, wit 1 bo Huy 2 : up 'that later Dobson landed after a lowe rush, winners pu up the - best game at | they have plaved this Kvery imaking it 4 to 2 for Queen's. The i hist} histie play !soldiers charged from the face-off, and whistle stle . up ae from wets Ae = " " gnny. shot on goal Every person at that ed, good, clean, fas oCkey EVET 1 on has Queen's defence worked so well to fair and square, but Goal Judge Wil- 1s tliamg did not raise his flag. On 4 never have the forwards played with | ap in front of Queen's al Craw- the same determination followed: back } | 1 = . . . as they did then. In taking the game, inside of a minute George did the : h re : same trick for Queen's. Two more Neu thee thoy oo nd but si {goals went to Queen's during the half, cause the g play hockey, and if they had to take When the second period opened the k I I | soldiers: came back good and stroxg, to 1 "1 am Hay > 3a ths {and then many supporters thought } mus w Laken consideration that the champions |; ©. tes play Potter landed the ) F hav t had rubber. Shortly after this VanHorne ft Ln, eng a ove ot Md ko tom nd 0: on aR a » ing Queen's g@! was lightly rappec their forward line were not any 00 | soross the logs by Bennett, and in a Stratford. Queen's could not defeat, | 000 aud were in to it. They clinch them when they are in condition. | * y . : ." led after one or two blows were struck, Again, an exhibition game is no "but were soon parted and put off for The play was fast, and nearly alll ence Macdonnell guarded the through the game the pace was set hy land did it well After VanHorne's re- the winners. They roughed it up a turn made final 1 hink of thi dea hut } {spurt to cateh up, but could not land ec ; fo Se} oo fo hing else " Re the {Richardson had exceedingly hard luck Fabhes Wedshow tor Jam 3k in ; hos op { with his shots, many going away wide. its' nets e other hg e derable extint, but rt of thi {two, Crawford and Bennett doing the siderable extent, but part ol MS ean fg. i Ra | tr king the score 10 to 4 be blamed on the referee, hecause he | ick, making i : : did put his foot down time, late to be of any efiect. More than | I'he Crawford brothers are once he was at fault in his decisions. |*Y*M¥ matched. They marked and twice. Ht ' {other last evening and both put whether. it RECORSREY 1 The general opinion is that the 14th There is also quite a difference in the {should not have played last night, as rules of the two the [the men were in no condition for 4 player can skate another and lesque, A he the YOU. this" cannot he Just before the game started the Harmony club presented the 14th much as it did the They . were not used to doing it and. in the Srechioy by Capt. Hiscock, on behalf hali when they could have done so, i+ |? ne team. . Joseph Kehoe, of the post office, vantage of it, as they did not think : of it, and in the same way the sol- to have heir own hind Fat last diers being used to it, used it all [SXePINg, anc that was why they ost, The cat was suffering from a = sligh ed under O.H.A., and the other under ; : intercollegiate rules Bernier and VanHorne both put up Every man on Queen's played the fine games and worked hard to win out. At point Powell was in line them the best game of their carcer "y a : The defence played a strong gamo, Jack always plays a fine, steady and' proved an insurmountable ob- |¥8Ie, and is always an effective play- could not. be coaxed out, and when For the losers Hiscock, VanHorne, Pennock or Macdonnell went up ihe | Richardson and Bernier carried away joe.-a--forward alwavs dropmed back the honors, Hiscock was the only rush. The forwards played a jing his regular steady game. Two or game, checked close and strong. and three times he was left unprotected skated back with great speed. The with two or three men rushing down what it should have and al. [checked closer here this than though they fairly beaten, it Dobson checked him last night. "Dob. must said that « they did not play [PY Watched kim like a 'mouse, and played" this season. The forward line |TUshes right at the start. played a. good combination, bot had hard fuck with their shots. Time af ice, and shoot 'wide. They would net hore Sr-on-the pon! the "wav thay have been in the habit of doine. but seem- The forwards were all watched losely | each man stickine to mark like glue. The teams lined up as follows : his bell, rover; Crawford, centre: Dobson | and George, wings | 1th, (1)=Hiscock, goal; Powell | Th point: Vanhorn, cover; Potter, rover Crawford, "centre; Richardson and Ber- nier, wings A | Sporting Notes. hockey tourist has put the game out of business in New Bruns- wick; and the Fredericton crowd tore down part the wake; Toronto Telegram : Kingston sol diers have decided not to play 'Varsi- | ty this season, Like certain other | great living warriors, they probably believe that a wise discretion is the truest form of courage. The &armouth, Eng., racecourse, which is the property of the city core poration, is to be improved to the amount of £7,000, of which the cor poration contributes £35,000, and the race-course commiittee the remainder Toronto Telegram : Pulford and Taylor are still playing the style of game inaugurated about the time Wolfe took Quebec, and this will nev- er win earfare. To-day a defence 'man is supposed to take the puck up the ive, whether it is behind his own goal or not, as Ross of the Waoderers, for instance, and such a thing as lifting is seldom heard of. The Ottawa pair, however, throw dull care to the four winds, lifting the rubber high in the air whenever chance affords. Manager Dickson of the Ottawa Watson, R. M. ( Referee--{ adet hs Maclones apd A. B timers, W H Cunningham. First hali 1 ~I14th, Crawiord, 4 minutes. 2.~Queen's, Macdounell, 1 minute. d~l4th, Potter, 5 minutes I ~LQueen"s, George, 5 minutes. S~Quéen's, Dobson, 1 minute 614th, Crawiord, 2 minutes, T~Queen's, George, 1 minute. R~Lueen's, George, 4 minutes. 9. Queen's, Crawiord, 2 minutes. 10. Queen's, Campbell, 1 minute. Sétond half H.--14th, Potter, 4 minfites 12. ~(ween's, George, 12 minutes. 13. Queen's Crawford, 2 minutes. H.~Queen's, Pennock, 3 minutes. Penalties-- First half, Powell, Magnesia, cal. on pills and evil - tasting a - 'RCHA. | anniversary of the founding of ing definite is knbwn as vet, j are looking forward to the event with | P-®., | not Bennett played the game of his life | of the rink to ecplebrate} PART INIT. | It is the Intention of Militia De-|°P of the diocese will preach in i i partment ts Have Twenty Thousand Men Attend--Notes From the Barracks. It is fully/expested that the mem- {bers of the RC.H.A. will go to Que bev, Que- bee, which is being made an event of national impertance. Although noth- the mén keen interest, It is the intedion of the militia de- partment to take twenty thousand of | the Canadian militia to Quebec to as- | #ist in the big celebration. Whether or | they will be able to carry out their wishes depepuds upon the appro- printion which is made for the pur- pose. They expect, however, to get en- enough to take the entire twenty thousand men ta Quebec, For the Kingston soldiers, the trip would be one of the most enjoyable vacations which might be taken. to Queen Street Methodist chmrch, has station hospital, and the station head- quarters will be moved there been undergoing property secured it has The ness, terations. as ty, present hospital has for some quired of it. -- the barracks. gun carriage and injured his knee, anc Gunner Miller suffered a sprained an comrade. Lieut. J. A, MeDonald, of the 17th field battery, course of instruction. JOHN MACNAUGHTON, University, Who Libel Suit by E. PROF. Of Queen's ened With a caster, MP. Drive To Cataraqui. Bickham, Charles street, mad charming hostess at a part Miss a very lum who has recently returned from visit to Winnipeg. ant features of the drive young people repaired and partook of very ments which were served at quartet tables. evening was to the hong New Derbies. Have vou seen the new and exclusiv styles 7 32 82.50 £3 $1, a Campbell Bros'... Kingston's style eer tre for men's hats, and Oranges, Oranges. Seedless Valencia oranges, bitter oranges, lem ons and grapefruit. Special sale fo Saturday. R. H, Toye, King street. oranges, BUY YOUR NEW SPRING ~ HAT HERE ON SATUR- This spring's styles are neater and nattier than ever. We have had the pick of the makers to represent : we mineral waters have no place beside Hockey team, has received replies to communications sent to Pittsburg and New York city with a view to ar ranging an exhibition tour ir Otta- wa. Both replies are favorable, and the tour will probably Le undertaken next week. I it cam be arranged, Ot- tawa will first go to Toronto, for a match with the professional cham pions there, as Toronto is known to have one of the strongest orgaciza- tions playing hockey this winter. From Toronto the team will jamp to Pittsburg, ml. the Bankers in all tonic-laxatives. It makes two games a irates in one. The the bowels.regular. »s New York end is still indefinite, but » St. ok Abbey's is the tlest, mildest, and pdry ein of have picked the best blocks our picked makers had ; that's why you can nowhere find ch shapely shapes as we offer. Woodrow, Hawes. Picca~ dilly, Stetson, Strachan averly. 25¢ and 80c.~at your druggiet's. in August next, to tike part inj h $ : | the eelebratiop oF the thred hundredth | °F. Right Reév, the Bishop of Ontario The building, on Queen street, next been leased by the government for the next week, when the place is put in readi- al- 18 that known as the Thompson proper- and is considered in every Way to be most suitable for the hospital. The time past, been found unfit for the use re- Two slight accidents are reported at Gunner Dicker fell off a kle, while engaged in wrestling with a is here, taking a short is Threat- A. Lan- given in honor of Miss Flora MacCal- One of the pleas to Cataraqui -aiter which the dainty refresh Mexican oranges, SUNDAY SERVICES. -- of the Pulpits Teo- orrow. Filling { pastor, will preach morning and evey- (AN ENTERTAINMENT BY ling : THE GERMAN CLUB. St. James' Church--The Lord Bish-| the | pr. Third Goes to Europe Next Month---The Arts Society to Purchase a Fine inting--To Have a Students CuNing Club. A pronounced success was the sta dents' German Club's musical and j drama: o entertainment ja Convoca 4 , tion Hall, last evening. A charming St, Lieorye's Cathedral--§ am. holy | little German womance "Die Herr | Semamnion; 11 Son, matting and Bt-| cchaft," was presented by a number jan "a Tene er, -akon Starr, 3 pm, of Irof. Macgillivray's honog students | Sunday school and Bible elgss: 1] the characters of the dramatic per opis; { F-W., evinsong, | sonal being well interpreted by the Preacher, Jean, Farthing, | following : Misses Chown, Shortt y e AM. - pr- | . EB : Ivive will be held hankwgiving op Hughes, Marshall; Messrs. Edwards, Ig 15 clock held & the Sitenucy at | ito, Hanpa, Foley, Baird, The re Re < Dr. ughn_ will be | maining nambers of the 'programme . am Sriresses it be given | were vocal solos. by" Miss Mons Ad : J Soviet, ¥, F. Kuight and Mr. W, D. Lowe, a piano *. Lockett.:: Bows' Iolo by Miss Daisy Chown, a Girman 4: ; reading by Miss Lachance amd and a girs Baptist Church Rev, Douglas | Ge rman chorus bv a numiwr of the . ing, pastor, Il am. Rev, Je ss¢ | students Gibson, Toronto, will preach, and at -- tin. the pastor Topic, "How Prac-| D. 1. Mc Kay, president of the Y. Blind of ig Brought Sight to the | M.C.A. in the hospital with a se- a an 3 2? unday school and Bible class | vere attack of la gripe, jat i " p.m. Strangers ever welcome | Last evening, 1. B Williams, 09 Bk ee, zi science, read a paper at the Y.M.C.A TER " Ee ethodist church--Rev. meeting on "The Preservation of our : + Burke, B.D. Pastor. Services at | Ideal." a, and 7 pom. The pastor will preach at both service 10 ' os or ¥ 8 N a.m. classi "The Pastoral] Work s S > meeting; 3 p.m. Bay om, fast oral Work of the Student Bible class; Y.P.8 Monday, at § {missionary, | was the subject discuss- prayer meeting, Wednesday pens P-n.; {ed by R. H. Liggett at the meeting of ) . day evening, » , . § home of J. Laturmee, SING. At} the missionary association this nore 390 Princess | ; a ing. Street. Strangers made welcome toall| © services, Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bar- fie and Earl streets. --Rev. M. Macgil- liveay, D.D., pastor. Services, 11 a.m, 'hrist's Reasons for the Communion of Saints"; 7 p.m. "A Stirring Story With a Great Moral--of Special Tater- 1] est to Young People." Prayer meet- -{ ing, Wednesday, 8 p.m.; Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p.m. Strangers cor- dially invited to all the services. Queen Street Methodist church--Rev | WH, Sparling, pastor, will preach at both services. Special sermon in even ing lo young women. Queen's Ladies' Glee Club will in the musical portion of the service: ladies' quar- tette, "All Hail to Thee," solo by " Miss Mitchell. Sunday school and Bi-| °%t >cene in Wks." 'The victure ix a ble class, 2.45 p.m Young Men's beautiful work and the very Penson Club, at" 3 o'clock: Y.P.S CF Mon. | able consideration of $100, was secur dav, 8 paw: midvesk service. Wednes. | through the influencs of Prof day, 8 p.m | dan. It is hoped that the painting First Congrepntichn} hurch-Cor: { will form the nucleus of an art colle ner' Wellington and Johan o | Hon befitting, both in magnitude and Pastor, Rev, J. Charlo. Villiers. Div. | quality, to university of Queen's ine worship at 11 am. and 7 p.m. | dimensions The pastor will preach in the morn. | ing, and Rev, Jesse Gibson, of the | Upper Canada Bible Society in the ev- ening, Sunday 'school and pastor's Bible clase, 3 p.m... mid-weok service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Strangers are cor dially invited to all services, Seats free. Sydenham Strect Methodist Church ~Rev. Charles A. Sykes, B.D., pes tor. Church anniversary, 11 am., theme, "The Proper Maintenance of | Dr. the Church". 7 pan., "Revival of Re-|%0ived a staff appointment ligion." 2.45 pam. Bible (chool and New York Post-Graduate Men's Club: 10 a.m. junior league School and Hospital. and class meeting. Rev. J. Pinel. B.D, rs president of district lag will ad- Tt hae been practically decided that dress the voung peoples' meeting. tthere will be a Students' Curling club Monday evening at 8 o clock, NeXt winter {| mornihg. | St. Andrew 's--Rev { vices, 11 am, and 7 and students welcome. i { St. Paul's Church--Morning rover, | | Preacher, . Rev. W, F Fitsgerald i MLA., vicar. Evening praver, preach Dr. Mackie. Ser. p.m. Strangers thy Elmer Davi {Harrison and J, meeting at 10 a. ¥, I~ Prof. Macnaughton's Bible oless will meet at 9.45 o'clock to-horrow morn: ing in the church history room. Journal No. 9 appeared' on 1hurs day. Another valuable article by Dr. A. P. Knight on hygiene is the Tead ing feature of the issue. There is also a brief review of a book recently pub lished by Prof. G. W. Mitchell, "In troduction to Latin Prose." There will be no service in Convoca tion Hall, to-morrow afternoon Provision is being made by the Arts Society for the purchase of an origin al picture by Yeend King" A Har assist Jor streets-- a In the results of the ent examin {ation in mental diseases, I. R. Sax gent leads the list and therefore entitled to the twenty-five dollar prize awarded annually hy Dr. Barber. 1s Dr. James Third sails' dor Europe next 'month to spend several months in hospital work there Bruge Sutherland, "08, has re in the Medical The final report of the musical com mittee will be presented aly the Alma Mater meeting this evenir ---------- GRANT FOR BAND CONCERTS. v What Amount Will the Council Set Arart ? It will be some time yet before the "good old summer time," but some citizens are aleeady talking about band concerts in the park, and figuring what amount will be set apart the council for concerts. Last the council gave a grant of $200, iit is felt by that this {should be increased. {| The city council Yliust donated $500 tit is held that Kingston should able to do aswell as this. he fple Hever ohijeet to a grant for (concerts, The Liniment That Will. You can absolutely depend on | Smith's Liniment to do everything that an external application can do | Its action prompt, certain and | thorough. It «tops pain, boals injuries, and cures inflammation of every kind | It should be-in your home fi reer | gencieg 25¢, only at Wade's, a al on hy yeur and amount 5 is © soe now Drug Store at Stratford ---- has | for rts, and be | cone Signalling In Brockville. | Brock cille Recorder, The members of | class commenced ast night, under Licut. Stroud Sergt.-Maior Metiowan, of hingston Last night's papers were i Morse lag | {and lamp signals, and were yuite i The weather man his bad | vere. Tonight the exams. will. con behavior yesterday and served out all | elude, with Capt. Mundell, of King kinds of disagreeable weather | ton, as the presiding officer {Friday morning it turned quite jand had all the appearance of iin. the forenoon there was a sudden {change to colder weather, and this was followed by a heavy snow flurry, In the afternoon sleet and rain wa on the bill of fare, and at night, a vy wind storm raged Surely thig {was a great assortment for one day. Uf course { { gloomy individual Picton Putting On Airs. { the cheerful one PXxton Times. in March, and vesterday's thunder an! The Kingston council are considering lightning was just a little. herald the passing of a.by-law prohibiting clearing the highway for spring." the sale' of chickens on the Kingston . market that have not been carefully prepared. It is the custom among the farmers around Kingston to bring | fowls to market with their heads and | legs still intact, also with feathers still adhering to the body, and ta sell them by the pound.. The people of Kingston object to paying twenty-two 1- peo- band | the #1 'signalling the examinations, i and rg | | ON BAD BEHAVIOR. } | r| Weather Man Served Out | agreeable Weather. question on Dis- | reading code, semaphore was on Farly soft, | MS ram Which Side Are You On? "Winter thunder, summer hunger," | the old proverb, and now it re | mains to whether March | 6th, with the. snow piled high, consti ; dhe pro " savs the Tut, tt," says "Sure winfer iz over { says was be decided tutes enough winter to h it does.' | verb on. KOKOMO WOMAN GIVES FORTUNE -- To Help Women Who Suffer. In the past few years Mrs. Cora Miller bas spent $125,000.00 in givieg " medical treatment to a Bicted women yoeuts a pound for pinfeathers It is Aue ago We amnoupced in the lain to even the most casual observer {Solumas of Shin paper that she Sons send hat the farmers of Frontenac are not {fered from female ay or eg ge as thrifty as our own Prince Edward More han a million women have rustic. He brings in his chickens is generous offer, eof as Mrs ite, S | mali il rece mipus its head (and sometimes part [3 a 1 ron aa, Ban of the neck), with its lambs amputa; 5 of women irom aif 'parts the Jord, Who have not yet used : : re ¥. has decided 10 continue ted as near the joint as practicable, offer for awhile 1 Tr. at least. and the feathers and internals of the This is the simple, Wild and harmless beast scraped as clean as patience and Srsparation tht hos cured Me we long practice can scrape them. With | Tomes in t De eacy hate own br "TIE homes af ther re these superflgitivs Le fattens one fine failed. after dusters aud o remade twenty-five dollar hog, or if' be goes x extensively into the chicken business | Cob, discharges, ulceration, dmplace. maybe: two twenty-five dollar hogs. | ments or failing of B the the it i» especiolly prepared for the speedy Permanent cure of leucofrboss or a -3 : Notice. {All outstanding ae-ounts {the estate of the late Margaret Rout- {lev must he sent in to 200 Si street, belore March 20st. fowl | M . the head. back and bowels, Learing dow iby the pair (Saturday's market guo- el] Eo { bot flawhes, weariness sod piles from any (Edward farmer is to be admired i i write Mrs. Miller now, against home reredy h with explame- the aid of |. yaician. omer to Mrs. Cora B. Miller 2.7 the womb PRoduse hogs are strictly profit, for, no- |seanty or painful periods, uteriBs Of Oa. } : x | oeiings, Der VOUSIIOss, © ng feeling up tation Wc. per pair for the { cause, or no matter of bow long standing relief, who will i will receive By mail free illeytra tion: owing why women 't sufler another day. but 3 ris nt ilter A ltice the local farmer sells his Aa tumors or growths . aiso pains in ih. | the spine, melancholy, ire ery, variety). The thrift of the Prince Every women suflerer, usable 10 find of harge. a DO-cent hoX of this simple * ond youn easily .chre | themsei ves at home wWithost | 2 Building, v 3 Campbell Bros'. 32 and $2.50 derbies. THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S In ------ RECIPE FOR COLDS " THE OLD TOLENE AND WHIS-- KEY MIXTURE FOR COUCHS, COLDS, ETC., ONCE MORE POPULAR. From an eminent local druggist we learn that the old, reliable mixture of whiskey and Tolene is as popular to-day as it was years ago, and that it 1s better than manv of the so called sure cures advertised exten. sively. Here is the recipe: Fluid "extract Licorice. . Fluid extract Cascara Elixir Tolene ..... 1 Best rye whiskey 6 Take a dessertspoonful every or thtee hours. Children in propor tion. These well-known ingredients can be bought at any drug store at small expense and mixed at home. You Can Save Money is ox 3 OL. on oz, two FURS THIS MONTH FROM W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Exclusive Furrier. We vay Cash for all kinds of Raw Furs. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Opticlan ISSUERS OF MARRI- AGE LICENSES. 350 King Street. Phone 666. # FARRAR AA Sr w ¥ To-Night Money - Saving Items :- White Lawn Hemmed, HH Hand Special Ladies' kerchiefs, 3 fox 10¢ Extra good line of Ladies' Underwear, Vests and Draw- ers. Special, at 25¢. a gar- nent, See the line of Corsets will sell TO-NIGHT, at a pair, all sizes A sample lot of Collars, regular TO-NICGHT, your earl. We hae an extra snap, in Men's Black mere Socks, worth 36¢ only 25¢., a pair. Be sure and see the snaps in Ladies' White Waists, at T5¢ and $1, being 35¢ elbow the regular price, all sizes A new lot of White Net Waists, with Silk Slips, the 85 line, for $3.75. Monday Will find us ready to show you the finest range of Wool Dress Goods Dress Muslins, Embroideries and Insertions ever brought inte city. Take the time to call and see the display NEWMAN & | SHAW. FHF EEA FIFE on B. A Hotel Arrivals Storms, J. B. Alexander, J, Breck YX in we 50¢ A A I ER Fancy 5 each n h 10e, oice, good Cash or A AI A TAREE ERE ER EEE Eee + » * ¥* + # ¥ ¥ t ¥ + # * * ¥ = Ww * * 3 * ¥ w * Ww bd * ¥ * + + ASA A Sh mG B. Foote, Toronte Fo ¥ Tull itia fidge, J. €. Tull A Davis, Picto w ' Dewagn Britton, Mason, Crand ¥ Know . Roowies, London, Wek bh H fron, Pie NY x Crasans Kapwls: T, grain, Freseott homs Lansdowne: A Massey, Makawa ton: Owen MeNally Gillies, Russi! H Campbell Bros'. sobby hats,

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