Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Mar 1908, p. 3

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$3.50, $4, $4.25, } £1 C Double Cash [Coupons {All This Week esas ok Everyone is thi and Scammer Sewing ping we. will, offer all next week, DOUBLE CASH COUPONS for all cash sales, This benefits Both the cash shopper and us, giving the former just d ouble the discount for cash pur- chases and us the use of the ready money, So come along ¢ ye wise ones mud take advantage of this offer. All New Spring 'Goods in now, s0 you run mo risks of buyisg old . materials, Come early and 'stay late. emereEm N hite Waists This is the best time of year to buy White Waists, as all { experienced shoprers know, before all the prettiest omes get picked up. Come and see our stock' before buying end we feel confident you will go mo further than our store. NEW PLAIN TAILORED SHIRT WAISTS, White Lawn, or Linen, wide or narrow tucks, long sleeves, $1.75, §2, $2.25. DAINTY LINGERIE WAISTS, fine 'Pin Tucks, French Val Lace and Insertion, beautiful Embroidered Fromts, Three- Guarter Sleeves, Back Fastening, very sheer and fine, for $3, g .or beginning to think of their Spring ® PLAINER WHITE wAYSTS, at "i ¥1.95, 3195, $1.50, $1.65, $1.75, $1.85, $2, i Be Sure to Ask for Cash Coupons. J OOOC O00 OOOO 0000000, {Crumley Bros. SIDED ------ CENEEMEE ) VOODOO OOOO CEERENEEEEEEREEE ire Escapes ! All lengths, all sizes and to suit all con- ditions. Built to order and erected in place on short notice. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON REQUEST. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. KINGSTON FOUNDRY, nd in order to emcourage early shop- @ rp---- DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1908.° = TARDY REWARD COMES TOA HERO "OF THE INDIAN | MUTINY. { A Civilian Who Cap Captured a Town Receives"a Pension From King ! Edward After Being Ignored | Fifty Years. { London, March 6.--~During the past few days the splendid services of a feivilian 'during the Indian mutiny {fifty-one years ago haye been recog- jnisnd. The India office bas informed ¥. » Churcher that he has been awarded pension (of - $500 per annum, from 1 Room Ist, ios, Mr. Churcher is {indebted to the direct intervention of ithe king, throu his majesty's pri [vate secretary, i Knollys, for this {recognition of a romantic deed. t Mr. Churcher, now seventy-six years jold, is a tall commanding figure, His [tread is sull elastic, his manner +i inified, and his speech quiet bus fall {of force. Two of his sons are officers in the British army. Two of his brothers were killed in the mutiny, In July, 18567, when the mutiny was at its heiglit and Agra deluged with blood, J. Russell Colvin, the hapless Heutenant-governor of the united pro- vinces, sept Mr, Churcher, a young civilian, to attempt to restore British authority in KEtah, a town and fort seventy miles away from Agra, on the high road from Delhi to Cawnpore. An, order for 5,000 rupees, the greater part unceshed, is one of Mr. Church: er's treasured possessions. With this he was to raise a force and do the work, British Force Defled. How his ragged force marched from Agra; how they caught and flogged a rajah twenty miles away, who, three months before, had robbed Mr. Church- er's father and mother; how they came throogh at last to Etah are in- cidents which will provide absorbing narratives. But the great incident was the taking of Etah. "I eamé to Etah in August, 1857, with 100 horsemen and 150 foot," said Mr. Churcher, yesterday, "and called upon the rajah to allow me to oceupy the forp for the British. He planted a green flag on the wall, pro- claimed himsell a vice-general of the king of Delhi, and refused admission. That evening, camped in the mango grove near the fort, 1 heard that Swenty Sikhs who had mutinied from a regiment at Benares were approach- ing. "Knowing the dare-devil character of these men I sent for their chief and offered him and his mén 100 rupees each for a night's work. They agreed. With hed] ropes and branches of the mango trees they made storming lad- ders, which they carried in the dead of right and placed against the walls of the fort. Up they went, and 1 fol. lowed, while my men went round to the gate of the fort. It was a forlom hope, but it succeeded. "1 remember well, running along the ramparts with a spy, who knew the fort, | anil ong of the Rikbs, lopking in the dark for the rajah. e found hin sitting in his room with atten dants on either side. Ho was a fat man and slow to move, Through the glass door we, being in the darkness, could see him well, ---- Taken By Surprise. "My Sikh raised his. musket and smashed in the doors. I rushed in, a pistol in one hand, a sword in the other, The attendants drew their ~ leollected revenue, which he sent to the We have received, during the 'last few days, all of our New Spring-Shirts, New patterns. New cloths, AN Ste, mci Cad Shits with Cults Attached. Prices 50c. $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.25 and 2.50. Ask to see our Japanese Crepe Cloth in Plain Colors, Blue, Mauve and Taps at This is entirely now aud i-isade Cont Style. Cuffsattached. | swords. 1 threatened to shoot the rajuh first and them afterwards, where upon they fled, and 1 secured my pri- soner, "Meafiwhile, the rajal's soldiers had attempted t6 fly hy the gate of the fort, and later we counted forty dead in one spot. Next morning the fort was surrounded by the people of the town. 1 took the rajah to the gate and announced from the wall above it that I would hang him on the spot and turn the ten guns, which we captured on the ramparts, upon the town, il they did not disperse." Thus was Ftah taken. For: six months, until the end of the mutiny, Me. Churcher maintained * authority, relief of Agra, and képt the trunk road clear of rebels, Wounded and sick he came to England when the mutiny was suppressed, Returning again, he found that a native clerk, whose loyalty he had commended, had been made rajah of Eitan, reeeciving in place of his clerk's salary of seven ru. pees month a fortune of $150,000, For nearly half a century following the muting Mr.. Churcher, who i= a barrister, 'acted as unpaid special magistrate in the United Provinces. He is now living in a quiet flat in West London. BURIED IN POTTER'S FIELD. Satins Bolly of Young Anarchist Buried : at Public Expense. Chicago, 111., March 7. ~The body of Lastarus Averbuch, the Russian Jew, who tried to take ihe of Chi- cago's chief of police, on Monday, as buried in the potter's field. I friends or relatives, unfortunate youth of the HAmusements. MONDAY, MARCH 9th. HENRIETTA CROSMAN CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc. ¢ word: Hack tos secutive imsertiom thereafter hail cent a word. Minimum charge lor gee in sersion, 250. HELP WANTED-MALE. In a Comedy of Semth "The New Mrs. Loring" Prien; 25¢., 50c., 786, « $1.50, Seats mow on sale. Wed. March 11ib.--~Charley Grapewin, -------- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11¢y. The Joyous Comedian CHARLEY GRAPEWIN In His Merry Musical Farce. "THE AWAKENING OF MR. PIPP" Over 200 nights ind New York, Carriages at 10.45. i» Prices, 28c., Boe, 756, $1, Seats on sale Monday FIOCKEY MATCH JUNIOR INTERCOLLEGIATE SUDDEN DEATH. Trinity College, Port Hope RM.C. MONDAY, MARCH 9th. Game called at 8.154 Admission, 25c, ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF STOCK AND FIXTURES. I will sell the Stock and Fixtures of Js BB Madden & Bro. Grocers, Ly Public Auction as per. foveutory, on TUESDAY, the 10th" March, 1908, at 2.80 o'clock p.m., at the store of the above nawed inscivents in Napanee. JAS¢ Di- DAWLEY, Sheriff A Office, Napanpes, 2pd OF OUR ADVT. AND YOU WILL sov see how real We Md ome brick house, on Brook . last week for $8,100, one on Uoihorne St., for $3,100; two deen wand a store, on Johnsoft St, and ome farm near Westhrook. We Bave four more for sale. Inguirg at the Windsor Hotel, the best dollar fivuse in Kipgston. We have a large hotel fur sale, and sSgme dwels lings to Tent, Ui PARDEE, Rea Sherifl's arch, 1908, ¥ Estate. SEALED "Inspectors nth " re , Ee of vont | Tory fiscal org 0. institutions, namely -- Kingston Penitentiary. St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary Dorchester Penitentiary, Manitoba Penitentiary. British Columbia Penitentiary. Alberta Penitentiary, Idmonton, Alta. Separate tenders will be received for each of the following elasses of suppiies:-- -- Coal. 9. Groceries. Coal Oil. 10. Hardware, Cordwood, . Leather, . br , 12. Milk. 6. Dry Goods. 13, Oils and Paints. . Forage, 14, Pork and Bacon. Fresh Fish. 15. Sole leather. 8. Fresh Meat. 16. Tinware. Détails of information as te form of contract, together with forms. of tender, will be furnished on application to the Wardens, All supplies are subject to the approval Warden. DOUGLAS STEWART, GEO. W. DAWSON, Inspectors of Penitemtiaries, Department of Justice, TES DOLLARS FINE FOR PROV. ING THIS IR A FRAUD, oF Enema P The Caneiffast and American Shoe Re- fg Buap, oa Friocess St., will x on your Point Koad Pointers. Point Road; March 7.~A number from here attended the euchre party at T, M¢Garvey's on. Moaday night; a very pleasant eveping was spent: B. Molton and W, Ruttan are busy fill- ing their ice-houses. B, Quinn has dis- posed of his handsome carriage beast to W. Henderson, Brockville, for $2060. She was one of the fisesy in the coun- try. Mr. Quinneseeently purchased an- other colt from .a Wolle Island farm- er, which can show a 2:30 glip easily. T. Baxter is in a pair of colts, to do 'his fapey WiVing this summer. T. Barrett has purchased a fine draught mare. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Hase of ri N.Y., at Mr, aod Mrs. John Quinn' . Kennedy, at C, Curtis' ; MEsIs piddon at T. Quinn's: C. E. Barrett spent Sunday with friends in the Sify. Aylesworth's Amgmidment Good. Rideau Stock Fam, March 7.--(To the Editor) : I would like to draw at- tention to oa clause in the amendment to the Dominion election act by Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, as something very much to be desired by the counties, as it would plage county voters on an equal standing with those of a city. The present law al- 'lows city voters to i and to he on the Voters' liste wp to a days before as elettion, while a qualified county Woler's mame is not on the list which #8 revised usually sometimes two years befor: an elec tion, he has no Nalress whatever. The amgdracut ja provides that by skjat oath that he iv legally Analified, elector SMART BOY TO LEARN PRINTING. Apply et Whig pilice. MAKERS, APPLY, Geo. Ay Smid, TWO CHEESE stating salary ta Farhan. 1A pINING ROOM GIRL FOR SALE, 8x Foor SHOW Mediey's Drug Store. ALD AY CHORE boy et once. Apply Iroquois Hotel PLAIN SEWING DONE, OF ANY kind. Call or write to Mrs. Cayiess, King street, pver Armstrong's. FARM, Lot PURCHASE A SMALL DWEL ling, with about 15 acres, near the city J. 8S. R. McUann, 51 Broek St TO . hose, a Jobsison street, the property of t ate Son, now used as « dwelling and @- uwmber's shop. ta Meswrsy alien & Walkem A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards pr cellars, or othes aeisn, Prices right. AS Liasa" se HELP WANTED--FEMALE. MAIDS, AT Apply 7 GENERAL to ¥ am. HOSPITAL. hy 3 Y SOLID BRICK $11 tchen, 6 bed rooms Recently removata ed throughout. Possession 1st May, Also pair of goodl houses Nos. 60 gad 623 Wellington street, Apply As By Carter, DWELLINGS TO REIL AT $10, $12. $18. $14, $18, ¥20 snd 25 McCann's Heal Estale Agency, y Brock street. A GOOD COOK, APPLY MRS, HIRAM Calvin 1831 King street, HOUSEMAID. APPLY Stewart Robertson, Cor, West St. TO MRS Sydenham D, St. TWO GIRLS, FOR GENERAL HOT FL, work. Good Address Mrs, B. Keéntfieid, Sohlcuevitie. N X.Y. oni: TEACHER, FOR 8.8, NO. 4, ERNEST. town. State salary and qualifca- tions. Send testimouiels 1a m Caitskill, Secy., Collin's Bay. AGENTS WANTED. MONEY GUARAN- portraits on pillow tops 80c. Crayons, Bromides, Oilet- tes, Pearls, Paintings, Fraunes, low est prices. Catalogue free. Ritter Ari Studio, $19 W, Van Buren, Chicago, n., U.S.A, SITUATIONS VACANT, Soy TO LEARN barber trade in weeks ; Rtes earn a ilare weekly [a shure Laeitiom Le -- Queeu and Spadina, Torontds AGENTS---BIG teed, Enla AND SITUATION WANTED. EDUCATED, WISHES Private secretary D0 Whi YOUNG LADY position in office preferred. Apply Bex De, ARCHITECTS, ARTHUR. ELLIS, AROHITECT, OF fice, Cor, Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, etc. Anchor Buikling, Market Square. 'Phone, 845: POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, coraer Brock and Welliugton stréets. 'Phone, 313, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. floes, second floor over Mahood's® store, cotner ¥ and Pag streets. Fontrance on ireet, Phone, 608. HISTORICAL ALBUM Ter-centenary. In order that the grand demanstra- | tion which is to be prepared and will | take plate in August next in the city of Quebec, the city of the everlasting memory continent, may leave membrance in the public mind, mittee has been formed for the pose 'of publishing and offering sale, at the time of the demonstration and festival, an illustrated work, 12 inches hy IS in size, embracing the history of Canada, from Jacques-Car tier yp to our time, as well as that of Champlain and his epoch, That collection of historical memor ies will be entitled, "The Commemo- rative and Historical Album' ter-centenary city of Quebee, both fancy and that it may be sold the reach (probably thus it ought to be in every poor as well as rich. Tha album will | be published under the patronage of | the following personages : Lord Grey, OV ernor-general of Canada: Honorable Sir Wilirid - Laurier, Right Honorable, Sir Louis-Amable Jette, vince of Quebec; Quebeo cabinet ministers, prominent Canadians. an enduring re a com pu for It will be printed common paper, at pricés within 50c. and $1) and | 80 and 914 St. Denis street, Montreal, will be pleased to receive any communication which will be Kindly made to him. concerning the publieation-of the work. A fact that will make that work ap pear extraordinary and will give it a national character is that the ments it will, contain with photo- | graphic sights and original engrav- ings, have never been published and will be gathered in Canada, Paris, | London: from the museums, libraries, | stamp galleries, national archives, and also from private persons who will kindly lend the documents in their possession, ers, who the large number of copies, which will | the general agent, J. O. Leger, 316} New York Life building, Montreal, who will answer all enquiries, You're not satisfied with your looks. How can you be with such disfiguring pimples, such rough, uneven skin? Blood is full of humors, and it's no wopsder you look and feel pooriv. You are languid Appetite is misernble Sleep in hard to get. Snap and vim are lackin~., ton' give instant a feeling of mew life in a few | Unlike strong purgatives, De, Ham ilton's Pills ere Sacendingly Cunningham TO BT * IO-LET, BRICK HOUSE, ON ALFRED ST. NO. 807, opposite. Victoria Fark. Foss May. Apply 508 Princesg iENTLEMEN Suits DRESSY Way s. antesd to please, pext to Bibby's Livery, Brook CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, FURNI Pianos, or oy article for stor , OF any way For nr taforwation, | | Adurnes 's Carriage Works, Prineess St \ LOST. *ON FRIDAY, BE- Square and head of Finder kinxily return to » ssion, ise AVE water. furpace McQann's, 5 y COR, J 5 - A FURNISHED ROUSE, 289 ALFRED St. Home of the mate Major King, hot water heating, gas, etc Appi cants may see house, from 4 ta 64 Apply on premises, A BROWN MUFF t ween Market LARCH ENAMELLED BELT PIN black silk belt attached. Thursday FOR SALE OR TO RENT. afternoon, on Brock, Ulergy Ty IT RE AY Willimum, Bagoi, or Montreal Sts vo HOUSES, NOW VAC AN POU roe! « Reward for return to Whig offic at low price, or pos FOUND. LADIES WATCH AND © HAIN with owner's name ow case, on Um street, Detween Division and Barri Sts. Owner apply at 144 Barrie 5 PERSONAL. THALSTEAL AD moved for street, PROF | Psycin lays 1 AND few ba 1'Al MIST Inst where MONEY AND BUSINESS. PUR Lon. COVER MORE OF ng and contents tham any other le Examite them at Insurance Bmporium, Mark. HATR, RIN PHMARKS, » warts, ete, without scar ence. Dr. Elmer Nose fhroat Specta alist, 258 Bagot company Godwin 's st Square. WIVERPAOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Insurance Company, Available pT $61,187 215. In addition to which the policyholders bave for security the unlimited lability of all the stockholders. Farm and city pro~ porty insured at lowest possible Before renewing old or giving Suis Tusiness get. rates from Strang & Strange, Agents. "Phone, 568. BUSINESS CHANCES. BOATS, COWARD'S BOAT FACTORY, Block House, Kingston has nine <dvsets on hand for Kingstonians Launches, Ny 4 Doatas and Racers a Skin Ble ois street, ONTAR 10 has Ly far the fam circulation There® in for" bent Anglican fore the reputation snd results Lisa BUSINESS CARDS. . J. IRCH removed {rom ELECTRICIAN ly attended to; est mates MARRIAGE LICENSES. 'THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT To. Be Published For the Quebec | of French civilization on this of the of the foundation of the | on | home, the Right | § the | lieutenant-governor of the Pro i the Canadian and | other | The editor will be Dr. R. Villecourt, | one of | the most learned of our present writ- | doeu- | church session considered the question A few pages will be reserved for ad- lof the proposed veriising purposes, and on account of | after a lengthy discussion decide be- sold, the firms that would like to gation, at publish an advertisement or any kind | over of announcembnt are begged to apply | further at once, for the speeial circular, to | were added to the communicants roll i Explains Cause of Pimples And Tells How to Cure. the entire : system, fortifv the blood i Let your medicine be Dr. Hamilton's impart Eile They CO. eH KIRKP ATRICK ISSUER a inity vices right, easy pay~ en Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. ments ; call or write. Unitarian. REV. C, W. CASSON. The Resurrection Of Religion. Men day the church is dying, and] | got without good cause. The outer | emblems of religion certainly do not appeal to men as once they did. Reit i gions authority is being everywhere doubled and old standards are bein displaced breaking up like dr time. Religion only its winter The fact and | datly grow Creeds are NOW in spring passing, but ja coming 15 not ts summer the force and mote real and strong. Religion as- | serting itself in the lives of men It is rising to new heights in the altruism of the Religion for grows and Jove remain, is race. grows, ove AT VAN LOVEN'S. ton, Casson, at 25 Mass., for the Address, Beacon street, literature. Rev, C. Bos %. Rolle Peas nay sh Whaat Corn, E I), Senith's } Big Advance i in Teas Buy now "and save LWe F. W. Nar Liiven Phone 417 « 246 Princess Bt {Jt you bave any City Property io sell, Hist it with we at ence. 1 have several clients ot of town who want te buy in Kivigstonn before May next, T. J. Lockhart, | Real Estate and Insurance Agent 159 Wellington St. Chalmers' Church Session. afternoon, Chalmers THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT socrery TSTABLISHED, 1863. President--8ir Richard Cartwright. Money losped om Cny and Farm Pry pertionl Murdcipal County Debts sures, Me purchased, DepowiLe received and rent allowed 8. C. MoGill, Managing Director, ATTENTION, F URNACES r fernace meeds repairing, ig fone in the way o od Plumiing. give me ot get prompt stlention sed Yesterday but 1 not matter to the congre but to leave it (uasbion was me hers church union, to submit the present, until the union advanced. Twenty BH you want as » ry wilt good satisfaction. Phone 335 DAVID , Thmewt PEVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades $1 comj goaranteed. STRACHAN"S. New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10830 am, Ww 3 Sm, S54 est place to get as ali rousd Lonel Ng the city. Meals of oii Side on shoruet notices Fangi<b a and Chinese specialty, #53. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer wi BROCK ST. ow Carriages, Cutters, Hammess: Baie ot Horms rus Baturday, ---------------- A one dollar quart hot water hot tle for H0c., at Wade's Drug Store. rete, quality vegetable extracts such as Mandrake 'and Butternut, and can be taken by young or old with absolute safety '1 Jearned something very valaable Pills," of Meri: pimples The tone after using Dr, Hamilton's writes Miss Effie homson, den. "F used to ve ug that much embarrassed and purifying eflect of Dr. Hamilton's Pills completely restored me. My {health is spletidid, and my complexion a crest aredit to this marvellous me eure so thoroughly, os oll dealers, 93c. per box, or bose for 81. By mail from & Bt rans Unty nd USA, VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE 3 Doub} CHURCHMAN, KINGSTON, . in 1 250; =f

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