Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Mar 1908, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1908. --- mr - nmi - ---- ey TES PALIN, = gf Reporters on Their Rounds. | | I COMMOTION 15 CAUSED), 57555 R= i: occummences hecounres To the woman who bakes, dE [Ca oo tage 10, Weese's wall pa- : | A | Matters That 'Interest Everybody | , . > | G wr sale all next week. 1 Royal 1S the greatest of BY RATE ARANCE OF! William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders! --Notes From all Over--Little | - . : : SOME MEMO! |reouived at McAuley's. "Phove 778. | of Everything Easily Read] 1 time and labor savers, : ae, ly wl tage Boo a1 |. 2 orion Easy 2d} To.Night, 7.30 to 10 O'clock. * 1 Bd . the & k, {bursday, i take, please | : ! 3 , Makes home baking casy, Ll [Of the Kaiser's Tutor and Life- (the ink, fhund ot aN Hea | The Brantiord coundt 3 adlock stilt | A special purchase en- { long Confident--Active Search| ju... gum rubber hot water bags, | continues between the grit and tory | ables us to give our cus- 1 ure and a rofit, 4 1 Made--The Secrets Were Evi. | waranteed, at Gibson's Red Gross aldermen while the city's business jo 8 : ¢ Dade-Tie jSusesnter | neglected tomers 4 particularly good 5 drug . § . 5 i s , » 3 Bay Sh a ohlidatin} papers | Capt. McArthur hag just completed | The population of toon, Je. : : things To-night. These & 7 which contain important state secrets | the work of Putting in a new boiler { ording -- est ain. iw { we will offer at 7.30 : have been stolen from the effects left [in H. 8. F plats yacht, Ramona, {during en Neatly nine hundee - : the late Privy Councillor Hintzpeter, | See our splendid assortment Ba er indbor doard of Ec ion ) the tutor and lifelong friend of the |réady-made corsets at Bbc. , 65¢., 75¢., | Vi yh ane Hoary <ul Hpmratia - 3 \ . Fine White Kiser, . [Myand up. New York less Reform. | gi wl ; Cotton Sheets The privy councilor was for years | Now is the time to bly wall paper. | id 35.000 more » the board's: pay | \ . the eg behind the throne" in | Price away down, at Fraser's, 75 Wi.. | add THIN hore. 3 Whe bay pu 72 i nel wid by 86 G H sed the emperor's | lam street j roll. 5 { u 108 e y Ge 3 resed the emperor's . ithi Pas seks re : : _ : Conner ee nperore fin ipeet. Friday was very hard | Within the past two weeks there | " inches lopg, finished with ave been five post office robberies in ! : | ' § . he was really responsible for the | on the wires around the city, and | Essex county, the last one or wrring | 8 "a 23 inch hem. These are . ! ince *. vere blown down, requiring re- ; 5 » downfall of Prince Bismarck | many we, . " {at Ruthven when a small quantity of 4 TV ¥ b : Herr Hintzpeter was to the emperor | pairs this morning, . tons and som postage stamps were a godt heavy English y z what Busch, the historian. was to! Have your eyes tested at Best's and { secured iE ] | se . rv L Bismarck, and those two men knew pave i | Fifty-one of the libel actions brought Cotton, of close weave more about the Bismarck controversy | "The market on Saturday morning |. ployees, giving increases which will | and considered excellent | : | than any other persons alive, save the { was fairly well attended, and the |!" vomnection with the newspaper | : HM value at $3.00 to 2.25 per r kaiser and the chancellor offering of prodace was much larger { trinl of Mrs i ' BE ' : Perkins, at Cayuga The only Baking Powder made 7 In view of his intimate friendship, than usual. There was no change in have been dismissed by consent with \ of T. " ] with the emperor and the enormpus pat TY 4 husky throat, Zymole Tro. | out costs i \ . from Royal Grape Cream artar influence he possessed, the privy coun or tha y p 44Y The liguor license foes were raised | * ours Oo-nig t - yy * HE] | lllor's papers are of the highest im- keys, at Gibson's Red (Cross aug in Havel oh ou a vote of the people . bod » . : = 2 portance, and their Jose has caused |store. Phone us0, : : from 3230 to £750, and go into offoct | With minimum trouble and cost bis, Ut] | on extraordinary eensation. Many | The walks were in a very slippery May ' : 4 75 vomments made in connection witl . pair. Ist. Three hotel-keepers affectod | cuit, cake and pastry are made fresh, roparding the meats feng circulated | condition, this' morning, before the | May 1st. Three hotel-k business. The regarding the motive for the theft. men went the rounds with the sand. vote » . carried b jority of ninety- clean and greatly superior to the ready- The privy councillor took the pre- {An old gentleman fell on Ontario five. Tied by a majority of ninety . . H | caution belore his death to destroy street, and received a severe shaking -------- { Er . made, dry, found-in-the-shop variety, HH} | mavy confidential documents, and he up, Re : STRIKE AT WINDSOR. | a . decreed by will that other papers, Livel contains concentrated cod i 1 Ow y which contain interesting revelations | liver oil, malt extract, wild cherry , | " of Furopean secret history during the | bark, iron, quinine, etc, Nothing bet- Tunnel Woskien, Haat More Pay | a rrr RE a Cini _-- 4 [last threé decades, should remain wn- | ter to build up a rea-down system. ; an orier Hours. | published for at least fifty years, Get it today at Best's drug store. induc, Sut . Nok, 3- Fua hun ALL SAMPLES. Some strange clues have been fol- The walks throughout the city are [dred men employed on this end of the | 93 Pp ine 45 4 y lowed by the authorities without sue- | in very bad condition this morning. | new Michigan Central tunnel work, | 42 inches around, 44 inc hes around, 45 inches . ---------- EE a nn. Dio due Il th police to the A little sand on Princess and Brock | struck last night for wages. They | around, Some are wide hemmed, others are ro ASK FOR* CHANNEL ould be an easy thing. | village of Lesse, in Lorraine, and the streets, would have been a great help | "4¥ that in view of the dangerous = wide hemstitched, all different qualities. i i i | i If the scheme is carried out, sli up- | judge of the district court at Delma, carly this morning. Quite a few ped: | disagreeable nature of the work, they x ' : - . « : on th East Sid f Fight bound vessels will use the ( anadian | near Metz, made out an order for cer- ple who were on their way down town | want three dollars per day of eight Some 2 pairs of a make, others 3, I ord pairs : e as mide © IRhting { channel, and down-hound boats th, | tain buildings at Lesse to be search- | early in the morning had severe falls, | hours, i stead al Seventeen and one { of a make. These will be sold at a bargain 2 Island, American, the latter now being used | 6d; but no trace of the mssmg papers | Order your. corset before having | half cehts per hour for a ten-hour day | T ight Shetroit, Mich + Ma¥eh 7.<In addi. | entirely for traffic in bith directions. | was found |Your spring gown made, We make to [8% paid now. They intend to organize o-night. i | : te and ole A tt to the Livingstone channel and ---------------------- A valet formerly in the ivy com- | order any style of corset, and guaran- |® Union at once and claim that work ' 3 . de n i ke Erie, theough the lower Detroit Notice, cillor's service was arrested on Sus- (tee a perfeet. fit, New York Dress Re- | in their lite is suspended at the Wind- | ter to the westward of Bois Blane, | J. P. Forrest, the King street gents' fie bun of being concerned in the | form, sor end. A Manufacturer's Set of Samples of heft, Te ---------------------------- ich will be com Meted in 1911, pro- | furnishor, earvies five thousand dollar : but no evidence could be found | Do your papering now and save 4 winent Canadian hi OWRBFS we | ato k (36,000) of the latest styles of | 82®inst him, and he has been releas- money. See Fraser's large stock, 78 Fought Battle 'With Axes, * 8 others will ask the Dominion govern- | shirts, collars, ties, hats caps, ete ed, although still kept under surveil- i William street. Moutreal, March 6.~Two' brothers, dies Back t to open a chanel on the east | and sells them atl the lowest prices in | lance. ; 2 | The basketball game which was to (Martel, who are in a lumber camp om Ae of Fighting Island, to be used en- | the city, I Seems certain that Herr Mintz [ave Saket Jute a She Y.M.CA. iid St. Faustin, had a terrible hustle wely by up yound 'vessele. This x peter s memoirs contain passages, the last night, between the local team and {With axes this norning, and. one of ¢ . - aay by up ind gles : i than. Eyes tested by an expert at Best's | Publication of which would embarrass | Watertown, was called off, Watertown Po was killed, while the other wae | 135 in the lot, none worth less than 25¢ waters, There ig plenty of water most | Gold filled glasses complete for 21.50. exalted personages in German {having seut word that they would be severely wounded 2 | and fiom that up. 4h! ie way and as the channel is ah. Sale of special Dip Hip corse's. 65c. Suspicions are entertained that the lunable to come. The final game he. | They began dri king on the feas | Blutely free from rocks deedeing 1 Now York Dress Reform. theft was perpetrated by enterprising | tween St. James' and Waldron's was [days preceding Tent. and both were | ' BR 10 9 RP adventurers whe desire to sell the 'also postponed, funder the influence of hquor when YOUR CHOICE TO-NIGHT, manuscript to some foreign covern. | E h 7c Each. | {the tragedy occurred. ment or to anti-German publicists, | The March Rod And Gun. { -- ms who could exploit _ the information Hunting takes the prid of place ii Shot Through Hand they contain for their Own purposes, the March number pF ron ney ta Mount Forest, March 7 Henry | | | nott, an Egerton farmer, was and Motor i EE Rn Daa Sports in C ' , tf : » PRAISES LEMIEUX ACT. [nad Motor i heeded Brae Th hand, yesterday, by 2.000 Yards of . ] Ont. From the fascinating sport of | Yen Shand, of Egertah. Chief ( ringle, | ' fi Professor Shortt Claims it fis caribou hunting 'in Newfoundland we | of Mount Forost, who was sent for, | Best Law of the Kind. ' op - are taken to deer stalkin in - the | placed Shand under Arrest, Thomas Val d Sydney, N. S8., March 7.-Prof. | Gatineau Vailey, Minting os i Que: Ryan,' acting bailiff, of Mount Forest] enciennes an ® ® Shortt, of Kingston, chairman of the | hee Preserve, a successful hunt in sad _Hs {nate Ney making a gies I conciliation board, now sitting to en- Muskoka: and a successful one in New | OM Shand, and there followed an alter ew Pp ng 1 S quire into the dispute existing 'be [ Brimswick. The C. P. R. Wolf Hunt | cation, during which Shand fired el . uny aces | tween Hhe Dominion ar _-- {is told about, while & bear hunt js | hot i L pany and employees, spoke of t ® Le | also described. These papers are vari- | --_-- : », in "ye : 87 only Spring Suits. Every single one | mieux at, its erieral effic nay i | ou hy an excellent one on the blood | Lumen at Guelph. PR : Rome Very Slibice pat x us i he Tot, i 3 , scope, ¢ regarded the act as hig ¥ | hound. Some rough backwood g- | Guelph, March J Pec t 108 , ein ac OC; vard., has a distinct and Separate sty le. They practical in its operation, and there | periences show the oy - com. | train from Toronto, with several hun ge vs are made in the very latest New Y ork and fore, useful to a degree not attained pared with the glitter of the life on | dred members. of the tanadian Press : Yours O~ni ht London Styles, handsomely trimmed and by the labor laws of other countries | the frontiers of civilization Good il: | Association ad their ladies, arrived | | g ' which have not been so successful. {lustrations are a feature of this pum. [0 the city, this morning, at e n | ined, His greatest asset, thinks Professor | her, f o'clock. The newspaper people, after ! Shortt, lies in the fact of its being an a reception at the station, were ¢on- | . . alternative measude in the matter of Livol And La Grippe. fYoved to the 0.A.C., the Wonders of | In Blacks and Colors, Plain Striped its results rather than a compulsory | From repeated tests Livol is ihe l which they are viewing this afternoon ) : a one, and that although it is incum- | i i or 08 { ee | and Fancy Effects $15 17 50 20 | bant upon the parties. at variance of ost tonic 3 Jick ou - imi el Bought Mine For $8,000,000 Tee . » * y » submit before all else to itg_provi { cate stomach and ig quickly absorbed } Chihuahua, Mex., March 7.--The ne | Ons, 1t does not prohibit the carry-| into the system. Its benefic ial effect js | 0Uations of Charles M > hwab and | LONG KID GLOVES, 22.50, n. 30. See them. ion 28 strikes and lock outashould { quickly noticed. Weakness fades aw a) | assoc intes lo buy ti . fan . -. f ntos} Sms Fits . a i. actory terms be unable t0 be | before it and health and strength fol. | Mite in the Santa Fulalia district a i In New Tan Shades and Black. obtained, | closed. The consideration given is {low its use. It is' the best re-¢on- | | 1.50's ecial | : t 1-4 a : chiwah's recent | JU Special, ST ---- | struetive tonic sold BR.O000,000. gold. Schwal onan | $L I £ Every bottle is | & % A Coming Treat | 7 te od "Vou one. will he} h o | Nee IT AQ REE STONE IN res The largest and handsomest range of During Wednesday and Thursday of | Siomnteed, and your money will | [do with the transaction A LADIES' BLACK CASHMERE STOCKINGS, | visit to England and France of | quickly refunded if jt fails to do just | y 25¢ and 35e, 39¢, 49¢. 5 - - most popular play ever staged, will [ton, at the "Best" Brug Store § . Et ! 4 Embroideries ie presen at Tha ia: hers wre bole 3 for 530, 8 oor | eaSABLISHED 1859, al} LADIES' WHITE COTTON UNDERVESTS, h more actors and more dramatic com | -- | " T-- _ -- be | » | y next week, Uncle Tom's Cabin, the | as recommended. Sold only in Kings- | panics presenting Uncle Tom's Cabin |' Subseriptio 2 Winter weight, very comfortable, 35¢. y A 200 11 re ptions To Be Asked : a than any other I plays now on the | Ir vesterd 8 ssue } was stated | i SIACRY Fe . . . in Kingston at Moderate Prices. iin ho "tenn an, iF was stated | i NEW CORSETS, for spring wear, | stage. that the citizens would not be asked | 3 . & | for subseriptions for the Victoria Day pe | 75¢, 50¢, $1. id . i All E b Two Small Fires. loatebi sharge of . rut } ] ration, mn charge of the Kingston . over m roi eries | The fire brigade had a call, vester- Gentlemen's Driving association Sub | 4 ' . * day afternoon, to James street, to [seriptions will be asked as usual, as | Corset Cover Embroideries J =. hi | hotse of James Young. This mornitg [of ra n the committee has to depend | a . . about eleven. o'clock the brigade pu rehiefly upon its collections to de fray | . gings, Beadings, Insertions ott a small blaze in the Clarified Milk [expenses of the afternoon events. : | | 3 special makes, just received. extinguish a stovepipe blaze in the fan advance fund must be had. In case | cofapany's building. Electrie_. wires ---- ignitéd- the ceiling: ! With Lodged Hate ? . { Toronto Star; ' "A Romance In Ireland." | Prof. Macoaughton, of Queen's Uni ol | Nae, Bisob Vall... EXCLUSIVELY: § ° ; 4% New Black Yoiles A decided treat is in store for "all versity, refuses to take back any of y Jette to whom the uplifting of the [his remarks on the Lan-aster episode. 1 3 + i . "{Irigh race is dear, in the forthcoming [As a result, Lancaster, M.P., is said to HIGH CLASS: For Skirts and Dresses, in coarse and fine engagement at The Grand on Satur- {regard the professor with the lodged - ca meshes. 60, 75, 90c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50. day. March 14th, of the noted young (hate that he ordinarily feels tow ards | i comedian singer, Allen Doone, in his [level crossings. | vew awd successlil comedy-dramatic gst. | FUR * New Broadcloths production, "A Romance In Ireland." To-Night At Mullins', Had A Jolly Time Mild cheese, per 1b. 150. : . " . 6 Ibe. sweet mixed hLise ils, We. In all the latest shades, thoroughly Spong- A surprise party, held Friday night, Pure lard, 2 To, pe . 1 is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lem. Fresh eges for boiling. doz., Be. | B CY, ; ees Relea ed and shrunk, at 2c, $1.00, 1.10, 1.25, mon, Princess street. was & folly ~ af Crisp bc ven i uly Ee John McKay Fur House, gos 0 O00 . "Hse sess AR sae 1.85, 1.50. : fair. Dancing and card playing Pro-| Ueod print butter, por Ih. 3% A comparison of these values will prove {Siiod Plenty of amusement, and evesy- ose. ava Coffee, fresh ground, per KiNGsTox, & st Week of the Display on 0 to be superior to anything in eee Corner Joh d Division streets. | 8. . : the chty at the same prices. hig | At The Police Gout. oe Juno wd i Bargain Tables. st OOOO In the police court, to-day, a middle Returned To The Home. * " aged man was accused of using threat: Mrs. Tryom, one of the inmates of After this week the tables and goods on them will be laid . fening language to some of his rela- the House of Industry, was given per- away and the "Store House Cleaned," and arranged for spring : = : SL Hh and he Sass was ioutued a Jniasion, on Wedhesdas, to go to She . 34 business. : onday. ¥ _ 8% (hospital bat did' not return tot A i : OPALINE : t \ institution until last night, and cans. ' 3 ALL THIS WEEK WE OFFER THE cprears that she 'Wad. Boor ivi | ADA : FOLLOWING BARGAINS $ ai appears that had on staying 1 hy, © ) The Correct Lining in All Colors. e with soow friends on, Earl street, PR o " One Table Ladies' Fine Patent and Rid Boots, regular we =e = -------- Ss 75, for «~~ 32.75 Church otis. h B ed i regular Cooke's Presbyterian Church. Pro h i % - a street. --The pastor, Rev, W. S. Mae ! One Table, rezular 83, for i Tavish, - PhD. wilt preach at both . Pes. i One Table regular $2.50, for «Sunday school, Bible classes Yi 8 P51 ne Rae Ruler 32, far L mission st el t 3pm! ] ) : ) t ies' ea Ottawa hockey club expires to-night, | voune ate ass -- lone of 2 A | Shoes, regular $3, for - =< . - and the Kingston hockeyist will return evening serciees Strangers wekone 8 One Zable Tadiey One 8 ¥ A i------------------ e regular 1.50, for vers mewn dy One Lot Misses' $2 Boots, for «ssuvunns "musa 81.60 ©he Zoockett Shoe Store. VRE CE A CTS A SOs a NEP = 8 DOOOO! oy A ov ae EEEPEREREEEE

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