a a --. Class One Way ary 20 to April 29, | Various B. C,| 10 0m fculars wt K. Office; Ontar +P. CO Gem Points, Vancouver, Seat: & P., io St. NWAY, Pass, Agent, A DURABLE FLOOR VARNISH Made by The Sheraine Williams €o.01s tough and elastic. Doesn't scratch or mar readily under foot wear. Can be walked on next day after application. Has a lasting lustre, Easy tle, { Portland, ete. | and C, | Bay of Quinte Railway New nih for oeal | line COLONIST RATES eh. 29th to A nF : and, Ore . igo, Cal, Los » are " ranch Time Table at Cily 5 leave and i, Foot of Johnson Tweed, [ to, pod all} yf Ciy® Hall Depot . DICKSON, Agent B.Q ty, Kmgston. | B.C., Victoria, B.C. Seattle, Wash, rriots, at4 pm RAILWAY EEA] pril 29th. $50.3 arrive treety GOING WEST. Lye. ( 12.88 . 285 - 9.15 213 ir, Lad, 12385 7 only avilion " 15 toca) : HGOING . 1 8 mal . 2 14 Joes me EAS | ¥ F ap Cor, 5 a.m, Jty Arr un. a.m, T. ity J 1.43 a.m, express 2.35 a.m AT, mw. ly ohnson Jo Pi and | INTERCOLONIAL ST NARLT 5 4 oyal Mail Trains From Mont G real CONNECTING WITH loyal Mail Steamers From Halifax 4 to Liverpool) | YDIA E. PINKHAM'S inada's Famous Trai HE MARITIME XPRESS NTREAL Fridays at 12.00, from female weakness, and despite Passengers 1 , Touching St HALIFAX the fol bageage an the steamer's | lowing Satur to Halifax Napanee, | Trak Corbett's, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARC i ru THE WHIG, 75th YEAR ! > pay BRITISH WHIG, published a 3 1 319 mg street, ingston, Ontario, at per { year Eitions WF 0 oR o'dlock p.m. | WEEKLY BRITISH W 110, 16 pages, pub i lished in parts on Monday and Thursday morn {ing at $1 a year. To United States, charge { for postage has to be made 80c. for Daily; | 80c. for Weekly. Lg one of the best Job Printing Canadu;_ravid. stylish, and cheap | work; mine, imp presses, | The British Whig Publishing Co., L'd. DW. J. B. PENSE, | anaging Director. | * - Daile Whig. AMENDING THE LIBEL LAW, The contentions of the publisher of the Whig, before the Canadian {Association cannot be gainsaid. In {dealing with the law of libel he lelaimed that the man who, from a pub- that to news- | i } Press lic platform, makes statements lare not correct should be called ! ccount, therefore, with the | paper, that the lability of the printer [is not the greatest and most serious. Similarly the writer of a defamatory letter should be called to account jequally with the publisher. It may be said that the editor of a paper afte sud exclude from the paper any ar- [ticke or letter which deals personally with any one, and in an offensive way. {Sometimes the language is veiled, how- | West Angeles, al 4 reins $52 City | 1.07 a.m, 3.17 a.m DAT uma, woon 12.56 pom. " 8.19 p.m. 3.51 pm w TOB p.mg 7,88 p.m | | rican women our are daily sacrificing their lives to duty, | In order to keep the home neat { and pretty, the children well dressed and tidy, women overdo, A female { weakness or displacement is often | brought on and they suffer in silence, drifting along from to worse, knowing well that they ought to have help to overcome the pains and aches which daily make life a burden. It is to these faithful women that + | VEGETABLE COMPOUND comes as a boon and a blessing, {08 it did to Mrs. W. Barrett, of 602 | Moreau St, Montreal, who writes {to Mrs. Pinkham : { "For years I was a great sufferer every remedy Jiten me by doctors for this trouble, I grew worse. | Ome day a friend advised me to try RAINS carrying prscongors | Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- J a, ails when inward steamn- | pound, Not connect with the MARITIME , eave HALIFAX immediate he arrival of the compectigns for it awk ints west. DR TIC EMATIO UNK 1 3 Xj sppl ABLWAY AGEN » 141 St Ottawa, stoamer, mak- I, or to Joumes St, QUEBEC §. 8. COMPANY BERMUDA i} in 45 hours at 10 am, from Ner * fortnightly iu Fetruary India Cruises from Now York Steamer "Guiana," 7 up-to-date 'every 10 days, Healy of scenery otal perfection of | i these trips ere (unsurpassed pamphlets Suding tates wll godormation,. #Hply to A Agonts, ratod werd CRERITGE IR he « GEL & 2% fmprovements t-cluss steamers sail from New 410. LAN 8,700 nn Broadway v Quebec i us, of. . SERS WVE; LINE '0 LIVERPOOL B Sty Joh ont G.T.R. CK, Local Halltax, Mar, ag. Sat., Mar. 14 nr 27. Sat:, Mar. 28 of Oy 8, Agnts, Toronto, | | IS AND FurTHER IN- ham's Vege '10 nharest GRAND ontréal Ticket Office ship "fer || Why dont new Twin Screw Steamship 8,000 tons, Sailings every Sat- |i wud For | I did so, and am thankful to | Say that it made me strong and well." {FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty Joa Lydia E. Pink. table Compound, made {from roots and herbs, been the {standard remedy for female il and has positively cured thousands 'women who have been troubled with ments, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, i folarities, Jperiodic pains, backache, t hear. ied, feeling, flatulency, indiges- {on, dizziness, or nervous prostration. Jou try it? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick 'women to write. her for advice. [She has guided thousands to 'health. Address, Lynn, Mass. F. W. BOS CHEN Member Uonsolidated Stocw Exchange of New York. GRAIN Bought and Sol for Cask or pM © Margin, DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE TON.Y W. HECTOR H. RUME, mox. STOCKS, BONDS and | fever, that the slander or libel is not apparent on the surface, and though the writer is known he is not, Be the law stands, amendable for damages, he newspaper has to stand the at- tack, if one is made. The Canadian ress Association seeks amendments to the law so that the publisher will not have to bear the whole brunt, as now, of the evil doing of the speaker or writer. The slanderers on the orm and wn the press are not deserv- plat- inz of protection and it is not desired that they should have it. "DUPLICITY AT EVERY TURN." Mr. McKay, the leader of the oppo- sition, is calling for information which the government is supposed to have, and the handing out of which will help to clear the gituation, Mr. Whit- ney made an oracular deliverance at the banquet he was tendered a week ago, but he was beautifully vague and the papers which wsunally support him are demanding further light. It is up to the municipalities, said the premier a few days ago, to do something. It is up to the government rather to tell the people where it stands, now that a new monopoly has appeared, as a result of its action. The Telegram has no hesitation in agserting that the government has abandoned the municipalities; that it had the chance, in acquiring the pro- perty of the Electric Development company, to serve the people, and 'missed it. The World which has been greatly enamored of the government's power policy, is suffering some anxiety be- cause of the change of circumstanc- It says Mr. Whitney was not can- did and clear in Lis late address that he was "'not sufficiently specific," that there are people who have reason to believe he is nurturing in the cabinkt men who are not friendly to the peo- ples cause, and that "there js dupli- city at every turn of the question." The Worid is not disposed to stand any nonsense any dodging, -any decep- tion, and it "plainly "intimates that "the whole battle for public owner- ship of Niagara power will have to be fought over again in the coming elections." : Mr. McKay 'is the data for which he has moved to no purpose, He will be heard again upon the subject some of those days, aud it will be the debate of the session. The power scheme has been a very popular card so far. Buf the day of advertising is past. The time for ae tion has arrived. Duplicity at' every to Mr. Whitney's knowl- is a disconforting an- as, not collecting turn, and edge ? That houncement on the eve of &n election. ------------ A GREAT NATIONAL PARK, Theweircular which has been jasued in connection with Battlefield Park, at sketches briefly the events which have made"the Plains of Abraham historic and becomes the more eloquent as jt shows why a certain apiece of land should be. preserved for memorial pur- | poses, thus: py "ls it to be thought of that we Ga ates Tou wii} r-- much the same ; guchenstull withstand test. Yat 5 ; howd fail to dedicate what our fore fathers have so consecrated as the one field of glory common to us all ? Remember there is no question of'bar- ring modern progress--the energy for which we inlerit from these very an- cestors, No town should ever be made a. mere "show place," devoted to-the pettiée kinds of touristry and dilet- tante antiquarian delight. But Quebe: has room to set aside the most typi- cal spots for commemoration, and this on the sound business principle of put- ting every site to its most efficient use, "So there remains the time and trouble z £ i taf He 7 Ax = Quebec; is: particularly expressive. It and Carleton, who saved ber in dif ferent ways, but to the same end. "High above all, on the calm cen tral summit, the Angel of Peace, fold: ing her wings to rest, will stand in benediction of the scene. In her blest presence the heirs of a fame told round the world in French and Eng. lish speech can dwell upon a bounte oug view that has long forgotten the strange, grim face of war. And vet « the statue rests on ancestral prowess. The very ground reminds them of supreme ordeals. And though, in "mere size, it is no more, to the whole vast hulk of Canada, than the H 9, 1908. mE---------- -- IRISHMEN INDIGNANT. Have No Representative on Royal Whiskey Commission London, March 7.--Irish traders are indignant at the omission from the Royal Commission on whiskey of re presentative Irishmen, and Mr. Dev- lin is to raise the matter in the House of Commons in a question to Mr. Lioyd-George, The present feeling in Dublin, Bel fast, and Cork, is that the interests of Irish whiskey may suffer in the ev- ent of Ireland not being adequately represented, and there are threats of flag is to a man-of-war, vet, the flag it is the rign and symbol of a peo- ple's soul." To the governor-general Cansda owes the inspiration which has led to the {tricentenary and memorial movement, There have been some ol» jections, but they are not numerous. either in parliament or out of it. A sum of $300,000 hag ben appropriated for the purchase of the land which bas passed from public ownership, gat this sum inclades the military gpectacle of next year, and the cultivation of a park and all the proposed expenditure will come before parliament for ap- proval, -- EDITORIAL NOTES. a boycott of the commission if the Irish claims are not recognized, A conierence of those interested will probably be held immediately to de cide on common sction, A mass of evidence obtained from all parts of the country will be heard by the commission. The exact date at which it will commence its delibera- tions is not yet fixed: but it is stated at the local government board offices that the commission would meet al- most immediately, Dockrell-Webb. A very pretty wedding recently took place from the residence of Charles G. Webb, of 107 Fuller street, Toronto, when Miss Mary E, Webb, &f Brewers' Mills, was married to James Dockrell, of the same place. The ceremony was performed by Rev, Patrick Coyle in Hamilton proposes to equip all its schools with fire gongs and fire es-| capes, and fo train the children in the use of the same. | -- Hon. John Haggart never heard of! the Borden public ownership propos: | tion. The Halifax speech has had no! attraction for him, eh ? So the issue in the next local and municipal elections in Toronto will be reduction of licenses vs. po reduction, It will be a fierce fight. -- The text book commission has so far cost $10,000. The people are entitled to cheaper books on this account, and the reduction should not be confined to a job lot series. Talk is cheap, some say. At Ottawa it is very dear. The expenses of the commons amount to 33,000 au hour. and the opposition spends most its time in obstruction. of Nearly two years alter the election there is to be an examination of the ballots in the New York mayoralty election--if they have not meanwhile | been disturbed. A legal joke, surely. The large expense of the Hydro- Electric Commission continues, and the people so far have mot received any practical benefits. Thousands of dol- lars have been spent--on plans and talk, Only once in over a week has Mr. Borden put in 'an appearance in the commons. Friction with his subor- dinates is suspected. The party is not taking its cue from him, That is clear, ---- get men--ror service--the In order to branch of the States government has raised the pay of every officer from five to twenty- five per cent,, and of its men by forty per cent. Is the uniform less attrac- tive than it was? -- At the recent banquet in Toronto Mr. Whitney said that he under- stood it the people did not desire the government to hoard money. That is ané 'way of explaining that he and his they promised, every | United as friends have not, as lessened the expenditure, - The Ontario. surplus last year was only $600.000, though in taxes $3,320,000 was raised, and from suec-| cession dues alone $1,492 933. Had tha | Whitney party reduced these suttession] duties one half, as they proposed when in opposition, what would, the surplus } be ? some | en. Gananogwe. has reason to protest | against the wanton destruction of fish in the river. The dragging of the riv- er by nets, attached to steam and gasoling launches, should be stopped. Wats iay be won by larg catches, but there is ne' sport in that sort of thing. . 2 Pm The increase in the revenue of the dominion for the last eleven months has beer 85629.749. The expenditure in the same period in public works, including the Grand Trunk Pacific, was 825768488. The total revenue, over the total expenditure, within the period ~ named, was nearly a million and a quarter. Exclusive pattérns in spring suitings. {ly filled up again, owing the Church of the Holy Family, Park. dale. The bride looked very pretty in a suit of green chiffon broadcloth, with poirit de Paris waist over satin Mr. and Mrs. Webb were the only at- tendants. After the ceremony the hap- py couple took train to Buffalo, where they will make their home. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents, among which was a set of solid silver knives and forks by the employees of the Dominjon Ex- Press company, The groom's gift 'to the bride was a silver tea service lin ed with gold. -- Tidings From Brookside. Brookside, March 7.--A urprise par ty came to F. Martin's, on February 28th. William Martin, who fell from the loft and broke one of his ribs, is recovering. Miss Beatrice Cowdy has returned hom from Kingston, whete she was visiting friends. Mrs. J. Cowdy entertained a few of her friends ou Tuesday night. The roads are part- to the re- William Wallace, who some time, is con- Wallace and Russell are also on the sick list. Some of, our young people attended the party at Harrowsmith, on Tuesday, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Famsworth, at M. V Lake's. cent snowstorm. has been ill for valescent. Mrs. The Late Or. H. S. Bott. Napanee, March 7.--The remains of the late Dr. H. 8. Bott arrived here, from Chicago, on February 27th, and the funeral took place from the resi- dence of his sister, Mre. W. J. Black Deceased was ill for a short time of pneumonia. He leaves a wife (former- ly Miss Carrie Duncan, of Napanee), and ore son, George, whose life also was nearly deépaired of," an aged mother, Ms. George Bott, Napanee; two sisters, Mrs. ¥. J. Black, Napa- nee, and Mis. Luther Hawley, Hav Bay. and three brothers, Charles of Harlowe; Jerome, of Manor, Manitoba, and John, of Chicago. Dyspepsia Radically Jured. That relaxed, disordered: condition of the digestive system marked by con- stant distress after eating, Flatul ence, biliousness, heartburn and head aches can be promptly and thorough- ly cured by Day's Dyspepsia Cure. Re- cent or chronic cases alike yield to the remedy. This preparation has Digestive, Ton- ie and Laxative properties. Each bot- tle contains sixteen dave' treatment For sale only at Wade's Drug Store Davidson Heirs Wanted. The Napanee Beaver has been in formed by CC. White Mortimer, of Los Angeles, California, that Miss Minnie B. Davidson died recently in that dis- trict, leaving considerable monev in the bank and no known heirs. It is known that her father, John David son, a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, married hes mother, Sophia J. Arm itage, a native of Ireland, at Kings- ton, Ont., about 1856, and that de ceased had some cousins at Kingston, Berlin, Stratford or Guelph. ° The Bread War. J. K. McNaught, member for North Toronto, has introduced a bill into the legislature in opposition to" that of Kingston. It will be more in the interest of the bakers, undoubtedly than in that of the municipalities Kingston's member places - the --stan- dard in the hands of municipal coun- cils, but if these councils do not be stir themselves, the bill will be snow- od under in committee, Glendower Notes. Glendower, March 6.--They are draw ing rock from the fedispar mines at Godfrey. Snow is very deep and feed is scarce. John Shane fost a horse on his way home to Glendower. Freder- ick Leeman, at Sanford Leeman's: Sanford Leeman, at Allan Snider's, Harrowsmith.- Joseph Hassey passed Livingston's. A Simple Remedy Thousands are in the same boat-- Well Worth Trying. Joie of re boxes for $1 through here. to-day had it not been for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. Last winter I was wick with grippe, and when spring came | was weak, bilious and rheumatic. 1 medicifie to cure twenty time, but I didn't get any help till 1 tried Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They puri- fied my blood, took the veliow color out of my face, put new tone in my Fomarh and increased my appetite. The bilious attacks and rheumatic ins graduaily Yéparied. and Dr. ilton's Pills made a new man of me. | proved their merit, and pro- claim 1 a medicine for all men." H better health and prompt recovery are i ft. get Dr. i 5 and Bu, ernut to al GRAY Some people buy CO © Chase & Sanborn's Coffee because of its exquisite flavor--others, because of its strength--some, "just because they like it." All of them, because no other coffee suits them so "Just Dreams" the tie her That's what a lady said other day, when sefecting for a gentleman friend brother's. a ol The selection of a tie is a very easy matter here, just now. All the correct shapes of tae season Silks that are different from the common sort of Neckwear, Pointers If it's a swell label you want inside your Hat, they're $3 each at most any exclusive Hat Store. If it's $3 style and service you want, you can get it here in our, Bibby's Special $ Stiff or Soft H o aly 'See Our Display of Dainty Our New | > $1.00 LADS Shirts are Here. The H. D. Bibby Co The Only Strictly Cash and One Price Clothing Come, see some of the "'Dreams" and we'll sell a Tie or two, 25¢. and 50e. 2 Modest prices always prevail here. All shapes and grades, to your face and pocketbook. Store in Kingston. m------ Besesssssss Shbbbbbbbhsn teetetbeteates Shoe an Rubber Wants Can be attended to in a most satisfactory manner if you will dfop into Sutherland's Shoe Store The Home of Good Shoes. LLLLLOLLLLLL0E ROLLLLLLLLRR LLL BIG CLEARING SALE -~ OF -- HALLFURNITURE We have been requested by many of our patrons to confinue Tur "Big Clearing Sale. wish to state that we havd a large stock to clear out, And we intend run- ing Our Big Bale till we reduce our large stock. Every- the newest and latest. thing Leading Undertaker. 2 . y. At all dealers, 25, per box, 4 £ "Phone 147.