Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Mar 1908, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1908. ---- -- Ee seems ---- NO MORE RHEUMATISH (OUTRAGE IN CHINN, "2; sme | | moe me momen, statics. Best Citizens, . Six days of good temper in every "" FRUIT-A-TIVES "" CURED HIM ATTACK BY Tt THROAT.-CUT: | Toronto, March 9.--~A pathetic death | Napanee Beaver. bo f ( ascar: Si da h Christopher D. Grabam is a well TING THIEVES lis th of Mi Nellie Wallace, aged| It 1s with Jeslinge of regret ado X O ets. IX ys when 4 itizer fore: i . twenty-two, student at the || deep sense of loss that we are calle kwowss itizen ol Oitawidfopmurly iy | nenty-tmo, stu came from Blind | upon to chronicle the death of William you feel at your best; no head- the Cit dl az 4 ivi ---- | school, where fhe & y hd Sd largely usta] All the Vietims Mended Up at | River, near Sault Ste. Marie. Some | Templeton, late editor and proprietor on forming the Ottawa Hun u Mr. o" 5 ny of this paper, which occurred on ate at C1 Martyrs Minos time ago, while trying t remove aa (of this Pes ach dullness. Are they w rth Graham's voluntary testimonial as to Cause ya nits) Hamil in- growing toenail, Miss Wallace slight- | Tuesday morning, Narch 3rd, alieg a €, no 2 o the great benefit he received from taking {ly lacerated the flesh. She paid no |briel illness. Three weeks ago Friday, en ce Benefitted. ; deceased, who was not feeling as well t nts ! "Fruit-a-tives" will carry conviction. | atte ntion to the small wound, which! | Chang-Li, Hsien, North Ch { finally de oped blood poisoning. Ev- as usual, left the office and went : J orth China, Feb. | y ol home. The first week of his illness he It is folly to talk of the "laxative habit." 3.--~About the eighth day of the 'erything possible was done for her, ¢ 'E twelfth moon (January Ilth, 190%), [but the girl did a few hours before | seemed to improve ®at times and no he habit lies in eating the wrong sort of food, and too much some vicious robbers boarded the trai. | the arrival of her parents from Blind jalnrming symptoms develuped until of it. And in getting too little exercise. at' Shan-Hai-Kwan, and about a half | River. {the following week, when he san While you do that a 8 , you must give the necessary help to the hour after began a throat- cutting per-| An estate of $14,564, consisting com- : | apidly and passed peacefully away to bowels in some other ad . ay ' formance, the like of which has sletely of stocks, of which 82.652 his reward, after having spent a very . : ai he value of stocks held in Untario, in | sus scowsful and useful life. The best of Else there is always a penalty. I'his train leaves Shan-Hai-Kwan at] left by Mrs, C aroline Ward, of Len-|medical skill was obtained, doc lors 4.50 am., and had probably 100 or | noxville, Que., who died on November | from Montreal and Kingston being in Here is the way to avoid it: more passengers, and no light. The | 2nd, last ye ear, and whose wil} was te attendance with the local profession, Eat coarse food in moderation. Eat plenty of fruit, many green ober deel pick ut hie th be, dao, Ontario prot al cht loving hols and berks | | segtablon: Drink 0, cohol, Walk ten mi per dav | u ¢ hus er he | o« 8 men beforehand, anc Fr cnted them in | bate. Mr a 3 n Those are Nature's ways for keeping the bowels active, the train. That is, well-dressed men, | will, receives 33.644, the residue be ing | Mr. Templeton was born in Napanee carrying considerable baggage, and divided between her six sons and three { on the 27th November, 1348, and, with The next best way is Cascarets. {the exception of a few years, had returning from Manchuria with | daughters. months' or a year's wages. r-- | spent his whole liiin "our midst Cascarets, better than anything else, supply the place of laxa- It was evidently the intention of DIED ON THE OCEAN. When about seventeen years of age he tive foods and of exercise. 3 jeve v . thei became an apprentice to the printing . x a . a the thieves to cut the throats of their ely otter tering The x They do what right living would do. And they do it just as ieti Rect s ' in, on | art 3 : Ottawa, Ont. Nov. 26th, 1907. Neti vo tbody tt they sould Sad Death of Mrs. Kerwin iit Eapaoss, on jowsmts man. After. gently, just as naturally. They are vegetable, Dear Sirs --- y Ale 8 nose, wt 38 Hy smiling Way to Kingston. A he spe term in offices i You'll need them j los sou live in-doors, and ich deeply throhgh the windpipe, and at . : 1 the wards he spent a term in offices in ou ii need them just as long as you live in« and eat ne I have been a sufferer from Rbeum- | the same time cutting the lar rter- The sad news was conveyed to the|y,,ireal, Toronto and New York, foods; and no longer. 3 : g RE AFler-l ity, this-morning, of . the death onl 10.0 he completed his course at tl i stim for a long time -- pains in my [ies so that they would bleed to death | (fF UF WETINED Te (i Cie of {1 wip F 3 Souris ub 2h Take them as you take food--when you need it. Carry a box s ; . » ~ NS € = : y : JUSinesg ne Nas sallyed. lo return in your pocket, and take one Cascaret at a time. That's better than shotider and joi : in a few minutes, But it was not to ; i th R.C.H.A.. r and joints practically all the ¢ "Thiel: No. 1, thoughi cutting deep. bandsman Keewin, of ¢ . Tom SL his Hovhood home? -* 2 Her and wait i who, with her pl. Smlaren, Was In partnership with Edward Ste en- to and: wail, 4 | time. I tried various treatments without ly in the neck of his victim, Jailed to : i Livernaol.: to. meet it benefit and then I was recommended | (ut either the large artery or the Romig he Tom Er No then: he purchased The Beaver. At a Cascarets are candy fablets. They are sold by all druggists, but never in s . : + : wi or $ d. @ pi ro » . by a friend to try "' Fruit-a-tives." Itook | windpipe. He at once raisfd the cry yh . as Montrenl. told the : sad later. date, George M. Beeman and bulk. Be sure you get the genuine, with CCC on every tablet. The price is > PLR, office, Montreal, to e W. (. Scott were assdeiated with him B0c, 25¢ and Oils several boxes of the tablets and now, | of die ves; 1am. cut; dome quick, story to Mr. Kerwin. Mrs. Kerwin |. ' go office. In 1592 Mr. Templeton Ten Cents per Box = In buying a watch, buy as good a case as you can afford, but first get a move- ment, which will be accurate. Our personal guarantee goes with every . watch we sell. A guarantee which means satisfaction or money Te- funded, Kinnear &d'Esterre JEWELLERS, 100 Princess Street. before heen heard of ) OOOO 0OOVCO00000 0O000Q0000R00VV0OVI000 0 000000000 VOOVTO0 OVVVOO00 COUNO OOOO 00000! for a Jouw time. I hav : lis ght uj prbe_on your guar By this i : 2 , I have been entirely Lm rid while wax ingan uproar.) taken ill after leaving Fiverpood, purchased the plant and conducted it '| died on March lst, and was buried at... J 00 So successfiil has his busi- and the thieves' se -$féy were in oh 3 . ) : : sea. A marconigram sent from thel career been that The Beaver is a i free from all rheumatism and rheum- . $003 7 Coal Qil | atic pains, danger, cither hid among the passen- % op 1 i , _ . . . then I wish to state, also, that I suffered gers (which is the most probable), or vessel notified the PX ' oh 1 " welcome weekly visitor into almost | © in let " » OF | word was sent on to Kingston, every home in the town and county, | ©000000000000000000000 000COO0TOOOOOOVOVOOIOD Japanese Lubricating Oils ' | uprica ing S | from haemorrhoids, or piles, for years, dropped off the train while it was teamer will arrive at Bt. John's, to- ? : i i G line | 1 used all kinds of ointments and | climbing a stiff grade, and made their ro rO, and Mr. Kerwin left, at noon, ad be Sn pr its ~ o g 8 Aso 3 a a nos owrnals o class, all due O | treatment and nothing did me any good, scape in the darkness, leaving tolea. | to-day, to meet his children. Mr. oo ogressive spirit and business We make a specialty of handling | but after taking "Pruita-tives" formy |i" "0 © ne Jt nol Ye en. Kerwin will have the sympathy of al, pity. Lubricating Oils of all kinds | rheumatism I am entirely cured of these | (1,100 of them in the throat. two of large sircle of friends, in his: bereave | Deceased was closely identified with Prices on application. | dreadful piles. (Sgd) C. D. GRARAM. | them from ear to ear, one receiving ment: { the general Rg al inferonts of the } 2 : 24 £ fracture of the cartilage of the' community e was a member of the { * Pruit-a-tives"" -- or ** Pruft Liver also . a Two then ios diy ot CARRIED LOADED REVOLVERS. Royal Arch Masons, A. O.UW., 1.0.0 Ww. F. KELLY & CO., Re are sold by dealers at 50c a box nn pe. head and face. All five c a a F., as well as chief of the Sons of ~6 for $2.50--or will be sent on receipt sgt Pina : Boys Taken in ustody and|g.gtland, and for about twenty years Bouth Cor. Ontario and Clarence | . it-a-tiv fond landled at our hospital just as we ys BM . Fenty you th Co . pf price, Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. ae S aNiGe reads = a. country trip, Weapons Confiscated. has been United States consul at Na ---- - --- - -- mm | which, of course, had to he abandons Ogdensburg, March Y. I'he police panee For a number of years he was 0GO0H0000000000000000000C0000000000V00000000 Jed. Two of the men were in a state| were busy Saturday night secing that | alsG a valued member of the hoard of of collapse from loss of blood, and boys under sixteen were not alowed ed ation His death spells a distinct to play pool and billiards, and while [loss for the whole community, espe Imperial Rotary Washer will bleeding, and only after hours of + for the whole co stimulation revived. This was one of | making a tour de tected one lad of in cially for the Preshyterian church, of ; the busiest days that "Martyrs Me-|mature age about to take a long- | which he had long been a devoted morial't ever enjoyed, my head assist-| reach shot. What interested the } joe esis, He Rg Fo elder of the » od tude elpers working till iceman most was to see the handle © chu chy, and clerk ol 14 session. There may be ] | A Makes ant and wt Joust} lpady wo king sil } revolver protruding from the lad's Twenty-nine years ago he was uni- food or. rest, when the arteries of | hip pocket. ted in marpage Miss Addie Perry, eight gaping wounds were ligated,| He and his chum were taken to head- Xho, together with five children, are eft to mourn the loss of a kind and --- Ww . others as OF} ashing wounds thoroughly disinfected, and | quarters, and there it was found that : } 3 loving husband and father. The chil over 100 sutures inserted. both were carrying sevens shooters, : They said they had been do- [dren are: William A. and Janet, at ood rt Three of the men made a rapid and | loaded. n A. ; g ' 3 Easy N i g ry, the other two ling this since last August, home; Mrs, A. F. VanEvery, Owen uninterrupted recovery, " | hung in the balance between life and -- Sound, br. Shairies P. Templeton, and but none Price no death for days, but are at time of EXCITING SCENES A T. 4. ; clntosh, Brandon, Man., writing out of danger and will be well who were all with him at the last. 4 soon In New York Over the Suspension | Mrs. D. H. Preston, a sister, also sur- : i vives him. This is the best advertisement our: of a Bank. hospital has ever received, as deputa- : a. id A shadow of gloom was cast over I i II the departments of law New York, March 9.--Scenes of wild | the whole town. His brother curlers tions from a ! excitement followed to-day, the an-lolosed the rink all week. and on MAY Ww Y D I order; not less than forty, have fis ol bo E SEND ou ONE ON APPROVAL ? Ant ! » y uf? i nouncement of the suspension of the Thursday afternoon the schools were hoo hore to smn. the men and inquics i establishment. of Mirell, | 41] closed. Floral wreaths, boutjuets rn banking » into the nature of the affair. Two off". P ' V Y NW ; : : Speigman & Sternberg, in the heartland flowers in profusion covered the McKel ey & Bi ch the men would have certainly died of the Williamsburg Ghetto, The insti- | casket and room. Se it not been for our timely assist . helt \ 8 69 and 71 Brock Street. haits We regret to say that at the|tution did a flourishing business | The funeral at the home on Thurs House 4 Slippers |. Only 37c. : 1 = Li women's ad of 00000000000 000000 0000 0000000000000 0VOC00000 Hi ib. i with the peddlers, and small trades: [day afternoon was attended by a time of writing the thieves have not ' a Wi Willi " 0 . sstod. The gratitude of the] men and working girls of Williams arge concourse of friends and ac- on | :, . bai Se a! their oy rious burg, and in almost eyery case the | quaintances from near and far, show I ancy patterns, all 81zes, on sale in our . 9 money they had on deposit there con- ing the respect and esteem in which window for a few days, only ame r di res see them, BY hey. pot THE CANADIAN BANK whe ie ii vintntes lo a stituted their life savings. he was held by all. The service was > , jeve that the rail ---- -------- conduc ted by his pastor, Rev, J. R F oni Didi Rhee Poot Photo Of Dr. Henry Wilson. Coon, assisted by Rev. W. H. Fmsléy, *® . lows for their misfortune since the Miss Madele Wilson, of New York, |after which the beautiful burial ser * | whole afiair would have been averted has sent the Whig a fine large copper- | VIce of the Masons, who had charge [ her Rev. fof the funeral, was read at the vault ® ® READ OFFICE, TORONTO 'TABLISUED ESTA! bu 1807 if the cars had been lighted as the law plate etching of her late father, H ili i hr Henry Wilson. .0ld Kingston 1s smiling greeting will be greatly Were it EW ent required they should be not : i 88 ALKER, Presid Paid-uy Capital, $10,000,000 for the Very severe punishment in j friends. of the decensed may get Sob us im gly. in the home, , butt » oe ne & oe is ALEX. LAIRD, General Magager Rest, -o a. 5,000,000 flicted upon all kinds of thieving, the | 2! 81.50 each by leaving their orders i 4 LEE + Supuistendunt of T country would-be overrun- with bad | the Whig office. Miss Wilson has friends were legion, and expressions of otal Assets, - 113 ,000, 000 charactors, owing to the overpopulat: the sole. copyright, and. only a limitdd | sorrow and regret are heard on every CSrne ; Ap Branch ed and starvigg condition of _ thou number of the engravings are left, ax | band. oT. . es throughout Canada, : and In th in the United States and England sandy of China's poor. But 'a man the New York demand has been large NEW YORK sT0CKS VO00000000000000000000000900000NONR PAC would rather die of starvation t} . i tea, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED tue his head fo theft, Not Jhat. ny The Call Of The West. S-- ------------------------ At ------ Hark to vhe call of the glorious West, Prices Furnished By F. W. Bosc! 86 is afraid to die if-he could die with | Phat land of eternal snow ? ' b . FARMERS BANKING his head on, for he hopes to be some- | Send me your strongest, your bravest, (Per W. Hector H.' Hume, ' thing more than a coolie in the next| Your best; Manager. t ve Every facility afforded Farmers fon their banking | world. to marry and have sons and] The Weak but come lo their Woe. a") March 9 A business. Sales Notes cashed or taken daughters-in-law; but what woman | Send riot to me your soft-handed clerk ; Stocks eh I . : o rv i . 9 But send me your muscle wd hrason Lilo for collection would "KER i without a head ? Send me your Sons Who are willing to] Amal, Copper... ... ... .. 513 52% Has Been Expecting and o Jie CELER. ark ag . . BANKING BY MAIL.-- --Deposits may be made or withdrawn by Roth. Tate and early at dawn. Amer. Jeo, Pie oe Te 35 y & .. He | . sen il. Out-of-tow 19 ma ~0 n accounts receive every attention SHOT THE BLACK HAND. Send me the best of yourskind that ure § Am. Smitg. & Refin, Co, 62] : KINGSTON BRANCH Daring 'Attempt to Rob New York| For I will harry them sore Am, Lux Foundry. ... 3} - 3 ing OI ' g P Your best alone can endure me long Anaconda Min, Co... ... : 3 CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS, Bank in Daylight. Send thin, Dut send Ho wore Atthee To 2 Ter 3 3 Se em, bu Ore. 4 es. Top. & St. Fe... C. STEVEN SON, Mana New York, March 9.--Repuling a | our | Balti. & Ohio... ... . : A Record Sale for the New "Writing in Sight" ger," daylight attempt of the Black Hand Send hot your foolish, but send we your Brooki . Rapid "3 he a : ti g S ght to rob his bank, Saturday, . at the| Send me Joue choses ones, -- Central Leather ... .. .. ' point of a pistol, Pasquale Patti, who Them wit FIL wit JL wollen g *{ Canadian Pacific... ... ... 8} : ITH & BROS TYPEWRITER : . ' . 4 conducts a large banking and ex- ~J. Aq Pyke. Chicago G. Western... ... change business in the ltalian fmarter ------------ Ches. & Ohio .. . i / of Elizabeth street, in a duel, in which | To Be Started Again. Chie. & NW... 2 ms = oF [homie Lous Corer joel | Spurn, a Snr 8 = Namnge | Ni 51h 1 i 4 x s 8! Rp § i : Was ; FS fo 8 thera: Ww 3 2 ok 4 : niéiit is "made that the West foundry, | Colorado Southern We have just closed our first 3 Years' Business. pe Sapio, who is dying in a hospital |} largest ingot 1d factory | Lol. Fuel 1 & + x P got mold manuiactory © uel & loom... .. . with five bullet wounds in his body, in the DE ey will Le started again | Delaware & Hudson ! 51 We have SOLD over 1,400 Machines in Canada. as a result of his attempt to hold up on March: 16th. ig BS, HM vo os aS 3 We hold the biggest record for the sale of any Typewriter Replica of Pellatro, was arrested Are. On. Short Time. Kansas i" com. OE 2 Have you seen our new Ball-Bearing Type Bar? while rusining from the bank after the| Boston, March 9.~Thousands of em- Nise y ashville... 32 a Our Opponents said we "Couldn't do it," "WE DID." hooti ployees of New England mills and fac-| Missouri Pacific .. 1. : : : 4 t ie ing. . Patti told th tories went on a short time Wass to-[ Min, St. P.& 8, St, M, . It will be money in your pocket to look at it. bi yg ily ® ed Blok day, following several months of de Ne ht T utr = . vy Let us demonstrate it to you. . i road 4 Hand terrors, and only a month ago | Pression. 2 rie. Rai ee . on N G L BE I Tao i oman. hs me N.Y ntario ts Went 3044 ewsome & Gilbert, Limited, by a bomb and $40,008 seattered in Chicago Firemen Injured. Pa on ule, © the street, which was saved by prompt | Chicago, March 9A ore 2 five. Ce ed No. 9 Jordon Bt., Teranto. work on the part of the banker. men were injured, perhaps fatally, by 1 ona aan B74 3 a : : ; _ la fire which destroyed Polo Hall, on | Read oe - Branches --Halifax, N.S., Ottawa, Ont., Winnipeg, Maa. Island avenue, to-day. ' = gp ; UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Soc . s------ Thousands Of Herrings. uthern Ry. com. Cow WANS a Ma var. Cit EES e = & =| NEWMAN-SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., Bitter Oranges, extra fine, 25¢ per doz. Seedless Lemons, 25c¢ per doz. Bahama Grape Fruit, 50c per doz. ROR «LOCAL AGENTS: If you want to see the play that | novsky's. Price, 25e. dozen; worth 40c. tL 8. Stall com. : ih cansed the American civil war adequ- TR Gan i . " ately presented in twenty minutes -- Mrs. Generax, Toronto, arrested for hs pu, ld we 79 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. can do so at the "Bijou on Wednesday swearing falsely in the case of Wil-J LM - Wabash... .. . PERFECTION and Thursday, and it will only cost Nom and and Mary' Elliott, charged with Nabash pid A Full Stock of Typewriter Supplies for all makes of Machines B5¢. Uncle Tom was never seen handoning an infant, was sent to . Sie always on hand. 2nd band Typewriters; sold you ha tars at a low a rate. There are jail for thirty days. We have a large stock, all makes, presen ore oe Rast empl ploy " 4 : on easy terms. 1 & Openi; " » wi wn Maple Leaf Label) A ---------------------- LE -------------------------------------------------- Healthful and nutritiousss. | Fir en erat oh ait gle who attend any of a The 20th Century Policy issued by the Canada Life EEE Jie on Saturday night rendered the a Soe : | Assurance Company fits into any case requiring life METALS Cop per, Lead: ney : Oe a ee fot oe ng tobacco. oe 12 | insurance. Before placing your insurance COTrespo Tin, Zinc. ; tod at between wots, Swehty an and wenty-five Re " y store in Ki with, or call into the office, where full information how your inquiries. Ee i il ke every > he = boas of i A a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you. Kfar ol 1) Drom 'e.l AGENTS WANTED -- Apply Office, 18 Marke . mato {8k 4.0. HUTTON, Manager, ington, Ont.

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