THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1908. The Famous 12-Bladed Evers Ready Dollar Safety Razor The biggest value the world ever saw _ Will shave you Lest of ail Safety Razors, © Ehis mmens $5 kind, and it goes with | ' oad Pride sorts without saying. ONLY | W. A, Mitchell, | The Home of Safety Razors EDUCATIONAL. EXCLUSIVELY HIGH-CLASS FURS. John McKay Fur House, Kingston, Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street, | | OHOROAORABORORORSRORO LHORERRORORIRON CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE tusiness school, Lypewriting and ail Corpmerc thoroughly taught Ly sXperienced teachgrs ay and night classes. Fonte ny une Rates very moderate. '¥ LF. METCALFE, President. J.B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. P0800 scec00ReORROE Besse ccscescccseseceve It you wish to be successtul st- ® J tend The ' Bookkeeping, J tele : NE ONLY RAZOR AND AUTOMAT I PPE mec c MN COMBINED iN ONE B000OCOIOOQCOOVOOOONO Day and Evosing Classes Frontenac Business College, and Clergy Sts. ut the Barrie T. N. STOUKDALE, Phome, G80 CO000000000000 a MN SIMPLE AND UNIQUE Renews shap edge each shave and makes YOU, without previous experience, as expert as a good Barber or . and clean it LM you have any City Property to sell, becomes a pleasure instead of a task. 24 with me at ones. 1 have several Mout of town who want to buy gston before May next. « J. Lockhart, sal Estate and Insurance Agent 450 Wellirgten ft. 3 (Worth at least double) Stropping Saf, Raz Srive Cortified Bindes All in entity, Havout Case NOTE :--One AutoStrop blade i kept properly sharp and outlasts Ein of vo stropping away when dull, FOR SALE BY AntoStrop RAZOR A Common Sense Self. | eer------------oni3E eit. | Stropping Safety Razor Not unscrewed or taken apart to You shave with, np so quickly that shaving The Complete Outfit, $5 kind that you must throw Spangenberg, Jeweller : about ihe wetiderts ; wr BA MARVEL Whirlin / . 7 3 The Jew Yesinal eC : haste P. Walsh, Coal Dealer BARRACK STREET. I ea ---------------- B A aden re An . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. WISDISH MFPr.y co. Windsor, One % » Gener Agents for Cannde. 18 luteresiod and dould know i Das ost conven t cleanses dn the Estate of Orlando G. R. Johnson, Deceased. + NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN PUR. 3: suant te R- 8. R. Ang Sa Mo Bhee adwice frea. ONE a pe a hereto A: all persons o atgut. i. Se send free. "i Slatme_againt thy estate of 'the | FE LEIS IED BREA A oe RET nated ArY required on of | Refunded if pou buy hoes from us the 17th Say of Ma Bext to | ay fhe 3 Write os betore buying ame Jor More profitable than poultry. Enperience un give sdvtce free. Our new age hook, "Mone: paynnet to the place of business in pare, Kingéton. After said « 82 Bathurst St.. London, Ont. MONEY IN CANARIES in Canaries." same this is of stamps or Nom. Turds shipped anywhere a COTTAM BIRD SEED the assets of said deconsed will he! ted amongst Lhe parties entitled CES J. JONSON, Executrix. | 4JUST IT. the Breakfast on a cold morning of "Mild Cured How, oad y Fgrs, at MYERS', 60 street. "Phone, 550. san. i GUAR INN FUE Srey msrrstmon a) medinte " Rooms $1.00 upward ACCA CA OP ROFOROROHON H FORO ROO DORR RING WOOLLENS A 8 USUAL we're the first to make a display of Spring Woollens for tailoring. We that's new and handsome. WE DO Satisfactory Tailoring utmost to please all our patrons with of their le gs # $20.00 to $30.00 $22.00 to $28.00 $ 5.00to $ 8.50 've every- § ARORORORCROEORON) MEAS ROHR PRICES ---- ee & THES P.M.EDITION ! at Oshawa. h Bowmanville News, ™ STOVRTION = San: | | ficer, of Kingston, arrived in Oshawa, | jon duesday afternoon, for the purpose | Occurrences In The City * And fol arresting a an a3 TO BE TOLD AT ST. TeAMBE a number of undesirable Vicinity--Other Brief Items of | expres ar Aid, on Wednosday night's Interest Easily Read And Re-! GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL | cxpress, seven families ori their ¢ ; membered, | rer t Bring Sho : 3 a [Moni hein thirty in all, leit for . { Montreal, © ba kag . At Close of Sunday Evening Ser- | Detention Hos Je Kept at the! An expert examines aves 5 > { Si a antreal ntil { Best's . mons in Lent--Choir Tangibly | transportation can fe ateanged be irs] Pate. You can save money tuere i E 3 la y auged by the! William Swaine, piano tuner. Urders | Xpresses Appreciation of C. [Yominion government with the ship- | received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778 . . Pping « i § i ) ' ns - BY . B. 5. Harvey's Help Therein. [POE ompanics Which browght these | The members of the R.C.H.A. had a fled' st} Amigrants to. Canada.{march out en the harbor tins filled St. | Although these fmm, h i <Q 5 : grants ave been ug. ¥ Sunday even- [kept gil the winter by the kind ¥ : . ; 2 ig. Dean Farthing delivered a short | ed people of Oshaws + Kid heart- Three knights of the road were giv sermon, based thie ord f the ings a A and surround-|en protection at the police court Sat- ? he words of the | ings, and not allowed t v : i prod "Father, give me the 1 . O want, when! urday night » give me the por | asked by the authorities t al) Pos Jastor NY " Hon of goods that alleth to me,' in | living, Hatly refused to 4 oars ai oweet Lastor Oil, Gibson's, | which he clearly and convinei set | caused diflicalt , > So Thisia bottle. Sold in Kingston only 3 ¥ vine 3 : f yan > s forth the fatherhood of Ge those immi at and discontent among Gibson's Red Cross drug store. orotherhood he : grants who are willing to! The fire stations are retting of man and the loving | assist in Uding over t} Fi E restraint and cred influence : AR ¢ present cris- (telephone calls now than general = fire r ANG sacred infivence of the is, and something had to be d ! T father's house, the church of God He prevent a general k oll --~ os? a lata, The Selophine: ail is the - 3 . "F ' : 2 re won. ] § g 3 > > AC severely reprimanded Christians who | agitators were picked elion t hese { best, as the brigade knows exactly ocated the theory "Young men | mended to the Son out and recom- | where to go, and no time is lost, : \ . 3 Co Bunion government At 7:30 lock th ing *ow their wild oats," and re- [for dep rtati Ply sa is MOFmng , 4 i on. 4 . Ay minded them of St. Paul's. warning | ple a io. these thirty peo- |fire brigade had a telephone call that "*Whatsoever a man soweth that lof Oshawa would ne, gh kind people | Dr, Campbell's, on Queen street. The } shall he also reap." {away in want of aot et thew be sent floor of the furnace room was afire, | i . | of ef , 3 ' { Closing the sermon, he said ge feared i clothing were supplied, a: Fy Sad hit. the blaze was yuichly extinguisher 4 . : : y en- there were some in the position of be- | ture to say some of them never befor. ods ing satishied, becanse they had been had as good an eutfit Almost Tall baptized, but bad no realization of | their countrymen were at the juneti i their privileges as children of God. [to wish them bon voyage. I he shout. | { Otkers had no joy in their religion | ing and filthy language indul rod i { Taken By Members in Violation of For the sake of these agd all who | was shocking. The Presence: of ni Rules, were | ifficultv as to the { «3 v " 4 oh " vation, lhe Wty dtu Hu rn @ al {any women appeared to have no de- | Ottawa, March 9. --Three hundred Lent afte the sin rir vy bat during | terring effect on the issue of shamefu] | and fifty-five returns have been pre Waihi give a h ae EA Jiu =n Such a seandalous spec- | sented to the commons since vanuary lun give 0. ins cliun 0 3) 5 p . Fy thas: who cared to stay, The growing] oo Jas vot before ween here, and Ist, 16. : tet ; e008 #1 it was abundantly evident _ that no! An analysis made of these returns popularity of the dean is most up- | mistake had been made in' selecting | according a statement' brought arent. After * h nn dew 5e mT . | n To Be " whil She rm only a jv | those to be deported, The shouting | down in the commous, makes an il- u § © ge © regan < R | a + 8 arge congrega- | was not confined to the departing | luminative commentary on the recent tion "remained in rapt attention for a tones, but was indulged in by others {debate in the house relative to the ten-mi s hear hear k re i | i : ' minute heart-to-heart talk. Whe, spar, Should have been | production of original doc uments. The | . . | sen along. het Constable Hind. | opp i ' n y i byl Giit To C. B. S. Harvey. { who had worked night and dav IT aaa to) ud Yves uso, lo two A unique incident followed ovensong, | months to make the destitute immi- | or three days in the "vehement cathedral, on Sunday, | grant comfortable, was jeered and | mand that desired the on of the assembled | hooted at, dozens joining in the bawl, | ginal = do uments should Le brought choir, Mrs. J. C. Farthing made a{who owe him more gratitude than {down in the returns ordered graceful little speech and pre ented | the y can ever repay. The whole The record of what happened to B Harvey with a suit-cave of | currence was disgraceful and will tend | many of the returns brought down olid leather, as a little remembrance | to injure the many immigrants who | during the past year atrikinaly Lears i ¢ as ur A ears on the eve of his leaving for North aim to become worthy citizens of Can- | pug the contention of th overnment ' : { o | Bay, today. The gift is most com-jada. Inspector Devlin thanked the lo- {that if the ariaingk documents were plete, being fitted with everything that | cal police for their aszistanee, and said | hrouoht down ther » is grave danger goes in a thoroughly equipped travel: [he wonld take great pleasure iu re- | of their complete You s to the Sle of ing bag, but it represents but faintly | porting to the dominion government the department with: yossibly serious » put, ISS H the appreciation which choir, fon the splendid arrangements here for | inconvenience and Je al difbicultics en wud congregation have for the wonder- | relieving distress resulting from over- | 4 an * ; }: So | Suing. Of the 350 returns brought | ful assistance Mr. Harvey, in his posi- | immigration. : tion of chief bass of y cathedral {down a considerable number have ig { i i hioir, has heen to And) been appropriated by members from choir, has . 4 | { : 'i I : : ak he choix} | the journals office, and kept for long besides what he has been to the choir | | periods of time ; there will be lost to Kingston his | Movements Of The People--What | a bis es Suni gh Bape the : s a s § . s over ready help to all entertainments They Are Saying And Doing PR a. BX. me . A _ . . ore, in a number of cas where music plaved a part and he was : ? my { +X where music pla) I S. Jackson, Wagarville, is at theles they have mever been returned at ts - i : $ asked to give pleasure with his beau: Randolpl oh s 5 - Qin. i i a - tiful voice, so his leaving is 4 civie k al) to the Suton of the parliamen | tary ollicials, ' A | H. 8. Folger left to-day for New regret, Whe incest) d Shere Spl the | York, on business. : Mr. Lefurgey kept ome return in his Pla oe of the int ys isdn hig ad Charles Bowen, Brock street, loft, for | possession for 261 days, and then re who never on x ita Trou i aq | for Syracuse, to-day, to visit friends. | turned it with a number of pages even to a Sunday BehGo, trea Shi Leonard Cartwright has returned | missing, Mr. Barker kept one out for : : ; ssing, Bu : me ( sing for the children Fhe thought of [pone ier visiting friends in Ganany- | 168 days. and 8 all will be that as the recipient of She fue. | Mr An a hire ih tak 'ab - oo . Fo: ti ns Mr. nes hunse ns taken outa Cea ub my Sp Seth Fre wat, of Brochin, Xian cen hy oe St anks, that h y. hme 'vd former Kingstonian, is visiting in the | : . now and again, on return trips to Gity. ' 5 mebatned. ME For Barden. Hs. y . - s, Mr. ol Kingston Sunday bight Henry Folger returned from Tovon- | My Lake, Mr. Kemp ard others all sfore his sermon, on ¢ » iad Cv NE : 1 . v J £ . # ' 3 3: : Dean Farthing spoke of Mr. Harvey's 2: to da) ' ar Visiting hia 'rom, B.1 of whom were most imperative in law gC > % oe ' + frolger, Jr. | their demands for the production of Jain, Yuiring the congregation's Miss A. Tice i RE ut he iad A deep regret. i ape Vince § A. a y HIN & ¥ in Cape Vincent, to-day, {ried off returns and forgotten or ne- | glected to bring them back. 'LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS } } » deporting of youx all i A large congregation morn- § George's cathedral, on an 10 SO. move | RETURNS AND RECORDS. Le | expressions. to ; de at St. George's it St. Georg g whenever when, on behalf oe SN. i clergy, the its services. PERSONAL MENTION. returned to her home alter visit- ing rionda in the city, Miss May Taylor, who has been in | . Aa hospital for the last three weeks, re i Yet aftixed to each return is the fol- | turned howe on Saturday. j Owing note : This sessional Raper Mis May Rickey, King street, has [1¥ the property of the House of Com- returned home; after spending a few | mons and must not be taken from the days with friends in Westbrooke. j Precincts of the house. The member Miss Clara. Davis, of Tweed. js) ecoiving the same for reference or in- 3 » : : formation is requested to retuyy it to spending a week in Kingston, the | } ] od guest of her friend, Miss Lizzie Burteh, | the journal office at his earliest con: Patrick street. { venience, Lady "Kirkpatrick expects to return | to Toronto 1m May. Liceul. Eric | hirkpatiick is taking a course of | mounted infantry instruction near Al dershot for three months, Mrs. Camp- | Trouble In Restaurant. Some trouble in the Chinese restau- rant, on King street, early Saturday evening, caused considerable excite ment. Two young men, who were un- | der the influence of liquor, refused to a bill and did not settle until Frederick Davies appeared scene and took the two in Stephen Tvo, one of the of- searched at the: police found to have a knife in his pocket which belonged to the restaurant, In the police court, Tyo| was fined and the knifo returned to its] owner. His companion was discharg- ad, as it was his first appearance he- fore the court. pay Constable on the charge. fenders, when station; was TYNER AND YOUNG ~ { Eligible to "Play--Morrison Dis- qualified. {bell, daughter of Mrs, Meyrick Bankes, | Ottawa, March 9.--Lieut.-Col. A. A. has bon married to her cousin, Col. { Abel, of the 65th Regiment in Mon: Dobell, D.S.0., and an older daughter | treal, has been appointed commandant of Mrs. Dankes, Miss Helen, will | and Major W. C. King, of the 46th Livol And La Grippe. {shortly be married to Hon. Godirey | Regiment, Bowmanville, adjutant of From repeated Livol is the{Maedonald. { the Canadian Bisley team this year. ! best tonic to pick one up alter the N -- | Stanley Cup Trustees Foran and | grippe. It is taken by the most deh- | Ross, this gave their deci | cate stomach and is apickly absorbed In the estimates before the legisla- | sions in connection with the Wander] into the system, Hs beneficial effect is} = Appenr. these items: for roads : [ers' protest against Bert. Morrison. quickly noticed; weakness fades away [4 4. 00d Harlowe 5500 | Rowley Young and "Chuck Tyner, of before it, and health and strength fol- Addington Sh . 800 | the Toronta professionals, They It is the best reconstruc-| pitorsen ahd Jone 200 | qualified Morrison from the series he tive tonic sold. Every bottle is guar-| Barrie. in Barrie > . 300 [cause he played with Shamrocks, in anteed, and your money will be | Chaffey's Locks and Opinicon ...... 200] the E.C.H.A., but decided to be lenjent quickly' refunded if it fails to do just | (gslifarnia. Camden : . 300 |in the cases of Tyner and Young, who as recommended. Sold only in King | Calabogie and Springte 300 | played one game each with Montreal ston, at the "Best" Drug Store, $1 a {Crow Lake .. # 200 | Consequently Morrison. will be barred, bottle, 3 for $2.50, Howe Island ...... i... .. 990! while Tyner and Young are dec Jared} | Hinchinbrooke to Conway's ......... 200] eligible. ~The Wanderer protest against | The Eate Burton G. Gowdy: Harton, Kaladar ' . 200 | Walter Mercer was withdrawn, Chaun-} The sad news reached the. city. from Haslows and Cloyne vis S00 | OOF Kirby and Joe Power, (Quebee; New York, this morning, of the death | Hinchinbrooke. 4th conce ... 200| were appointed referee and judge lt of Burton Gowdey, second son of | Inverary and Battersea ....... .... 200! play for the Maple Leaf Wanderer | James Gowdey, Sydenham street. Mr. | Jones' Falls and Battersea ........ 800 | matches, the two clubs having failed Gowdey had been engaged in busivess| Jones' Falls han. 200 to agree. Wanderers gnd Maple Leaf in New York for the past year. Lately tests morning Provincial Road Grants. low its use wn. SCANDALOUS SPECTACLE THE DAY'S EPISODES ---- | Caused By Unworthy Immigrants i New Long Kid Gloves We are this SoA aking for a greater demand than ever fdr Long Kid Gloves anil months ago placed an order with Perrins, of Grenoble, France, one of the world's greatest glove manufacturers, an order big enough to supply the demaand we an- ticipate. The first shipment is now in. $1.50, 2.00, 2.50, according to length. We have also received a large lot of the ordinary length Kid Gloves and are offer- aD, oh ing special values at $1 and 1 English Broadcloths We are showing extra good value full 52 inches wide, in the follow Light Navy, Mid Navy Brown, Tan Browns, Yo, and several other at $1 a vard, ing shades : yy, Dark Navy, Leather Copenhagen Blue, Black, shades, lack Voiles In great variety. 75¢, 90c, $1.00 and on up. Novelty ress Goods Many one Dress Lengths of a kind ahd some you will see with no other store in the city. Mississippi, Denbigh fw vr. 200 | asked that they be allowed to play he had an attack of grippe, which | Mountain Grove and Long Lake ... 200 three games instead of two but were caused his 'death, The deceased voung Morton and Jones Falls . 100 refused, man served with "C" battery in South Olden and Kennebeo 0 Africa, ir 1900, and was at the relief Had Pleasant Voyage. The Whig to-day received a letter from Sergt. Sncdden, of the Kingston police force, who is on a holiday trip to Ireland. The sergeant made the trip over on the steamer Emprovs of Britain, and says that it was a mpst esjoyaiie # Bo Tough weather what: ever being ekperiencad. He tates that there wero about one thousand pes- sengers on board, and that the ac commodation was' all that could be desired. "During the last twenty-four hours the steamer covernd #22 miles," | | the letter stated, "aad the day before! that 4M miles." The weather was quite mild, ah overcoat not being required ° after the second day out from Halifax. Sergi. Bodden reports that two wedi, being deported from Canada, were passengers, and that one hanged himseli and was buried at sea. Will Secure Fire Escapes. A meeting of the propirty commities of the Board of Education was held Saturday night. The matter of see curing Hire escapes for the schools was under discussion, and # was decided that they be secured for all the schools Just ag soon as possible. The matter no it will be fully di at the regular meeting of the on Thirs. might, Opeongo and Chafley's Locks 200 of Mafeking. The remains will be {Opeongo, te. Plaunt's ... re crsies S00 brought to Kingston for burial. Oso and Maberly | . L300 Perth, in Bedford . . 300 | Perth, to Bug. aia GOO Parham, to Station Ompah, to Lavant . Sheffield line ... i wats Sydenham, to Loughboro Suabiry and Washburn Sunbury and Battersea .. Swamp Road, Portland Olarendon and Mississippi ; At The Bijou. Among the most picturesque and interesting people in the world are the fisher folk of Brittany, in France, A pathetic melodrama, illustrating the superstitions and rude chivalry of these people, is presented at "The Bijou to- ay, entitled "The Woman They Called Ah It -a Patticulaniy - fue picturesque . 'he "Calmnan's Delusions," and two illustrated songs also presented at every show. 160 " O- COCO 00! OO OOOO) Last Week of the Display on Bargain Tables. Alter this week the tables and away and the "Store House Fi ig and arranged jor Spking ALL THIS WEEK WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS One Table Ladies' Fin t I Bp 3s | o Patgh nd, Xia 3 Boats, One Table Ladies' Fine Patent and Kid $3.50, for - «cnr siicnns mann "emir cmin nese $2.80 + One Table. regular $3, for -. , One Table regular $2.50; for . goods on them will be laid regular $2.75. Boots, regular fer d ene. uve mare Rly SAN ade wade a PLEO, Joockets Shoe Siore.