PAGE TWO, Bedroom Furnishings Specialized. of in The latest designs ase designs, Oak and ons in Gents' mitat and Dressers with tically shaped mirrors also the good but cheaper grades rang fog from $7 tg $65 eac Beautiful Iron and Brase Beds, over 85 styles on the floor, all sizes. OSTERMOOR and all' the leading lines ol: Sanitary Matiresees, from $2.50 up, Curtains, Draperies, Mills New 1908 Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Floor Oileloth ele, arriving from Old Country every week, Repair and Upholstery work promptly done. Have your Mattress done over NOW, before the rush; Yours, T: F. Harrison Co., PHONE 90. ---------------------- Wire Mats Our Wire Mat impor- tation from Germany s has arrived. The Mats + are suitable for inside o or outside of your porch $ and cannot rust in any ther. e Have All Sizes 000000000000 000000000000 The great Utert: ty ahi + effectual rial Moai a Soi 1 in three a if ny ogth No, 1, hi ¥ of rei No 3 i degroes stronger, pa pocial TOES IN ANY QUANTITY Wholesales "gr -Retail.: A very Shoics stock grown in sandy soul, a , A. GLOVER'S, n ~ have any doubt about the house you ought to buy, we want to show you. I! you'have. ady doubt about the place to go, we'd like to tell you several things THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1908. DHLL STREET SEWER TOBE COMPLETED BY W.B.! LESSLIE. City Council Accepts Figure of $4,150--The Com-| pletion is Urgent--The Total! Cost Will Be $7,199.34 i At the eouncil, O'Kil were in not figuring | cost rock | mistake of the made a big { more caret fully | oat id. Craig agreed that there Ld no further delay in carrying the work, matter what I scause there might be an outbreak off 1 foder,. ahd also because people in the | | vicigity be liable to enter ac tiony against the for failure abate a nuisance Ald. Rigney said he would support the report of the Board of Works if | the work would Le proceeded with at} once. He thought he was justified in voting' that way on the ground of the to the health of the of should | out cost, no the would The His city to special meeting of the last evening, regarding street sewer extension present, Mayor Ross Chown, Couper, Craig, Hanley, Hoag, Kint, city the { there Alds Free Me- danger existing community. | Ald. Carson he eC x , | favor of going ahead with the eCartney, Nickle, Rigney No alderman should oppose it, board of. works recommended | he waltéd to be sure hat the that in view of the fact that William! got" proper security for the Tait had declared himself unable to! mance of the work. proceed with his contract, the tender| Ald. McCann agreed with of W B. Lesslie, to complete the work | son, but said that the council for 84,150, be accepted | settle the matter of security and Aid. Carson said that he was greatly | Jeave it to the Board of Works surprised at this turn of things The | Ald, Kent said that the O'Kill street | board of works of last vear alone was | sewer matter had turned out just as] to Mame for the non-completion of | he had prophesied last year when the i» sewer extension. The committee | contract was awarded He said he fut he very lax its duty. Mr. | stated at the Board of Works meeting Yait had taken the contract last|ihat he doubted if Mr. Tait could ney sud here the work i | carry out the contract for $2,250. I plete after a whole vear © Lesslie's tender had been accepted | ceepte thought that the uginmitive should | Ne the extension would have been weiter than it dic [ 11 : aid long ago. Ald--Rigney said he first wanted to} |, reply to Ald. Carson Ald. know just where the council stood. He | said that McKelvey & Birch were wanted information before he could guarantors in the proposed sum vote irst he wanted to know how $1,000, much work had heen done, how much Ald had cost the city, and how mpch should more the city would have to expend agreed Ald. Rigney said that the failure of {said he had proposed in committee | Contractor Tait to live up to his ob-| the ts p o | ligations should not release the sure- that the BIHCuN should be halt - thie q 3 . contract price, ties, The city should certainly look The sceurity to them for redregs 4 " Ald. Graham said the sureties werd and Nd i Lesslie was D. Hay and T. Hughes, in £300 each.|.; i co fh wl They aon ave bs : : | ried unanimously, after Mayor Ros ss | 1 several occasions « uring had expressed himself in favor of pro- the past vear been notified. Ald. Gra ; : ceeding wit » work. ham held that the committee of 1906 | 2 b the work was more lax than that of 1907. Con-| | tractor Tait had taken the work at FOR SAFETY OF PUPILS. low a price, $2250. That price was for laying the pipe on the sur face. When the plan 'was changed to lay the pipe to a depth of eighteen inches, Mr. Tait allowed his tender of $2,250 to stand Ald. Nickle read a statement pared by City Engineer Craig, ing that the O'Kill street sewer, completed, would cost the city 199.34. The first grant for the was $3,900, provided "by a by-law Then, last 8850 additional was provided, making a total of $4,750 It would, therefore, the city $2,449.34 more to complete the work. Ald. Carson claimed that 3600 was not enough security for such a tract, The board of works should have got more than that. Ald, Car- son also told the council that ex-City Engineer Beckwith had. seweral times, last vear, notified the board of works that Contiattor Tait was not carry- ing out his contract, and he declared that the board should have taken some action when the engineer so reported. Ald. McCartney said that the Boards of Works of both 1906 and 1907 were .at fault, he thing had been bungled all the way through. He and was in work but city perfor- Carson, also said Graham, Cann The Ald. Car should not { is have done Nic kle | the | of} held that the amount!|® be $2,000. Ald. McCartney | with this, and Ald. Graham | Carson it was changed to 2.000 | motion to award | | too The Proposition to Secure the] Fire Escapes, The recent catastrophe in the school at Cleveland has brought the | question of the safety of pupils again | to the front, and the proposition of | the management committee of the Board of Education, to place fire escapes on the schools as soon as pos- sible, is considered a wise move, by the citizens. It has been learned that the fire chief in Brantford, has ordered fire alarms to be placed in every school, and other cities are working on the same lines. At the present time, school construction all over Canada is being most carefully scrutinized. The suggestion has been made, and a good one, too, that all the schools have telephones or telephone connec: tion with the fire department, in case of fire. In this manner no time would be lost by the brigade in getting to the school in case of a fire. It is stated that New York has a fine system for the schools. In every pre- show. when 87 - sewer vear, cost con- It is placed under a glass on the teacher's desk, and all the teacher has fat full [exiting { The {goals before the Cadets woke | quite {on an individual rush. | Watson, room in each school there is an alam, THE SPORT REVIEW R.M.C. IL. BEAT EAT TRINITY OF | PORT HOPE. { defeat Stratford on { certainly The Score Was 6 to 5--Return Game to Be Played at Port Hope--General Notes on Var ious Sports, In one of the Tagtest and best junior intercollegiate games evir played in this city, the Cadets defeated the team trom Trinity Ucliege =chool, Port Hope, by one goal, at the King- ston rink, last evening. Au hali time the score stood 4 to 3 for Cadets and time 6 to 5. All through the was close, the play fast and and 'the checking strenuous. soldiers were. the heavier team, and did not hesitate to use their weight to advantage, The Port Hope tboys although lighter were faster and had great team play, The ica was in fair condition, and a fairly large crowd were presvnt. 'I he teams lined wp as follows : ' Cadets Il (6)~Hanson, goal; point; Green, cover; Watson, McAvity, cemftre; Spain, wings. Trinity (5)~Drummond, goal; ham, point; Spall, cover. Hay, K. Drummond, centre." Camptell Menard, wings. Referee--Noble Steacy In the first hall the wisitors had two up: Me- Hay doing the trick, The then pulled themselves to- gether, and Watson and McAvity even- ed up matters. At times the play was strenuous, numerous penalties being dealt out for minor offences by the referee. Menard found the nets again for the Trinity bovs, and Ad- ams and Spain both notched for the the score after six minutes play, and home team making half time score, 4 to 3 for Cadets. The second hall opened strong, with both teams working well. Trinity tied four minutes after Hay found the nets Following this, Menard and Drummond went ofl. for tripping and slugging, Trinity were playing five men against seven, and Adams and Spain scored in close succession just before time was call- ed, making the final score 6 to 5 for Cadets. Had the visitors stayed on the ice they would have wifi out. They should land the championship when they meet Cadets on their own ice at Port Hope this week. ---- Victorias Defeated. In a fast game of hockey, the Eagles defeated the Victorias by a score of 3 goals to 1. Harold Stuart was the referee, and he gave entire satisfaction. The teams lined up as follows : Eagles--Goal, Ed. McSorley; point, "Harry" Elmer; cover-point, Arthur Hamilton; centre, M. Crellian; rover, W. Sands; wipgs, W. Bryant and Harold Bird. : Victorias--Goal, game Read, rover ; Adams, Pink- rover; and nard and soldiers Harold Stuart; point, Walter Francis; cover-point, Créws; centre, Smith; rover, Derry; wings, J. Stuard and "'Harry" Lee. agreed that the securities should heave been larger. Ald. McCartney said he was opposed to awarding the contract to Mr. Lesslie for $4,150. He favored leaving the work over till next ter and having it done under Engineer Craig, The city could save $1,000 thereby. For one thing, Ald. McCartney said, he didn't agree that it was NOCOSBAKY to lay the pipe in eighteen inches of rock. Ald. Hoag, who was chaivman of the Board of Works in 1905, said that everyone agreed that the contract should have béen carried out long ago. The work had to be done and there was no use in rehearsing the shortcomings of past committees, Ald, Nickle gave a history of sewer extension matter feém thé time in 1901 when ex-City Engineer Kirk- patrick prepared the first plan for the pipe at an estimated cost of $2,866. The matter has proceeded for four vears. The mistake Contractor Tait made was in agreeing to con- tinue his contract figure at $2,250, when he had the extra work of excavating cighteen inches of rock, Ald. Nickle pointed out that the con- tract with Mr. Tait was never signed on behall _ of the city -by ex-Mayor Mowat, becajise. the mayor was not satisfied with the sureties. This was pever reported\ to last year's comneil. No matter what previous committees ald yt had done, Ald. Nickle said that the ~ J. E. Terrill, Pic. council of 1908 had a duty before it|tom: Rev, T, J. 0. U, Fenton, Syden- and that was to get the sewer ex. ham; D. H, Kennedy, Guelph, {Lreorge tension completed. If the sewer wasfN: Weaver, Belmont: P, Campbell, to remain longer there was a danger Peterboro, of. Maynard, Stratford; E. of a typhoid outbreak, Pinkham, Calgary; R. Ball. Winnipeg Aldea. Carson and Graham indulged | Dv Hay, Owen Sound: W. Taylor. ¥d- in some warm remarks on the abilities | monton: O, Bryan, Winnipeg; IEP. of the Board of Works of. 1906 and of| Bayle, Quebec, £ 1907, Ald, Graham said Ald. Carson -------------- was the poorest 'chairman of the : Board of Works the city ever had, Cares consti Olive ou i 1 and Ald, Carson replied that if he tritious ra HOR ty i a 8G pu: wasn't a better chairman than Ald. Dotter 3 the a ay sab ous " ng Graham he would go out and. cut his or Iv ¥ " Pur, Ne In i i throat. He had no monument orected|™ ubely pure olive oi, importa ho tsnial x rect from France, The "Societe to_hinisell, as Ald. Graham had, and brand, In original Chottes. Govern- Ald, Graham retorted that Ald. Car- * ment tested. See ouf window display. son had never done anything to earnfyy. do's drug store. a Monument. Handling Ice. Ald. Chown said that there, should be no further delay in having the ! " The ice men are working bard to get in enol ice to last over the som- sewer completed. It was not in the interests of the people to delay lo jéop) y Mo. | mer. P ty of cooling ice can be se- cured, but it is very hard to get the er. Ho moved that "the tender of Mr. Lesslie he accepted, he having agreed to withdraw the clause to which the| domestic ice. Some are drawing r Board of Works objected, and that the | ftom near the asylum. As it is quite work bo proceeded with at ones. Ald. |a distance away, it takes a long time to get it down and stored away. ------ Chown pointed out that the difference What Causes Headache. to do, in case of fire, is to break the glass, and the alarm is sent in. : LAND FOR VETERANS. win- S-------- City | No Application: Received After July 31st. On July 31st next all opportunity of filing veteran land grant claims with the provincial government will per: manently cease, The time allotted hy the existing act lapsed on January lst, last, but, requests have besieged the department for a temporary extension This Hon. Mr. Cochrane has" decided to concede and will bring down to the house a bill extending the time to July 3ist "This, however," he states, absolutely . the last extension.' To the present time approximately 13,000 claims have been filed. r---------- B. A. Hotel Arrivals. G. Brand, Horace G, Shaver, W, George McQuillian, H. H. Phillips, H. C. Taylor, ¥. Watts, To- ronto: C. B. Rogérs, W, 8, R. Murch, Joseph Taylor, J. H. Meade, C. H. Baillie, Alexander D, Bargvev, K Drummond, G. Drummond, Montreal; Allen Linn, Grand Rapids; Samuel Myers, Ottawa; W. Bell, Detroit, Mich.; John Davis, Windsor; R. G. Wright, Napanee; the "will be sewer BB. A. Tate, between the original contracts of Mr, Tait and Mr. Lesslie ws in regard to excavation of rock. Mr. Tait had most fi headache. Lax- ative Bromo Sine) removes cause. E. W. Grove on box, 5e. Taking Out Feldspar. The Orange ball at Portsmouth has undergoing extensive repairs. The a Vsocwl gathering" F, From October ta to hy, cold colds are the Eastern Race Is Over. | With the Eastern Canada * }leag pie games at Ottawa and Itreal Saturday night the league sea- won. was brought to a close. Follow ing is the standing of the teams : Won, Lost hockey Mon- Teams-- Wanderers Ottawa Shamrocks Quebec Victorias Moutreal . --" A Handsome Cup. MicMae: hoe- champions of the Kingston Hock Association, were presented with a handsome trophy hy "Senator'"" Powell. The cup is the work of a locdl silversmith, or black: smith, and is one of the -handsomest ever offered for competition in the city. Manager Trotter, on "behalf a the team, thanked "Senator" in a few well-chosen words, for his beautiful gift. The winning team has had . its name engraved on the cup, and it is on view in the window of E. 8. Web, ster, King street. The trophy is to be held for competition every veéar and will become the property of the team winning it three years in succession. On Mondav evening the key team, Amateur ov Grandpa "Jim." Rejoices. Writing from Charleston, S.C., where he is on his way to Georgia and Florida on a business trip, James Sutherland has the following to say BUY YOUR NEW SPRING HAT AT THE HAT STORE The only plausible reason that you can offer jor vt gets tig your Spring Hat bere you wom oe of ares sd do' ow be superior t y are. a that case you have a pleasant surprise ahead of you. $1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 3.00. { once phy comes back to on To the boys who worked so hard still further congratulations, congratulations seeing champions are remembered in a ing with their great record for i. to-night with Cobourg. ton, J. M, Elliott team comprising W. and defeated it by defeated by defeated match to-fight, {Red Cross Burdock and Sarsaparilla, {75¢ {70e. 'drug §tore," Tea & Ve Have just] regarding the 14th hockey tory over Stratiord Innded from Clyde steamer and that the boys trimmed wp | Seaton team in a handsome er. It is quite needless to say lt pleases me beyond measure its learn the | man the To home was a magnificent ending to most exciting hockey and more the J. Ross Robertson the city, whose | team (Queen's) wise the its name mecribed of championship ioe season, 20 tro representative hirst team the honor to have roll all season 1 offer my sincere tions. To Major Cunningham Manager Noble 'Steacy, who worked so hard for success, | congratuia and have! offer and to} the faithful Tans, who have followed the doings of the team all season, respond once more with still more Let sungstonians now take tipon themselves the task of that the new O.H.A. senior | man- ner befitting the occasion and in keep- | 5 wl k Kingston In Finals. | Kingston is in the finals at the | Belleville bonspiel, and will play off The rink eon A. MeNaugh- | and E. Lyons as | rink plaved a Believille Burke, J, Stew- art, M. Wright and J. McPhee. skip, a seore-of eleven other Kingston rink, Warwick, J. Hooper, E. J. Hooper, skip, was Cobourg by 16 to 9. The rink plays a consolation sists of T. M. Asselstine, skip, This to eight, The Messrs. A. H. J. Reid and R. Kingston Automobile Club. As a result of a visit the directors of the Outario Motor League, F. F. Miller, Napanec, a very | enthusiastic meeting of motorists was held here last evening, at the residence of W. J. Fair, King street. A strong club was organized, with the following | officers : Prof. N. F. Dupuis, honorary | president; R. S. Waldron, president; W. J. Fair, vice-president; Mrs. Flower March, secretary-treasurer; enti | committee, Prof. McPhail, Prof. Will- | hoft, W. J, Moore, W. W. Gibson, | George A. McGowan, Donald Hay, | Ald. H, Angrove, captain from one of t A Notes On Sports. Harvard has taken Kindly crosse and will help the other schools make the Canadian game the great college gaine United States. Buffalo Enquirer : The Canadians, however, have one satisfaction, in| knowing that, although Schardt { Zurbick are professionals, they just as much amateurs as ninety-nine | per cent. of the American athletes who pay homage to the A.A.U. Toronto Telegram : So Queen's wal- loped the O.H.A. senior champions 10 to 4. Well, that Presbyterian sep tette are liable to play great hockey in spots. In their first game with Varsity they pions a great argument. They must have had one of their lucid intervals and caught the soldiers just a trifle off-color, The baseball playing rules of 1908 escaped material alteration by reason of the fact that there was no public demand for radical changes. Under this condition there was neither time, preparation nor inclination for thor. ough discussion of the rules, and after t a perfunctory session of less than two hours only two changes were made-- as an inter-league concession. The rule to prevent pitchers soiling the ball was a victory for President John i son, of the American league, and the | rule crediting a batsman with a sacri: fice hit (and from a time at bat) on a fly which | baserunner, was a concession | ( to- President Pulliam, of the league. Neither change was vital, cach is a commendable measure, one is ealeulated to accelerate game, while the other way, Hy to la- national of the | | | i SCOres a but | as the the | and _pro- ! Lide. i INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Sy] Reporters On Their Rounds. | A one dollar 2quart hot water bot- | tle for 50c., at Wade's Drug Store. | The property committee of the city | council was called to meet this after | noon Chickering's. ve orders at Mé Auley's Book Store. The fort hill attracted one of the largest crowds of the season on Mon- | day night. The slide was in fine con- dition Only one store in Kingston that-sells trictly high-class candy. MecConkey's and Huyler"s sold only at Gibson's | Red Cross drug store. Phone The members of the RC H.A. had a fine march out on the harbor again! this morning. They were out on the ice for an hour. "Have you boils and pimples." Take Sold only at Gibson's Red Uross Phone 230. The different companies have begun fitting. out their boats for the sum- mer trade. Many of the large lake freighters have men working at them, cleaning up the interior, ready to move as soon as the weather permits. "A good tonic and blood purifier." {Red Cross Burdock with Sarsaparilla. Now is a good time to take it. Sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. At the YMCA gymnasium, to- night, the Gananoque girls' team will meet the local YWCA tam in a game of basketball.. The teams have played before, and each have won a game, so the contest to-night should ely attended. 50 a eh Sure. that Dr. ne tells mothers to use nothing else, even for very young bab- ies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung bealing moun- tainous shrub give the curative pro- 's Cough Cure. It " fam ----- THE HALLS OF QUEENS 'A SUBSCRIPTION LIST HAS On the jlowing ollicers for next session orary Gallay being closed this week for session commitice s annuel peport sented and {who are sion s work {book records Q's be presented legiate debating | Sat: irday evening at the college post-office in aid of L W. R. Mulloy, South known as Trooper Mulloy, at Oxford: Mr. to send him medium of the patriotic fund, proved futile. liberally to this appeal of the Mater Society and in so doing could cause, silent spirit, mtercourse Queen's, { the usual tional grant of $36 to cover the year's deficit, been { Hospital, | year, passed through Kingston recent. enter upon a post graduate course Yankee | medicine, at the General and | cine, are (the list of final year medical students who passed the recent examination in mental diseases. was dies battery" the gave the college cham- | tion on his part, and the cause of the cowardly act is a mystery. able evidence has been collected and it is not improbable that the Perps trators of the outrage will be brought to justice, [ite annual meeting this week and this meeting will morning {tor any Case consequently exemption [cured by Hall's National (him perfectly honorable in all | transactions carry out many obligations firm bably will, slightly boost the steadily {ly, acting directly upon the Alood dwindling batting averages.- Sporting m monials smi free bottle. Ipatioms | Every Calamity, No Matter How H. Cunningham, piano tuner Som. ment's warning rushes headlong down | the mountain. side is not { hav a | their { whie h | lation reached a cermin point, | infinitesmally small gore, cause of dandrufi and | silently and long before the | geen. {the scalp and which are the cause of baldness however, when Newhro's Heérpicide applied, in stamps for Cy 0c agent Firm A. L. SILEERSTEIN, 476 trondway en FAN : Pe. Por sala by Meknivey & Birch. 09- BEEN OPENED Bebalf of L. W. R. Mulloy, the Blind Queen's Graduate-- A Science Student Assaulted Alma Matir meeting, elected the fol Hon president, Prof. McDonald; pre lent, H. J. black. vice-president, W Newman, secretarv-ireasurer, 0. captasn, 3. DO, Lcrmeea. At the last basket ball club Jer, committee s books are the collegé evening, the will Le pre- Ws will be awarded those entitled to them for this ws under the new regulations The athletic Next daterday The Mater Society's minute Alma notice of motion that to Queer intercol- champions in future, will be discussed next 's he matter A subscription list has been opened B.A. veteran the blind more widely who is now All efforts to procure for Mulloy a Rhodes scholarship, or to Oxford through the 06, African will respond Alma they contribute' to no more worthy as, apart altogether from his calling f%rth of the patriotic Mr. Mulloy ever proved in his with fellow-students of that he was a mon, in the ue sense of that term. I'he musical committee will psk the Ima Mater Society this session for grant of 850 and an addi Queen's students FROM FURS THIS MONTH W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Exclusive Furrier. We vay Cash for all kinds of Raw Furs. Scott, B.A, '07, who has surgeon at the Western Montreal, during the past Dr. R. A. house en route to Chicago, where he will m GRAND UNION HOTEL W. L. Yule, is ill week. an arts' student, Hospital, this The name of W, was AT Yule, "08 medi omitted from A short time ago a science student attacked by A number of. row- and underwent the "assault ind which so frequently ocedpies attention of our police courts here was not the slightest provoea- Consider- The missionary association will hold conclude, the series for he present session } No session of the police court this HOW'S THIS? We offer One lundred Dollars of Catarrh that cammot Catarrh Cure Srotedo, 0 Reward be F. J. CHENEY & CO. We the undersigned have 'known ¥. J heney for the last 15 yrars, and belteve business financially abide to made by his WALDING, KINNAN MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hatl's Catarrh Cure is taken sdnterna; o and Testi- per and urous surfaces of the system. 75 cents gists Pills for Price Solid by all Dr Hall's Family consti Take NO ACCIDENTS IN NATURE. Great, Has a Definite Begin- ning. There are no accidents im nature The avalanche that without a ™o an accident uny Atoms and Hdding the mass the accumu For years been crvstalizing, minute weight to left its base when previous Neither is baldness an accident. The which is the feeds baldness, result The small germs which thrive ob dandruff cannot exist, 1% and Sold by leading druggists. Send 10, sample to The Herpi Mich. Two shes, W. Mahood, special Detroit, G. Co. and ¥1, ERR HANK HAAR Sod EHH AAHAGIORAIAIOINNE ERR Tees AAR 600D TIME When in need of a Reliable Timepiece, let us show you our special Black amelled Iron Clock, excellent (visible) move ment, Porcelaine Dial and Bevelled Plate Glass Front We can pasttixely recom wend this Clock, and it is suitable for either dining && room of parler. SMITH BROS, Jewellers & Optician ISSUERS OF MARRI- AGE LICENSES. 350 King Street. Phone 668. Coat For Spring. Can be procured here at a very light your pocketbook, tax on Received TO-DAY, ship. ment of latest style Coats, for spring, in Black and Colors Prices begin at $4.95 and range as high as $11. each. The assortment is now complete and pro- spective buyers will do well to see them at once. a A White Waist is always acceptable to a Lady, and the line we are now showing will gladden the heart of the most critical buyer Swell garments, at 75¢. and up to $5 each. Have vou seen the 85 White Net Waist, with Silk Slip that we are selling tor $3.75? It's a beauty. Other Waists to $40 each. up Sheets free, Standard Fashion for April. Get one, NEWMAN & SHAW. 4 AAAI INIA A I A IN A RE ERE AICCCR RR ARC INK KHOR Fans