Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Mar 1908, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1908. EE -- ----- -- ----- BR00000000000000000000sss00bssdnboisestsoss * Fh Wealth of New Spring | Dress Fabrics. Never before have we "invited you to view so wide and beautiful a gathering of staple and novel- ty fabries as that which new awaits your critical inspection in our Dress Goods Section. The assortment is unrivalled in variety, beau- ty and quality of the fabrics and in the excellence of the values 'which it presents, We have made our selections from the productions of the world's best looms, and faultless quality is: the notable characteristie of this superb new stock. Here are hints of the'fine values offered among the new fabrics : New French Broadcloths, black and colors, 52 inches wide, $1.00, 1.25 per yard. New Worsteds and Tweeds, fancy mixtures, stripes, novelty weaves, 50c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50. New Venetians and Broadcloths, bright satin finish, new spring shades, 52 inches wide, 75¢c., $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.65. ; New Dress Materials, in best spring weaves and colors, at from 50¢. to $1.25. New Cream Materials, for Dresses or Suits, including Panamas, Oheviots, Serges, Mohairs, Voiles, etc., at 50c. to $1.65. Black Dress Goods and SBuitings in every wanted weave and weight. Voiles, Panamas, Wool and Wool and Silk Materials at from 50c to $2.50. EE Chr wp------ LCRUMLEY BROS. § CASH COUPONS, G00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 A Rete 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000T000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ! Fire Escapes All lengths, all sizes and to suit all con- ditions. Built to order and erected in place on short notice. Fp ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON REQUEST. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. KINGSTON FOUNDRY. New Styles on Tap. if youdont Nc & forit = MR DRESSER All the best makes and newest tyes in English THE NEW SPRING. HATS MRE "HERE and American Hats, ee Sce our New Telescope Soft Hats, $2.50 and $3.00 Call and see them, whether you want to buy, or not, CLO 3 Poccovocovsee PO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000/00000000000000000000000000000000000000U00000 ou WS CALGHT AT LAST ' BURGLAR POSED AS POLICE- MEN'S FRIEND. | He Planned Daring Robberies and { Got Staff to Execute Them-- Some of His Fine Schemes. | London, March 9.--'Prolessor Mori. larty,'" depicted by Sir Conan Doyle in "sheriock Holmes," who crouched in ia web of erume, has a living counter- part in gloseph Hebburn, sentenced at {the Newington sessions te three and a half years' penal servitude. Like "Moriarty," Hebburn, referred to by the eight burglars (une a negro) he employed as "Manuel," simply "'pull- the strings,' subordinates carry- ing out the daring schemes he evolve ed, | Withig five months he planned close {upon twenty robberies in Southwest { Loudon. Recently his subordinates fell. lupe by one, into the net of the law, tuntil he himself was obliged 10 take {part in an ingenious shop robbery i { Putney, when a smart detective, Ser- {geant Davies, had been follow- jing, caught him in the act, | Only 25, was agile, well spoken and canning to a degree. His "headquarters" were never kpown. He moved from point te point, some timey taking rooms in lodging houses at others in small hotels, Even when his men were working out his plaus he professed a Iriendship for the pol ice, approached the detectives trying to 'trace him, suggested lines of in- quiry, and strove to lead them off the scent, Flats and shops were his principal objective, He is believed to have had a small army of spies and "'intelli- gerice men." Having found out by their help every detail of the move ments of his vietims, and the precogi- tions taken to safeguard till, safe or valuables he' was to rifle, he called a meeting of two or more of his satel lites and devised a plan of campaign. But when the burglary was committed he was usually fur from the spot. He is believed to have planned the following typical scheme: A woman in a suburban flat received a telegram purporting to come from her husband, asking ber..10; méet him in the city. Half an hour after she had gone, leav- ing the flat unoccupied, a pantechni con. van, with two men in charge drove up. Every stick of furniture and every article of value was moved out into the van. But for the suspicions of a neighbor, who astonished at the sudden removal, informed the police, acd go led to the capture of one of the men, the rébbery would have been completely successful ' | ed who "Manuel" GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Two More Good Plays This Week, The Grand Opera House will offer its patrons, "on Wednesday, March 1th, that man of laughter long drawn out, Charley Grapewin, in his greatest character creation, 'Mr. Pipp,"' in the play known as "The Awakening of Mr. Pipp," a farcieal Coming "» CHARLES GRAPEWIN. story of the man of now. The com- pay to be seen in the support of Mr Grapewin is one of notable ability, headed by talented Miss Anna'Chance, who is a happily selected uid to the star. "A Romance In Ireland." At tlie Grand, on Saturday, March Mth, for matinee and night, will ap- pear Allen Doone, the popular young singing coméedian, in. his new and sme- cessful comedy-drama, "A Romance ju Ireland," described as a scenic prodae- tion in four acts and eight stage set. tings, whose action takes place in the county Mayo, lreland, in the pictures. que; seventeenth century, and whose plot is said to be novel and wneonven- -tional ia the extreme. In the part of dasliing 'Larry O'Daly," Mr. Doone is Huai to find abundant opportunities for the display of his great versatility as an actor, and also for his skill as a singer. " The appreciation 8f the public is the final test of merit. This is the reason "Salada" Tea has the enormous ssle of over eighteen million packets an = cars were running ustil four o'clock this morning, keeping the atl clear of ice. In many places around the - Hoe the tracks are com: 'eoversd iven a chance to freese would omnes | with water, and 4. sess Amusements. WEDNESDAY, MARCH. 11th. The Joyous Comedian CHARLEY GRAPEWIN In His Merry Musical Farce, "THE AWAKENING OF MR. PIPP" Over 200 nights id New York, Carriages at 10.45. Prices, 235¢., Soc, Tic, $1, Heats how on Sale, ~ Liberal Nomination The sitinaal" siting of the Kingston Reform Association will be held in the WHIG HALL on THURSDAY, Mar. 12 INST, AT EIGHT P. M. At this meeting candidates will be nominated for the Dominion Par- liament and the Provincial Legis- lature. All Liberals are invited to attend. J. McDONALD MOWAT, President Kingston Reform Ass'n. I1.O.F. NOTICE. MEMBERS OF COURT FRONTENAC 0. 59, and other members of the Order are requested to assamble at the Court Room, Corner of Montreal and Princess slreets, ony WEDNESDAY, March 11th at 1.30 pm. to attend the funeral of our late Brother Michard Young J, 5S, Ri McCANN, Rec.-Secy. IN SHABBY STATE. The House of Lords is in Need" of Repair. London, March 9 8 ds indeed sadly in need of re paiz-- NOt only are the red leather benches in a dingy condition, but the seats in the Strangers' Gallery, in which the peers may invite their ad wiring friends, are too uncemfortable to deserve the name of seats at all "1 am genuinely sorry for the peers," said a liberal MA'., vesterday, "but still sorrier for their friends, be cause the benches in the Strangers' Gallery are as hard and comfortiess as can be. o tell the honest truth, they are merely planks of wood covered with a strip of red earpet as an apologetic attempt at upholstery. Now, we are very much hetté¥ off in the commons. "The binches we can offer ower men friends there are decently upholstered --in fact, they merit the description magnificent in comparison with . the strangers' benches in the upper house. "Members of the commons can take their friends to the bar of the House of Lords on obtaining tickets from Black Rod, and | should say that a 'standing seat' there is infinitely pre- ferable to the accommodation up above, for which their lordships can obtain permits for their friends." A gentleman who has had recent ex- perience of these seats says that there were no backs to them; and that al- together they were "worse than the benches in the gallery of a third-rate provincial music hall." The House of n "+ Water Is Very High. Detroit, Mich., March 10.The Unit- ed States lake survey, just issued, shows a fall of eight inches in two months in the level on Lake Superior. The water is now two and a quarter inches below the mean February level for the past tem years. lake Ontario promises to show an exceedingly high level for the coming season. The wa- ter now two and a half inches above he mean level since 1866, and is six and a half inches higher' thin February last, eleven higher than in 1906, eighteen higher than 1905, abv twenty-four Higher thaw in 104 8 The Works Closed. ' Deseronto; Ont, March 16. ~The De- seronto Iron compuay has. closed down its smelting works, here, on ac- count of not being able ip get char coal. This throws mally men gut of employment, as the compaiy emplov-, ed both day and night stafis the year round. It is not knowl at pwesent what the company intends doing. Croup positively checked in 20 min- utes. Dr. Shoop's 20 minute eroup remedy acts like mafie. No vomiting, nothing harsh. A simple; safe, plea- sant, rendre croup syrap. Sle. All dealers. Talent The company thab Phesdatad "The New Mrs. Loring" at the Geamd, last evening, left, at midnight, for-London, where it plays to-night. Mr. Aylesworth's bill to spe election act wos Bor sinlts cogil commons. 3 A one dollar quart' fountsif syringe for Bbc. at Wade's Drug Store. The Wolle Islagd farmers are bring- ing over quantities of bay, and do not find the market any too good. | SMART BOY TO LEARN PRINTING. office. fers, $45. Carried. 62, Clarke Wagar: 63, 5. Hamilton: CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion 1c. a word. Eafh con- secutive insertion U Ler hall cent a word, Minimum charge for ome in sertion, 25e. . PLAIN SEWING TO Ww. SITUATION WANTED. PONE, OF ANY Kind. Call or write to Mrs. Cayless 834 King street, over Armstrong s SMALL DWEL- acres, vear the 51 Brock St, PURCHASE, A ling, with ahout 13 city. J. 8S. R. McCann WELL-BRF OMING Veurs oi 2 t PERSON oar Wotan oflice, HELP. WANTED-MALE. Apply at Whig TWO CHEESE -- MAKERS. ATPLY, stating salary to Geo. A; Smits, Parham. . HELP WANTED-FEMALE. DWELLINGS TO RE $13, JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars. or other 'paggoege carted. Prices right. Apply w Ss Lytle, General Carter, 35 Main St $11, 25 51 'T. AT $10, $12, $14, $18, $20 and McCann's Real Brock street. Estate Agency, MILLINERY APPRENTICES; APPL' Steacy & Steacy. A GOOD COOK. APPLY MRN. HIRAM Lalvin, 181 King street. MAIDS, AT GENERAL 7 and 8 HOSPITAL Apply between 7 p.m, A MAID FOR GENERAL WORK. AP- ply to Ms Ferguson, 191 King St n the evening. AN EXPERIENCED FUR MACHINE Operator. Steady employment, power used. Apply John McKay Fur Rama 149-158 Brock street. AIR OF GOLD RIMMED SPEC- tacles, on either Prineess or Lower Bagot Sts. Finder kindly leave at Whig office. A STOLEN--RED COCK- white spot on STRAYED OR er spaniel, female, throat, answers to ame "Flos." Return to Sergt.-Major Wallace, Tete du Pont Barracks. Anyone harboring same after notke will be prosecuted around ears tail Send James | brown back, ear answers to Hunter.' formation aboul same to Keys' Brewer's Mills, reward. FOUND. BLACK POCKET-BOOK tached, Friday Feb. 28th, between Bagot and Wellington Sts. Owner may have same hy proving property and calling at 37 York St white, with brown spot om name CHAIN AT MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other company offers Exanvine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- et Square. . i LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance f$ompany. Available assets $61,187 215 Ir addition to which the polieyhoMders have for secur®y the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city pro- perty insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 068. MARRIAGE LICENSES. J. 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. HINCHINBROOKE (COUNCIL. Pathmasters and Poundkeepers Appointed For the Year, Parham, Feb, 29.--Members all pre sent, Minutes of last meeting adopt- | ed. Auditors report accepted and au-| ditors voted $6 each. Moved, Clow Wagar, that deputy returning officers each receive ¥2 for extra services at the election held January 6th.--Car- ried. Moved, Clow Wagar, that 85 be | lot 21 concession 9, there being an er Por in assessment. --Carried, Clow-Wagar, that the reeve purchase lumber and put new flooring jn town hall. --Carried. Moved, McMahon | « Dwyer, that no action be taken on petition re change of school. boundar- iw in sections Nos, 4, § and 6.~Car- ried. Report of caretakers of Parham county was laid over until next meet- ing. --Carried, Moved, McMahon-Dwyer that Thomas Peters, collector, 'receive DRESSY _ CARRIAGES, y ' MEDIUM-SIZFY) FOX HOUND, COLOR |WM { ors to gtir the mind accepted in full for taxes on west hali | tion of mental compulsion man is exercising hig faculty Moved, | ohal cise is entirely GENTLEMEN TO GET their Sprig Suita made at Gallo- way's Style, price and finish guar anteed to please. 181 Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. WACGONS, FURNI ture, Pianos, of any article for stor age, by the month, year, or aay way required, For further information apply to Laturmey's Carriage Works 690 and 392 Princess , St, Phone, 152. SITUATIONS VACANT. LEARN gradu dollars cata College, :N AND WONEN TO barber trode im eight weeks ates earn twelve to eighteen weekly help secure fositions logue free. Moder jarber Queen amd Spadina, Toronto ARCHITECTS. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER chanf's Bank Building, coffer Brock and Wellington streets. "Phone, 212 of SMITH, ARCHITECT, Anchor Bulking, Market Square. 3435. hone, 3 HENRY NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF secomd floor over Mahood's Drug comer Princess amd Hagrot Entrance on Bagot street , BOR TO-LET, 84 LOWER UNION ST occupied by Capt. Praser 1st y. Apply to Robertson Bros. fice store, Stree 'Pho AT Possession BRICK HOUSE, ON ALFREP 8ST. NO. 807, opposite, Victoria Park. Pos session, 1st May. Apply 506 Princess street. 251 UNIVERSITY AVE, (OR. JOHN son, & C street, 9 rooms, got water furnace, B Apply al McCann's, 51 Brock A FURNISHED HOUSE, 239 ALFRED St. Home of the até Major Kiog, hot Water heating, gas, elc Appl eants may sea house, from 4 to . Apply on premises. 37 NELSON 87 double parior wid KMchen, hot mir furnec n a « good collar and yard i ty. 1st May Apply at 5306 Broek ST BUSINESS CARDS. J. RICH, BLECTRICIAN, removed from 179 Wellington St. 206 Wellington St. All work prompt ly attended to: est mates furnished. 5 BED Dining rootn HAS RAGRAPH PULPIT A Challenge To Thinkers. PRESENT | EDUCA office Ivate Apply Bg YOUNG LADY WISHES position in preferred oftice FOR SALE, FOOT SHOW Meodiey's 1 { Store. CIGAR AND FOBACCO best location jn- the tory t : | SIX A CHESNUT § high, good well Broken Met: For Strat fc on TALLION, 18 He and Ja Kia VALUABLY bor PROPERTY FoR house, on J ohingon pr ty of the late Jos Son, now used as a dwelling phaimnber's shop Apply Ww Walken & Waikem SINGLE IRICK DWELLING Wo stories fxn T roams atl Trade extension kitchen, with lot 666x132 good celfaF ax end J oyr SALL street, the I and a Messrs, * Theatre F100 per Object those Asidr i cont of sale purely meaning business wn : ' Kings busines g A SOLID RRIOK With extension kitchen, 6 bed rooms, hot water heatirg Recently renovate ed throughout. Possession 1st May Also pair of good houses Now. 60 and 62 Wellington street Apply AB Cunningham 429 AND 481 JOHNSON double brick house, ow NHA pcr ost PERSONAL. DRESSMAKING USES Children's we Io tL 26 Bia ham St Fast beside Block 1 to | PALMIST AND Inst where PROF. HALSTEAD Psychol removed for street, daily BUTLAND i SMAKER Hngton St y Borel ydy } Kari od 7 XK may be consult MRS. NM 136 We HAIR, { wa rte MOLES et remove without 'scar Fwenty ence. Dr. Blmer J. la Nos Throat Mand 7 | BIRTHMARKS « inent) year Ey The Unitarian church docs not make | any religious attempt thought merely endeav that it may Hence ther least it its own religions thinking is found in it not the sugges of rati perception in the search to shape the mould for} do | 1 hat al for the | truth is the fact of chief importance. | or that ol such exer secondary. Let cut free and think his own That he may arrive at this onclusion as a result man really religious thought, and he ill bFecoms Unitarian in his belief Address, Rev. C. W. 25 Casson, at Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the] ; , $45 as salary. "Carried. Moved, Clow- | literature, ! Wagar, that the claim of C.. Barr for gravel be laid over and Councillors Claw, Wagar and McMahon and the reeve dxamine it with power to act-- Carried. Moved, McMahon-Dwyer, that these orders be drawn om 'I reasurer : J. Hamilton, 85; Witliam Black, $5 ; J, Campbell $2. N, Leslie, $2; Thos. Howes, 32; P, Finn, #2: 1homas Vet- Pathmasters Appointed--Beat, No 1, J. Kennedy; 2, Thomas Peters: 3, R. Kennedy: 4, William (low: 5, O v; 6, George Howes: 7 H. Hic | ; 8, James Hill; 9, D. Hannah: 10, | C. MeRgight: 11, William Kenchon'; 12. J; EB Campbell; 13 J. Lee; 14, William Lee: 15, William Hartwick: 186, 4. Quinn; 17, William Swmider: 15, G. Giles; 19, B. Reynolds; 20, William Shepherds 21,9. Haddock: 22, Thad. Reynolds; 23, A. Reynolds; 24, J Genge: 25, J, Challice; 26, D. C. Spider; 27, P. Finn: 2%. Thomas Carlin, Jr. from his place to south boundary: 29, D. Delongprev: 30, P. Dwyer; 31, J. Moran; 32, J. Higgen- son; 33, P, Sagrili; 34, A, Hayes. 35, F, Moore; 36, Thomas Breen. 37, Al len Wagar; 38, KE. Peters: 39 Thomas Black: 40, J, Wagar. 41, Wesley Wag ar; 42 H, J Wagar: 43, A. Wagar: 44, Georyd "Sills; 48, Joseph' € ox: 46, Jd. Good; 47, P, Nedow: 45, C. Ball; 49, G. A. Smith; 50, H.- Swerbrick 51, DB. J. Howes; B52 George Alton; 53, S. Goodiellow; 54, S. Clarke; 55, 'alsbury: 57, R. N. Smith; LJ. Me be Sills; 61, D.. J. Howes, 64, William Hicks: 65, R. Botting: 66 C. Babcock; 67, E. Clare; 68, F, Tu ! : F rH] i i | it? i i J Suffered From Heart | and Nerve Troubles FOR THRE Last Ten Years. : i H] L i i i i : § j | I | fi I i i ii : £ i i E i i fe fs i £5 j b Hh i § i £ ii | i f i x ¥ i : i I it i : I i i i ¥ f If i i F : i : Re I i pab: 69, Thad. Reynolds: 78, J. Storms; 71, B. Wagar; 72. D. Low- ry: 1. I Smith; 74. E. J. Wagar. Pound-K Walker, T. Ken nedy, J. N. Smith, G, RB. Howes, A. Bush : George Busterill, George pt TY £1 IL W. A. Wagar, Wesley Wagar, M. Cronk, Joseph Jeffrey, R. Botting, D. ©. Snider, P. Sagriff, Thomas Breen, 8S. Leneck. Comnell adiourned to mest at town $F hall, Piccadilly, for court of revision fon Satarday, May 30th, when the money ceases to Purchased lovally stops come, - Wm, Murray, Auctioneer ete, for sale. . 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness Self wf Horses every Saturday. any | | { i i | The Phoeni x Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher. the Leading LY the Inwtrar oop bad >, rhe aut chemicala Tag © | fre, will $2.5 | Agents war DAWSO EY, 217 Princess St. Kingston High Grade Piasos at living | Vor Talking Machine R ent ries Wey TEA DOLLARS FINE I'OR PROV. ING, THIS If A FRAUD, The Canadian and Americas Shoe Re pairing Shop, 201 Princess St., will fix leather soles and rubber beels on your boots for 76¢. Half soles and heels, ladies and ebildren, 60c. & pair. | am able to do this, having in stock a large consignment of the best leaiher and rutsber bee's lijve me a trial and | guarantees satisfaction. 1 lead, others follow. Green. THE FRONTENAC . LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President---8ir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City sud Farm Pro pertien. Mawirtipat sed County Dede tures Mortgages | ved Depo received and nlafelt allowell 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. Table Whipping CREAM -- Pi GLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades $1 complete, guaranteed. STRACHAN"S. pureed guality 331 King Street. Open fram 10.30: am, to 3 am, best place to got an all round Loanch in the She city, Menis of all kinds on shortest Botics. English and Clioess dishes 8 a NewEngland Chinese Restaurant

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