THE DAILY BRITS wre, - TUESDAY. MARCH 10, 1908. |THE WHIG, 75th YEAR |iortable in a modcst shack on KILLED DEPUTY vaRDEN. CO0CUOOCOOVOACVRGOVIVC Of DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 208- | prairie with the temperature at stig] 6 i" 31 Kuy sen, | Kington, Oatario, a 3 Po | below, than in the average Eagles Convict Fugit For ibe} With i ls @r iad i TOVEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, pub home on a cold day. Behed ua 4 a on Monday and T Ts Miss Binnie-Clark's picture in | AT TEMF T ON LIVES OF Deer Lodge, Mont, March 7.--War- jor postage has to be made 50c. for Daily; London Gazette is that of a young] DOCTOR AND FAMILY. den Frank Conley, of the Montana boc. for Weekly. y penitentiary, was severely wounded, { Attached is one of the best Job Jrinting woman in ber twenties, of average | yesterday, and Assistant Warden John EE --" -- Canada; stylish, and cheaj 4 i i | Oe mine Bad y ? weight and heighth. She has a face One Death the Result--The Poison Robinson was killed by three life con- A DURABLE |The Beiush Whig Publishing Co. ni is pleasant and indicative of | Finds Its Victim in a Boy-- |victs who tried to escaps from pri x | | ENSE, , i hic ade her! Man and S il Awaitin son. anaging Director he determination which has made her on in Ja 2 FLOOR VARNISH Made by The Sherwine QVOO00VO0COOOO p | Robinson's throat was cut from ear life sucoe, ) N J i Trial. a : ; 8 success. The North-West has i to ear and the jugular vein was sev room for many thousands of her kind Naples, March 9.~ihe wife of al ered. Conley's throat was gashed and These are wanted, desired, sought, not| doctor at Olevano, a small town in| he was stabbed several times in the wiriams 0.1 opp § | Daily Whig. | . i the province - of Salerno, received g shoulder and the groin before he was and elastic. Doesn't scratch or mar readily under . foot GOOB YEAR EXPECTED | been helped to the country by some Parcel oho dew rk wig or Shie to few his revolver apd: shost wear, Can be walked on The speech of Hon. Mr. Lemieux, in| { agencies, only to bee tO jonas addressed to her hushanc ¥. ldown Hayes and Rock, who were : : . ' gen nly to ome, 28-3! % | Vitolo, and as he was out she open- | armed with pocketknives. It is be next day after application, England, touching on Canada's won- I hawa, burdens on the people with the | it. It came from, Naples, and contain- | lieved that the warden will recover Has a lasting lustre, Easy derful development in recent years, | promise of mendicity when they were! led a box of sweets and a note signed | The three convicts were taken to has provoked the question, Will the | moved out by the deporting officers. | Muzio Mattace, saying that, in re-" the office of the penitentiary by De- i ' membrance of old tigies, it was sent fputy Warden Robinson to be tried {prosperity continue ? The popplation | pa tu-------- to be divided ax the family. w Warde Cotbe : i . ales TITOR 0 'Q > he Md among the Ia wiore Warden Conley for some infrac- has grown to 6,600,000, or SWanty-eix | EDITORIAL NOTES. Signora Vitolo's two children, a girl | tion of the prison rules. Hayes had per cent, since 1901; the foreign trade The Telegram actually saved Gamey { nine years old and a boy of thirteen, for several months been a "trusty ' has risen in value from $234,000,000 | from becoming the Dreyfus of Canada. | ate some of the sweets Almost im- land served as turnkey. He © was {to $571,000,000; there have been 50,-| Who would have suspected it ? i diately hey were id with ter, placed in the same cell with Rock, | : Si rible convulsions and all the signs of | oh, wae regarded as a desperate-man 90 arrivals from. the United States It is proposed to amend the assess- | strychnine poisoning. The little girl | * gy, oy the men i ne the of- within a year; the total immigration ment act so that it will he necessary | V8® saved, but the boy died in. his | gee Rock turned swiftly on Robinson in the year has been 191,208, or forty- 5 7 parent's arms. n the year ha n 191.2 or forty-| take 4 school tenis. Yer: yoat. ¥ I wed The note' sianed who was closing the door behind the two per cent.; money has become ry we ie hus & men, and quickly drawing a knife : * in > 7 -------- Muzio Mattace to _ her hushand, who hed ih dept 3 } we sell it. easier, municipal bonds have sold bet-} Fire escapes for schools are general said he 'knew the man, but that he gas 1 oh rg hi an irs oh at A : . cyt os ' . sO ply 'tha i 8 s ter within the last six months, and|ly demanded in the cities. The recent | could not have sent the box. The po- | BL DOL ohinson fell helples trade, though not booming, has been fires have moved school boards gene- | lice of Bulethe and Naples i on At the same moment Hayes drew a * looking up. Surveying the situation | rally to a very plain duty, formed of what had happened, anc knife and started for Con who re over, calmly and dispassionately, the RAR, set to work lo ascertain the pats treated to the rear of the¥gffice. Be Canadian Courier concludes: "It| The college may help but cannot ane Rost y luce at Huplen {fam w net fore Conley could draw a revolver § . " che er as fo , « % would appear that Canada is likely to | make the journalist. The man has to the wir Ay remieisbired Nat og Haves nd Syrung on the warden and : : % : sigsheq on have a fairly good year. Much de: develop certain characteristics, andj he Jay noted an elderly man, accom- bigot] a Mout fom He win ar a H » . » 108 1 ane yY pends on the harvest, but not so much | experience only will do the work. panied by' the boy of the Hotel eluded the blow apd stroggied a as some people would have us believe, 5 Unione, near the station, had brought perately. Hayes, seeing his intended . ildi : : iti The Telegram reminds Mr. Whitney | the box. Further mquiries elicited the victim gettin, way, tabbed th Railway building, financial conditions, that it woke him up to the necessity | fact that a man had engaged a room Jing mn ge \ Ag a 'a hes h war the world's prices of agricultural pro- { saving Gamey and saving himself | fOr, four days at this hotel, and had fy al times in the shoulder and duce, and other features of the genera] | 8Ying L:amey ng ._ | immediately asked for some one to g ith i \ ' : K i at the same time. Mr. Whitney is show him. a confectioner's where he Although bleeding terribly Conley business situation make up a tota managed 2 draw a revolver and fire which renders the difference between a -- 'The hotel bay, Luigi, took him to a not as grateful as he ought to be. could buy sweegs. four times with the weapon pressed fair and a bumper crop of compara-| The Toronto News says the Halifax neighboring . shop, where he bought against Hayes' dbdomen. As Hayes tively little importance. Canada is |platiorm commits the party to civil | sweets. They were neatly packed into sank to the floor Rock rushed at such a large country now, that a fair | gervice reform. Doess the platform | 8 box and the boy then wanted to © worthless characters who have $15 Suits Our Fifteen Dollar Suits are great sellers. They are elegantly tailored and they are Suits you don't n.eet every day, Why, Sir, there are no Suits in town that can touch them under $18. The mere mention of the fact that we have splendid Suits at Fifteen Dollars does not properly convey the value of the garments. You must see theny on, then only will you aprre- ciate what the low price means. . We sell at a small profit, but we sell often. See Our Display of Nobby Hats. $2, No Higher | Em THE H. D. BIBBY 60. © FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS. 0 ) COO0O00VOCO0000000O000 CO0000000C 00000000 Conley, who fired the remaining bullet take it straight to the post office, but X into Rock and the latter fell wounded i most a certainty." i > y be or anya] harvest is atime is alt : commit the party to public owner the man imsisted on first returning to The third convict took to his heels i | Op 1S GIVEN ship ? Hon. Mr. Haggart says 'go. He [his room in the hotel. The boy wait- at the beginning of Fle stiggle fut » LARGER ALD IS G CN. : has never even heard of it. ed outside his door, but, growing im- | 2 : juis y captured. The prison ° » The School of Pedagogy will receive patient, went in without knocking. ficats refused to give his name until $9,000 from the Ontario government | Judge Maybee is talked of for the| The man, whom he saw standing at y ey olnve investigated whether he : : : ; to A ' rae. concerned in the plot. this year, a sum yet7altogether inade- | chairmanship of the railway commis-|a table on Which wate Streved & the How Haven ad AL got the knives i : . : in | ai we : sweets, was. evidently startled and |. ye! : S. ANGLIN & CO. quate for the work which it has in sion. His rise has been rapid and On | uch discomposed. lie sent the boy | 18 NOt known. It is believed that. the hand. his merits. The commissionership in- off for more sweets, and when they | infraction of the rules had been plan- ned to reach the warden's office, Cor. Wellington & Bay Sts To establish this school in King- | volves great ability, and it is, says a | came packed all again into the box whence the convicts would have a bet ' . pre | contemporary, voufig man's Job. He went with Luigi to the post office, Phone 66. [7100 to demonstrate thift there Jt a | Sante Te x and sent the boy Bo 4, post it. | ter chance to escape, once the warden and his deputy were out of the way. {place for if, and that it is filling Joseph Martin, K.C., the fire-eater, | When the boy came out again the man C0000 00OOD00 CO002000000000 chat place, Queen's College has been is oie > i had vanished. s going to England, there to make x making many sacrifices, and, financial a in ics and journalism Subsequent inquiry has resulted in BURIED IN ONE GRAVE. : ly, it is not in a position to expend |p. Ah EE journalism, the allegation that the man was Gio - ; £00.000000000000000 CORO OOOO 0000000000 Ys : Te will probably succeed in attracting | vanni Pastorini, a chemist, who lived | An Aged Denbigh Couple Die the | ssspmses--"-- =, - -- -- much money in Supetiuten 8. l some attention, though in Hyde Park [at Olevano. The chemist has a son, Same Week The University has, however, al-|y .,4,n at any time the eccentric c lately returned from New York, al : ; i : » 3 an 5 a'so Denbigh, March 9.--A sad affair oc- . Ar i ways begp an educational force in the |}, found. a chemist by profession, who, it is emia ih pon Thursday lat: when : Every Time You Cough you st rain the provinde, and its trustees did pot h-- ; ale alleged, had been making experi- | yo on co BE ol and of his delicate tissues which shrink from the new duty of showing | Japan has nearly doubled her naval Te a Sei Stes ine on dogs, killing | faithful life partner, Mrs, Sarah Dool, line the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. Stop this strain, what it could do in equipping -gra- | strength since the war. The Ameri- | ® Pose Jum bat 0 : . | were bedded for their last resting by curing the cough. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum . . : : ia x , on MSIOTINL anc his son are now in place in one grave. Mr. Dool had brings ease and comfort to the throat and lungs. It not only duates for the teaching profession. The | cans, with: the fleet which is now jail, here, awaiting trial ine i > . : . : : ' & al. heen poorly and suffering from general 1 gt nl ls 1 1s h mb d o E in this 'city steaming up the Pacific In poorly € g cures the cough---but also heals the membranes an Board of "Education in this city is 8 abe, wl hot debility for some months, but got, strengthens the respiratory tract > and s0¢ a bottle, also entitled to some consideration for | cause nearly so great a commotion in Have Iron Strength. worse lately, and passed peacefully Sold everywhere Spuntory Sie : the agrevment into which it entered | the Japanese hearts as some may Strong people have rich, red blood. anid quietly away last Monday at the The color of the blood is due to the ripe old age of nearly ninety-four , i s freest | have surmised. for the year, and Jooking to the frost ---- iron in it. When iron is tacking vital- years. Mrs. Dool was comparatively G 9 S i use of the schools for practice anc The Hamilton Herald is reminded | ity and strength ie reduced. Then it is | well and able to do most of her ray " yrup 0 time to take Wade's Iron Tonic Pills | housework until a few weeks ago when observation purposes, that 'the 'Hydro-Eleétric Commissi There was a fear, on the part of EN : TDISSION | (Laxative). This farm of iron slips in- she also succumbed. Her enfeebled 'oie Pathan, that the = School of Saget build transmission lines under | ¢,, the blood without tax on digestion condition was aggravated by an at Pollut itht "van T the. dis.' the law as it now stands. Mr. Beck | and increases energy and vitality. | tack of acute bronchitis, and after edugogy might succeed a he He 1 once proposed what the Herald sug-|They are a great nerve strengthener several days of intense suffering she advantage of the phblic and - high gests, and he repented of it ? Pérhape and blood maker, In boxes, 25c., at | followed her husband, with whom she schools, but there is no evidence of the Herald did not hear of this ? Wade's Drug Store, Money back if not | had shared joys and sorrows for about satisfactory, sixty-four years, on Wednesday mdrn- this. "The student graduates have \ Jee hn i oe imite eit attenti chools | There is i ing last, heing then nearly eighty- Used over 40 years as a Specific for Coughs, Colds, ete. limited their attention to the sc hools : is not much truancy in the At Home Or Theatre Gown. seven vears of age. "The jusieral, which 40 y pec g confined to the agreement and their | City, but there is a great deal of irre was attended by an unusually large . as work has beén conducted 30 quietly | gular attendance. It would require 5 number of sympathizing friends, took that one is hardly aware of any the service of a man continually look- Ya fs place at the . Methodist church: and Ma EH FESSOR EINES SESE 4549.93.95 bE change: in the, former precedure or or- [ing up the cases which are practically cemetery on Thursday afternoon last, : th - truancies though the rents clad the services being conducted by Rev, der of events. gh parents claim > , Mr. Huyck. The departed were both grant will enable the | they keep the children at home. . , : born in _lIrelapd, but came to Canada } - Tre when quite young. They lived about forty years in this township, being wdditiorial expenses which the venture / T entails, and in time the success of the RIT OF THE PRESS widely knows, and i ioy ing she es ET ' ; teem anc respect ol all who new To arry « i v CIN Vi 0 US : be sadly a8 40 * Wes r oe them. Their departure is mourned by We carry a nice assort- The larger School of Pedagogy to meet some institution. may rant the government in providing, by Se VE three sons and three daughters, nu: / ment of RA ZORS. The B. grant. for the étection and equip. : Where Has He Been ? LER [2 merous granchildren and several great. 3 ? fo, hoa for well-dressed men. g : TWP" | Hamilton Times. randchildren Vv #Costa enough to {nsure a perfect ment of a practice school in connec- | Hon. Mr. Haggart is opposed to 7 g ------ : ; "FE R d " #haa, S0t In 4a low aa hos of tion with the cotlege and in fulfillment | Leader Borden's public ownership b Remember that when the stomach { } NE ver ea y beside o cheaper shoe, the differ- of its larger plans. Plank, In fact, he says be never heard ; | nerves fai] or weaken, dyspepsia or K oh . 0 . ne waamistalable, te of i HAR : indigestion must always follow. But, Rr a1 with 12 blades, for $81 00, 18 tsfy! . TTLE 3 YES IN CANAD! MILE Strength the k id ye : . Eu wear hp Ro Sontar AIFTLE BRIGHT EYES IN CANADA. go) Witiid's Populazity. RS en Yates me. wink iuside > the best on the market. Other * LoE ZA : Miss Binnie-Clark, to whom refer- Montreal Herald, } Pp rative, 5 : : a - . 3 and then seo how quickly health will Ee SL Safety Razors, in morotco TH SAWYER SHOE STORE ence was made in a recent issue of] To-day the confidence of the domin- TR A again return. Weak heart and kidney A Sd the Whig, the English woman charm- fon in Sir Willdd Lauriee ia as Sime LR 3 nerves can also be strefgthened with J . leather cases, from '$2.50 to , ; ute as ever it was. an he chances and . . -- : A er of Qu'Appelle, writes to the Lon- o : \ R § the Resorative, where heart pains, pal-* Fg rw Das ' 8¢ gents. don Gazette a most interesting letter, Shanges o provincial polities leave ¥ pitation, or kiilney weakness is found. . $5 3.50 per set. » at confidence shaken. Black and white is always good | Don't drug the stomach, nor stimulate A mother, widowed, with two boys style, but the combination is es the b : y ; hy pe: e heart or kidneys. That is wrong. Real Estate and a legacy of £400, wants to Tearned By | Experience. cially 'modish this season. The model | GO to the cause of these ailments. 17 Princess | know if Canada is 'the plave for her, Exchange. illustrated was of fine black dotted | Strengthen - these 'weak inside nerves St. Thomas, which a short time ago net, over. a princess slip of white | with br. Shoop's Restorative and get | bey Street. Headquarters and kt he Saxe am ¥. Sas Ar ™" {abolished market fees, is to the fore taflsta ~ veiled with dn - inexpensive | well. A simple, single test will surety sponse ity of making » new home, | with a bill to permit it to re-establish | grade of white silk mousseline. The tell. All dealers. If you want to buy or sell City | and raising her soos with a full re-|them. It has learned something hy gown was slightly Empire in style and | Miss Maud Little, who las. been on Property; go 'to a man who sponsibility 'of their position in lie. |®xperience, was trimmed with black ( 'hantilly lace spending two weeks at her home, on makes a specialty of same. Miss Binnie-Clark's answer is a most -- and shirrings. White Irish lace was King street, returned to Buffalo, on 7 Ble CLEARING n Whitney Missing Again. used as a finish on the sleeves and | Sunday, @ } - 3 Sa------ thoughtiul ona, She practically gives Montreal Gazette. outlined the rounded neck, which was | More cascs of sick headache, bilious- IAL name" eR 8 : GEO. CLIFF, her own experience, and she knows| The extreme public ownership news-| slightly decollete. ness, constipation, can be cured in less Af NUL --- OF -- . . the value of every dolifryend just how | papers in Ontario ite beginning to it time, with less medicine, and for lewd ] } " Clarence st., Opposite Post | far it will go in Saskatchewan. Life, [attack Mr. Whitney, the premier of oy . frost bor Con Be gd by using Carter's Little Liver a 3 % ; "Phone, 885. + i : the province. The fact will not -- bei{Cross drug stove. = Phone 230. ills, than by any other rreans. g H LL FURNITURE she points out, i the. newer Provin®es, | unwelcome. It may indicate that Mr. ; h ape and on a homestead, is somewhat un- Whitney is becoming conservative . - ' TL : comfortable, Care should be taken . 1 d OA o od have hoon Faiyested by many to secure a bit of land on which there -- . ie P SoZ hs Bie UL, Patrons to continue Our + whic : y : ; By ig Clearing Sale. I wish to b voter snd wood oven te mar) Nop Youre rice. Jf You Desire Better Complexion] SGirerweien Il .-. oor ou iru 5 : : : | Hamilton Spectator, i BW A distant from the railway station. Six An imperial newd service Would be a e a to clear out. And we intend run- oc sixty miles do not make any differ-| Ge thing for Canadian newspapers This Will Tell the Way. y . a, Our Big Clearing Sale till we ence. Eventually there will be rail. | but Sahl t it be a good idea to de To TS our large stock. Every- way service and te ic news service worthy Who ean gainsay that the joy snd pride of every woman is a dainty ng the newest and latest. the De before we work the wires im-| complexion and a good figure. v attract attention, command respect and T tation for grain. Deserted or cancel: dally? A news service, like char-| are coveted by all sensible women. If health is good, it's but natural for he Leading Undertaker. led homesteads may be acquired at an ys should begin at home. most women to have pleasing books. But when the face is bloodless and the advantage, but they should not be --- tears ever ready to flow, wig is a dragging weakness somewhere thet accepted without a wurvey. The house, Disfranchised. needs attention. Such was the case with Mrs. J. J. Perry, of Lindsay, Ont. , must Lt SL a She tells how she turned sickness into health, how her good looks were re- "thi red i stored. x Jared oy th Tela le "About ten years ago | was confinedto my room foe five months ffs the Robert *Rogers, who made the state-| constant eareof a doctor, suffering from " 1 arma a e! t that in the incial constitu. y 1 2 men: in rov! : pte Nigastion oY disfranchised the federal J] became , 'palpitation of the heart and at the corners of my mouth added to 'my 'burden. My druggist, Mr. advised me to 'try Ferrozone. I used thre boxes at first, and om 3 Bitter Oranges, extra fine, 25¢ per doz. 2 ECE Ser 3 a Ee -------- La -- Seedless Lemons, 25¢ per doz. t Ferrosone ag me. _ My life was nr 3 Bahama Grape Fruit, 50c per doz. testify to its meri Bei A.J. REES, 166 Princess St on will par you pe Ferrozon?, EI