4 BSR YEAR 75--NO. 60. Ja WT HD |F. S Wartman Will Be the Candidate 1 occasion by pre- | : i | I---- ' : | senting him, on Thursday, with an ad- | / f dress, a purse containing $1,000 ial Ll f UAL 6 AMA Y gold, and a silver service costing 2600 iw ! Fhe relations which have subsisted be- | Re ----EN KINGSTON, I 1 MR. GOBEIL'S RETIREMENT, Presentation For Deputy Minister of Public Works. Ottawa, March 11.~Autoine Gobeil, deputy minister of public works, "~tentered a junior thirty-six years ago, and has risen to the highest honor i The Unassallable Suprem- the gift ol the minisier pl 5 acy of the Sea. AVE ---- to | " j accept superannuation. The members {of that branch of the yivil service have | decided 10 mark the | tween the deputy and his staff have | | been of the most pleasant nature, and | WHAT MR ASQUITH TELLS his decision to retire has been learned | IN THE RIDING OF LENNOX i ' . = | with much regret. Mr. Gobeil pur-| i AND ADDINGTON. THE BRITISH COMMONERS, § Poses going aoroad for a year to en | 10y his well earned rest, { | The Prospects of Winning the Seat Are Bright--M. S. Madole Will Run For the Provincial House and He Hopes to Make a Big Hustle Against Carscallen. The Matter of the Strength Navies Again Under Review Will Build Ships to Meet Any Bishop Makes Appeal to City at Emeigency--A Cordial Letter Large Meeting. | From the King to the Kaiser. London, March 11.<Inspired by the | London, Mateh 11.-The list of the | comparative strength of the naval] powers of Great Britain and Germany of London, which has oceupied considerable time | Which he | iol parliament this session, and which bis fund for the spiritual regeneration | terday to receive the amswer of F. S. reached a climax when the fact of the | of the metropolis, The meeting, which | Wartman, to whom was tendered the | kaiser having written a letter to the| ¥88 Well attended, was held in | nomination first ford of the admiralty; was made | Michael's church, Cornhill. Among | standing the condition of the ! public, yesterday, in the Bouse, in ang | those present was the lord mayor of | the town hall was filled by representa- wor té a question by Arthur Baliour, | London. The service, the bishop | tives from every part of the country. | Me. Asquith, chanedlior of the ex. |%8id, had its origin in the Wall street| The meeting was opened by the pre- | chequgr, representing the government, | Service of last year. He had sident, A. W, Benjamin, after which | ig Great Britain must maintain une | challenged to rally his own men as he the secretary, W. B. Herrington an assailable supremacy at For this | had rallied those of New York, nounced that after careful considera- | pirposé" the two power standard was the present gredt was | tion. Mr. Wartman had concluded to] a good practical standard § the auteome. | become the standard-bearer of the rve-| Without forecasting the programme of | | form parity. This meant a good deal! 00x My, Asquith could say, without! Held As Forger And Thief. | to him, as it was a large and difficult | hesitafion, "that if the government] New York, March 1l.--Accused of] riding to canvass and if the rank and | found 'a reasonable probability that | forgery, larceny and embezzlement of | file would do their work victory was| the German ship-building programme | over $50,000 jn Russia, Mrs. Olga | assured, as the people of this county | * would be earried out it would be their | Stein nee Segalovitch, was arrested at | were growing tired of having a Yye-| duty npt only to build sutficient ships, | a hotel Here on an extradition war- | presentative who had accomplished no- | but to' Jay them down af such dntes | rant issued by Robert T thing. 'The announcement that that, \g January, 1911, the superior | ing secretary of state, at | Wartman had accepted the nomioa- | ity of the Germans would not be an] of the Russian government {tion was received with cheers for the | actual fact, Mrs. Stein was arraigned before | candidate. 'He responded to the call | The _ Berlin correspondent of the United States Commissioner Shields [for a speech in a few well chosen ye | Jvening News hears that King Kd-{and committed to the Tombs until |marks. He is a young man of pre { j ward has written to the kaiser a very | March 16th, when the examination in |possessing appearance, who is well | cordial letter with regard to the | the extradition proceedings will he | known throughout the county. | the kaiser ! held. It is said that Mrs. Stein's | well versed upon the public questions | operations resembled in some respects of the dav and has been promised the! those of Mrs, Cassie Chadwick, who support of many of the leading eon- died ngt long ago in an Ohio peni- | servatives of the riding, who feel that testiary., it is time for a change. { Mr.Madole, the candidate for the | provincial assembly, announced that | he was in the field to win. The speak- er of the day was L. G. McCarthy, M.P., who, in a most able manner, handled the public questions of the day. He delivered one of the 1 A ---------------- © REGENERATION OF LONDON. | i made an appeal in the city | and Addington summoned a meeting St heen on and | congregation working Bacon, the act request cox © yespondence hetween and Lord Tweédmouth. How Regarded In Germany. Berlin, March 11.~ An officer of the | ministry of foreign affairs upon being questioned' regarding King Edward's letter, smilin 3 said : Hy refrain from at the Times' indisere tion in pubicly disqussing a strictly private communication." It is re lighly stated, however, that the letter tly pleased Emperor William and ment. The newspapers rox-the vie in the British parliament on t subject of the letter and eilogize 'the calm dignity of the procepdings. They politely admonished the kaiser to re: press in the future his impulsive ten- dencies anid to refrain from cores ponding with foreign ministers on public matters without consulting his own advisers. , OFFER HIS HEAD. o The Lieutenants of Mulai Hafid Disheartened. Tangier, March 11.--<FPwo = of Chief liestenants of Mulai Hafid, tan of the southy have become dis hfartened hy his inactivity and have written to Sultan Abdul Aziz, asking "his pardon for rebelling against him They say il they are forgiven they will bring Mulai Hafid's head to Ab- dul Aziz. DAILY MEMORANDA. Zioh, skating to-might "The Awakening of Mr. Opera House, 8 p.m Waospderland Theatre--A fernoon venti good vaudeville Limestone Lodge. No. 91, smeots Thursday, at 8 pou, Remember Infants'. Howe Tea at Mactwe's, Union street, Thursday noon; Princess--' "Blue Deard,'3 Drama ; Ene rgiser Comedy : "Episode France," Tueidents of the Prussian War Song, 'Daring Sue." Bijou Theatre The Flpele Tom's © Cay" Davis. sigs "Black Jim." sings "Yesterday." WHIG TELEPHOEES. Refuse Arbitration. Washington, March 11.--The United States has been snubbed by Venezuela and the people want to know if the United States should not answer back even if Europe should not approve. President Castro, of Venezuela, it will be remembered, seized the property of the American Asphalt company because the company was aiding the revolut- ionists to overthrow his government, The case was tried ih a Venezuely court and the court upheld Mm. Now the United States wants the matter arbitrated, Int President Castro says no, it is a Venezuelan matter, and must be settled dmithe Venezuelan courts. best addresses ever heard in this riding and carried the large audience with him. The liberalg. of Lennox and Adding: ton are taking their polities seriously, party lines are fading away and the | present member has his work out out for him and the party ery will no longer carry him through. Mr. Wart man's prospects are bright indeed. " 18 IT ANOTHER PLANET? Astronomers Reports New Body in Tragedy At A Carmival. Heavens. Lisbon, March 11.-- tragic aeci-| Cambridge, Mass., March 10.--~The dent marred the recent carnival cele-| discovery of a new planet or satellite hrations at the village of Salsas, in|is announced in a cable despatch re Braganza province. A wan and his ceived from the observatory at Kiel, two sons gave representations of the | by the astronomers at the Harvard assassination of King Carlos. One of | University at Cambridge. The new | the who was impersonating | body was observed, on eight different | Buica, the assassin, shot and killed | nights hy the obderver, Melette, at | his father, who was made up a= Fran. | Greenwich, and is visible in a large | vo, with a revolver, which he lielieved | telescope, was ngt loaded, The youth was grief| "Its position on two. different ocea- | stricken over the tragedy, and with | sions was given as follows i On Janu- | difficulty 'was prevented from killing | ay 27th, 56, Greenwich mean | himself, ; time, if wns right ascemsion 8 | the sul BONS, hours | {amd 46 minutes 7.2 seconds; declina- tion plus 18 degrees 3 minutes 34 se- | Sr ---------- | cond. On Febroary 28th, A782, [ Greenwich mean time, it was in right | { ascension, 8 hours 31 minutes 32 i Pipp." Grand and | seeonds; declination plus 19 degrees 16 | LETTER FROM ' BISHOP fo. The clined to the belief | {tronomerd ave READ IN CHURCHES, | that the ohject is a satellite, iran AO UW Mra minutes 13 seconds. The Harvard as- | after The Proposition" is = One That TO PUT UP BOYCOTT Should Be Devoutly Consider. ! . : | ed--The Pope Has Spoken If the Steamship and Cargo is Not | on | the Subject. m Confiscated. | Buffalo, March 11.5In Hong Kong, March 11.--A monster | letter addressed to the rectors of his Famous Drama 4 Joh Robert Vera Holden a circular success in Wall 'strept last October the| Napanee, March 11.--The president | Right Rev. Arthe¥ Fogram, Bishop | of the Liberal Association of Lennox| hopes will largely qugment | of the stalwarts in the town hall yes- | central's { some time ago. Notwith-| roads | station just in time. Inside of an hour lin | was most severe, STRANGE CASE THIS, Mother Asphyxiation. M lady Saved From Hamilton, trp of a Trip Unt. young to Hamilton in the early hours of the lives of her moth- a cousin under the and morning saved er, two sisters umstdnces. They most remarkable cr Bo arrived, The {lives in Parkdale with a married iter, While the rest of the family in Hamilton, awakened at jo'clock in the morning by the tele {phone bell, ° Hamilton wants vou in ia hurry,' the message from cen- jtral. She hurried to the telephone, land in a moment heard her | voice," very weak, almost inarticulate, Oh, Esther, come to we're all d ' "Why cripd the "what is the {matter."' Annie us, both {Bella and. Jeanie to call { the neighbors. Come as quickly as vou fean. 1 can't stand at {any longer." The girl, thoroughly terrified, listen- led some moments longer. Then came saving, "Finished." ! The sound brought the girl to action. Finding that a train left for Hamil ton at six o'clock, she arrived at the was was saying, us | quickly, ving." | ther," t girl, 18 unConRsSCK are too sick the telephone voice and a half from the time she received the message she arrived at the home Hamilton. She found the whole family unconzcious from coel' gas. Fortunately, with prompt niedical at- gendance, the entire four revived, It seems that the chimney had got stop ped up, and the mother awoke to find herself deathly sick and the oth er three girls undBfiscious The one thought in her mind wes to get Esth- er in Toronto. She had inst strenoth to call Toronta and tell the daughter something of the trouble when she again collapsed. not again to regain Nr. |conecionsness till the daughter arrived | gineers from Toronto. AN she remembers 'of the night is as if in a dream. Rui SHOT BLACKHAND J3ULLY. He is | Italian Banker Proved Too Quick | For Assailant, New York, March 10.--Repulsing a daylight attempt of the Black Hand to rob hix bank on Saturday, Pas quale Patti shot Franeesco Pellatre, alias Guiseppe. Sapio, who is now dy- ing in an hospital with five bullet wounds in his body, as a result of his attempt to hold up the bank. A sec- ond man, Michele Degostino, whom the police believe is an accomplice of Pellatre, was arrested while running from the bank, after the shooting. For fourteen years, Patti told the police, he has constantig.received Black Hand letters, and La month ago. . the front of his. bank was blown out by a bomb, and $40,000 scattered in the street, which was saved by prompt work on the part of the banker. Pat- ti is held by the police pending fur- ther investigation of the aflair. WIS A SCARCE YEAR ------ LOOKING BACK OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS. People Who Came to Canada Died of Want of Food--Snow From December to April, {Picton Gazette. The trials and tribmlations, during the severity of this winter of some of the newlyv-arrived einigrants to our country recall the traditions of the "hungry year," handed| down from past generations. In 1758, only a few years aiter a number of United Em- pire Loyalist families had settled in the Bay of Quinte district, principally around Bath, Adolphustown, and Prince Edward, the crops failed alto- gether and the winter that followed The snow was un- usually deep, and the deer, upon which the settlers depended largely for meat, became an easy prey to their rapa- cious enemies, the wolves, while men were perishing with hunger. The late Henry Ruttan, for prominently known throughout this district, in an address delivered at years dnd Family arch 11.--A flying | from Toronto | were unconscious Irom coal Has when | voung lady, whol Si8- | live i Live mother's | mo- | meeting was: held at Canton, vester- diocese Bishop Colton urges all the] Hav, lo protest, agnipst the surrender | : y : g {of the steamship Patsu Maru to Ja-| Kingston in unmarried spinsters of marriageable | qn, Prominent members of the up-to this trying age to pray to God to send them suit- per classes. who attended the -- able partoers. r the letter was read in| ing, declared China's sovereign rights [three years consecutively. in conse | all the Untholic churches of the city i shold be asserted. A resolution was {quence of failure in the crops, and at all services on Sunday. After im- passed that 5 the ship and cargo were | what brought on the famine or scarce pressing on all his parishioners that | on focated a boycott of Japanese |year was the almost entire destruction it is the sacred duty of all who. ~ dof manufactures should be begun. The | of the deer by wolves." The snow lay not intend to enter holy orders to meeting subscribed a sum of mooey to | upon the ground irom December until | get married, the bishop urges that! ry the initial cost of carrying on [April at a depth of from four to five they sonacichtiously tohpicer pid Prof the agitation. bi { feet. In the. month of February of the position and pray for divine guidance. | The bishop's acl is in purswance of | last of these years a gentleman sent | {to Albany, in the state of New York, the following recently promulgated by ia distance of mare than two hundred Pope Pius X: i miles, for four bushels of Indian corn, "It ds timely to remark that per. aty and this was brodght all that dis: sons of marmageable age, and who jtance by two men on showshoes. It feel no voeation to the religious life, should conscientiously consider the ad- ook thém some time to accomplish ta 0 4 . Pratt, r of the |the journey, and a part of the visability and the duty of enteging the of Pra InBBAEE s | pa , 8. corm martipd sate (for duty it surely is Farmers' Dank, at Southampion, was | was necessarily consumed by the men found on the railway track a quarter jon the return = trip, The residue of ho the dasyer hart of phe huthas, fnpot of a mile north of the station here, | this precious cargo was pounded into ily), and i reason y sho pray God to send them suitable part. ; "ta : late last night. A revolver, which lay {meal in the hollow stump of a tree, Suitable for that purpose Es 3 nearby aa bullet wound ia the {and formed a staple article of food and At the right price. ners and direct theif in their choice, | youth choked the case to be oné of [for the family." rr . for matrimony 'is a sacrament, and| uicide. Mr. Pratt looked after a! Many Prince Edwarders whose pa- . i . brings the blessings of God on those| up branch of his bank at this point | rents were U. L.'s, readily recall. receiving it in the state of grace and |, .4 attendetl to his work, vesterday, | stories of privation on.the Prince Ed- who live in it in a Christian man- |. yeual. He was about thirty years {ward shores duping the scarce times. ner." old and wamarried and was well fiked, | One woman prominently connected in tonn now tells the story with | Recovered By Owner. some pride that many a day her Vienna, March 11.-The Stradivar-|mother went hungry to bed due to ins violin, worth $30.000, which was pronounced scarcity of food. This stolen from Eugene Ysuye, the famous {had continued for wo long 'a time that player, at St. Peteisbiry, has been re- {she was. finally tempigd to dig raw covered in a. way. It was sold [Potatoes that her father had planted te a waiter ot 'a little railroad re- {as seed. The young girl repeated this stayrant in Moravia by a stranger for trick until _discoverad hy her father $173. Thenee the precious instru + who administered the necessary pom found its way back to [om ----r me ishment. The incident forcibly shows was overcome with joy at regaining | 10 what straits the - pioneer settlers it. : : violin had been stolen from a whte reduced. . ---------- at the concert. room in g while ¥ as p 1840, alluded ds follows 248Nunigess Office time: "A gteat scar 299-~Fxltorial Roowis. 298+ obhing Department v Legal Forms, oll kinds, at Whig The Daily Whig is always on sale at Gibson's Drug tore, Market Sgoares Open till late each evening. SHOT IN THE MOUTH. A Banker Ended His Career Southampton. ou 1 oing up Mar- qu are d np Allenford, Ons., March 11.~The body | font forget we have a a -------- Big School Burned. Toledo, Ohio, March 11.~The school wool | building at Napoleon, Ohio, the Jar- {gost 'of the kind in the , Was to tally destroyed hy fire's y. Loss $110,000. No ome was injured, "Have you that spring feeling. Take Bardock and Sam 3 Com- J povnd, Red Cross brand. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drag store, Phone 230, ul i that it - Twenty Per Cent. Discount, On burnt wood." Edwards and Jen ers city of provisions prevailed for two or |' ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1908. | ! i i i | Distant Places, } } i i { { SIBLE FORM, i Matters That Notes From All Over---Little of Eyerything Easily Read and Remembered. | Oscar McDonald's general store at Toledo, Ont., was destroyed by fire. Mrs. Louisa A. Howell, Peterboro, committed suicide by drinking car bolic acid. A constable of the North-West prairie, near Maple Creek, Sask Premier Whitney made a statement in the legislature upon the power question, attacking the former Ross administration. Prince Ludwig Menelik, a near rela- tive of King Menelik, Abyssinia, has been expelled from Germany for being drunk and disorderly. " Eighteen Hindus ol were fined $500 the test under the Natal act, but sentences will be appealed Sir Richard Cartwright introduced & bill in the senate postponing for a year the time when the gold and sil ver marks act is to come into force { Several principals, janitors and en- 8' of public schools of Chicago { have been arrested for having the | school doors locked during study hours the | Night riders are again busy in ' the south, In Brook#vie, Teun., they have burned fiftéen thousand pounds {of tobacco belonging to a wealthy | planter | Lieut.-Col. A. jan mtimation that | of commander dian team to Bisley recently appointed. Lieut. -Col. Howell, of the Salvation Ammy, is convinced that they can solve the Oriental problem in British Columbia by bringing out British im migrants, In Bristol, Va. John Presler, a young married man, suspected of being implicated in a murder, was dragged from: his home by a mob snd to a tree. I The new range at Rockelifie for the iD. R. 0. A. will be ready for the Au- | gust meeting. Work will soon be com- menced. It is intended to use the new targets for extra series shooting. Fdward Brown, M.P.P. for Portage la Prairie, says that that the three-fifths majority has been abolish- ed and only a straight majority re quired, before the end of the year Manitoba should he able to carry lo- cal option all over Manitoba, except in. Winnipeg, Brandon and Portage la Prairie On Monday, was repairing the rink, Ottawa, for had mounted a ladder, A voung man Iwas how near he could laround the bottom of it as it. stood He succeeded in going near shake it, and the man Paquette lingered for a died Wednesday morning A. Labelle has sent he accepts the of the Cana to which he was position now a man named Panuette, lichts at Rideau which purpose he wePing {on the jee enoligh to came down while, and A BOLD BURGLAR. Pointed Revolver and Told Lady to Be Quiet. Catharines, Ont., March 11.-- Clark, wife of Ald. Elbert Clark i formerly chief of police of Thorold, | was sitting alone in the front room of her home at Thorold, reading, last night, when the door opened and a St Mrs ugly looking revolver "You keep |are and vow he won't get hurt," re she showed no symptoms of disobey ing, he coolly went through the draw of all thé furniture fof money There happened to be only 82, and this he took, first warning Mrs. Clark not to move until he got well away She says he was a medium sized man, poorly dressed, and had a very fat face. He wors no mask. WIVES TOO EXPENSIVE. Luxuries Which Young Men Can Ill-Afford, London, March 9.--Alice, Countess of Chichester, read some members of her sex a Severe lesson this week. In these davs, she said, inwm lecture on the duties of women, mothers were guilty of following the various social! like herself. fashions of the day, in émulation of their neighbors. Thus it came about that they made thair daughters such expensive arti- cles that young men simply would net ting married sought in the luxury their clubs ithe comfort which they bahould find in houses of their own. THREW BAG INTO STOVE. emme-- oman Severely Burned Guelph W : As a Result, LATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And the Lananogue East | annual tea meeting last evemnpg, Thus an THE WORLD'S TIOWGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- Interest Everybody I ornell Mounted Police was found dead on the each at Vancouver for failing to pass! skate | strange man walked in flourishing an | quiet and git where vou) | marked to the startled woman. When THE ANNUAL TEA. a - ------ A Fine Spread at the Bethel Meth odist Church. Gananoque, March 11. --The bethel chwich, a lew and belonging t cwcuit, hela congre j gation of i jeast of the town, meeting jis the most popular tea also to Danay lea was served from s which an excellent pro ils section, bewnyg townspeople, lo eignt, after instrumental numbers wiach wer in charge of | qamist of Lrace fand Mrs, J, M, cellent recitations, ey, pastor, of >i, Rev. Wiliam Timberlake, pastor church, and Rev, Joseph pastor of | circuit, gave interesting addresses. | The Willing Circle of King's Daugh ters, non-denominational © body, purely charitable princi the of Miss kdna Haig, Princess street, for general busi last Lbeir main work this seuson is ably secondmg the work of the town council's poor relief com mittee among the peedy families of the town, The Tigers, champions of | the hockey league, of this district, left | this afternoon, to try | with the Tremton aggregation in secomd game of the finals in the jLaxrece River League series The town authorities have caused to be printed and placed in couspicu ous places all over warning the public in general to re frain from violation of the new by law, forbidding spitting on sidewalks hallways, halls, docks, | publi are wont | penalty of a fine of $2 against the use of profane ol 1 aylor Rev. Henry Gra Grace "n | founded | ples, met at | on home ness evVeulng, the = | | | etc., where the not less than $I hey alse call at loitering or more than tention on stree corners and sulting languag: The D. F. Jones company, manufac turers of all kinds of shovels, which hag been running only three days a week for some time past. has infreas ed to six days a week at eight hours a day, Shipments of some 10,000 doz an increase, It is to be hoped that busi ness in other lines will also soon take a turn 'or the better, On account of the illness Bews, Sydenham street, the third class had to be vesterday, This morning Miss M. Rews' work was tak en byw Miss N, T street wehool, and od. James Melernnan heen confined to his ill for several davs past. It is how r, understood that his condition is ot dangerous. Joseph Moore, Jr., Mrs #ONION of mn dismissed work again resum Brock street, has his home for the past three weeks on account of illness, is again able to be around town FRENCH DEFEATED MOORS. Moroccan Tribesmen Routed With Great Slaughter. Paris, March 11 ~The French troops, under Gen. 1)'Amade, yvester day, gained their most signal victory since they landed in Moro One column: penetratéd the country of the Mdraka tribesmen, amother engaged the Mzabs, and one Mulai Hafid's Mahallas The fighting continued from 6.am, untd 7 p.m.- The tribes routed with great slaughter French parsued them ener The Moors abandoned quantity of ammunition, tents other The French were comparativély trivial THE MAK GETS $250 DAMAGES AGAINST BRITISH | WIDOW WHOM HE SUED. | The Woman Tiifled With 1 Affections of a Man Aged i) Sixty--Thought the Widow Had Shown Surprising Fickle- ness, London, March 11. That of filty-ecight cannot trifle with the af fections of a man with ir punity has just been decided by a jury which has rendered a verdict of $250 to the man who sued for damages to his heart and prospects because a rich widow found that a change had coms aver ber affections alter asking to marry her. The plaintifi in this interesting cise { was Walter L. Phillips, a surgical ope | rator, and the defendant was [ Flora Goodman, a resident of Bourne | mouth, whois husband had left her {very well 10 do. She met Phillips { through 'a friend, in whom abe { ided that she thought Phillips "would ldo" as a husband. She found for ont thing that he was * She proceeded to write {him & serien of very cautions love let- ters through her granddaughter, the 0. men were and the getically. n an lo materials. Sees the woman of sixty | ! him { lntter always joining in with love and | kisses at the end of each, Mr. Phillips was induced to give up { turn dgreed to settle 822.500 a {ou him alter the honeymoon. jally he began to think he was | rather well. But presently the widow's ilove began to wane and Mr. Phillips {found himself in rather' an awkward position. When be found that the {spell of the romance had bwen per Year miles is Lhe gramme was rendered, the vocal aud | Thursday conclusions | town large cards, | to assemble, under | ent of shovels during the past week, | has made ample room to warrant. this | the King street school, | Wright of the Stone | First street, who hae been confined to | Mrs. | deeply religious' | Natur. | doing | ily British Whig LAST EDITION | Probabilities' Toronto, - Oat., Mush 11. Ottawa a an 21 N° per T Lamia (10 a.m.)=-Fresh to strong south- westerly winds, fair and mild , fair and milder. Miss bssie De. Long, or: church, Cuflord Sive also gave ex i Audrew s church, | of | ON | Gananoque East | | | 8 [%) 18 |® 1. Our new Silks are now in stock, and you will do 'well | to examine our various lines, as we | can now offer you some Ty exclusive lengths. i One spgcial line we would ¢ like tof draw your attention 8 to is a special importation of French Foulards In a beautiful range of pat- terns in hoth light and dark colors. Dress lengths only together with a great range pf JAPANESE TUSCANS, TUSSORES, PONGEES, SHANTUNGS, ete. FRENCH TAFEETAS, PAILLETTES, MESSALINES, BRITISH PEAU-DE-SOILE, ete, » We 'are offering very special lines of Taffeta Made by the home seriously | celebrated "C, J. Bonnet." This is the softest and most brilliant Silk in the market. It is oil | boiled, good weight and drapes beautifully. C. J. its) Bonnet's name in gold on i every yard. None genuine i without it. | 2 great lines, at . {7% £1.15 i b 8 . $1 and Ask to see it at |® : Steacy's |B 1000 { 3 2 | BORN, | STORMS 1, Whton | 1908, to Mr. and Mr a daughter LAMBERT --In Kingst 1 M 1 M i THOS a daughter, ] DIED. GUILD J Mareh 11th Fack Hans ' hind of and Mrs ' did, aged yen 190%, M ome | Funeral pr | JORINS( IN rel 9) wm M Weipenda y. March 10th { the O'REILLY 1908 inate W inetal pr Suny 9.830 ¢'cle repose © GOWDEY 4At Brooklyn, N.Y. (9 March 4th, 1908, Burton, voungwt so8 of James Gowdey, of this oy. eral. on Thurslay, at 2.80 welock, from 160 Nydenhom street, to Cate aragui Cepetery Frieods smd ue quant anices respect y Invited to at tent, lest son of s mass Will he Cathedra wl morning for the i ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. eons | A Gonuine Bargain i She a EE wo Lombard Plums of | marrying the rich widow, and she in in heavy Syrup 10. Cents Per Tix i This {= exactly one half the i regular price. Secure what you {want guickly as the stock is Gualpht Ont., March 11.--Mrs. Grant, | mansntiy broken be took recourse to limited, Every tin guaranteed, who lives on Nottingham streel, was cleaning off a shelf and took off it an ordinary bag: She thought it was an empty one and threw it in the stove to get it out of the way, No sooner it touched the Sre than there flaring up of ¢ con- teats, The flames completely envelop her face burning | ing the skin of her shreds, i low ? { The jury held that Mrs. Goodman {was old enough to kmow her own | mind, and that, though she was a | grandmother she had shown surprising ficklenens. The jury also gave it as opinion that if a woman was 10 be slowed to sue & man for breach. of promise a man should, considering the rules of propriety, be allowed to "Isue 3 woman for the 'same thing. ali } 5 Jas, Redden & Co. Emporters Of Fite Groceries. | Tt is suprising the number of mail } arere tecotvent for the genuine Blaud's tron Tonio Pills. Sold at Gibson's Bed Cross drug store, The genuing are sold there, ' cr