Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Mar 1908, p. 5

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Absolutely Pure The only powder made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum, No Lime Phosphate Headache and relieve sll tho troubicy tne to a billous hate of the £y8taun, such a9 Distress after thelr mom and Ee Sy a or SICK Carter's Little Phe ark Why rent typewriters of doubt ! merit when you can rent wha) Monarch Visibles The machine famous for light action and beautiful work at the following rates : v-«<§ 4.00 FOLLOWING MONTHS --- 3.00 OR SIX MONTHS --.....815.00 In event of purchase the rented machine is replaced by a new one and the first month's rental ap- plied on purchase. We have a large stock of rebuilt machines of other makes which we will sell at bargain prices. Write for list. The Monarch Typewriter Company, Limited. 88 King St. W. Toronto, Ont. EASTERN ONTARIO BRANCH. 254 Bagot St. ~~ Kingston. (Near, Princess 56.) "Phone, 321, known merchant of Grantley, ( A LADY'S FALL. he Was Badly Hurt--A Fine Concert. Newburgh, March 11.--The concert, | under the auspices of the choir and Epworth league, of the Methodist churgh, on March 4th, was a signal success. UC. J. W. Taylor, Picton, a former organist, was received with { 'great' lavor on the organ and in vocal solo. © Miss McDonald, one of Mr. Taylor's pupils, whos accompanied him from Picton, made her first ap- pearance and captivated the audience Miss McDonald is a contralto and pos- sessgs @ voice of rare sweetness and flexibility. Miss Woods, Tamworth, contributed three recitations in good style. Of the loeal talent no more need be said than that they all well sustained their reputations as enter tainers, Miss Lambert contributed two organ dolos and a voeal ' solo F. D. Moore a vocal solo and Misses Marie Johnston and Florence Wager recitations. The choir rendered an anthem in splendid form. Rev. Mr. Duke acted as chairman. Rev. J, Gaudier and T. A. Dun- moody attended the meeting of Pres- bytery at Kingston last week. Mem: bers of the Masonic fraternity of New- burgh, to the number of thirteen, at- tended the funeral of the late William Templeton, at Napanee, on Thursday Inst, among them Master E. Gandier and three past masters. A' sad accident befell the aged Mrs. Met 'onnell, on Monday night last, Tirough an error in judgment she missed her chair in sitting down and sustained a fracturpd hip in her fall. 18 will 'he some time before she will be able to be around again. E. Gan. daier goes to Toronto next week to attend the meeting of the grand lodge, AO.UW, : In a very fast (7) game of hockey, oft Tuesday afternoon, a team of la- dies defeated the Shamrocks, who were left-handed for the occasion. The score was 6 to 5. Mrs. and Miss Hooper, Napanee, gre Spending a few days at G. B. Thompson's. Misy/ Myrtle Hus- band, who has been At home from her school 'at Uentreville, through itl Is ung roving. -------------- Inverary Items. Inverary, Mareh v.--G. Ulaxton is supplying several farmers with hay at eit a ton. He stil has a large quan: tty on hand, J. Perry is disposing Ol separators to several of the, farm Miss Nettie Johnson is giving satisfaction in the publi Now that the smallpox scare is over all the pupils have returned to Sydenham high' school. The Holiness wonVention will commence on the 1ith and last over Sunday, David (Keele has been engaged in Model factory for the next season, much to the satisfac tion of the patrons. The young peopl are practising for the tea-mecting, which will be held in the Methodist church on the 19th, and which promijs- 8 to bo a decided sucess, A couple of loads of the elite of this place at tended un party at J. Perry's, Lati- mer, on the 5th. Dancing was the or- der of the evening. Miss Luvea Tolls is visiting in the city, Carman Drader has taken possession of his general store and is proving bimeell an of ficient storekeeper, A number of the farmers have purchased their feed from Mr. Drader and will go to Glenvale station for it. Ferdinand Nolmes is busy .deawing sand from Glenburnie, for a cement nelldr for his new house. Lows brought from $35 to $53 at W. R. Tolls' ale on the 2nd, J_ Simp 'son and family have moved to their farm, at F Grove and W. J. Arth- ur has taken possession of hisTarm. News has reached here of the arrival of a Young son at the home of J. A Ferguson, Arcola, Sask, J. N. Holmes has entitely recovered from lis late illness. J. Bishop and family have moved to Kingston and J. Serrs has moved into his house. Miss Beatrice Arthur and Perdinand Holmes erent Sunday in the city. x 5 Sr ---- AR Instructive Sermon. Whiw eo" March 10.--Some of the farmers" ate taking advantage of the good roads by drawing wood and tim- bey to Shoctot Lake. Miss Mabel Johnston has retwned to Mountain Grove. alter spending Sunday at her home here. Rev. 'W. Halpeany preach. ed a very imstfuctive sermon on Sun: day afternoon. Mrs. Th John: ston and daughter, Carrie, are home or spending the last two wi visiting friends at Hactington. X number irom here at church at Mountain Grave, . evening. pending. sevoal monihy in th Kine eral months Lewis spent a nh i ness, ors entire sthoo! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1908. | H Gold in Guwilight Mrs. Alexander Laird, | Saturday, for Mrs. R. S. Barns, { Londoh, Eng., who came here as a { bride close upon fifty years ago, amd { whose memory has been kept green in | the minds of younger generations By | fathers and mothers, who kpew and {loved her years ago. Mrs. Laird's | guests were chiefly these, and with { them a few of the people who have lately come to town. Mrs. Rober Laird, Miss Annie Fowler, Miss Ett Richmond, and Miss Isabel Ross as sisted the hostess. ' a . The Picton Gazette says: Mrs, J H: Dolan was the hostess, on Mondny afternoon, of one of the brightest teas of the season, at her cory home, on Barker street, welcoming many of her friends for a couple of hours' pleas- ant chatting. Mrs. Dolan received in the drawingfoom with the guest of honor, Mrs. F. A. Covert, of Kings- ton. The table in the tea room was pretty with lovely carnations, and here were Mesdames Robert Davison and J. Porte pouring tea. Mrs. T, C, Tice showéd the guests to the tea room, while the very onergetic assist- ants were Miss Frances Clark, iss Miss F. Kayler. - oe ow» Mrs. A. V. Doller held her reception, at "Maple Grove," Morven, on the 4th and 5th of March, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon. The bride received in her wedding gown of cream albatross. She was assisted by Miss M. Vanslyck, of Napanee, who was gowned in black silk, relieved by a vest of white lace over duchess satin Little Miss Florence Doller attended the door, and Miss Edna Lake, of Kingston, niece of the bride, served re- freshments. Several piano selections were rendered by Miss Lake during the reception. "> "> > Mrs. Edward L. Fortt, street, was the chaperon of a jolly driving party to Collius Bay, last night. The party started early, and #0 had a long evening at the hos- pitable inn there, returning to town about two this morning. In the party were Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss Jessie McCann, Miss Kate Swmellie, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Madelon Hig- gins, Miss Marjory Merrick, and «the men were Messrs, Edward and Arthur Wood, Mcleod, Grier," McGlennon, Cooper, Thompson, and J. Smellie. > Street, gave a William - Mrs. R. Uglow, Barrie children's party for her little daugh- ter, Marjory, on Saturday. There was tea and games, and the prizes which were won by the players were very pretty. Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Jen- nie Phillips, Miss' Florence Elliott, Miss Myra Dyde, 'and Miss Milly Hen- derson helped amuse the little people. > - Mrs. R. W. Garrett was in charge of the tea at the curling rink, yesterday, a number of the girls present helping her. The sport Will soon be over for the season." If the weather is at all favorable, the last of the rink matches played on Saturday, Miss Cunningham's rink against Miss Lorraine Dalton's. -- -> "o> Some of the vounger set, Miss Las sin Kirkpatrick's friends, and some of the cadets, met at Mrs Alexander Kirkpatrick's, Barrie street, on Satur- day, for a few hours' fun. 2 - oe Some of the eadets will be hosts at aalviving party to-night, Wolfe Is land being the objective point al > --> The Badminton tournament, Armouries, was on the ecards, ternoon, will be Florence at > = Charles Villiers, Johnson a children's party on Mrs. J street, Monday . gave - Dupuis, dinner, - Nathan. F gave a little Mrs. avenue night, last - a = Agnes Richardson, University is home from Toronto Ek. left, on Tuesday, on home at Watertown, Miss avenue, Mrs: 3. 7T a visit to her N.Y. Mrs. Henry Cunspingham, Earl street, is in "Toronto~or a little visit Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Harty, Bagot street, have gone down to Montreal, Miss Mabel Brownfield accompanying them. Mrs. Bariyv and Miss Brown- field will go on to Ottawa, to pay Mrs Henri" Panet a visit 'before' com- ing home. - - -> Miss Mabel Miller. Alived street, has returned from Ottawa, where she was visiting her amnt, Mrs. A. B. Ayles- worth. Lady Evelyn Grey and the Hon. Sybil Brodrick are leaving, next week, for England, where they will attend Lady Ruby Elliott's marriage in Ap ril. - Mrs. R. 8S. Burns, land, who has been visiting Mr James Richmond, Union street, left, yesterday, for Ottawa. Mrs. Burns was the raison d'etre of a pleasant little tea on Monday. os Mrs. Michael Sullivan, King street: has returned to Ottawa. Miss Aileen Rogers, Gore street, who is now in Lachine, will be away about a fortnight. Captain and Mrs. Alan Palmer, "> of London, Eng- ! i | x Johgsan | j nares, gave a delightlul little tea, dn | } of | Kate Fralick, Miss Faunie Nugent and ! 37 Inipeg, but a resident the | this ai- | University | *F King street | day from Ottawa | Mrs. R. H. Tothill, who las been in { Montreal for some months, has been {ap ip Ottawa for a little visit. { Mrs. Charles Harvey and little Miss arjorie will remain in town for a ew weeks till the weather sottles. and will then Mr. Harvey in North Bay | Mr were expected home to- loin Ropald Skinner, of Montreal, town this week - oe Mr. Eric Carre, of Belleville, was in last week, with thas been 1 {town a day or so, | Canon and Mrs. Grout, Brock street. | Mrs. Henry Skinner and Miss Nan } Skinner were expected-ito reach Vie | toria from Honolulu to-day. \ | Miss Carrie and Miss Ethel Wal- {dron, "Arthur Place," ate off, to-day, for the on their way tg the land of the chrysanthemum and the herry blossom. They intend staying {in Mounolulu for a little time, and are | going by way of San Francisco | The Rev. Dr. Shaw, and Mr. J. { Skinner, of Montreal, are in town. - a - Miss Alice Pruvn was expected down irom Napanee, today, to pay a visit 10 Mrs. Herbert Robertson, Colborue street, and she was to bring with her Miss Julia Wilcocks, of Picton, who is to be Mrs. Robertson's guest also. Dr. C. G. Publow has retpirned to Cornell, after a short stay af home He will return this way before very many moons have waned, and when he again goes back to his professional duties he will have some one to dis- cuss the scenery with him en route. The commandant's residence at the R.M.€. is straitly shut up, for little Miss Audrey Taylor has a mild at- tack of measles >- =» Miss Grace Hawley, of the guest of her aunt, Saunders, Alice street, Mrs. Stirling Cook, of Grimsby, visiting for a few days at Mrs. F, Van Luven's, Princess street, Mr. C. R. Devlin, who is coming up from Ottawa for the seventeenth of { Ireland, will be the guest of Dr. and | Mrs. Edward Rvan, " Rockwood House." ; | Miss Jean Gaskin, Ontario street, is | visiting in Belleville. | - | Captain and Mrs. Douglas Young were expected back in Toronto, to- day, from w.eir honeymoon, The Hon. E. J. Davis and Mrs. Davis, of Newmarket, are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer avis Sydenham street, a [ Mrs. W. A. Bellbouse is coming down | from Napafiee, to-mforrow, and will be the guest of Mrs Thomas Tandy, Clergy street. Mrs, Thomas Jaexszon, Earl street, and her son, Cadet Jackson, of the Royal Military «College, will spend some time in Montreal. Mrs. James Third will go with Dr. Third on his old country trip this year, . 4 west 8 Napanee, is Mrs. Herbert is Ww. > » The engagement is announced of : Miss Cecil Vivian, eldest daughter of the Hon. J. K. Kerr, and Mrs. Kerr, of Rathnally, and Mr. George Hamil ton Cassels, second son of the Hon. Mr. Justice Cassels, Faronto. Miss Olive May Buchanan, B.A, youngest daughter of Mr. Jamés Bu- chanan, of Goderich; to My. Charles Henry Armstrong, B.A. of Toronto. The marriage. which will be very quiet, has been arranged to take place in Goderich early in April. Mise Ethel Edith Reid, second daugh- ter of the late David J. Reid and of Mrs. Reid. Gananoque, to Mr. Walter Pernie Cornell, of New York. The mar- ringe will 'take place very quietly at Easter. eben MURDERED HIS FAMILY. Awful Deed of a Former Canadian 3 at Tenino, Tenino, Wash., Marco 1].--Warren I McKay, a Canadian, 'ormerly gi Win. : here ten vears, {killed his wife and three childrgn and committed suicide by taking poison. Two and notifying the town marshal latter immediately proceeded to the house to inform Mrs. MeKay, They were horrified to find thére the moth- seven-year-old girl and four-year- {old boy with, throats 'cut. and a five | vear-old girl with "her head crashed by blows from a sharp instrpment, probably a hammer McKay was suffering from a cancer in the face, which was preving on his | mind, » men discovered McKay's body the The Commanding Officers. The following list of officers has heen given out hv the St. Lawrence River Steamboat company, for the coming season St. Lawrence--Captain, C. H. Ken- dall; chief engineer. Barhev Farrell. "New Island Wanderer--Cygptain, W. C. Hudson; chiel engineer, Johg A. Cook. Islander--Captain, John Bertrand; chief engineer, Nicholas Larson Ramona~Captain,-E. M. Charlebois chief engineer, JJ. C. O'Brien. Amecica--Captain, R. H. Carnegie; chief engineer, Michael Tetro. Pierrepont--Captain, James F. lan. No appointments have yet been made for the Ottawa or Jessie Baio. Al- The Canadian Convicted. ; Cardwell, Col., March 11.--Albert Horsley, as Harry Orchard, yesterday. before Judge Fremont Wood, in the district court, was allowed to with draw bis former plea of not guilty in the first degree, as charged jn the in- dictment. J Wood will sentence him on March h. Orehard's action was a surpyise, but according to his counsel, was entirely voluntary on his part. w= ! Oysters ! Oysters | Oysters Edwards and Jenkin. Phone 715. Cyrus A. Birge, Hamilton, y, Was in that Ki Mabel 1. Start, on Miss Sturt was formerly a resident of favorite with children," Milk, Fresh st Gib city to BR 1t is announced from Hevokiyn that 2 president of the Canada Screw con NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM.! Ratters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, The minister of education will quire fire drills to be practised in the schools of the province. . Magistrate Ningsiord, Toronto, ex- pressed the opinion that a passenger on a street car could leave by any deor desired, if x Chief Justice Meredith reserved judg- ment in the appeal in the proceedings to unseat Controllers Hocken, Harri son and Spence, at Toronto. Dr. Ewing, president of the Chris tian College at Allahabad, told the Missionary Congress, at Pittsburg, that an uprising in India was imevi- table. A man, supposed to be a lunatic, en tered the Merchants' National Bank at Omaha and threatened to blow up the building unless he was paid $5, 000. At Amite, La., Democratic Senator Kemp was, on Wedpesday night, shot and killed by C. F. Hide, a political and busibess leader in the community, The men quarrelied over politics, Twenty-eight medical adents of the University of Chicago are facing sus- pension because one of their number threw a piece of a human leg from a dissecting room at a divinity profes sor, John Gompl, the well-known Hamil ton, Ont., brewer, who died recently, left an estate valued at £60,000, to be divided equally between his wife and four children. His will was entered for probate, to-day Friends of A. H. Clark, K.C.. mem: ber of the Dominion parliament for South Essex, are prophesving that he will land a seat on the high court bench at Toronto, "in the event of Justice Mabee being appointed chair- man of the Dominion board cf rail- way commissioners, a 0 Armstrong. of the C.P.R., Montreal, has received samples of sil- ver ore from the Lake Temiscaming region around the border between Quebec and Ontario, which carry evi dences of great richness and his ad- vices are to the effect that before long that district will rival ithe Cobalt camp yo. all A NEW HEIR BORN. G. Warnock Will Further Complicated. Brockville, March 11.--Mrs. Eva War nock, widow of James G. Warnock, against whose will an action is pend- ing in the high courts, gave birth to a son yesterday. In his will Warnock bequeathed 85.000 to each of four daughters and the residue of the estate to Mrs. Eva Warnock. The mother of these girls, who claims that she ®nd not Mrs. Fva Warnock is Warnock's widow, is now contesting the will, but with the advent of another heir more complications have arisen. Providing the will iz set aside, Mrs. Eva Warnock and her child wll inherit everything, unless the first wife can prove she is the lawful wife James Case Prison For Gambling. Albany, N.Y., March 1i committee on codes, this morning, re ported favorably to the Agnew bill to fix a penalty of imprisonment only for gambling in connection with horse racing The bill, as véported, is amended so as not to take effect until September lst I'he senate Firemen In Schools. loston, Mass., March 1l.---An order was passed in the board of aldermen that the and _ the school commission request of the mavor, consider advisability of having a fireman in uta tioned during sessions in -¢very school house in the city having an attend- ance of over 300 children commissioner at the the uniform fire NEW YORK S1uCKS. Prices Furnished By ¥. W. Boschen (Per W. Hector H. Hume, Manager.) i March Ith Uponiuy 'avse og Shy ii» 0 a ay Stocks Amal, Copper. American Lovo, Am, d>uy. Helin, Lo Am. Smitg. & Helin. Lo, Am. Car Foundry Ansconda Min. Co... . Atches. 'lof. & St, Ye... Balti. & Umno... Brookiva BR. Lt, Canadian Yacihe, Chicago G. WW, Ches, & Uhjo. Chic. & N. W. C. Mil. & 5t. Paul Colorado Southern, Cons. Les, N Col. Fuel. & lron.. Delaware & Hudson. Distillers, secs. .. . . G. North Ry. pid. [0 .. Kansas & 'Texas, com... Kansas & Texas, pid... Louisville & Nasaville.. Missouri Pacific ... .. .. MN. ¥. ventral. .. .. .. Erie Railroad... . ... .. N. Y. Ontario & West ... Northern Peeific.. ... .. Penn.' K. R..... People 's Gas. . Ha lv, com vey WL nly Rock Island, pid Southera Ry., com... Southern Pacific Sloss Sheffield... ... LU. 8. Steel, com... ... ... i. 8. Steel, pi.... .. .. 14 West Union Tel... 493 CHICAGO PRICES. ; March 11th. Opening. Close. § Mr. T. Barnecott, West Aylmer, Ontario, Can., writes: "Last winter I was ill with pneumonia after having la grippe. I took Peruna for two months, when I became quite well, and I can say that any one can be cured by it in a reasonable time and at little expense. Every time I take a cold, I take some Peruna, which makes me well again. "1 also advised it for my danghter who was so ill with prostration that she eguld not follow her trade of dressmaking. A bottle of Peruns made such a change in her that she has been able to follow her business ever since. "I also induced a young lady, who was all rundown and confined to the house, to talye Peruna, and after taking Peruna for three months she is able to follow her trade of tailoring. ? "I can recommend Peruna for all such who are ill and require a tonic." MR. 7. BARNECOTT. 'VERY year, during the inclement; and in addition to s thoroug , systemic weather of winter, there is an epi- | catarrh remedy, a great deal of patience demie of catarrh. The disease is really | and persistence in the trestment sre re- catarrhal in nature, but from the form | quired to eradicate the disease. it assumes, has been commonly termed | Peruna,an internal catarrh remedy, the 'grip.' | is one of the best medicines ever de- Splendid Remedy For La Grippe. vised to meet the exigencies of these Mr. Frank H. Fielder, 213 Pleasant | *as¢s. The large number of commend- Ave., Montgomery, Ala., formerly prin. | 3tory letters received by Dr. Hartman, cipal of Haynesville High School, the inventor of Peruna, in behalf of his writes: remedy is proof sufficient of its value "I can truthfully ssy that Peruna is | ® reliable medicine for the 'grip.' 8 splendid remedy for 1a erippe and a Prompt Rellef. Tor building up the system." Mr. Frank Bauer, Minneisks, Minn, '| writes: "I suffered with ls grippe. I La grippe is very tenacious when it | took" Peruna and in four an Ml once gets a firm hold upon the system, ' able to go out." What, Everybody Has Been Expecting and Looking For. A Record Sale for the New "Writing in Sight" LC. SMITH & BROS'. TYPEWRITER Orce-- psc mir---- . We have just closed our first 3 Years' Business. We have SOLD over 1,400 Machines in Canada. We hold the biggest record fo* the sale of placed on the Canadian Market. Have you seen our new Ball-Bearing Type Bar ? Our Opponents said we "Couldn't do it," "WE DID." It will be money in Your pocket to look at it. Let us demonstrate it to you. Newsome & Gilbert, Limited, ' : No. © Jordon St., Ternnto. % Branches--Halifax, N.S., Ottawa, Ont., Winnipeg, Man. AGENTS: any Typewrited LOCAL NEW MAN-SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., 79 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont, § A Full Stock of Typewriter Supplies for all makes of Machines always on hand. We have a large stock, all makes, 2nd hand Typewriters; sold on easy terms. IR AA------ ~The most delicate and dainty sweetmeats are COWAN" =~" Maple Buds, | Milk Chocolate, Cream Bars, etc, Sold by Grocers and Confectioners. THE COWAN CO., Limited, TORONTO » SET ---------- - ---- The 20th Century Policy issued by the Canada Life Assurance Company fits into any case requiring life insurance. Before placing your insurance correspond with, or call into the office, where full information how a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you. : AGENTS WANTED----Apply--Office, 18 M 8t. "J. 0. HUTTON, Manager, Kingston, Ont. PIG METALS 5:7. We are besdquarters. Send us yous inquiries. . Metal Co.,Ltd.,qofovio- or 5 ---- -- ---- Copper, Lead} a

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