or a wv EC Jr Se pr Sa THE. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1008. { spending a few days with friends in | } W A 10 1 Perth. Miss Hetherington is asinine | BLOOD i i spring millinery Opening at Toronto. | -- . Hartman and J, | | Visitors : Miss Mary --~---- * Healthfulness of Oranges. | WHAT WHIG es » The one lesson which most people | CORRESPOND- | ¥cEwen at J. Hartman's. Jack Carey never seem to learn is, how to guard | - ENTS TELL US Jat Hn. A. Erin's; W, Blake, Mont- A FINE REMEDY WHICH their health. - | ---- [Wikia the gues ty Hine Figinte ANYONE CAN FIX. est! We have been eating oranges since The Tidings From Various Polats| spent Se a Ei : | time immemorial,' yet how many of | in Eastern Ontario--~What | y. Cl.re Purdy at W Mallet's *{ Said to Remove Blood Disorders us know that orange juice contains a | People Are Doing And What | --% By Restoring Action of the medicinal principle which has a math- | They Are Saying. f ) Sangster Notes. Kidneys and Cures Rheuma- - ; i er First Lake Item Sanger, March 10.--fhe roads are tism Every Time, . . on mht eys x § ¢ ! 4 irs e s. { Very. good now. Quite a number of the A eS + . - De sion Tor hoimstend the Or tai 80 80 far as to say that they can eure {+ Fi. Lake, March 8.+Owing to bad| young peaple attended the leap vear a redid stots s are agreod Lands Agency or Sal -| the average case of Indigestion, COB- | roads, farmers are unable to make party given by Mr. and Mrs. EJ. |5% ® Blood is the great source of | disease or of health he b Entry by Jroxy mas. owever, na stipation, Biiliouspess and Dry Skin | much headway drawing weod. Grippe| Madden, Burridge, John Sheehan lost og .. Lt in the Say 5a orn duughter, broth-| With orange juice and proper diet. | has again made its appeardnce in this | another valuable horse, My and Mrs. dual is ngore ans re Jail Matar of en salending This can be easily proved to the | vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Fag frets Goodheart have just - returned bl : ong ph althy, i the leation for 5 satisfaction of any eufferer. 'Take | Esftesprios, were gusta hove Setsuhy, von Cobalt. Patrick Corcoran has he mpure or Siaused nth Xe i 3 i PC $ le the juice of one ar two oranges every Mr. and Mrs. Goudy and son, William, purchased the farm owned In George : n Sn b SC : he EY Moscow; spent Sunday herve. Mr. and | Murphy, and intends ovine on it AypLein: hae ix A i marng ore rea asl, 8 Ong ar Mrs. Lasher Cromb, Wagerville, visit-|soon. Visitors ; Mr. and Mrs, 'T. v Sulybiom Is Strictly a blood dis two "Fruit-a-tives" every night al ling at Oliver Veley's; Oscar Veley and | Young, at J. Ba X's: Miss" Coni- ou: 2 1" Sused by excessive uric bed-time, exercise a reasonable oare | wile, Verona, at home. {nors, at M. O'Connor's, Cole Lake: Bg Sores, pimples, etc, mean tad 'n diet, and the proof will be found in | {B. O'Connor and sisters Martha and ud, Sata thal afiustions must be hoalth, Locals From Lapum. | Magis. at I. Barrett's; Miss Walsh Meeutod th ough the b cod to get per- The cure will be greatly amisted | Lapum, March 19.--Levi Brown and |at 8. McAllister's, Cance Lobe Joe rong, hp rs eet Wl], to fel and hastened by taking "Frult-a- | James Huff, are filling their ice hous- | Conway at James Hickev's, Glen: have good hes Yi 1 ory Sue Era tives" in conjunction with the orange (as, A number from here attended the | dower: F. Bowker nt T. Hasting's; You can't clean th . bl ve be " ay juice. "Fruit-a-tives" are fruit juloes [funeral of Anson Montgomery, at Wil- | Thomas, Young, J,' D, 'Burns and Geo, unleks the kidneys re a In which the medicinal principle of |ton, on Thursday, Mrs. Sydney Bush Hamilton at James Murphy's: Mr. Bad blood means clogged, inactive oranges, apples, figs and prunes are | was called to the bedside of her mo- |and Mrs. John Murphy at Joseph fiidnays and liver Which ae aati many times Increased by the special | (her hin - oy i. Shovelling and Mushy s: Miss Helen Magnet at King- such 'symptoms as backache, ne vous. wi 1 | plougl ut roads are O of |¢ . o " p iB ealtis 3 atiafs yr a ich, Sey ate tumbiiet 1,CUINE of tosis are the codip ol hess: blackler and urinary difficultis Can be attended to in a most satisfactory made into tablets. "Fruit-a-tives" | Pent. Monday, with friends at Sun- Farmers Busy Moving. Ree In aver ae teoukles. mer i ii i : nyside. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joyner, | Cole Lake, March 10.--Owing to J= a simple home remedy and manner if you will drop into { ' the recipe for making it up is as fol- ? S-- ar Sr -------------- ------ N IX I R E BELLLLLLALLLLLLLL0000000000060000000000000F0 £2 fF geif : fr eof a Hi may be obtained at all dealers, or will ison, George] and daughter, Florence, | very had weather the party at T. J. iy : be sent postpaid on receipt of price-- spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Kehnedy's, on ¥riday night, wis not lows : E as Je:a Box-4. for gL. "Pruit-a- Wallace, Colebrooke, The missionary | very largely attended. Moving is the - Xtract Dandelion one-half : 9 tives," Limited, Ottawa, sermon given in the Methodist church | ordé® of the day. A good many far. gunee, ompound Kargon one ounce, | 11 er an S in Wilton, on Sunday, by Rev. Enos | mers are buying hay. J. E, Campbell vompound Myrun Sarsapasilla thie Farnsworth, Yarker, wiis largely at- | is sawing wood at Piccadilla. ~The | ®"Mees. § hake well in bottle and take O | tended from here. Visitors: Mrs. Mi- | small-pox scare is over at. Sydenham teaspoonful doses after each meal end » chael Love and Miss Maria O'Mara, {and scholars from this vicinity have | ®£®N at bedtime, The ingredients can [ OC Ol Cc . be obtained at any good prescription vith a i} Rey 3 returned. Jos stings . with Mrs. James Huff: John Brown eph Hastings has re pharmacy at small cost. and. Arnold Brown awith Allen Reid. | turned to Cobalt. Geor e Peters, on ghey : - ; a the sick list for a few ays, is 'ghle Here the readers ol this paper have The Home of Good Shoes. i a simple vet powerful and effective re- Mount Hope Happenings. I to be around again. W. Wilson has medy" for all for f blood. hidne : done well trapping this season, having | med for Os tL Sipe PIFISIIF III IIFIPIRIINI FI III LI IIIT INNIS Mount Hope, March 10.--The c | b | are again wah us, rhe poi Techy secured a number of fine hides. Thomas ind Madde Uiterenn w hl h shold cates the approach of spring. Edmond | Peters and S. Martin are hauling logs | **¥® © Suiatism and catarrhal a ec- - ree -------------- Pixley met * with a serious loss, hig | from W. I. Blaek's mill, Parham. John | tions and replace that weak, warn ; large hay barn having fallen down, Kennedy lost a valuable horse. Har. | 2ut indifferent feeling with "strength, and damaging his machinery in the | Vey Austin paid a flying visit last | Vigor and health. : 2 barn at the time. The accident was Week, Visitors: TP. J. Kennedy and] This prescription is considered a caused by the heavy weight of snow family, at 71. Peters': W. Shillington, | fine system renovator and being made on the'rogf. George Gossage has left Hotita, at his parents, Cole Lake: E. {of \ egetable extracts Sais H h mics for Kingste 3 . i ckey and A. Harten foe and anyone can mix it a ome, Try In buying a watch, buy as he ill ai ul faspital, where ter's; Ueorge Campbell La . Leta} this anyway before investing in the good a case as Yau can eye. CO, Gossage is ill with rheuma- | at Noah Barker's, Fish Creek: Miss secret unknown concoctions of © the patent medicine manufacturers afford, but first get a move- tism. B. Pixle i :. | Lillian Jol TK A 3 b sm. B. vy, A. Babcock and KE. | Lillian Johnston, at J. Kenvedy's, sr. . . ment, which will be accurate. | Bay are storing ice. Mrs. Ernest Day |}: Howes, uodirey, at J. Shillington 8: Bitter Oranges, extra fine, 26¢c per doz. Our personal guarantee goes jand little son, Charlie, left on Friday | Herb. Killins at J. La p ' anc : Je y . J. Lapoiute's; James VE STOCK MARKETS, eth SVery watch we sell. last, for a week's visit with friends in | McMahon at G, Gillin'; Mr, and Mrs, JAVE ] Seedless Lemons, 25¢ per doz. guarantee which means Belleville, A. Cavidrly and family at |S. Martin at A. Harten's; George Pe- { The Prices Paid at Various . satisfaction or money re- D. Caverly's. A.large number attend- | ters, at home; Miss kath Peters at J Centres Bahama Grape Fruit, 50c per doz. funded. {ed the sale at Mrs. D. Babeock's, k)- | E. Campbell's, Sawa: Montreal, March 9,--About 1,000 while pri with . mel mus gin Babcock lost a fine heifer. Mrs. C, | EE ---- i for the district of suck ¥. Day, visiting at G. Day's, has re-| _ Fell And Bruised Himsel, hend of butchers : cattle, i a ' in o for patent Ki &d'Est turned home. The snow in this vicin- Ida Hill, March 10.~The weather #01 sheep and; lambs and 1 wy? 4 ® » 1 r cess t pa onthe' matics Innear erre | x 18 very deop,. the roads in some | has become quite mild and spring like, hoys ery yilred fo Sale a He iy ' missioner | Places being highe , | St, Charles stockyards this forenven, de at Ottawa, of bin" fn bs JEWELLERS, 4 & higher than the fences, and the snow is daily settling, B. Frade was fairly brisk with firm phic RRR CHRONO RRR FORO! 100 Princess Street. ---- | Kells has erected a new hog pen and 4 ; i i i 'ork op . "jes for all kinds of stock, excepting BYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-| © An. Instructive Sermon. is doing the work nicely, . T. Robin- fat hogs, 'which.' are -xather lower. WEST MINING REGULATIONS, |C00000 000000 | Tichborve, March 10.--Rev. Mr. son is indisposed and under the phy. | . | 56. 10 near. Sit Annesley, preached a very inktructive |sician's carve for some days. William Prime beeves Sok a Near A 25 : ' sermon to a large congregation, on | Randall has again become a citizen of | P¢¥ 1D: Pretty goo a hr S4 / ---- 0) he Sis Sunday; from She words, "And Daniel pur town, George Cuddy had a wood fiud, the soumtion oth de. is Be. 5 iS known {a a {purposed in his heart that he would | bee on Friday and a go 5 pi , : = : & ct Ea 5 5 Yi {not defile himself." The young people | done. Mrs. R. J, ial whe a such. Joseph Richard paid ic, wy ba b Lhe mare ne Crt Rey anmood a. RESTOHNL of this vicinity are practising for a | Sides near Trenton, and who has] 9 two extra calves. Bheep sold at SN Koh. It is controlled in this Gountry by the Dr. Kole Nondagah to be held in the church (boon spending n few weeks visiting] 2PoU de. per Ib, lambs at about J stain be he medion word ri eats ong Monday evening. A farewell party will | her father, Edward . Mekin, ap 64c. da, Goad lots of fat hogs sold, ES thousands of men, youny and old, when the best know be given at the residence of William | west on Thursday, accompanied hy [2% about Sic. per lb, 2 Yt icthiyataind, on res erik fronsdigtnses McKeever, on Thursday evening, in| her son, Thomas, James Smale re. A « . au . = $ - ing mine, nervous debility, § begin of et 'hia honor of James Kennedy, previous to] ctived a severe bruise on the face a Chicago, Nagreli 9. Latte Xecepts, = FSemedy can ind wi cure you to slay coved, The headache, pln. torparture for the North-West ter.| few days ago by falling 'from some | 20%. 1Uc. higher. Beoves. $1.20 to i re, vn the Pack and tailing mciory: ritories. Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis and | timbers that he was standing on. He 86.25, cows and heifers, 32 to 0:15; 44 3 $ to twa wesk's treatment. We make the honest offer of Mrs. T. Dufly have returned home af- | will be, for some days, tender there Texans, 3 to $4.50, Calves, 35.25 io ah { FEI Fal money pp ioussnds of gestion ic ia ter spending a few 'days with iriends|as the skin was broken. Edward Me. $7. westerners, $4 to $6: stockers and 7\ 14 \ J Arentaient with & Dok of rules for health, diet in, Maberly. Miss F. Me¢Kivor and E. |-kin's health continues quite the same feeders, ¥3 to $4, . \ ae Sid Advice, Our greatest successes have been those whe Dufiy "have béen spending a few days | as it has for some time past, W Hogs, receipts, 42,000, 10c. higher ; A = 3 Iegulacty wed in the bres Soy hk remedy. ia at J. Davis', Main street. Visitors : | Wood is drawing hay from his other light, = * to "0. grin $50 - tie soldiers in these fount. wre models of stecogth ke to #450: heavy, OU to $4.50; rough, wad eitality, Write far sampio C38 Sedurely scaled in plain wrapper. T. Binck, Miss H. Goadiellow, R. But- | farm. KH. Holder is much improved in $1.5 i 6h ' x 1.50 ler, Parham, at: P. Ritchie's: Miss den- | health this week. The wind storm on bulk. ' 3 4 6 10 Si Ne Address IR. KOR MEDIENB LO, PO. Draws a, Metts $1} Of sales, D0 0 "did. - -- ------ { nie Bradshaw The Elms at L. A | Friday vening was the heaviest that ao TE Sheep, redeipts, 16,000, strong (¥ 4 | Cameron's; - Miss M. Swerbrick, Ver-| h isi i i f i | ; s M.S rick, Ver as Visited this loeality for some time N | ona, spent Sunday at home. W. Edwards was u Vision Pi chs 10¢. Wgher, native, Wad to % wese | H XIE ARTF oT LR wi ~ No stock trusses used. a lage last week. Andrew CO: mera, 8.95 to $6; yearlings, $5.50 to ig A Sn ars T > ompound re- Crow Lake Visitors. return to hunisfil, Ma im I ao. 25; lambs. $5.60 to $7.10; western, | § 5 A guaraniced I Fuss, ad le women to normal health, Crow Lake, March 9.--The people of having a good farm there which he $5.75 10 $7.15, - spit sath judi vidual Sn te of 23 Mrs. Henry Clark a x this place are all on the stir drawing | purchased some years ago... He speaks ait ; : , ; f $2 Specia alientior by long OR the output after tt. ex. tion, Writes ro Mr ond Sta- hay from varipus places; it is a very highly of the clishate. Some citizens East Buffalo. March _9.--Cattle of y 3 £5 3d & erienced ex ert : 2 i ly a Om, iin 10 Mao Finkham; scarce "article, besides very expensive, | have been storing ice 'the past few | SCIPLE, 3,000 head, active and 10¢, to EF 4 £23 p s . X] . pt athorited Fublieation of this Vegetable Compound for ¥ Some of the spring birds are here to[days prior to a break up of 'the|20¢ higher ; prime steers, 85.65 to $6. W ha Prices Moderate. aid for, : ears, and : d h $3 ~ fx hers: $4.5 twill never found any medicine fo welcome spring. Mr. and Mrs. John | weather, shipping, $5 to $5.65 butchers, $4.50 -- ; YU 25 > not y " sompate Hannah and family have moved from -- to ¥3.50; heifers, $3.50 to $5.35. cows, Per ; Eo ZA RH AUTHORS i cox 1 Churah r 'I had ulcers and a taf | bere to Collins Bay. --~ Mr. and Mrs Died In The Far West. I, ; - tn ! St, Toronto with it for siek 'w y omen displ 83 10 $4.55; bulls, $3.95 to 83: stock " Th the feminine organs, #nd doctors did me | Arthur Harris have moved on to their | Allisonville March 0 : érs 'and feeders, & 10 $4.50; stock ers Trusse A rtifici: i » Oty ho good. I suffered Srendtully until | farm, near Fagle Lake. Charles] and wife 3 : tis David, Tstiod hoifers, $2.75 fo 83.35; fresh cows and Mapiiacti: ors of Trusse 5 Artific ial Limbs, ote. Ratab- began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's | Knapp has taken a place on shares | brother, Erastus Marvin, this week Spriogers, choice steady, others $2 to lished 49 years. Jagetable Out und. It has cured me, | with William Bygrove, of Bob's Lake, |Roy Vaucotte was a caller at Ramis 8 lover, $18 10 $50 also hel other sick women to | where he intends to. move his family | Marvin's recently. Violets seem 10 be eals, receipts, 1,400 head, active TT I ---- _-- recommended it. soon. The recent visitors are Mr. and | John Keir's favorite flower, but as and 3c. higher, $5 to $5.20. Degirtment of Railways WOMEN. Mrs. Joseph McVeigh and daughter, vet it is pretty early for them, Mrs Hogs, receipts, I3.600 head, aclive and ' : Mrs, "Fes . ile and Be, to 3c. higher: pigs steady » 0O00000C0T0V000V000000D 0000000000000 VOO00 OY . * B o \1 of residence of euch | l0¢ter i confidence and ad public school will not open for some | revivals at Burr's, They will continue : $ to $5.75; red clover, No. 2, $10.35 to ne IN n free. No woman ever ¢ days later, as the children, all more | this week. Mrs. Nelson Parliament is £1; dressed hogs, $6.75 to $7.25; cheque for 'the sum her, of or less ave sullering from the effects staying with her motlier, Mrs. James . .t ' ° Lizzie, at L. Bain's; Mr. and Elizabeth J ara nd he abe phnston, De morestville, heavy, $5 to $5.05. mixed $5 to $5. 2 Q JOO made Payable to the order of . | of vaceination, Misses. Chalmers and | Boyd. A number of Mes A. W. Mor. |%02%, new . laid, dozen, 2c. to 30c; & | George Bradshaw and daughter; died, December 12th, of cancer, aged ARENT CANAL. Com Buelah, at 8. Middleton's: Mr. and seveiity years. We are having lovely | 1 Yorkers, 83 10 85.05. nics. 34 to - NOTICE 10 DEALERS IN CEMENT, Mrs. William Reynolds and Edward weather ut present. Mrs Tames Bore 400, roughs, $5.56 to $1.50. stags ; ~ to $3.50. SEALED TENDERS, ENDORSED remedy for Reynolds, at their parents', Richard |; ry 3 : "Render for Cement." will be received by and has positively cured thousands Reynolds. J. -M. Stones. Stoness' |: Hat ill again. Dr. Blescher \ was the undersigned, at 18 o'clock on Friday, women who have bee: : : 3 atid so joatied vo see her. - John McFaul Mad A ---------- 20th March, 1908, for tse" supra af] © '® been troubled with | Corners, Mr. and Mrs. William McGin- | wife visited at 8. Hileman's last x BOO. Barrels of Portland Cement, for ments, uloeras | nis, George Wain and Miss Hattie Mc- week. B. C.'Ainswonth fr oronto Street Market. he use of the Trent Cane. tion, fibroid tumo FGinni 3. W. K 's, al rok Deworth. has arrived 1 qo cute March 10.--Whe hité ons and forms of tender oan ' rs, Ginnis were at J. . napp 8, aiso | home from spending couple - of 0, Marg 0. heat, white, Wt the office of the Superin- periodic backache, bears | Mr. and Mrs, James Hartman, Mr. I months with his danghter. Mrs M bush., 96c.; wheat, red, bush, 6c. of the Trent Canal, ou ing-down feeling, flatuleney, and Mrs, 8S. "Kennedy, at his 'broth-| Frame Northfield. Minn. Mrs. Ham. | heat, spring, bush. 9c. wheat, Xs the Sih, March. tion, dizziness,ornervous er"s; William Kennedy, on. Saturday. |ijton is staying with her cousin. Mrs |¥90%. bush. wa outs, bush., Dbbe.; BEPROLOrS are réguested to tear in 7 A that tenders will uot be considered. | Don't to wri Mrs. ~ Charles Thomas. who is quite ill with |J8Fley, bush, 70c.. rye. bush. Sc. on secordunce with! Pinkham % iite:to High School Re-Opened. Fheumatinm:= Miss Norra Wa 8; hi peas, -bush., 8c: hay, timothy; ton: nthe ease of tabigut youn sa Jou do not Sydenham, March 9.--The high [ited her friend, Miss Sntkie Forshee, of | 520 to $21; hav, doxcr, ton. $16; the 8 hool re- is morning, hut the | Saturday. A ® straw, per ton, $15 to $16; seeds, Al- understand, he treat your | school re-opened th at Butoae Sew: attend the) fw I 1, $9.25 to $9.50; No. 3, $5 r of Railways apd Canals ¢ y forfeited, the party tendering ? Lynn, Masa, Kennedy, who have been attending |den's Sunday school scholars visited oes, storage, 2c. to 28¢.: butter, Sitering into contract for the J . "cis | the spring millinery opening in Toron: J her home, Saturday evening, and pre [98iry, Be. to 3e.. butter, creamery gh" Thien stated dn the one fiy og : to. artived here an Saturday evening. [sented her with a beautiful silver ber] 22¢. to 35¢. gees, dressed, lb. 10c. is thus. sent in will be retus a aia fae Miss Chalmers will = take charge of [ry Spoon. Mrs Ase Broad returned | 0° 12¢; chickens, per Ib., lic. to Ieapective contractors whose ) the millinery here, while Miss Kenne- | home, after spending a couple of weeks | 160. ducks, dressed, lb., 12c. to 15¢. oat Ried, . dy will take her old position at the [with her mother, Mrs. James Bab- | turkeys, per Th., 20c. to 2%. apples, 1 Odessa branch store, both stores of | cock. Mr. and Mrs. John McFaul vis. | Per bbl, £1.75 to $3. potatoes, per which are under the able management {ited his brother, William, on Satur. | bag. 31.10 io $1.25; cabbage, per i o ' of Mrs. John Garvin, Dr. A. McMil- [day evening, Word was received of dozen, 40c. to SOc. omions, per bag, of Railways and Canal » lan, who has been in Chiengo for the | the sad mews of the death of Morley | $1.30 to $1.40: bee. hindquarters, $8. - « Oth March, 1908, and real past two months, returned home on [Forshee, of British Colwmbia. son of | 80 to $10: beef forequarters, "$5.50 {o but a hin ade ani sa ¥, and will spend a few days | the late James Forshee, teacher, of | 86.50, bee, choice, carcase. to not be paid for it: OESent] with his mother, Miss Susie Shorey, | Big Island. Hé leaves a sorrowing | beef, medium, carcgee, $6.25 to $7: - - . TY Do vi } | is spending a few 's with her broth. | mother to mourn the loss of a beloved 'mutton, per cwt ,%s to $9; veal. he stom: 0 er-in-law, \ in rew. Mr. Prown,| Son. His Totnains were expecied at peime, per wt to $11; lamb, per ichigan, accompanied by his daugh- | Picton, on Wednesday, owt. to $13, ad -- Mra. Black, aod chide : . One lot of 15¢ Liquid v ! Dressings..................... C Prince Edward tounty, were guests of deg ; sae wnt Yess oie Said to be a National Carse! Os Be Seti That. i ica dx, ne lot o JC iq u 9¢ for a few days last week. Fn m--a. . ---- aia i i i : Notes From Sharbot Lake. is certainly true. Some doctors go so jaf as taosay it is a national curce. Re Dressings... 20. peated attacks inflame the lining of the stomach and couse the glands to secrete mucous instead of the juices of natural digestion, Conperiuently the 8 th ce e blood - is + serve fowoe ds. duced, the vitality of the sntire sys sR. WN : sell any quanti tem is weakened. mE 3 5 There is dwt one ngtional remedy for indigestion and thet remedy is Ur. Pills 'which gre vsedi hy thonsands with s swecess, Dr Hamilton's Pills socelerate the action of the gastric glands and give tone to i Hamilton's the digentive organs. They strengthen the Ridueys and liver, cleanse and 3 ruwify the blood, auf thes add general fone Lo every organ of the body, oN SEER il mee of § DErnethy's 9 he ing effect. of Br Homies Pilie vou? system will] & _ he : y "Vitalin ali of Br. vou | ve mare you'll enjoy the blessings of health. Test Dr. Hamil We wish to clear out about 2900 Tins and Bottles of Black Shoe Dressings. In order to do so at once, we offer the following Bargains; - 3 One lot of 10e Paste Pol- 3 C CARR RRR rarer ese One lot of 10¢ Paste and Figured Dressings ..... 8c garesins in onr window, We will | i