THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH -11. 1908. THAN HITHERTOO. ---- {But It is ly, in Years Lake Omtario--No Fields ported. Detroit, March 11.--There is ice in the Jakes than at this time last year, according to the United States bureau. : The ice, however, is differ: ently distributed, There is less at Past--Ice * in Re- ice is in the vicinity of the Straits and in all of the Michigan, Superior and Huron. In St. Mars river it is still reported seven teen juches thick. Below Harbor There is little ice in the St. river, at Port Huron, but Lake ches of ice. In Lake Erie ice extend along the western portion to HOSCRORCAORONOACH as far est as Loraine. Beyond this : me point thé fient extends beyond vision PREPARE For House- but in the tentral portion of the Inke a Cleaning fime. it is reported broken up. lee in Lake Ontario is still reported solid but in tart at your Purniture asd rub it up h 3 { i 3 |. e | 3 lbs 1 ¢ & ; , currants, 25c; 3 Ibi. finest raisins, a choice baking pow- ol you will be surprised that you 25¢; 2 I-Ih. tins Jnl x pr, 25¢.; » « he nr ok Fume nh Bn pp Sb BoM in two sizes, Ihe. pure 95c: 1 Ih. 40c. pure Java coffee, 25¢.; 1 1b. 40¢, black or | Japan tea, 25c., at Mullin's | torner Johnson and Division streets, Fomiture Polish | fields, Our 25¢. Bargain List. new prunes, 25c,; ne, # 25 and Boc. 8 is the Grandest Br put on the market & SOLD AT WwW. A. Mitchell's, | A HARDWARE. MEN AND Wome: Use Big Gi forannatr ai bin han ma Line . Ld -- : The production of mucous mombran: properity of the Painiosg, and sot astris : : L Pent oF Polminous. closely associated in this province. 1 s ---- | A ie, Prince Rupert Contract. i Montreal, March 11.--dt is reportad - v F--pm------------ 1 that Foley Bros. & Stewart have been 2 y . ih | , , i gue and the sport usually reach! awarded the contract to builds the i Same end that the fool and money | Grand Frank Pacific 100 miles from | Prince Rupert eastward. lard, groeer: Value Of The Ontario Crops Guelph, Ont, March 11.0, A. vitz, of the Ontario Agricultural" Col lege, reports that the annual market | combined annual values of the { ducts of the forests, the mines; the fisheries of the of the soil and are and the country very New Spring | Goods COMPLETE RANGE OF - Broadgcloths, Panamas, Fancy | Suitings, g - Worsteds In all the Latest London and Paris Novel- ties. ' You will invariably find here something | decidedly different to what others are showing. Special Offering in Japanese ~ Shantung Silk « Nataral ' Color, 26 inches "wide, rough : ow weave, at 50c. Yard. , Well worth 75c. ah The Latest Ideas for Spring a and Skirts _ ARE NOW BEING SHOWN IN OUR "TO-NEAR DEPARTMENTS. THE; PMEDITION EGE SUBHT ove IT. IS FAR LESS IN EXTENT nT, A and P. Distributed Different- | { ston, returned to Cape Vincent, N.Y., | Tess | the western end of Fake Superior. The bordering lakes, | Beach, Lake Huron is reported open. fp. Webster; hook-kesper ut the M., ' 8 | Co's office; bad the misfortune to fall | Clair is still covered with twelve in-| fields | the body of the 'lake there are no ice 3 lbs. clean | value of the farm crops, orown in On- | | tario, ¥110,000,000, is greater than the | pro- | whole of Canada. | PERSONAL MENTION. They Are Saying And Doing. W. W. Walker, editor and proprietor s in town. toms, at Belleville, is a visitor in the i { ton, left here, | ville, NY. = Leonard . Babcock, visiting in King- yesterday, tan jon Tuesday. } E. W. Boyee, Kingston Business Col- lege, spent Sumday with his parents at Hartington. { Robert Clugston's many friends will ibe sorry to hear of his continued ill { ness at his home on Broek street. Mr. Laidlaw, the well-known cattle i buyer of Enterprise, went to who lectured in the Barracks, on Mon- Odessa, Hurd, Salvation Army day night, left to-day for | where he will deliver a lecture. While walking along King street, W, Capt {and as a result sprained his wrist, | Trumpeter Fleet, of Gananooue, who {bas been in the station hospital = at | the barracks, suffering from a Rprain- {ed ankle, was abl to leave the hos- | pital, to-day. 7 : The funeral of the late Richard { Young took place this afternoon from this late residence, 70 Livingston | avenne. Services {the house by the Rev. (. A. Svkes. | Jobn Leach, Charles street, enter- {tained a number of friends at his ag Tuesday evenin~. when guests to the number of about twenty-five | Spent a most enjoyable time. There | was music and card playing. Milton Bejack, advance agent for Coréoran, in "The Doll's " was in the city; tolay, ar- ranging for the production of his play {at the Grand on Wednesday, March | 15th, { | | | | ALD, JOHN JGASKIN, Who Jas Been So Sfriously 111. He Will bo Jing Deen He Out Next Week. Fitting Out Steamers. business of fitting out Kingston, Toronto the Phe and steamers commenced in earnest. Engineers, fire men and deck hands are getting the vessels in shape for a bjg business this summer. James Conlon will be chief engineer on the Kingston, Engi- neer Milne having resigned. Mr. Haz- lett will succeed: Mr. Conlon to the chiel's position on the Toronto. Capt. Harry Esford will again command the Kingston, and Capt. W. Booth the Toronto. : 'Seeking Big Damages. Windsor, Ont., March 11.--Crown Attorney Rodd, acting for tives of "olin Gray, the voung Wind sor brakeman, killed in 'a collision be: tween Grand Trunk and Wabash train, at Tilsonburg, on January 3rd, has issued a writ against the two railway companies. Negligence on the part of the railways is claimed to have been~the cause of the accident The plaintifis ask $10,000. Photo Of Dr. Henry Wilson. Miss Madele Wilson, of New York, has sent the Whig a fine large copper- plate etehing of her late father, Rov, Pr. Henry Wilson. Old Kingston \ friends of the deceased may get copies at 81.50 each by leaving their orders at the Whig office. Miss Wilson has the sole copyright, and only a limited number of the engravings are left," as the New York demand has been large. ---------------------- Will Be Summer Camps. By latest advices from Ottawa it appears 'that, all rumors to the con- trary notwithstanding, the usual militia camps at Barriefiell dnd in Quebec will take place. Whatever mobilization of troops may take place in Quebee dur- ing the celebration of the tercentenary of the city's foundation, it wil] not, it is now stated, affect the summer camps in the least. -- Car Ferry's Big Business. Cobourg, Ont., 'March 11.-The big car ferry blntario, No. 1, has made be tween sixty and seventy trips between Cobourg and Charlotte, port of Rochester, since going into commis. sion, carrying a cargo of 1,500 tons at every trip. It is stated that the duty paid at 'the custom house here "w to the middle of January amount. od to something over $40,000. . Marine Notes. Mesers. T. G. Bishop, J. W. Taylor, R. Taylor, W. Newbold and H. = Me. Clymont, engineers for the M. T. com- pany, ave locking after the fitting out of the company's vessels. Three of the steamers are at Collingwood. Capt. Muller, of Toronto, arrived in the city, today, to make an inspec tion of the Vessels, on bebalf of the underwriters, -------- Died At The Home. James Halpin, an inmate of + the House of Providence, who formerly lived at Hrockville, died Wednes lay morning. While living in Brookville, be was > by the The remains will be taken to Murray, of Pie-| Brown Water- | { town, N.Y., on Tuesday, on business, | were conducted at | Rapids King, of the R. & 0. line has] the rela- | London; Niagara, | Grand Trank, Brook- menses ENGINEER (ITED 'HE WAS THE VICTIM OF A SAD ACCIDENT. Train Dashed Up on Stub Line and An Engine Hit the En- gineer Leaning Out of His Cab, Toronto, March t Coady received, to-day, from the | ronto Railway company a check for | 831,142.24 as the city's share of the | company's earnings for February. In February, 1903, the city got | 777.80. | February record js almost $5,000, ! { Charles Armstrong, a C.P.K. engi | "neer, in charge of a Masonic er wei HN. ~City Treasurer To- which left Toronto this morning, met four ocon- | death at Guelph Junction at {o'clock. It, appears that. the nections between the stub line, which | runs northward from Guelph Junction.) | to Guelph, had been left open and the | special, not being scheduled to stop at Guelph, taking the curb dashed up the {stub lie. A light passenger engine | was standing on a spur, a short dis- {tance up the stub line, and Engineer Armstrong, leaning out of his eab, { was struck by the side of this engine { and instantly killed. Armstrong, who | lived at Toranto Junction, wasthirty. { two Tepe old, and leaves a widow { and three children. A deputation, composed of most of | the members of Eastern Ontario, wait- {ed on Hon. Nelson Monteith, to-day, | asking for 26,000 for a refrigerating plant in the dairy building at the | Central Canada fair, Ottawa. Two directors of the fair were also present. The Minister promised the usual con- sideratign. . That nobody but a properly quali- | fied resident can practize dentistry in { this "country, was the principle laid (down by the private hills committee, {this morning. There were three bills, | asking thet three men be allowed to { practice, William A. Bell, Frank I. | Dayment and Dr. Scadding. The lat- ter two hills were thrown out and the lormer accepted. A gepsation was caused hy the reading of a letter sign- ed hy C. A. Kennedy, secrotary of the legislation | commities of the Roval College of Dental Surgeons, asking every dentist in the province to make the defeat of the three men a pefsonal matter. The latter said "he dental profession should come before his nolitical allegiance' and they should | let their member plainly know that | unless he supported them they would not support him, heeause the votes and influence. of the dentists were the onlv things that would avpeal to the politician. "Remember that there is a provincial election coming soon," states the letler, "and your member will be anxious for your vote 'and good will." This letter was charac- terized by N. A. Reid, the lawyer, as beige nothing less than attempted bribery and corruption and he would consider the advisahilite of proceeding eriminally against the individual who signed it. Negotiations between the city of To- ronto and the Toronto Electric Light company, for the acquiring by the former of the plant of the latter, are practically off. Mayor Oliver stated, { this morning, that he did not propose [to bother with the Electric Light com- pany any more. A communication will be at once sent to the Hydro-Electric Commission, asking for a maximum of 10,000 and a minimum of 6,000 horse power. Before this is done. how- ever, a legal opinion will he sought as to whether or not the city is bound | tb take the power once it applies for 'it. : JEALOUS AT SIXTY-SIX. -- Bride Left When. He Spoke _ of | First Wife. Cincinnati, Mhrch 12 Marriage at | Sevenly years of age is the. worst form of lottery, according to Louis Fritz, who has filed suit for divorce Tom his sixtysix year old bride of six weeks. Frita's first wife, with whom he lived happily for thirty- seven years, died four years ago. Un January 236d he married Margaret Bigelow, of Witidsor, Canada "She lived upstairs in my house | here four years ago," said Fritz, "and I thought - she was an angel." I mar- ried her for company in my old ape. I wanted a companion--some ope to amuse me. My bride got angry and thredtened to leave me on the third day, and on the seventh day she did leave me. She got angry because | mentioned my first wife's name. When she ordered me. not te mention it again I told her, 'No, you can't maka me do that-'the wife T lived so hap- pily with for years," *' ---- To Seek! A Divorce. _ New York, March 11,<Evelvi Nesbit Thaw will institute proceedings for the annulment of her marriage to Harry K. Thaw. The action ~gill be based on the allegation that 1 defendant was insane when the union was oan tracted. Thaw proposes to defend the sunt, t Evelyn Thaw, acrording to to-day's reports, has arranged for her own fu- ture in a financial way, A settlement of 850.000 will he made on her, it is suid, at once, and When the sait is ended an anmmity of £15,000 will be fixed wpon her. Mrs. William Thaw, Harry's mother, is reported to have reed upon this financial settlement. v Thaw is determined to fight the suit to the bitter ond, and this pro- mises to make the hearing a complicat- ed one. The papers in the suit for an amul- ment of the marriage were served on Thaw, to-day. At the same time a complaint was handed to the : defen- dant's mother, she being made a co- befanse 'of the possibility will appoint her guardian of his es- tate, ---- : He Took The Prise. pa ategtoun, March = 11.--Architeet $11,- [cutive was called, and the Locos were Ihe increase from last year's|asked to break up j cles, and the | Fused to do so, that the doubts of New. York county | ype SI. JAMES' WINNERS, | The Games of Basketball Aie Cox | cluded, § { The finals in the City Basketball | {League were played off at the Y. M1 jC. A. last evening, and the champion- ship was won by the St. James' bavs. | {AL the first of the year there wers | four teams in the jeague. St James, | Waldron's, Y.M.C A, and Locomotive | { Works, and a word of explanation jis | due the latter team, Four games were | Plaved early in {he season, the Locos | Playing all the other teams without | losing a game, and it seemed certain | that they were going to win | championship. A meeting of the exe- | 1 : their team and | give the weaker teams some of their | players, to make the league more | even, This is a rdther unheard of | proceeding in amateor sporting eir- | mechanics naturally re and as a consequence dropped owt of the league. The, other three teams went on. the St. James | boys winding out. and while they de- | serve all eredit for their victory, ft must not be forgotten that the Locos were at the start and are now the best team in the city, es INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ¥ Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. | William 'Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | at McAuley"s. Phone' 778. | Will Kingston again be euachred out of a normal school # Four are to be erected during the next year. + "For that tired feeling in the mokn- ing" take Burdock and Sarsaparilla, Red Cross brand. Sold only at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. The Orange grand lodge will meet | at Port Hope on Tuasday The dele: gates from Kingston are: Deputy Grand Master Burney, J. Berry and H. Graham. : : y Fresh herrings at 23¢ good sea food at a low price, being less 'than four cénts a pound See them at Carnovsky's Robins have heen singing spring songs, in the west ond of city, for some days, their appearance last Sunday. Con- trary to the general idea, all robins do not migrate, in the fall, but go to the heart of dense woods and swamps, and spend the winter among | the fir trees there , ! | } | I { | | | doz. means their | the | having. made | } en | SHOT HER FRIEND. H Ba { A Tragedy in An Exclusive Board. | ing School. Mass, March 11.--A hiur der and <uicide, at. the Laurence school, an exelusive boarding school for. young women, is reported to the police. Details are lacking, bat it is understood that Miss Elizabeth Bailey Hardy, a pupil of the school, was shot and Killed by Miss Sarah Chamberlain Weed, u fripnd, who, last night, returned from a Ruitariyn at New York. Miss Weed then committed suicide, Boston, ---------------- Champion Ski Runner Killed. Berne, Switzerland, March 11. Stephen Koch, of Saint Moritz, the) champion ski runner of Switzerland, met his death, yesterday, while indul ging in his faverite ocoupation. He was skiing in the mountains above Bergun,™ when he was carried over a precipice by. an avalanche and killed ter | Word has been received that the | business section of Tarebtum, Pa., has been Lurned out. AntoStrop RXER 2 ID AUTOMATIC TIES Aten Ane auouatic i smeLg AND UNIQUE A Common Sense Self. Renews sharp edge I -- The Fashion Show \ 2 Of the Season appears in [Butterick's Fashions, Spring, 1908 The new publication issued® by the great Butterick Fashion House, The price is 20 cents, including a certifi- cate good for One Butterick Pattern Free This bogk is printed on high-grade paper and contains styles from Paris, London, Berlin and New York illustrated by some thousands of illustrations by foremost fashion ar- tists. Get it To-morrow at A tr 92 The April Delineator JUST OUT will be given FREE With all purchases of DRESS GOODS to the amount of $3.00 or over ALL THIS, WEEK. NEW BROADCLOTHS Special values at $1a yard. New Broadcloths Fine French make, $1.25, ALL THE WANTED SPRING COLORS These two qualities are special values. Black Voiles Ina great variety, just received. BLACK COSTUME CLOTHS BLACK INDIA TWILLS + BLACK BARRITZ CLOTHS BLACK KANTONA CLOTHS BLACK IMPERIAL SERGES BLACK PANAMA CLOTHS And many other New Black Materials. 40c, 49c, 75c, 85c, 99¢, $1.25, 1.49, 1.69. ri tit pet pep pam. ti pm ---- Black Silks BLACK MIRROW SILKS, 49c. BLACK TAFFETA SILKS, 49¢, 65¢, 75¢, 99¢. BLACK PEAU DE SOIR, . 75¢, 99¢, $1.25. BLACK PAILLETE SILKS, 65¢, 7c, 99¢, $1.25. BLACK NATTE SILKS, $1.25, 1.00. each shave and makes YOU, wit fren Sees @eeEeee rr} New Spring Styles Every Department being rapidly filled up, :: Goods are coming in faster tlian we ean mark them off, New Stock of Trunks. New Stock of Suit Cases. New Stock of Hand Bags. New Stock of Rubbers. New Stock of Shoes. Tooekett Shoe Store. i WCC } 1 » (o) Bee) OOTY slg aS cosh snsin SHARMA