Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Mar 1908, p. 1

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~ YEAR 75--NO. 61. THE FEDERAL HOUSE : A Lot of Questions Were Answered by Cabinet Ministers. A Suit For Libel---A A Bank Regarded as a Gamb- ling Concern---Asking to Have an Export Duty on Pulp. r From Our Own Correspondent. Gttawa, March 12iDe. Reid's amendment, ofier a long waste of time on the part of the dreary oppo sition blocking received short shrift when it cam® to a divis- Won, the 'government's majority being Bity dour; the actual figures were ninety-five to forty™ne; Mr, Borden's party looked swall Mr. Fielding, replying to Mr. Arm- Strong (East Lambton), for Mr. Vig er, stated thet the government was not aware that the British govern- ment had placed an embargo on Cana- dian hay and Straw. 4 The government had been in Correspolidence with the Iritish authorities on the subject, buy the latter had denied it, Mr. FieMing told Mr. Clements that James Waugh, immigration agent, had not refunded ta the interior depart ment the 5586 which had been demand ed, But if they did not it, they would take such action as was ne vessary to recover that sum Mr. Graham informed the house that parliament bad granted a charter to the Central Railway company of Cone ada, for a line from Hawkeshuwy to Ovtawa." The company had deposited withthe government the sum of ¥28, 000, which sum was still intact in the hands of the government, 'The gov ernment was aware* that many per- sons engaged upon sirvey and other work in cor yegtion with the said rails rod have A yet been paid for their rerviees. HW was not the intention of the government to use anv portion of the guarantee fund for the payment of legitimate claims against the com- pany. R. A. Pringle (Stormont) rose to intimate to the house that he had in- structed his solicitor to take action against the Financial Post for libel, My. Pringle quoted a portion of an editorial in that paper adcusing him of maliciously attacking two banks, the Hank of Commerce and the Sov- oreign Bank of Canada, and as the wilt the. latter gong down. t ix absohitely false," rried the heato conservative, and he then in timated what legal stops he intended taking. He aid aldo that he had proved that one of these hanks was tha greatest gambling concern in C an ada. He was not thin-skinned, ex plaihed M». Pringle, but he liked rea- sonable criticiam, He accused Byron ¥. Walker, of the methods, get DAILY MEMORANDA. The Spring Hate Now rengy ot Campield Bros'. Rev. Lawmg, Normal Class, to night Hoard of Education, 8 o'clock to-night Fire amd "TAght Conimittes, 4 p.m. Friday Tabornd Rally, to might. Wodiderlahd evening | good vaudeville Limestone Lodge No Thursday, at 8 pas i a for Laslios YW s New Hagme, on Fridey. 6 to 8 pr Princess Theatre Fommy in Sockety, "A Crime in the Snow Thomas Shea in the Tells 'remeR Recruit.'* "An Unpleasant Oe, ' Song, "Dariing.' Bijou Théntren-The Famous Drama; MUscle Tom's Cabin.' John Robert Davis sings Black Jim." Vera Holden sings "Yestorduy.' bin WHIG TELEPHOEES. 243 Husiness OfBes. 220 Editorial Rooms 298 Jobbing Department. i! Forms, all kinds, at Whig The Duily Whig is alwa) Ss on sale at Qihgon's Drug Stare, ' Market Sguare-- Open Sill jate each evening. Whig Hall, 8 o'clock Theatre--Afternoon and . 91, AO.U.W and Gontlomen on Johnson St hoi | ol are doing up Marx- ade: dont t forget we bave _ Suitable for that ose and at the right price" HE DENIES ENDORSING IT trumpet apa "Con i hy Pe KINGSTON, were Ameri say, for instance \ raw of which, last year Wight | and a half million pounds wery/ iw j ported 7° The government smiled and Mr. Lewis wriggled. Alter a capital speech the member for Beance ad. vised those opposite that friction with the United States would spell disaster to Canada. The debate journed, peculiar position cross swords, cotton, was subsequently ad- DEFICIT FOR YEAR. Financial Returns Brought Down in Legisiature. N.8., March 12.--The finan- returns which brought down in the provincial legislature showed a revenue of %1.437.066, compared with an expenditure of $1,539,168, the first time in several years when a deficit hag been shown. loss of revenue Halifax, cial were lank of Commerce, of gambling with the s of that institution. The report on that subject by the in surance Commission had proved what he said, and he would presently move a resolution that a committee be ap- pointed to enquire into the truth of the published report. E. N. Lewis (North Huron) was up with a proposed resolution to the of fect that in the opinion of the house such an export duty should be placed on the export of pulpwood as will be suflicient to ipdace its manufacture into paper if Canada, and thus save to the labor of Canada the six mil liems of dollars now lost. mone The is caused chiefly by decreased coal royalties, amount- ing to $5,000, and interest of $64,000 on temporary which had made to float the new issue The amount from mines was 33, cost to the government partment had been $39 385 Crown lands yielded 533, sion duties, $65,112, add the fediral subsidy was $132 S05 Debenture in terest cost the province ¥306,583, and education, $279,736. loans bei of of bon bec a vise inahility royalties the de- in while of this Mr to his resolution, in glowing terms the He told a story ahout having been up in the Farmer members' gallery with a friend one! day, who remarked to him, after ex' | Smith's Falls, Ont., March 12 amining the journalists' across the | ter Fox, a farmer, of Burgess way, "Isn't it wonderful to think | ship, was found dead by the that the destiny Canada is In | about three miles out of town the hands of these young men 7" "Oh, | had been in Smith's Falls some of them are not so voung as started home with a load of they look|" replied Mr. Lewis, and had bought. It is supposed he fell member of 'the press gallery |. off the sleigh and was stunned. He lay blushed and smiled when those in the snow all night and was badly below cheered the story frozen. He was thirty-eight vears of When the house had recoversd age, and lived alone on a farm about the shock Mr. Lewis went on to claim | fourteen miles from here. An inquest that the paper-making indus try wasiwill be held. ofie that employed more labor than | any other industry in the world and | it was to Canada's immeasurable ad | No Poison vantage that she should make her | Brogkvilte, March own paper and create a revenue that|who performed the had no limits, wane there amination on the body of the late be 'the saving of the six millions James G. Warnock, received the re- dollars. | port of the proviacial analyst on the Canada, * he continued, was the stomach, heart: and other organs sent greatest pulp-wood producing country ; to him, in the world, while Britain was the | that poison had been administered. Speaking on Lewis referred the powers of FELL OFF LOAD. press Stunned and Was Frozen to Death. Pg town- rondside He had oats he of and every down | from Was Found. 12.--Dr. Horton, post-mortem ex would also of CE CUD Food Expert Says All Alcoholic Drinks are More or Less Harmful. ein : 11 12.--In a signed tive secretions and thus overcame, to W. Wiley.. chief |8 certain extent, the bad effect of the ' yi [atcohol they contained," says the doc chemistry makes a tor of 'I further said that 1 was in the ory a prohibitionist, but that there practical dificultics in the way prohibition, and that the better {plan would be to abolish the saloons and that if people wanted 'drink distilled beverages they should do {auietly at their homes and with thei {wads and not in saloons. I did not | ugg SUHGE HdVise young men 1 ldrink liquor &f any kind, but | thateit was always bad." Murch Harvey of denial Washington, statement Dr, of the vigorous bureau statements he is | alleged to have made recently to the | effect that 'the man who never takes | a drink js a 'mollyeoddle" *I said I believed: the general effect | of alcohol qn mankind was wholly bad : that it was even in small quan tithes: 'that if distilled beverages, su hl as Whiskey, brandy and rum had.any good effects they were due to the fact thet the aromatic and fragrant sub- stances therein stimulated the diges- were of to 8¢ sai greatest paper-making. Canada' plied the raw material to the United States, sup Britain and while the dominion camd in for a Very small percentage | of the profits. Let them stop the export to the United States and the| Paris, March 12~The last aét Americans would be forced to bring | justice in the famous Drevius case their machinery and mills over to} Was performed when the chamber of Canada; with financial advantages to | deputies passei--a-bill restoring Jos: the country that could readily be un-{ Ph Reinpch, the historian of the derstood. tease, 10 his rank in the territorial The United States at present dic- | WY + tated to Canada what she should do Fhe bill was and it. was high time that the after the government had been de duger turned the. tables. - Mr. Lewis feted. Reinach's name was suppress: harped on_these points for. the. hest od 'from the measure, which was made part of two hours 'when the member general, to cover all officers panished for West Huron dropped---not sat down | by the administration for their ~into his seat utterly exhausted He tical nets or opinions. had made the longest speceh of - his life and n halting ore at that. H. 8. Beland, Beanee, took up the government's 'reply and ridieulsd the | proposals of the conservative member. | "Why," he said, "if we take it as one million cords we send annually to America we could keep doing =o for | 4,41 years." (Laughter in the liberal! Lamp. } The speaker then dealt with a mass! of figures which went to prove that the timber acreage of Canada was the | largest in the world and at the pre- sent rate of export to every country | it could go on for thousands of years, In one thousand years the difference FRANCE'S ATONEMENT, Last Act of Justice in ~ Famous] Dreyius Case. ol only passed; however, pro poli APPLES TO AUSTRALIA. From Canada Arrived in Good Condition. Ottawa, March 12.- According to J. B. Larke, trade commissioner at Syduey, there were imported into Aus (tralia, by the Canadian-Australian | steamers, 19 831° boxes of apples in three shipments, "the receipts being for October 6,772 hoxes; November, | 8,163 boxes; December, 4.396 hoxes. Nearly 'all the: apples arrived in | good condition. There were in ad | dition a few. boxes thai came by | freight steamers from San Frangisco, Boxes | of the The report clearly disproves | { at the head of the | al committee that is imvestigating the = | government sl SLEPT A rovAND YEARS. t Mrs. Spade Foot cot 18 a Lady Toad! in Zoo, March 12.<~The official | Jungle of Bronx Park is au-| thority for the statement that Mrs Spade Foot may be the recipient of | congratulations soon. Here ¥ a nati for the scientists and tondologists- for} Mrs. Spade Foot is a toad---t, scrateh | their poddles aver, Mrs. Spade Foot is the lady toad who bas been asleep athousand vears I tribe | Mrs. Spade Foot hash not been speaking terms with ly of her since back in the = be ozo age She went to sleep lo long ago, il a few months ago a pector's ham } { i i New York, Lazette oni mer smashed her goleh, She was! brought here to thes New York Zoo logical Gardens and W888 watched with | great interest, A week or so ago Mim. Spade Foot | began to wake up Sd take notice. | She ate a fly or ¢ and this was greeted as the rei of her fast al 1,000 years. Now sbéis building a nest. A FAVORITE SON. | | Heads Body Investigating Govern- | ment Printing. | | | | | { { | CONGRESSMAN €'H: LANDIS. Congressman Ch . Laridis, one "favorite son&™ (of the. Hoosier state, has lately had wmch prominence thrust upon him his position | case on | ernment. { fax, said: {let | Describe when they | Atamian { doctor | position | Murdoch { place; ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 1%, 1908. DR. DICKEY Y DISMISSED Dr. Mardoch Chi Chisholm Succeeds to Position in in Service. Conspiracy to Defraud Enigrants Three For- - eigners on Trial at Liverpool---Intimate Terms with Officers. March 12.--The trial of Mi- Sarkis, Charles Harnson and Ar | sharg Atamian, charged with con- spiracy to defraud emigrants, is on at Liverpool. N. Cockshutt watched the behalf of the Canadian gov London, | chael Atamian was arrested a large ! letters were found in hus | Counsel said = the letters When number posse; [ELON of \ showed that Atamian was on terms of Avery intimate re lationship with the au thoritids who had to pass emigrants on the other side of the Atlantic. One letter was from a man describ ing bimselil as Hugh L. Dickev, M.D. Another letter, from W. Dodds, Hali | "Your eleven people all | passed. Be a little more particular | next time with Montreal cases. Domot | thiefh make any signs whatever something they will wear, will be enough. | felt nervous all made some sigs with tie which { their hands on their In another letter Dodds admonished "Please be careful, the is often with me as | | A Quick Removal. | March 12.--Pr. Dickey, of has been dismissed from the he has held in the immigra tion service of the dominion, and Ir Chisholm appointed in his Ottawa, Halifax, { Doctor Used An Alias. i Halifax, March 12.--DPr. Hugh Dickey and Dr. W. Dodds, are one and the same person, for Pr. Dickey has ad- mitted that in his correspondence with Atomian, the Syrian immigrant agent, he signed himself Dr. W. Dodds, Dr. ! | name | persons Dickey, who was recently ma doctor at the tion hospital, and who resigned position as with Atomian, is very much brokeg up about the aliair. At first he denied that he knew anything of W Dodds, but later admitted that at the request of . Atomian i that to all correspondence with him Dr. Dickey's explanation of the mat ter is that while in Liverpool August he examined some immigrants bound for Canada, and alterwards ealled on 'Atomian, and in the course of a conversation with him on immi gration said that he would continue to send immigrants who were only slightly ill with trachoma to Can ada; they would be attended to here Atomian was to let him know when any afflicted with trachoma were coming to Canada, and he would inform the Assyrians as to what came of them. In November, however the government declined to admit any suffering from trachoma About sixty Assyrians sent out Atomian deported, and caused all the trouble. mmmigration deten his whole he signed he persons be by were this Orelli, fifteen old, of attempted suicide by swal lowing eight drachms of chloroform The father of Mrs. Howard Gould of New York, was committed to an in sane hospital at Jacksonville, 1 Protracted litigation over internal al fairs will probably delay the the Times indefinitely Tenders for six sections of the tional Transcontinental railwdy opened at Ottawa Albert Chicago, Years sale econgression- printings: © Uncle Sam spends many millions of dollars every year for printing, and the disclosures already made as the 'result of the ef forts of Inquisitor Landis give rise to suspicion "that 'there has been serious waste, if nothing worse, in this branch of the government. One result of the probe applied by the Indiana represen- tative was the sensational suspension, | by President Roosevelt, Public Printer Stillings, Congressman Landis, | who is just fifty years of age, is pretty | well informed regarding the printing business in general by reason of the fact that from the time he left Wa bash College until he entered Congress he continuously in newspaper work. He has been a member of congress for more than eleven vears, of was GIRL SHOOTS HER RIVAL, | When Door Slammed Miss Shelton | Fired. . ! Marshall, N.C., March 12 ~Miss | Parzada Shelton, of Shelton Laurel, | the prettiest and most daring girl in| Shelton county, shot her riva theon ch a door, inflicting a dangerous and plpsibly a fatal wound in the breast. She and Miss Ida Franklin had been fast friends till their love affairs crossed, Filled with jealousy and rage a remark to her Miss Shelton the Franklin house to give chance Yo deny. that she had her. Miss Franklin slammed the in her face and Miss Shelton firing through the wood. One took effect. Miss elton over | visited Ilda a slurred door began | shot fled over the line into the officers caught her waiting for requisition Tennes but and are papers. now { Made It An Embassy i St, Petersburg, March 12. The don- ma, made its first incursion into foreign policy, yesterday, the inci- dent marking also the first time foreign affairs ever have been publicly discussed in - Russia. The government submitted 5 bill raising the legation, at Tokio to an embassy and fixing the ambassador's salary at $30 000. With | the exception of reducing this amount to $25 000, the hill was passed un-| animously. "Three Sualiws. " Sir John Power & Son "Three Swallows' Trish, Whiskey, amous for over a Of hichest standard of ity would hardly be notiesable. It was | but the shipments Mn these slow impossible to suppose that the Am! Kn erican mills woul fall down like the Sleninery Were a, © fete failute. walls of Jericho at the d of the! if this country refused to} pply them with pulp-wood. C It waz also ridiculous to sutton 'A Banker exportation. He contended that the position of the promoters of the pol- iey was utterly untenable. "How," he 4 sked, "if the American 'mills were! it to Canada will Jess wood be hla consumed than there is today ¥" tempt was de to rob the Merchants that oven in one small district on the! andl (Hear, Hoar). . The Te W sent Mr, National FBR Than believed by t banks of the St. Lawrence, where Sugsey should be crippled by refusing away uthide, Shmebatie 1h Bulics: to be a lunatic. kL. a . said that, Fea and said Pp beg trade, the country's greatest in. Omaha, Neb., March §3.-A at- he formerly lived | 300,000 mien were in the lum- The i avs his nome as L. at Rashlond, m. Hy walked into the! het puned gud meta: own rt tse Brahe with Outwits Lunatic Who Threatens to Kill. ------ r---- Distillers to His Majesty thé King." THE POLICE Me. Drake, dl beligving for the montent hat ig and those el his fellow officials and {bank Wight be in » iment rh roe a ently i the Ea robber yntil other police 'und the man was Toke ihe {pass without a scare {Men Taught in Bars After Hours lowed by Pontiac, Til., March 12.-~A desperate rush of 708 mutinous convicts for the wall which stands between them and liberty took place at the state refor- matory, yesterday. The guards put up a stubborn fight and the ring leaders, all Chicago criminals, were herded into the top gallery, There, on a narrow platform, forty feet from the main floor, they fought until final PLOT TO FREE PRISONERS Desperate Rush of 700 Matinous Convicts Fol-| a Fight. ly quelled. Half as many priconers were fight. Proof of overthrew injured in the a well outlined plot the guards, and free 1,200 prisoners was discovered by the institution officials. An effort will made to seek out the other ringlead ers and prevent further plans from materializing KING ALFONSO'S VISIT. on' His Way From Barcelona. 4 Barcelona, March 12. --King Alfonso and the ministers who accompanied [him on his visit here started on their return to Madrid, yesterday after noon, to the great relief of those re sponsible for his majesty's safety, The visit demonstrated the efficiency 'of the precautions taken by the authori ties, and the ardent lovalty of the monarchists and the absence of any thing more serious than indifference among the great bulk of the popula tion. The occasion® however, did not What is declar been a bomb burst on the quay near the customs house at three o'clock yesterday morning, Common report 'savs the petard was hidden in the ground. at the side of the quay, gither through fear of detection for future use. Anyhow it was harm: less The king visited the Austrien squad ron at mid-day, vesterday, and took luncheon on the flagship whither bis launch was escorted by a fleet of steamers, vachts and other craft. He is Now ed to have TO PROSECUTE DRINKERS) to Be Punished. St, Catharines, Ont, March 12.- Yesterday, on the information of In spector King, Norris Stevens, of the St. Catharines house, was fined $100, It was his second offemce, and he pleaded guilty The inspector then She Passed Away laid informations against ten or a dozen men he had caught in the St.| Ctharines house bar, and their cases | will come before the magistrate on] Friday. Hitherto the frequenters have | been let go as a general thing. The! determination of the inspector to pro- | ceed against the frequenters came as a big surprise to the crowd of men in court. To Cut Out Stock Gambling \ Washington, March 12. President Roosevelt has directed Herpent Buox Smith, of the bursag of corporations to investigate the methods of stock- teading with a view to furnishing the basis of future legislation reguleting such practices. President Roasevelt bas declared himsell to be decidedly in favor of eliminating stock gambling. meets to rm A LADY'S DEATH, on Wednesday. Gananoque, March 11.--Mrs. Joseph Cunningham, beloved wife of Joseph Cunningham, eorner of North passed away, this forty-eighth vear and Charles streets, al wraoon, in the her age highly munity for esteemed throughout the com She had been in poor health tune and the unexpected, She leaves her husband, to mourn, an adopted | daughter only a lee permitting the Trenton team wili play the Tigers the Maple Leaf; rink on Thursday evening E J First stecet, far chief the who, for the past onfined to his home on liness, has sa far around the streets once E Garden day to join her husband, Mr. Joyce at Seslev's Bay, where he has into the baking business and will in future reside i t---- some end was not besides at Rvan, our. popu nstabulary, tog weeks of local eo has been count of recovered as to 'he mote. Mey street, left to ne Joyce, Will Be Extradited, Montreal, Murch 12 William Fran lyn Maofiex, wanted on a charge stealing from Tiffany's, in New York, has been ¢ vit ted for extradition He -oner -- from the detective of fee, but was recaptured. shiat he during the Cuban war, and was ence arrested by Gen. Wyeler, Rally ! Liberals ! Toruight the liberal association will | have & meeting in the Whig hall, when, in all probability, the candi. {dates for the coming federal and pro vincial houses will he selected. {much desired that a large represents tion of liberals of the city should be on hand. Everyone is welcome. It transpires Ordered Mormons Away. Munich, March 12 The. Bas arian government has ordered the imsmsediate expulsion. of A number of + Americas | Mormon missionaries, whose here is regnrded as bein dangerous public order. . The H. 0. Cam dian Yad. Sak, to 'ammpki "re company, of In- was driven to ase sign hy the defalostions of Secretary- | i Trews Manfurd. have stolen 850 James a, aged sintoon, a was blows wo who is alleged to Hore ante : 5 A To nin 1 a , mill, at Bape Se Pea a Lam. i a result of his dealings b had |{e last | of | jo- | were | a dozen guards and | to |§ the | in Gananoque of | Deceased was well-known and | served for a New York paper | It is! presence | Toronto, Ont, March 12, Ottawa Valery and Up= per Lawrence (10 a.m.)+~East- | winds to-day i on Friday: { mostly fair ; local {snow flurries and a little lower | temperature. an the tracho- | (Our new Silks ave now in stock, and you will do well to examine our various lines, as we can now offer you Some very exclusive lengths. One special line "ge would like to draw your attention to is a special importation of : French Foulards In a beautiful range of pat. terns in both light and dark colors. Dress lengths only together with a great range of JAPANESE TUSCANS, TUSSORES, PONGEES, SHANTUNGS, ete. FRENCH TAFFETAS, PAILLETTES, MESSALINES, BRITISH PEAU-DE-SOIE, ete, We are offering very special lines of Guaranteed Black Taffeta Made by the celebrated "(. J. Bonnet." This is the softest and most brilliant Silk in the market. It is oil boiled, good weight and drapes beautifully. C. J. Bonnet's name in gold on every vard None genuine without it. 2 great lines, at $1 and ki Ask to see it at Steacy"s . eRe eee) LO00000) } DIED, ft VANLUVEN «At hor r March 61k Mrs home, Bglterssn 1908, in her Heary Van { Lu | Funera Bool In v apducted on Sendey qfters the "Methor dist Church (O'REILLY in" March 14h 1908, Willian of the fate Win 1 pri m eldest son mass will be Cathwdra at orniig for the Inera sung in 930 ac repose n ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker | "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. Il) Genuine Bargain gone Lombard Plums {in heavy Syrup 10 Cents Per Tin This is exactly one half the {regular price. Secure what you {want quickly as the stock is limited. Every tin guaranteed. das, Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. The "Duzbaz." | A maisprect derhy sold in Kingston at Campbell Pros. the introducers of joow styles ia men's hats, | Benjamin F. Yeartaw, while splitting a log of wood at his blacksmith shop yard, st East Brookfield, Mass, found |= Intge comb of honey on the inside. + Heroic efforts to reseus imprmoned | miners at Hampstead Colliery, Eng- Mand, failed to save a single life. | Lumbermen will ask the government to provide them with a free market fou hark in the United States. Justice Maredith reserved judg- Bl rps the petition to quash the Toronto license reduction. : Have you made 8 guess at the mem bes of eas. in ins at Peet's? Somg oli, bp

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