THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1908. ---- } Gloves! beautiful soft quality, dome Night, only 6c pair, 00000000000000000000000000ITRRER0000080000 deonsevenensnssecssene seen . A . » » ° . es * " ° » ° » - - Ld ° » ° : o . -» FIRE ESCAPES! All lengths, all sizes and to suit all condi- tions. Built to order and ereeted in place on short notice. 'Estimates Furnished on Request. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry, $1.25 Gloves for 69c. 120 Pairs Ladies' Tan Kid Gloves, 3 shades, stners, all sizes, regular price $1.25. 25c & 30c Hosiery for 19 ¢. m 120 Pairs Ladies' Black Cashmere Stockings, plain or ribbed, spring weight, soft and stretchy, o full fashioned, regular price 25c : a To-Night for only 19¢, Sles for Cash. Come Early. Jom hase. CRUMLEY BROS. IRI (OES IRIE, CRI 00000000000 00000000 farsa ereers tne wo Specials: for: ~ To-Night. Hosiery ! eres Tas ster reer he arate neatly stitched backs, 2 § To- and 30¢ per pair. ol Where He Lost It. Philatelphia Press. Subbubs--="'No, he's not Wing in | Swamphurst now. He's been down in Florida in search of his health all winter: and. now he is in California." Citiman--"1 should think he'd go back to Swamphurst for it." Subbubs- "Why ? Citiman~"Becanse = 'that's where he lost it," -------------- The united. Catholic societies "of Kingston, will celebrate St. Patrick's day by a.grand concert in the opera house, at which the distinguished Trish Canadian, the « Hon, C. R. Dev- lin, MPP, © minister of colonization and mines for Quebec, and former M.P. for Galway. in the British Homse of Commaens, will deliver an oration. You can wlten tell . a lot about man by the weal, The yolks, of an egg broken up rose-water iis a tresty shampoo. a clothes that he doesn't in S ew § yl es on Tap. r ifyou dont Gold in Buwilight Little Miss Caroline Mitchell reach- ed the mature age of five yesterday, and to celebrate this event, her moth- er, Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, Clergy street, asked fifteen small people : to her home. Thete were five of the sterner sex to ten of the weaker, and they wee very |} r. Mrs, Clarence Mit- chell, Miss Ida Kidd and Mis May Ford assisted the hostess in making the birthday a success, There wos Bret a peanut hunt, in. which Master Jack Richardson and Miss Gwennie Sykes won prizes, a mechanical toy for the former, and a doll for the Intigr, and then tea round a long table, on which was the cake of /ohkes with two pink, two blue, and one green candle, and these were weligionsl blown at and at last blows gut by the wee merry-makers. The cause of all the party is a very 'popula small person, with the big people as well as the small, and the presents she got were 'too numerous to mention." That 'she 'will _bave many such happy returns 4s' a widespread wish, - a - Of interest to many Kingstonians will be some few particulars of the recent graduapion exercises at St, Luke's hogpi New York, whereby a former Kingston girl, Ming Ethel Robinson, was awarded her diploma and black band, representing her sac- cessful completion of a three years' course of instruction at that institu- tion. The cefemony took place in St. Luke's chapel, Cathedral Heights, and was followed by a reception and dance in the nurses' pavilioff 'The graduating class consisted of twenty three nurses, four of whom were Cana dian young ladies. Miss Robinson will practice her profession in New York until the summer months, whith she will spepd with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher, Robinson, of this city, when many friends will be glad to have this charming girl with them again. a A driving party with the R:M.C. cadets as hosts,» and Mr. snd Mrs. Kenneth Blair the chaperons, met at Mrs. Frederick Brownfields, on Wed- nesday, shortly after six o'clock, and from there took the ice for Wolfe Is- land, Here a delicious high tea had been arranged for, and the hungry party said it was very good. The girls invited were Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Katie Craig, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Leta Carson, Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss Kate Smellie, Miss Irene Swift, Miss Phyllis Short, and Miss Marie Car- ruthers. The cadets included B.S. M. Carson, and Cadets Gibson, Taylor, Spain, Bristol, Hilliard, Walker, Tre- maine, Bell-Irving and Swiit. The evening was spent in a very jolly way, and everybody was at home be- fore midnight. - - - Mrs. Charles H. McDumnough, for- merly Miss Ethel Wilkinson, of Kiye- ston, received, yesterday, for the first time since her marriage, at her resi- denge, 68 Chesterfield avenue, West- mount. She wore a gown of white chiffon, and lace over satin, and was assisted in receiving by her mother, Mrs. Wilkinson, of Kineston. Mrs, A, P. Christmas presided at the tea table, assisted by Mrs. Ernest Cooper. Pale pink tulips were arranged in the apception and tea rooms. Mrs. Me- Dunnough will receive each Wednesday until the close of the season. --Mon- treal Witness. - > - The mgrriage of -- Miss Helen Marianne Waliliridge daughter of the late Mr. Samuel Wallbridge, of Belle- ville, to Mr. Howard Frederick John Lambart, only fon of the Hon. 0. H Lambart, and Mrs. Lambart, and grandson of-the eighth Earl of Cavan, took place quietly at Vive Linne, New Edinburgh. The Hon. 0. H. Lambart married a Canadian lady several years ago, and has lived in Canada since - a - Mr. William Webster, Mrs. W. §. Webster and Mr. and Mrs. E. Webster have been down in Portland celebra- ting the silver wedding of their daugh- ter and sist, Mrs. J. A. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Myers entertained over seventy-five guests, music from the Newhoto orchestra and dancing being enjoyed. | Many handsome 'gifts were received, -> - -> - The Badminton tournament, on Wed- nesday, at the Asmouries, Sren out a large ny; or of both pla and watchers of the g Wns Mary Hora and Captain Russell Brown won out against Mrs. F. D. Lafferty and Mr. Cobbett. The lady's prize was a cut glass powder box, with silver top. A number of i beagle Sk there for tea. Mes. MN Xo Dilahain, Earl street, gave a jolly little party, last night, her ts were chiefly Queen's ts. d artiest feature of the , and a novelty, was d sugaring- off, the 'wax' being pronounced the fioslt thing in ewsdts the te had ever fast There was an im- promptu dance and garhes. -> Mes. T. Y Greet, ho has been TO-NIGHT. ; Ireland's Sweet Singing, Comedign " ALLEN DOONE In His New Romautig Play "A Romance in Ireland" ted xcellefit company rer a dios vening, 35¢., vs 0c. $1. Seats how on pe -- MONDAY, MARCH 16th. The Social Theatrical Feature of The Season. Mis Amelia Binghar And ect Sompah Jo an Hdd ate ovina) oF Clyde " THE Prices. 25¢., S0c., 75¢., $1, $1.30, Seats now on Sale Free List Entirely Suspended. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18th, PARTHUR ©. AISTON. Presents That Talented AoiTess, JANE CORCORAN Buprasted by JAMES M. BROPHY and 1 Cast in Her Gréatest Success "A DOLL'S HOUSE" By. WHENRIK IBSEN, $1, 75c., 50c., 35¢ and 2 sale Mouday at Box Ofhes. PDC') Prices, Seats on Grand Opera House Thursday, March 19th. KATHRYN OSTERMAN and ANNA BELMONT In the Mirth Provoking Cowedy. THE GIRLAWHO LOOKS LIKE ME The play that made all Toronto Prices, 25¢-, ac. Sic. 25c.. $1, Heats on sale Thursday. For To=Day and Next Week Raisins Currants Pranes Be. 1b Be. Ib. 8c: Ib Choice Choice Choice H. M. Stover's, 109 Alfred Street. too small to receive more than this brief mention. . hat - -> Mrs. G. A Aylesworth, of New- burgh, was the guest of Mrs. W. W, Seott, Division street, on Thursday and Friday. "> » - Mrs. Alexander Laird, Johnson street, was hostess at a little tem, this afternoon, in honor of Mrs. Rob- ert Laird, - Mrs. W. J, Crothers, Earl street, ave a tea, this afternoon for Miss 'lovence (rothers. foe a "> A. Bellhouse retirned to-day. Mr C. Lockett expected to reach Bermuda, to-day, on his way home from South America. lle has been en- joying his trip very much so lar. My. and Mrs. J. CU. Baker will leave, on Monday, for the west. Their new home will be in Vermillion, Alta, a Mrs. John McMahon, William street, is the guest of her sister," Mrs, Edgar Doward, Rosedale, Toronto. Mes. C.J. Mitchell, who has been visiting Miss Spangenbery. Johnson street, intends leaving for Toronte on Monday or Tuesday. While here she hax béen very much feted, ina quiet way, among her hostesses' being Mrs, Hepry Wade, Johnson street, Miss Myrtle Wallace, of Iroquois, is the guest of Mrs. J. M. Lanos, Uni- versity avenue. Miss May Bell, Wellington street; is visiting Mrs. W. F, Campbell, Grant avenue, Hamilton. - *- » Mr. Gerald Worsley, of Montreal, has been in town, fot a day or se on his way. to Toronto. The Hon. EK. J. and Mrs. Davis, who have been visiting Mrs. Elmer Davis, Sydenham street, returned to New- market on Thursday. Miss Maud Simmons, wha has been visiting her. sister, Misy Mary Sim- mons, in Newhoro, for some time, re- {red on Wednesday to Modsejaw, N Mrs. W. to Napanee, - Miss Kathleen O'Hara eae up from Ottawa, yesterday, and Ty agin at "The Avormors." Miss Townsend, of Halifax is stay: ing with Mis, D. NortowTavlor, Wel lington street. 5 "Kirk- Miss Bah ¥ leatham," ; De Visit fo Lady Cirtrigh," "Arthur Mathe- son and Bate, in Ot tawa. Mra. WB. Carey, Brock street, has gone down th (Gananoqud' fo pay Mrs, Austin a short visit. Miss Alice Pruyn and Miss Baka Wilcacks went back to Napanee, yos- CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc. a word, Each con secutive insertion thereafter hall cent a werd. Minigum saarge for ous in- sertion, 25¢. . HELP WANTED-MALE, SMART BOY TO LEAEN PRINTING. Apply at Whig office. $35 STARTS YOU IN profitable bhusiness--no fak LEGITIMATE, e, Books or Jewelry--square bHusiness-big profits Dept. A... National Vending Me Co., Ohicago, lil, WIDE-AWAKE, YOUNg hustier as otir representative Salany $60 to $100 per month and expenses. k Xperisnte unnecessary. Motropohitan Cigar Co., Milwaukee, Wis AMBITIOUS WANTED-FEMALE, GENERAL SERVANT. NO Apply Mrs. Yman, Calder nion Beep A GOOD Washing, wood, U A PLAIN quired. No ply to Mrs. COOK. REFERENCES RE washi oF _iroui tn 31 King ar MAID TO ASBIST housework. No Mrs. George Mills, Ii Avenug IN GENERAL washing. Apply to 4 University A LADY SEWE RS --MAKE SANITARY belts at home materials furmished : $15 per hundred. Particulars stamp ed envelope. Dept. 714, Dearborn Specialty Co,, Ohjvago LOST. A PAIR OF RIMLESS GLASSES, ON the south-east comer of Johnson and Clergy Sts. Finder return to office amd receive reward Whig BETWEEN PRINCESS AND streets, on Friday, A Black Sleigh Robe, A liberal reward for its re turn to Dr, Third, West street COLOR ears, tail, Send James MEDIUMSSIZED FOX HOUND, white, with brown around brown, spot om back, near answe to npamé 'Hunter. Tfortuation about same to Keys Brewer's Mills, reward. a MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other compat offers. Examine them at Godwin'a Insurance Emporium, Mark et Square. BARRIE TOR SARE, ROOM, WITH BOARD, FOR ELDERLY lady. Apply, giving particulars 10 Box "W. H." Whig o PLAIN SEWING DONE, OF ANY kind. ©uil or write to Mrs. Cayiess, 834 King street, over Armstrong's TO PURCHASE, A SMALL DWEL- ling, with ahout 15 stress. pear the city. 4. 8S. R. McCana, 51 Brock St HE YOU WANT PAINTING, XArS0. Ininity or Hanging done to T. Beale, 15 Rideau Sti for na prices. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT UF yards or celiars, Or oulier buggage cated. Prices right, A i te fs Lytle, General Carter, DWELLINGS TO RENT, AT $10, $11, $13, 318, ab $18, FI0 and PU. MoCann's Real Kstale Agency, 51 Broek street. DRESSY aENTLENE TO GET their Spring Suits made at Gallo- Way's. le, price and finish guar- anteed 1 Q please. 181 Brock St. next te Bibhy's Livery, CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, "URNI- tare, Pianos, or any article for sor age, by. the 'month, Year, or any way MR Ba Inforstation, 's Carn rks, oe Bly tn ia Princess St Phone, i SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN 70 LEARN barber trade in eight Weeks ; gradu- ates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly ; help Jrqurs OSitions ;: cata togue free. Molter Parner College Queen and Spadina, Yoronte. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets -------- POWER & SONS, ARCIHTECTS, MER ohant's Bank BuiMing, corner Brock and Wellington streets. "Phone, 212 HENRY P SMITH, ARCHITECT, ate. Anchor Building, Market Square "Phone, 345, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. , second floor over Mahood's Drug corner Princess and Bagot Entrance on Bagot street 'Phone, 608 SRP MOTOR, most mew. A BSteacy & Steacy 220 VALS bargain, § i br emene DOTBRLE water beat Hy WW, H. NO. 188 UNIVERSITY AV} = i brick rhea hot ng, open 3 ug Ap Sul ivan, Clarence street 'CHE high well McG Jas SNUT STALLION, 18 HANDS good action, sound, Kind and broken. Formerly handled hy 1 ¥ oR Hp y Princess stpeet VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SAL) double house, on Juobutvon Street, 11 property of the late | Joseph son, now used as a dwelling plumber's shor Apply to alkern & Walkem. SINGLE BRICK DWELLING TWO stories, 26X36, 7 rooms au fraane extension kitchen with lot B6x132 good cellar and gardew, aw. Main and Joba Sts, Portsmouth Apply McCann, «31 Brock St IN BEST Kingston. Wil on mvestment ONE-HALF INTEREST Picture Theatre in pay 100 per cent Object of sale purely business. Only §those meaning business need apply Address Box '20, Kingston Y.O i -- AUTOMOBILE-SIDE ENTRANCE fourteen horse oppoped motor under hood, shaft drive, ren Re Season perfect gXten tubes scarehiight tools, #750, ar Watertown N.Y 5 V. Barker NO. 76 SYDERAAM with extemsion kit hot water heatirg Recantly Teng ats *d throughout Totnession st May Alsa pair of good Bouses Nos. 60 and 62 Wellington street. Apply A. HB Cunningham B01 BRICK bed rooms, I AND LOT AND rime soll Estatvisbe Lisgar 131 JOHNSON 81 som brick house entrs wal, hirigh improvements, heated LY fur bedrooms, parior, diving and 'hack kitehen within two 1} Institute. Apply AND double latest nace, six robm, kitchen in geod ra air 5 hngon & 1 __ BUSINESS CARDS, | wie first-e CLIPIIN NoOXe vor Wadt Guaraptesd & ob in ball an hour Hotel Stables. A. Go Green, Toromt 1ORSE LIVERPOOL, LONDON ANB GLOBE Fire Insurance Com assets $61,187 215, which the policyholders secur®y the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city pro- perty insured at Jowest posmbie rates. Before renewing old or giving new busimess rates from Strange # & Strange, Agents. Phone, 568. BUSINESS CHANCE, EXCHANGE. STOCK IN LU RT and agricultural company (last years paid 10 per cents) for fall paid mining or industrial stock. Send list and prices. Mathewson, 38 Union Square, New York MARRIAGE LICENSES. ISSUER KIRKPATRICK, St, C. 42 Clarénce S. Marriage Licenses, NEWS OF DISTRICT LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences In The City and Viecinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered. Smith's Falls school huilding. Gananoque's ~ board of education is to form a cadet carps. Mallorytown is headquarters for wants a new high a ¥ rural telephone company with seventy- five subscribers: Capt, William Dulmage will sail the steamer Reliance for Hepburn Bros, this season. , Capt. Nelson Palmateer will be 'mate, B. H. Palmateer, Belleville, has gone to Picton to five. We has taken an interest in the implement business with Jainés Rocke. On February took place at Hiller, Ashbury, | Belleville, became of David Curry, Tweed. Capt, Wessell, Gananoque, has ghout completed a lunch of the racing type Which is expected will make twenty or) twenty-five miles an hour. Invitations are out announeing the marriage of Mist Frances Elliott' to Robert Franklin Brows, to - take place at the home of Fdmund Brown, Desoronto, on March 25th. On Tuesday Mrs. John Coad, whose maiden name was Miss Mary Hart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hart, died at the residence of her sis- ter, Mrs. J. Brounton, Toledo. Solomon Cummings, one of the old- est men of Edwardshurg township) died on Sanday at the ripe old age of' vighty-seven years. Decedsed part. in' the famous. bastie of tiie Wid. {oor mill. Mrs. Dorothy Chapman, Cape Yip.' cent, celebrated the eighty-ninth ansi- versary of her birth, Satarday. Four, generations were present to extend the! venerable lady their heart? cougratu-, lations, John Loney, South Bay, while | pecking apples" last fall, na barrel requesting the to write him when the apples reached their final destidtion. A few: Rob {rage ho received a letter from C v. The infirmities of age were the cause 'of death, on Tuesddy, of Mrs. 8. » 26th a quiet wedding when Miss Ethe the wife or a letter} purchiiset Department of Newspapers Hi " i. for this 1 way | NOW ro-LET, FOR FURNITURE Frost's City Storage 'Phone, 536 STORAGE and dry Queen St, CLEAN aM BRICK HOUSE, ON ALFRED ST., NO. 807, opposite, Victoria pari. Pos- vm, 1st May. Apply 506 street. 251 UNLV FRsITY n Gai COR A URN SHEP HOUSE, 289 ALERED ome of the iste Major £2, el Make, 05 AWE [= rom 4 ta Apply on premises Unitarian, REV, OC. W. CASSON, Enterprise And Religion. If the common thought is to Le ac cepted as true, the right attitude religion is ' that of bended knee and bowed: head, The greatest task ig to accept and obey without question But surely there a better attitude than this God does pot want to broed a race of slaves, servile and submissive. Is it not more likely, and more to his honor; that be wishes to develop a race of free spirits, boldly inquiring concerning truth, on gaging in high and independent enterprise holding themselves and their own judgment in highest esteem, And standing eveet in, their own strength and uprightiess ? Address, Rev. ©. W. Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., litera tare, m 1s SEALED to th TENDERS ADDRESSED undersigind, and eodorsed Ten | der for Toronto Toland Mreak®ater Fox tension will be received wt this office until Friday, April 24 1908 foclusively for the & roction of an Extension to the Mroakwater on the South Shore of Tordato Island. in the County of York Province of Ontario, according to plan | {und specification to. be seen at the offices of J. CG. Sing, Faq, Resident Tugitieet ' Hpiding, Toreut Cork © ol Montreal and at the Department of Public ow | Ottawa. Ponders will sot be considered unless jmasle "om the pricted form supplied. and Wher With "the #etfonl signatures of .. accepted cheque om a | vay: papepic to the offer of the Hon ourgble the Miwmister of Public Works, for urs thiousand five Sundred dollars, (3% - [Ro 00), deust each honor with te forbAted if the loon tendering decline the contract or . i to pe te the work contracted 3r be returned in cade A nowec | oprasies of of tender. Deparinunt Sows sot Lind itself to lacorpt the lowest or tender, "omtanas, = Passe wo " Ortawn, aon 11, not paid they dneert JOnN- { THE - PARAGRAPH PULPIT] for the | =i tins Jgiesnr. Moain of wo amd spucigity. 655. J. BIRCH, FLECTRICIAN, WAS remoyed from 179 Wellington St, to 208 Wellington St. All work prompt. Iy attended to ; esthantes fupmished PERSONAL. non uF = AND dor at INO pdm Ho OR Block Ho | DRE SSMAKING Children's wear ham St. East HALSTEAD, PRY Ho. wet will wive on character ot 25 ents, fof 287 Far] streot HAIR, MOL ES BIRTHMARKS | rt embvpd © permanently, Twenty Yoltrs experi { c Wher X. Lake, Eve, Far PROFESSOR Togrist cund Pal delincations Adaptabilitics few days only 6. | Throat nnd Skin Blom Specialist, 208 Bagot street TEA TALK. In spite of advance Lipton's .Ce an Also | quote Liptor a he. apd nnd 4h¢ bik | Charm Tea, ot 25 Mack, Gra | Our Own ular Blends lor Mixed, per This Tea is equal to Tea in the warkey In Collers we have ing demend for Boston Java and Wiha, at #0 have the che r Hoes, at Give us a trial Order and wee what excellen | F, W. Van Luven Phone 417 - 246 Princess §t : bmi vasa -READY SAFETY RAZOR {+ 12 Blades $1 complete, quality { guaranteed. STRACHAN'S. "ATTENTION, FURNACES your hetay Nisiring. i you Bn hos." y a ve me prompt attention a steady Coffe por 3 hc. and fn Fen nrg + Lt Valwis wa have Oper trom 1080 am, to 3 am, tha to got an all round Low'l. in all Junds on shortest Chole. gisdies a THE FRONTENAC