Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1908, p. 1

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itish Whig oronto, Oat., March 16, Ottawa Valley and Up- per St. Lawrence (10 a m.)* Strang northwest winds and colder, mostly fair with snow Tuesday, fairand decid- Jaily THE GIRL DIED ro ONTARIO, MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1908. And a Young Electrician Has Been | | Chicago Waterworks is 'a Money YEAR 75-50. oa. Arrested. Maker. Toronto, Mareh 16.--Harry Suan | Chicago, March 16.--Several mil ders, twenty-one years of age, an {lions of watér bonds have been placed | ele ian, li 1t 75 Shuter stree , 10 fi 2 ot I be hese Has Qualities of of Good Minister and =v {Rn mihi, by Da has cron GY Com ootives Socket ant ackie Parliamentarian. ra wens Spon aj} READS | IN THE DARK | charged | | troller Wilson savs this Year's income He is Highly Regarded on Both Sides of the Remarkable Case of of Soiwambulism Reported by! ith secuving an operation per- {from the water works willbe $4,750, House---He Makes Himself Clearly a Doctor. upon Jes { 000, operating expenses, Maintenance Ellen Gould, Understood and is Very Cordial. ® { f i nt Rie {years old, at the Cadillac hotel, and | works are worth °%50 000,000, and | « London, March 16.~The particulars readivg and writing in the dark. Li living at 75 Shuter street, The girl | could he bonded for $20,000,000 pay an extraordinary case of somnam- even there was a faint artificial light died in the Western hospital, Tuesday | five per cent. thereon and lay aside a | bulism are communicated to the: Brit- in 'the room she would avoid 1" and alternoon, having been sent there by | sinking fund of £500,000, and still] go to the darkest cormer, where she the doctor, who ix alleged to have [have n surplus from operation of | 1b Medical Dr. would read various books, study the performed two operations at the Shu- | $750.000. i Russell, assistant physician at the | theory of harmony, and write letters. ter street house, Sunday and! : | Birmingham hospital. He says that One of her letters was adiressed to another, Monday : {a girl, twenty-one years old, who is a | her music teacher. It contained a The body of the girl was shipped tod | teacher of the typewriter and a stil | short essay on the "Sonata Form," | her home in an Ontario town, where He fas Long Been lin the Postal | dent of music , entered the hospital to | which was accurate in sense and con it will be exhumed. The doctor in tbe cured of sleep walkine. While un- | struction. Another letter she wrote question signed the death certificate, Service. der observation there she habitually | was in German. When she was awake giving acute peritonitis and the burst Heft her hed after three or four hours' [she did not in the least remember ing of a pus tube, as the cause of {sleep, and busied herself jn various | writing or reading. Au examination death jwavs, including descending into the | of her eyes did not reveal the reason [music room and playing the piano, | for her being able to see in the dark {tuning a Violin and fitting new | She has now left the hospital, her | strings to it and crochetting. Her | condition having improved. but she {mast remarkable feats, however, were | occasionally walks in hag, sloop. flurries. edly cold, Journal by James one on IS THE ASSISTANT. r ! * - i a waitress, twenty | and repairs, 500,000. The water! | ee : STEACY'S SPRING Millinery: members have kept of course | sides of house fan eve the minister and canals, who in the of his | cdreer in provincial has be- | ame personally acquainted with many of them. They have been taking stock of him. It is safe' to v that even | | the partizan of the opposition + | | | | the on railways politics CROSS THE BORDER. 8 An Influx of Experienced Settlers most {ists would willingly admit that Me With Plenty of Money. 1 all the qualities that com-| Winnipeg, March 16. ~~Despite the fact bine to the making of a good minis-| that the American newspapers have ter and parliamentarian. He al- | done everything in their power to stem wavs genial and courteous, very frank | the tide of Emigration from that coup: in hin endeavors to give tntormation | try to the Canadisa prairies, the in- or'explanations and unruffled by inter-| flux for this season has already be ections. During the past few days he! gun, and promises to be the greatest | has been prominently before the house | on record . | | with the railway budget, as some | It has already been announced that! to eall it, the annual review of | a colony of sixty American farmers is | of the department rail- | Roblin, a town in the ex-| : ways and canals, and the bill amend: | treme north-west of the province. | {of water and js expected to go to] g the railway commission act. { These settlers are all experienced | 4 | pieces as the seas, driven by a south | Ihroughont he has displayed, as he | prairie farmers from lows and adicin-| | westerly gale, make a clean sweep | alway 8 id in the legislature, the fac ing states, and have the capital to] | over her, The passengers were taken | ¥ of making himself clearly under- | Jaunch out into. extensive farming It | [off safely and, yesterday, went to | ¥ in the shortest time is said that steam ploughs will he an | | Raston, where they wil be sent 3 © lacking - legal (training, | important part of their agricultural | their destination. reckers at day HHO IIE ghown also marked ability outlit, hy will edit have a| light, yesterday, began removing the | HOKE oe ARUN HH 1 points of the | Jar area of land under cultivation | cargo from the Silvia, but had to] A From the middle country in Saskat operations at noon because | | chewan come reports of American im- | assistant postmaster genes] when the | of a heavy gale Among the passen- n | migration as already in full blast. | latter time since to | gers of the Silvia were the crews of Mrs. Wm. Thaw A Wreck, | This district has been largely settled | associate the manage jive wrecks, Pickford & Bladk's Steam- York, March 16.--Mrs. William hy Americans, and the experiences of | ment of Secretary Taft's canvass for | °F: Beta, which went ashore on Turk's mother of Harry K. Thaw, has| those already there seem to be of athe presidential nomination, The new Tnioud, and the British schooner Mar- fually broken down under the intense | character to induce their friends ! upant of what is in any respects | JONI J. Summer, from Weymouth, stram of fighting for her life. ! come along and try their fortunes too | the most powerful position in Uncle which was wrecked in West India A despatch from Pittsburg said that Everything points to an early and| Sam's greatest business satablishment | Waters not long ago. These crews Mes. Thaw had suffered total altogether unlike that of | is a native of Missouri and is forty- | Wore on their way from New Yoik to Seven Vears of age. He entered the their homes in the provinces para: | warm spring, lysis of her left arm, and that her re-| Jast latives are greatly concerned about her) government service twenty years condition, The patient has been the ago as a clerk in the post office de- dered to rlorida by her physician, and] | partment at a salary of $1,000, and she will leave Pittsburg at once, has risen through every grade to his present position, which will pay him , | 85,000 per year, or just double what be received in the position from which he has just been prometed. on: gaged in the werk for the government | Pr. Grandfield employed his spare time to take a course in medicibe and has the degric of M.D WAS CONFESSION FALSE? = oie. | drockville, ville Peat works, where sole seven eight years ago machinery was in- preparations commenced for using the bog, but which has since lain in a dormant state on account of the absence of a system of drying, is likely to commence operations | soon. H Graham, of Chicago, in ; ] { ventor of a quick-drying auiomatic now ; was false from beg inning to end, and | apparatus, is here: influencing eapita- Phe was probably Right, Xi IgUOn NOW | iets. He has obtained an Option gn claims that he was sick in the prison ¢ a the beg. infirmary and oné day a man. came 1g vhose ns 5 he v vulge him, whose name he will not divulge U- S. Consulates Closed. | ) : i unless he is brought into court, and x ve fol {every month. Benjamin S. Ballew has | i Washington, March 16.<The follow- | 4 { who asked him to assume the respon | lat Canada ate to be bee arrested and will be charged 1 ( » 1£ p p im onstiates in La | with obtaining money under false pre- { Giralinm hag PASSENGERS SAFE. a FEEEREXEXEE Two TO AVOID STRIKE. Indianapolis, March 16.-- The United Mine Workers of America, realizing the gravity of a suspension of work on April 1st, throw- ing thousands of men out of work, have decided to give the operators another opportunity to discuss the question of a wage scale, in the hope of averting a strike. of Among Them Crews Wrecked Vessels, Wood's Hole, Mass., March 16.--The | steamer Silvia, of the Red Cross line, from New York for HaldMax, N.S. struck on the Sow and Pig ledge, on {the entrance to Vineyard Sound, | | early Saturday morning. She is full | { { { | | | ! | or, | prefer | the | ® * ¥ * ¥* We work of locating at Wednesday, March 18th = and, * * HON, Ottawa, March burt expressive Graham has PF. GRAHAM, eras 16.-To phrase, made has CHARLES PY. GRANDFIELD. Charles P. Grandfield, of Missouri, succeeded Frank H. Hitcheonk as first | abandon use a sl in dealing Hon, ¢ good angy | with the important Jega | measures in his charge Ory both One of the Chinese most sacred pub lie documents, a marriage contract of the reigning Emperor Kwanghsue, dat ed February 26th, 15889, has been dis covered in Germany and formally banded over to the Chinese govern ment. The document has been miss- | ing from the archives of the Imperial | palace since the visit paid to Pekin by the allied armies in the summer of] 1900. Arthur Dueross, the newly member for the British riding tings, is being sued by the editor Vanity Fair, who says he wrote new member's speoches. "For Impure blood," Sarsaparilla Compound, with Burdock. Sold _ in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drag stare. © Phone 230. itn } IS HE A BIGAMIST ? Thorold Man Charged Having Two Wives. St. Catharines, Out, March 16 Tharold has another sensabion This Hide it is a case of big gammy, and the offender, ut the instance of wile No, |, is now lying in Welland jail, through the prompt actin of Chief Shee. Thor old. The man's name is James Car punter, and he has been a resident of Thorold for shout two weeks, during which time he has heen employed as a teamster hy BH. Rink. 1¢ seems, ae rording to thi story which wife No. 1 Tix madd to have told to "the authori: thos, Carpenter married wife No. 1.in Manitoba, nine years aga. Last fall she went to visit relatives in the old country, sailing from New York on Decomber 10th. Carpenter came to Welland shortly afterwards, and, on January 10th, mot his affinity. and on February 1th, they wore married. He is said to have written to wife No. 1 that he would have no more to do with her, nnd at her instance the true dondition of things was revealed fo the authorities, A Cordial Invitation Is extended to ev resigned a short himself with - New ery ome to yr { With | f haw, attend our annual Spring to] oe Opening of Distinctive Millinery That is ways, s0n year, elec ted of Has of the or " | ne . - The schogl children of Toronto have over $67,000 saved up in the Penny bank, a sum larger than that of any city on the North American conti nent wilh 'the exceptions of New York aud. Pitishu Lettuce. Wisiaris & Jenkin, An effort may be made to delay general opening of navigation on the great lakes with a view to preventing rates on ore shipments. Se were gon taheed h Assin our keynote al- distinctive and 'ex. [ cutting "Wart Pencils" for fomoving un: | Thirty rightly warts. Sold in Kingston at death in various parts--of "iibwon's 'Hed Crose drug store. Phone | Sunday. 230. Oranges. clusive models, from Paris, so London, New York, together Edwards & Jenkin. with the beautiful creations A -- 'AIDED DEAD WOMAN Carnegie Fund * Swindled Out of Several Hundred Dollars. ---- of owr own experts. GRAND EXHIBIT Of Spring Céats, Costumes, Waists, "Skirts, Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, ete. or stalled and Police Claim Convict's Story is a Tissue ot Falsehoods. Montreal, March 16K is stated that the confession of alias Dabet ais, a convict of St. Vip cent awd, to the 'effect that he the man who stole the $1,800 from the office of thet Montreal police court in- | House, 4 p.w., Tuesday stead of Abram Hobeika, who Wonderignd Theatre--AMernoon and Ment to jail for the crime, lug good vaudeville | more than a put-up job to save -an LP rememiation of Inattuments by Mavor | « fre i n; { Ross ot Army Barracks Lo-nTEht athes roa pisishinent. i f of Det . y ow ® 8 Miss Bi. V. Greara's Millinery Opening al Le'eative \arpenter sai ut th Wodnesdiy, March 18th, awd follow mg | time that the confession of Pigeon days, The plan for Kathryn "The Girl Who Looks open to-morrow at the At Home, Laskies' Methodist Church, at burn's. 140 Bigot S¢ 6.80 pai Ten cents The Bijou--~Moving Prana fn a Spd from | plantation Sob, Just You Princess-- Vaudovill ever "od ules o ul bp Rid His Pack,' land,' CC Lanten Fades, SRehool Days Smoke Away.' 2? ve penifon of £14 per month as she remained | unmarried. Five years ago, she married to Ballow and conbmued to | sign the check to her eachl|(@ month as Mrs. Robert Cumphreys Sixteen months ago she died, but Carnegie fund not notified stead, her husband, it elinrged, accept] The month ances and forged his dead wife's mer name to cach check, March vears and four 16. months the last widow was awarded the negie. relief aid pension fund, i DAILY MEMORANDA. Pittsburg For City Council, 8 pom; Athistic Events, Y.M. C. B pon "The Climbers, B15 p.m. Lectura on Theen's Vlays, Pigeon, ix Car long as Wednesday, March 18th ¢ AT A. Gymnasium, was i= £10 } it is | | ie Ural Opera House, t said, has been swindled out of sent Gram Opera was is nothing | wis sibility of the theft for which Hobeika | ol Bellpvitie. Ont. ~ Conticook, to jail. Oue Yort Hope. Ont | tences and forgery: was given a plai-ob-the police san, i TF Ti Ba the |= Hobert--Cumphreys; for many vears e proceeded to invent If Looe Rives Ona Windsor, | janitor in the Carnegie building, pretended steal NS. a cota ah. NB. The office this city, died nine years ago. His at Winnipeg is changed from consul | to consul-general, The changes in- | clude the transfer of the officer at | Collingwood, Ount., to Owen Sound. was sent second He court and at one the story of the Que. , Port Que. Laspe, for FREEMAN'S JUBILEE. THEY CAME PREPARED. i | HHACHSIIOIGK "LIFE" Osterman, ike Box Awd of dan Mrs. Wn Fuoesday, in will FEXERRRR Tidings From Kepler. Kepler; March 11. --Farmers © are nearly through filling their icehouses. Quite a supply has been harvested this | year. Lloyd Hansen, confined to his | hous with diphtheria, is able to be | out again. Mrs. G. Upton is on the | { N¢ Hg FOR ATTACK. is at Police je "Tramps Given Shelter Station. Five tramps who were at the night came { Kingston's Catholic Paper { Twenty-Five Years Old | Tomorrow, the Canadian Freeman # newspaper of kingston 'will celebrate #| the twenty-fifth auniversary of its i foundation, it having Leen «stablished % | on March 17th, 1883, Ly Frogh # | lari « and Patrick Daley, The ¥ | died some years ago, wut the paper # | has since 'been published by Mr. Da a] es The Freeman is regarded as the # | best Roman Catholic weekly newspa- #8 | per im Canada. Jt has always remain ¥ | ed loyal to the liberal party, recog 4 | nizing that party to have ever been | She warm friend of the Catholic peo- Mr | M5 | of existence has seen many ups # downs, but ever cootinued on its # | straight and even conrse. It has a Mi large cigoulation in both Canada and ¥ the United States. Mr Daley, = its | proprietor, will to-morrow receive | congratulations from his many friends on the atspicions anniversary he is & to Chicago, ' March 16.«Im- prisonment for life was the verdict of the jury that tried Howard Steele, color- ed, convicted of attacking Mabel Miller," seventeen- year-old, near her home last December. | Hl SHIASIIIORIIGIIIIIINCIRN . _ Seized Turkish . Ships. Petersburg, March 16.<A rumor has reached this city by way of Vienna that two Turkish steamors with arms and ammunition on board have been seiznd in the Black sea by Russian warships. No coafirmation of this report could he bad at either the | foreign office or the admiralty, given shelter Saturday They had, EFERNAN beefateak Toma w wry before Mr OB quite n wns Piety aad police station BONES SECURED. on well, prepared with them several slices bread, te and sugar; leaving in the morning had meal. A small feying pan cluded in their equipment and the the coal fire the corridor "they had. no trouble ever ia cooking the meat. "The was a good one and it id stated that some of the blurcoats' 'were compelled | to take notice when they saw what the knights of the road were about The tramps were on their way west and stated that they had been given) the satables by some kind-hearted peo ple they had encountered. It is quite] offen tho case that men secaing shelter | LEHMANN for the night at the police station have! Toutes « supplies enough to Hl the wants of "1S daugh- the inner man. Thee are a good i ity Ave many, however, who are not so we fj {vita and (flaws Vupers plasse Copy wish BORN." sick list. Ina Powley and Helen |? Chg Wartman have returned to Svdénham A High BSechool. Edwin Lawson has purchased a new horse Stannard Guess is getting material ready for a new house, which he is going to build soon. Miss Velma Lawson has returned from visiting friends at Bath. . Miss Mabel: Orser has returiod irom Wilmur. Miss Efia Townsend is home from visiting her sister at Lati- mer. Miss Viola Lawson is spending a few days at Bath. Quite a' number from here are attending the Free Me- | thodist meetings at Elginburg. - Went Wrong Way. London, March 16.<A cabled quiry to Japan has elicited the fact that fifteen registered mail packets, which disappeared in January, sup- posgcdly while in transit on the steam- of and B.C., March several years' government ex- ploration party has -re- covered skeletons of the Revs. James Chalmers and 0. F, Tomkins, mission- .aries murdered . by canni- bals in 1901 in New Guinea, according to mail adyices received to-day by the steamer Mona. The party wis guided by firiendly natives to where the bones were hidden in old canoes, which contained A number of skulls. Victoria, 16.--After search a Cito Hh former MARRIED AL Lat "Tr i with Lo 3 lor Bong, NTE] Pa | Fhe \ EXELL FPrTT Exvees use of in g Ne what YATE MAN- cook] 12th y WHIG TELEPHOEES) 248=Buniness Office, 220titorial Hooms U8 cbbing Department. Abul Forms, all Kinds, at Whig The Daily Whig is alway® on sale at Gibson's Drug Stare, Market Sguare-- Open till late each evening. dint ot wo The Freaman in ils_twenty-five years and fallure; Samuel £ tap Jas on- Dr. A.C. Ashton Fletcher and Henry ile Saunderson are under arrest, in To- ronto, on a charge of der in eon- nection with' the death of Jessie Ellen d i ok versity In Heavenly Arms. As it is / are doing up Mars Son' forget we have Gould, who is alleged to have = died from the effects of an operation. A Montreal woman, © Mrs. Foran, threw herself in front of a street car, drunk a lot of benzine and then stab bed hersell with a pair of scissors. She will probably die. Oystors, Edwards & Jenkin. PUNISH IN OWN WAY er Celtic, betwven Liverpool and New York, have turned up in Yokohama, and have been forwarded fo the United States 1 All 'are invited to E. V. Grefiza's millisery opening Wednesday and fol- Jones days, Those Responsible For Sizare ofthe Japanese Vessel. | rm Toki, Marsh 16.-Tbe Chinese |) '0 negotiations with China looking boned of foreign affairs, on Saturday, | to the pestriction in export of arms 1 40 release the steamer Tatsu | to the latter country. arn 10 salute the Japanese fas and | Sir Claude Macdonald, the British to pan i her own Jhon re: ahassador, here, ix credited with seine y using influence to peesuads Japan to enter lato negotiations. If Last Wednesday, the angel of death visited the home of gd and Mrs. L. A. Guild, Sydenham street, and called away their infant son, "Jack" Han son Guild, The bright little tot had been ill only a couple of dave. On Thursday, the remains were taken to Uataraqui cemetery, the first: abniver- sary of the child's birth. Sincere sympathy is extended ' the bereaved parents in the Je Joss of their little Son. Dex Poisoning. Nelson street, suf his valuable' brown Another Case Of W. N, Davy, 171 fered the loss of his water spaniel Sunday morning, by sone one throwing a piece of meat ible the yard which contained stry- ne, The death ceereed at Lys, on Fri sett ling. at Lyn. ohn . A. Meilafont, 8 well-known y of has o} the Gaited celebrating a silver jubilee it will be in order lor the delinquent readérs of the Freeman to pay their subseriptions in silver coin instead of greenbacks, © No floubt, the publisher will give a dodble handshake to those who pass silver over his coun provided. ---------------- [vs After a short mt very severe and painful illness, Mes. Aniie ¥Flanbeth Gillespie, wife of Thomas C%espie Belleville, passed away on Friday I years ago. ter. NATIONAL Cr es, Deskin: Saye ---------------- Syiney, March 16. There was » dramatic sctme, vesterday, st» great gatheriiy of citizens, hen at the tonclusion of sn address on pational 33 Glens, the premier, Aired Deakin s cobiggrp, Somoameing, that} ("44 Gh VOR ih Cf ai DEFENCE Australia Must Pay a Good Share. Premier Deakin, in bis speceh, onal He said the burden im- posed upon the people of Great Bri tain, for the maintenance of Shit a xu on military forces, an beginn f of ay Ia 1epuid ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street, cefised was botn in Belleville fifty dour! ads : vocated grester expenditure for nati | i fd, Pray emi. ag We carry a complete line of (Crosse and Blackwell's Celebrated Jams Peach Damson Apricot Cherry Plum Greengugs Guoonsberry Piosapple Strawherry Raspberry Bleck Currant Hed Curcast Raspberry awd Currant Raspberty and Gooseberry Strawberry smd Gooseberry Piswapple smd! Apricoy hath Jas, Redden & Co, Emporters Of Fine Groceries, é Edward Thompson, an: aged "who resided. vat - divmarestithe, oyeniy.

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