Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1908, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1908. . POE THRER Tr ---- Special Opening Sale of New Spring Waiists Such a gathering of beau titi Spring Waists for Women and Misses has never been shown here before. Here are more than (25) different styles, many of which you cannot find in any other store in town. Dressy Lingerie Waists with the new high collar. Smart Tailored Waists in fine embroidered effects. Beautiful Jap. Silk Waists. Exquisite Net and Lace Waists, In fact, a great variety of stunning effects for every occasion, including some very elaborately trimmed creations. We've Marked These New Spring Waists at Special Introductory Prices. For a short time only the following BELOW-REGULAR prices are made as a special inducement for you to buy now. The bargains are remarkable for the reason that at our regu- lar prices these Waists are unusually good values. "$1.25 Waists, for ------$1, $2 Waists, for ----- 81.75. $1.50 Waists, for - «--$1.25. $3 Waists, for -----82.65. $1.65 Waists, for - - - -$1.50. Ete., Ete, Coa CRUMLEY BROS SE Sa ced 00000000300 00000000000000000000008 000000000000 00000000/0000000000000000000 Dry Days In Georgia. 'hicago Daily News, "When i the next intermission?" asked the stranger in the Atlanta pla house. Fah' | is no intermission at all, sah," replied the old: colonel, with a reminiscent sigh. "No intermission between the acts "No, sah. What would be the use of going out between the acts in Georgia these days, sah 7' \ For St. Patrick!s Concert Tuesday Take with you a hox of choice choco fates from Edwards & Jenkin, 274 Princess - street, FIRE ESCAPES! All lengths, all sizes and to suit all condi- tions. Bailt to order and erected in place on short notice. Estimates Furnished * on Request. ¥°R Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry. 0c. a ---------------- "Radway's Blood Purifier," drug bottle, at Gibson's Red Cross store. Thope 230. But we are inclined to believe that actions do not spenk louder than society. A GIVES ADDED CHARM T0 THE WEARER Owing to its bei the, frost successful corset design ever © H It isa well.k now fc thats 8 A" Model tly enhances t uty of a per- fect ec Ge. whilelt im it improves ordinary Sghres all gr A elixir of A tinction and comfy iho ae parted to owint corsets, "PRICES $1.00 to $5.00 ny Soon Sete the The Exits [ap | quette, | of the | letic Club, | dovtor is a fluent speaker and had bis | subject well | truly graphic | Prairie { Mrs. | triet financial special of the | recent words at the meetings of a sewing' GANANOQUE SCHOOLS | ARE HOLDING FIRE DRILL | REGULARLY. Being Improved--Ad- | dress By Dr. Roche, MPA! Cadets Corps' For Gananoque. , March 6.-Dr. Ro dinnidcsa, member for Mar- Manitoba, gave an excellent address on the "Northwest," under the auspices of the literary committee Young Ladies' laterary Ath- on Saturday evening, The Ganarogue of band, accounts of in giving many the condi existing in the Province, During his stay in the guest of Mr. and Taylor, * ' i Hind, of Montreal, dis- Salvation excellent lantern lec Saturday entitled, tions at prigent town he George Capt. Heury was Army, ture at the barracks, on evening. His lecture was "Paying the Fare." The local public fatalities gave an schools since the resulting trom the burning of schools. have been practic ing fire drill regularly. At the Stone street school; consisting of six rooms, the children were all out within 'one minute of the sounding of the alarm. The Gananoque public schools are only one storey buildings, and Sat urday way used hy order of the edu- cation committee to change all doors opening inward, so that they will swing out. No fire is anticipated, but the local board desire everything to be. done in case of suck to prevent the loss' of life. At the meeting of the hoard of dn cation last week communications from the deputy minister of education, To- ronto, and Col. Hodgins, of Ottawa, re the formation of a cadet corps in the high school Were comsiderad, and Col. Hodgine was notified that the hoard would be plessed to have him come here and take whatever steps were necessary to organize such a corps, Capt. and Mrs, Turner in charge of the local S. A. corps for the past few Weeks, received marching orders, and held their farewell meetings vesterday being greeted with large crowds at each meeting. The large iron stand pipe on Block Hohse hill, used as a reservoir for the waterworks system, met with a mis hap on Saturday morning, the jee at the top being foreed up by the pres sure from below knocking the cover completely off. Luman Cole, Arthur street, confined to hig home for seve past seriously ill. has heen ral days FASHION'S FORM, Design For Gown of Cloth The accompanying :skeétoh shows a smart but easily copied design for a frock of cloth or linen. The model was of light blue serge, piped with nar row bias strips of black and white striped silk, The gown fastened in the centre front, and there was a princesse panel in the centre of the back, as well as the divided princesse panel in front. The band. about the pointed} yoke was of black satin, as was the folded girdle and thé finish on the sleeves. The sleeves were especially good in style, and were 'stitched in tuck effect and piped with the bias silk bands: The buttons used were of light Blue crochet, matching the sérge in color. A Trial By Bread And Cheese. From Pearson's Woekly. i1nere were many odd ways in an. cient times of detecting criminals. Our ancestors had not lived long enough to lose their faith in the gnawings of conscience, and Divine interference in earthly justice was superstitiously vos garded as a daily occurrence. No gquoerer example of this could be found than the ancient mode of trying prisoners by bread and cheese. The unfortunate offender was led, with a halter round his neck, to the parish | Se. church, and there, in the presence of all the people, the priest put pieces of cheese and rye bread in a pattem on hese he , and then the supposed eriminal had to eat them dry before the congregation. Mf he managed to swallow them easily he was acquitted; but if he choked he was condemned. Raturalty enough, scores us Junocant folg were thus dome to yg The Somerville: Co. 0 #nnounce hie. pri] il linery display paren: March Ath, and le ia days. Crogs drug store man is suspected of being ich: Ainly DecaMas he doen't pay Nervine, "fe. 'and Sle. Sold in Et he Red ony A «The Social ate revival of assisted hy graphy deter her to the on mule-back, and lencheon table and the fasMonale people drinking the bevera Hmusements. TO-NIGHT. Theatrical Feature of Deasco The v.| Miss. Amelia Bingham And her perfect company in an elabor- Clyde Fitch's Masterpiocy. "THE CLIMBERS" $1, $1.50. irely 8 dest, Prices, 235¢., 50c., 75¢., Heats now op Sale. Free List En WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18th, ARTHUR C. AISTON Fresents That Talented Aciress, JANE CORCORAN Supported by JAMES M. BROPIY Special Cast in Her Greatest "A DOLL'S HOUSE" By HENRIK IBSEN, Prices, $1, 75 , abe and Ade, Seats naw on and Success, Grand Opera House Thursday, March 18th. KATHRYN OSTERMAN and ANNA BELMONT In the Mirth Provoking Comedy. THE GIRL WHO LOOKS LIKE ME The play that winde all Toronto laugh 83¢., due, Prices, 25¢., 72 Puesday. Seats on sale PRINCESS THE PAMILY THEATRE GEO. HAMMOND, MGR, Vaudeville All This Week. Awd 2.3460 fect of the best Blm yet Afternoon and evening, Same "Mr. Jules Julien" "Life in N price Ce In dis "latest creaton, York or "The Hebrew and His Pack™ of the ew One greatest comedy acts yet, "Mr. Chas. Eward" the first part of thn sein Lo be epPreciated talk Our pictures for week, be They but ust sell "Travelling to Switzerland" Is finest, pleces of photo prodaced "Lenten Faces" trick film imaginable. Perscns looking tently at this film, actually cam pick out their own photos gruphs on the screen, Come, see, amd Iw convinced, nothmg lke it ever seen in Ioving pictures before. o" * " Steacy's Bargain Sales Now if you have never bees in this store on a salées-day come to the Prin. cess and you will actually see it dn full bloom, also "Crumley's" On Saturday when everyhaody has their and nothing to da but. spend their and draw their breath, one of the Yet The greatest "" 'e 1 " Knox's in Full Bloom And what the good wile brings home in her and what arum she ple into when she gets home. For the child ren, we have them in their "School Days" home--When uring pastimes at Tom- 2 ond J imide "Loved the Same Girl" request ~BLOW THE AWAY, "fromm "The Time, The Place and The Girl, especially illustrat od for the Princess Theatre, and sung by Hwanem ond, Nothing Too Good The Irish.' Ser SMOKE hy treo For BlJOU Remember this --that it isQUALITY that COUNTS. offer a picture Madrid, Tuesday and Studios, we steady in and beautifully clear from the El, e Spain, entitled, "A DRAMA IN A SPANISH INN" This picture tells the story of mn high- minded woman, who dM her utmost to husband from crime, sod when was unabde to do sjodenouticed him authorities. "COFFEE" From the Plantaticn to the Cup. This is w fine picture made fw South America--it shows the natives at Work picking the Coffee ; the mills in which it is husked ; the native gisls sorting it; the carryine of the heans to the comst finally the European To-day she Do you drink Co et "Then see how it is grown amd prepared ILLUSTRATED SONG. JOHN ROBERT DAYIS "Just You and 1." 5 cts. WONDERLAND HE HOUNE nin. THust rated Bonga and Rito Notion Pictures. The light and clearest sings pictures in the a "The Hoosier Fighter" How wu som paid off 68 mortgage on hv fther's forum Very Exciting The People's Forum. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion 1c. a word, Each con- secutive insertion thereafter balf cent a word. Minimum csarge for one in- sertion, 25c¢. HELP WANTED-MALE. SMART BOY TO LEARN PRINTING. Apply at Whig office. WANTED-FEMALE. COOK. REFERENCE No washing or ironing Mrs. Hemovng, 31 King RE x Ap St PLAIN quired ply to IN GENERAL to ity MAID TO ASSIST housework. No washing Mrs. George Mills, 124% Avenue. Un GENERAL SERVANT References Apply be- 8 p.m. at 191 Johnson GOOD plas cook. tween 7 and street, GIRL, ABOUT 14 ice home for orphan respectable protest Albert street. NICE CLEAN TIDY for housework girl, Must be ant.) Apply 460 LOST. A PAIR OF RIMLESS GLASSES, ON the south-east comer of Johuson and Clergy Sts. Finder return Whig office "and receive reward. COON COAT, WITH GLOVES AND letter i pocket, on Barrack, Welling: ton ur Queen Sts Saturday be tweed 3 and 4 p.m, Reward for re turn to Whig office. TO-LET, FOR FURNITURE Frost's City Storage, 'Phone, 526. UNIVERSITY AVE, COR. JOHN hot water furpnce, B McCann's, 61 Brock CLEAN 200 STORAGE and dry Queen St. a51 9 rogans, Apply street at A FURNISHED HOUSE, 289 ALERED St. Home of the ate Major Xing, , hot water heating, gas, etc. App cants may see house, from 4 to 6. Apply on premises. FROM 1ST MAY, ard street, at present occupied livet -Col. Hudon, CMG wot heat ng and modery dmprove Apply to Armstrong McCorn . Centre street, or Thomas Mill Clarence streel 1908, N11 PERSONAL. HALSTEAD, PSYCHO Palmist will give short on character and cents, for a arl street PROFESSOR logist awd delineat ions Adaptabilities, few days only. MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, etc., removed permanently, sear Twenly years experi ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Far, Nose, Throat , and Skin Blemish Specialist, 208 Bagot street. HAIR, warts, without NEWS OF' DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points' { in Eastern Ontario. Martin Ahearn; Westport, died Thursday after a long illness, A new school building to cost $2, 500 is built [ecumseh ward, Victon The appointment is gazetted of John Jardine, Cobden, baililfi of the seventh division court there Charles irockville, has been recommended for the position of care- taker of the post office building. Thomas Dunn, Picton, expects leave with his family this week make his home in British Columbia Mr. Duke, New York, has purchased Perry's Point, at the foot of Grind stone ksland, and is having a $10,000 cottage stecied there. Alexander McPhee, after a couple of years' residence .on a Greenbush farm, has left with his family to make his home at Emporia, Virginia. Charles G. Fox, having, sold his house and lot in Picton, Kas purchas the farm known as the "Rebert Williamson Homettead,"' three and a hali miles from town. The death took place at Addison, on Friday, of Miss Blanche Howe a high ly fespectedd young resident of that village, following a long illness consumption. Deceased was a daugh ter of the late William Howe. A pleasant event took place on Wed ith inst., when John E Milverton was united in marriage to Miss Euphemia Davis, daughter of Thomas Davis, Hill, Elizabethtown Harvey Williams, field last summer, this season in professional ball. erick Hickey, also a Bloomfield twirler, goes to Albany, ¥., he will enter the State League professional. Gertrude Clark, died day, after was born ago aud children, besides side at Odessa. to be in as Grav, to to wd of nosdan Roulston, pitcher for Bloom- goes to Winnipeg Fred star where as a Woodruff, wife of Walter at Ene, Pa. Wednes a short illness. Déveased in Odessa, thirty4dour on her parents, who re | 2 WM, on | Maple -- WANTED-GENERAL, . FOR SALE, ELDERLY NO, 138 | sold brick ROOM, WITH BOARD, FOR lady. Apply, giving particulars Box "W. H.," Whig office OF ANY - pe -------- Cayless, : RTY FOR SALD hison Street PLAIN SEWING PONE kind all-or write to Mrs 354 King street, over Armstrong's son, Bow used as plutabes s shop Walken & Waikem SINGLE 1» ne 1CK stories, 26x38, extension kitchen, PAINTING, KALSO- Hanging done, send Rideau St, for low YOU WANT mining or Paper to i. Beale, 15 prices. DWELLY rod JOB CLEANING our OF yards or cellars carted. Prices right. Lytle, General Uarter, : SHES DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET their Sprang Suits mado at Gallo. way's. Style, price sand Huish guar. anteéd to please. 181 Broek St, next to Bibhy's Livery. Pw NO. 76 SYDENHAM, SOLID BRICK with extemsion kitchen, 6 bed room bot Water heaticg Recently renov ed throughout. Possession 1st lay. Also pair of good houses Now. 60 ax nd 62 Wellington street Appl A Cunningham HOUSE AND LOT tusimess WAGGONS, FURNI or any article for stor month, Year, orf any way required, For further imformation apply to Laturney's Carriage Works, 690 and 8393 Princess St, Phone, CARRIAGES, ture, Pianos, age, by the AND Goon beak: te LADY With amd one child a residence in end, containing shout » modern improvesnents fur Rent, $20 10 $25 Mc Brock street. A rogans, nace, ell, Cann, 51 oeder On all in good $04 Lisgar MS 431. JORNSON brick house, centre improvements, he #ix bedrooms i itchy nnd AND double latest nace room in prs . SITUATIONS VACANT. ------ rn MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade in eight weeks ; grado ates eacp twelve to #igiteen dollars weekly 7 help Secure positions | cala logue (ree. Moder College Queen and Spadina, hatk barber Toronto BUSINESS CARDS. ARCHITECTS. SL BIRCH, FLVCUTRICIAN HAS wed fr 179 Wellington, St Wellington St. All work jim sien 11°, ARCHITECT, Of amd Bagol streets MER Brock ) to mpt Fen 6 ELLIS, m Quorn ARTHUR fice, Cor, POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, chant's Baok Building, coro and Wellington stn im ---------------- Pr ARCIHTEOT, Market Square SMITH, hor Building HENRY elec. Phone; © Wis ARCHITECT, OF Muhood's Hrug and Bagot Bagot street NEWLANDS second floor corner Princess Futrance on 608 ver ; MONEY AND BUSIN OUR POLICIRS building and «© company offer hem at jodwin'a Mark. fice store, streets "Phone, Me it oe y other CONY in MARRIAGE LICENSES. in OF st, ISSUER Clarence LONDON N KIRKPATRIUK C'S licenses, 42 Marriage BOARD AND ROOMS. IN ONE OF MOST es hous in city Plot wh bedroom POO Insura TO-DATYS water | ur and cold Modern Hinson insured Before new business & Strang in ¢ ments THE PARAGRAPH PU LPIT Unitarian. REV, bn W. CASSON. The Hypocrite Heretic. Ii who deserves condemnation is that man who is higious but who continues | outwardly to the old faith. He is living a continual lie. must be 1 rded ns an evil foe to progress and trath, ever standpoint he injures by thoug there one man than all others if heretic is more a in his re opinions, and | loyal fornts and ai from what-| be viewed. Hel tituting bh id fe ¥ tthe church vitiates its} of | | Notice to Creditors. may pros highest an evil LU himsell ht He stays, since best and eal base ends 18 he the of anfluence. He neither can others in which he realities, and destroys faree its current cannot re spect himsell - Address, Rev. C. 25 Beacon street, Boston, literature, The Rink C foses| : For this season on Nell ' . : {of Kin MARCH 17TH. |: . | hos estat With the Band, and all locker keys | yoo mer: must be in by March 19th, to get wy the refund, as no refund will be paid after above date, and any skates left in the rink |K will be at owner's risk. St. Patrick's Day Special 780 pam, W. Camon, at Mass., lor the In the of Matter Francis Nisbet, the City of Kingston, in the County. of Book séller and Stationer, Insolvent of Frontenac, did IS H nets coats or Service Pal's Church with Lecture on "Life of St. Patrick" By w.F. W. ¥. Fasgureld M.A. TEA DOLLARS FINE FOR PROV. | | the ING THIS IS A FRAUD. at Rev, wai | leaves a husband and three | [oiher soles and {and children, 60¢. a Friends regret the condition of Mes. | J. UC. Rogers, formerly of Picton, a daughter of the late G. E. Vandusen, who last week underwent an opera- tion in Brooklyn is not very favor able. It is probable that a second operation will be necessarv. At the anvual meeting of the Chil- dren's Aid Society, in Brockville, a resolution was passed requesting the provincial secretary to appoint a Remnant agent for Eastern Ontario. H. Osborne was elected president, Mrs. W. H. Comstock, R J Driver, secretary; Resd, * treasurer, and x J. Trail, * ice president; E. | { The Canadian and American Shoes Re so pairing Shop, 201 Princess St., will fix! of w rubber heels on your | hod Hall soles and howls, Indies | | patr. I sm able to do | this, hav. in stock a large cow of the best leather and rubber beels, me a trial and [ guarantee se 1 jead, others follow, boots for 78e. Comnty March VY. H AWNON, A sxignio EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR quality G ive THOM Us Big @ tor usnatan 12 Blades $1 cdmplete, fu TR guatanteed. STRACHAN'S. "ATTENTION, FURNACES repairing, or slosratioy Mucous Wembrons one, and pot astriy OF Polecuous. in way - 8 rs wnliog. give me & HH t prowpt attention sed Phone 336 } Broek THE FRONTENAC AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY (i; = ESTABLISHED, 1 Richard Cartwright "o Money loaned om City and Farm tition. Mumichoul ami County Deter New England Chinese Restaurant etptvad and Injerens allowed. 331 King Street, 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. Opes from P30 am, to 3 sm, Uie A bill is being sion to the Quebec government which will provide for the | Sori saieguarding of the yehools in | and the province. +. Ostend-Va, list? a heat place to a er ail Fond Lunch ig the city. Menls i Woods om sortest notice. Ea Chinese dishes a specialty, on Wm. Murray, Auctioneer He Is. micago Daily News. what aA nomismatist. my son, i8 a Fy 37 BROCK ST. 4 i, som ? Het Sarsiages, Cutters, Harness Outen is bed Waite &. sie. ste, fur Sale i 655. i a munis

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