Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1908, p. 7

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IN COAXECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway LOW ONE-WA} RATES Second Class One Way Daily, Fetwuary 29 to April 29, $50,102" Bn { ro Full particolars at K.&P., and © P, R, Ticket Office, Ontario St. : F. (CONWAY, Geng Pass, Agent. I ---- | BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train loaves uniom station, Ontario Street, 4 pou. day (Sundiuys excepted ), for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser onto, Bemnockburn and all points worth To wecure quick despatch to Bannock. hur, Maynooth, and points on Cer ~AMario, route your shipment of Quinte Railway. For fur lars, apply to KR. W. DICK 'Phone, No. 3. RAILY GRAND TRUN ISSN ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES Daily Feb. 20th to April 20th; Vancouver, B.C; Victoria, B.C. Buinster, B.U., Seattle, Wash, T° $50.10, Wash., Portland, Ore ¥ rancisco, Cal, Los Angeles, yale a $52 Yiego Ki Paso, $5 $5 Local Branch Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnson street. GOING WEST. 5 mail 8 express 11 local . Iter. Lad, madl local 708 pm, 7 GOING EAST. Lve. City mail 1.43 a.m, fast express 2.35 a.m local 8.18 a.m. mail 12.25 p.m fast express. 1.02 pm 2¢ ' " 12 local 7.08 paw. 7.88 p.m Nos. 1, 2.8, 4,5, 6,7 and 8 run daily All other trains daily except Sunday. For full particulars, apply %o J. P HANLEY, Agen, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Ste. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Royal Mail Trains From Montreal to Halifax CONNECTING WITH Royal Mail Steamers From Halifax to Liverpool (Canada's Famous Train THE MARITIME EXPRESS : Leaving MONTREAL Fridays at 12.00 (noon) carries passengers taggege and European mails, reachi the steamer's dock at HALIFAX the following Satur say afternoon. SPECIAL TRAINS carrying passengers ba aml mails when inward steam ers do not connect with the MARITIME FXPRESS, leave HALIFAX immediate ly after the arrival of the steamer, mak- ing comnections for Ottawa, Toronte, Detroit and points west. FOR TICKETS AND FURTHER IN- FORMATION, apply to nearest GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY AGENT, or to Montreal Ticket Office 141 Se QUEBEC 8.8. COMPANY BERMUDA Reached in 45 hours from New York by the new Twin Screw Steamship Ber. mudian,"' 5.500 fons, Sailings every Nat. urday at 10 a.m, Be: muda to Nassau, Bahamas 8.8. "Trinidad" fortoightly in Fehruany and March. West India Cruises from New York New Steamer "Guiana," 3,700 tons, with all uptodate improvements and * other first-cines steamers sail from New York every 10 days. 4 For beauty of scenery aud perfection of climate. these trips are unsurpassed. For jllustrated pamphlets - giving retes of Lnasnge and «all information apply to A 2. JWUTERBRINGE & CO, Agents, uebec Steamein Co, 29 Broadvay, Ha York; A: AHERN, Sec'y., Quebec, Canada. or to Ticket Agems, of. IT. ANLEY, aud J.P, GILDERSLEREVE, ton, ALLAN 3:2 LINE TO LIVERPOOL From Sty Joh Halifax, Tun Sat, Mer. 21. v Sat, Mar, 28 islam, jotorinn, Fri, Mar. 27. Corsican, Sat, Apr. & J AT Ende Th © No. a James St. money buy, none better mined. - it to clean snd te, at very bottom » ' Most of our ambitions young American girls work too hard at school. Many teachers have little or no judgment about pushing a child beyond her endurance. They ought to know that girls especially have a danger period. Often, (oo often, utter physical collapse is the result, and it takes: vears and years to recover lost vitality. Many a young girl has been helped over this critical period,and been pre- pared for a healthy womanhood by LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Miss Elsie L. Hook, of Chelsea, Vt. writes to Mrs. Pinkham : "1 am only sixteen years old, but ) want to tell you that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and yom advice cured me of sideache, periodic pains and sleeplessness, also of a ner vous, irritable condition after every: thing else had failed, and I want thank you for it." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and bas positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera. tion, fifroid tumors, irregularities periodic pains, backache, that bear. ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Lynn, Mass. EDUCATIONAL. 00000000000 COICOORIOOSS ® 5 you wish to be successful at- * A tend The Kingston Business College Admited, head of Queen street, @ CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE school, Bookkeeping, @ typewritiog, tele- @ and all commerciale subjects thoroughly taught by ® competent experienced teachers, e ay and night classes. Fnter gt ony time. Rates very moderate, . "Bone, 440 . HH. FF. METCALFE, President. : J.B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. ° oeseee - ] # business Sshorthand, graphy, 000000000000 000000000C MPROVE YOUR EDUCATION an College, Barrie and Clergy Sta. US DISEASE, ARE A VERY TROUBLESOME AND UN- INCREASE YOUR EARNING T. N. STOCKDPALE, : Principal. SIGHTLY AFFLICTION . . . POWER "Phone, 680, They are cased by either poverty or im. Day and Fiening Classes - at the purity of the blood sad require the premapt Frontenac Business ALTHOUGH, NOT A.DANGER- um of a good blood medicine such as Bur THE DAILY BRITISH WHI MURGER - AND ARSON | RUSSIAN TERRORISTS DRIVE LANDLORDS OUT. Property and Victims of Anarchy, Owners Flee to Forests Face Starvation. Riga, March 14 of the revolution generndly, and throughout the provinces in partiaijar, where it has { ben spending its utmost fury, almost unknown in Americy Une frequently hears in" Western Farope hard things said of the Rus- ian government ip its dealings with the revolutionists, Jt to travel through the three great provin i Courland, 'Esthonia asd Li vonia, and see with. one's own eves the overwhelming devastation wrought the revolutionists, to measure the and them ~The progress and Russia Baltic rests in are is povessary {ees of hy full extent of the reckless havoe savage cruelty practi by throughout their unhappy land. That martial law was absolutely pe cessary no one who sees and hears what I see and hear, staying about in families who have lived in this part of all their lives, can possibly doubt. Had it been introduced soon- er, and stringent measures taken earlier, murder and outrages of the most brutal kind would have been prevented, and an enormous amount of valuable property--castles, man. sions, farmsteads, forests and erope--would have been raved The government's fault has not been over. severity, but too great leniency and forbearance. ' In these three provinces 192 pro- perties have Jeen looted, wrecked and burned. The country a desolate wilderyess; the owners of these pre- perties, where not murdered, have had to flee for their lives and hide them- selves in the forests, to suffer there the most terrible hardships from ex- posure in Russian winter. Bands, headed by red flags, have marched through the country carrying death and destruction in every direction Aud all this is by no means at an end. Whatever may have been the struction of life in the French revolu- tion, it may be doubted if the struction of homes and property was as great in France as in Russia. The prevailing opinion is that if complica tions atise in Turkey the outbreak throughout the empire will exoeed all that has gone before. Russia 1% de- m------------ Dreadful Fatality) The Paris municipal council has made the alarming discovery that nundreds of houses in the working- class districts are smitten with con sumption, They are literally dwellings of death, since anybody inhabiting one of them is practically certain to catch the complaint. That buildings can become saturat- ed with disease germs, has long Leen 4"nown to medical men, "Cancer hous- " for instance, were discovered by Semmes Smith in the Lincglushire Fens, and elséhere, which were liter- ally eaten up with this most terrivle f maladies. Another, instanced by D'Arcy Power, claimed us victims three tenants, who inhabited it one ter the other. It was then s t light to by the landlord, and burnt. : Plague, too, has been proved to-in- lect dwellings after a like fashion. In One case mentioned in a recent report of the Indian commissioners, a tene ment house in Bombay was so badly diseased that it meant death to any- one rash enough to enter it. It was, therefore, boarded up, and remained empty for over a year. Then two fam ilies of vagrant beroars, eleven per softs 'mall, 'broke in, apd took up their abode there. without the knowl- edge of the authorities, Within a week not one of them was left alive. Perhaps, however, the most extra- ordinary instance in point is the case of Amber, the ancient capital of Jey pore, . which contracted lop.rosy badly, that no one would dwell with in its walls who could help. it. tanlty, Jey Sing. the dered 4 yeneral exodus tants that were left was carried out, and from that day the city remained unpeopled, a prey to the loathsome disorder that' recent experiened has shown to still linger in its silent gtreets and desert. od squares. es, 9) 80 Even. then rajah. or of the inhabi The edict alive, has -- The Future Queen Of Greece. Whether iil gotlen gains can affect the happiness of the innocent will be a matter of interest to all Europe, when Prince George of Greece marries the Pr incess Marie Bonaparte It is from the famous gambling sort on the Mediterrancan that Princess Maric was the daughter of bfteen million dollars. The mother of Princess Harie was the daughter of Francis Blane, the founder of the gam- bling establishment at Monte Carlo She married Prince Roland Bona- parte, who was a penniless vouth in the French army, and died a year lat- er, after giving birth to the baby who may some day be the queen of Greece The Princess Marie has been most carefully educated and is a musician of more than ordinary skill. She is interested in out-of-«door sports, is an enthusiastic motorist, and shares her father's interest in aerial navigation, She is so clever with a camera, that, should she ever by a freak turn of the wheel, have to earn her own living, she could easily do wo by becoming af professional phagographer. Aside from Her personal charm. this princess has a decided talent for so cial affairs. Binge she became of age, a few years ago, she has presided with tactful success over her father's magnificent hotel in the Avenue d'lengd Parie, and, despite all contrary pro- phecies, the fature of Prince Geor and his lovely fiancee looks bright. re the Forgot Her Ticket. young colored girl, cotton fields of the. south. One aiternoon she came to her northern mistress and handed her a visiting card. "De lady wha' gil me dis is in de pa'lor," i * annoder ay us G,. MONDAY, -- - A TERRIBLE PANTOMINE, Tale Court, March HX dumb witness rial st Bordeaux, des a MIC. pantomime yester day the disposal of the be alleges, be saw it. The prisoners are three men and 8 Woman, keepers of an the village of Langon, cused ol murdering a t, and of throwing river Garonue, friends of the witness mterpreters,'"' says the Matin, talking to him by gestures, and nally explainiog his pan tomime to the judge. The witness a railway \porter at the village sta tion, oppo-ite which is the inn. The arowd in vourt was geserally able to follow the gesturés as well as if he had used words, and watched with painful interest as the drama. of mur- der was unfolded in ¢lear and unmis- table pantomime, The mute described how he tried to enter the inn, of which he was an habitue, by the front door on the day of M. Monget's death. The door was locked. The mute described in gesture how he went round to the cellar door, how he opened it, how he found two men and the woman of the frantically washing their hands he noticed a great splash of blood on the woman's apron, how he pointed it out to her, and how she guickly threw the apron into a fire, Next he described how he went alone afterward to the cellar, and there dis covered in a corner the battered corpse of M. Monget. One of She male prisoners found him, cuffed him, curs 'ed him, and flung him out of the house. He stayed near to wateh After midnight \he saw the male pris oners come out, one holding a candle, another wheeling a' barrow with the corpse strapped into it. They went to the banks of the Garonne. and flung the body in So clear was the mute's pantomime in the final stages of his story that not a word was spoken. Judge, jury and spectators watehed inthralled the damb man's gestures in the failing light, and the only sound the chattering of the teeth of the prison ers as they stared in helpless terror at their silent accuser. Tells Murder By Signs in Paris in a murder riped body, us inn in i hey are guest named Mc tine body ihto Three close acted as ovens 18 house how was Harlowe ddappenings. Harlowe, March 14.--The roads are in. a vers bad condition. Many from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs, J. Pressly, Northbrook, yester day. Mrs. H, Rodgers is visiting at Arden. Mrs. A. and H. Palmateer are spending a few dave with friends at Parham, Miss Cassie Connors met with a severe accident: at school on Monday last. She was EMhiing . down hill, and the sleigh went into a fegin and the voung lady had ber leg bre en. J. Bishop, Tweed, is in this vicin- ity. Frank Gray is ill with appendi citis Miss Lillie White is spending this week at Plevna. On Wedneshay evening last a large number of friends went. to the home of Mr, and Mrs John Black, as a surprise party, Mr. and Mrs. Black are soon leaving to dwell in Arden, They were presented bv Rev, Mr. Wallace with two lovely dining room chairs, J, Thompson, Tweed, at T. Connor's. Kingston Mills Accident. Kingston Mills, March 14--~Mr. Peck, an old resident "of "Cushendall, met with a painful accident last Tuesday While drawing wood he had 'a mishap, of his legs. Wilirid Mr. Moore, Kingston a pamful accident and n breaking onc Moore, son of Mitis, met with He was visiting his friends here, after leaving for home was met by black collie which sprang him and bit him in the face in thee places. The first robin of the was seen here, vesterday. dos al seafon Arrested For Stealing Bacon Belleville, Marth 16.--Richard Duns and John Potts, his son-in-law, the county jail here, charged wtenlin: J pounds of bacon Black's. warehouse. The hacon was stolen a couple of nights "ago, and the arrested. A week ago the same men entered a farmer's hen coop, wrung the necks of six of and made off with them arrested and fined £5 cach berry are with from m men were his fowl, They were Spring Importations Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, three cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, cheviots and vicunas. 4 great variety of them to choose from has received serges, The Need. Star Washington | ; we want," said the patriot, "What "is a thoroughly honest government. "Look here, my friend," answered Sen ator Sorghum, 'the government's in tentions are in ithe main pretty good, What we want is contractors and other trusted employees who will be honest with the government." m At a meeting of the sharcholders of the G. H. Druce company it was agreed to wind up its affairs. All the funds have been spent and the com pany owes $1300. The company was formed to finance G. H. Druce in his fight for the Portland estate. A man named Powell, of St. Agathe, Me., suicided on Friday night. A TESTED SFRING MEDICINE. Cures Sallow Skin, Headache, Langour and Tiredness. You don't need te be told how you feel--blue, sort of sickishness, poor ap. petite, vague pains, tired in the morm- ing. This condition is common in the springtime, but fortunately there is prompt relief in Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which immediately relieve the system of all poisons disease i matter. Thousands have been so ut- terly de 1, 80 Worn out as to be desprmdent. but Pr. Hamilton's Pills always eave. "1 can speak fe ing on the power of Dr. Hamilton's 5 because they alone restored me to health," writes * C. Kingston. was thin | the starters in the Marathon race at MARCH 16, 1908. . sis BG Ga Accosting But Home Drew Revolver After Two Banana Vendors, They Got Their Bullets First. New March 16. --A well prosperous looking Ie lian to death in a street duel two men at 1lith street and First fhe men made their escdpe and have not been cap tured It believed that the dead man was a band agent, amd that his death was a result of amat tempt to collect (ribute from the men who afterwards killed him, The vic tim a stranger in the neighborhood, asked two men who wheeling barrows filled with bananas, whether they had "received that message." Both men made some answer, where upon the stranger drew a revolver from his side pocket. The two were equally quick, The stranger fired and adversaries cloged in on him it his revolver hand and the other pressed a revolver ag st the back of the man's head and fired. The to the sidewalk dying. His assailants fled in directions : York, {ress was \ ) shot with avenue on Saturday, 18 black were his two They cau while one | man fell opposite THE SPORT REVIEW. Interesting News From the Var- ious Sporting Fields. Pearce, Sellen and Cwnming, ronta, received invitations to com Fo ol - PAGE SEVEN. - -- All women need Cascarets. Simply because they don't very few women employ them. alone. bad complexion. The remedy is Cascarets. is one Cascaret at a time-- just w One every day, perhaps. outside. You don't use scap in large it fre que Do the same with Cascarets. Cascarets are candy tablets, but never in bulk. every tablet. No need of days when you are not at your best. No need of head- aches, dullness, irritahility. A Cas- caret, taken in time, avoids them. coarse food, or enough fruit and green vegetables. Those are Nature's ways for keeping the bowe The next best way is Cascarets. Nearly all the minor ills of women can be avoided by Cascarets There is no need to have hpedaches, depression, bad breath, Not in large doses--unless you wait too long. --------------_------ It is simply a matter of keeping clean inside, as you «¢ , regularly, just as you need it. Then you are always well, always at vour best, » Be sure you get the genuine, with CCC on \. The price 1s 50¢, 29¢ and Ten Cents per Box xercise enough. They don't cat Is active. But The best wayvy hen you need it. lo on the quantifies, ar | rarely. You use They are sold by all druggists, pete in the Boston Marathon. They ! were refused, the ohieetion being the allianes "Tommy" Burns | there { "Jem" recent AA U.-Federation Toronto Telegram : has sore eyes, and probability that contract the same the Canuck on large will 1 is a Roche i | | when { disease ¢ meets St day. MEN ONLY. Little did any of u the day wher Foronto Globe : think we should ever sec it would be cabled from England and | bulletined all the that our friend Noah Patrick | | | over country Brusso had a sore result | ro The Stanley cup hockey match, in| Montreal, on Saturday evening, { . ed : Montreal Wanderers, 6: Torontos 4. The ice was slushy, else the Wan derers would have won by a larger! score . It is reported that Cobb, the phe i nomenal outlielder of the Detroit (An erican League) team, hag jumped the | Detroit team and has affixed his xig nature to a contract with Arthur kL win's outlaw club in Washington. I'he fight between "Tommy" Burns, the Canadian heavy-weight fighter and "Jem" Roche, of Dublin, will take place at Dublin to-morrow, uniess | Burns' injured eve becomes so bad that it would prove a serious handicap Men's Foss Packard Patent Colt, Blucher cut, natty lasts, Men's Gun Metal, Velour Calf Blucher Cut, all sizes and natty lasts. Reid & Charles, 111 Princess St. Succes- | sors to D. J. McDermott. Regular $5.00 Now $4.00. Ihe Ontario Checker Association is arranging for a checker tournament in Toronto, on April 21st, 22nd and 23rd to decide the dominion championship To the winner of the championship a souvenir valued at $100 will be given and a second prize valued at $756 will be given A meeting of the East League will be called shortly clubs employing professionals of contracts Hockey the ro n and will into the subject and sal ary limity with a view to any repetition of the circumstances which threatened to make things pleasant at the opening of the pm preventing un esent season Belleville is on for hookey league next. winter, with = Ps Hope, Belleville should prove a ods are used Intelligencer A scheme, it it to form a profe this district | terhoro, Piéton if proper on very littl best is none is said, sional in and in neces Belleville has the winter, sport in summer timid for as the people are quite willing to for it Montreal Wanderer for New York, Fuesdav- night against rocks, of New Yorl and Friday d the week following, they the "International will play relurming hops too good us in ws pocinkly pay felt, vesterday they will play the Sewn On Wednesd Monday will play where nn ol the with the winters 04 K series at Pittsburg, and ir Cleveland on the 24th, by way of Buffal« At Indianapolis, I Hoppe at 18.2 Hoppe was in both eve hy was : Hoppe, 300; high run, 1M; aver age Ly 97 high rus 1 average The evening's. scorn was : Hoppe sigh run, 192. aver age, Isd4-14 r, 270; hig 87: average, The Montreal is Ottawa plavers thus de feet on a crowd in. the Arthur Ross skates down the crowd in the Montreal up and yells. As he position he is showered claps. Should he indulge casable" habit of passing the sleeve of his sweater across his nostrils, every body save Good boy, Arthur" When he retires at hali time he gets a Un his reappearance a bevy of bands. Should be be ruled off = the crowd cheers; then hisses, the referee When his time expires, another hand He reevives enough attention to spoil a whole family, but, strange to =ay the hig fellow takes it all wm good part, and only wears a six and seven eighths. The attempts of the meddling official of the American Amateur Athletic Un- jon to prevent the appearance of Thomas Longboat as a competitor in the Olympic games in London would be ridiculous were they mot malicious, but it can be set down as assured that if the Canadian champion is fit and well next July he will he one of d., Nechacler bland wii at two games of ba dternoon scons Schaefe 89-11 100) Soh Tr ra 2% 6-13 aver One most popular hockey Arthur Ross ena ice the arena stand returns to his with hand thet ex in hand the games, and he may possibly run in some of the shorter events if the order of the races is such as not to interfere with his participation in the event in which Canadians have a par- St. Right Way To Cure Grippe THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISUED 1807 B. BE. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, Total Assets, - 113,000,000 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK Deposits of $1 and upwards received ; current rates and paid quarterly. DEPARTMENT "" interest allowed at The depositor is subject to neo delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. KINGSTON BRANCH CORNER OF KING P. C, STEVEN AND PRINCESS STS, SON, Manager. The 20th Century Policy issued by the Canada Life Before placing Assurance Company fits into any case requiring life insurance. with, or call into the office, where full information how a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you. your insurance correspond AGENTS WANTED----Apply--Oflice, 18 Market Most Cough Cures | have a depressing! effect on vour system hence their failure to cure you. Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil is the only cough and cold cure that acts as a TONIC to your system. LARGE BOTTLE, 35 CENTS, When combined with Mathieu's Nervine Powders it 1s the most powerful of all cures for th: Grippe and all FEVERISH COLDS. It is the quickest way to get well, Keep some of both in the house. Large box of Powders 25¢. (18 Powders.) Ji O. HUTTON, Manager, Kingston, Ont, t I SOO00 © Q i 33500 2 All Leather Goods J ? For a short tine we have . decided to offer our customers y & Special discount 33 1-3 rer cent. off any article in our stock leather goods This will afford you a reasonable opportunity to purchase a Purse, dandbag, Card Casé, Bill Fold, Cigar or Cigarette Case, Pocket book, etc, at a price great- ly below regular cost Remeniber our showing includes goods only from the best manufacturers, and we personally assure you of our guarantee of guality. ' > 9 ol of J. L. MATHIEU €O., props., Sher brooks, PQ ticular interest. Those who know most about the Indian's ability believe that be will show as great superiority at a mille or five miles ns he has de monstrated ove the long counges that have made him famous. Kinnear &d'Esterre Jeweller, Cor. Privcess and Wellington Streets. OOOO OV000OOOHOOG OL 7 LOOO000TO0000000COV000 § IN ANY QUANTITY . Wholesale or Retail. A very choice stock grown in sandy soul, "A GLOVER'S, COOQAQP OVC OOO DAC OCCORAOIOCOOD " x i POTATOES. a8 i

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