a THE CIGARETTE EVIL I -------- pier The Subject House of Commons. Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway * Should Not Do Street Railway Business Without Consent of Cities. | ' From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, March 17.--Yesterday was private member's day in the Com- moss and the bills which were passed were of little general interest, Some important information obtained from the questions, This is subjoined. Mr. Armstrong was informed that on March 31st, 1907, there were 229, was 923 acres of Indian lands not dispos-| ed of in' the Dominion, and that there are 2,009 islands owned by the In dinns and not sold to Unnada, Nine islands have been sold by the In diang to the government sinvd 1896. It was stated that immigrants who are deported are not always deported at the expense of the transportation' companies which brought them to Canada, $00.000 wns etpended hy the gov ernment from March Ist to July lst 1907, in connection with immigration from the United States, The government receives regularl; from the American authorities a list of immigrants from Europe enterin the United States from Canadg. The United States commissioner ag Mont real supplies the list, No offivers of the permanent force: in Cafinda have received the rank ane . title of general. The private bills passed were : The renewal of tha charter of the Niagara St. Catharines and Toronto Railway company" the incorporation of th Travellers Life Assurance company of Can the incorporation of the Ca nada Weather Insurance company: and the imeorporation of the Bank of Hamilton pension fund, . It was jemrned in the lobbies that the Hom. Rodolphe Lemieux, post- master-general, has under considera tion an arrangement whetehy © Ameri can and Canadian special delivery stamps will be operative in hoth eoun- tries. This will prove a great boon to husiness men. he! Mr. Blair of Peel brought up his annual vesglution aginst cigarettes. Tt reads: * "Phat the smoking of cigarettes has in proved by overwhelming testi- . mony to he productive 'of serious phy: sical and moral hiney to young peo ple; impairing health, arréeting devel opment, weakening intellectual power, and thus constituting a socin] and national evil. "Phat the legislation, licensing and! 4 DAILY MEMORANDA. . Wonderland © Thestre-«ANersoon ovining ; 'good vaudeville. Sty Patriek's Concert, Grovd House, 8 pom. Avkiress on Fitagerald, Si Miss BE, V, Redoogng, March ys, | Millinery Opening Htvacy 8; 'Bpence's land's, . DWing to change In Weather the tink will not elose tonight us advertised birt will remain open until farther notice The Bllou--Moving Pictures 'A Drang In a Spanish Ton," amd "Coffee." from plantation to ¢up. Hlustrated Song, "dust You Aud 1. Prindess--VYaudevillo afternoon and avening, "Jules Julien," "The Hebrew sod Hin Pack," "Travelling in Switzer Jand." "Lenten Faces," Burgaly Sales," "School . Days.'t Hong, "Blow The Hmoke Away." ---------- WHIG TELEPHOEES. 248 Husiness Office, 299-~Editorial Rooms. Jobbing tment. i Forms, all kinds, ot Whig. The Duily Whig is always on sale at Gibson's Drug Store, Market Square Open 11 Jate each evening. y and Opera St. Patrick, by Rev, Mr. Paul's Church, 7.80 pom. Greaza's Millisery Opening,' 185th, and foliowmng tomorrow, at and Miss Suther- Under Discussion in the ! restricting the sale of cigarettes 1 | make the city samitary, and prevent qe KINGRJON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1908, _ ---- : DUNSMUIR MAY SELL. | Governor Negotiating With British Capital, Vancouver, B.C., March Follow- {ing the announcement of early prolonged cruise in comes a well au that Ljput.-Gov. 17. his departure for a the Mediterranean thenticated report Y Dunsmuir, may sell his entire Van couver Island holdings, including | valuable coal wines and coal lauds, to an English syndicate. Ii the deal gees through Dunsmuir and his family will take up their per- manent fence in England The {latter was fully discussed with Sir | Edward Vincent, the English finan- ry during the latter's recent visit | ta Victoria 2 His honor keenly felt the attacks {made on him by organized labor, and {has of late frequently expressed a de- has | sire to retire to England, where seve these [ral of his married daughters reside. the] H the deal is made, it is estimated {that the purchase price will exceed resi not proven sufficient to prevent evils, which will continue while public sale of the cause of the mis- i 1 $15,000,000, chief ix permitted to go on. "That this house is of the opinion, | FS -------- for the reasons heretofore sét forth, | that the right and most effectual re. | CATTLE EMBARGO WILL STAY. medy for these evils is to be found in the enactment and enforcement of a law prohibiting the importation, | Breeders. manufacture and sale of cigarettes; | London, March 17.--~The recent and that it is expedient to bring in a | covery of cattle disease in Scotland is bill this session to prohibit the im- ja great disappointment to the cattle portation, manufacture and sale of | breeders and others who have for sev. cignrettes,'" {eral years been agitating for a relaxa He argued strongly that the smok- [tion of the embargo on live cattle { Discovery of Disease a Blow to dis CANADA AN EXAMPLE. Refers - to Plains Abraham Project. Speaker of WF. the war memorial, Said that just ad Franeo-British Cangas was uniting to obtain the battlefields of Sir al park, thus struggle 150. years @go, so South Af- ricans might well 'ume, dedicating their lives to building up under the British flag a gread yminion which world he the best ad most enduring memotial to the "dead. PARDON FOR KARR. ---- Beamsville Lad Who Gave a Poi- soned Candy. St, Catharines, Ont, Mareh 17.--A. W. Marquis, of this ety, the letter from state, J. administered poison a candy in Janpary last. deal of sympathy expressed for young man, who, itowas thought, was not aware that the sandy contained a poisonous drug, or that the afiair was in any respect as serious as it proved. A -------- ing of cigarettes was hurting the | from the United States, Argentina south the country, and. that the and Canada. habit should be curtailed bya preven- | It is feared that it will be a long tive measure. | time now hefore the board of agrieul- Disciwsing the question, Dr. Barr, of| tare will lend a friendly ear to the Dufferin, said, "Cigarettes is a - burn: | pleas and arguments of those who de-| Wg question in this fair Canada of | sire to see the removal of restrictions | wos," amid laughter. "Fair Canada |on the importation of live stoek. | of ovrs," is a favorite phrase of thes | Some of the familiar arguments * ave | doctor. | now quite obsolete. Dead meat can | Dr. Telford thought a good spenk-| be brought from America at a cheap- | ing would be good for the boys. Heler rate than meat killed in Eogland. believed in it; he did it himself. He thought even some of the members of the house had been neglected, Hon: George P. Graham, minister of railways, favored parliament with a] 'ull expression of his views in regard | to the protection of municipal inter wis in the city of Toronto, in con nection with the Lidl for the renewal f the charter rights of the Niagara 3t, Catharines, and Toronto Railway ompany, #eontrolled by Meckenzie & Mann, As regards the doing of ao dreet railway business in the cities of Toronto and" Hamilton under the charter, he quite agreed that the hill should be so amendgfl as to make this contingent on th approval of the municipal councils of these two cities and was willing that the hill | should be amended arcordingly. He! also approved an amendment that the company shall not -have the right to construct or dperate ite roilway i along or wpon any streat or highway or public place in anv city or town FElgueta, a lumber without the consent of the municipal council. {fatally shot , Margaret Manes, twelve Mr. Fielding brought down supple: years old, wounded Minnie Shackle- | mentary estimates in the house! ford, seven years old; shet her grand amounting to £5,925,633. | father, J@mes Shackleford, through Fhe government is expected to im-|{hoth shoulders; fired at Mrs, A. Mgnes, | pose a duty 'on repairs to ships in the land was himself killed by a pdlice- | interests of Canada shipbuilders. | man. Mrs. Manes, her daughter Margaret | if | and Minnie Shackleford had. been seat | {odd in the front room of their cottage, ! : 5 [the door being open. = Suddenly = El Fined For Exercising Too Much | uote appeared in the doorway. and Severity. | opened fire Mrs: Manes. He fired | Renfrew, Ont., March 47.~A fine of lone shot and the woman ran to a| 5 anid costs was imposed on Princi- | window and jumped out. - . | pal Ramsay, of the public school for] chastising Samuel Dempsey, fourteen | yours of age, son of Sheriff 'Dempsey. | I, W. McGarry, K.C., appeared for the | : . prosecution, and KE. J, curt for the | Ten London Girls - Tell Police of defprtlant. The case was tried before] Their Treatment. Magistrate Mitchell, Pembroke, = the| London, March 17.--Ten young girls lof] magistrate, George Eady, de-|Lave admitted to Crown Attorney clining to try it, being a member of [McKillop and Chief of Police Williams the Board of Edueation. It wasiithat they had been taken advantage brought owt in the evidence that thelof by a Jocal business. man, who en boy was hauled out of the class room| iced them into his office with the into the hallway and severe blows [aid of an older and hardened girl were administered by a strap, causing | Soe of the girls come from families discoloration and bruises, which injures] of good standing in the city, and ong were quite apparent when the boy was] of / them confessed to having been examined, as week later, by Dr. Mann | gubmitted #0 treatment so outrageous and Dr. McCormack, both of whom as to be almost beyond credence. The were called as witnesses. The magis- | authorities are keeping the matter trate concluded that the boy had re-| quiet. The man accused by the girls ceived "unreasonable and unwise pun-lis pot now in the city. ishment," but would make the sen-| tence as light as pospible, which was | as stated, : in San Cal., March 17. Grado handler, probably San Pedro, RENFREW PRINCIPAL on GIRLS' SAD STORY, A Church Pool Room. Ottawa, March 17.--The Men's Asso- ciation of St. Andrew's Preshyterian church, will establish above the fire hall in Hintonburg, a club for young men, one of the features of which will be a pool room, by way of forestal- ling an application now being made for a license to run a privately owned pool room. $30,000 TO KILL RATS. in Exterminating Noxious Pests. 2 San Francisco, Cal, March 17.--The Santa Te railroad has sent in a con tribution of $15,000 to the plague fund which the citizens' health com- mittee is raising to exterminate rats, Aids the Motto Goes Jack. A Washington, March 17.--~Under sus- pension of the rules, the House of Re- presentatives passed the bill provid- ame for the restoration of the "motto Sin God We Trust." on gold and sil- wer coins of the United States. IMMENSE Joe dr Sor the spread of contagion. This fund yn a Tiactibod after a conference wil h th committee members and was the second large amotint to come from the milroad in- terests. Word was received, yesterday, that EB. MH. Harriman had authorized a contribution of $30,000 from the Southern Pacific. Sm ---------- Armstrong's After Nickel. Montreal, March 17.--Sir W. Arm- p passed through ' far and the district between Sheps sind the Soo to investigate the ni ! as to their ue ¥ Sie T. Eardly him, looking into AR Comwall, March 17.~Without a. Factory built here last summer by the | sentenced Rejected Lover Shoots Four " T Feet From Side of New Factory, An Editor Sentenced. Berlin, March 1Teslerr Schmidt, editor of the Morgen Post, has been to nine months' imprison- ment for libeling Olga Molitor, whose brovher-in-law, Karl Hau, was con- vieted of the murder of her mother at Baden Baden, and whose death sen- tence was commuted to life imprison- ment. Schmidt published an article in which he hinted that Olga was the actual murderess, BUSY WITH A GUN Persons Pedro. Was Suitor for the Hand of the Woman Whose Daughter Was Probably Fatally Shot--- Assassin Shot by Policeman. The man turned his weapon on the woman's daughter, firing a shot which hit the girl's left side and pierced the right lung. He fired two shots at Minnie Shackleford, the first shatter- ing the left hand and the other going through the right arm, and going into the next room, where Shackleford, a ripple, was lying on the floor, fired two more shots at the prostrate man, one taking effect in, each shoulder, | Flguéta then fled from the house and was shot by a patrolman. Elgueta was a rejected Mrs. Manes and jealousy of the suitor led to | shooting. THEY WERE STUCK. Decision. Against Big Packing Companies Confirmed. Washington, March 17.~The proeeed- ing by the government against the Armour Packing company, Swiit & Morris & Co., and the Cudahy Packing company, all of them operat- ing in Kansas City, Kausax, uoder which the companies were each fined £15,000 hy the United States circuit court for the western district of Mis- sotiri, on the charge of receiving re bates "contrary to the provisions of the Elkins act, was decided by the supreme court of the United States, to-day, adversely to those companies The court's opinion, Was announced by Justice Day, who beld that the Elkins act is applicable to transportation anvwhere, and that an offense is not confined to the initial point. It is also anplieable alike to shipper and car rier. Co., ---------------- Death Of Famous Singer. Rome. March® 17.--Clara Novello, Countess Giglineei, one of the most famonge European singers, during the first Wali of the nineteenth century, died, yesterday, at the age of eighty- nine vears. She earned the admira- tion and patronage of Nendeiesolln in Germany and when she was in land she was very popular and so won the admiration of Charles Lamb, that he dedicated a poem to her. She retired in 1560. ANK FELL moment's warning part of the new: the London, March IT--At Cape Town) Hely-Hitehinson, unveiling | Will Not Visit Washington or Any o the Plains of | Abraham and Ste. Foye for a mation- | coe ora ting com- | plete nceeptance of the results of the | | { i | | | { solicitor for | tion of Sir the. young lad's father, has received alman, which makes under secretary of | to the Pope, whigh grants a pardon | patient has caused a renewal to Louis Karr, Beamevill®, serving a!anxiety sentence in the Linopln jail for having | premicr's $ i * he {nounced that his physicians have gave to a companion in that village| far been unable to restore this orean ® was a good | to the | covered over. 200 miles THE PRINCE OF WALES Big Canadian Cities. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman Will Not Be Able to Resume Active Leadership B London, March 17.--~The bulletin, is in British House. not be 'accompanied by the Princess sued, yesterday, concerning the condi- | of Wales Henry Camphbell-Banner- especial reference of the of the concerning his health. The heart trouble is so pro- 50 "considerable weakness' its normal acitivity. There are still great bopes that Sir Henry will his health, but all idea that he might resume active leadership in the House { Commons has been abandoned. It is not thought, in London, that should the Prince of Wales be invited, officially, to visit Washington next summer, while in Canada be would be able to accept. It has been reported here that such an invitation was 'in contemplation. According to the pre- sent arrangements, the prince's trip to attend the ter-centenary 'at Quebec will be most brief. His highness will not go anywhere else, although many invitations have been received from Montreal and other cities. He will recover of POVERTY 14 BRITAIN. Rides 200 Miles Without Seeking Work. London, March 17.~Charles Davies, an ex-army man, by trade an engine driver, who lives with his wife and three children at 74 Sidmouth street, Leyton, has just ridden 200 miles in one day on a very indifferent bicycle in search of work, going without food all the time, finally fainting and Peng taken home by the police in an ambu- lanes, "He loft here, " said Mrs. Davies, in speaking of her hushand's long ride, "on his bicycle to go to Manningtree at Yon o'clock the other morning He hdd bad a telegram from a former employer telling him someone was wanted to drive a steam rofler. Me bad no money for the train, so he started on his bhicyele, It is only 'an old machine, which my husband got in exchange for his watch. He is a good rider and won_prizes when he was in the army "When he got to Manningtree, over fifty miles from herve, he heard the fore- man had gone to Clacton-on-Sea. He rode on there and afterwards to Lit tle Bentley, only to find that the en gine was thoroughly out of order, and he could not get the job under three least. So he started for Food weeks at home "At Chelmsford he fell ill and the bicycle began to break down, and he had to get on bv walking a little and riding a little, until at Seven Kings he staggered and collapsed. He had then The police picked him up and were very kind to him. They took him to Hiosd police station and "gave hig some food and after he had been seen and attended to bv the divisional surgeons, bronght him home in a horse ambulance, at three in the morning. "He had started out with eighteen pence, which I had spared him from a day's work which 1 had done, and he had 1s. 4d. when he returned---the oth er twopence he hud spent in ted 4 We have had a great struggle. We came here to live cheaply when work fell short. We pay 3s. a week rent, We have managed to keep out of debt, but how we do it I don't know. 1 shall be thankful indeed when my husband gets something regular. He has only had a few odd jobs since September." UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCE. Hamilton Young Man Was Sand- bagged@Py Highwaymen. New York, March 17. Francis Cort, a young Cangdian salesman, who gave bis home as Hamilton, where he says he belongs to the Highlanders' Regi- ment, although sandbagged and rob. bed of thirty-two cents and the ciger- ette he was smoking, on Central ave: nue, Williamshurgy district, Brooklyn, on Wednesday night, escaped with his life. practically uninjured, and over $1200 in American and. Canadiai bills, which he had pinned inside his undershirt. Cort was walking up Cen- tral avenue, Joisurely smoking, after haviog left the elevated train on his way to visit a friend, when from a dark areaway a big highwayman, with a gun, which he pointed at his head, demanded his mobey, at the same time snatching the cigaretie from Corts mouth. Cort assured him be bad very Jittle money, only car fare in (act, and as both walked alone endeavored to parley with the thug, giving him nickels, pennies and dimes, amounting to. thirty-two cents; from various pockets, i ae n millinery In the House of Commons debate on the estimates, yesterday, Mr. Watt, Glasgow, introduced the question of the importation of Canadian cattle He told the government that the maintenance of the restriction was in- consistent with their free trade views, it was still more inconsistent on the | part of the opposition to support the embargo, because they were not give ing a preference to Canada, but handi- capping her. The deputy chairman ruled that the question could not be discussed iu the estimates Shocking descriptions of the famine that is ravaging the Teherktchy and Yakiutzk tribes, in Northern Siberia, have reached nt. Petersburg. Hun- dreds have died and the distress has been intensified by a recent epidemic which caused 300,000 reindeer to perish, A writer in the Novoe Veemya charges the government with com pletely neglecting enormous tracts in ®iberia, and the inhabitants in con- sequence are robbed by dishonest traders. #" charge of highway robbery against his assailant. PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The front wall of the Modern Bed stead company's factory at Cornwall fell out. : The Montreal Woollen Manufacturing company has gone into voluntary b- quidation. Une hundred and forty-nine Hindus were released at Vancouver and thirty- five held tw be deported, : The Shandon Bells of Cork, immor- talized by Rev, "Father Mahoney, have boon seut to London to be re-mould- 1. Britain, Germany, France and ~ the | United States have ordered war ves sds to Hayti to protect their interests there, f LAAT EDITION Probabilities a {4 Toronto, Ont. } & . March 17, Ottawa F Valley and Up per St. Lawrence (10 a. m.)=~East- erly winds with hight snow. Wed- | day, westerly {winds, fair and moderately cold. SPEER. illingey Opening Wednesday, March 18th DEERE aN | i | } } A Cordial Invitation Is extended to every one to attend our annual Spring Opening of Distinctive Millinery That is ways, our keynote al- distinctive and ex- clusive models, from Paris, London, New York, together with the of our own experts. GRAND EXHIBIT; beautiful creations King Victor Emmanuel 11 has order | od that henceforth not Italian shall be the Italy It rumored that Archbishop Connor has decided to resign his French, but court language of ol of is Of Spring Coats, Costumes, Waists, Skirts, Silks, Dress § Goods, Wash Goods, ete. lice as archbishop of the diocese of To | ronto. The cided power power. Sharebolders of the Sovereign Bank appointed a committee to- act with the directors iu the winding-up pro ceedings, ¥ « The London - Fimes is to be taken over hy a privately formed company of which C, I. Moberly Bell wil x managing director. New, Zealand has asked the ington government to allow the Toronto city council has de commission for 10.000 horse be Wash bat to apply to the Hydro-Electric! | ! | f | { i } i Wednesday, & March 18th 8 =A Te I i Steacy's, teship tleet now in tne Pacific to pay | a8 visit to the colony, Beginning May Ist, Ottawa bricklay ors and stonemasons will wet fifty Gfty cents an this being the amount . promised them by an agree ment entered into a vear ago The siloation between the Hayviian goverpmedt and France has become acute and critical. The French Lega tion at Port Au Prince is menaced, and a general massacre of the white residents of the island is feared At Stratford. Conn, thé turning of a rowboat by & sudden squall, Peter and Andrew la fathér and son, aged fifty and six teen, respectively, and Henry W, Ell also about fifty, all of part, were drowned, washed ashore While William J. Bryan ently foreclosed his mortgage United States for present, there are signe that a genuinely serious effort is to be made hour, hy over Croix son, has appar- on to check him and prevent his obtaip- | ing two-thirds of the democratic na tional convention in Denver. At Ottawa, a deputation from West ern Ontario waited on the minister of agriculture and midister of customs asking that the customs duty on fresh pork and hog products he inereased one cent a pound, %6 as to keep out American competition. The inerepsed rate of duty would bring the duty rates up to three and four cents a pound on fresh pork and hog pro- duets, respectively. Diplomats Will Not Leave. Port Au Prince, Hayti, March President Nord Alexis formally no tified the French consulate at Gen) vaes, to-day, that the accused Hayton revolulionists sheltered there must be ® fo him or he will, take them by £ . No ove believes the French diplomatic representatives will yield, 17 Blown To Pieces. Greensburg, Pa., March persons, composing all the wale bers of Postmaster Brown's family, ite at Acme, five miles east of . Plessani, All sre invited 10 Al Bridge. | Their bodies were | the democratic nomination | Creaza's| snd lol 1 O00) ROBERT J. REID, : The leading Undertaker: Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. | | We carry a complete line of Crosse and Blackwell's | Celebrated Jams | Peach Dawson Apricot | Cherry | Strawberry Black Currant Piom Greengege Gooseberry Pineapple Raspherry Red Currant Currant Raspberry and tlposeherry i Btrawberry and Geooscborry Piovagple and Apricot i Quince Marmalade, } das. Redden & Co, | Bmporters Of Fine Groceries. I z WOMEN BEHIND IT. {Responsible For Investigation Ini- | to Cause of Death, i Chicdgo, March 17. Mystery aur- | rounding the identity of persons re. {sponiible for an elaborate investigation {into the death of Lazarus Averbuch, { the afleged anarchist, who was killed {by Chief of Police Shippy, was cleared, Hast night, by the disclosure that the inven ation is being backed by Miss Jane Adame, widely known as the | bead of the Hull \House setiloment, jand by Mrs. Joseph T. Bowen and i Mew. Mary H. Wilmarth, both wealthy {nd wcially prominent. Mes. Bowen it the owner of a $25,000 lob house which ia part of the Hull' Housp eeg- thegent. She has a palatial home at Re Harbor, Mich. Miss Wilmarth was {Hormerly one of the Hull House tras i then and one of the best known sets i tlement workers in the country, Raspberry and "Wart Pencils" 16¢ removing un- tly warts. Bold in Kingston at Red Cross drag store. Phone 5. i. obi od 0 go wk \ \