Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1908, p. 2

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PAGE TWO. I THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1908. . a -- EE ---------- WILL MEET AT STRATFORD. THE SPORT REVIEW YMCA Workers to Convene | There Next Month. | ---------- The local ¥. M. €. A. workers have THE MICMACS BEAT THE received notice that the thirty sixth | annual convention of Young Men's! ¥ ROYALS . Christian Associations of Ontario and | TT T---- Quebec, wili be held at Stratierd on By 7 Goals to 2 and Woh the Wednesday and Thursday, April Sth! City Chanipionship--Ganan- and 9th. It will be a monster con-| 3 vention, and delegates will be ap-| oque to Play Frontenac Busi wness College Here: pointed to attend from Kingston. The ' women's 'auxiliaries of Omtario and! At the Kingston - rink, on Monday Quebec will meetin connection with } gvening, the Mic-Macs defeated the the convention, and will discuss gques- Royals by 7 goals 'to 2. The game tions of supreme importance. | was the outeome of a great deal of Among the speakers are : His Hon: | {alk as to which was the better team, or Sir Mortimer Clark, lieutenant-| and the 'contest last evening certain- governor of Ontario: Frederick B. {ly decided that the Mic-Macs were the Smith, of New York: Prof. A. L. Mc-| pest junior team in the city. The Crimmon, of Toranto. Dr. George J. game Ws for a side bet of $75, the Fisher, New York; I. A. Budge, Mont- | proceeds to/be given. fo a charitable real; T. H. Billings, international stu-| institution. dent secretary for Canada: J. M, Dud The ice was in very good condition ley, international railroad secretary! and. the game was fast and clean all for Canada; A. Cullens, provincial |throngh. In the first half the Royals county work secretary. bad a little the better of it, the score |at half time being 2 tol, in their THE NEW RULE. favor. In the second half the Mic- | Macs went out, hound to win, and in| lagded six goals while the Royals suc. VERY SIMPLE HOME COUGH MIXTURE Directions How to Make a Reliable and inexpensive Cough Cure. THE GITY FINANCES REPORT -OF~-AUDITOR = MILLER' PRESENTED To the City Council--Some In- teresting Information Given-- Light Plant Surplus Jast Year Was $1,411.38. City Auditor Miller's report was pre- seated to the city council last eveq- ing. Mr. Miller attached the follow- ing remarks : "This year's audit. as last, contains only one statement of taxes, viz, 1907, and when the roll is finally clos- ed there will only be about 00 up- paid. This manner of collecting taxes speaks for itself and shows the great savings effected for the city, "In my: report last year 1 called your attention to the paying of fines to the - jailer, and respectfully sug- gested that it should cease, and re- commended that when a prisoner is committed to jail for non-payment of fine, the party who afterwards pays it should pay it to the chief of police, their 'English brethren iu Canadian sports. The principal movers in this association comprise some of the most promigent Freneh-Canadians in = the city. - In a letter te Montreal basehall headquarters, Manager Casey, of the Royals, says that he will give a trial to "Knotty" Lee, the Toronto pitch- er. lee has pigghed good ball in the New England League and the Western Ontario League, in which circuit he managed the Brantford team, which finished third. Some years ago he also had a trial with the Toronto Eastern Leaguers, and is highly re- commended. He will be given the op- portunity of accompanying the team on the training trip. tet ENCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters .n Their Rounds. "Rocky Mountain Tea" is sold 'Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The steamer Windsor, in the M. T Co's slip, is being given a coat of paint. The postmen were Tnden with St. Patrick's day post cafds to-dav. Did you get one ? Y 50e. a THEG ARMY BANDSHEN To make up enough of the old- fashioned Tolene mixture, which has for vears been a reliable and simple cure for all forms of coughs, whooping * cough, colds and bron- chits. Procure from your druggist .-- Fluid extract % oz. Fluid extract ¥% oz. Elixir Tolene oz. Best rye whiskey oz. Take a dessertspoonful every two or three hours. Children in propor- tion. These well-known ingredients will not cost you much, and you can make eight ounces of a splendid cough mixture in your own home. =Dining Room Mayor Ross Performed a Pleasing Ceremony at the Salvation Army Barracks--Nearly Half the Required Money Raised: Last evening a large audience at- tended the Salvation Army barracks to hear Ensign Madele Wilson speak, and to witness the presentation of new instruments to the band by Mav- or Ross. The mayor was accompan- ied by Aldermen Angrove, Givens, Hoag, McCann and Nickle. The Civiv representatives received a hallelujah welcome from the bandsmen as they stepped upon the platform, at the close of Miss Wilson's address. Bri gadier Hargreaves, of Montreal, and Ensign Coy were in charge of = the meeting, and received the mavor and his colleagues. In introducing the mayor Brigadier Hargreaves spoke about the musical advance made by the Salvation Army. Licorice Cascara. , genuine bottle of 3 * Scott's Emulsion sold in all the countries of the world, g equals it to build up the weak and wasted bodies of youn, and old. All Druggists; 50c. and $1.00. at Lhange in Examination Form ~ Furniture A variety, $85. very large $7 to some un- sual values, at ¥12, $15 and $25, new, stylish and commodious China Cabinets or side designs, to $65 ¥ corner y fine $15, $22 up EXTENSION TABLES and DINING CHAIRS (60 match in shape and finish, ths largest variety we have ever shown. ~ Carpets For 1908 now in. Our English Stoek We have just passed through the Custom House and are BOW On our floors Watons, Brussels, Axminsters, Bal- Journls, Tapestries, ete, Curtains Just opennd up, from Austria and Switzerland. choles, all the newest. Repair work promptly done, Yours, T: F. Harrison Co., PHONE 90. England, handsome Spring » ® * \ * . . » o ° " e » ® . e ® ® ld ® ® e . ° w ® ® ® #* "» ° » . 4 * » * Md ° ° * » * *° » ® * » *® * . * * * » We are ready now to show yow Rugs and Carpets, in better values, softer colorings and an assortment as large a8 any Carpet House in Ontario. We would be pleased to show you the goods as you may need some at house- cleaning time, Br Axminsters, Wil. tons, Velvets, Tapestry, Wool, Union Hemps and Japan Matting. We have them all. R. McFaul Kingston 'Carpot Warehouse, oe Weoe00000sRGINROSROIOSY . ° . ° » " Tobe . . » - " " °o . * * . . ssensscensesccens Reeccece S00000000000 looking for a personal friend to go on your bond. You may be refused or if you suc ted you are made to indeb! and the police magistrate, upon such payment being made, should issue a release to be given to the jailer. This would result in having all money for fines in the hands of the chief of po- lice, "The city officials' bonds are in full force with the United States Fidelity and Guarantee company. "The sinking fund investment ac- count now amounts to $105,005.41, and ample provision is being made from year to year for the payment of the local improvements debentures. "I am pleased to he able to say that no illegal grants were made this year." The auditor's that the debenture debt on December 3st, 1907, including debentures authorized under by-law, but not yet issued, $1,228 713.92. loss sinking fund, $104 500.71; actual amount, 8$1,124,204.18. Of this amount 5 repwesents the issues on ac. count of the light and waterworks sys- tems. The interest and payments on these accounts are provided for hy the water and light rates. The net debt of the city is, therefore, $618,829.18, The city revenue last voar was 8187. 090.58; expenditure, $190,663.42. _ de- ficit, 33,672.84. The amount of un- controllable taxes, which will be fin- ally written off, will have to be added to the above deficiency. The waterworks revenue last year was $38,986.60; expenditure, including payment on debenture and interest ac- count for the year, $30,370.48. trans- fer to rest account, $2,000; excess of revenue over expenditure, $6,616.12, Light department revenue for last year, 875,741.64; expenditure, including payments on debenture and interest, $74,330.26; balance of revenue over ex- penditure, $1,411.38, Anything To Be Healed ? Whenever any kind of a healing ap- plication is required, use Wade's Gint- ment. You will then be dure you have used the best possible remedy. It should be kept in every house as a cure for wounds or skin affections. Cures ecze- ma, salt rheum, scaly or itching erup- tions of the skin, pimples, blotches, dandruff, ete. In big boxes, 25¢c. at Wade's Drug Store. report shows To Be Commandants. It is ramored in military circles that Lieut.-Col. Oscar C. Pelletier, at pres- ent holding the position of chief staff officer to Col. Buchan, of the Quebec command, and son of Sir Alphonse Pelletier, is to ae the new com- mandant of the citadel at Quebec, in succession to Col.: Rutherford. Lieut.- Col. Dunbar, the assistant adjutant- general, is spoken of as likely to be- come commandant at Kingston, The worldfamed Nuware Eliya, conceded to be the finest tea-growing district in the Island of Ceylon, pro- duces the tea packed in the air-tight lead packets of "Salada," which on account of its delicious strength makes it necessary to use a much smaller quantity than you would of bther teas, Clark Turner has disposed of his new cheese factory at Junetown to J. W. Hannah, of Athens. Mr. Tur- ner intends devoting his time to farm- ing. Have no equal as 'a prompt and positive cure for sick headache, bili- ousness, constipation, pain in the side, and all liver troubles. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try them, Pierce's Favorite Prescription and Golden Medical Discovery are sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, James Shaver died at his home on the river front, just below Cardinal, on Thursday of last week. He had lived all his life in Edwardsburg. HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any Case of Catarrh that cammot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known ¥. J, Cheney for the last 15 years, and belleve him perfectly honurable "tn all business t tions and fnancially able to carry out any obligations made his m, by " WALDING, KINNAN aN RVIN, A , Obvio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interna.- ly, acting directly w blood wand mucous surfaces of system. Testi Price 75 cemts per monials sent free. ke Hall's for consti- patios 1H fire : g £ i fh University. In view of the action of the educa- tion department regarding the accept- ance of the certificate from the prin. cipal of an "approved school" in lien of formal examinations in English grammar and arithmetic, and the dif- ficulty of extending the privileges of the "approved school" to schools not under governmental inspection, the fol- lowing regulation was adopted for the examinations of 1908 : "That the unj- versities do not require examinations in Fnglish grammar and arithmetic, but that candidates who pass satis- factory examinations in algebra and geometry and in English composition and literature be considered to have fulfilled university requirements in arithmetic and English grammar." In this regulation Varsity, Queen's and McMaster Universities concur, WAS GIVEN A CHANCE. A Lad Who Stole From Employer. A seventeen-year-old lad admitted in police court, this morning, stealing from his employer. The charge was that of stealing three boxes of cigars, but as it was his first appearance in the police court, and as he had vever been ig trouble of this kind before, he was allowed 10 go on suspended sen- tence. He was given some timely ad- vice by the magistrate. A drunk was fined $2 and costs, or twenty days. Two Energetic Members, Canadian Freeman. lhe renomination of Hon, William Harty and Edw, J, B, Pense as the liberal candidates for Kingston in the house of commons and the legislative assembly respectively, is practically their election, as both gentlemen are invincible in an election contest both have very large interests in the city, and it cannot be gainsaid that the employment their institutions give to a large portion of our citizens is one of the great features of King- ston's prosperity and the keeping of our population at a satisfactory rate, compared with other Canadian cities, as proved by the recent census. We can lay claim to the record of having two of the most energetic members of parliament in Canada, in Hon. Wil- liam Harty and Edw. .J. B. Pense, and the. electors of this city will show on election day that they will not tolerate a change of representa- tives either at Ottawa or Toronto, Death Of J. A. Aylesworth. John Albert Aylesworth passed away on Monday morning at his re- sidence, Cataraqui, after a lingering illness, The deceased, who was a but- cher by trade, was well known jn the city and vicinity, where he made many friends. He was just forty years old, passing away on the fortieth an- nivorsary of his birth, The deceased was for many years a township coun- cillor and last year was reeve of Kingston township and county coun- cillor. The sincerest sympathy of a host of friends is extended to his wife and family in their bereavement. Help Miss Hyatt. Miss May Hyatt on Thursday night will have to send to the Montreal Herald her final returns in the old country contest, To reach fifth place, Miss Hyatt will require generous help. Any who wish to subscribe to the Herald for a couple of years in ed- vance would confer a favor upon the local representative in the race by sending her word. before Thursday. Every - subscription will send her ahead by 3,000 votes. She will Ter quire about 500 more subscriptions to win out. 8 ---------- B. A. dotel Arrivals. F, -E. Johns, H. Diplock, W. G. Davidson, R, A. Same, George M. Webster, Mantreal: Gporge Francis Beaudry, R. E. Thompson, Jr., New York; W. H. Davy, J. Lang, E. F. Stiles, J, W. Barrington, R, P. Baz rington, A. Lang, W. L. Kerr, J. W. Moore, Edwar! Morhimore, F. Ticlcu- man, Toronto; M. A. Mackinnon, Hali- fax; A. W. Taylor and wii ew Rogers, Gananoque; Thomas A. ster, Lansdowne; P. J. Lee, Jlelleville; W. F. Kirby, Oil City; H. Martin, Ab erdeen, Doctors Highly Delighted. . a They say for fattening and nourish- ing, thing excels the pure "So- ciete" Olive Oil, which we import di- rect from France. We have it in seal ed bottles, fresh from Sunny Nice, 30c., 50c. and $1 per bottle at Wade's drug he Has Left Delta. Delta Pilot. Dr. J. G. Creeggan, and family hav moved ta Portia , The doctor has i very suc. Sheu eighties Jory 5 ie merous every shicoess | ceeded His | in Kingston, and deservediy so, as they in getting only one. The teams lined up as follows : Mic-Macs (7)--Saunders, goal: Cherry point; Lemmon, cover; Metcalfe, . rov= er; Houghtot, centre; Dowsley and Cooke, wings, Royals (2)--Kennedy, goal; Nichol- son, point; McKenzie, cover; M. Ains- lee, rover: NH Ainslee, centre; Boyd and Muckler, wings. Referee--""Senator" Powell. To Meet St. James'. Joseph Reid's Midgets will play the St. James' team at the covered rink, on Wednesday night. The St. James' are champions of' the junior City League, and the Midgets think they can give them quite a go. The Mid- gets will line up : Williams, goal; Lov- ett, point; McCainmon, cover; Grattan, rover; Moran, centre; Reid and Mac- donnell, wings, -- Decide The Championship. The Tigers, of Gananoque will play their return game with the Frontenac Business College here on Wednesday night in the finals of the St. Law- rence River league. This should make one of the best junior games of the season. The teams have mét before and are evenly matched. Sporting Notes. Brantford rejects International Base- ball League 'proposition. Guelph is favorable to it. George Hackenschmidt, 'the. Russian Lion," has arrived in New York, yes- terday, to wrestle Brank Gotch = in Chicago on Apiil 3rd for the world's championship. After eleven years in the Eastern Baseball League, Pitcher John J. Pappalau is going back. He will start the season with New Haven, of the Connecticut League. , The Eastern Baseball League season will open on Wednesday, April 22nd, instead of Thursday, the following day, as originally intended by Presi- dent P, T. Powers, London is ready for the Interna- tional Baseball League, composed of London, Mamilton, Guelph, Niagara Falls, N.Y., Lockport and another American city. 'Hamilton is just waiting. Malachi Kittridge, who will manage Scranton next season, says that the chief reason for his Montreal failure was that Franhy/ Farrell would not spend money Lo strengthen weak spots evident soon after the season opened. Hans Wagner, one of the world's greatest baseball players, will not be in the game this season. In a letter to President Barney, Dreyfuss, of the Pittsburg Club, with which team Wag- ner has played since 1597, the re- nowned shortstop says the game has become too str spuous for him. Single seats re old as high as 8125 for the Burns-Roche fight, to: day, in Dublin, showing that there is still some mouey in" Ireland, and that the Canadian "champion is the mag- net." Still, "Jack" Johnson believes that $5,000 for him to £30,000 for Burns is not the correct inducement to get into the ring, or maybe it was the proximity .of battle that gave the colored man cold feet. There is a move on foot among the French-Canadian element of Moutreal to supply the need of a new associa- tion to take in lacrosse, baseball, hoe- key and other branches of sport. They say that if something is not done to elevate sport an mg the French peo- ple that they will | never class with March Prices On This is the season when many take colds and chills. Protect yoursell with a good Fur Coat or set of furs or both. It will pay you to buy for next season at t prices we offer now. For instance : Alaska Sable Scarfs, with he wd ib, Si tals, 2 now $11 lly match $8 t0 $10). 5 » are 10. y . "Radway's Blood Purifier," bottle, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. I'hone 230. As a result of last night's cold spell, the harbor is in fine shape for ice boating, and skating is also very good, A Yankee girl had traveled far, She went to gay Parece, She rivaled all the heautics there, She used Hollister's Rocky Moun- tain Tea. Prof. Dyde, of Queen's, will address the annual meeting of the Queen's Alumni Association of Hamilton on March 20th. "De Miracle" removes superfluous hair in five minutes. Sold in King- ston only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, This St. Patrick's day is unusud). Frequently the streets have been dusty in years past the memor able occasion. We invite the citizens of Kingston to view our crystal window, and our new importations of brackets and chandeliers, on display in our store, Our prices beat Toronto and Montreal. Newman & Spriggs Electric Co, 79 Princesy street. Rev, Dr. Crummy declares that most of the miracles recorded in the Bible can be accounted for hy natural phenomena, and not to supernatural means, Pain can be quickly stopped. A 25 cent box of Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets will kill any pain, everywhere, in 20 minutes ! Besides they are thor- oughly safe. Painful periods with women, neuralgia, ete., quickly cease after one 'tablet. All dealers. Paterson & Son, Edinburgh, have forwarded a half dozen pieces of music to the Whig. They are Scottish fa- vorites and are decidedly popular in tune and conception. Tickling or dry coughs will loosen when using Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else, even for very young bab- ies. The wholesome green "leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mouy- tainous shrub give the curative pro- perties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sensi- tive bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. All dealers. on Proper Care Taken. G. Sudds, 'of Simcoe Island, com- plained to Mr. McCammon, harbor master, that men had opened the ice on the bush road, running from Breck & Booth's slip, to Simcoe Island, and that as a result, traffic was made very dangerous. Wlen spoken to about the complaint, Mr. McCammon said that the ice was being eut a good distance away from the road, and that he did Wot consider that there was any dan- ger. The road had been properly bushed, and all the necessary. care was being taken. a At The Princess. The Princess theatre was crowded to the doors last night, the hill being the best provided by the management this season. '"T'he Hebrew And His Pack," a very funny comedy sketek, was a special attraction, and besides there was 2,340 feet of film, showing a fine line of pictares. The pictures showing scenes at local bargain coun fers were very amusing George Hammond sang in splendid voice, "Blow The Smoke Away," from "Ihe Time, the Place and The Girl," the il lustrations being exceedingly fine, A Bad Church Sidewalk. The sidewalk on Karl street, near Chalmers church, is in a very danger ous condition and something should be done at onee to remedy it. 'The snow has been shovelled off the roof until it leaves only about half the walk clear, and from Clergy to Barrie streets the walk is covered with oe, slippery as glass. On Monday after noon a young lady fell there and had to be assisted to her home, and last evening an elderly gentleman fell in the same place and was badly shaken up. Leaving For Toromto. The many friends of Miss. Mabel Clarke will be worry to hear of her leaving the city to take a position as copper piater with Ryrie Bros, Toronto. She leaves on Thursday. Her friends wish her success in ber bew position. She is an experienced copper plate printer and has been with the Jackson Press for the last two years, Brought To A Close. There will be no normal class at Se TALL building on Thursday night, the series having been brought to a close. The -- held week during the winter . attended, and ha In the younger days of the Army the hands were not what they now are Then, the object was to produce loud music that would attract a crowd Now a very difierent class of musie is required, The Salvation Army manufactures its own music and band instruments, and they are of the best. The brigaofer referred to the fact that all Salvation Army bandsmien = were bound by regulations issued by Gene ral Booth. They all had to conform to Salvation Army methods. He con. gratulated the local band upon its proficiency and upon the suecess of its endeavors to acquire the best of instraments. The band was a "eredit to the Kingston corps. Mayor Ross said it 'was a great pleasure for him to take part in the ceremony of presenting the new instru ments to the bandsmen The Salva tiog 'Army, he said, had been a force forfgood wherever it worked. In opinion the man whose name would stand out foremost in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in British his tory as an empire builder would he that of General Booth, the comman- der<in-chief of the Salvation Army The citizens of Kingston, he said, ap preciated the work done here by the Army, and wished it continued sue cess in the days to come. The mayor then handed the various instruments to the bandsmen who were to them. He said he couldn't play one himself, but thought that Ald. El liott might make an impression on the Ald. Angrove on the cornet, Ald. Graham on the trombone and Ald. Nickle on the little drum. (Laughter). The mayor was applaud ed as he concluded his remarks. Brigadier Hargreaves then announc- ed that the instruments had to oe paid for, the cost bwing = $512. of this amount the band had $10 saved from various collections. The audience was canvassed' for subseriptions and in a short time about $125 was pro mised. The citizens generally will be called upon to add to this amount and no doubt there will be a liberal response. The Army hand, under the leadership of Mr. Christmas, is doing excellent work, and with its new instruments will play sweeter music than ever before. Subscriptions will be kindly received hy Secretary John Mayell, 262 Sydenham street north, his use bass, Sprihg Importations Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received three cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, serves, cheviots and vicapas. "A great variety of them to choose from. Looking For Work, sailor from Rochester, in search of work, was given protection at the police tation, last night, He said that he had been promised work as soon as navigation ppened, avd had decided . to. remain in Kingston. The sailors" union will give him assistance A "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King." The death took place in Canifton, Monday morning, of one of the oldest and most highly respected "pesidents of the township of Thurlow, Peter Gonsolus, aged eighty-eipht years and nine months E15 ONLY ONE SORE WAY your dealer for C. M.C. HoseSupporters and see that the letters "C. MLC." Don't let the dealer substitate one of 'the many imitations. C.H.WestTwoopaCo. Lowen Manuracrunens Yononro Table and Whipping CREAM GLOVER'S, FURS THIS MONTH FROM W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Exclusive Fubrier. We vay Cash for all kinds of Raw Furs. When in need of a Relialle Tlweplece, lot us sho our special Black amelled lron Clock, excellent (visible) ment, Porcelaine Dial and Bevelled Plate Glass Front Wa can positively recom- mend this Clock, and it is suitable for either dining room or parlor, SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Optician ISSUERS OF MARRI- AGE LICENSES. 850 King Street. Phone 6686. RENOIR] CURES ALL CouGHs ALWAYS, AND costs But [5% Received TO-DAY a shipment of the celebrated Feather Silk Petticoats in Black. admired by Ladies. The garment so much They Silk, have the of wear the rustle, and sold at the price 6f a good Sateen! Only $2 each. A better neath protection $2.75, all sizes in stock. Ask to see the values. we. are offering in White Dnderskirts, at ¥ and ------ 49c. to $4.50 Each. appearance better, will not cut, retain ganuent with ander. Flounce, for from

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