Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1908, p. 4

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------ en 8 If you intend to build, our fi expert advice at your dis- posal. "We have practical men who can help you to Save money, * At the same time we will be pleased to show you our stock of Builders Suppis | which includes Brick Cement, Lath, Shingles, Asphalt, Roofing, Joisting, Studdine, Sheating, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Moulding, ete. 8. ANGLIN & C0. Office, Factory and Yards, Cor. Wellington and Bay streets, 'A COUGH COLD IS DANGEROUS. Whore are differest kinds of solds, and we ous ways in which they affect differen people. Bome sonatitations Endorsed by the Leading Insurance Companies, adopted hy the %. 5. Gove tment and principle Cities, Railroads, Hotels, etc., throughout the U. S. and Canada. in Aways ready, chemichls, which do as much dam as five, reid pon frevue or clog. Price, Agents botl. contadng no liquid at liv prices. chines ay pay. | THE WHIG, 75th YEAR - DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 806 no oH street, Kingston, 1ario, ith 4 o'clock p.m. Bien ni is pub pecs on, Mogiap and rity wire be made Soc. for Daily: of the best Job Printing work; nine im na, Sh, a3 ep b Whig Publish Le Wig on L Ba Daily Whig. A CONSPIRACY OF OFFICIALS, Hon. Mr. Haggart, blaff old man, has the faculty of saying some things that. do not please his party. When Mr. Foster was leading"in the late obstruction of business, wasting the time of the house for three davs, at a cost of many thousands of dollars, Mr. Haggart protested. He did not see any benefit in it. Me was weary of it. Again, on Friday, when the house was discussing the bill which provides for an enlargement of the railway commission, he smiled as the leading | a year ago to look into the 50. bor unprofitable. members of the opposition surcested that 'the appointments should be non- political in their character. In this special plea, Mr. Borden led. Mr. Haggart could not refrain from saying w few words, He was amused, as be had a right to be, by the eri- ticismge of his friends, by the advice which they so unostentatiously tender- ed to the government. "It is all very well," said he, "lo talk about non- partizan appointments when a party is in opposition, but when it is in power, and has not enough patronage to go around let alone enough to share it with its opponents, these ideals do not carry much weight." Mr. Haggart has before him a pie- ture of what My. Whitney is doing in Toronto. He is firing all the office holders he can, and he whbuld as soon think of committing suicide as of ap- pointing any liberal to a place at his command. The liberals of Ottawa have Been very gopd to the conservaiives, have appointed some and promoted others, and it has been rewarded, by the con- spiracies of the men it has tried to trust. Public officials should be out of politics, and when they do not un- derstand the value of neutrality they should be shown the door. A CRISIS IN ENGLAND. The speech of Lord Roseberry, in the lords, and in opposition to the ex- treme socialism of the day, bad a marked effect on the "right to work" bill which was rejected in the com- mons on the next day. Times are hard in England: Many thousands of men are unemployell. ~The distress in consequence is very great, ' But there is a limit to what the state can do, and 'it was felt that the socialists were asking far too much. These extremists are represented in parliament more strongly than at any time in the history of England. In some respects they are reasonable, and in some respects very unreason- They have sympathy with the unemployed, but not so much, genuinely, as the labor leaders who have struggled for years in the inter est of the cause. A commission was appointed about work- houses of the old land, and the mem- bers of it have collected information which must: be helpful in framing new legislation or in revising legislation which snow 'exists. Meanwhile, the so- cialists rushed forward their remedial measure. They advocated work for all, and if it could not be sufiplied by private enterprise the state would have to erect its shops, hire its men, and pay them union weges. It mattered not that there was indication as to what the work should be, necessary or unnecessaty, profitable It was enough to or- der that the people with income and wages should provide for those whe had neither, that the state resolve itseli into a great family compact with a forosa and Ginoqual sharing of each other's means. * Lord - Roseberry delaimed against such a contingency. So did the li- beral and most of the labor leaders. 80 did as many of the conservative loaders as dared to face the issue. The nationalists, the socialists, and some of the | labourites voted against it, and the vin was rejected by a ma- able. no THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1908, MUST ADOPT SANE METHODS. Mr. Borden must have returned to Ottawa, alter that visit to the Mont- réal's Junior Couservative Club, in a disturbed condition of mind. He had gone to the commercial metropolis to drop a few words of wisdom, and he heard a few which he carried away as food for thought. The speaking, on the occasion, was done by the leader of the party, Dr. Schafner, MP., Mr. Ames, M.P., and Rufus Pope, ex-M.P. All of them pic- tured the outlook of the party in very glowing terms. It was recalled that Hon. Horace Mercier, a French- man, had been' defeated in Quebec by Frenchmen; and so it was possible, by a mighty and heroic efiort, which some of those present thought they could make, to defeat Laurier. "The dark cloud," says the Montreal correspon- dent of the Toronto World, "to the light engendered by the hopeful speeches of the leader and his friends was furnished by the eloquent Mr. Sevigny, who opposed Hon. Charles Devlin. in Nicolet. He resembles very much Sir Wilfrid Laurier, possesses all the premier's mannerisms and he told them that they would never win until they went to work and perfected their organization. They might dine till doomsday and make speeches till the cows come home, yet they would al- ways be defeated till they commenced to adopt sane methods to carry elec tions." : It is possible that Mr. 'Sevigny gave some idea of what he meant by "sane methods," but it is not likely. The party "did not meet for the purpose of swapping ideas on that point. Besides was not the exponent of business sys. { tems, Mr. Ames, present, and he knows all about the card cases and the man- ner of manipulating them. Mr. Sa- vigny, however, has had an experience that is worth recouniing, and the par- ty, some day, if not now, may be glad to bear it. EDITORIAL NOTES, The salary of the leader of the opposition is again under criticism. What is the matter'? - Some one is jealous or envious ! Nr. the Con- ------ Cardwell and Monck, which Whitney thought of rubbing off electoral map, may stand. descension or compulsion, which ? The World demands a royal com- mission to get at all the facts in con- nection with the power question. It may be the salvation of Mr. Beck, "Ontario," says Collier's, "can take a lot of Niagara power, but Adam Beck hasn't delivered any to her yet." He hopes to--alter the next election. The American battleships are going around the world so that other na- tions may have a chance to see how defective they are when compared with a modern armada. The leaders of the Development com- pany which the Whitney government is fighting and attempting to "crush, are conservatives. The premier poses as the man with the club. H the government of Ontario were going into the gemeration of power, in the pame of the people, would pri- vate companies have spent their mil- lions in competitive schemes ! ' Surely not, An American paper 'says that any college than cannot teach journalissn must be defective in some sense. Not necessarily. A college confers scholar- ship or develop it. A printing of- fice confers experience, and no journal- i%¢ was ever made without jt, Cuba'y Electors Total 419,000. Havana, March 17.--The electoral census is complete and so far as itis concerned the elections may be held at any time. The results are very satisfactory. The figures fail to in- dicate any crookedness or padding, The census shows that there are 419,- 000 qualified electors on the island, Money Or Your Life. Chicago Daily News. Lireen--"'Un the strength of yolir as- aefiion that you would trust Windig wi our life, I loaned him $10 and now I can't get it back." Brown-- "Now, why did you say you would trust him with your life ¥' Brown-- "Oh, that's different. Windig's a dead- beat all right, but he is not an as- . * sassin."' To Cure, Scalds, Burns. Nothing can possibly give better re- sults than Dr. Hamilton's ointment. It draws out the pain, destroys in- tion, fives ease and hot Lin one ication. In every case of skin a Pica! surest cure is Dr. Hamil- ton's Owntment. Try it. GRAND OPERA HOUSE The Flay a Strong One--Presented By An Excellent Company-- Miss Bingham Prefers Her Role in This Play to All Others. Only a fair-sized audience, not near- ly as large as the production deserved, greeted Amelia Bingham at the Grand Opera House, last evening. Miss Bing bam presented "The Climbers," one of the strodgest plays from the pen of the well-known Clyde Fitch. The play was one of the best seen on a local stage in some time, and was present ed by a company of competent play- ers. "The Climbers" is a New York society play, aud deals with the am- bitions of some to get into society, and the length they will go to accom- plish it, and the ambition of others to get rich quick, and the lengths they will go, unthinkingly, to accom- plish their ends, even to the betray- ing of the trust of their dearest friends and relations. The play ix made up mostly around Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stirling. The husband is a fairly successful lawyer and broker, but with a great desire to be rich, a desire that becomes go great, that he forgets, and takes a step, which he can never retrace. He uses the funds of his relatives and of his friends, who have relied on him, and wheh the crash comes he tries to get out. He is aided by another broker, & college chum, who, although he knows that his chum is no good, does it for the sake of his friend's wife. As Mrs. Stirling, Miss Bingham was seen in one of her best roles, one of the roles she likes the best, and has played the longest. Last evening was the first time that Miss Bingham ever appeared in Kingston, and she has made herself a lasting favorite with local - theatre-goers. "Mrs. Stirling" is a part that gives the star ample opportunities. Her work in the se- cond and third acts was excellent, es- pecially the scene where she found her husband was a thief, and swore to stand by and aid him. Gordon Ed- wards, as "Richard = Stirlin~" hand- led a hard part in a creditable man- ner. Byron Douglas, as "Edward Warden," the friend of the family, was all that could be desired. His por- trayal of a good friend, one who will stick by when in sunshine or sorrow, s of the highest order. Next to Miss Bingham, Mise Jane Gordon, as "Miss Julia. Godesks: carried away the honors. She proved herself a talented actress, hy her work all through the play. Mise Jane Wheatley gave a true portraval of Miss Hunter," the maiden aunt, and Miss Adelym Wesley, was as good as Miss Hunter, mother of Mys. Stirling. The minor parts were all in capable hands, The company was beautifully cos. tumed, the gowns worn by Miss Bing- ham and Miss Gordon being the most noticeable. The scenery carried was of the best and true to the scenes it represented. The scene at' the Hermit age was exceptionally: good. -- Jane Corcoran Coming. The character of Nora in "A House, probably has dope more to bring the avera, wife 10 a realiza- tion of the selfis of man than any other play that ever has heen written. Nora is a character peculiar to her self. In no other play is there a char- acter like her, self-sacrificing, ready to dare all for the man she loves, the man who made her a butterfly, a doll, yet who in a moment of disappoint ment learns more than she did ia all the other years of her life. A woman who one mamient js loving, motherly and kind, the next, hard, indifferent to her fate or her childran's, such is the character Ibsen drew in "A Doll's House," in which Miss Jane Corcoran will appear at the Grand, on Wednes- day, March 18th, in the part of Nora, Miss Corcoran, one of the youngest stars on the American stage, has been procldimed the ideal Nurs; "in that she so truly portrays the character of the soul stirred woman against whom the Fates seem to play, Doll's Kathryn Osterman. "The Girl Who Looks Like Me," fairly bubbles with eomedy of the sort that appeals to every class of theatre patrons. It is easily one hundred per cent. of unalloved comedy, presented by magnificent Kathryn Osterman, as- sisted by her famous sister; Anna Bel- mont, and a flawless supporting com- pany. The gowns gdisplaved by Miss Osterman and, Miss Belmont are real confections of Parisian modes and will be the envy of Kingston femininity at the Grand on Thursday, March 19th. ------------ NEVER TASTED WHISKEY. Rockefeller Says Prohibition is a Good Thing. Augusta, Ga., March 16.--"1 am an old man. and | am glad to say 1 gever tasted whiskey," John 1), Rockefeller made this state ment to a newspaper man. He talked freely on the subject of rohibition, He regarded it "as a good thing to keep liquo. away from the negroes and lower Ah of whites." "Lknow many problems to be ids ion with this great question, hut in the end 1 think it will be best for the state," 'he said, indieating his view - with refer- there are d in SPIRIT OF THE PRESS Gets What He Wants. Guelph Mercury Gen. Stoessel is deserving of one of two things--dgath, or a niche in the Hall of Heroes. So It Seems. Toronto News. . C. N. Smith draws attention to large fees paid to conservative lawyers by the -Ontario government. Mr. Smith evidently has no pity for a hunger that had lasted thirty-four years, Gambling Spirit, Montreal Witness. In. the unholy wars of "getting something for nothing' Mindreds per- ish or come to shame. Tt is so in horse-racing, in bridge, in lotieries, in stock speculating, in all of what are called "games of chance," There's A Limit. Hamiltoz Times. Whitney will go on taxing incomes of even 8300 from invested savings, having refused a, bill to exempt such. When a government begins to increase its takings from the people at the rate of $1,000,000 a year, its hunt for taxes becomes keen. Dropped The Party. Exchange. The Earl of Dudley, who was Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland under the toty ministry of 1902-05, has publicly cut himself adrift from the British opposi- tion. He dissents entirely from its policy of coercion for Ireland, and says the solution of the Irish question is to be found in remedying all real grievances. That is the aim of the lib- eral party, and Dudley, says it will have the support ol a majority of the British pedple. Literary Notices. Charles M, Pepper will describe, in April Scribner, the wonderful tide of commerce through the Suez canal, showing how the Orient has already obtained a big ocean trade on its own account. Japan has a fleet of merchantmen plying - through the ca- nal. r a Beatrix Demarest Lloyd has written several novelettes for the Smart Set, but her latest story, 'I'he White Stain," in April issue, will be most popular of gil. The opening scenes are in ltaly, Whither ra young English artist has gone to paint. There he meets a beautiful Italian girl. The story then shifts to Paris, where the real drama begins, and a delicate yet strong situation is handled with eon- summate art. Richard Harding Davis has devoted 80 much time to writing plays that it 48 years since he has written a novel, Seribner"s Magazine announces that in April number he will begin a serial en: titled "Vera, the Medinm,"" One of the charactors is a district attorney, and another is an aged millionaire who is being induced to part with his money. Vera will be a fascinating and charming character, The movement fo separate the town- ship of Front of Leeds and Lansdowne has been dropped. A Toilet Luxury Mira Skin Soap is a delight to every woman who values a soft, beautiful skin. Mira Skin Soap takes away all skin irritations -- cares skin troubles and ki the skin clear and smooth, Elegantly perfumed -- refreshing -- unsurpassed for toilet and bath. ~~ or sent on receipt of price Fhe Che a Canada, Limited, RADE MARK REGISTERED. bosomed shirts, No trouble of this kipd is ever experienced with a Tooke . " VOOKE BROTHERS, Laero. MONTREAL | Fo i HE, De : oc NEY 7 cl CO000 INOOCO0000 Many men come here with all their Cloth- ing wants, because they are sure. Sure that the style is right. Sure that the fabrics are wool and that they are choice patterns from the best looms. 5 Sure that the garments are made in clean shops, by expert workmen. Sure that they have paid the lowest price for which clothing of equal excellence can be bought anywhere. Sure that, if anything goes wrong, we'll right the error at once, without a mur- mur, + SUITS See our Spepial $15 Fancy Worsted Suits. See our Silk-Faced Overcoats, $15. THE H. D. BIBBY GO. CLOTHIERS: 00000000000 000000000 ICIIO FASHIONABLE | 3 : : : | Q 00000000000 00000000000 OOOO O0000000V000000O0 0000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000 SALE OF FURNITURE During March. A few lines of Mission Furniture, suitable for Dens, at special prices. Plate Racks, regular price, $4.50, for $1.50. Iron Beds, from $2.50 to 25. Marshall Sanitary and Ostermoor Combination Buffetts, from $25 to $75. Solid Mahogany Bedroom Furniture, big reduction Parlor Sett, in Solid Mahogany. $1.25 for $1.00 $85 for $75, 3-Pieces Mahogany Sett, from $25 to $45, at .R. J. REID, £30 Princess street. Mattresses, at Sale Prices, Phone, 77. om = ---- -_ _ . _-- EE -- The 20th Century Policy issued by the Canada Life Assurance Company fits into any case requiring life insurance. Before placing your insurance correspond with, or call into the office, where full information how a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you, AGENTS NID w=e<A pply--Office; 18 Market 8t. J. O, HUTTON; Manager, Kingston, Ont. DO OCTOO0TO0000000000000 0OGGO000000 OOOTGO00000 THE LAST CHANCE This week will be the latest that we will sell Men's $5.00 Tarr Calf Bluchers at $3.97. We are unable to secure any more of them, so don't delay. $3.97 For This Week Only Abernethy's : Where. gi) the Boys got their Tan Boots,

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