THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1908. . ' PAGE FIVE aaa (DONT RUSH MARKET... ce. or mee JUDGMENT GIVE rm WE ANNOUNCE OUR SPRING The Mode of Life of Mrs. Hetty Green. Centres. 1 LEGISLATIE ASSEMBLY Sra nes cour J 5 er WASTARNEE, To dome tr S58 Use) MILLINERY OPENING living in a ¥23 a sith, Moboken Bat, ! hogs were offered for sale at the Point and restricting her table expenses | Those Holding Partially Paid Up St. Charles stockyards this {orenven. FOR RE PLE org to the Salvation Army # CTION Bringing Out Immigrants | 35 a week. After battling with ho ! Shares Will Have to Pay Up { Trade was good while the prices have : { an upward tendency all round. Prime zied financiers throughout the day she to Rank As Regular Share-| When So Many Brought Pe- secks the companionship of the jani- | N beeves, suid at Oc. to near Ofc. per : fore Are Unemployed. tor's family at night. "The Barrachev | holders. mee | 1. pretty good cattle, dc. to mear Toronto, March 17.---The Canadian | is the high- sounding title Of ghe row! |. Toronto, March I7.-- Judgment was! 3c., and the common stack Jc. 10 near 'gency «flimited), of London, Eng of flat houses on Washington street, | given, this mething, by Referee George | dc. per lo. ' Calves sold at from 3 : j ax h ds _ connected with the banking Hoboken, where Mrs. Green and her| Kappele regarding class eight of theiat 34 each, or dc. to" Gc. per ib, The candidate's public duties | firm of Chaplin, Milug & CGrenfel, jin | daughter reside. With a small dog | York Loans &laims. Class eight in-| Sheep sold at about Sie. par 1b., and will prevent a systematic canvass, | {he weshly, gircalar may in a specigl | for 4 companion they occupy a flat) cluded all boldets of fully or pprtislly | lambs at 6ic. per Ib. Good lots of rote : "There appears little doubt that | on the fourth floor of No. 1,207. One | paid permanent stock, and the refer-|fat bogs soid at B5ic. to 6c. per ib. Will old friends, and many new | he tendency 2 all Canadian papers, | hundred and thirty-nine other tenants | ence was to determine qualification as| Joseph Richard bodght four prime supporters kindly reserve their | Totely, has been to indicate that Lon- | occupy the row, paying rents that! to their liability as contributories or | steers at $1.60 per iw Ibe, three average between ¥22 and ¥25 per their right to rank as clsimants. jealves at ule. per lb. and a Young 'on has -an insatiable appetite for ; pledges for his benefit ? ¥ anaciah weetrities, This appetite by | month. Mrs. Green has lived in the] The judgment stated that the per-| lamb for $1u, or near 2c. per lb. ! ro medns exists and we cannot too | building for eight years, excerpt dur-| manent shares are legal and the} Chicago, March 16.--Cattle, receipts D . | strongly urge Canada to go slowly | ing the summer, when she goes to the | amounts' should be accounted for. | 25,000; steady; beeves, $4.25 10 26.30; Learn ressmaking at) with their issues on this market, snd | country. During that time she gives! Most of the stockholders had not | Teghns, $4.10 to $4.9: cows and heil- : Kingston i to offer London nothing but first-class | up her flat and trusts to luck to get! paid up over fifty per cont of the sub-| ers, $2 to $5.35; westerners, $1 to 35. . securities, in order to avoid the pos- | another when she retarns for she de-fseribed amount. Those who have paid | stockers and feeders, 8 to 8. Hogs--Recvipts, 55,600. five coats Personal Instructions or by Mall | ibility of the fuilure of an issue which | clines. to pay rent for twogresidences!in full will rank as ordinary share- We tench everything frome measuring to | might check for some time the confi- | at the same time. Living on the| holders, but these who have not will] lower; light, $4.40 to $1.67 5: mired, finish {rons the pleinest Shirt Waist Suit [denen which is being so well establish- | fourth floor is not entirely to her sa-| have to pay up the amount in ar-| $4.40 to 31.92}. heavy $4.40 to $4.7 dy the I labaes rs ph Me 4 ed in Cavhdian investments." tisfaction, for shq ix getting old and| rears before they can rank as regular| rough, $4.40 to $4.50; pigs, $3.75 w 5 Pp out : On x : t : » > x the im "Dut a iter 8 RES A depnfatio 3 of the wnerpployed finds Sitiwulty in sinking the, stairs; sharehobers. Clans sight includes 2 $1. 3B; bulk of sales, $4.60 10 $4. £5. Dreswes, etc. We have taught over 7.000 | waiter upon PFromiey pitney, this | bu price sails r anc ha 151300 shareholders ane amount o Sheep--Receipts, 15,000, g: rong; na: in suis way within the pant 5 oi morning, to ask that work be found the Best consideration. Notwithstand $256,000, of unpaid stock, tive, $3.55 to $6.50; western, $4.25 to a or id i on en We | for them. One of the speakers, H. B. | ing her eight years of lile in the one : me -------- $6.50; yearlings, $5.65 to $6.50, lambs, aly oe a few days trial {ree of charge | Dickson, complained bitterly of the | locality few people thereabouts know PITH OF THE NEWS. $5.60 to $7.25; western, $6.15 to $7.45. student finds it pot what we have | i ihe: Salvat Army Mm still | her. If you ask her neighbors for Mrs East Buff X. 3 16 1 they hay the pr j action ul the Sa vation / ye ' 3 : . last Buffalo, Y. , March 16.--Cat- pt do ey ns py tn ad bringing' ont immigrants to Canada | Green they will stare quizzically and |The Very Latest Culled From AN tle receipts, 3,300; heady, steady; You certainly mre nok rskivg when sq many that came to Canada | say hat thay Au vo} ow any one Over The World. heavy slow; others fairly active; prime any th by trying. ve Meal Ladies | nder their Hag, last year, were un-| by that name, but if you as for in. | steers, 85.75 to $6 civen €« Ww " Rs 28 , - 5 to $6; shipping Tailor Syste is given free with this al | A bs Salvation Army } Mes. Warrington they' will tall. vou East Lambton conservatives ,pomin ipping, $5 to $5. course, ployed dl th ' ¥ ated Hugh Mo#tgomery, M.P.P., for| 95; butchers, $1.50 to 85.50; heifers, teach nt Kingston, from April 2nd. } wanted to know, be said, was if a that she is a most mysterious old the legislature. ™ $3.50 to 85. 10. cows, $3 to $4.75; to April Ath. Ron. 0 TES | nae had €5 10%; if he had, it did not [ woman, who lives with her daughter! "qi i Mary Loyola, of the Com-| $3.25 to 85; stockers and feeders, $3- BO arta ules We would be pleased to | matter whether he was a Inborer | or | and mixes with nobody but the jani- munity of St. Joseph * Yoronto died | 24 to $4.50; stock heifers, $2.75 to 83 - have ail those inlerested call and have 1 they would send him out to Can-} tor. t the mother house. ! 25; fresh cow p eal our method and syste explained to | A ' "Jacob Von Twisk is her only friend | ® ry C 1 sof Den | $20 £36. IWS AR BEIGE Mt 4d them ow Wednesday, April 1st, between | ada, . ; had 7 1 here." said ¥ ah The College ntal Surgeons has to 856. id 10 ond B o'clock, dt British Awerican | Premier Whitney said they had no | around here,' sai A woman who has) fered to purchase Zion Uongrega- Veals, receipts 1,600 head, active Hotel. tention of bringing out men to On-| a flat near her. She passes most] nal church, Toront and 73c. lower, 85 4 MAIL COURSE. u Joss 1h men who had a | of her tine with his family when she} ye ais 3 nd 25. jower, 85 to $8.50, personnal instruc tio nnsene ; ey ng ro have an] is not away on husiness " Many - of I Lieut.-C ol J. Huo Leslie is the Hogs, receipts, 17,000 head, fairly ers on little capita wy migh 4 v 8. 2 ) atest candidaterfor the vacant posi-jactive, Jc, to 10c. lower: h ix i i ft is sent , , : 3 , 9c, to 10e¢. lower: heavy, mixed pity of using to advantage] her meals are enjoyed in his home. {tion of superintendent of Toronto] and Yorkers, $5 to $5.05; pigs, $4 to And Complete Displays of Spring Coats, It you cannot take tions, write for our booklet « teath h mail, amy oppart L h v free. Tells what we teat ye 14 aud 50 he ead F off farm laborers. He promised She is courteons to all she meets bat Be gud orker. to 85.05; ws 4 to to 'consilt with the minister of public} religiously avoids every one she can,| Four men were killed and from $i: | to 83.50. dairies, $4.90 to $5 "5 Costumes, Skirts and Blouses hy y . 0. y one can learn belween age SES ELLISON, In- : : . ro Dresscutting, Strat. | works to see if anything could be done Sven entering and leaving the house! teen: to twenty more were severely Sheep and lambs, receipts, 17,000 wo for the unemployed Lin uy, the Cellar door and a door apemng injured, to-day, in an explosion at head av i b 10¢ ford, Ont., Box 771. A wri} of certiorari, the de inion os into he alley Saeed by peddlers, deli the United States powder mills, four- ag Lo eLive; abenp, Steady sjapba._} . whieh will 'igvolve the validity of § very boys and tradesmen. "very day | teen mills from Linton, Ind. 3 « . a4 R or ar On Ww M seventy-five convictions made in Owen when in town she goes out at nine I. H. Wiley, chief of the United ow Ys Yourlings, 16.0 to 3; EDNESDAY, arch Eighteenth, Sound, for alleged breaches of the lo- | o'clock in the morning and returns at| States bureau of chemistry, at Wash- 26. iis Doind i bos tg . 0 : . ' : cal option by-law, was issued by oi. five go the evening. Sunday she ington, is to visit Ottawa on Satur ; sheep mixed, to 10. and following day 8. .We extend to you a tice . Riddell, this morning, in the spends going over her accounts with{da%;. He will address the Canadian : : : : method of tei King, ve. Honderson. | a secretary, who appears punctually | Club on the reforms accomplished by 500,000 RAILROAD MEN IDLE. most cordial invitation to attend. HedPrson was employed at the Cen- | at nine o'clock, She attends no re | the national food and drug act in th : : ' tral hotel, Owen Sound, and was re- | ligious services. Few tradesmen know | States. 2 n vw Big Roads in Receivers' Hands-- » IMPERIAL watly convicted of selling licuor in | her. Mrs. Schutte, who conducts a i -- Liabilities $450,000,000. contravention of the local option by- | small grocery store across the street, Sad Death At Wilton. Chicago, March 17.--Since the first David M. Spence, of the year seven railroads with 6, law. The case will confe up for argu- | is the only one honored by her trade, Wilton, March 17.--A gery sad event h 000 miles of trackage, representing an The Leading Mantle and Millinery Store. SPRING UNDERWEAR ment later which consists of a couple of eggs| ocurred here Sunday afternoon in the Before publi¢ accounts commit- | occasionally, a bottle of milk every| death, from diphtheria, of Miss Eliza investment of $415,000,000, have gone + the tee of the legislature, this morning, | four days and small amounts of tea| Wallace, daughter of James Wallace, | ito the hands of receivers. The lia $C. N, Smith, Sault Ste. Marie, mov- | and sugar. Deceased was at the home of her sis. | Diities of the roads aggregate $4350, Imperial Crown Prand Underwear @ || that Henry Drearny be called' as a Jacob on Twisk, the janitor, is| ter, Mrs. Alfred Babcoek. When Dr 000,000. Ye wring 1907 the list of re. in made from the very finest of witness to give evidence regarding the | the only champion she has in the| Lockhart arrived anti-toxine was ad.|o¢iverships included nine small lines Merino Wools, 'The garment has mining, tbeorder at Haileybury, and C. | neighborhood. He at first was relue: | ministered to the patient, asgwell as| With a total of 349 miles, and an patent felled seams. giving elasti- 88 | [.. Smith, in velerence to the record: | tant to talk about her or even to] io the rest of the household sut afl] investinent of $8,882,460. city and comfort to the Wearer. ing of Lobalt Lake. The latter and | admit she was a tenant in his house. | efforts to save her life were unavail-| Railroad men estimate that about 'The Buttonp 'are sown: an Very § | J. fay also, pgobably will be { Finally he said that if all his tenants! ing. 'There has been no new case 500,000 employees have been laid off securely so they wilknot all break g§ Fogo "afd fit dooks as if the 'opposi- | were like her he would be willing to| Mrs. Robert Asselstine and Tittle | since Novetber Ist. The mechanical, @t the first laundry. Insist that tion woM feing to . open the Cobalt | work for the company that owns the datghter? Helen, are sufferi from | #0¢0unting, engineering and clerical you got Imperial Crown Brand, Lake controversy again. house for no salary at all. "It is{ whooping cough. Helen is ™ Sg departments have been reduced an guaranteed unshrinkable The lL propesed by Mr. Mahafly, | one thing for a lot of money to have| having contracted bronchial pneumon. | 8verage of one-third. In normal times Made only by THE KINGSTON @§ | Moskakh, to give summer hotels spe- | you and another to have a lot of ja. Mrs. McKim is quite ry Mr. | the railroads of the United States em- HOSIERY CO. LTD. Kingston, cial privileges in the matter of taxa: | money," said the janitor. "She lives| and Mrs. Buckley Lake, of Sydenham, | Ploy about 1,600,000 men. tion because they. did business only a | hor own life and enjoys it and if one spent =» few dave at Erwell Miller's. s-- portion of the year, was thrown out | enjoys lifa and harms no one I guessi Mr. and Mrs. Ewell Miller' were in Eaters, Also Doers. hy the private bills commit iee of the | that is about all there is to do in Kingston on Sunday. Mrs. Ernest | Chicago Record-Herald. legislature, this morning. this world. She is no spendthriit, | Gandier. Newburgh, is spending a One of the up-to-date Suggestions iw Both Are! Confident. that's true, hut she is just to every-| week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs | Condensed food in capsules, but De London, March 17.-~Both Durns and Final Gane At North Bay. body. Why, when she went away the| James Forsythe. James Simmons Has Wiley, the chief chemist gf the de- Roche are very confident of winning North Bay, Ont. * March 17.--The last time she wrote twice to be sure opened up "the old stone blacksmitj, | Partment of agriculture, Franc that the big fight, to- day, for the world's | final hogkey pa h for the Mackie cup, I sent the milk bottle back to the shop. there is no probability Al its general heavyweight championship. Duras, to- was played' Sturgeon Falls, last | grocer and the seltzer bottles back to - acceptance and betrays considerable day, laid 800 to $20 on himself, with |, jihi, Sturgeon Falls and | the druggist." Preparing The Way For The Oath. |"kePticism with regard to many wmo- a prominent bookmaker. "Bill North Bay, resulting in favor of Stur- Chattanec dern improvements. He says that the Squires, the Australian heavyweight, {ooon Falls, by the score of 11 to 0. . One Way. One on oe Post known judges in|™an who mixes mathematics with hiv who is advising Roehe, apnounces his - - Harper's Weakly, Alabama, famed for his severity and food by counting twenty-eight-times intention of challenging to-das's win- . z A story said to be characteristic, is [his uncompromising loyalty to the tra.| oP ech bite is on the road to ema ner, Oflicinl dispatches received in Paris, | told of an Arkansas judge. It seems | ditions of precedure, had occasion re. ciated, sad-faced dyspepsia;-also that mac ---- from Port Au Prinee, say that tWen- | that when he conveped court at one | cently to try a case in which one of the race that eats the most, other : > a conditions heing equal is going to de- The British cruiser Indefatigable | tvseven executions reported in }of the towns on his circuit it" was | fhe witnesses happened to be an ac- r and the German cruiser Bremen have | Hayat, took, place, on Suindgy even: | found that no pens, ink or paper had | tress of no small popularity in the velop the most-and do the most work. : arrived at Port Aa Prince. The situ- | ing, and there were more on Monday, | been provided, and upon inguwiry it | south. . 'Americans, Canadians and FEnglish- ation is quiet at present. There have though the exact number is not given. developed that no county funds were! Jt chanced that the nature of her evi. | Mn are the greatest eaters in the been no negotiations as-yet between Save money by going now to buy available for this purpose. The judge dence was such that the usual ques- world. They are likewise groamtest of 2 : volr wall 'paper at Fraser's, 78 Wil: expressed himself somewhat forcefully, | tion abgut her age was not likely to | ~8tre, and as race their size o » - the cruisers' commanders "and the | ¥ Hayiten authorities, liam street. then drew some money from his own | he omitted, she when she came to the robustness are increasing." pocket. He was about to hand this to | stand his honor told. the 'court clerk the clerk, when a visiting lawyer, a|{o suspend action for a moment, then NEW YORK S1u0CKS. ' p high- priepd, imported article, Erought turning to the actress, he demanded : -- ee AT THE on to defend a case of some impor "Madam, how old are you 7" Prices Furnished By ¥. W. Boschen tance, spoke up, in an aside plainly "Twenty-six," replied the witness P i ' : . , or W. H audible over the room i who is thirty-six if shay is a day. y , ector H. Hume, ; "Well," he remarked, with infinite] "Very well," said the judge politely. Ager.) March 17 : ; contempt. "I've seen some pretty bad | "1 askiod you that question because if ne Murch 17th ' courts, but this--well, this is the | hadn't it would ' surely have been A veo Oy ening, base. limit!" . asked you when the attorsey for the Ey . me fo O41 The old judge Pushed derkly. defence cross-examined you. And now Amricun Loco, com. ,. oi od 178 Wellington St. "You are fined $25 for contempt| that vou have told us your age do you A Sug. Heli, 0 Lisg Livy sir 1 Hand the money to the clerk I" | swear fo toll the truth, the whole oe ag etn, 4 big he said, nnd when the pompous visi- | truth and nothing but the truth 1' a ar, Foundry .. .. PL or had humbly complied, he continu- ---- Asians An.. bo... .. 3D Taking No Chances. Athi: Top. & 34. Fy. 3dg Tio: Me. Clerk, do out and get | (iovelaod alu. & Uhio... . what pens, ink and paper the court| The sexton! of a "swell colored Brooklyn Rap, Trans. may require, and if there is anything | church" in Rifhmond was closing the Aeniial Leather lft ower you can give the gentleman |windows one blustery Sunday morning] 898dian Pacife.. ... his change." . during service when ho was beckoned Chicago Great Wist. hui to the side of a young negress, the Ches. & Divo... . Poor Hotels In South America. widow of a eortain Thomas. Chic. & N. Ww. Philadelphia Record "Why is yo" shettin' does winders, C. Mil. '& St, Pax}. A traveler who recently returned £0} yp. Jones 7 she demanded jn a hoarse | t olorado Sou erh Philadelphia was narrating some of whisper. "De ait. in dis church oe sull- Cons. Gas, N.U Bis experiences in South America ata catin' now ! » Col. Fuel & Iron banquet of globe trotters the other! "yi... minister's orders." replied | 8 North Ry. pid. .. evening. He had skirted the entirej. sexton, obstinately. "It's a cold |Nenfas & lexas com. . coast of South America, and bad day, Mis® Thomas, an' we 'ain't goin' Kansas & Texas, pid. . found the inns or hotels in HO to take no chance of losin' guy o de Zausiville & Nashville... ¢ tons very bad were in dis fold while i issouri Pacific ... .. ... 8; vy Peru, ho saint one American who I oe nr dis is Sites » , big Min. St. P, & 5. Se. M. ... 03 You are Cordially had been thrown into jail pending : New York Central ... .. ° es Invited. some dispute over his papers and of Erie Railroad... ter his release had sought the hotel| Heirs To Vast Estate. POD: dices. = oe so of the fown, returved the next day to| St. Thomas, March 17. Members of People's Gas... the jnil and begged thet be be taken | the Knight and Page families, of this| Noir, p te... xn : "aa aren | i. Rave bam potted that they ar | yoraner Foci. pa ut erland.! was in the. window of & restaurant in heirs to sn state 208, peck lotand.... ... .. .. ; i 900.008 at Muple Ach in idles. | Rock Teland, Td... ___JANE C ORCORAN, . Jo-chmmpagne dud wid pe Ts hl Vine | So Racor at The Grand, on Wednesday, March ; There are said to twenty | o Sure heirs in Canada snd in the United | Sih om cg ustralin. U. 8. Swe, pid... U.S. Union Paci, Fam Wabash... a we Used over 40 years as a Specific for Coughs, Colds, 'etc. Besides the actual distress you are gufleting from a cough, there is always the it devtloping | into something serious. of Conwmption started ith a ** If that sim . ah A cough there TEE gh. at the Bijou, Robert sumption. Cure your cough N with : "Killarney. Wednesday | § xl Gray's Syrup. 25¢c and soc a bottle. At all drug stores.