Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1908, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY MARCH 17, 1908. . EWS OF NEIGHBORS | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. ENTS TELL US. copii ------------------ COUNCIL OFFERS $150 and Mes. James Watson, Gmpab, have been paving a farewell 'visit to their A friends here. They intend movieg west | To Cataragui Bridge Co.--~Wolie in a few days. ! t It has been stated that the sum of | it Islander Hatters, 8900 has been granted for the build- | a "atid, rel Fra ing of a new bridge at Ardoch. It is |' Pan, emus : much needed, as the present one has | _ " 28s been in a very dauwgerous condition Yaad for some time. Un Thursday evening last, William White entertained a few of his friends. J. Campbell, visiting | friends in Clarendon, has returned to resuine his position as clerk in B. M. | Munro's establishment. Vigitors : ! Luella Gilmour at Elphin; Mrs. x Gorr at J. Wailson's, Ompah; William | Dawson Miller at this place; Nes. M. Weber and Miss J. Eves at R™M. Munro's. ---- Echoes From Elgin. Cours] met present. Min : R meeting cot seed, Re 3 4 7 % 7 + : | Synopsis of Canadian North sest| 3, HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, Any even sumbered section of Domim a 3) anitotn pt the Narth Wet). 7 housewile too. The Tidings From Various Points X may be Do a tontd by aay pers] WHS in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. the rogve ", rge Bear to make it © 8 account for road Moved, Fawcett th reeve and fueorge t a8 assistant managed with Islander; no salary. D. J. appointed {o kesp the stéam boat books at $25 for the vesr. A cofints paid: Mrs. MeCaul, charity to Norris, 86. Steamboat accounts paid | James McDonald, 14 days' carpenter | Works, 88. C. Cummings, 1. month, captain, ¥0:° R. Mullin, 1 month, en ginogr, 366.66; Miss Ahearn, 1 ve r's man.-..and ! | Kg be ted ic 8 LO ! i arrange News From Westport. Westport, March 16.--Mar(in Abearan an old resident of thig piace. passed away on Thursday alter a long ill ness. The funeral topk place on Sat- urday to St. Edward's church, and was largely attended. J, T, McEwan, | pi.iy March 16-8 ¥ of Westburn, Man., arrived home last peared here. Mes. mal-nexhas wp- meek, v J idla®, a patient of the on the siek hist. Mrs, Lyman Lyon, - - a Brockville Hospital, is recovering rap-| of 'Latimer, is visiting" her mather, | \PiCrest ou £5300 note. FO: James idly. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Egan are Swift & Co., coal fer January, $8 } Mrs. Robert Mustard, for a few dave. | on 3 : guests of her father, M. J. MoCann. |p. to Mr and Mrs. 2h Catp Bi} McKelvey & Birch, amount of a count, $3; Thomag.Possa_ 12 dvs' in bell, ou the h, a son. Mrs. Lucy! pe re . Coon has purehacod the 'residence of} Fel ruary, $13: Robert Bustayd, 6} Henry Ripley, on Main street, that | 988 in' Febrffary, $8.13. resolved that she sold to him four vears 'ago. She|" by-daw be pagsed empowering the will return to the village. Thomas|™™¢ to borrow $340 for steam oat Gallery has engaged to work Asher] PUPoses. Resolved, that G. Keagun'be Morgan's tarot the comin) season. The] £1Ve8 the boarding of crew of steam- carnival on' Victoria rink Saturday] °F Wolfe Islander, at the same price night was a grand affair. George i oar, Covusi) adjourred till first Kerr, Clear Lake, bas bought William Nore in April at 10 a.m. Pearson's. former residence; The W.| arch 6. Special meeting call d by M.S, held. a district meeting at Ath. | rove and councillors Faweett and ens. Delegntes from here were Mrs | DVS: Moved, Keys-Fawcett, and re (Rev.) KE. W. Crane, Mrs. (br) Coon! solved that we set a scale of wages and Mri. E. W. Sheldon. Mrs. Wing for deckhands for steamer Welle Is Decbyshirt and family, Crosby, are ander, as follows : Up to July lst, moving to the village, Miss = Maud 20; July and August, $25. after that Gilbert' has recovered from her recent [0 ¢lose of the season, $20 per illness, C. Card and Miss Jackson, manth; mate, $40; fireman, $35 per both of California, were quietly mar- month. Moved, Keys-Fawoctt. «nd re ried 'on Tuesday \ at the . parsonage, solved, that an order be passed to Ethbert Dickie, Yonge Mills, spent settle with the Cataraqui Bridge com- Supday at FE. Beach's. The saw mill pany for $150. Moved, Keys-Fawertt, rus by fits and starts. Some farm. *nd resolved, that the peeve be auth ers are getting ready for sugar mak-| - al to, get a settlement the ing. | Vews lor 'printine by paying fcr one { month's printing of the minutes and A Different Liniment. i tice of the ourt of revision It is well worth while to learn the BIDWELLS FOUND GUILTY. merits of a Liniment that does mor 4 than all ordinary liniments ean and does it quicker. Such a remedy is Smith's White Liniment, Jt oures where common liniment will not. even March 16 ; relieve, Use it whenever pain, aches or | s 3 qn, A barles F soreness exists. In big botiles 2c, |the Bidwell Electr at Wade's Prug Store. Fp. ' WE RE T IT TOOTH Vennachar Jottings. Vennachar, March 14.--The municipal council met at R. W, Conner's, to- day, Robert Conner, John Cowan. Simon Ball is drawing goods for R. W. Conner. Misges Melinda Bebee and Viekie McCrimmon made a trip on snowshoes to F. P, Balls. Visitors: James Ballams, Plevna, at W. H. Sal- lams: John Rodgers, Denbigh, at G. Hughes ; Alexander: Jackson went to Napanee this week as a juryman, Lyndhurst Locals. Eyndhurst, Marck 16.--B, Stringer wd vi a farm ai Sand Bay, and FAMILIAR WITH T HE OTHER KIND. She--Haven't you ever been on skates before, Mr, Dunn ? He--Yes ; but--er--they weré--~they were not this kind. maved there on Wednesday last, and Mrs. John Danby has moved into the ome Mr. Stringer left. Tapping suger bushes is the order of the day. G. S. Rooney left on Friday for Winnipeg. Dr. and Mrs. O. Lifly were at R. R. Tate's, Friday atid Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R, R. Tate have returned from vigiting friends' at Caintown. Mrs. James Simpson, Sr. of Seeley's Bav. is calling on old friends here this week, D. W. Green is gefting his fac- tory ready for operations, He has s:- cured Amos Weeks for cheese maker. poder one of the months' residence up- tivation of the land in each I - ~ Catarrh and. Throat Suffering Cured. No dottor attempts today to catarrh or bronchitis except hy the Stomach dosing has been discarded cine so taken aficet only the stomach of ecatarrh. The advanced physician recognizes that only air cn into the lungs ar bronchial tube Fill t} the problem ful as ¢ Our competitors may be "In hot Water." "trying to make ends meet," but we won't he outstripped by any- bedy in furpishiog satisfaction to he public. To tell the paked truth we are going to onto ourselves in toeing the mark this coming season. Iu you dbave any City Froperty to sell, list it with me at obee.! I"have several clients out of town who want to buy in Kingston before May next. ron than I. J. Lockhart, not iY 380) asres is a the vicipl- R a in omestond, or uj & home eal state ura entered for by him in the vicinity, B an oe Agent mestender may performs his own 159 Wellington Street. duties by living with the fath- be {or mother.) (4) The term "wicinity is the two raphs is defined as mean- with cure a genune « inhalation m be AUse us less never reaches the Operated a Confidence Game on a can be sent Big Scale. air with, healing medicaments vou solve combination of au is so su which edntaing the richest pine, st healers known, One breath of Catarrhozons the area that is afflicted with Catarrh. Relief is instar suffering stops at once--germs are destroyed--dvery § isease Think it ever Here (8 a remedy that elear rant, relieves haprsencss, coughing, and bad breath. lrritgting phlegm i cleared out, inflamcd bronchial tubes @¥e healed, throat and When Catarrhozone is so pleasant and certain, isn't it Toolish to tamper with dangrots interpal, reme Yon Cat you don't take it. Large #1 small size, . 0c. all dealars or N. C, Polson Co Entertained At Bath. Bath, March 16.--The Ladies' Aid of the Bath Methodist church are to be congratulated on the very successful entertainment given by them in the town hall. on the evening of March resin 13th. The programupie was given by The Gerrymander) | ; ) local talent and gave evidence of pains: froronta Globe. brather of George and Austin Bidwell, taking and thorough preparation on It is proposed to link the eight con- | who, it ix said, defranded the Bank of the part of each person, and each stituencies of Toronto in four pairs, | Bogland out of $5.000,000. He start number was complete: There was|oach pair to elect two members, It is 1906. He good variety in the programme and just as easy to divide Taronto into | declared that he had invented an ole choice selections of solos, duets, quar- | eight single constituencies as into | tric motor that would not burn out tettes, recitations, and a well-planned {four double constituencies. Fhe double | He also asserted that he was the in play entitled "Pauline's Triumph," leyntem is, a departure. from that | ventor of the trolley car, and of the closing with some chisrming tableaux. |adopted in' all other parts of the pro- | electric fan. Investors irom all parts It was a social and financial success, vince. The government certainly | of the United States answered his ad making $131.70, and delighting all {should be ahave descending, to so | vertisements, sending to the company present, small and dishonest a party advan la total & 8225000, according to the tage. books of the concern. Charles F. Bid well, the son, was appointed secre- tary and general manager of the com | The son received 366,000 shares the con Henson balsams, and Bidwell ae promoters of o y ot company, a "sold" i guilty of ry confidence game, a pent Benson Bidwell is a instantly circulates motar found { operating | tentiary © 3000000000000 0000 3315 % Off All) Leather Goods For a short time we have decided to offer our customers a special discount or 33 1-3 rerpcent. off any article in our stotk of leather goods. This will afford vou a reasonable opportunity to purchase a Purse, Jdandbag, Card Case, Bill Fold, Cigar or Cigarette' Case, Poecket- book, etc., at a price great. ly below regular cost. Remember our showing includes goods only from the concern, were offence removed wer) ously Volos Al it, intending to perform uties fn accordance with living with or residence f land owned by sel mus ; 2 for the district of such re mak loation for t Jie settler i. pr Lag 8 wri 40¢ Siommdssioner of Do minfon Ottaw, his in Won to do sas 0 ot SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. : WEST MINING REGULATIONS, OOAL~Coal mind ) strengthened ed the electric company ut breathe rrhoron size I5 gu are trial 000000000000 000000000000000000000000000QOCOT Imperial Rotary Washer North Cobalt Budget. Red Rock, March 14.--The lantern show on Saturday night at North Cobalt, over Ferguson's store, was well attended. The roads are magic p Remember that when the stomach nerves fail or weaken, dyspepsia on indigestion muss always follow, Dut, strengthen these Same weak inside nexves with Dr. Shoop's Resorative, Makes pany. of the $2.500 000 stock of oern. ; It was alleged by the prosecution There maybe Bt best manufacturers, and we personally assure you of our guarantee of quality, still in good: gondition here. Red Roek silver mine is doing a rushing busi- ness with its new captain, R. Thomp- and then see how quickly health will again return. Weak heart and kidney that | the Bidwells sold their private stock in the company to persons who others as Washing nerves can also be ~ strengthened with | (hought that they buying treas Easy the Resorative, where heart pains, pal | ..v stock. This allegation pitation, or kidney weakness is found ported at the trial by Mis Ida Palm Don't drug the stomach, nor stimulate | o. who had been employed by Charles the heart or kidneys. That is wrong | piiwell. In addition to lestifving Go "to the cause of these ailments against her former employers, she Strengthen these weak inside nerves! to the state a secret stock with Pr. Shoop's Restorative and get containing the namges of inves well. A simple, single test will surely ors. The state tell. All dealers. brought _ Gavernor Hughes will not interfere] C0 To clived that the in any way with the execution in the by the, elder Bidwell was week, 'beginning. March 30th, of the ble death senfefice upon Chester Gillette, The which was of Cortland, NY. convicted of the complaint Drought by murder of Grace (Billy) Prown of the company, was brought to' trial on South Otselic, at Big Moose Lake, in| February 17th. It jury the Adirondacks in July, 1906. t éhortly beloré noon, the : Bad breath is a most offensive ail | guilty heinig found after hment, irritates you as well as Bur of deliberation. Sentence friends; Hollister's Rocky Mowntaio xl. latex ; Tea takes. the bad taste from "thef® "7 mouth, yemoves the cause, purifits the breath: 35 cents, Tea or Tariets Mahood's Drug Store. ! Raymond Hitcheoek was acquitted Having come as far as New York on by direction of Jdstice Blanchard inla business trip, a, Washington man the supreme eonrt, New 'York, of the] took a run into Connecticut, where he charges brought by several voung| had lived in his childhood. In th: place girls, alter one of the girls had testi-| where he was horn he accosted a ven fied that the allegations she had | rable old chap of some eighty years, made against the actor were untrue. | who proved to be the very person the Ideal for breakfast: Mrs, Charles Smith, of Jimes, @hio, | Washingtonian. sought=5 dnswer, or [1 during Lenten days.! writes : have used every rempdy for| fain enquiries concerning the place Contains more nour 3 w sick heallache 1 could hear of for the! As the conversation proceeded the ishment than mest. J 4 past fifteen vears, hut Carter's Little! Washington man said "1 suppose Best food for all Liver Pils diel - me mhare good tham | vou have always lighd around. here ¥ sorts of weather : 3 ; all the rest. | "Oh, no," said thé mative. "1 was supplies enough en- Twenty Hindoog who, attempted to! born two good miles from here ergy for a good hali- day's work. land at Wrangel were prevented from | ,.~--msoam-0Ao- H : doing, so hy the peaple of that place. | Had One Already. You Can Get Along Without Meas by Fdward's Nervine, 95¢. and 50c, Lodger : 5 All Geggers, 1dcom carton, 3 for 33, } % x -- * Uhiladelphing Public Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red | "But 1 all always be a brother to : 3 Cross drug store. | vou," he murmured ; RS » were good, but none Better. son. William Deyo, E. Kellar and A, Wagar made a flying trip to the city on Monday. H. Kmerson has left for his home in Scotland. H. A. Babcock has left for his home at Perth Road. Capt. Thompson made a flying trip to Cobalt last week. | Miss Anna Wagar made a flyifig trip to Haileybury last week. Visitors : E. Barr, at J. Larrot's; G. Dawson, at Mr. Huntér's; DD. Toal at Red Rock. A box social will be held next week at North Cobalt. Mrs. W. H. Wagar ang little son, Guy, made a flying trip to Argentite last week. mr----. A Death At Parham. Parham, March 16.--On Wednesday morning, after months of patient suf- fering, there passed peaceiully away, Mrs. Donald Wagar, leaving a hus bapd and thrée small children to mourn her loss. The funeral service was held in the Methodist church on Friday, when a very. impressive ser- moh was given by Rev. Mr. Tredennick, Tea meetings and socials are the or- ter of the day. Last week three were held at Wagarville, Crow Lake and Fish Creek, and each was attended by peaple from Parham. Prayer meetings are being held every Monday night in dificrent homes in connection with the Methodist church. Mrs. William Ber. trim has returned home again from Harrowsmith, where she has been vis iting at G. Bertrim's. Miss L. Good- fellow has taken up her sbode in Kingston. Visitors: T. Black, at Mrs. D. Goodiellow's; A. B. Howes, at W. D. Black's. The echicken-pox scare is 'over. ' r F 8 was up i Price $6.50. Kinnear & &'Esterre Jeweller. Cor. Princess and Wellihgton Streets. Bil over OOOO O0O0VO0VOVO00O0QOO000 turned fy i book : 8 tors in the cor : { DoD forward expert electricians MAY WE SEND YOU ONE ON APPROVAL ? - McKelvey & Birch 69 and 71 Brock Street: - y 0000000000000 O0OQOLOROGVOVODOVOVOOTTGHIIO motor invented impractica i oil fF case, based on a an investor in QOO000000C i the went to verdict of EX soven hours will be pass No Need to Go Without a Substantial Breakfast Quite A Way Off. Boston Glob "NDERS ADDRES! the d end or Sor Sa ret will be received: tt May, April 24, 190 Cinderella Shoes FOR LADIES. They are particularly stylish in shape and wade in a very skilful manner. Make your life pleasant and agreeable by Wearing « pair of pur Cinderella Shoes $3, $3.50 and $4. H. JENNINGS, King St. Ex- office inclusively ' construction of an Extension to Water on (he South Shore of to Island, in'the County of York, nce of, Ontario, according to plan On 10 be seen at the offices Esq., Resident Tr, +. Ulerk of _ mot be. unless Eating Biscuit fox WHA a of _ chague on 'ebnrt red EERE dt 8 th Ol hy Bust accom: each oa t x will be forkited il the per- (84, ng decline the contract or fail ) te the work contracted for, Tidings From Tichborne. Tichborne, March 16. --~A number from here attended the tea-meeting at Fish Creek on Friday evening. Owing to the recent rains and condition of Ede case of nom-ac- She Toads Shire was_ si) servipe hike ender. on day. 'F. J. y's saw mill is. / Hoes on Mal bo doing a rushing business. A very en- By order, p joy time was spent at the howe R at a sed ; MeKéover, on . Upon the arrival of the French fore. 4 1 had any use for a brother," she e# before Rettat, the notables of the | yeplied sweetly, "I could reach under Mzab tribe came out and survepdersds ' the sofa and get ope right now." Yi it without in . TE , v : We carry a nice asgort- ment, abies Boi. alt] wa nu | pi ag ict of RAZORS. Tho "Ever Ready' 'with 12 blades, for $1.00, is the best on the market. Other be paid for this J. Bafety Razors, in morocco "fi leather cases, from $2.50 to $55h per set. : hence 77 Princess : Br 0S., Street. EFEE E0004 000 445444544 . BOARD OF EXPERTS ON STAMP.VENDING MACHINES. Coin-isi-the-slot machines for the auntoniatic vending of postage b, post cards, ete., are to be introduced throughout the United in o = tests and determine which are the adoption the postmaster general i board ofexperts. In the accompauying pie ts M. Davis. a well-known official M the post- is Soen.at the left of the tric. In the center is F. inspector ar. at the right of Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc.

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