ih KINGSTONG Eo RAILWAY "~ IN COSNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Rallway | | LOW ONE-WA}| RATES Second Class One Way Daily, February 29 to April 20, $50,102" a= ( Seattle, Portland, ete. F particulars at K. &P., and C, | A 5 Ticket Office, Ontario St. ¥. CONWAY, Geny Pass. Agest.) BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves uoion station, Ontario Street, 4 pan. daily (Sundays excepted ), for Tweell, Sydenham, Na eo, Jeger- Lato, Bannockburn and all points Lorth. To gecure quick despatch to Bannock- rn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Hay of Quinte Railway. For further particu lars, apply to R, W, DICKSON, Agent. 'Phone, No. 8. RAILWAY REL re ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES Dally Feb, 20th to April 29th. Vancouver, B.0., Victoria, B.C., West- minster, B.C ttle, Wash. Tacoma, Wash, Portland, Ore ..... ..... .10, San Francisco, Cal, Los Angeles, C San Diego, Cal. $52.( Fi Pawo, Tex. ... ie $50.88. ... $67.05. Mexico City ain Time Tahle. Local Branch A Trains will leave aud arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnson street, GOING WEST. lve. City Arr, City 12.38 a.m, 1.07 a.m. 3 express ....-2.85 gm. 3.17 a.m. 11 local .. ....... 9.156 a.m. 9.47 a.m, 1 Inter. Lad. 12.25 noon 12.56 p.m. 7 madl 4.19 pom, 3.51 p.m 15 local 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.m. GOING EAST. Lve. City Arr. City 8 mail ... 43 a.m. 2.17 aan. 2 fast express 2.35 a.m. 3.17 a.m, 14 Joes! ..... 18 mm, 8.50 a.m, 8 mwil 12.256 p.m, 12.56 pan. 4 fast express. 1.02 pm. 1.29 pm, "* 33 joenl .......7.08 pm 7.88 p.m Nod. 1,2. 8,4,5,6,7 and 8 run daily 'All other trains daily except Sunday. For full particulars, spply %o J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sis INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Royal Mail Trains From Montreal to Halifax CONNECTING WITH Royal Mail Steamers From Halifax to Liverpool (anada's Famous Train THE MARITIME EXPRESS leaving MONTREAL Fridays at 12.00 (noon) carries Pusseniers baggage and European mails, reaching the steamer's dock at HALIFAX the following Satur say eftorpoon. SPECIAL TRAINS carrying passengers Rage mails when inward steam ers do mot connect with the MARITIME EXPRESS. Jeave HALIFAX immediate. ly after the arrival of the steamer, mak- ing coonections for Ottawa, Toronto, Detroit and points west. FOR TICKETS AND FURTHER IN- FORMATION, apply to nearest GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY AGENT, or to Montreal Ticket Office 141 St. Janes St. No. B mail A Boon to the Bilious Are you compelled to demy your. self many wholesome foods because you think they make you bilious? Jo you know that your condition i$ more to blame than the foods? Your liver and stomach reed at- tention more than the diet. When jou find yourself suffering with a ilious attack, take BEEGHAM'S PILLS and all annoying symptoms will soon disappear. They settle the stomach, regulate the fier and ex- ercise the bowels. Their good ef- fects are felt immediately. Beecham's Pills mingle with the contents of the stomach and make easy work of digestion. The nour- ishing properties of the food are then readily assimilated and the residue carried off without irrita- ting the intesfines or clogging the bowels. Beecham's Pills should be taken whenever thefe is sick headache, furred tongue, constipation, sallow skin or any symptoms that indi- cate an inactive liver, Sold EveryWhere. In boxes 25 cents, EDUCATIONAL. Bross anenannensbensent If you wish to be successful ad tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele wraphy, and all commercial subjects thoroughly taught by competent experienced teachers, Day aod night classes. Enter at any time. Hates very moderate, 'Phone, 440 HH. ¥F. METCALFE, President. J. E. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. hi 2000000000000 000000 vo DR00OOOGOIOIVLIGS 00000000000 00000000000 {MPROVE YOUR EDUCATION and INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER Day and Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business College, Barrie and Clergy Sts, T. N. STOCKDALE, 'Phone, 680. Principal. | 000000000000 0000000000 Jovalid Ladie§ This Is For You. There are thousands of females who suffer untold miseries common to their sex. This is Jargely due to the peculiar hisbite of life and fashion, and the improper.train. ing of girlhood. Then, too, the physical changes that mark the three eras of woman- bood (the maiden, the wife, and the mother) have much to do with her sufferings, most QUEBEC 8.5. COMPANY BERMUDA - Reached in 45 hours from New York by the new Twin Screw Steamship 'Ber. moadian," 5,500 tops, Sailings every Sgt. prday at 10 am Bor muda to Nassau, Bahamas 8.8. "Trinidad" fortnightly in February and March, West India Cruises from New York New Steamer "Guiana," 3,700 tons with all uptodate improvements and other first-class stemmers sail from New York every 10 days. For beauty of y and perfection of climate these trips are unsurpassed. For fllustrated pamphlets iving rates of | ag and all information, apply to A. Eu En Or Sma. Q 1 20. oad Vay, New York: Ad HIERN, Sec'y., Quebes, cke Canada, or to Ti A te, of. Fo JANLEY, and J.P. GnoBRSLi bv; I h ALLAN 55 LINE TO LIVERPOOL From Sty Joka, Halifax, hy +» Mar. 21. Vihar, 3 Mar. 97. Sats Mar, 48 + Corsi . Sat, Apr. & < P. Mrs. Jos, Sharp, Brighton, Ont., writes: * Iwas troubled with palpitation of the Wash ipefla du teva trouble, and until advised to try Mil- aod Nerve Pills. I got cas helped me #0 much I sent and mote. 1 am mow cared come CTY GOUNGIL SESSION] | THE FIRE HORSE QUESTION AGAIN DEBATED. The Horse Criticized Last Decem- ber is Now to Be Sold--Alder- men Elliott and Rigmey Were the Chief Speakers. Mayor Ross and Aldermen Angrove, Chown, Couper, Craig, Elliott, Givens, Graham, Hanley, Henderson, Kent, MeCann, McCartney, Nickle, 'Rigney, Robertson, Toye and Hoag were pre- sent at the city council meeting, last evening. There was very little busi- ness to transact and ac journment took place at 8:40 o'elock. - These com- munications were referred fo commit- toes © Communications. I. McConville, secretary public li- brary, asking for annual grant, $500. Manager Bank British North Ame rica, asking repairs to messenger's premises. E. G. Gildersleeve, asking to have the agreement regarding an electric pole line between J. M. Campbell and the city of Kingston, dated December 19th, 1904, transferred to him. Cereal company, asking to have a by-law passed giving thems ten years further exemptipns irom taxations on the elevator. WW. J.B , asking for rebate of taxes, R. J. McLelland, asking for increase. in salary. George Sexton, complaining of un- sanitary condition of cellar. George Darragh and others, asking for an are light at the corner of King and Union streets. The following recommendations of the finance committee were adopted : That the Trades and Labor Council be notified that in reference to their communication that whereas the pre- sent agreement with the stfet rail way compapy will not terminate dur- ing the term of office of this year's council, that they call attention of next' year's city council at the time this agreement is being considered. That this council petition the do- minion government to prepare and make Cedar Island a public recredtion park. . Reports of the poard of , works, water works, light Und power and fire committees were adopted. In connection with the board of works' report, infotmation was asked as to the proposed stone contract with Alexander Tait. -Ald. Graham said that Mr. Tait would be able to supply all the stone the city required. By making a contract with him, the city would" be saved purchasing an $5,000 crushing plant. Ald. McCartney. askeduwhy Street Foreman Timms' salary was beine in- 'reased to $60 a month. Ald. Graham said Mr. Tirams was worth the money, and that he had better offers to go elsewhere. Alds. Toye, McCann and Craig supported the increase, and de- clared that the foreman was a valu able official. Ald. Toye wanted to know why the fire committee wished to sell the de- partment horses known as Frank and Charley. Ald. Rigney replied that the city veterinary had recommended that the two horses be sold, as they were un- sited to the department. Ald. Elliott wanted to know if the horse, Frank, was the horse of affi- davit fame and over which there bad been a heated discussion by the city council last December, Ald. Rigney replied that this was the horse in question, but that it was recommended to be sold, not on ac count of any infirmity, but because of ts nervous temperament. Ald. Elliott pointed out that the horse cost $230, and accordine to the affidavit of the veterinary was sound in body and limb. Ald. Nickle, he said} had defended the horse and the veterinary surgeon. Now, it had been proven that a mistake had been made in Juichasing this horse. Veterinary Nicholls, he said, was responsible, Ald. Elliott wanted to know how much the iaty would lose by the whole trans- action. The horse had done very little service, and had to be fed, at the city's cost. It was up to Ald, Nickle, the speaker = said, to square himself in regard to his defence of the city's veterinary. Ald. Elliott wanted to know if Dr. Nicholls was prepared to put up the loss the city would sus tain. Ald. Rigney said it was not antici- pated by the fire committee, that there wotld be any loss in the sale of the hotse. The animal was bein~ cast aside, not account of any physical ailment, but because it was unfitted for fire work, it being a high strung horse, and of nervois temperament. He' couldn't give figures as to what it had cost the city to keep the horse. Ald, Couper held that it had cost the city 0 to maintain the Ald. Rigney stated that against that amount must be set an allowance for the work performed for the depart: ment by the horse. The discussion then dropped. The city assessor was, on motion of Alds. McCann and Kent, instructed to bid in for the city any lots which at the tax sale do not bring the amount of overdue taxes mnd interest, Toronto Street Market. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, orse. | TUESDAY, THE KING AND QUEEN. Impressions Upon a Little King ston Girl. Possibly the Matty in Canada, who love the royal lamily will be interest ed in the personal impressions of a little girl who lately visited London Up to that time 'my only idea of them was formed irom the pictures of the king and queen that hung wp in school rooms and} fdslie places. The actual view in and blood is so different that one can hardly realize that it is indeed the king and queen. 1 could not forget the first sime | saw them. It was when the king laid the cofnerstone of the new St. Barthole- mew's hospital. It was a very hot day, and I pitied the king for his costume must have been very heavy and uncomfortable. He wore a robe of lavender or pale purple colored cloth, trimmed with ermine, and although he looked grand and imposing, the first sight of his snow white hair and beard gave quite a shock, and had a saddenin effect. But ic spite of his gray hair he is certainly a handsome man, and there is something noble in his ap pearance. But how far this feeling was due to his being my king, 1 can- not say. As I thought of him as the representative of England's line of kings, and only a link in the succes- sion to come, must have caucht the true British estimate of him. He had a happy contented look, and seemed 'to be enjoying himself well. But I could not help remarking his look of indifference to the crowd which represented his loyal subjects. He seemed quite unconcerned and self- centred as he chatted to the queen beside him. On this occasion 1 saw little of the queen, but on a later oceasion 1 had a splendid opportunity of seeing Queen Alexandra, being quite close to ber, We were walking in Hyde park one beautiful afternoon when the word was passed, "Her majesty is coming." At once we were all attention, and in a few minutes the carriage came in sight. 1 thought the "queen" very beautiful, and said so. But we were informed that it was a mistake; it proved to be only the Princess of Wales," as any Londoner could tell from there being no mem ted police- men in advance, generally the way that the people can know whether it is the Queen or the Princess of Wales who is passing, so closely does the daughter-in-law copy the dress and appearance of her royal mother-in-law. Soon the regulation mounted police man rode past and we were once mpre all attention. A carriage appeared and a cheer went up from the by- standers; | was struck with the queen's beauty and her youthfulness and charm. No - trace of indifference or selfishness in her, as she bowed and smiled with kindly interest to the peo- ple on every hand. No wonder our Alexandra is popular. | loved her at first sight. Who could resist the at. traction of that pale, delicate, kindly face, lighted up with such a bright smiley As far as appearance goes she might easily pase for a daughter of King Edward. The pictures that we see do not in the least flatter her. There is one on a calendar before me as | write, which is like her, but it is highly colored, while she is phle and delicate looking. A The carriage she rode in did not differ from any other lady's carriage in the park--simply the regulation pair of horses with footman and coach- man. Afterward I saw her several times, On one occasion 1 was close enough to have touched her. But every time 1 saw her my first impressions were only, deepened. The king's habit of : automobile speeding seems to be well recognized, and | was glad to witness 4 sample of ite One afternoon, as we were driving in Marylebone road, there was a whizz in the air and we were told that the king was passing. All traffic and movement in the street was instantly stopped. ~ But when I turned to look nothing was to be seen but a cloud of dust and the outlines of an auto- mobile in the distance. 1 found it aggravating only to be welcomed at the house of a certain relative after the king's visit' there was over, as children, to say the least, could not be accommodated during the stay of royalty. 1 do wish it could have been otherwise for 1 felt a great longing in my heart to see more of our king and queen. ~MUANITE DOBBS, Oak- bank, Man. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What {s Going on in the Business World--The Markets, Thirty-three of the leading life surance companies doing business A\America have $8,835,000,000 of insurance in force. The output of the Crow's Nest Pass company's Sollieries for the week ending March 13th was 21,140 tons, a daily average of 3,523 tons. Up to 1846 Bank of Englapd notes were signed by hand. A day's issue now amounts to perhaps 50,000 notes equal to about £1,600,000, The Nipissing Central Railway co pany ill apply for an act reduc fits capital st and extending time for the completion of the way. + Standard Oil company will dis- in- in life The burse among its 6,000 shareholders this. week approximately $15,000,000, representing a dividend of $15 a share declared for the first quarter of the year o The total railway mileage of the United Kingdom at the close of 1906 amounted to 23.083, an increase of 3 E i Ff Bhi MARCH 17, 1908. ADVANCE IN RICHELIEU, The Stock Has Been Steadily Ab- sorbed. { Montreai, March 16.<The advance! in the price of Richelieu stock, which has sold up pearly sevem points with in a few days, has attracted consider- able attention on the street. Richelieu in the geperal slump in prices last vear was carried down to the ridien- lously low figure of 4%, from which it gradually recovered until lately it sold for some time around 64. With in the past few days there has been an active movement in the stock, to-day it sold as high as 71, closing strong. Richelieu has been one of the favorite stocks in the steady invest ment buying that has been in progress on the local market for months, and the number of shareholders has been largely increased, while there has been a corresponding reduction in the float- ing supply of the stock. As shown at the recent annual mesting, the com- pany's finances are in fine shape, it has an able and energetic direction, and with the forward policy that has beeti "Mmangurated and the increased traffic that the coming season promis es, there are prospects of largely in creased] earnings, Even at today's price the stock returns over 7 per cent. as an investment. and Ladies' Fancy Blouse. The dainty blouse shown in the above illustration was cafigtructed of French blue satin. The yoke was Chantilly lace. The lower part of the blouse, which has six one-half-inch tucks in two groups, is joined to the lace yoke. Straps go over the shoul ders and across the front and hack, | where the blouse joins the yoke. The | straps are trimmed with a Grecian border of soutache braid. The sleeves are made full and have deep cuffs Chantilly lace. of of Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to M days or money refunded. B50c. He "Edward's Nervine," 20¢. and Sold in Kingston at Gibson's * Cross drug store. Rod , MATHIEU'S SYRUP OF TAR AN COD LIVER OIL | Will Cure Any Gough or Cold | It does not matter how bad you are--how long you had the cold, how many other things have failed, Mathieu's Syru: is BOUND to cute wou. Not only is it a mixture 'of nature'; best THROAT and LUNG healer, but it acts as a STRONG TONIC to your system, : Large " bottle of Mathieu's Syrup, 85¢c., from all dealers. J. Ls MATHIEU CO., props. Sher- brooke, P.Q: GRAND UNION HOT Rooms $1.00 ¢ day and Elie samy te New Sppostite Grand Contral rary at $18 and $20 advertise these lines E W much--for it is hard to say just what you wish to pay. And these Suits serve to illustrate our ability and. our values. Let us show you the different models for spring--note the prices on the labels--and you will readily recognize why Fit- Reform garments set the standard for value-giving in Canada. 310 at it-Helorm CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kington. What, Everybody -~Has Been Expecting and Looking For. * A Record Sale for the New "Writing in Sight" = L. C. SMITH & BROS'. TYPEWRITER 1 Pr---- Ascnia-- ai We Have just closed our first 3 Years' Business We have SOLD over. 1,400 Machines in Canada. We hold the biggest record for the sale of any Typewriter placed on the Canadian Market. | | | } iba Have you seen. our new Ball-Bearing Type Bar ? Our Opponents said we "Couldn't do it," "WE DID." It will. be money in your pocket to look at it. Let us demonstrate it to you. Newsome & Gilbert, Limited, No. § Jordon St., Ternnto. Branches--Halifax, N.S., Ottawa, Ont., Winnipeg, Man. LOCAL AGENTS NEWMAN-SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., i 79 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. : A Full Stock of Typewriter Supplies for all makes of Machines always on hand. We have a large stock, all makes, 2nd hand Typewriters; sold on easy terms. RT. BIG CLEARING SALE =0OF -- Buffets and Sideboards Our sale is biggerand great-- er than ever. A snap for everybody. Extension Tables & China Closets in Great Variety JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147. - Nn -- | THE FAVORITE IN CANADIAN HOMES FOR MANY YEARS. TRY IT. § REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Sold Everywhere ~ Bd in the Dominion by the Best Dealers." 'E.W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED : TORONTO, ONT. ih