YO por PREPARE For House- + Cleaning 'Time. Stary ot your Pumiside and rub it up nd you will miepred FA that you puch good looking Furntiure in the Hold in two sizes, 25 and BOc. "TE is the @randest Fumitube PolidW ad put on the market. i * BOLD AT |W. A. Mitchell's, " REPAIRING : OR. RESETTING ot valuable rings is neces- g sary after much wear, other- 'Wise a costly jewel is likely R to be lost. precious stones, and 'We ean promise you first. gf class work, at reasonable prices, ". *JEWELLER' L % Diamond Merchant. MeAuley's, 'Phone 778, was a slight vement - in i & 8 condition, 'to-day. lism street, and seo the wall paper ; t bottles, Be, at Wade's will deliver an ad- t Y.W.C.A. rooms at- 4:30 ioe "Ah. Thursday by 23 Ju but. per pound, 3le., at Mullin's gro hange will Y be made fac prt be. mel So "the residence latest designs. 'Our Owns 00 ro pearl THES P.M. EDITION Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doink. Rev, Father Carey, of Erinsville, is in the city, William Eckhard, Toromto, is visit- ug in the city, illiam Hare, eity on hasiness. J. 8. Elliott, Prescott, was in the city to-day on business. David Backus, of Yerona, went Chaumont, N.¥., on Monday. - Rev. J. Jones, of Tamworth, wasa visitor in the aity, on Monday. J. D. Hill, student at Queen's will leave on Thursday, for Wisnipef:. Miss Irens Daley, Wellington street, Toronto, is in the to % returned from Cornwall, after visiting friends, James Baker, is visiting viemity, Mrs. R. 8. Richardson, Montreal, is visiting her sister, Mrs: Harry Pound, Ridegu street. T : Miss Alice Staley, of Syracuse, who has been visiting in Kingston, has re- turned home. dM Kelly, of Watertown, has been in *the city for a few days, on busi- neds, He rvéturned home on Monday. JH. Moore is leaving on a trip to the old country. He will sail on the Staion Empress of Britain on March Miss Agnes Cranston, of Deseronto, arrived in the city; yesterday, from Watertown, on her way home from a vist, * The many iriends of Prof. Cap michael will be sorry to learn that he is confined to the house with a severe illness. : Joseph Sinnott, the well-khown cab driver, confined. to the house for a week, with la grippe, is able to be around again, ' Mrs. David Newboro on of Watertown, N.Y. friends in Kingston and Henderson, died at March 4th, aged ninety yPars., She was mother of Mrs, (Rev.) Ww. Craig, Adfred street. To-day the Misses + Muckleston and the - wenial collector of customs, Mr, Hamilton, exchange felicitations, good luck having given them the 17th of Ireland for a natal day. The remsive of the late Helen Far- Jrell, who died at Rockwood hospital, on Monday, were today, for burial. her brother body home. taken to Prescott, Thomas Farrell, came down to take the tem ie C.0.C.F. No. 121 Gathering. . Kingston council, No. 121, C.O.C.F. had o very. pleasant fueeting, on Mon- day evening, during which thirteen new members were added to the coun- eil, making a total of sixty-two re ceived for the month of March. After business, an intermission was allowed, when all present enjoyed themselves with cake and coffee, supplied by the la- dies of the council. The hall was fill- ed to its utmost capacity. During the evening the following programme was rendered and well received : Selection, orchestra; recitation, Miss Dutton; in. strumental duet, Routley Bros.; comic song, James Saunders: address, Dr. Bogart; piano solo, Miss McWaters; reading, Mrs. Lapier; piccolo solo, Dopiel Reeves; selection, orchestra; piano solo, Nrs. Elliott; inetrumental solo, Master Routley; addresses by the chairman and Dr, Mylks; selectign, Mr. and Mrs. Routley. The orchestra was under the management of A. Routley, amd all its selections weré given in such a way as to prove that every mémber is an artist. A Very Keen Bereavement. United States Consul MH. D. Van Sant, yesterday received the sad intel- ligence of the death on Saturday, of his wife's sister; Miss Myra Harper, of Lancaster, Pa. The young lady who "was only ninetend" years 'old, hgd--just recently graduated from a college in Philadelphia, and returned home, when she was stricken with a sudden ill- neds, Her denth was ¢ weat shock to hei sister, Mrs, Van-8..t, whose mo- ther had died just two. mouths ago. Miss Harper, a charming girl, was to have come to Kingston about the first of April, and spent somemmonths #t the United States consulate with her sister. The of Kingston, sympathize very sincerely with Mrs. Nan Sant in her great bereavement. i ---------- _ Sum Of $85 Realized. 2 At a mecting of the Y.W.C.A., yes- trlay, on of the tea given by ha ivening Gymnasium Club were made. The splendid sum of was realized. amount will ge towards furnishing the new home. 'otes of thanks were tendered Mrs. Harvey, organizes; , noveky, secretary of E. Purd, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY. BRIGHT AND FROSTY. Were Preached--The Irishmen Will Enjoy Every Moment of the Day. Montreal, March 17.--The . celebra- was up to the usual standard. The frosty weather. The vavious Irish societies, headed by bands of music, marched to St. Patrick's church, at pine o'clock, telebrated. The preacher of the day was Rev. D. J. O'Sullivan, New York, who is preaching @ series of Lenten Sermons af St. Patrick's, He is an eloquent speaker and his sermon was listened to with much interest. At the conclusion of the religious service, the errs ion mas re-formed and march- "thio he principal streets St. ay ward. This evening by will be a large number of entertain. ments by the Irish societies, the prin- cipal one being St. Patrick's Society dinner. Green Favors Everywhere. Ottawa, March 17.--The celebration of St. Patrick's day, in the capital, was held on Sunday last. To-day is just quietly celebrated. The green favors predominate and there was a service at St. Joseph's church, and at noon the Irish students of the uni versity held a banquet. To-night the national concert takes place, Gathered At Tara Hall. Quebec, March 17.--St. Patrick's day was very quietly observed here, to- day. There was a meeting of the diflerent Irish societies, this morning, at Vara hall, from whence they went in a body to mass in St. Patrick's church, This evening the annual con- cert will be held in the Auditorium. ANOTHER SOUTHERN AFFAIR. Judge Shot By Unknown While in Train. Augusta, Ga., March 17.--Fx-Judge 0. W. Buchanan, of Winneshoro, 3.0., whose wife is a nice of Senator B. R. Tillman, was mysteriously shot and probably mortally wounded, yester- day, in a train between Columbia and Augusta; Judge Buchanan was seated by an open window when the train pulled out of Wards, S.C. The train had proceeded but a short distance when a shot was fired through the window by an unknown person, the bullet entering the judge's side. He was cared for on the train until it arrived here, and taken to a sanitar- ium.. His condition is critical, Judge Buchanan was prominent in the de- fence of ex-Lieut.-Gov. James HH. Till man, when the latter was tried for killing"Eglitor N. D. Gonzales, of Co- hambia, S.C. TROUBLE IN HAMILTON Over Rent Due--Fined Several Parties. Hemiltan, Ont., March 17.--At the police eourt, this morning, Mrs, Ger trude Bastedo, 152 Picton street cast, was fined $20 or one month in jail for assaulting John Littlehales, sheriff's officer. The officér 'weit ta hér house on a distress warrant to make a seiz- ure for rent due, when the woman poured hot water over him. After the adjournment in court William J. Clatk went up to J. J. Hobsan, the agent, who issued the distress warrant, and said Hobson would hear from him in po uncertain mammer within twenty. four * hours. Clark vas arrested, brought before the magistrate and fined $50 or two months 'in jail: He explained that the woman's tears had got on His nerves and that he apr proached the agent with a view to making a settlement: : DEAD MAN SAT UP, ---- Reports of His Demise Greatly Exaggerated, Winnipeg, March 17.--Frederick Hood was pronounced dead, Saturday morn- ing, by his brother and friends, and [today he is in 'possession of full health and none * the worse for his novel experience. He is a well-known citizen. On Saturday morning, while talking So haar he Mttetye ude » J e was pie g hurriedly and taken home. Thoug life, was apparmtly extinet, a physi cian was sent jor. = Belove- the: doctor srrived, however, a faint pulse beat was observed, and dead and sat up. The was wi cir afew minutes later. the man opened his eyes report of his death : Tendered A Gift. A very pleasant event. took rink, after the. game last tor" Powell, who ni or suit "Jack presenta ST. PATRIEK'S DAY WEATHER IN MONTREAL Sermons of Interest and Eloquence | tion of St. Patrick's day, in this city, | celebrants were favored with bright, | p i % high mass to® {owen Sound; engineer, J. W. Taylor, Midland. \ b¥ MARCH 17, 1908. . i gs : | APPOINTMENTS MADE. i To the Vessels of the M. T. Com- | pany Fleet. The Montreal Tr tion com- | pany has made the tollowing appoint- | ments to its vessels for the coming | senson Steamers :_ » {| Advance--~Captain, M. Olsen, King- | ston; engineer, R. Hepburn, Kingston. | Bothnia--Csptais, A." Monpetit, Me- { locheville; emgimesr, 1. Hazlett, King- ston. D. G, Thomson--~Captaip, T. J. Mur | phy, Kingston; engineer, f.. E. Spen- | ver, Kingston. Emersdn--Captain, (, Martin, King- | ston; engineer, - CG. Hamderson, King- ston. Fairmount--Captain, P, C. Telfer, Glide--Captain, T. 0'Copnor, King- ston; engineer, GU, M. Gerow, Picton. Glemmount--Captain, John Wood, Port Dalbousie; engineer, T. G. Bis- hop, Kingston. Bi H. F. Lronson--Captain, Luke Mal- lon, Cardinal; engineer, (i. Dennison, Kingston. Pr ie » Jessie Hall-No appointments. M r P. Hall-Captain, William Mur- hy, ingston; engineer, J. Kennedy, Kingston. Mary--Captain, "J, B. Desoroslier, Montreal; engineer, C, A. Stilson, Bouwek's Hill. Rosemount--Captain, ©. Milligan, St. Catharines; engineer, R. Taylor, Kineston. Stormount--Captain, 'Hl. N. MoMas- ter, Toronto; engineer, H. McClymont, Kingston. S Stirling--Captain, J, Murray, King- ston; engineer, G. Fleming, Kingston. Windsor--Captain, J. vie, King- stam; engineer, W. OC, Spencer, King- ston. Ne mount Co mapaing Alexander Milligan, St. Catharines: engi J Newbold, Kingston. § gr vw, Barges and captains : Aungustus--~P. Lalonde, Valleyfield, Acadia--A. Lalonde, Vaileyfield. Alberta--W. Langevion, Valleyfield, Brighton--Herbert Tim, Montreal. Bella--L. Ledue, Valleyfield. Condor--F, Lalonde, ir, Valleyfield, Cornwall-L. Benoit, Valeyfield, Cobourg--A. St. Marseille, Cascade Point. Dunmore--I, Daoust, Montreal. Dorchester--E, Deblais, St. Roche de Richelieu. ; Dakota--A. Gossclin, Cascades Point. Leorge I. Davie--A. Monette, jr., Valleylield. Huron--No appointment. Hiawatha---N, Lairance, Paint. Hector--A. Monette, sr., Valleyfield. Hilda--William Lalonde, Kingston, Towa--dJoseph Daoust, Valleyfield. Jennie--E. Major, Valleyfield. John Gaskin--A. Major, Valleyfield. Kingston--C. Lebeuf, Valleyfield. Kildonan--M. Moreau, Cedars. Lapwing--Joseph Ledue, Valleyfield. Mamio--F. Mallette, Hudson Heights. Melrose--Alexander Herbert, Mont- real. SJ outreal-tsonge Mortroy, 'King- ston, Muskoka--~William Ledue, St. Justine Station. -- Nadine--Trufile Daocust, Valleyficld. Selkirk-~M. Chatel, St. Zotigue. Thrush--Jules Herbert, Valleyfield. Valencia--Max. Lefebvre, Montreal. Winnipeg--Nelson Mallette, Cornwall, fUngava--James Kirkwood, King- ston. Hamilton--George Davy, Kingston. Quebee--~C, Bfuve, Kingston. SENT AN ADDRESS Which Was Read at the Sergeants' Annual Dinner; At the annual dinner of the ser: geants of His Majesty's 12th regiment, Scotland, held recently, an address was received and read from Bergt Thomas "MaeKenxie; of the RM.U., one of the veterans of the regiment, The . Bury Free Press gives details of the ban- quet, and special reference is made to the address sent by the Kingstonian. Sergt. Mackenzie joined this = regi- ment in March, 1850, when a lad of seventeen years, and served with the battalion in all its different stations for twenty-one years and five months. Subsequently be served a further term with the Scaforth Highlanders, leav- ing the regiment for civil life again aftor "three "yours service. He after wards came to Canada and served on the stafi of the RM.C.. Sergt. Me henzie was sergeant of the guard when three companies of his regiment were caught "in a ovelone on the Bay of Bengal, on October 22nd, 1864. ATTENDED MASS. ---- Irishmen Gathered in St. Mary's Cathedral. - -Spevial services 'were held in St. Mary's cathedral, this moming, in mection with St. Patrick's day. ass was o ted at eight o'clock the archbishop, assisted by Fathers Cascads plage at en, Murphy and Gay, as deacons of oF, and Fathers" Macdonald lind yas deacon and sub-deacon 'mass. The ceremonies were in of Rev. Father O'Rielly, ' and a harmon ag deliv 'eved by Father ) ane, olpthe palace. Before and after wash the children sang hymas in Hee Lr nrge congregation pre : hung above in ai of (J DIO . £2 -- % Bi X.MCA. on The senior a this will be a good year for : err 4 SENIOR ATHLETIO CONTEST AT SARANAG LAKE] OTTAWA MAN FIGURES IN ROMANTIC MARRIAGE. Frederick day Weds a Bright During His Long Illness. announcement that Miss E. McMullen, member family of Schenectady, Frederick George Hay, son of the president of the Bank of Ottawa, were married, last October, has come as a surprise to the members -of the Adir- ondack winter colony, among whom the bride and bridegroom are well known. Miss McMullen, who has been pro- minent in Schenectady society, on the | advice of her physician has spent most | of her time in the last few vears in the Adirondacks. Mr. Hay, who has been -in Adirondacks for about a year, served in Ottawa Fusiliers. The young couple first met last spring at a health resort known as Fletcher's, in Bloom- ingdale, six miles from Saranac Lake. Hay fell ill and Miss McMullen, hav- ing seen many similar cases during her stay in the mountains, volunteered as temporary nurse. As soon as Hay was able to be up and around again the young folks slipped away to a parson- age at Bloomiugdale, on October 30th, and 'were married. Not until recent ly did their relatives learn of the mar- riage. EX-CANADIAN SAW IT. A Thousand Men Slain in Iguique Chili, St. John, N.B., March 17.--~What is probably the first correct account to he received of the recent rioting in bqui- que, Chile, when over 1,008 men were killed and 2000 wounded, is presented wr extracts fom a letter received from Marguerite of a leading was first sent out by the Associated Press and afterwards denied by them, Nr. Solanders was in Iquique at the time and his letter shows that 1,008 men were killed and 2,000 wounded. The letter is in part as follows: "Here I am 1,100 miles up coast from Taltal and 1,20 feet above sea level. I told you ¥ would pmgbably try fur- ther north ahout end of year. 1 went up to lquique, where I expected to get a better situation in the nitre' busi-| ness. I went to Antolagasto, where 1 would have had a good billet had it not been for strikes, which paralyzed| the nitre business. In lquique alone] 1,008 men were killed and 2,000 were wounded in something under a quar ter of an hour by tréops and naval men. They turned two machine guns on an unarmed demonstration on the plaza and the slaughter was awful, The whole trouble arose over the value ol a currency dollar, which came down from 1s 3d. to a little more than 3d." Lake Opinicon srocals. Lake Opinicon, March 16.--The tea meeting held on the 10th inst, in aid of the Methodist church proved a suedess. A. A, Barr's sale was well attended and everything sold" well. J. E. Davidson visited friends here ve: cently, Miss A. Gray and her brother Charles, spent a couple of days at A. Darling's. A little girl has come brighten the home of A. Barr. Mrs. R. Lyon leaves to-morrow for her home at Latimer, after spending the post two weeks with friends here Visitors: 'F. Darling and Miss Florence lor," Latimer, at M. Hughson'y: Mrs A. Ferguson, Inverary, at her broth- er's, A. Barr's: Mrs. L. Hughson, Mrs, R. Lyon and little Alice Hugh gon, spent a couple of days at R Simpson's, Seeley Bay. : Death At Sydenham. Sydenham, March 16.--The Svden- ham public 'school ve-opened, = this morning, with a good attendance Mrs. P. W. Barnett, passed away, last night, having been a great sufferer from. cancer for the past two years, She leaves, besides a sorrowing hus- band, sif children, five sons and one daughter, who was summoned home from Belleville, to be presept at. the Hsoduids of her mother. Deceased is. a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Amey, of this village. Robert Cochrane, cheesemuker, is busy hauling stone'and building material, as he intends put. ting extensive repairs on factory this spring. News From Centreville. Centreville, March 16.-F, C. Gerow held his annual cheese meeting in the town hall today. The school has been closed for the past two weeks, owing to the illness' of the "teacher, Miss Myrtle Husband. James Loch- head i= able to be around again. Miss Annie Ingoldshy returned home, after spending the past week in Kingston, The concert on Friday #vening, in aid of the Methodist church, was largely attended. William Weese and sister, Lucy, Cloyne, are spending a cop: le of weeks with their uncle, James Fees. Miss Florence Switzer is visit ing ber aunt, Mrs, George Connors. a ------------ Picknell's Corners Budget. Bicknell's Corners, March 16.-J. cow, Several of the farmers are pre- pari It is believed Fou on of the severe winter. Visitors: . James Kirkpatrick and sal lov, of Marlbauk, at parents , Mr. Mrs. P. Maedonell, die week; Mr. -- John Emberley, and Arthur, of Jorter, at their son's, A. Fmberloy; nk Kito, a Japan: five builets into the Young Lady Who Nursed Him! Saranac, N.Y,, March 17.--The formal | NY, and! Robert Solanders, I'he story ob rioting to § at A. Darling's; John and Wm. Tay-| hit cheese fi Hh fir Ladies' Tailored Suits. New Spring Styles. ' THE BURLINGTON SUIT " Single breasted, fitted back coat, trimmed with self-strapping, collar with fancy lined, thirteen red pleated skirt, with bias self Id, made in good quality Brown and Navy Panama Cloth, with white and cuffs of silk ed braid, mercerized stripes. $18.50. The Brooklyn Suit Single breasted coat, fitted back, self collar, lapels faced with silk, back of coat finished with inverted leat, trimmed with buttons, lined with good quality inglish Satinet Black Venetian, $19.95. We just mention two out of guite a number. Choose Now And have your choice placed aside if not quite ready to buy. - New Skirts Just placed in stock. These come from the very best cutter of Skirts in Canada and are right up to March 15th in style. You are welcome to come and see these New " "Buits, Skirts and Coals, cven if? not ready tn bay. See ale SEIT essere) Shoes for Men Have given such universal satisfaction during the two years we bave sold them, we now know that we.can thoronghly recommend them. . Made in Box Calf, Fine Valour Calf and Heavy ® Bright Kid. All Goodyear Welted Soles and per- gs fect-fitting, ~ Price $4.00, $4.50, $5.00. CEPR ITER STE PIPERS CREEP ® The Gold Bond W COMO SOON ICO SEES