LR 2% A ; : Se THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1908. ceessesssssisssssensassnssnssssssssessss (NT THE CAIMMAL[FZomusements. 'HE IS NOW IN HANDS OF| OTTAWA POLICE. | | rench Government Made Bequest; = | CONDENSED ADVERTISING w ad the Man TO-NIGHT. That RATES ROOM, WITH BOARD, FOR ELDERLY {4 SQUARE PIANO Spent a Term in the fesitte:y : Talented Actress, y k Le nd AMillinery Showing esse oenee First insertion 1c. a word. Bach con- secutive imsertion thereafter ball cent | ody . Apply, giving particulars to Cis in good ; Box "Ww. H.* § : tiary. hig office. frock strest 3 fo i yp ench gov: a word. Minimum caarge for 0ge iw |T0 PURCHASE 5 TO 7 ACRES WITH GG CHATHAM aa, March J The Prone Whe JANE CORCORAN sertion, ' 25¢. dwelling, near city, Apply McCann and two hrooders, aif | orrame a s que « el dd . Re nd vg } : fanadi : (Sup vy JAMES M. BRO ad 5 : | Canadian 'government for the extradi- |SEEPOR SAE ato Arkh vy rms (YF me cee iMASTERPIECES. { tion of a famous eriminal who is now | : ' 99 WANTED-FEMALE. PLAIN, SEWING PONE, OF ANY x I ERS Cn | in the hands of the police. He is Wil- | A DOLL S HOUSE ind. Call or write to AMF. Cayiess, Sd EE | lian McManus alae Joe Martin, alias | GOOD GENERAL SERVANT ONE 334 King street, over Armstrong's tu Oren i rd . 3 $ os oN who cams sleep at home. Apply .. "rs | McMahop, and is wanted by the Paris By HENRIK IBSEN, 8, W. Dyde, Queen's College. {FP YOU _WANT PAINTING, KALSO- wa, ( | polos for complicity in the Rue| Prices, $1. T5c., Hoe, 856. and Ase, . : " Oo ¥ ¥ 3 Ses Wg or Paper Hanging done, sen | Scribe robbery, He recently served a) Bests how on 83's. HOUSEMAID, REFERENCES Ri. te T. Beale, 15 Ridedu St. for low : 4 Kins n f A------ wired. Apply to Mrs Walken prices. Pauble Herm in ingstoh penitentiary or 8 hh Ret. ® he . SRE hn propert | shop breaking at Ottawa, but it was | Beverly: & in Ving A Job CLEANING ASHES OUT OF son, Bow ted as a « | not known to ine police that they had, Grand Opera House 4 QooD GENERAL SERVANT, yards or cellars, or plier baggage ikem & Waike internationals jail bird on their} plain cook. Apply le Mrs. Ettinger cartel. Prices right. App te B. p---------- | Bands until the request of the French | Thursday, March 19th. 105 Alber: St, below Union St Lytle, General Carver, 35 Mais St. | government = came to hand. He was! KATHRYN OSTERMAN | remanded, to-day, for extradition pro- ceedingd., 100000000000 eeesnscescesecsssrosssacar 4 GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, |UPHOLSTERING AND CARPET LAY- pxtension ki and ANNA BELMONT plain cook. References. Apply en ing, sewing, general reparing, by R ad cellar In the Mirth Provoking Comedy: tween 7 and 8 p.m., at 191 Johoson Ww Millard, 285 Wellington St dt Job Orders taken at Drury's Coal Office 3 dre THE GIRL WHO LOOKS Styet- "Phone, $43. NEWS OF DISTRICT. LIKE ME GOOD GENPRAL SERVANT. NO -- Th 1 ¥ that wads all Toronto washing or ironimg. Apply ia the [DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET uk i © pl at ma n : on J To B Spr) S x The Tidings From Various Points play *Ya ih on wveniag, ta Mrs. A. Maclean, 50 Parl der Si halts Jade oy gos in Eastern Ontario. i Prices, 23e., BSE, LOY Tse. SL anteed 10 please. 181 Broek St. A woli hunt has been arranged to! Seda S09 1 a LOBT. i next to Bibby's Livery. i V. Barker : take place in North Hastings on . ONE LARGH OR TWO SMALL CON-lA CHESTNUT STALLION, 16 HANDS necting rooms, furnished or us irmish SOUS mi ow sh ntinue for 7 - i Mand 30th, nad will: con tn . JOON COAT, WITH GLOVES AND ": high, gos h. and one week, letter hi on Barrea Welling: ed, with gas and water, must be we rokes Y Tyini ' kv lle. Tues: etter im pocket, on hok, . central, between City Fark aod Prin- Me ! thon, a At Trinity reatory, Brookv lle, Tues ton or Queen {as., Saturday, be as St. Apply Box \L.,* Whip wi : day Rev. ¥. Dealtry Woodeock united tween 3 youd so eo Reward for re- oe. £ i ' ig . i Strat X 7 rine ret in marviage Miss Susan May Kelsey, turn to Whig office. HL wi of Elgin, and G. E. Jones, Morton. CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, PURNI-|{NO.76 SYDENHAM, SOLID BRICK ture, Planos, or any article for stor. with extemsion kitchen, 6 bed rooms, George Shephers, wanted in Ganano- TO-DAY AND THURSDAY TO-LET, age, by the menth, ear, of any wey hot Water heating. Recently removats que and Peterboro, on gharges of for - required, For furiher information, ed throughout. Possession 1st May gery, was arrested in Port Hope, on} STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN apply to Leturngy"s Carriage Works, Also pair of good houses Nos. 60 and Friday, while conversing with = two| and dry. Frost's City Storage, v9 0% and 393 Princess St, 'Phope, 62 Wellington street. Apply A. 8B, ¥r 5 Cunnim 3 1 Queen St. "Phone, 536, commercial travellers. B f NS On Weanesday last, at Brockville, re st of man - TO RENT, BY A LADY WITH]420 AND 431 JOHNSON ST./ y ene ° Jy prom COR. JON mother and owe child, a residence in : double hrick Bouse, unit 4 Step in our Millinery Department WEDNES¢ ' DAY and FOLLOWING DAYS. The new Spring 'Hats are ready to receive you--ready to 'surprise, delight and charm you, Never has it been. our, pleasure to offer such an assemblage of auties. Verily--every bat is a masterpiece. g f NE p u 1 in marriages sat 251 UNIVERSITY AVE Rev. D, Strachan wmbe: in f"linent citizens, our BIG SuC- "son, 9 rooms, hot er furnace, B. the west end, containing about S| atest hmprovemen Miss 1da May Cughan, second daugh- ' \ Ae Cm . ny gat 4 . beng ¥ . & C. Apply at McCann's, 51 Brock rons, modern improvements, fur} nace, six i ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cughan, CESS of three weeks ago street. nace, ett Rent, $20 10 $25 Me- | room, kit Athens, to Roy M. Ric hards, Soper: . Cen, 51 Brock street. wood i 3 " " ---- ------ p-------- "He i ife, Bell A FIREBUG FOREMAN FROM 1ST MAY, 1908, NUMBER 158 | KINGSTONIANS TO KXOW THAT Johnson street, Henry Renfrew and his wile, e. » * . : i. Larl street, at present occupied . by Newman andeSprigg's Blectric Cov. ville, have been married for over eigh-| with its splendid realistic IiertCol. Hudon, C.M.G., hot water re always ready to do i pied] de: ie § HQUSE AND LOT Fist The Spring Shapes are radically dif- ferent -- strikingly beautiful -- rarely becoming. And under the subtle in- fluence of the trimmer's art they have been evolved with bewitching grace into confections of enticing loveliness. pe , The fir ¥ PATS 8 oh heat Xx and modern improverients motuent's notice teen years. The first ten years or Scignectacle. gi Apply to Armstrong McCormick, 103 for wiring i import business of 'their married life was happy but | Centre street. or Thomas Mills iv wd fixtures specialt Ta Present, OWE and S ut le 2 hares, then he began drinking and became | Clarence street. a , Yh abusive, The police have him now. | 64 o | ---- een - phone, 441 I'rincess comp At her husband's home, in Syden- . p-- . oe ie ; : BUSINESS CARDS. SITUATIONS VACANT. : ham, Sunday. night, Mrs. Frederick Ww. | n BUS gar Barnett, a former resident of Mallory-] 7 . Ee ERTOIAN: FEAN } moet emi wrmeieetis es ' 1 ®. J. BIRCH, ELECTRICIAN, SEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN MONEY AND BUSINESS. You'll enjoy their viewing. 'Women will spend hours in our Hat Department admiring, studying rying on and selecting hats, "Tis an unmistak- ble demonstratiog of the attractiveness of our illinery. 0000000000000 0000000000000 town, passed away. I'he late Wrs. | removed from 179 Wellington Bt. jo barber trade in eight weeks; gradu Barnett, who was a lady of shout, 206 Wellington St phil war promp barber twelve to eighteen' doll -- Jy "wi . a attend, 10; esthnnles [urmished. . > Satie Of ne e . 3 X forty years of age, was born at Sy-| This magnificent picture was pro ly attended, fo Foekly ; ely ySesur Janitor : . A is i p "in 8 | . Ogun > Mole " oe! » y ' and deham, her maiden name beivg Miss| nounced by all who sw" it 'the most od oe Fortes ! hing and a than any othel i dwin's Insurance Fmporium, Macks Amey. | splendid ever shown in" Kingston. The MARRIAGE LICENSES. While Henry Blakely, an old man|management pronounces it one of the m-- - : o WEI aged seventy-two years, who HVeSiyery best picturig ever produced since | © 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF ARCHITECTS. "RE LONDOR. AND GLOBE { As - COVER MOR? ntonts than 8 % i . a C St. --- near Moira Lake, was feeding his | moving pictures were invented. Marriage Licenses, 42 Claren err ret ---- horses on Sunday one of them kicked] It is a fine Melodrams aed includes a ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCRITECT, OF > 215 ark "Ae fice, Cor. Queen mind Bugot streets f 101 him, with the result that one of his |wondertul and 2 rourpry reproduc PERSONAL a. A oO of wo nmense conflagration, fro ---- -------------------------------- o_o: legs and both arms were broken, andi the setting of the fire, he alarm, oe | UWER & SONS, ARCHITEUTS, MER severe injuries about the head were nWakeniig of the firomengithe rush of | HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, chant's Bauk Building, corser Brock inflicted. He is still insensible. hities to the scene aod , the grentest warts, etc., removed permanently, and Wellington streets. 'Phones, 212. Whi pew ing ol The funeral of the late Arthur Red- I Sha Suidines without scar. Twenty yeais peri 2 Sth ope A dA ¢ 7 " close quar 2 me % 2, Kye, Far, . > 5 oN LTE y Agents mond, youngest son of Joseph P.lers, at the tmuwinent riskiol the operat fuce. Dr. Binet Jind" Skin Blemish | HENRY P. SMILE, (ANC uly KOT, | pn i ite ille ( wo ors lived, lading 3 . ete: nchor Building. Market Square editor, Mirchalville, took place Sd It's worth $1 to sea. this picture, but 'Specialist, 238 Bagot, atredt "Phone, 345 BOARD AND ROOMS. Saturday, at Lansdowne. S=1it costs only ---- -------------------- ed young man, only twenty-four years | ; AS LYRRAES a N, | WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF-|IN ONE OF MOST UPTODATE A p -5 CB 0 CHURCHMAN, KINGSTO if of age, "onsupied for two yoscs sd J yn ONT Tas circulation ia | Ace. second ocr over Mahiid' SHOU |' Loueth IN roam Mesicrn Smaps: rativ i . he A 3 . 'There ore, 0 rT e i 1 each Bedroom erative position as an attache ol ¢| JOHN ROBERT DAVIS Sing Anglican families. in Danade. $e BR. EE rane on Bagot street lv, ny a6 Je British consulate in Boston, Mass, , "Love Me All The Time.' Bor ation and resulte. "Phone, 608. par Week where ho was employed at the time of ENGAGEMENT BRACELETS, THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian his last illness. Be. A Fy Fish Creek Facts. : ACCIOFNTALLY SHG. WON DE A Princess Marie Bonaparte Started v Int a Fish Creek; March 16.-The tea-| A Young Man Was Fatally In. the Idea. REV, C. W. SOW. ---------------- meeting on briday évenime was a de v The newest Parisian fad is the be es vitlod wiceess, $24 being made for the | Ridoctewn Row h 18.~Pearl THE HousB: OF AIT, trothal bracelet. It is not worn on Brest Ideals In Saal Alairs ' new organ for the church. Mra. Wil- |p, ng second son of William Brien, of ec the wrist, but on the upper arm, the tc Bh ad AT aa liam Shellington; Murvale, spent a Ridgetown was actiden tally and r Sg left arm, as nearest the heart. ant-chmax; it is ui nap oe ping 4 few days with her parents here. Seve- |g 00) shot by his brother while the | Programme WEDNESDAY and THURS] The fashion is said to have been in: tion of the trae method o ile, In the . All lengths, all sizes ral attended: | the sale at 8. Barr's; |, wore shooting geese at their farm | DAY. : troduced by Princess Marie Bona Sunduet of Jie we fad J hose he and, to suit all condi- Slew a Pobin purchased . ine on Talbot street, this morning. They parte, » hey ve syd Jeon a, Haw divinest peitiples aud the big at jn t otter. Potatoes |" are wearce aroun EG y 3 leorge of Lreece , insted + fre ation 1 tions. Built to order here, and some have to buy hay. This had hin Sotauiell under the funds "Toula's Dream" ditional ring, a double band of gold | Our hawt daily duticn age: to he Hace i » I > } iia Ted , Ver n le © ' we te fit about her arm close up | transfigured by our noblest jdeals, an and oreoted In place on [ivi har one. thine to be proud of. | idle of he fore "valuing for he | VC lees Sm |G, Shoulder Bor a. ve ved he geese to fly ia, and started to crawl of which the | presence by the power, and under the | ice. de ¢ contagious disease this win- x " i The two broad rings short notice leaths or contagious disease this win- | [ui on their hands and knees, Pearl Funeral of King and Crown The. tue broad fing with [eye of God. No task can be too in| ornament consists were "chased ter. The people of this place are in : ¥ ¥ : » having a shotgun, and Charles a Prince of Portugal" an antique design and studded with | significant, no burden too "trivial, no | . : need of a post office and some are | winchester ile. The rifle w ad ! Esti tes Furnished talking of acting. Thomas Hickey. Ninchester rifle. The 8 Was ge ° diamonds and sapphires and had "a | joy ' too mall: to: be sanctified and | ce i eme---------------- yJdently at hill cock and the trigger [It's worth the price to see this proce i] "YH Rat < his proces | olasp of diamonds. enriched by His benediction. Rev. | THE FRONTENAC : Sa 8 Sri; Buck Lake, . has purchased a in © i Ai % on Request. Sry; rig I . i came in contact with something which he i . . . | farm from his . son, James, Hinchin- |. > dischareed: The slum mY, ho engagement bracelet ie made in | Gill, ) caused it to bo discharged. The bul- { LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY / brooke. Yisitops=. 8, Barr, Claren- . s & . many forms, however, sometimes with pn Selby & Youlden Ltd don, Miss G. Thompson, Tihisorno. ot hot eintuted the hate oe Sega 'The Pleasant Side of a bangles of gems and sometimes with | Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 | ESTABLISHED, 1863 ' Noah Barber's; Froderick Steele, Mis- {1,u¢ it was too late to save his life. Soldier's Life n Jitth chain o R rls a rom 3 Seats m street, Boston, Mass., for the | President--8ir Richard Cartwrig Often, says the New ork Sum, It is | Literature. { Movey 1daned on City and Fa 4 gissippi: Misses F, Kivor, and P.| Hi was twenty-five yoars of , Kin ston F oundr ¥ Hititohis, Tidhborne, at Fo Stoete's: as twenty-five years old and very : A - Scream, wrfectly plain save for a fingle fine | ----ul pi d---------------- Sion unicipal amd. Cows * popular. I x 1 HE - erties. Municipal ¥ diamond or a small star of brilliants . fren Mori gages purchased Miss Nora Beadour and Miss Annie i 1 1 r i W ET 's. Ss 78 -- san | eceived mad (nierest allowes ; _-- - Thoin A ONGS ILLUSTRATED 18, C. McGill, Managing Director The Cannon Ball Tree. SWHEN THE VIOLETS WHISPER Cleans Fish Automatically, esi nam------------ Among the plants of Guinea one | MARIE" sung by GEO, B. TOUHEY, Washington. Post. dh, it is claimed 1 of the most curious is the canson Miss ANNIE McGLADE, Plauist. A mat pis whi , : he a nes 3 Whi EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR ball tree. It grows to the height 3. THEO: EK automatically cut and dress 250 fish a : of sixty feet, and its flowers are ré- a EL eters |} HRAMMLR, OF 15,000 an hour, has been Pp t h Libe al | 12 Blades $1 complete, guality markable not only for their beauty, KILLED IN THE RING, Plater oo Wxinihition by Re inven ortsmout iberals guaranteed. but also for their fragrance. = Its w---- hrndaipiug man, 8 Sue vem o , ' west | o" for their fragrance ts and is attracting a great | The Literals of Portamouth will meet | STRACHAN'S. blossoms are of a beautiful crimson, | Philad i i : : ' z : ' elphia Youth Loses Life A { o state: Jin the Town Hall, on FRIDAY appearing in large bunches and ex- » While Boxin denl ol at rg? kh I ip the ING, March 20th --y at eight o clock haling 8 rich perfume, The fruik re: a y. e OXIDE. machine can do the wou ol a dozen to ett w Chinitman sand fof ATTENTION sembles enormous capnon balls; hence Philadelphia, Pa., March 18.- if an] men, ot an export Satnt_and « leaner business ot the mn - sav i amateur boxing tournament, follow] can ¢ amg clean only 1, o " { your furnace beeds repairing, if you bool igi es Onl Bg say de hoa ing the regular performance at the | fish an hour. : P; 3. MeDORALD MUWAT, ,. | Sant sry work dons in the way of Hot hich the ball ein buretiny | Bijou Thentre here, last night, "Wil- | The fish are slid into pocketi in: the res. Kingston Reform Ass'n. | Weta Heating. or Plumbig, give we o v 1 ) he h wails make in bursting. lie" Rot | x reat of the machine and twa auto -- - all, you ai get prompt sttéution sed From the shells domestic utensils are | obinson, aged nineteen years, | F800 © : ERIRe, ARC . ey 00d satisfaction, TRADE MARK. made, and from the contents are oh: was killed while boxing with Charles atk flulhee at an Kripthe > WEDDED DESERTER'S RIVAL. 'DAVID HAI Phone 436 5 5% EAE i : . £1 i . 3 a sf the head and near the end of } : ; iil | tained several kinds of acids, sugar Wolf, of the same age. Robinson and} BA" 5 ; { ? Brock GIVES ADDED CHARM TO and ghm as well as the materials for Wee: who 'were friends, had been in od a. A Firoulue a ets Young. Sady Save Hana fo Ya iP : om 4 a | making an excellent drink in sickness. | the ring but thirtyifive 'seconds when | Copia es ant straps a ish, while successful Suitor. : "THE WEARER } : i 0 the Ltsit wtenck : Robinson a severe three knives on a revolving shaft, still Meriden. Conn.; March 18. Deserted New England Chinese Restaurant 4 : ¢ blow over the heart. Robinson col further in the maching, thoroughly by one man three dava before the date 331 King Street. Owing to its being the most successful | Arctic Dog Life. lapsed and became unconscious. He clean it. After this operation the | of their marriage, Miss Iva L. Rodd, | Opes from 10.30 aw. to 3 am. the ing : : ¢ A leaned fish slides d shalt : ; corsct design ever created. . ! Nowhere in the wdrld has the dog died in the police patrol on the way} hes nl hile p own a shaft into | not to disappoint the wedding guests, | best place to get am all round Lunch in It isa well-known fact that a "0 & A {| | such wurestricted right of way as in{to an hospital. Frederick Douglass, | basket, w 13 the head and cuttings | went through the ceremony with the | Whe city. Syasih of 'all kinds on shortest Model groatly enhances the heuty of & per- opr Shoat northerly possessions--Alas- | the referee, under whose management ate Sepossived in a separate compart- | deserter's rival, and apparently is, to joie mg and Commas: Sim a fect figire, while it insproves ordinary figures ka. wiater when the more than|the tournaments are held, together § "TH ; day, a happy leap year bride . et ---- ~ut of all recognition, <= - if {600,000 square miles of territory are with Wolf, Francis Moore, his second, rit in gated hy ghine can be con Miss Rudd was to be the wile of Ww M A . A "D & A De Luxe Corset" is the senled up in solid ive, dogs are almost |and Marcus Williams, séeond for Rob-Lel mol - ah at of do ten Harold Church. Her troussean was m, urray, uctioneer elixir of elegance, smartness, refined dis. the 'sole means of getting 'from place | inson, were arrested, given an imme} atl rp rake Yl can be | complete dud the wedding prepara tinction and comfort. ta place--in fact, they seem neoessdry | diate hearing, and bell. for, ihe cor- Ope It in Atted pas - Sua UNE tions made when Mrs. C. A. Rudd 27 BROCK ST. . An " tan : . . n.automati id . is } : i he as air, 'yet guaranteed to outlast to life itself. The aristocrats of / oner. register whith keeps an account of the mother of the brideelect, undertook | New Carriages, Cutters, Harness two ordinary corsets, i tie dog lite are the mail teams in the , fish which are cleaned. is uly ine Chasreh of hydtatisy ution | ote., for 'sale. Jo left town the next day, saying he | Sale of Horses every Saturdav. $5.00 service of the United States govern- PRICES - $1.00 to {i the to-day a SHpHEOE a The on 8. NM could not get along with his prosp em ------------------------------ - breed 16 the dogs employed some half. n illastrated ire by 8S. M.1A Grass From Which Paper tive mother-in-law dozen years ago, before great gold dis- | Thomson, of' sloed Children's Aid } parper's Magezine for a $ Made. | Or Rudd sent for George 1. Ston HERPICIDE'S MISSION, raveries increased the mail servied, Society, wilt® given in the Firth Esparto is not an agricyitural pro- and gave to him the hand whic h be ' ; Baptisg ch , to-morrow, fhe 19th} duct, and il seems fitging that the had sought long and pervistently. The | It Takes Away the Dread of Dead At Tweed. west; at 8 pom. Mr. Thomson has leading export of the Tripolitan peo-| wedding was held Saturday evehing. | Birthdays. Tweed, Unt., March 15~Warwick [had large Si in helping me-§ ple should be a product of their own TT Nothing is more ansoying to men Bowell, an old and respected citizen glected and wndent children, Come} avid land, wild and incapable of pulti- and women of middle age than to see of Tweed, died at an v hour this {and bear him, A silver collection tak- | vation, Sioce IS6S, when the first E, BOTTERELL DEAD. those samintakable signs of ago-thic e had beta ailing for some Joh at the close, D. Maeallum. shipload of esparto was Eng Se---- | hair umd graynesm-approashing: Hit Mr. Bowell was a brother of tna, land, vessels have horse away thou-| Well-Known. Hat Man at Montreal | 1 0 discovered that these con ex-Premier Sir Mackenzie Bowell and Stweze Causéd Death. sands of tons yearly to that country. Drops Dead. 1 ditions age no longer, "amistakable'" . having | Peterboro, : March 18.=Suveting was | Yon or I pick up a heavy-looking nov-| 'Montreal, March 18.--E. Botterrell, { gvidences of old age, for the dondeuft the cause of the death, on Tuesday, | perchance and marvel at its Tight | prgprietor of the John Henderson | cvrm theory provis that even very of. Mrs. Ephraim Brosmy ness, and the reader of some London I ipony dropped dead, on Tuesday! young people may suffer hale Joss, ' newspaper peruses its colimns and | while walking down the path in front] while those fortunate mough to = then casts aside the finished product | of the residence of his daughter atfcape the ravages of the wcaly wom of the esparto-picker. In 1901, which| Lachine. : retain their ahundant locks (0 a rige wae an average vear, M5155 camel-| The Henderson hat snd fur store} old age, Newhbro's Herpicide kills the loads came into the coast towns, near | has for a quarter of a century been | dandraff germ and removes the rik of Iy 134.000 passed through the gate | one of the best known in Canada, and | appearing old before vour time, Rave way of the Suk-el-Falfa, the total ex-{ Mr. Botlerell on almost all oecusion#! your hair and your feelin hy using of the country amounting = 16] was called upon to attend to the pay- | the penuine Herpicide. Sold by lead about 33.000 tons. That Tromt the | mont' of poiitical bets which involved] ing druggiste. Bond He. in stamps foe town of Tripoli, 16,690 tons, bronght | the donation of a hat by ihe loser | sample to The Heenicide Co. Detroit y £75,500, which was over a fourth of | He was one of Montreal's weglthiest } Mich. Twa sizes, 06, and 81, CG. W, the smommit of her tolal exports, retail merchants, Mabood, special agent. 2 And not the least of the charm and at- tractiveness of the hats unexpectedly reposes in their prices. We: never offered such extra good values--near- -1y every visitor will remark that, % CRUMLEY BROS. J 0000000000000000000000000000080000000000000 ¥