i: i © >» SE he 8 out of town who want 3 before May next. ONGE MORE WELL "FRUIT-A-TIVES™ ALONE CURED HIM Clarence J. Placey is a farmer of Ulverton, Que., known as a man of integrity and good judgment, He writes in Bo wnsotain terms of the great benefit be derived from taking "Fruit. a-tives" for a long standing kidoey trouble. Sone SoU Sa Ep Sr ge id taut om of camcellation I suflered for many years with kidney trouble, with bad pain in the back and all symptoms of disease of the kidneys. 1 took every known kidney remedy and kidney pill but nothing gave me relief and I was getting discouraged. 1 was advised to try *"Fruit-a-tives" and I did so--and this medicine' me when every other remedy failed. I used alto- gether fifteen boxes of "'Pruit.a-tives" and from the outset they give me relief and I am gow practically well again, no pain in the back, no distress, and all the symptoms of severe kidney disease have entirely left me, 1am very thankinl to be once more well and I freely make this statement for the sake of others who may suffer as I suffered and to them I say "Try *'Fruit-a-tives." 5; (Sgd) CramzNcE J. Praczy. * Pruit-a-tives "' -- or * Fruit Liver Tablets' are sold by dealers at soc a box =6 for $2.50--or will be sent on receipt of price. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, pie iy i HOW TO AVOID BAD COLDS The only way your systens clear from bad colds is to take a few doses of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver 0il, Mathieu's Syrup you right away, infects the bronchial tubes, aids expectoration and soothes the Jungs and throat. If you happen to have Grirpe-- Take Mathieu's Nervine Powders at the same time. They remove the fever, while catarrh, Mathieu's Syrup, 35. large bottle. 18 Powd- ers for 28¢c. from all dealers, J. L, MATHIEU co., Props., Sherbrooke, P.Q. cures Yoars .# Soe 800 i 22 2: VE i : : Bese f £idE Why rent typewriters of doubtful t when you can rent 4a source of machine famous for light Retion and beautiful work at the following rates : a Mg FOLLOWING NM ; -~.a OR SIX MONTHS - .... In event of chase the rented "in hoe | Machine is by a new one ds meet," and the first month's rental ap- on purchase "Te "| plied : we are have a large stock! of rebuilt hs mot ov: Titers tows we will sell at barjrain prices. wy » en THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, the Congo untives by the incredible | {cruelty and 'remorseless greed of his LEOPOLD OF BELGIUM foficiels, MOST UNPOPULAR KING. 4 THE SPORT REVIEW. i ---- > : Starting Reign Under Brightest | Interesting News From the Var. Auspices, His Records As | ious Sporting Fields, iE Autocrat, Father and - Man| It has been decided fo send I. E.| { Marsh, of Toroato, to England at the | Have Estranged Subjects. . itime of the Olympic Nihon to March 18.~The Belgian | 150k after Lo t, in the event of during the last few vears | the Indian making the Canadian team and that is almost a certainty. * Brussels, people have, witnessed with sadness and concern | k the ever-declining popularity 'of their | The Montreal Amateur Athletic Ks- king. { sociation's experience With this win- For the first twenty years of his { ter's professional hockey team has not feign (1865-1885) Leopold un was | heer successful financiglly, and it as- adored by his people. His magnificent { suredly was not creditable from anv stature, his long and characteristic | her point of view, The deficit is beard, whenever seen in public, were | variously estimated: at 'from 81.500 to always greeted with the most loyal | 32 000. . cheers and the most respectful demon- | Madoc has won the championship of strations. {the Trent Valley Hockey League by In the king the wellare of the coun- | defeating Norwood in both the home- try and the weliare of the dynasty { and-home fing) games, There were two centred, and so deeply even that 10 ! districts in the league. No. 1 district one at that time could separate the was composed of Havelock, Marmora, welfare of the kingdom from that of | Madoe and Tweed, and was won by the roval family. -- "| Madoe. No. 2 was composed of Nor. <In the first years of his reign, Leo- | wood, Hastings and Keene, and' was pod I1 well merited this popularity. won by Norwood, e took immense interest in the man- Toronto Globe : With four new man, agement of public affairs; he respect agers in the Eastern Baseball League ed the coustitution, and was the real this season, and a majority of last sovereign of his people. Even as a year's stars with other leagues, it is crown prince he had given signs of his | difficult tagk to get any line on ability to conduct the business of the what the teams will do or how they kingdom. He had, for instance, no- | will finish. It is a safe prophecy, ticed the vast possibilities of the har- however, that there will be no repeti- bor of Antwerp, and had wisel- drawn tion of last year's exciting race. the attention of Belgian traders to{ Toronto World : In the opinion of these possibilities, a large number of Ottawans who saw His popularity lasted as lone as he Toronto loosen up the fastenings of remained only king of the Belgians. | the Stanley cup in Montreal, Satur- But in 185 Leopold 1I also became day, the Ontario pro-champions should Sovereign of Congo Free State, and {have won out, and would have done this union of two crowns on one head so had they not committed the fatal has brought incalculable harm 'to Bel- | tactical error of allowing Wandererx, Rium, In a man of the temperament | under the supposed text of Rus- of King Leopold, natural autocratic | sell's injury, to put a fresh player in- tendencies were quickly encouraged by | to the game--and he such a danger the fact of his being the absolute ous man as Bruce Stuart, master of some 30,000,000 people in Hans Wagner, who has retired from Africa. Slowly, but surely, the con- 4 baseball, received letter from Presi- stitutional monarch of Belgium play- | dent Schlichter, of the Philadelphia ed second fiddle to the absolute Mmon- | Union League Club, containing an of- arch of the Congo State. fer of $10,000 to play with the team His will was uncontrolled and al [this season, "I will not consider the mighty in Africa. It galled him to E offer at all," said W. "The sum realize that it was not 80 in Belgium -{ affront of $10,000 from Pittsburg looks bet. and he began to act as if it were. d ter to me than that of anyone else." The unpopularity aroused in Bel Wagner says if he plays ball again it glum by the attempts to pla~ the {will be as a member of the Pittshurg autocrat were immensely increased by | club. the domestic scandals that soon came | New York Times: Before one of the to the public knowledge. A king--at | biggest crowds of the season the To- least, a constitutional king--has no | ronto University hockey team, inter private life, and King Leopold has al- collegiate champions of Canada, Sa- ways shown a curious desire to let |turday night, defeated the Crescent the whole world know the irregularit- | Athletic Club, Amateur Hockey ies of his life. y . : League champions, at St. Nicholas lis conduct to his wife was deplor-| rink, Sixty:sixth street gnd Columbus able, and a series of slights and in- 4 ' shi ¢ avenue by the overwhelming score of sults culminated in his introducing to| 12 goals to 3. Although they were the queen at court a woman of y : 3 : playing on a strange rink, the visi. quite notorious reputation. The queen] tors completely outclassed their op. beft the royal residence and went to a|ponents, and proved themselves ex- villa at Spa, where she died a few perts at checking and tripping. They years afterwards--in 190l--alone and showed a multiplicity of hockey tricks abandoned. unknown in this city. .One of the fa- As a father, the king's record is as vorite methods of stopping an op bad as his record as a husband. He| ponent was to catch his leg with the has three daughters-- Princess Louise, | crook of the hockey stick, and send divorced wife of Prince Philip of Saxe-| him sprawling over the ice, They Cobury; Princess Stephanie, now Coun-| were repeatedly penalized for their tess Lonyay, and Princess Clementine. roughness. The Canadians were able To the first he has actod with the ? MARCH 18, 1908. -- a ---- n fection of kis young wile, and in he | ce be HAS A BAD RECORD Cre hills ba bas wrung ftom] WATER BLLLLELELLLLLLLLLLLLANELIEILRLOEAOREL SONNE : i ' s " » ¥ The Shoe #% For Young Men--< We are just. in receipt of a big shipment of § Men's Fine American Shoes, made by the great house of Thompson Bros., Brockton, Mass. These shoes are Young Men's Shoes in every detail. For 25 years Thompson Bros. have made nothing else. We invite the Young Men to call and see these leading shoes.. They are undoubted- ly the best goods imported into Canada. ADVICE AND RECIPE BY Prices $5 to $6.00. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. EMINENT AUTHORITY. \/ | | | The Home of Good Shoes. A Splendid Hoe Mints For ho. a BIG CLEARING SALE Bladder, Kidneys and Rheuma- | » -0OF -- Buffets and Sideboards The people here do mot drink enough | Our sale is biggerand great- er than ever, water to keep-heaithy," exclaimed a | A snap for everybody, aj well-known authority. "The numerous | Extension Tables & China Closets in Great Variety and presented Miss Etta, his only Lases of stomach trouble, kidney and | bladder diseases and rheumatism are | mainly due to the fyot that the dripk- | ing of water, nature's greatest medi- | eine, has been neglected, 01 Stop loading your sv stem with pat- | ent medicines and cure-alls: but get] on the water waggon. M vou aref really sick, why, of course, take the daughter, with a beautiful rocking | . 0 JAMES REID chair and Bible, also an address, be | | : 4 . fore their departure from here to their | The Leading Unde rlaker. new home at Addison. J. C. Judd, y Toronto, here on the 5th, in the inter- I hone 147. ests of the Grand Trunk railway. Miss Clella Willis is visiting her sister at | Addison. FErnest Roantrie has heen | several days from the village on busi | J The ness in connection with his factory at} h I, Dendy { New Century, the 1nst wonds~ful Medicine ever dis covered. Its astonoding the wiedicsl world 10,000 | €ases cured in one month in Paris, The National { / AN Medical Bourd has recommended his Remedy for use her | in the Tusane Asyiuas where, as is well known, & proper medicines--plain common 3 ege- table tion for the cure of rheumatism and | Berryvton. Miss Nellie Foley was the | majority of the male intnates are vietims of lost Vital kidney trouble the answer was: "You | must make the kidneys do their work: they are the filters of the Hood. They | must be made to strain but of the blood the waste matter and acids that | Cause rheumatism: the urine must be | neutralized so it will no Jonger be al Source of irritation to the bladder, | and, most of all. you must keep these | acids from forming in the glomach. This is the cause of stomach trouble and poor digestion. For these co nd, - tions I would suggest the following Prescription, which is composed of only vegetable ingredients which can be obtained from any good prescrip tion pharmacy. Any one can mix | them by shaking well in a hattle i Fluid = Extract Dandelion, oe | ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. To be taken in teaspoonful | doses after each meal and at bedtime but. don't forget the water: Drink | plenty and often." This valuable in: | formation and simple prescription | should be posted up in each household | and used at the first sign of an at- | tack of rheumatism. hackache or wrin- | ary trouble, no matter how slight. MORTON MESSAGES. A Budget From This Interesting | Centre. ! Morton, March 17.--On the evening | of March 6th, E. Pim gave a very in- teresting lecture, including stereopticon | views, "Around the World in Eighty} Minutes," besides several other views of an amusing nature. On the evening | of March 3th, a number of the young | people of this village gave a surprise party, at the home of John Johnson treatment, which will not shat guest of Miss Horton for a few days, fu is most terrible form. Tn Rurope the remedy mother, Mrs. Mansel, last week to hold the puck safely after taking most extraordinary lack of affection. | it away from the Crescent nlavers. Quite recently he refused to redeem the | while their shooting was wall timed jewels, which had been bequeathed by |and accurate. Compared with the the queen to her eldest daughter, and| Canadians, the Playing of the Cres. which the creditors of Princess Louisef cents appeared slow and uncertain had sold at auction. The king char-{ The contest was fast and furnished an acteristically preferred scandal to a| Unusually interesting game. disbursement of a few thousand francs, ----r-- As to his second daughter, he for. IN DEADLY DECLINE. bade her to marry Count Lonyay, and -- when she came to Spa to pray before | Saved Just in Time By Dr. Will- the coffin of her mother the king had iams' link Pills. her expelled from the castle and or-| "Before my daughter Lena began dered out of the town. - This public taking Dr. Williams Pink Fills she > has never been forgotten in looked more Jike a corpse than a Jive Belgiom, and one might say that it 8irL," says Mes. © (eo. A. Myles, of South Woodslee, Ont. "Hew blood has been from that day that King Leopold's popularity altogether, disap- seemed "as though it had all" turned to water, Then she began to have had péared, spells with her heart, At the least His relations with Princess Clemen- tine have heen nearly as bad, It is excitement her heart would beat go perhaps not generally known that he rapidly as to almost smother her. prevented her from marrying a prince ; She grew Yery thi and bad no ap- whom" whe has Joved for years. Prines petite, and what Jittle food she did Vietor Napoleon, tle Bonapartist pre-leat did not seem to nourish her. She tender to the French throne. was treated by one of the best doc Leopold it: 'is now in his --a_itys tory in this part of the country, yet third year, and his irresponsible life, [she was daily growing worse and her which supplies humor to French jour-| hearg at 30 bad that we were afraid nalists and writers of Paris Yoviews, is! that she would die. She slept but shame and humiliation to very little, would frequently % --Fhey ure not proud tol awake with a start and sometimes be ruled by a king who is hated by! would jump right out of bed, Thesa his children and who left his wife to) starts would always bring on a bad die, of lect. i spell and leave her weak and exhaust They fear that he may attempt toed. We had almost given up all hope arrange for one of the sons born t ever being well again, when we his comparatively recent morganatic| decides to wy Dr. Williams' Pink marriage ta succeed him on the 'throne Pills. Alter taking a couple of boxes and they resent the lact that their she Began to sl better at might Sovereign is so. rarely in his. jown and color any to. her country. He governs Belgium from Paris and the Riviera, merely paying flying vis- } y foe leaving nin for health. wickly as possible. ® lage, the picture of th, and since {reat the Belgium parliament as if he bagioning Khe pills ol Ho. were an autocrat, and 'has little, if [gr pounds in weight: * Only thess any regard for the constitution. who saw here when ill 'dn sopréciate Lastly, Belgium blushes for the Con the Pr. Williams' yrdom of the ht about the in | last week, And De. Williams' Pink Pills can do just as much for every weak. ailing, woman who is slip jens. B. Henderson held his Henry Rankin and family have mov ed here from Gananoque and have ta en up residence on Dean's lands, J Somerville, Jr., is busy erecting i now cheese factory, on Briar Hill. Mes. | Willis and daughter,' Mrs. June, vis-| itedViriends at Secley's Bay last week. | Mrs. John Stuart visited relatives at] Lyndhurst last week. On March 12th) Mrs. M.-E. Marsh-gave a thimble par- | ty. Those who were in attendance re port a very, enjoyable afternoon. It| 8 ramored that we are about to have | another blacksmith shop. A man from | Gananoque is negotiating with Mr. | Dean for the old Mansel stand. John | Scott, Gapanoque, called on. friends | last week. "J. Perrin has taken sever al loads of lumber to Gananoque, for | which he has realized a good price { Mr. McMachen, who has been ill, wo | pre glad to learn, is improving. De. | Coon, Elgin, isin attendaree Ru | mors are that we will soon hear the! peals of wedding bells in our midst | H. Dean sold a piece of land, com prising about forty acres, for which | he realized a good sum. M. Kenny] was the purchaser, When requested for such a prescrip- | 1 t Somerville, Kingston, visited Specific in (he great sanding armies of both France aud Germany. Stops in from seven to ten days #0 that they never return, altern few day's ireatment. The skin becomes clean, the eyesbrigh Confidence returns, step elastic, bowels regular, Headaches disappear No more weak mes org, the mind becomes bright and active. A Food for brain and Blood, A permanent cure no matter how chromic the case. Just seni us today your name and address plainly wiitten and a 5 deys treatment of kestorine will be sent FREB ia plain sealed packs fe Do not hesitate-n moment We will treat you with success and with bones confidence. ter the nerves or ruin the stoma bh." | at her home, Soperton. Mrs. R. H i LT evdorsed by ail governments and is now used as a { | { Drains entirely cense Dr. KOHR MEDICINE CO. P ©. DRAWER L,'2341. WONTREAL. Health la every cup of COWAN"S PERFECTION Not by the display of Stars and] Stripes, but by two large eagles float us ing o'er us, Uncle Sam is bein well § TH i : i rior hele Samia bei well] Wp ives and very fligestible. Plve it to your children and drink it yourself. frequently they have been seen in pos- | THE COWAN COy, Limited, TORONTO session of the old block house, but as | the facilities of the past for guarding | + the old black house have been --" i | Authors & Cox doned, Uncle Sam's subjects are quite safe, on this part of Canadian soil. People in this vicinity are busily en. gaged pitting in their supply of ice for the summer. Our annual trappers | arg at work; their labors are reward- Fg - . &d with an becasional rat. Farmers in] Artificial - Whether you have had the thig, vicinity are gathering up their | Limbs Hiisfoctune 33 ome ae, > utendils, preparing for maple sugar below the knees our As ficial Liinbs and syrup wea ther. Thiéy rport the | will prove perfect substitutes. We can Show 80 deep in the Woods that sue-l } oo artificial liz-bs to suit the require. Sess in this line of work will be some- ments of each individual case Sehidt- ham i So perfect is the fit, and so exact is our knowledge of what these helps should be, that hundreds of ople stand upright, walk aid run with the Lelp of our Artifi- cial Limbs, Surgical Aids to the Affliceed Established 1860 Toronta, Canada . we have ingenuity, For 48 years, applied brains Sud a uetural takeat to per fecting helps for the efiicted, We make not only Artif clal Limbe-but also Spinal Supports, Trusses, Abdomi "al Supports, Rlastic Stock ings, ete. If youare deform edin soy way write ns fully about your ase, and we will ft you withthe proper appitavces, - - William Somerville putchased several nice cattle from a sale nt Opinicon, James Somerville has se- the services of E. Virtue as , ker for his factory at Mor ton, 'and James Tuttle for the Briar Hill factory. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Neddo is very il] with umonia; Dr. Elliott, Seeley's Bay, is in attendance. Miss Johnston spent Saturday at her home in #ith- annual cheese meeting on Friday, March 13th. Miss Morey Smith was the guest of Mrs. McDonald on Sunda, y last. cured The Sun Of The Blind. Helen Keller, in March Centary. I have not touched the outline of a star nor the glory of the moon, but | believe that God has set twis lights in my mind, the greater to rales dayi' and the lesser by night, and by them | I know that | am able to navigate my | lilo bark, as certain of resching the haven as be who steers by the (orth | Gomtratling whoctfioally Star. Perhaps my sun shines not a | 18 tattle, Tha yours. The colors that glorify my | our world, the blue of the sky, the green of the fields, may not correspon] with those you delight in: but they are | none the Jess color to me. The spun | does not shine for my physical yen, nor does the lightning Bash, bor do the frees tarn green i thi spring: | but they have not thorefors ceed to | exist any more than the Inndscape ui jannibilated when you ters your beck! on it. § The expetives of the rural ddivery "Hor het servent year are estimated at | rs