' iL i | Gates. $C, StroRg made a tripe to faking up ihe dressmaking course. { | Lavant Station last week, Quite a number are busy hauling logs Se. Pe . to the mill. Some are getting if their 4X CLES GY. § EMBROKE Notes From Fair Vigw. ice before the general break up. N. the da when UTA LIT | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. | ie Vv, Yar irr oi | Fim, Su ey cst Cheerful days ys , and Joh wks spent Monday at hrough thus viciaty fo g ae OX coun | | ENTS TELL US. | Behave "Lock" taney Fie mough [an othr materiale you take Cascarets. Isn't it won- na an acl ut Rallway ) ' a fine hors ober odron sald his § The Tidings From Various Points | farm to Mrs. Sampel McNeill. He is Crow Lake Items. erfu difference on ttle Be Ww Tiny. Bab | in Eastern Ontario~What moving out wat Stell. He bought Crow «Lake, March 16.--The ({ea- i a whats 9 e hk ma gan hen a iny ¥ | } People Are Doin another farm of thirty acrey. Robert | mectiog on the 12th inst. was & grand J} - Ww Ecze R- And What | SRol)eE AT ed : $2 cand et makes? oo ison has moved on his farm at | success, and realized = $21. Quite a LO ONE.- WA} and Listed 7 Years "Jove Lrusts i They Are Saying. Riverside, and is ans to build a new | number ol voung people fire to ¢ > A house. Frederick Burley has moved on | Fish Creek 10 a tea-meeting." Mr. and - RATES Screamed with Pain and Could not Tichborne Tidings. William Miles' form. Archibald Hess | Mrs. S. Middleton spent Saturday and We all need 3 laxative someliment bay . . ali i Tichiborne, March 17.=The box social |i on Mes. Fmpey's farm. Mrs. A.D. | Sunday at Newboro visiting their ow oiten we need it depends entirely on we hve. Second Cla One W Sleep=--Though Specialists Failed lin the Presbyterian church an - de- | Suider spent a few days at Desmond, | diughter, Mrs. William Mars. Miss If we exercise largely, and eat the right food, we need a laxa- Ss ay | cided success. A few took in the tea | visiting friends. Mrs. Stauley Free was | Mary Shellington has been visiting tive only occasionally. Baily, nl 0", tous 5. CUTICURA EFFECTED | meeting at Fish rk an Friday at home to a few friends. het Bunt: ars. Quite a ng ud But if we live in-doors, and get too little laxative effect in our arious evening ast Spankie, 8. -- ate g i Ol . " $50.10 C4 A WONDERFUL CURE i oe is annual iar) to the school At Ferguson's Falls. hers attended the leap year | px social food, we may need to get ot quite frequently. in some other way, | last week, and r rts everythin Ferg son Falls, March 16.--Williag held in the Presbyterian church pear fra, wom i: Tope = ag. in - | Tichborne. Nobody can doubt the need for a laxative, Je only question i « « = .: orgu- ends ling sale of farm "When my little bey was six weeks | good rondition. Visiter D. Fergu-| Dailey intends holding a ary old an on beoke out on his face. | son, Mississippi, at T. Dufly's; Mrs. A.| stock and implements on the 19th. D. 3 is: Which one is the best? oT particulars at fl &P., 1 took him to a doo- | Murdoch, Oconto, at Mrs J, A. | Horrigk, of Prestonvale, has brought Mount rope Happenings. And that isn't a question now. § Be Fictet: Obes, Yutariy 2%, ro or nd fs i | Brown's; Frederick Steele, Mississippi, | timber bere to biild a new brwige. | Mount Hope, March 17.-A. Brad Cascarets are known to ®mbody the only laxative which acts ¥. (ONWAY, face kept on getting | #t J. Hanna's; Mr. and Mrs. T. Swer- | Rev, Father Keeney, of this parish, shaw is putting machinery for making in a gentle and natiral wa: brick, at Mrs. H, Gray'ss / assisted in the lerty hours devotion | butter from whey in his new cement Castor oil i ars iy. the els Gen; Pass, Agest, worse until it got so bad that aa in in Perth last week, James Hickey cheese factory, When this is com i Cathartics and salts, acting as pepper acts in the nostrils, BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY ; plook at him. His St. George's Lake News, has returned home from the woods. | pleted, Mr. Bradshaw will have one of San i. dy (aon, Dutaria hee St. George's Lake, March 17. -Crows The many friends of Mrs. William | the largest and best equipped factor flush the bowels with fluids. ¥ Bh at w 3 Tas 3 : . » a > for Tweed, Sydenham, aon opted), 5d been very painful. | have put in an appearance, The chee | Rothwell will be glad to hear that}jies in Ontario. Miss Sadie Alton has But those fluids are digestive juices, and we will lack them onto, Bammockburn and all points north, 8 He scratched day and | mectings held in the school house on | she .is recovering {rom a serious ill-| gone to Torouto, where she has se tomorrow if we waste them today. To secure quick despatch to Bannock- J night until his face | yf. dav nicht were well attended. A | ness. Thomas Stafford was called to cured a good position. Mrs. Frederick . } y nig 1 Charles | Kavaner and childven are visiting at burn, Maynooth, and points on Central y. 03 meth mes looked like < his broth Ontario, routs ur sv t \ S$ }\ So sve Ziwended the box- | Renfrew to see his brother, ite your shipments via Day Nik ha raw piece number from here 2% t or made a business trip to] Bailey Day's. Thig neighborhood cau Cascarets alone cause the muscles of the bowels to act the 2 of Quinte Railway For further particu i bo 1 , Mond, Hollix A-T) 3 was nearly insane | social at Tichborne on Monday even ollinge : . \ : Phone". 1K. 5 TICRSON, Agent. Via with his scratching | ing. A merry sleigh load also took in! North Bay last week. bomet of dvi in its midst one of same as some foods will do. ie : day aod night. Then a took Dim to | the ten-meeting at Crow Lake on| He ol nt inha bhiats in the county, Y Carry them, with .. Take one when you weed it. You will the 8 is n skin diseases | ¥ > « © person J ames clyninness 3 . Thursday jast, P. Riley made a fly- | At Chafley's Locks. ; T . a : . then enpy all the good effects of keeping the bowels clean, CO Dut iS they coud not do mush Jor J. ing visit to Tichborne on Monday. I C haffey' s Locks, i March HW, who is now in his ninety-sixth vear, : . . wen I put on the salve they gave me. | Service will be held in the Methodist | Kerr's infant son is convalescent. Wi markably active. Mr. MeGuinness bid Cascarets are candy tablets. They are sold by all druggists, but never in i liam Kerrnish has been very busy for . ee bulk. Be sure you get the genuine, whh CCC on every tablet, The price is When he was two years old the | church at Oconto, on Friday evening 3 : , ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES eczema got on his arms and legs so hurch a . onl, One s ¥ the past two weeks grinding grain for fair to reach the century mark, 50c, 25¢ and Daily Feb. 20th to April 20th. that 1 had to keep them bandaged up | ¥ Rev. G. Tredinnick. Mrs. "F. F. Gray, Hall Nancouver, B.C. Victoria, B.C. West-| and I made gloves for his hands so the | the farmers. Jen, iE. P._Geny, Hal Satna Budact Hinster P 8.0. Seatt le, Wash. Tacomas, | nails could not poison him worse. We Notes From The North. { valle, spent last: : Ne atives | Banuocxnurn, March 17--Mr Pot San | 00 oon coon 880.10. | gould not get a night's sleep®in months Lavant Station, March 17.--~Miss J, about here. Mrs. Nolan, Newboro,|{ peabuTn, . i . Cal, Los Angeles, Cal. ' } . x Cleveland. called | ter of Millbridge was a visitor in Cah... 852.04 | 8nd my husband and I wer 811 bie broken | yj, phy is at present sewing at Mrs,|and Mrs. M. Burns; Cleveland, called | = Soa 30.48. aki not Vn og Ren 2 1 T. Lee's. J. Paul and William Paull on friends last week. Farmers are vn on = ung ap. o and on Wu I 1 3 . pl arre ave 3 ig ; { B 57.35. Cuticura. 80 1 got & set and he f who spent the winter at their homes busy hauling saw logs, lumber, wood their large cin le : Yao {aympat np Sh ranch Time Table. lieved the first ti 1 used diy py i the 'west T 1 Miss and saw dust as the ice and roads arge circle of friends in their Trams will leave and arrive at City | Fotiev rs me ey ene, to the west on Tuesday. Miss ol ¥ Sorrow inthe death of their daus , Foot of Johnson streets the Cuticura Qintment, felt 2 cool. | 1. Headrick spent Saturday with |are in good condition, Miss Ruth roi Fle 3 Je ir duh a very 0 y used . x ' a ud po tewbor % br Nellie, as icol, merchar GOING WEST. Hex eq Ia ake Bp and ank Jot Cuti- ke dg Jd. J ackson, Wilbur. We are Howard ha re Aue oi Ne hore af beara any i bak : i 2 Lve. City Arr. City Pad at Be old ot sleep, and he | 4lad to hear that William Browning's) ter spending a- lew days at: home.}. " . - ¥ » 5 mail sre d dd 38 a.m. 1.07 a.m. ' ' ~ ; ) : Wa , | Miss Kose Simmons has gone to King- nein was a visitor in Madee on 3 express 8.17 an wo say, 'Oh! Mama, that makes | baby is recovering. R. Somervilie,, | Mi as g I Saturday. 1 Gardiner. x Hid : as : een X 1 ver Sg Ame BLT amb omy gores feel so good!' 1 gave the | Queen's, conducted services here on! ston. Capt. John Fleming left for | ©8 x p02 SEO, an * Falls yesterday morning to paid our town a fying visit on Mon oca ¢ 1 Inter. Ltd. 12.25 noon 12.56 p.m. | Cuticura, Remedies a good trial and Sunday, but on account of the, Jones ¢ é 5 . . i : ' ; ar JK I" Safe 8 just co 18 jail : 2 pa, npn now Alpen poll healed AB chil- | weather the attepdance was small. | begin work on the steamer Kdmond. oy A } yey has J gt comy 1 % -. Y i oe is 2 ! . 8 ac or og hauling to Jods is now seven years old and | Mre. E. J. McFarlaug speht a couple : hl k ® hauling 0 ng Oo GOING EAST. Arr. Cit the lasted two months, 80 I | olf days at her home at Lavant. News From Wellington. od sav mill William ~ McEwen and 1 Ir. No. 8 mail .... 1.43 w.m. 21am nk Tt vii never return. 1 can't --t | Wellington, March 17.--Sandy Os- Mise cEwen are visiting friends in tall 'you haw glad I'am that Outicum i | borne and wile, Who have been visit. | Jadoo and vicinity. The shantics in| A Dosord Sale for the New "Writing in Sight" "23 fast xpress 2.35 am. 3.17 a.m N " Hi By otes From Wilbur. aN t 14 loeal . 8.18 a.m. 8.50 a. did such wonderful work in our case ing their two sons and daughter . in this locality are now breaking up af ter a very hard winter. Owing to the » mail 12.25 p.m. 12.56 p.m. and I , shall gracommend it everywhere. Wilbur, March 17.--The iron ore] ng Ee 4 " ast expross..1.03 p.m. 1.29 pw, rs. John umpp, 80 Niagara Bt., | mine is making more progress now. Neago lor a Soliple of mon ne | y y i 2g igent : % 08 pam. 7.98 p.m Nn, 30 N.J., Oct, 17 and 22, 1907." it RT Jie at ight { winter, have returned home. Clayton lack of eed and deep snow the 1 ' 4. s R 1 Sas | Murphy is goviag in his pew home, turns will be small. Mr. Nicol end . . ® ! Nos. 1 and 8 ron daily , Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment, and . . ds AN other trains 2TH except Sunday. cura Resolves tin Ae form of ChOCSIAte halt, Visitors:. Miss Mary Bichardson has he late John Garr fe tv. Al James Hunter are unloading a coupls For full particulars, apply Yo J. P. | Bile in vials of 90). Sold throughout the world. - | come fo stay at her home here; Miss | *1¢ ate John Lakratl property, Alon-] i Th » ¥ zo: Ruttan, of Belleville, was in town | © ©0rs of hay. ® price of hay He latt wees, Mes. Stewart Llovd, of | "OW quoted at 819. Mr. Collins, of HANLBY, Agent, Cor. ohnson and | Potter Drug & Chem. Corp, Sole Props, 135 Co- Ontaria Sta. umhug A Bay View Cottage, was the guest of the Jordan, has moved his portal i Ave, Boston, Mam Headrick spent Saturday here with | Maliod Free, Cutiours Book on Skin Disesses. Miss Jessie Jackson; Miss Mtffiic Boyd EDUCATIONAL. Ee: Jagkeon b:_ Mus A Riddle has Mr, and Mrs. Jonas Lloyd last week. saw-mill into Mr. Wallbridge's. camp, We have just closed our first 3 Years' Business. INTERCOLONIAL . 0 Br Pore DAE SDONU| wp Metord is sick with Ja grippe.] 80d will be busy most of the spring We have SOLD over 1,400 Machines in Canada Ye; essedessceccscscsecen . . If ou wish to be successful at tend The Sunday at his home at Clgrendon is r Be . 4 - he ' '| A number of new dwellings are to he] 20d summer, Bert Tompkins, of Gil Mrs. 8, Jackson at W, (, Bove', Mi%s th ie this a ! A : S maour, was a Visitor at James Harris' We hold the ®Mrgest record for the sale of any Typewrites placed on the Canadian Market.. | N \ Royal Mail Trains Kinjsto x Business From Montreal College i) Joes s Motard Rome wi Rankin and mother visited at J, E. [last week. The roads are reported to spending some time in Kingston lark's on Monday last. Ryerson and be in a very bad condition, caused by Have you seen our new Ball-Bearing Tyre Bar? to Halifax Idmited, head of Queen street, SORE PER Wi CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE J oy 3 , is | 4 . Soy pen Handay i at his home | yo po nkin visited Mr. Rankin's * sis-| $0 much log hauling. The Lenten sax Our Opponents said we ""Couldn't do it," "WE DID." I sd, TG 8 me, | ter, Mary Louise Cherry Valley, whe | Y108 in the village church are being It will be money in your pocket to look at it. business school, Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele- --- and still hale and hearty and re- P-- A-- » langerously ilk well attended, Ernest Chase reports » Washburn Walfts. La hye dusty 2 » much progress in his school ah I» Let us demonstrate it to you. Washburn, March 16.--The weather graph t the C. O, R . s he Notes Fr Maple Dale. graphy at the v , KR. station. Jt is has become quite mild and spring-! bn, xpectet] oe 8 y ewsome Ibert Li m it d," like: the L oor ! i Maple Dale, March 17.--A large num- Sxph 1 that Shares of -the students + ' 1 1 e ike; the spow is daily settling. Lhe, r tended" 4 leat D Re will be ready for relieving work bv Perfect Brick and Tile «« is tp attended idle. a "A 5. | spring the me al , « ck anc © company not LI re Dronght re $35 to 865. James | Pring. All the farmers are getting No. 9 Jordon 8t., Torante. their buckets out for sugar making working * for a few days. Draw-; Agnew, proprietor of the Maple Leaf It is thought hy some of the vld wea Branches--Halifax, N.S. Ottawa, Ont, Winnipeg, Man. ing hay is the order of the day in h held hi 1 \ ' , : ot this vicinity. Reeent visitors were] Cheese factory, he i5 alnuR. meet. |). prophets that the season will be Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woods, at Mrs, |i0¢ Monday evening, 1. Shook has very short this year. Frederick Stap- LOCAL AGENTS: 'Phone, 440 ph ITCALFE, P Toone' as ' = | been engay ped in Ma le Leal factory 4 . 1H. ¥. METCALFE, President. I. Toner's; Mr. and Mrs, M. C. Mil Toe the ning hee wach' to the ley has roturned alter spending = to Liverpool J.B. CUNNINGHAM, sary. lon, at H. M. €. Brown's; 8 Pri . « ime in New i y : Sceretary on = 8.8 a: ro hein satisfaction' of the' patrons, Miss Sa. sh ot time in New Ontario, Alfred 0000000 0CONOIOINIOOIOOONS Hie y 21 aie Thompson has ¥éturped home after Sanfred 'has his blacksmith shop eom M «SF 1GGS ELEC i IC CO., enry Toner, Erie, is at her mother's Visiting friontld nt" Washburn, Fred: pleted, and he and Mr. Stapley have oy . Mrs. J ®; 8 ie omp- i : Mrs. J. Fisher Miss Sadie Thony erick Cummings and James Thompson begun operations at the George White 79 Princess Str t Kingston Ont. cet, " THE MARITIME 0000000000000 000000000 | son has returned home after - spend. aold ine paid a flving visit to Westhrooke fast g mine: ing the last week visiting Miss ) » EXPRESS (IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION £ | te ie oo gis Ji ome © Sw Sk Se Sat = Leaving MONTREAL Fridays at 13.00 Bell's, Willetshoime, lay and Sunday at ¥. Weir's, Cushen- A Full Stock of Typewriter Supplies for all makes of Machines dall. Visitors : Me! and Mrs, 0. Kirk- Keep well. 4 always on hand. (poow) carries pas baggage and INC EAS ou EARNING Fa rm -------- hia 3, » . » . dork a ln cing the Hiouner's | 8 REASE Yo R Ompah New wood, at PF. Jolmston's; Hi. Orr and We have a large stock, all makes, 2nd baud Typewriters: : say eftersoon. "POWER mpah. News, sister, Sunbury, at W. Thompson If th 1d . s, 2nd han ypewriters; sold Ompah, March 13.--The heavy rain Mr and Mrs 8 McCalpin, at A ose o on easy terms. Johnston's. Headaches are Se or a sa v ' SPECIAL TRAINS AseDye: . . AL, RAINS carrying pu i Day and Evening "Classes at the storm Moke up the Swamp Road and ers do mot connect with the MARITIME a the teams had to go home from the § EXPRESS, leave HALIFAX immediate Frontenac Business x C. Dumas is engageo i sof ' coming back--if you rive OOOO0000000000000000 0000000000000 00000000A ol © THE LEB NM WEI LAN @ ph after the arrival of the steamer, mak. Colle 5 he Cl | id comnections for Ottawa, Toronto, ge, as engineer for the Chanler and Jones Browat's Mills. March 17-Roads are no appetite if the whole Will stand or hang. = A perfect lamp for halls, bath- my HOKBTS AND ¥ Barrie i Clergy St Co. Jumes- Watson lefty this. wyek, favorabl ndition for th 7 ) ¥ and ergy Sts, a - : goie Pav 41m ver avorable eo on fol © a GRAND : for the west. Miss Maggie Pay, Mud| G0 "AX Co con: Mrs. A. Thamp- | | system seems run down-- rooms, bedrooms, &c. Burns ordinary coal oil with- out odor or smoke. Quarter pint oil will last forty FORMATION, apply to nearest GRAND 1 Lake, is engaged working for Mrs sil wit ditonia: ~ Pr . . . son is quite ill with pneumonis; Dr. | § got everything right with hours. The lamp itself is made of Nickel Plated TRUNK RAILWAY AGENT, or to T., N. STOCKDALP, i : Montreal Ticket Office *Phone, 680, Principal. Rahest oe ek sob _has Yittie rdiner: in attendance. The funeral 1 ¢ 00000000 x GotRe-te w e home oh 21 3 Vanalstine's infant babe, last a morning glass 0000000000000 0 | girl has come to brighten the home i Sunday. "wax latgely: attended. wer 8 8 O Brass, and if cared for properly, will last a lifetime, RoW sBleamer "Gulena." 3,700 Yours on approval, try one. Price 75 Cents. with ail up-to-date improvements 5 F 2 v RSal eed re RRR Bee mr an thee Sratclam Stentmacy sail from New 3 ¥ y CR ; : A N C e e 3 Wr ancy ad | : : McKelvey & Birch ' aad iens sora en's Gun Metal ones it has been on the marked, ' Men. Joswph Robinson, Hallertom, Qua, | Velour Calf Blucher 141 Sc J Bt. . : « r 8 Mas rr A Dast, Sanne. Ti on has ! vices being conducted by Rev. Mr MM : | Danby. Our school is progressing fia For beauty of scenery and perfection of 3 > ¢ Slimats hese SED She wisutfuased. Fou i 8 = m pamp 8 giving ™ of ! 1 Rg and all iotormation, apply to A. . ¥; 3 ; 69 and 71 Brock Street. i ERERLGH & CO. Agents, ps Tox 4 5 COO O00 000000000000 OVODOOOOB OO writes: "I had an esting ulcer su my sakle. I tek two bottles of Burdock Cut, all'sizes and natty QUEBEC 8.8. COMPANY Duman has returned home after spon vorablv under the management of our Rem one ve Co.,, 29 Browdvay, York : A. AHERN, See! ¥o Quebec a ' " 1 25 5 or to 'Ticket | ; 3 ! Ty and J.P. BLD BRS Lid I IVE, 3 ; 4 x Kingston, 4 : # Mood Bitters snd i worked like & charm, lasts. ing the nter at Crolly Lake. W ! : > . her BERMUDA |. bt -sopleta-ie Jo 20. cher, Mis J Glaghor, Wi Royal LINE : po La - ) § . 3 : are a akin disease, and are more ot ALLAN Mail ge of Life. oly 3 Oy 4 : a loss directly eccasioned by o bad state of TO LIVERPOOL Np , Sting ot all the impurities from my y araem ved iperics wy win | RIA & Charles taking the BBB. internally I weed it ex ' © Repohed in 45 fre of 3 ot Pow Torin Screw Steamenip Bhat , and has moved to his home at Siow | Lote ded. Quite a number of resi i Road. DD. Miller spent Sunday at i] - Boom buy ache, Halifax, : sR La 4 No one aaa expect to have o skin free Juuisian. . § 3 from disease when the blood is in & dis Sualy ies ve se dd 3 Mgud 111 Princess 8t. Succes- ala" sors to D. J. McDermott. subjects thoroughly taught by competent experienced teachers, Day apd night classes. Enter at any time. Rates very moderate, « From Halifax antesscavescusssstbn * * » * 1 ' Royal Mail Steamers : graply, and all commercial e . * . . * ' COQ O000OC 000000000 OOVVOODOOOTO0 mindion," 5,500 tons, Sailings every Sat. dents from here drove to Inverary r. 21. Vistoriaa, Fel Mar. 37. Sat., Mar. 28 y Ee dr : lot etiion ed we wma wi | Mo's FOSS Packard urday at 10 a.m. \ r : \ P. Wilson's; Miss 'E. Wilson is "llast week to attend the meetings Bermuda to Nassau, Bahamas ing a few days with her sister, there, Miss Kendall is in the « ity sh Finidou * fortnightly in February J : At druggists--26ec. and 60c. § ne yal full gatorme- k the be A 8 bowels ssting feebly in consequence, BE 0 oO 8, Twre £ , : Throogh ite wonderful cleansing, purify- Patent Colt, Blucher fA WW, a y Es 3 : os Ing powers ou the bloed, aad its renovating cut, natty lasts. and Maroh . West Indl Cruises trom New York : y tr ----------------------_--a-- a So------ action en the sutire system, Bardock Blood Bitters has made thousands ef sures of ZZ PIG M ETAL Copper, Lead "V Tin, Zinc. sf] We are headquarters. Send us your inguiries. i ad ; , ; - . 4 | v Cp Tn "The Si Wha Looks Lua a The "Grand, on hares Canada Metal Co.,Ltd. sTORONTO, ONT