Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Mar 1908, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH 'WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 1908. | | i Only Four Parcels Sold For | Arrears of Taxes. } At noon to-day, the city treasurer's | { sale pi lands for arrears of taxes took | | place. Fifteen parcels were offered | {but the amounts against six of | thesy were paid before the sale took | | place. The sale of five other parcels | | was adjourned Gl the 30th, The fol lowihg were sold : l Three-quarterg 16, 18, 20 and 22, | west wide of Toronto street, north of | i dohnson street, assessed to Joseph | | Bawden. Taxes, 1901 to 1904. Total! THES P.M. EDITION SALE OF CITY LANDS I : { north of Princess street, assessed to | | Lawrence Kenny. Taxes, 1901 to 1005. | | Tot paid $2067 by R. J. Carson. | 4 | Part of farm lot 24, south side of | S y Ee | Brock Street, east of and adjoining | = A > | the property of Mary McNamee, #s-| 3 % SR y | | ; sessed to Thomas 1. Mills, being part | § John McKay Fur House 8 Gage of 12) feet. Taxes, 1902 to 1606. } ies 4 | Total paid, 535.00 "Eliza Nils 4 ( o> 0! x \ OF NEW SPRING WAISTS | 4 | sida of Beverly street, assessed to E 3 f) : 2 "21 £ : ORR | Hannay. Taxes, 1902, 1903, 1905 and | BAL ( combining the daintiest Valenciennes puid, $23.01 by G, M. Maedonn«ll. { | t 8, west side of Nelson street, | RRA RRR FOR Carson. : 4 [vp simple and some. .are very elaborate. S THE EBELL CLUB. _ ' everyone. A Racy Add 8 hs ye | . : : acy eas * By Samuel ; py Pe) summer while the stock is at its best, con REPAIRING The Ehell Club met at Mrs. Oliver | CATE : 8M If not prepared to buy, it absolutely mak Hot M4, par city map, having. & inns Ts | eT WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER SHIPMENT Lots 20,21,22,23 and 24, est : ; : ES There are some charming effects in lingerie styles, and Venice 1906. Total paid, $56.37 by Thomas | oT 8 2 Laces and Swiss Embroideries. Some are extremely tyles to suit If you want to select your Waist for spring and ne this week. es no differ- Chown's," on Monday wight, when Uo FH ; RoREEarY ence, you are just as welcome, and if you so wish you S, el Birch eo i is fascinati : 1 + . OR amuel Birch continued his fascinating yn 100 oy Rh HR may select one waist or any number and have them talk on England, where he spent two 1 5 J . . . : quiet, observaitt years. Mr. Birch not ; Fmt AND, {LH placed aside until required. Prices: © i | only saw and retained in his mind the 2 5 y RESETTING ¥ | wonders of the old land, but bas the on 7 x $1.00, 1.28, 1.49, 1.59, 1.78, 2.00, 2.50, power, without a single note, of mak- oe Of valuable rings is neces. } mg his hearers clearly sée, and feel the J = 3.00 up to 6.50. sary after much wear, other. thrill and romance of the land from : iQ 1 i which so many have sprung. After KF pom " pe JO L Wise a costly jewel is lhely his talk he answered many questions ; HN Al LAW & SON. » to be lost. also. This club, which meets fort- Our workmen are skilled in nightly, has been studying England } the setting of diamonds and this year, and next time will spend an f other precious stones, and evening with ber noted men, each mR ; 4 ; ue Ly ga ie Pg 3 TTT : TT we ly promise you first- § member becoming responsible for some A GIRL'S SAD PLIGH | INTERESTING ADDRESS . class work, at reasonable facts in the lives of the country's |B; Dean: Partian jected 10 2 J) reat ones. The membership is twen- J i prices. gre ¥ +. Knocking of Kingston. e ty-five. | wn : : ] E: ing; desi d - EE VICIOUSLY TREATED BY A The Anglican Young People's Asso- : AE os vari a Bananas, Celery, Lettuce, MARRIED MAN. ciation of St, Grn Ed) went [LURED RL TOME Ros § feature of our business. Fresh, Edwards & Jenkin's in for instruction on Tuesday night, . eh : : | Dean Farthing siving the ery in- | | Kert Under Promise of Marriage a R Ving tem a very in-i, Kk Agent the Victim of Strange | 2 Ths am eh Jamieson: a : | teresting address on the Cpnadian , § Spangenberg oe, Wg TR Be Pic Todi in Hours and Beaten | mission fields. Lantern tisws were Conspiracy--Three Persons Un- | 1 40n, and vectmtly sold to. Kingston --Finally Escaped and Ran {shown of places and things of inter der Arrest. | vEWELLER' : Away With Her Infant. | est, from Algoma to the Rockies. parties, is being got ready for coal | Wi i Ey carrying with the opening of naviga- A very pitiful story was brought to! When showing a picture of Winnipeg, | ( harles Cook, seventeen vears old, his | : light a few davs ago when a girl, | the lecturer said hg didn't wish to Diamond Merchant. tion lahider wife, Lila, twenty years, and Joseph MoConkey's high class candy, fresh| about twenty-one years old, carrying | Slander the westerner, but he' did see White, twenty-one years, were arrest : a S a three-months-old baby Sn her arms, things through very powerful glasses ed, yesterday, in connection with the came to wo Infants' Hoge and asked | "But oh ! if we had but a small POr-| death of hares Berinett, twenty to be taken in. The girl was ad! tion of the western enthusiasm right { old, of New Kensington, Pa mitted, and after she and the child | here in Kingston, 16, only teen here | co body was found in the Ohio had been made comfortable she told |® Year or so, but it makes me indig- | picor at Wegee, five miles south of a very sad story indeed. Concerning | tant to hear everybody here 'knock- here, September 24th. a misfortune that comes to many an | ing Kingston, and speaking as if this| Ths three persons arrested are all of innocent girl by placing too much | beautiful o'ty, with its great ship-{ {his city, and, it is alleced, have eon- trust in a man she knows little about, | Ping, and its historic associations, fessed to the murder, which they sav She stated that she was an Enghsh|{ ¥08 the very last place Gdd thought | peourved on the night of September girl, an orphan, and had been in this | Of making." Desn Farthing also gave 21st, 1907. country some time. She worked "at! Chvreh of England people a rap for Aceording to the alleghd confession, different houses in the city, during hee | their exaggerated modesty, in always Mrs. Cook, who was Lila Zane, a stay here, | minimizing what the church had ac | member of a prominent family, en ® : » : According to the girl's story, last | complished. He thought that consid-| ticed Bennett, who was a book agent, : : ew rin : spring she picked up an acquaintance' ering the uphill work, that the church {to .a park, where he was to be rob: with a man about town. The girl| has here in sparsely settled tracts, | bed. When the couple reached the said she went with him for a long | the fact alone that she has no less | lonely spot on the Ohio river shore Wheeling, 'W. Va, March 18. -- | at Gibson's Red Cross brug Store. 3 time, and under a promise of marriage | than forty-five missionarics in the {Cook and White, who had heén in Exact reproductions of London and New she left a place and went to Tive him foreign field was greatly to her credit | aemed of the proposed robBery by r : row 2 43 him. He bought her a ring but they | Before the lecture Canon Sterr gave | the girl, set upon Fennett, and it is York ideas. Over 100 distinct models to were never married. The Re says A short talk on St. Patrick, said killed him. Then, it is alleced select from. that she was badly treated, Every! ---------------- {Cook and Miss Zane were married ¥ morning when he would go to work! INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. j and took a trip on $35 taken [roi -P : . he would close up the house, fasten Bennett. . . Prices $12.50 to $50.00 Each. [J |i ui", oa vei ir mower warsgrapme pases vp wy] Fis bens vss was eosin es » » . front door, take the kev with him. so! Reporters On Their Rounds. om the nver a verdict of suicide wag : 2 t rendered, but the police suspected she could not get out to see any per-| William Swaine, plano tuner. Orders ) son. The girl also stated he ~ beat] received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. jailer. AH are being held without a . and kicked her. Alter the child was] Be sure and look at Fraser's wall | In buying material for a spring costume bora his treatment did not become [paper before buying, At 78 William | : any better, and the girl thade up her| street, Phone 373. i the quality of the goods has a great deal mind that she would run away to the! So "far, SM1 has been secired to-! : | te do with the fit of the garment. Partic- Home for ¥riendless Women and! wards the Mullsy fund, to put Troop. | Repetition of the Splendid Seems | r 1s is the case in Children if she could get out of the er Mulloy, a Queen's.- graduate. | of Three Weeks Ago. ularly is this the c > house. Fivally one day last. week she through a os t-graduate. vourse at-Ox Hundreds of people hnve express 1 BIG FIRE IN KINGSTON. Managed to escape at noon and with! ford, Eng. ¥ a desire to see again the magnificent | her young child made her way to the| Me onkey's caramels," fresh at Gib | Parisian fire sceng, . which was shown | home. The girl has no relatives here. {son's Red Cross Drug Store. Phone [at The Bijou three weeks ago, as part It is not known whether: action will | 230, i rai} of the fine melo-drama, A Firebug | be taken, Miss Hyatt would be obliged if tho oreman."' be The man knew, when he enticed the! having Montreal Herald ballots saved fter several fruitless attempts, 4 5 young girl away; that he-could not for her would send them to the 'Mid! cause this splendid picture 13 5n vei The French Broadcloths will retain their marry her, as he bas already a wife! land Shoe company's office, 157 Prin- | demand, the management of The Bijou shape and smooth appearance far lofiger living, and another dead, so he would! cess street, before Thursday evening. | has obtained possession ref it agai, liave commitied a very sbrious offence. Save money by going now to buy !and it will be shown to-day and to than the German makes. had he gone through the marriage your wall paper at" Fraser's, 78 Wil | morrow. This picture has been pro ceremony with her, The magn cannot! liam street. {nounced by all who have: seen it, the We sell French Broadeloths, sponged and be located now. i | Two horses attached to a cab, driv- | most Siiendia ever shown in King . Qn Qn r ---- len by a local cabman, broke through ston. we melo-drama is a fine one shrunk, at 90c,, $1.00, 1.10, 1.25, 1.35, 1.50 SUCCESSFUL TEA | the ice,. when making a trip over to land a great conflagration-in Paris, yard. @ | Cape Vincent, on Monday, and the] with is rushing engines, clanging . Given in Aid of a Church Organiz- | "cabbie" had & very exciting time bells, rolling smoke and shooting red ation The cold spell, however, hax put the | flames is depicted from the fest spark . AP " Ts {to the collapse of the vast building A most eh . | ied in good coddition again : R 1 THE VERY NEWEST IDEAS IN " on Tig age ho jinder the i Two boys got inte an argument, onl No person in real life except a fire : : Stre M Be Bee Riedl Queen | Princess streeh, Tuesday evening, and|®an ever had an opportunity to gain | Street Methodist chureh, was given at : such a complete and comprehensive . 2 3 sitement for a Mes } nl | emused quite a little excitem n 8 i i } Be John of k ns, \ Me, 2 OF | tow 'moments. 'The affair was cutised | iden of a great five, : : a 08 aY, tite TS ar * {over the ownership of a dickel given Hundreds - of people expressed dis Leltand opened the door, véry pret- to one of the hoys by a citizen to go|appointment at missing this show be- Mre. R. J. MeLeHand ve ' K . Quite afore. Don't fail to see it now. ! i those i cheap sh ceived the fee of ow . With-| to one of the cheap shows } Blouses ia the eet oy ho cum ith crowd aollected to - witness the mill, Not Lit = bs : Sparling redvived with the hostess | but they quickly dispersed when a blue ° ely Any Reduction. ; and much general assistance 'was giv. | coat hove 'in right. . § + ' ig < i ------------------------ 3 tion that a couple of liguor licenses | w 200 to : trom. Prices $4.00 to Mrs. chine the tea J Death Of Former Kingstonian. would be cut off in Kingston when the | i Mrs. John Ni \ | Word resiched * the city. on Tuesday | commissioners meet about the. first of | a the ay salle. Mrs. Gobrye ovening, of the death of Mrs. John | May. It is understood, however, that | Birch and Mes. Fumes Johnston, with] Hendry, at Spokane, Wash. The. de; there will bo no reduction. The city ® 3: cell-k feountil has pot asked that any be ber of little girls usuisting them, | ceased, Helen Ford Ross, well-known 8 : fay be ¢ Embroidered [iiss smsmrate Somy 3 dy A b/ 1 Miss Alda Nicolle, Misa Mildred Worm - the ate Alexander Koss, and was i = . i i with, Misy Ella Cooke and Miss Har RR viet Chapman, The home-made] born and reared here. Twenty years he Teachers To Convene. + ol ) ; ; re , . R | ago she was married to John Hendry, 19s school teacher's institute will Muslin Blouses [ [5 set Srt hrm S| w SITE, Si hel a in charge, candies being disposed of | street. The deceased had been ailing | and Saturday. Mr. Tilley, Abe inspec Tu al thi Ia t N York id Pri Mes. N. Vanwinkel and Mrs. W_ H. {for about six months, her death com-{ (or of made] schools. will"be present 0 aes h ew York ideas. ai + Miss Bessie Chapman and Miss (30€ 23 8 great shock (0 her MOY {and deliver 'an address. The schools 5 4 : % fi 5. ides sarrowing "| will be closed ou Friday : $54 ac : Edna tind plaved seviral piano ant, une won, Ross, aged: exghteen ay i : : A hE Had] vears, is leit to mourn A pleasant surprise party was held id feels deeply grate- served at © midaighty. The guests on * Engagement Announced, "Fresh Welonkev's high class can- ia---- 0 "laborer in| Mr. Alfred. Muitday, of Kingston! Miss Novak Turpin, Main street, and couple of weeks the gobcts of Wiss or r x . ---- « 2 + : : a 4 Mrs. Cockbiirn 'had de-{ Mr. Hendry tefy Spokane on Toes { 4 the home of Mrs. T. E. Nicholson 3 . ~ . : . remaing, on | j4et wight, music and. the 0 hotise very. attractively | day might, with his wife's r te. The | 18%t might, music a being THE NEW VEILINGS & SCARFS ; beautiful pink and white carna- hin i ed I raiay of: chiet amusements. Refreshments were nek ee, ), : a "he "lt ternoon. " parting voted Mr. and Mra. Nicholson ' ARE HERE. for all she dig to make the ideal entertainers, to see them. Prices right. * The engagement ix aonounced of | dv," at Cilson's Hed Cross Drag ; : ' ¥ Miss Jead Smiths only rlanchter off Store. d or 8 : y : hg tion, of | Mis, Ethel Powell, Raglan Road, sO 0, Re Heo he HA Lo Jot, Sot ome, Et <acinal i a T Ulive Woodinas, Wolle luiand. : A i. ' fa ' "Talim powder" Colgate's and Iped] Menan's are sold in Kingston at C3. sons Brd Cross Pra : rel Goto tn Ss aol sm Ae CURLING MATCHES. | PREPARE For House- The Scotchmen Defeated the Cleaning Time. Irishmen. Start at your Furniture and rub it The Annual St. Patrick's day match- {with | e8 between the Shamrock and Thistle! { membegs Sof the curling club took | place yesteraay afternoon at the curl. | | ing rink and resulted in a victory! up for the Seotchmen by eleven \ shots And you will be surprised that you I'he Irish kicked at the COmMPOSition | pave such good looking Fummiture in of some of the Scotch rinks, claiming | that they were only half Seotch, and | the other half water. However, even | on St. Patrick's day, much as the | 25 and B0c. boys of the tartan would have liked] to compliment their curling brethren! It of the green and white, it would ever put on the market never have done to lose the national SOLD AT game to them The games will rank | house. Sold in twa sizes, is the Grandest Furniture 1 the among the keenest of the year, The [W. A. Mitchell's, f teams and gecores follow : Scotland, No. 1=Prof, Gill, Rev. | HARDWARE, R. Laird, A. Strachan, L. L. Hender- | pe son, skip--13. | . Ireland, No.1--R. J. Hooper, W. R.| A LAST CALL MADE, Sills, 3. R. Bailey, J. M. Elliott, skip | Scotland, No. 2-71. M. Asselstine. | Contest. Prof. Dyde, A. W. McLean, W. B.| All wishing to help Miss MN Lesshie, skip---14. Hyatt in the Montreal Herald Irland, No 2d. Thompson, W fora tip contest Ig end 1 H. Montgomery, J, Gibson, kK Lyons | S4 cHptions to | | company « gllive, Miss Hyatt has and must mak vance 10 the « r places which great interest 1 beiny skip--4. Totals--Scotland, 27; Ireland, 16 Tonight (Wednesday) the skij of the presidents and vice-president form into Jour rinks anil play two nds, umes, each skip skipping Hyatt has worked almost a lone fax he In The Finals. . land has done remark v weil he finale in the singles for the Carruthers-gold- medal were played atibeing stormed with subscriptions 1 the curling rink between R. E. Suth morrow. Hers a rland sand W./A. Beecroft The fori hachelir young men { mer won out, 13 shots to 11. To {show that ane of the night the finals for the Stewart eup |} arming voung ladies will be. played off between | Lito take seco le -- | To Help Miss May Hyatt Win the contest, and the castern girls have been aided by public. benefits, Missy has an excellent chance of wining: Is Reid and W. A. Beecroft. 'Ihe former: eastern girls. Henewals for tower, Chae held the cup last year and of he wins land five vear I help Mi to-night the silverware will become his! win. Mi KE. Flan property. grand stand finish On Monday evening rinks played off [World contest, and for the president's prize | thereh Rinvsto Ak a wind H. A. Graham, A, Turcott, J.!Hvatt to set his majesty the king Hooper. and I. Slater. skip--13 i W C. 8. Bale, P. C, Pilkey, B. Ramsay : and H. I. Wallace, skip--1H1 Purchased the Block, ontested, ¢ Joseph Abramsky has ppiret tore and pen The match was keenly Good lee Yachting The ice boating is very good now and the local sports are taking advap-| tage of the fine weather to get in a : few daye' sport. Some of the vachts | taking, Clavior tartar } st ii men will cruise down to N.Y, on Thursday if the weather per ja mits. | ter, per pound, Games Postponed. cory The two hockey games that were! Frapk Milne Jeft on Tuesd scheduled for to-night; at the covered | Brandon; Man, to r ae his rink, are postponed to Friday night { with the C.V.R, company, The games were put off on account of | H. Cunningham, pisno tuner fro 8 PORES PEREIRA R EE ess Th Id Bond Shoes for Men Have given such universal satisfaction daring the two years we have sold them, we now know that we can thoroughly recommend them, Made in Box Calf, Fine Valour Calf and Heavy Bright Kid. All Goodyear Welted Soles and per- fect-fitting, Price $4.00, $4.50, $5.00. Che Tooekett Shoe Store. . New stock of Tdunks and Valises. Reese in OOOO OO OK DOOD = Li ithe Skating Club having the rink for | Chickering's. Lenve ordors at Mo | this date { Auley's Book Store. There have heen rumors in cireiln- | me ES FERRIER EERERE EEE Ne SER ; SOY

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