z : : - $ & ; - Limericks » £ to Fh 4 < & i 2 # : ag bl, ai # List of Winners of Limerick No. v and Their Prizes. G, FF. 'Dowdail, Almonte : Miss J. Miller, Torouto wis Mehovgall, Went th al Mrs. 0\ Wright, Tan an, Sask : Montbenis su Wout, Birtle, Man. : Mrs. The following won a prize of $2 each '+ 1 C, Morrison Seliarion, N.S. Whart # : Missy May Cera Pessina, Miss Helen ridge Mra. A, wiles, Ont. : Mr, [oe i J MacAdui Slax, NS. GG HB, Clark, Cranbr Leen Lipdsa son, Montreal Que Spr hent Lewin, Moira Que. toeal, © -- Montreal : W. J. McCarran, New Jeakins, The following won a prize of $8 cock. i Coiling,' Picton, Opt, £0, 1, Serer, Miss ennie Stewart, Ottawa Mise BD, Dugas, N il, Sumninerside, ah erent rie W. Warten, Sussex, NB. i. BH A 5 Warning, Mon- ue F. J. Humpheeys, Hawi! on, Ont. FM Roth, Grimsby, Ont, AT. Seow, Ottaws, ont. List of Winners of the Contest for Sending in the Greatest Number of 'Bottoms of Pack- ages of Orange Meat. bali 2 Fim Prize --Miss Leta Melvor, Porteuioub. Oat, $25.00 : * Second Prize--B. Crook, Winnipeg; Mao. 10.00 a hind Prize--Mrs. W. Sanders, Montreal, Que. 5.00 The following won a prize of $1 each i= Wis. Allen, Kin gstol, Ont. Mis. A. Dreier, Coleman, Tara, Ont. ¥. Catheart, Momtrénd Que. Mrs, ¥. Fiward, Snilth's Falls, Om. 'M Gauthier, Plantagenet Springs : Mrs, Colhoud, ONO. Hamilton © Miss Maud FE oenan, Cornwall : Miss ¥digh 5. Kelly, Toronto : Mrs. A. J. Keegan, Merrickville, Ont. M, D. Leeson, Dundas, Ont. © Mes Fog wen, Ottawa J, 55. Menaneorn, Point- AuxFremiwls, Mins Kingston Mrs. LU. 'f ovento: Mrs, Ross, Toros Nato Newhoro, Ont, : . Sfmkms, Ottdwa : Mrs, W Br aR" Lab don . Thibault, Picton, +» M Ayre, Winnipeg : Miss 'A. o a Montreal © W. J. Graham, Montreul © Mrs. OG, ¥. Thoms, Epworth, B.C Mrs. T. BH. Shouldice, Ottawa. Ronirew, Ont. Opt. : Toronto | Mis Misys McMahon, 8g. J enmie Stewart, John, N.B, + Thess collars reac! 1 you'a gpoticss white, er, re laund-ied in pure filicred water ia the best' ppell laundoy in Cangda, cris comme. Pou vely Lo chemica's age used to bleagh or wiiten the As a result Tooke Collars never become' elo, They keep their snow-white appearsgeeuniil worn out, Se RE linen in sides 14 10.18 and fights # 4 fond 2/5 a TOCKE BROTHERS, ED materizls, The " Maxim," illustrated here js ane Anchor Brand price-~2 for asc. Made in i» ply with outside. facing _ MONTREAL, | AL ASK INVESTIGATION. CAN EXPECT NO RELIEF. Is the Canadian Packing House a [Survivors Wanted $1,000,000 «Combine ? From Government, Hamilton,' Ont., March 20.-A large "Washington. March 20.<The sursi- deputation 'of 'Wentworth county far-lvers of she, General Slocum disaster mers is expected shortly to interview | anil the s of thos¢ who lost their Premier Whitney, and ask for an io- | lives there in New York harpor, can vestigation of the alleged combine of Aapegl. no na. relief from cofigress. the Canadian Packing House which is resentative Sulzer, demo- said to be running the hoy induste¥ erat, Fo and a delegation' ap- « Several deputations Have i pe 0 igs the house comggittee on bee sent to Ottawa recently and the} APPEOPT: tiops in support of the ap- Doprinion government 34 said to have, propriatigh of $1,000,000 for the relief Promised every assistance even "10 fof the sufferers, a resolution was ad J ehanging the (aril 31 necessary. oped 'umenimously declaring that con- gress heim g morally, equitably or H "upon fo make any such t To .0ld Terms. Y 10m, March 20.+~A peti- to "the Dominion government, mat dhe granting of a thesDetroit, Belle Isle ' Ferry company, on the OT Lory recommended by the city A been prepared and prob- adn forwarded to the minis. ter ok inland revenue, to-day. The op- ponents of the renewal claimed to have "secured adver twelve hundred sig- natieds in two days, but the, total mumbeér of names on the petition' as sini 10 'the government is 581. oy Gee ' Bome Fine Billiards. RY March 20.-Calvin Demarest "defeated - Ferdinand Pog sg ok-HNow York, in the matinee of the national amateuy shame pionship billiard tournament, by fe i gi 3 Vo seh X A "five ay, rest |" has amateur 'hilliall record ~the hij twice and the high av- "rage onoe. the thirteenth time ap THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1908. THE LATEST NEWS p-------- FROM FOREIGN LANDS AND UNITED STATES. S-- Not Possible to Arrange For » Duel--Attack Made on Revolt- ire Natives--Pledged to Up hold Dignify of China. St. Petersburg, March 20.-The mili: tary authorities have signified that it will not be possible to arrange for the duel to" which Admiral Nebogatoff has challenged Gen. Stoessel. Nebogatoff was commander of the naval force at Port Arthur for some time, and was severely criticized by Stoessel, Destroyed A Town. Lishon, March 205An official des faith w says that Portuguese troops have made attack upon the revolting -- at Jafunoce and Egine, in Portugal, Guiana, and destroyed . the town of Varella, To Uphold Dignity. Hong Kong, March 20.--Fifteen thou- sand Cantones, to-day, pledged them- selves to the death to uphold the dig- nity of China, and a despatch was sent to the viceroy to protest against the action of the government in sur- rendering the Tatsu Maru to Japan. A QOaptain Killed. March 20.--A collision be tween troops, which accompanied an expedition: engaged in delimitipg the Cameroons, and natives, is reported. The Germans defeated the natives, but Capt. Glasuncing was killed. Berlin, Invited To China. Washington, March 20.--Me mikado his extended a 'personal invitation for" the American battleship fleet to Visit one of the ports of Japan on its around-the-world trip. The ques- tion was taken up at to-day's cabinet meeting. Big Blaze At Lowell, Lowell, Mass., March 20.--~The fire that swept the Highland district of the gity, early to-day, was got put out until after it has eau about $300,000 damage. Nearly all the loss is confined to the Fifield Machine com- pany. Three Were Killed. Woodville, N.H., Marck 20.--Three men were killed and another was seri- ously injured, this morning, in a col- lision between two freight trains on the White Mountain division of the Boston and Maine railway, about two miles south of Haverhill station. Was Born In Ontario. New York, March 20. ~Right Rev. Charles H Fowler, bishop of the Methodist kpiscopal church, died at his home, here, to-day. He was born in Burford, Ont., in 1837, " TRIPLE ALLIANCE. Raticher Alleged to Have Married Three Women. "Victoria, B.C., March 20.<An al loged bigamy case with interest rang- ing between two continents has de- veloped in the little town of Duncan, forty miles from here. T. Brownell, rancher, lives with a woman he calls his housekeeper, while the wile he dgserted in Boston ten years ago is dressmaking four miles from the ranch. Meanwhile proof has been obtained that after deserting his first wie he took a second one in South Africa after fighting for the British in the war. Aiter peace was declared he deserted wife No. 2 and child and returned to Canada, picking up his third partner in Nova Scotia, and coming on to Duncan. The first wife is suing for alimony, which will undoubtedly "develop into bigamy pro- | ceedings. oo Guelph Business Man Dead. Guelph, March 20.--After visiting Toronto, on Tuesday, Harold R. Rey- nolds, a prominent" Young business man of Guelph, - felt indisposed and kept to his bed on Wednesday until evening, when he got op, and shortly afterwards was seized with a repeti- tion of a former illness, expiring ina few hours. This makes the fifth death in the family within one year Lemons Or Oranges. Two dozen, 250. Edwards & kin. 274 Princess street. A happy event took place at the home of Mr. ahd Mrs. Raynor, Pie- ton, on March 17th, the occasion be- ing the marriage of their - eldest daunrhter, Miss Norma Raynor, to Harry Cunninsham, son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cunningham, Schoharie, Jen- Ne Canadian' Humane Association bas sent a bronze medal to De. D. M. McCarthy, Prescott, as 'a memento, for an act of bravery on the part of doctor in the saving of a young lad named © Leeder from a watery grave in he - St; Lawrence in July Miss Eleanor Holmes; of Milford, at present assistant teacher at the kin- fun of Tioton. patie" Whines, ion Holmes was Scatid oh ® , England. The salary paid is Headerson's tens are regular in su quality and flavor; uF Boglish t blend at 4c. is a favorite: Cy for tomorrow, 3 lhe. for $1, datas, | Broek dodh witest. from on tnghams Jisno Sums at Me PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Cul Called From Al Over The World, A. J, Donly, registrar of decds fo Norfolk county, died at Simege. The prov ine ial Rovernment will float B 1 ngtand iy . The Allan S. $0 Vie aaa, arrived at Halifax at 1:15 A TRAIN. DERAILED BUT FORTUNATELY NOONE WAS INJURED. A New Traim Was Made Up For Passengers--An Exceptionally Bold Robbery in Montreal. Montreal March 20.--~The Grand Trunk Boston express, which left Bonaventure station at $39 o'clock, last 'night, was derailed by a defec- tive rail between Lacadie and St. John's, (Que., but no ome was hurt. Some of the cars remained on the track. A fresh train was made up, which took the passengers forward after some delay. Frederick Jodern, a Notre Dame street earter, was the victim of an exceptionally bold robbery, vesterday morning. Two men entered his stable about nipe o'clock, to enquire about the cost of a rig, when they suddenly seized him and forcing him into the office,relieved him of all his cash, which, however, did not happen to be a large amount. BIGAMIST ARRESTED, erpool a.m. A Rochester, NY jidve has retider ed a decision which éloses up the} Sunday theatrgs. Dr. Thompson, MP, for the Yukon, bas left for Dawson, havine been eall- ad home on urgent husimess. Joseph Corcoran, formerly of ronto, was killed on the "Soo" of the {.P.Rgat Gladstone, Wich. Clement Pichette, , farger, from Gatineau Point, was found dead on the road under his sleigh, by his son. The railway 'commission ordered go night-watchman td be. placed on the Grand Trunk Thames street crossing at Ingersoll. . Eighty thousand people are directly interested ~ in a judgment given in connection with. the liquidation 'of the York County Loan company. : The Temiskdming and" Northern On- tario railway will he completed to connect with the Grand Trunk Pacific at Cochrane, Ont. by September 15th County. Magistrate, Woodcock, New. market, was committed for trial + on a charge of perjury, and County Con- ctable John Savage was sent up for trial for alleged fraud A. Lalonde, a naturaliz § American Citizen arrested: at Ottawa, Hlinois, recently on a charge of defaleation in Winnipeg, was handed over to a Can- adian officer who took him to Winni- peg without extradition The United States congress will pass an employers' liability aet, which will meet and overcome the unconstitution- alities of the pYwsent law pointed out by the supreme court of the United States inn recent dacision, Mount Marcy, the highest mountain in New York state, whose forests have for some time heen threatened with destruction by the operations of a lumber company, has been purchased by the state forest preserve Loard at £8 an acre, To- fine Admits the Crime and is' Sent Up For Trial Niagara Falls, March 20.--James Edward Carpenter was arrested by Officer Brown, of the city police force upon the charge of bigamy. Carpenter is thirty years old and the complainant in the case is his first wife, a Miss Regina, whom he married at Oak Lave, Manitoba, about vight years ago. She is a French girl and twenty-eight years old. The al leged bigamist is a resident of Stam- ford township and his second wile also resided there, her name bei ing Anna Margaret Williams, aged nineteen years. The charge is that he married her in Burlington, Vt., about a month ago. She states that she had no knowledge that Carpenter was a mar ried mao. Wife No. 1 was present in court this morning but No. 2 had re- latives looking after her interests. The first Mrs. Carpenter sailed on Dee. lywin for the old country and was hardly half way across the water when Carpenter, the police say, be- came acquainted with Miss Williams and they went to Burlington, Vt., and were married. But wife No. 1 did not like the tone of letters trom hubby and she came back and it did nat take her long to find the true state of affairs, Then she came to Chief Kimmins and told her story and the police have been looking for Carpenter, The alleged bigamist had gone to Thorold to sce a friend and was using one of his horses when Officer Brown came upon him and told him he was ander arrest. Carpenter started to whip the horse with the intention of escaping, but Brown, with ready mind, unhitched the traces 'and caused a alt, Carpenter . on remand came hefore Police Magistrate Cruickshank Wed: nesday at one o'clock. His lawyer, A. | Fraser, admitted the first marriage, and wife No, 2'showed a certificate of | marriage perfortied 'at Burlington, Vi. The prisoner wis committed Tor trial. NEW YORK S1UCKS, Prices Furnished By F. W. Boschen (Per W. Hector H. Hume, Manager.) Stocas. Amal. Copper... ... ... .. Amer. loco. com, .. ,. Am, Sug." Refin, Co... Am, Smitg. & Refin. to. Am, Car Anaconda Atches, Top. & St. Balti, & Obio... ... .. .. Brooklyn Rapid Canadian Pacific Chicago G. West, Ches. & Ohio....... ... wo: UC. Mil & Bt. Paul, Ex. Div, 34 percent. Lu Colorado Southern Col, Fuel & lvon March 20th. Opening. Close. 363 7} 384 ' 1204 684 Foundry ET Min, MISS VIRGINIA WARE, In "The Mayor of Tokio)" at Ths Gram, on Tuesdoy, March 24th TRUSTY 1 ESCAPED MAN HE WAS SENT TO WATCH STAYED IN JAIL, Pool Shark, ferving Term a | Syracuse For Grand Larceny, | Vide His Escape With Aid ot Boy Who is Believed to Be | Distillers; - secs. ... ... ... Insane. G. North Ry., pid. ... Syracuse, N.Y. March 0 --Last Kansas & Texas, com... night Gustav Wilkin, thirty years old, Rewieville 4 ashyille/. a pool shark, wsourt Pacific... ... ,. held for grand [sreény, N YC I escaped from the Onondaga county Erie Rail tatsal jail; rie A HToac Ie occupied a cell with W. Hal- x stead Gray, twenty years old; who orthern Pacific... is ' has been indicted for killing his mo- Penn. RR... .. ..... .. 1163 ther and who is to be examined by a Reading... hm 104} commission to determine his mental | Kook lela... Ju. 44 condition. Gray was in the plot and Rock sland, phi. % could have gotéen away but decided itis _ Ry., com, » to remain, Wilkin hid in the corridor' siathery Pacific in and Gray hid in Wilkin's bed and s Stee, Com... "un. 33% answered when the latter's name was! s Steel, pld..., .. Cn called by the keeper. The keeper had U 8. Rubber. som 1 neglected to lock' the corridor door Pacific, 24 leading to the exit and Wilkin, passed the 16 out into the street, ' Wilkin was a trusty and had work- ed in the corridor all day. He had been made a cell mate of Gray s since the proceedings were started to de- termine his sanity, for the purpose of keeping watch on the young man. e-------- 39] 983 15% 126} Union Wabash... Wabash, pid West Union Telegraph ex. divi 1} in Senip... CHICAGO PRICES, SLAIN IN BATTLE. A Conflict Between Germans and ' 'Hottentots. » Berlin, March 20.-The government Psisss' nehen «. 1250 publishes a cablegram from South Af- rica reporting a battle' "betwen, the Hugh Clark's Opponent. Kincardine, Ont., March 20.-The German expedition dnd & body- of Hottemtots in the fahari desert. | liberal convention for Centre Bruce The enemy lost fifty-eight killed. Capt. Vonkrekert, commander of the expedi- tion force, Lieut. Ebinger and privates were killed and se and is well-known all over wounded. i Mr. Huater contested -- oronto. against Hon. J. J. ~ % A. C. Neweombe's Appointment, in the last general election. Toronto, March MA OC. New- combe, a " k Eradunts of McMaster uni the class of 1900, has! been onion principdl of the Cal Collegiate Institute, Afwer gra-| to on Mr. Newcombe scted as clasei- al St - 12.42 Seinen Wawel On Sale o~-Morrow To-Morrow is Bargain Day, and you want to know what is on sale at The Montreal Stock Co. Look over this list of offerings. All At Bargain Prices. ~Fyront in 1.23 1.48 Best $2.98, A NEW LOT OF LADIES FINE WHITE LAWN WAISTS three panels of embroidery, joined with Insertion and Tucks, buttoned Back, Regular pice | $1.75 and $2, Spe cial price for Saturday, only ... ani ans pra ANOTHER LINE OF FINE WHITE BLOUSES -- Dainty makes, with Fine Embroidery, Lace Insertion and Tuck- ing, Regular price $2.25, Special price for Saturday only Many other Lines in all the newest Spring Waist, values, at 49., The. $1, $1.75, $1.95, $2.48, $3.25, $3.48, $3.98 up to 85, CLEARING LARGE LOT OF 053% YARDS TOILE DB LIND, inches wide, a beatiful wash Fabric with soft finish. Nent Patterns, suitable for Waists, Shirt Waist Dresses 1 and Children's Dresses, Regula pice. 180, On mule Satur- +d ? in newest 44 day, only, per yard 05 450 YARDS FINE FRENCH CASHMERE, 42 inches wide Shades of Navy. Roval Blue, Pale, Blue, - Pink, Cardinal, Grey, Brown, Black and cream, Regalar Jue, 65, On 948 SERGE~ 98, 2 sale, Saturday only ... .... 700. YARDS ORIENTAL SCRIM TO CLEAR ON SATUR day--Come early for this saving. Worth st anv time, Ie On Sale Saturday, per yard... ie bv See our Navy Blue * 'Camptlell's Worsted Suits. Single and 'douhle Rreasted; new price $15, On Sale . - ' CLEARING OF BOYS' NAVY BLUE ENGLISH "Norway 'f8eclers, best make Trimmings of Brass and Plain Buttons. Sizes 26, 28 and 30. Regular price, $2 and $2.50. On Sale. Mies aestenns Sessevann® savers Lwsepadifag Men's Ragilese Serge Makes. Many good lines haven't been advertised, but will be on sale just the same Satur- day and Saturday Evening. The Montreal Stock Co |§0 PRINGESS STREET |g0 Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. 'Phone No. 844. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ESTAMLISHED 1887 Paid-up/Capital,.£ 10,000,000 5,000,000 Rest, - - - ,000, Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England BANKING BY MAIL & Business may be transacted by mail with any branch of the Bank. Accounts may be epened and deposits made or withdrawn by mail. Every attention is paid to out-of-town accounts. KINGSTON BRANCH * CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STH, P. C. STEVENSON, Sana. 00000000000 V0O000000 000000TTO0TO0000000000 Specials For Saturday. One small lot Men's Rubbers, sizes 10, 11 and 12 for............ One small lot of Women's Rub- bers, second quality.............. One lot of Boys' Rubbers, sizes 11, 12 and 13, 2nd. quality... A 49¢ One lot of Bo Kubbere, : en 1 to 5 5, od 4 65¢ One lot of Packard' 8Bhoe Droming in Bottles, regular 25¢., for 9c Saturday ODNY eyeing One lot of Big Th Sa vit Polish regular 10c. Fog/'Baturday on 3c YW sisinsrissnsencsnssinpbivensirissnsspananss One lot of Half Time and Polo Paste Polishes, regular 10c. Satur- 5c y IBY ia irimaucrceis sumsinsinsiassisaiisisainse - 7c One lot of 15¢ Liquid Dressing- Saturday Will be the Last Day we HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO 8. BE. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A B IRELAND, Superintendent of Beanches 25¢ 0c Saturday OMY one ineriinng