Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Mar 1908, p. 9

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dm------ YEAR 75. SS, LAST SCENES IN THE TRIAL AND CONVICTION FOR TREASON OF LIEUTENANT ULLMO. Bi Admitting That He Stole Naval Secrets, He Protests That He Did Not Sell Them to the Agent of a Foreign Power 2 nd Faints While Being Stripped of Insignia. - KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, _-- -- Er ---- - forced if he could uote precedents, but fortunately there had never been before a case of a naval officer turn- ing traitor. The court found that Ulimo had Paris, March 21.<Licutenant Ullmo, ; 1 know how | have fallen and 1 real the naval officer found guilty of tres. |i7e the enormity of my crime: hat I! son in selling dépariment secrets; in fore To J Slemilly Shat ! neaties ba ny . wok nor rive 0 BQil- the | e met foreign : R th harap | vluding plans of French harbors, and} getohed man fainted. } power (which was not disclosad) at even the complete nlival code, to some Although the wretched man confess i Foulen, and arranged to sell the se} been in relations with a foreign pow- foreign power; wa, yesterday, ted in court that he stole the secrets | erets to him Curionsly enough, all] er, and that he had made copies of graded from the rank and conveyed (o'| from the strong box of the ship' cap-| the negotiations were conducted secret documents which he had no a fortrass, where 'ha will spond ! tain there is some "eredence placed Jn} the newspapers, appearing under the] right to have in his possession, but indder of Tis. lif bis repeated assertions that he did|guise of advertisements in the person- | that he had not actually sold any of ry Tr of hs hie, not actually sell them, 'This a! al columns, the documents. a Te was a pathetic scene as matter of doubt, so that it will } | Suspicious circumstances led to During his relations with Mle. 1.4. ' onetime officer was publicly strippeil | becessary to completely { arrest, and he son, with whom he was completely in- of all insignia. of his rank. During naval aaa, h | son hy the council of Fon. He ap-| fatuatod, he became addicted to the a . ike manv another man UVilmo was pealéd {0 the court; with the result] opinm habit proceedi . : » : : 2 + y pia py the dings he_ tried hard to conf pind hy A som. Until he met} that he was again found guilty andj dt is possible he may not have band- tro hia solings hut could vot, and| the beautiful nt Cupsaripatons MH gentenced. 46 imprisonment for life, "the = pipers to the for. nt long A re out in " oJaith} Lion his reputation wae blameless! "The juilpe advéeate," in afin ihe : am Ng men in 8 a0 and he wis regarded with respect and form of my country, and 1 kgowi that esteem by all who Knew him. "After oi over the cord to find Uthno. gnilty of treason this is tho last timo | shall wear it their acquaintance he spent all his! that on her and, exbausting all hie deoided to become a trai money resONrees, and we agent of some de wn the hia was convicted of trea the bi alter the fipner. 'I this was the case it was not lis { and not merely of espionage, declared hig. argument wonld fault, hut rather' that of the spy, who may have found. them too dear. be reif- forty does this vice make our officers ed werg Toulon and Marseilles, but | the experts attached to the depart- unfit for their duties hut it demoralizes | POW you find these 'dens of vice seat-{ment of agriculture, when the ques- { them and makes them traitors against | tered all over Paris and even in the | tion of cconomy of production was A -------- | their country. ' | touched upon. What mékes the disgrace still more] (me of the represcutatives was in. shameful is that opium smoking | clined to poke fan at the new methods France is veally die to the ladvoecated by said experts in certain | = It ds in French Indo-China directions, © "These chaps," said |e, i larger provincial towns. The use of opium in France is for bidden, that is, it is forbidden like the sale of liguor in American perance states, and if you waut to The Poison is Imbibed in Private | "moke it you never have to go : : . {i There ard no public opium dens Aa id ar, Homey, Jus: As Ligubr is a they have all licen closed hy the Other Countries--Vice Due XO | Low, but the police cannot invadd wri Government, | vate and Tt i= in' these that Paris, March 21. "Unless the Fronch | the mbthed Many of ye 4 i" rai Hy takes the moist Frueh | these houses ave Weil known to the! Jo. antl ads he ato i" 6 it w 0 | sell-irrigating. S meastires fo amp ont the viee of fialivs and it you sek a fitionmd n aud{ ba to og a mine y in} : moking NONE OME BAY offi cross hus pajm with silver, chances are | > a rs on aking. pang ou. tal obs | ten to - shat he will show von to] Paris mt Toutow, but not before: ors will surely, fn case of war, waka | the nearest place where you may "hit } N an oven poorer showing than did the { the pipe." { past fifteen years; but Carter's Little Russian vessels under Admiral Ro A few wookd ago the only places a : | Liver Pills did me more good than edjesfyensky," a Paris paper says. Nat | France where opium was being smok-* day informally 'discussing the work of | all the rest. THAT OF SMOKING OPUIM IN THE NAVY. msi, in tins govern that our naval officers learn to smoke | "remind me of a crank farmer in Kan- opium and in Indo-China the sale and! who proposed to plant onions manutacture of opium is a government | with his potatoes, the idea being. that monopoly. When the government fol! the tear-making qualities of his one lows the example of the Chinese gov-| i,q might act én the eves of the po- { ernment, stops the manufacture and! oatoes; and thus render the latter crop very sas, po- houses, poison is use opiam its own abies | Mrs, Charles. Smith, of Jimes, Ohio, i writes : 1 have used every remedy for | sick headache I could hear of for the Agricultural Improvement. inl A number of congressman were one BIG GAME FELL UNDER PLUCKY WOMAN'S GUN. SEZ Nid \ MARCH 21, 1908. TO ENTERTAIN KING. Will Cost Mrs. Lulu V. Harcourt About $5,000. London, March 21.-Mrs. "Lulu" ¥. Harcourt (born Burns, and a niece of J. Pierpont Morgan), has received an intimation that the king will hon- or her with a week-end visit to Mune ham, the magnificent seat of the Har court family, some time during the summer. Nunecham has been literally trans. formed by Mrs. Harcourt. It was an d-fashioned place with no lighting or ting apparatus and hideously fur nished. To-day it is a palace of elec: tric light and radiators, and is * fur. nished throughout with exquisite taste. A week-end visit from the king us. ually entails a sum of about 0. Special arrangements have to be mad Din the telegraph and 'telephone direct into the suite occupied by the king, a special chef and staff are im- ported, the king's favorite wines and cigars are ordered, the gardens are illuminated and a band i engaged. Mrs. Harcourt stands out from the pather uninteresting ranks of liberal hostesses by reason of her smart dressing, her tact and her instinctive aptitude for entertaining, while her husband is the most popular man in the House of Commons with both par ties. -- ------ WIN NOTABLE VICTORY. Court Orders Evicted Families Restored to Homes. London, March 21.--The Irish ten- ants of Lord Clanicarde have won a notabie victory in the courts. Clan- ricarde did everything to prevent the carrying out on his estate of the evicted tenants' act which provided for non-payment of rent. This case marks the end of the fa- mous struggle on the Woodford es- tate which has lasted' sinpe 1886. At present the tenants are living in huts on the roadside. but they must now be restored to their old homes. Childhood Indigestion. The baby who sufiers from indiges- tion is simply starving to death. It loses all desire for food and the little it does take does it no good; the child is pedvish, cross and restless, and the mother feels worn out in edring for it. Baby's Own Tablets always cure in- digestion, And make the child sigep healthily and naturally. Mrs. Gedrge Howell, Sandy Beach, Que., says' "My baby suffered from indigestion, -- and vomiting, and ied day and ight, but after giving Baby's Own Tablets the trouble disappeared and he is now a healthy child" The Tablets will care all the minor ail ments of babyhood and childhood. Sold by meditine dealers or by mail at 25c, @ box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. $30 A Royal Present. Berlin, March 21.--Bulgarians are a thrifty people. On the occasion of the wedding of their sovereign, Prince Ferdinand, with Princess Eleonore, of Reuss-Koestritz, they thought thirty dollars was a sufficiently splendid gift to the bride from her husband's sub- jects At the wedding reception the muni- ficent gift was solemnly presented to the princess by Prime Minister Stani off. Princess Eleonore promptly band: ed over her wedding gift from her adopted country to a deserviag char- ity Is Your Stomach Sour ? Just notice if you belch gas and have sour risings. Ten drops of Ner- viline in sweetened water will in stantly give relief. Nerviline sweetens the stomach, aids digestion, dispels, gas, makes vou fit and fine in a few minutes. No treatment for stomach and bowel troubles to compare with Polson's Nerviline, thousands have proved it, . Must Give Up Liquors. Paris, March 21.--M. Emile Vander veede, the leader of the socialist party in Belgium, who has long been inter- ested in temperance work, has inau- gurated a new lodge of Good Temp- lars, whose members must not ouly ive the use of liguor in any form, But A sigh a pledge to the spreading of soriabutie ideas lodge * ASKS HER TO GUT ROPE PLUCKY GIRL SAVES HER FATHER'S LIFE. Falls Over Precipice and Dangles From Her Body For Hours. 5 Genéva, March 21.--A splendid act of heroism was performed on "Thirs- day by a smuggler's daughter near the summit ot |= 7 the Fraele pass, 7,290 fect high, on the Swiss: Italian frontier. An Italian smuggler named Predoni, accom- panied by his daughter, Rose, aged eighteen, after having completed their purchases of EX contraband goods, set out to the pass into Italy, Three other smugglers who are members of the band promised to follow Predoni later in the day. Early in the morning Predoni and his daughter were approaching the pummit of the Fraele pass, when they were overtaken Dy a thick mist, in which they lost their way, and took the precaution to rope themselves to- gether. For an hour they wandered on the mountain, when suddenly Pre doni, who was leadin~ fell over 4 ipice, jerking his daughter off her eet. By means of her ice axe Rose stopped herself from being dragged over the precipice where her father was dangling suspended in mid-air He could not reach the precipitous gide of the slope to lessen the strain on the rope, and, as their cries for help remained unanswered for "hours, Predoni beewod his daughter to cut the rope and save herself, but this she refused to do. Another half hour passed, and as the mist cleared Rose saw the three other smu~vlers climb- the mountain. Her cries were heard. and the smugglérs rescued Predoni and his brave daughter, who lost her senses on being untied, and was car ried down the mountain FINISHES RIDE OF YEAR. Drummer Wins $8,500 Bet An American. Vienna, March 21. By riding on a train continuously for one year a Salsburg drummer has won'a bet of $5,500. The bet was laid in New York 4 an American sportsman who held at a man could not endure the ory] deal of a year's continuous railroad travel. The Austrian drummer took up the challenge and on bis return to pd »e laid put his plaus to win the = He Cross With In due legal form a contract was drawn up undér which the drummer bound himself to live on the railroad travelling the round trip Vienna-Linz Salzburg-Innsbruck-Vienna Tor twelve months. He began 'his vear of travel ling at the beginning of a vear ago and endured the journeying in good health until the end of 1907, when he had a violent attack of grippe. But he stuck to his railroad home with the pluck of a six days' cycle racer and won the fet When he had completed the feat ke was in good health except for a slight nervous strain. SUMMER BUNGALOW. Family Plans Place on Beach. London, March 21. ~Queen Alexan dra jx having built on the seashore near Sandringham & summer bunga- low, which will be something in the nature of a private country club. It is intended as a place where the royal family may lounge. have picnic teas and Junches, and rest on summer days after walking five miles from the roy- al residence, No sleeping accommoda tion will be provided, but there will be dining and drawing rooms. a well. equipped kitchen, and a large room with a seaward view to bw used at a lounge, The bungalow will be surrounded with large grounds, where tennis may be played , and on the beach there will be a bathing pavilion, -------- THEORY OF CHEMIST. ine Comets and Meteors Prove Con- tention, Declares Dr. Lacour. . Rome, March 21.--Dr. Latour, a not- Royal Resting of od chismist, advances the sensational theory that diamonds fell from heaven a wi He ar : : oscopieal investigations sho Shas ae Jarticles of comets, secured 8, are impregnated with carbon. This carbon is in the form of crystals "In days gone by the earth must have come repeatedly into contact with comets, either the nucleus or the tails. commietic particles became dinmonds in the course of ages, but were buried during the varions trans formations of the earth. « "The above thebry is' strongthened Thy the fact that diamond chips have been found in meteors." He Drank It All Paris. March 21.~When the socialis tic member of . the chamber, Coutant dTvty, the other day was accused of too much, he made his fellow f members lavgh by his speech of de- | fence : "5 have never before heen accused of indulging too freely in wine and I can prove it, too. You know that | have when i PAGES © TO 18, Baker's Cocoa is dttested by : Years of Constantly Increasing Sales 50 Highest Awards m Europe and America 7, 8, at. We have always maintained the highest standard in the quality of our cocoa and chocolate po arations and we sell them at lowest price for which unadul- terated articles can be put upon the market Walter Baker & Co., Lt. | | Betablishea 1730 DORCHESTER, MASS. SRANCH HOUSE: 86 St. Peter Street, Montreal BAD STAB-LIKE PAW THROUGH HE WEAR, MNLBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS CURED MER AND SAVED HER LIFE. SEATIRR day living, the mervous system is done violence to, and the heart and merves being vii il B F TO MS MAJESTY THE KING . SirJohn Power& Son Lia. ESTABLISHED AD 1701. THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flavor, Of highest standard of Purity. it is especially recommended by the Medical Profession or accountof its pe iar "DRYNESS" Dyeing with Soap! Tt TE Ragland. Yields fast, a ¥. SSE SURE. Maypole Soap roc. for Colovemise. for Black,

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