Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Mar 1908, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1908, Nid . ) rr | : | Tr GER OF FAT SE Freres | | With Another Day Would Have Won. Reporters On Their Rounds, fn aay wt fwd to rch _3|BETWEEN - CANADA _ AND| Ms wall paper le vow on. place in the Montreal Heffild contest, THE UNITED STATES | book--or buy a paper ! ---- that would give her the old country | isa in ] 1 . trip. Late yesterday afternoon, when | William Swaine, plano tuner. Orders Y RE-} she found that she couldn't overtake | Will Lie With Britain's Interfer. Se ot Ycsulers. "Frans i. i ' 4 4 . ; 501 : . a = Lainie nS in 8 church, . SERVE LAND IN WEST. the five leaders, she withhe id 8150 | ence--A Plea For Canadian In { Portsmouth, will hold a sale on Ap | - subscribed for her during the last few} dependence in Dealing With!) 93rd ' . a hours of the contest, not' wishing to a { iat : 3 Civil Service Reform Also BAYH pee it when gr lt pie ber: only | Canadian Affairs. bansign Madele Wilson is to speak | : t ise Salvation # : i cated--An Explanation of the sixth place. She simply retiined a} Windsor, Ont, March 21. In an ad- a aan Army barracks * on Present Position of the All-Red | 00d place in the race to give her the | dress before the Literary amd Reltnt: £ Peter ; i f n n d Saguenay trip next Juve. If the | fic Society Institute, last night, Ser Buster, of the News staf, seri- | ' Route Project. ; Kingston representative had had an-| George C. Gibbons, K.C., chairman of a fy for. the Inst . few. weeks, is | . h al -- X ' s C i Ai i . recovering. } SEY . Ottawa, March 21.--One of the most f other day's time she would have won| the Canadian section of the interna | JH. Cunningbew, piano tuner from | A NUMBER of remarkably good things i important, as it was one of the most ut quite handily. Only during , the | tional waterwave commission, made a | & 3 | . N statesmanlike, spesches of the session | last raphe of dans "Bd he Tg as-|Dlea for Canadian independence in | ichuing .. fone orders at Mo | that will repay yon to come for, either To- 2 night or Monday. Come however To-night was delivered by Hon. Clifford Sifton, | gist ce. A. Chadwick, of the Fron-| dealing with Canadian afiairs, and te > | who resigned the debate on the bad- _-- Lumber Thad ie a ie endion. 8180 strongly endorsed the principle of | AN. do Gaskin was in a very' low | ' get, vesterday. It occupied only a lvor yesterday aftetnoon to place the | Permanent boards to deal with mat- | Sault fons ast _ night. This morping | if possible, as some of these goods may be fifth of 'the tinte consumed by Mr. Kingston representative in the first | ters affecting the United States and | He was very little change. | sold out to-night. Foster, and yot it dealt in a master division, but time was up hefore the |Cenada. He believed jt absolutely ne- AVE your eyes properly. tested by | | ly and comprehensive manner with a necessary amount could be subscribed. chssary for the strengthenine of the ok SRfut} is Basv's Seid Gillen ei Ladies' series of problems of national avd im- { ladividually Miss Hyatt made by far] c™Pire that Canada be rmitted to | lasses, complete, $1.50. | 1 3 perial moment, His first note was one | the best fight Her competitors had | '0anage her Own material affairs, and | Corporation men were to-day. en- | White Skirts of satisfaction with the fiscal nolicy {al Kinds > assistance even to band that when Canada deals directly with | £380 in removing some of the ice op { " . of Mr. Fielding, and particularly with al certs, dances skating parties and the United States, she is more likely the roadway on Princess street. ..} v different styles to f8 | the existing system of raising re- | an She had no help till the 10 get fair play. Personally, Mr. See the window display of Huyler 8 select from. We only g | venues. Speaking as one with au- | § the contest." She Jost b Gibbons said he had always found the old {ashioned _ Washington Tafly at| : : . | thority, he took an optimistic view of Bs on oi i w ¥| statesmen of the United States ready Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. | mention two, owing to {the financial outlook. and then "be | twenty-four hours. to do what was right. He believed The Y.M.C.A. harriers were out, last! the lack of space The held the close attention of the house the only danger . of friction between | night, for their first run of the wee | , th He 2 -- 3 with a powerful for the estab- | USED SIX YEARS AGO. Canada and the United States were |#0n, and had a most enjoyable time. | Others are equally good, ' lishment of & consular system of trade IL Ia thesis & Wot New in io come irom Beitain interferine with Cg Shious, Idwards & Jenkin. | ] ist Style, With Deep 3 wi gi y 4 {Loca naesthesia is No things about which & ¢ ing | The members of the Junior Artillery | & \ : PREPARE For House- ith foreign. countries, conducted | | she knew nothing Mor Art yi Flounce of 15 inches, 4 _ Jaseph Boyle has received a small [land Gypsy, and will have it over-| made of 3 rows of wide specially qualified agents. Next came Kingston. at all. Club, have purchased the sailboat, Is- | i ! {service reform, particularly in the de. anaesthesia was first used in Kingston | increase in the cost of his half mil- | hauled for the summer. J insertions, finished with { i #, . Cleaning Time. A strong declaration in favor of civil, Regarding the statement that local we . 5 3 y Start at your Furniture and rub it up | claration of closer connection be- la few years ago, a leading local sur- lion dollar suit against Detroit diree- | Chalmers Church ladies witl have a E tween - the universities and the public geon says : tors of the Canadian Kiondyke Min- sale, on April 23rd, for purpose of wide lace, full dust frill, service. This was followed by a sug-| "The value of local anaesthesia in {ing company, hv the decision of the furnishing Chalmers room in hospi- all French seams, double vit ¢ a gestion that winetenths of the rail-{ » ry has been taken advantage of | Toronto court to which he ~ saled | tal. Remember the date. £0 : . ~LIQUID VENEER [way grant lands in the west should oi Re the, discovery of the local | from the taxation by Francis Cleary, "Fresh for Saturday." Huyler's | 8. 3) stitched, good quality Pan ba thrown apen to homestead entr- [effects of cocaine and similar drugs. of this. city, but appeals by botls par. | mixed chocolates sold in Kingston | AY R fine undressed cotton, And you will be surprawd that you { the Pemaining tenth, extending to | Since then, major and minor opera- [Us on other accounts are dismissed. only at Gibson's Red (ross Drug | & : Thi ki to ~ Baws such good looking Furnitire in the | three million acres, to be held in re. tions, some similar to that referred ee t-- Store, 'Phone 230, eR . us skirt is exc ep- holise. Sold in two sizes sorve for ten or twelve years. Then | to under the heading, "*A Novel Oper- FOUND DEAD IN BED. The liberal smoker will be held on ; ne : tionally good ralue at ' { they could be sold and a fund woul |ation," have from time to time been -- Wednesday, not 'I uwesday. There is no A TE SEER $1 50 ; 25 and B0c¢c hua be Provided, amounting to thirty { performed. In July, 1902, a well- [The ' Late Samuel Harper Was Uetite to interfere with the opera 3 ° {mifions or thereabouts, which w Id | known farmer of the township of { house_fixture on Tuesday - PERETCE G, A . woul Well-Known, } ; gh 3) Yours To-night, {enable the government to Pittsbur 1 hree ye : ; n proceed | Pittsburg, amd two or three years e000000000e Brockville and Prescott have each oe > = - ? e9000000e chosen September 15th to 17th for its Ny Add $1 10 . Itils the Crandest Furniture Polish | with the construction of the Hudson's | later a well-known lady of Kinston, Mer put on the market. | Bay railway, which he warmly advo- | both well nigh the eighty-vear mark. i SOLD AT fated Finally, he made. an illuming. | were successfully operated on for j HIVE pronouncement "upon the all-red | Strangulated hernia under identically WW. A M J j route scheme, for which he made out [the same circumstances as those nam- : - - itchell Hy a strong case. ed in the article referred to above." | , | HIS MEMORY was BaD. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION N---- annual fair, and a war is on and! A heartfelt tribute of affec- ® likely to he fought out »® ® tionate remembrance to one of "7, *» le oronto Chocolate Creams" Huy 2 d St 1 WwW : : ° the indest, most modest, golf ar 6c, a pound. Sold only at Gib- n y e, te Skirt ° dependent and good-living of ®ison's Red Cross Drug Store, "Phone : men, Samuel Harper. From his ® | 930. With Embroidered Flounce trimmed with 4 fine tucks . | Celery. Edwards & Jenkin and Embroidered Insertion, French Seams all double ® ® known as the "Spints' Rest " eo! ; > . | It is expected that the steamer Ar- i : ' | stitched, good quality Englis ; . may he pass to the blessed ® ovle will run, next season, between g Snally glish Cottons. This Skirt is ' well worth $1.50, } last earthly home, familiarly o | | Was Held Sunb Frid | Lawrence R. : ; as Held at unbury on Friday 4 . ) | eading in the Toils Afternoon. . 'ompany of the Saints above. ® | Toronto and the lake shore towns of | For Drunkenness : ®! Whithe ss * A very successful Sunday © school | Whithy, Oshawa-and Newcastle Y T - h M | otawroncs, Rondist, gathered in by{convention : was held at Sunbury off a ssessssesssssssses Give the little ones a chance by send ours Oo=ni1g t and onday, Is e thomas Mullinger, vester- Friday afternoon and evening. under | ..° hue arper, Maitland street, | them to Best's for your drug wants. [§ : |G", on a charge of drunkenness, | the direction of the township associa- died very suddenly on Saturday morn-| They are anxious to get the Brownie { showed that he had a very bad tion, Mr. Letherland, of Latimer, oc | 12% from heart failure, Mr. arper | camera offered in the guessing contest memory, when arraigned before the cupied the chair, and C. Vanluven, of { W88 in is usual good health ali day | Where did you get that hat? At @ ® | magistrate Jo-day. a Battersea, fwas the secretary. These, and bis iriotia way that he bad not | Jenkins', : Hs 18 my first offence; please give [with Mr. 'Scott, of Sunbury will be | SROWR a sick day in years. He re-| After the lecture upon tuberculosis > {or aa i me a chance, pleaded Reading. the officers of 19059. The attends tired early on Friday evening and did {and the sources of I infection, 3 other styles equally zood for Same price TO-NIGHT 'That's not so,' replied the magis- | was not large, but phose present were | POt complain of feeling, unwell, About | two hundred persons loft St. George's and MONDAY. The police records did not substanti- | they expressed themselves as very | him dead upon his bed. He was part-| cat ! ate the prisoner's story. much benefited by the discussions. | Iv dressed and had been lacing his| We have stocked a line of high class Yards Pure "I will fine you. two dollars ayd | Messrs. Harrison and Meek, of King- | shoes when death came. to him. Dr.| stationery, Kara linen, Royal Bucks, costs, or twenty days," said the mag- | ston, were prosent, and made address. | Garrett was immediately summaqued | Holland linen, ete., Se » 10c., 12}e., T bl Li iftrate es at both' the afternoon and evening | but could not render Any aid. He | 13c. per quire. The Jackson Press, : a e inens the R.C.H.A.. and loitered around the " The late Mr. Harper, was well "Fresh on Thursday,' harracks. 'with the hope: that he would Mullin's Bargain Prices, known and had many friends in busi- Washington Taffy, } pound for 10. | choice designs.. This make would be considered good value at prosent. ave strength, and he per bag, far Joe, Soda biscuits, per, in Je sity veuty- thes years ago, | Stare. 'Phone 230. . could not be taken on. hox, *, Choice print butter, per|and had spent most of his life here.!| Deputy Sherifi Watterworth, of Lon-| Y T d M d RESET TING Ib. 30c, and 3%. Fresh egps, pet Mr. Harper was an expert auditor | don, arrived inthe city to-day with! ours o-night an on ay, bi : x and accountant, and had held many | a prisoner named Thomas Tupholme, | By ed On Friday Afternoon. peas, 3 tins for 25¢. Best canned corn, | important positions in. and outside | sentenced to two years in the peniten-| Of valuable rings is neces. The death occurred, on Friday after-|3 ting for 26c. Force, 3 packaces for | the city. From 1878 until 1896 Mr.| tiary for fraud. = { sary after much wear. other. noon, of Mrs. William Patterson, at | 25¢. Corner Johnson and Division Sts | Harper was a partner in the firm off A. J. Goodearle, manager of the Tr & wise a costly Jewel is likely her family residence, University ave -- A. Guon & Co. He was later om | Turbine Steamship company, Toront | ! trate; "you have been here before." active Sunday school workers, and | 590 a.m. J. McDonald Mowat found | hall resolved to kill the household Reading was very anxious to join | sessiogs. y | "tated that death was inftantancous. | Wellingt street REPAIRING ' . . . bang on § " ' Huyler's Guaranteed all Pure Linen. 60 inches wide and very OR be taken in. However, the battery is! Jam, 7 Ih. pail for 35. Potatoes, | ness and social circles. Ee was born| Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | at 60c. yard. boiling, per dozen. 25c. Finest canned 'to be lost. 3 fe, ae late Mrs. Jatrrurn Proms Appointed Divisional Engineer. | ployed with Folger Bros., and the | was in the 'city, to-day. on business ! amsizaretmmim---- pn ing for some time and cath W. Perey Wil B.Se.. C.E past two years has Leen at the | The Turbi " , , H te 5 : 3 gar, B.5e., CE, a : ) 1¢| The Turbinia will run from Hamilton | . Our workinen are skilled in came as a welcome release from a long graduate of the School of Mines, | Canadian Locomotive Works. { to Toronto, this vear, not from To- the. setting of diamonds and period | of suffering. The deconged, Kingston. has been appointed a divi-| The late Mr. Harper was a man of | ronto to Niagara Falls, as last year. | 0 Yards ° xr Jesiow stony, and whose maiden name was Mary e{ sional engineer on the Transcontinent- | retiring disposition and an excellent | . tn ar, | WHITE MADAPOLAM We can prom you first. Tarmac, was born and brought up al railway, with headquarters as Nip. | business man. Mis death came as a! | YOUNG MEN IN DEBATE, | f class work, at reasonable a A i. ity. and he any fiends ex- issing. Mr. Wilgar is a young man, | great shock to his many iriends. Two| This is an exceptionally fine closely Woven Cotton, made Ee oy ey Sbgthy io." het and: his Appointment is the result of siofers, Mus. ray and Mrs. Philips, | Which Was Held at Zion Church. ! on purpos: for Ladies' and Children's Underwear, also Foesaving. designing and 8 | children. a ¥ | painstaking, consistent efforts. ta, ar fet 10 nitiita: 3 he nts Wednesday Night. | for Children's White Dresses and sold usually at 18e. rh A-4 Pest mers church and a liberal i sities. A, reo debate was held _at Zion yard. feature of 4 The Trusts and Guarantes company Doctors Highly Delighted a a np church, on Wednesday evening, under | « Limited, of Toronto, have been 'an They say for fattening and nourish- ihe AuspICes of She Young Rens Suh | Yours To-night and Monday, 12 aC Yard. pointed executors in the place of the ling, nothing excels the pute. "So. | We Sell. A Hloftion Visdaused: was, J sl ved] eA - = retiring executors of the estate of the [oiete! Olive Oil, which-we import --di- | Fooke's famous shirts collars and | ole o a cqmmercai course in ne : ' . orld x Rorrat, if the. village bod Bid Efanee Ye have it in, seul. | culls, and Jotest: styles in hats, ate | Collegiate Institute." The question] A number of small articles on which vou have wood. he : estate amounts o {ed bottles, res) rom Sunny Nice, ; caps, at J. » 'orrest's, the ingl, ; : dincussio { :, 3 . . about $30,000. 30c., 50¢. and $I per bottle at Wade's | street gents' furnisher. imought vary lively Siweinsh he | a good sized saving : The Kingston purveyors of milk met 1 driig store. : - hath sides heiag warmly debated. Thel 50 Yard Spools Sewing Silks, all colors and last night. and resolved to reduce the -------- Sulphur and molasses (improved), | JU0ge*: Messrs. Ramsay, of the Col | ys I " 4 i i y oF b : ax. 4h e stitute, and Salis y, of} . price on April 1st. Lettuce. Edwards & Jenkin. 15c. and 23c., at Best's. legite Biutital in td Sali ry i black, 2c spool. Queen's, C » "4 2 fr ry 3 a1 ative. 'The aflikmative was taken by | 6,000 Cards Black Cashmére Wool Mending, 1c essrs, G. E, Smith and A. A Hay, | card, and the negative by Mr. Aird and Ar-| Black and White Hooks and Eves 2 dozen ona thur Truesdale. v e-------- card, 1c Card. : The Closing Session. A 350 Fancy Japanese Work Baskets, worth 10¢, Rie closing session. of the teachers 12ic, 15¢, 18¢. Yours To-night, §c Each. institute was held on Saturday morn. ing, whem two very interesting leo . - Rian "on nen oe xt 650 Yds Duchesse Satin Ribbon Knight on "Bacteria," and the other by' A. A. Jordan on "Literature. All best shades to trim these backets with. This ribbon T t s bee most sue- Jus Sonven son hos ben 4 most. he will be sold only to those bhying baskets , at special ing full of interesting information 'for price of VERY DETAIL in our spring stock is now complete, and we are in readis Ee a Te Huttion 4c. YARD. ness to serve our F Patrons in the same satisfactory manner that has made jt yet hot a yea a Sic. he. aft : JOHN L AIDL AW & SON. this store so popular and built up for us such a large volume of business. I We offer our patrons : Ladies' Auxiliary. . There was a good attendance at the | PR ir eA ARR Ir 0 Ir €SS I dll 0 mn Be aan vas ir ents Mrs. R SITES TEER PEE SEP IPE REEES SO EE | | Huicrior desertion. of Ton. mili : _The best Ready-to-Wear Clothing Canada produces, eed matter eriaive wo ic wok | FOP the Balance of the Spring Slush were discussed, with routine x Wear Klingtite Rubbers : business. We've searched both English and Home Markets for the latest and most i -- FOR GENTLEMEN, And the No Wate Foothold interesting things in The Christian Eadeavor society of Rubber for Ladies. DOOOOOOONOOT ® the First Congregational church held a social Friday evening and the affair Men's Furnishings. =: was rendered during the evening. In Our Custom Department | Then do not drew. he font an theron i Tis a matter of pride with us that for years we've made clotlies fora class of good dressers who wouldn't! fe. Print rh pny of ao Fy we hd a hihi " &: MH 4 : J "CSS tion from # or hs removal from [8 1 4 } ve > yet. of going elsewhere to be measured. The Spring Woollens are very handsome. Our mission is the correct | the sity. . Full stock at : and Children, and our success depends upon the way we do our work. We aim to bave| nu, yew Ana Exclusive. 8 ois Si 2 So Mi rd hh a : MRL ge . : Eo olin jas hata atp 10 be found at EENEEEOREIIEEETE PERLE TRE RIES] Stoe Store.

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