. - \ 000000000000000000000008008000000000000R00NNtRttntttrttIsriInIteesssvIteRRRteReesd - » ° * ssbocsscccccsie ° THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, 00000000 eoodDOSIIN hd . "4 Ww Everyone Admires Our New Spring Hats and the Prices are Invariably Pleasing. Such a massing of Millinery loveliness, such a collection of Millinery masterpieces, such a show- ing of extraordinary beauty. Truly-our Millinery Department has surpassed itsell. . Nothing ordinary, common-place, stereotyped about these hats. Just as different as they are new, and each a captivating expression of Paris' 1. 'st fancy. The New Spring Coats While viewing and trying on the hats, don't forget the Spring Coats. They are worth ¢ thorough examination. Perfect fit, style, work- manship and material, and prices the very lowest possible. CRUMLEY" BROS. j CASH COUPONS," 0000000000000000000000000000000 GivES ADDED CHARM TO THE WEARER Owing to its being the mest successful corset design ever created. It is a well-known fact. thatn "0D & A" Model greatly enhances the beauty of a per- fect figure, while it improves ordivary figures out of all recoguition, | A "D & A De Luxe Corset" is the dlixic of elegance, smartness, refined dis- tinction and comfort, Light as air, yetiguaranteed to outlast two ordinary corsets, PRICES $1.00 to $5.00 - A -- FIRE ESCAPES! | Naty es or 'Get rid of quickly. . as sihle. It's expensive it as All lengths, all sizes and to suit all condi- tions. Built to order and erected in place on short notiee. Estimates Furnished - on Request. : Selby & Youlden, Ltd. dangerous take it so and thoroughly a be. Powders. They reduce the and banish all aches and pains. From all, dealers, 35 J bottle. a large angi s JL. MATHIEU Ue.' Props. Sher prooke, P, Q. 0000000000000000000800000000000000O00000CCOORORPRIORIROOOOTS Pos- and troublesome to heep it. "Nothing it away ny or cure completely Mathieu's Syrup of "Tar & Cod ' Liver Oil. ' Large bottle, Cold. .. For Feverish colds Syrup with Mathieu's Nervine fever cents large box, 18 T0 THE OFFGE S00 THE NEW BRUNSWICK ||. CABINET IS NAMED. Premier Hazen Has Selected His . Men to Govern the Province ~All Are Young Men. John, N.B., March 20.--At noon, to-day, the. Robinson administration { plmeed its resignation in the hands of Liovernor Tweedie, who at once called | upon J. D. Hazen, leader of the con- | servative party, to form a cabinet, { At niue o'clock this evening Hazen announced his cabinet © J. D. Hazen, premier and attorney- general. i J. K. Fleming, of Carleton county, provincial secretary. Pr. PB. Vi Landry sioner of agriculture. A WC. H. Grimmer {Ch | veyorgeneral. John + Morrissey (Northumberland), | commissioner of public works. Henry Mcleod (York), solicitor-gen- eral. Robert. Maxwell ~(St member without portfolio The mew administration will be sworn in 'at the ekecutive ecouneil rooms, next Tuesday, and the dates of the -bye-elections will also be an- nounced then The Hazen government is made up af" comparatively young men. Not one id. yet fifty years old. There are three 'lawyers, Messes. Hazen, Grimmer and Mcleod: two merchants, Messrs, Mor- rigsey and Fleming; one contractor, St (Kent), commis i John ety), ing physician and also an active farmer, -------------- NEWBORO NEWS BUDGET. Part of House Blown Down--Bad Sugar, Beason. Newhoro, March 21. --Salmon fishing through the jee at: Devil Lake is the order of the day. "A few large catches have been. peportél recently. More wood has: been hauled into the' vil lage during the pagt week than ir any week this winter A few farmers started sugar-making last week, and although a good run was reported on Saturday, the cold weather of the past week has been a decided sethack, and it is feared that the tapping will have to be done over aguin. The snow in the majority of busoes is over three feet decp, and ns there is practically vo frost"in the ground, there will be considerable dif- ficulty in gathering the sap when the soft wetfther comes. Local farmers fear a poor sugar season. «J. T. Gallagher is in Toromto this week, attending the. A.O.U.W. grand lodge. Calvin Shaw, who was so seri- ously injured over two months agb, ie slowly recovering and 1s able « to #it ups "Elmer Knapp, whose arm was broken about two weeks age, while working at the pioneer hut at Pine Island, is recoyeting favorably. Mrs. C. Vickery isslowly recovering. Mrs. Ann Hart was "at home" to a large nwinber of friends and relatives, on the 7th, on the eve of her departure with her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Burns, of Cleveland, with whom she will * in future feside. - A very large number from here attendad the grand concert in the Crosby school house, on the 17th inst. Messrs. Flemming brothers and the Picrce-Singleton orchestra of this place, contributed several pum- bers, On the evenihg of the while a fierce north-west blowing, a large wing of the fine stone residence of J. N, Knolton, about two miles east of the village, was blown down. Fortunately nope of the family were in the wing at the time or the happening might have proved fatal. James Barker and were visitors in Perth en Monday, The young children of I. Black, of the public school staff, are seriously ill, Theré¢ was no school in the sen- jof department. on Thursday. Robert Bilton is moving onto the William | Duncan farm, west of the Village, Tate-| ly vacated hy Peter Welsh, who has | moved onto John Leggett's farm, near { Portland. Mrs. Elisha Chamberlain is on the sick list. Mrs. T. P. Kelly, of the Shamrock Concert company, is spending 4 few days at her home at Erin Chiff, Miss Mabel Warren, who has been attending college in Montreal for some tine past, is spending a few weeks at her home here. T. C. Singleton has been engaged as overseer for the sea. son on a farm near Smith's Falls. Francis Belton, of Crosby school, who usually spends -the week-end here, the guest of his brother, Fdward, was the victim of a very painful ac cident, on Saturday evening. He was standing an the bunk of a sleigh driv. en by James Stout. The sleigh ran into a pitch hole and Mr. Bolton's leg slipped through the sleigh, wrenching bis knee badly, but fortunately no bones were hroken. + Preston Shaw, who has been homes steading in Alberta for the past few years, returned home, on Thursday evening, and will spend the sext. six months here. A pumber from here at- tended the party at Edward Wright's, Clear Lake, on Friday evening, Mrs. Todd & Co., of Toronto, have purchased the millinery Lusiness, here, of Miss Agues Halladay. Miss Phil- lips, of Toronto, will be in charge of this branch. The Rideau Dramatic company, with the high-class comedy. drama, played' to a full house in Athens, on Wednesday evening. final appearance of. the troupe will be made Here after Easter. ise Mand Simmons, whe has been spending 'the past féw months with relatives hers, retarued to Western Canada last week! Miss Ruth Howard returned, on Sun- day, from a visit at be home = at hamberlain roe Sdlouls of wearge Is week, 13th inst, wind was son, J. Henry, on the sick list. sed hay and Btraw, for & ter, reached town last -------------------- At The YMCA. Men's méeting at } Sunday afternoon at 4.15 o'clock. Doers open at 4 pm. Elmer Davis ill deliver address, and 6. #3 Com: yrs will lead the singing, Beye' Ba. at YMCA, Sunday 10 a.m. arlotte), sur- i MY. Maxwell; Dr. Landry is a practis- | and a great i You, B, TOUHEY, the pleasing Baritobe. Theatre; | cital, DAVID C | City Hall, Thursday, March bail Club, ; FaRTO ars Hmusements. - ' FREES. dnd + TUESDAY. MARCH 24th, JOS, MM, GAITES OFFERS JOHN L. KEARNEY RICHARD CARLE'S Greatest Musical Shew - "THE MAYOR OF TOKI0" 75 Pecple--T5 People. A Girly Whirl of Music and Merriment See the Famous Peanut' Balle, Blue Ribbon Chorus. speci' 26, 50.76-$1 Seats now on sale In First 8 Raws, $1.50. i SATURDAY, MARCH 28th. Matinee, Evening, 8.15. The Rerk Company's Eroduction. The Distinguished Musical Comedy Success. \""Coming Thro' the Rye" A great bi matiniess "dampeny of Comedians. Siogers 'usd Dageers and an Immense Chorus Soper Seenic. and Costume Display. : Matines, 25¢ 25¢. to amy Fivewingr, Seats on sale at 2.30 , 50c., 75¢.; Chiidren De Wedd i THURSDAY, MARCH 26th. New Masical Mystic Melodrama, [HE PHANTOM DETECTIVE A New Tden Detictive! Play. Mugien) Chorus of Pretty Girls. © Quartette of Singh Comedians i Den of Real Lions. Massive Trick Scenig, Production. Kvening » Lf othing Prices 26¢-35¢ 60c rd Seats on sale Tuesday. BIJOU TUESDAY, seat. 5 Thee BL, 50. Sat n MONDAY AND "THE BLACK WITCH OF ABYSSINIA" Scenery--Splemlid Oriental Pictu resus > Wolnen--A FINE BY PATHE FRERE Magnificent Architicture Beautiful PICTURE "WILD SCENES ' IN AUSTRALIA." THR KENEBERY RIMER, NATIVES WITHD BOMERANGS, AROUND TIH. CAMP. FIRE. STREET IV MELBOURNE. RABBITS AFTER A DRIVEL FEATHER. HARVEST ON AN OSTRICH FARM. A BUSY DESTROYING THE HORSEBREAKING BY. THE ROUGIM RIDERS Fvery Canadian should visit the Bijou and see stanething Of the life a" Dur: sister dominion JOHN ROBERT DAVIS Sings at 'every performance. --5 Cents PRINCESS GEO, HAMMOND, MGR. Programme for MONDAY and 'PUES. DAY. Remember We Change "3" Times a Week, : We have for our patrons ope of the finest Pathe Freres Films that has ever boenrt produced; - "The Ship-Owner's Daughter" The 'most realistic piece of Dranmtic Acting, we have ever had. | Betier than "The Bells." "The Quack Doctor" A big Comedy hit, nothing hut langhs, stirving war drama, "The Days of Sixty-One" also something direct from We won't call the Stosell Hut nedr It. Wo have Russia Friant "Peterpolosk or a Russian Catastrophe" New Song ToDay---" WHIN. T's MOONLIGHT ON. Ti PRAIRIE DARLING MARY. Prices remain the same, GW in tow Ge. Biggest WONDERLAND THE HOUSE OF WITS, pas Programme MONDAY and TUESDAY. "Scullion's . Dreams" Comedy. 3 Any Barrels to Sell *" Wonder---Oopadg. A "Playing at; Chess" Playing ihe ls « Unlucky Old Flirt" - A, very laughtble a ------ Ww "DREAMING ° LOVE OF by special request, sumg vy GRO. 'se \ a rio. mE, Mer. Dramatic and Humorous © Dickens's Re RE 200 : For the benedict §1 . 5c. rh Se. - id ~My. 8 kept bis wT dekh RR fe sh Hn CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc. a word. Each com- secutive insertion thereafter balf cent a word, Mipimum coarge for one me sertion, 25¢c. WANTED--GENERAL, TO PURCHASE 5 TO 7 ACRES WITH dwelling, near <ty. Apply McCann, 81 Brock street. PLAIN SEWING DONE OF ANY kind. Cull or write to rs. Cayiess, 884 King street, over Armitrong's. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or gars, or other * Pri night. Appl General Carter, 35 to SB Lytle, ain St WANTED, DOWN TOWN, ABOUT 1ST April, sitting-room and one or two bedrooms furnished, for two gentle wen, Address Box "A. 4.) Wig office S--_ CARPET LAY- Jepasing, by R Wellington Se. oul Office, UPHOLSTERING AND ing, sowing, g eral w Millard, 239 Orders takem at Drury's "Phone, 443, DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET their Sprig Suits made at Gallo- way's. Style, price and finish guar- anteed to please. 181 Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. CARRIAGES, WAQOQONS, FURNI- ture Planes, or any article for stor: age, by the month, year, or any way required. For further mlormation, apply to Laturney's Carriage Works, 690 and '392 Princess St, 'Phong, 153. TO RENT, BY A mother amd ome child, the west end, containing about rooms, modern improveinents, nade, etc. Reot, $20 to $25. Cann, 51 Brock street. KINGSTONIANS TO KNOW THAT Newman and Sprigg"s Electric Co'y are always ready to do repair work, at moment's notice. Estimates fur- nished for wiring. Beautiful japort wd fixtures a specialty. Fresh Bal- teries and Sparkers on hand Peles $41; 79 Princess street ARCHITECTS. er ---------------- ARTHUR FLLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, Cor, Queen and Bagot streets, phone, POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant"s Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212 HENRY Pr, SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 345. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, comer Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street 'hone, 608. BUSINESS CARDS. J. BIRCH, ELECTRICIAN, HAS removed from 179 Wellington St. to 206 Wellington St. All work prowpt- ly attended to estimates furnished MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIRK PATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. Fr. C. Smoker! Liberals. meeting of the Young Liberals, Kingston, for purposes of reorganization and election of officers will be held - in the WHIG HALL, Wednesday Ev'g., March 25 AT 8 O'CLOCK. \ f of A EMERGENT MEETING. ALL: MEMBERS OF MASTERS and Mates' Association are requested to mest at their Hall, at 1 p.m TUESDAY, to attend the funeral of ate Capt. Gaskin. the Vessels In Collision. Tokio, March 23 ~The "Matsa Maru, S00-ton coasting steamer, was collision with the Kidoyeshi Maru. at 2.30 o'clock, this morning, two miles from Todohoko, The cap- tain of the Matsu Maru, a majority of her 244 passengers, and forty-three of the crew perished, The Hidovoshi Maru and another steady fescued the survivors, | an sunk in ------------------------ Bake Shop Burmed Out. OUnt., March 23.Fire B. Brandon's bake two o cloek, Sunday Cannington, was discovered in on hour shop,. about morning, and within ar shop and flour house, whick latter con- tained over 30 bays of flour wire to tally destroyed, The about 2,000 with an insurance of $600. the bake loss is Many Were Injured. Chicago, March 23.--~More twenty-five persons were injured rear-end collision between a Western elevated, and an Oak elevated train, at State and Bureth streets, early to-day. than ns North Park Van "A good tonie pill tg take in the spring." The genpine Wiaud's Tonic Pill, with a red eross box. Sold in Kingston only gon's Red Cross Drug Store Diplomas were issued at the training school for nurses at the Toronto Hos- pital for Toourables, to Miss Fanny 'Scott. Camden East; Miss E. Mabel Johnson, and Mise Effie Miller, Pie ton. Miss Scott. secured the gold medal and Miss Johnson the silver medial. Beef, fron and Wine. as a spring tonic, has no equal. Buy oaly the Red Cross brand. Sold only at Gib- son's Red Cross Prug Store On Tuesday, the members of Napa- noe lodge, No. 36, 1LO.OF., presented W. A. Steacw and A. J. ith with veteran jewels, these gentlemen having been members of the order for over twenty-five yedrs. ! The Dixie Mining company has now taken over the Black Donald graphite mine, at Calabogie. and it is expected that everything will be booming again in a short time. i with sarsaparilla comnound, 21. hotles lor 750, only nt Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. It's a good Iron the Gib on at Grand Rally of Young! WANTED--MALE. e People's Forum. Le ------------------------------------ FOR SALE, WHO UNDERSTANDS gardening Ap in Lhe eveu: A GROOM, something of 480 Princess St SALESMEN, FOR Best baud Sprayer wade air, autommiic. Laverai Cavers Bros, Gait, Oat "AUTO-SPRAY compressed terns WANTED-FEMALE. AN EXPERIENCED COOK. APPLY Hotel Congress VOOD KITCHEN AT ONCE 4 7 Wil WOMAN Apply 2 207 RS SLred wiLLING A COOK AND HOUSENMAID y ta Mrs, W w go to Cobalt } Lesslie, George sireet. 57 GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASHING GENERAL COUR references S5t., between 7 SERVANT Apply 191 GENERAL SERVANT, Apply to Mrs. Ettinger St, below Union St Goob plain cook. 105 Albert GENERAL SERVANT NO WASH ing. Apply at 128 Barrie street tween © and 8 o'clock in the everrinug Goobp GENERAL y cook, no washing evening to Mrs. Feli Bagot street, NICE GIRL FOR LAG HY Work, shout 14 vears protesinnd, nice holue ply 366 Albert stroet for gel. Ape SITUATIONS VACANT. T0 LEARN BAR twelve IN AND WOMEN per trade, Gradgdles carn eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure ---- 188 UNIVE] solid briek oped pl vas, sn AVI hot Ww 8 Apiiy Clarence shreet. AUTONMOBILE-SIDI ENTRAN fourteeny hors wotaor der Season, hi = Posed 3 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR Tut house, on Jobosos of the at now used as plumber's shop Walkem & Walkem 3 SALE t ithe BRICK DWELLING 20x86, T rooms a kvtchen with A CHESTNUT SOLID BRICK , 6 bed rooms, Recently renovate Ist May 3. 60 andy i A. NO. 76 SYDENHAM, with extension kit bot water heating. ghout Possession of good houses N ington street. Apply Cunningham ONE 19 POOT LAUNCH horsepower WITH the Kin Clady Y MONEY AND BUSINE MOR OF y other mn ¥ at Mark- COVER mtents than a Fixamine Insurange Emporium, OUR POLICIES building and « © any offers i b *Godwin's positions, Wilt equip shops Con stant pracuoy Varelui™Ngstruc ne Few weeks complete c-orse ta logue iree Write: Moler College, Toronto tio { rO-LET. FOR FURNITURE, CLFAN Frost's City Storage, 299 "Phone, 520 STORAGE and dry Queen St. 251 UNIVERSITY AVE . Brock street. HOUSE NINE ROOMS GARDEN modern convenjguces, elvotric light furnace, 285 Alfred St 1 HAT LARGE RESIDENCE BEAL fully situated, 63 West stroot mehiately opposite City * jresent occupied by Prof ton. Possession May 1st McKelvey & Birch, 09 and street 'HOM 1ST MAY, 1908, NI MBER 158 Earl street, at present occu ed Lieut -Uol. Hudon, CM.G heat mg and modern hnprover Apply to Armstrong McCormick Centre street, or Thomas Milla THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT REV. C. W. CASSON. The Perfect Nife. _ When de herdore shall be perfect as your heavenly Tither pertect, think of him as meaning only, as the context itsell the tion off a process. He of life as the expres a and he human to express purpose fully perfectly, as the sin expresses itself in its shining, or sus saad we can pe rie human purpose, being and shows, thought sion of avery in thas pees for He beauty. 'For the perfect life length 'of years is not This peglection is possible of us at Hawes, SORse sary moment ON any B. any 0. i +3 Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 | Beacon stréet, Boston, Mass., for the literature. : . UNNA DEFINES A CAUSE. Specialist Savs! sit European Skin Dandruff is Caused By Para { beyoud a | es Upon that theory cure for dandruff was sought | Scientists, chemists, dr » Proved doubt, a after and physicians all the product sts | and | | ug "took a hand issu0 proses ig the Newbro's Herp successful known nas ide, This remedy sites that ita work not atom of to any thang actually the haar effective an substance kills the para-| does | intesi bulb, most an iI eont an Lhe erm to uid else tt t the it alone. Herpicide causes hair i TOW nature intended sh oft and abundant Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢ stamps for sample to The Herp cide Co., Detroit, Mich Iwo sizes Boe. and $1, OG. W, Mahood, special agent, -------------------------- ------------ A As n ALL ORANGEMEN AND 'PRENTICS Boys are requested to attend « Joint Meeting fn the Orange Hall, this evening t 8B pm Also to meet in the Orange Hall, at 1.15 rm, on TUESDAY, the 24th inst to attend the fumerai of our inte Bre Capt. Jobe Coskin PF. CONNOR. Ww. Bn ORAIIAM, aml pimples Barber } Apply | 1 Rink et Square LONDON AN ' Compa? gel 187 214 i LIVERPOO] D Fire In Amel wh wen the st perty rates new & i th 1 1 Farm lowes "« met ry Agent liad link tes fr Phone Strang PERSONAL. SHAMPOOIN MANICURING FAUL ' Pp Massey \ por M Boyle 5 MOLES NIRTHMARKS, f od wen HAIR, ROOMS TO LET DRAWING ROOM ed um bed snd sit foor RET ceomd Boor five Offes, will Address en BEER ERe 8s that | a flower in the full development of its | Health and Accident ° Insurance That Insures | dur In wi W. J. FAIR, Cor. We rok 1 wr ¢ Closes March 23rd A kates oF cant atl owmer's risk OTATOES IN ANY QUANTITY Wholesale or Retail. A very choice stock grown in sandy soul, at A. GLOVER'S, ' tHE FRONTEN AC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863, President--Sir Richard Cartwrigh Money loaned on City and Farm erties. Munivipui = County Debeg "pos, Mortgages purchased, Drpowite woived and Wwlerest allowed, 8. C. McGill, Managing D EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades $1 complete, quality guarantéed. S TRACHAN'S. The Perth Yrik vard ba chased from the Beott eviate by Jobo Fore irector. fen Pr