s % visits Ao USEFUL IN FOGS BOATS TO HAVE RECEIVERS OF SUBMARINE BELLS. Recently Invented Device to Rend- er Collisions Less Frequent at Sea--Signal Will Show Lofa- tion of Ship Ten Miles Away. Montreal, March will this season have bouts equipped with receiving appara- tus, by which commianici tion during fogs will be maintained. wish * sub marine dory bells," which "are now attached to several of the Jightships in the gulf. The apparatus is placgl at the bottom of the ship, Water is a wound conductor, and "oR in a fog the submarine bell rings the officers on the ship are made aware ten miles away just at what point the boat located. This submarine bell is comparatively recent device, hut has proved to be of the greatest vice. In a dense fog the ship was heretofore helpless, but with the re ceiving apparatus and the sounding of a bell danger is reduced 40 a mini mum Prince Helie De Sagan, of Paris who has been very much ip the pub- lic eye in the smart set of the French capytal, owing to his relations with his congin, Count Boni De Castellane the divorced husband of Anna Gould, 0 recently arrived in New York, arrived in Montreal, Saturday after hoon, from Halifax, where he landed from the steamer Victorian. He was travelling under the name of M Thomson, but was compelled to dis close his identity here, owing to the strictness of the United States immil gration laws. Madame Gould arrived in New York from Paris, about a week ago, and denied most positively that she had any intention of marry ing the prince with whom her name has been associated. The prince left for New York the same night. A head-on collision between a Mont- real, Quebec and Southern passenger train, and a Grand Trunk train, took place, at St. Lambert Junction, this morning, as the result of which hoth engines and qpe car were badly dam aged. A misplaced switch is given as the cause. No one was injured z Allans eight of ther The is a in BOT , i Desperado Captured. Chicago, March 23.--A despatch from Chattanooga, Tenn., says D. D Fdward, the Kentweky desperado, who, on Friday night, shot and killed J. W. Davis, in sight of the latter's wile' and baby, was captured at Tren ton, Ga. last night. EdwaYds is he ing "brought to Chattanooga and it is feared an unitack will be mado on the jail, when he is placed behind the bars. ---------------- Very Annoying. Peaple who attended church yester- hy ad much teomble following the serthons on account of the many peo- ple suffering from coughs, A little forethought would have prevented this, had the coughing people provid- od themselves with a few good cough lozenges, or better still, had they tak- on ® few of of that famous fifteen: Gent equgh otire; est's Short-Stop. | 'word to 'the wise should Be sufficient. \ \ Death Of Andrew McCormick Ottawa, March 23.--Andrew McCor- mick, an Ottawa Valley lumberman, died Sunday, at the residence of Dr. 1. RB. Eehlin, Ottawa. He came from Scotland fo Bytown as a boy. He liv. wl a long while in Pembroke, hut was sucteseful- ax a lumbernian in the Mat: tawa district. J. C. McCormick, Sud- bury, aml Dr. Norman McCormick, Renfrew, are sons of deceased, ---- Women Doctors In England. London, March "23. --An important department of inspectorial work has been opened to women by the action of the home secretary in appointing a woman doctor as an inspector of pri- "sons and inebriate asylums. "It is be lieved that women will also be ap- pointed -- on the medical staff of pri sons, New Superintendent Of Victoria, B.C., Mareh 23 -E. RB I'aul, principal of the Victarin Col lege, has been appointed city superin- tendent of schools to succeed the late Dr. Frank Eaton. The drivers of the Cape Vincent stage report the ice in the American channel as shill . in good condition. They do not think they will have to resort to the boats for some days yet, ithe ice on this side is very strong, being about tuwteen inches deep in some places. + The supreme court has allowed the appeal of the Montreal Transportation «company ve. the New Umntario Steam: ship company, with costs This wad the Westmount-Neepawah collision case, John Chapman, died March 20th, at 'Feankford. Me was the respected Imaster and business man, and % born in Bath, England. , James Gowdy, Mrs. Joba Fl Jo and Thaas Gaskin are sisters and brother of the late John Gaskin. Drop. in and see our selection sang ine, : Oe a -- mn Napanee, was in the city, this afternoon, with a pe 'tient for Rockwood asylum. At thus Horsey, of Montreal, nts, Mr. and ve 8 8. Sut street. 'Me. Pense will address the Weother- hood of St. Andrew at a funcheon at Toronto, on Thursday. ¢ : Mee. Malooln very sweetly in First Baptist church at the ser: al last evening. : Dr, v. Lo Curtis has returned from New York, where he spent toe past weeks. Sri Schools. Rave' You Nervous Headache : remedies ave useless, | Satitniinery pain wy a fm pose Nervil t cures fistienls dispels the i solutely the stomach is upsst ! day § sent to the house hy Secretary Cortel: d wi tr Lhe --- man's hurden, which . | gd ic by their damna- THE TRIAL BEGUN. A Canadian Boy Accused Detroit Murder. Mich., March 23. The trial lowin, the eighdoen-vear-okd Cadadian boy. charged with the mur- devi Mrs. Weleh, beaten to deffth in her own bp last January Bewin's parents vho res Woodville, Ont., he pre om. Assistant Prosecutor Grose handle the case for Attoriéy Edward Ho Kennedy wall re present Bowin. More than fifty wit nesies will be called. MW was claimed by phe police, during the preliminary examination of 'Bowin, that the youth had made a full confession of the mur der, his motive being to get old woman's money that he' might follow a womaa considerable older than him well, w whom he had in fntunte y Buffalo. SED OF MURDER. Detroit, of, Perey who was night ear maraing near home one began this will later wil] and the people the become ACC bing a Comrade. Hamiltod, ©mt., "March 23. soppe and Brune Greed, arrested small shanty about Paris, | albut © Ge o'clock yesterday | 43iu- | mn death of place in Atonio Rieszo, which took | the city hospital off Satur- | morning as the result of a { hing afitay on March 12th, at the] Doolittle and Wiltox quarry, at Dun- | das, appeared at the local | court' "this morning. They mapdéd uit Thursday pending the verdict of the coroner's Jury. The | charge likely will be changed to mur { der, | police were re JOHN 1. KEARNEY As 'The Masor™ of Tokiod' at Grand,..on Tyesday, Margh 34th. © re-- - To Tax Civil Servants. Yoronto, March, 23.--All officials of the dominion goV@mment in Toronto will be -asgesped' for income for the fist time in "history. MH they are householdarg they must pay on all aver $1,000; if not, on all over 2600, just like the rest of the citizens. The assessment commissioner, after hearing from the ¢arporation counsel, has be- gun to sepd out notices to the toms offices, inland revenue, post fice, railway mail clerks, government engineers, ete. asking for a-list of all officials and salaries paid. cus ol Killed In Driving Accident. Winnipeg. March 23. Mrs. W, Morri som was KBled instantly, and-her-hus- band wad fatally ihjured in a driving aceldent at Westhourne, Man The hotse in the cutter was evidently gtraesling with the bad roads oegcas- ioned by a sudden thaw, and swerved to one side. In doing so the animal slipped 'otf the bridge crossing the Mud river ithe animal crashing through the nil and dragging the vehicle and its oteupants with it, with fatal re sults. Mrs. Morrison was aged seven- tysthree, and was the mother-in-law of Edward Lynch 1 Railway Supervision Costly. Washington, March 23.--It awill the United States government $750 000 a year for the supervision of rail road accounts under the pre t inter state commerce. act, Acoo ; to a LoMMITTRTION rom that afociation, cost you. Commissioner Harlan will require a hoard of examiners composed of 255 men, especially train- ed in the methads of railway account- ing, to supervise the accougts and practiopfaleble steam railroalls. states that it $ which occurred in Ring street, Mrs. Leach, yman, was stehck on . 4 bottle, and her injuries 'ms to cause her removal to the . Hote Dieu. It is claimed that the bottle was thrown by the wo- man's fon-indaw, Driver Odell, of the ROMA. Udell was court-martialed, but no further action was taken, and the ToodT police have not interfered. Mrs. Leath's 'ease is not serious: AR i » London, Mish 23.--At Durban, ; , Premier Moor, defend- out of © troops in De that certain members of ommons had thrown a Ally "dishonor on public insti- colony. Natal was jg Brunk, So Didn't Steal. ills; Ont, Murch 23.--Richard aon Yohn Potts, his son-m- ; ho Were of stealing 200 aw. of Black & Sons' Jw. acusitted by Magis raved an us MND NEEDLES GIRL HAD STORE OF HARD- | needles, { varfety's | ters of Two Italians Arrested For Stab-|the operation splendidly. a {in seven miles fro ™ | hecame morping, on the charge of causing the | stab { | struck by a falling limb and killed. | chair at her home | made. the dy THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 23, ------------------ a------ YOU MUSH: SEE THIS. FE SE dow Our Brother "Colonists" in Far Australia. How mar Aingston people much aboWt I our a r domin- Antipodes, great fa ia ? Not many, more about "Germany, flussia. Yet Canada the two greatest of the British empire Fhey know each er better. Now, want to goin some leas of Australian country, the Germs p- 3 } Srman me possibl ife and revela in the an operation jus i Op; nm NSt} morrow, and see Siles- i tralia" splendidly. pictured. children you _ can't go. There another endid picture of the alled " The Black Witch which is very children. Live know WARE IN HER INTERIOR. ion' at ¢ mous Austr We know France and Austral re apd Operation By a Silesian Surgeon Revealed Over Thousand Nails, Over Hundred Bemt Pins and Seventy Needles--Some Pieces of Glass Also. March 23 ~The world is aghast at the through and limbs should if vou the least at to-day or in Aas Send your few with practically Aljon Jerling, dical no } expense, taxe tion made performed at Herschberg by a ian surgeon upon sixteen-year-old girl who was suffering from a strange internal growth The opening of this growth revealed the presence of over three pounds of iron, consisting of 1,410 one-inch nails. 160 bent pins, 70 double-pointed and seven pail heads. For sake there were four splin- The girl came out of "Roenes a i fairy of pretty and John Robert s} tale type, Abyssinia, suitable Davis sings for for Work Of The Lifeboat Men. London, March 23.--At the annual meeting the Royal National Life Boat Institution, vestérday, it was announced that during the past year boats had been launched 370 times and 1,156 lives had been saved. Four hundred and seventy-six persons, re gcued from steamer Suevie, was the large saved on any one occa sion since the establishment of the in- stitution glass of No explanation to show how large stock the has been published it came about that this of hardware got together voung woman's interior and encysted there, the PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Al Over The World. Count Tolstoi, who is ill with influ- ¢nza, has suffered a relapse. Dr. J. W. Peaker, Toronto, had stroke ol paralysis on Saturday. London does not G.T.R. station for three Johu Eby, Markham Moors Release Frenchmen. Las Palmas, Canary Islands, March 23.--The French fishing vessel Baleine, which was captured recently by Moors near Cape Juby, and to rescue which the French cruiser Cassard was order- ed to the coast of Morocco, turned over to the Cassard, with the members of the crew, out ransom. TO QUIT EOS Maine Representative ans to Resume Law Practice. a expect a new Years vet, township, has been together with- was No squatters' rights will be recogni- zed by the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario. railway. At Victoria, B.C died of heart failure, Mes. T. J, while Jones sitting in a Miss' Margaret Smith was struck by train while driving near her in South Eastuope and: killed, A campaign against suspected re volutionists has heen started in China, and a hundred arrests have a home been A. R. Davidson, who handles Cana dian Northern land grants, states that 280,000 acres had sold this spring United States James Brvan, Providence Sunday, The motion passed by the making hotel came up in single court, to-day. Ten members were drowned by motor ferry boat Ratzeburger, evening. Rev. V. E. been Senator William of Florida, died at the hospital, Washington, from typhoid fever to quash the by-law council of Collingwood, there ¥2.500, at Toronto, on licenses of a pleasure ferry the upsetting of a on the Lake of Germany, on Sunday H. Morgan, Trinity and St. Peter's churches, of Colborne and Lakeport, has resigned to accept the curateship of Holy Trin- ity church, Toronto Three bandits overcame Edward Hoffman and a companion on a road two' miles from Rawhide, Nevada, late on Sunday and robbed them of cash amounting to ahout $47,000, With something like an cases of smallpox "in Moncton, N.B., and a large number of in ad joining counties of Albert and Kent, the situation is serious While playing in Romeo Creek, which flows through Strationd, Alfred bard, four years old, fell in, and, be- | gree, ing. carried under a culvert, was| don drowned before he could be rescued ties, Rev. F, W Anderson has from the pastorate of St chureh, Sydney, N.8. He has been of fered the general secretaryship for Canada of the Young People. s Foreign Missionary Movement. p- The practice of enclosiriir and inflammable materials in mail mat ter --has-eatled -forth--a protest from the British general post-office' and the Dominion government will the next case that occurs. Lhe Daily News office, IH:, was dynamited, carly morning. The room was badly damaged. The paper has been at tacking the gamblers and advocating tocat license. No one was injured Henry H. Bain, arrested in Hamil ton, Ont., on Friday, two charges of theit, will be taken to Cayuga to stand trial on a charge of assaulting and robbing an old man, named Cum living near Caledonia, of $163 parents objeetu] to her rector of Co BE LYITLEFIELD, Rockland, Me. March 23.--A sensa- tion was caused, in political circles here by the receipt hy Governor Cobb of a letter from Congressman Charles KE. Littlefield tendeping his resignation as a member: uf codgress, 10 take effect on Sept. 30th: next. In the same mail was a communica: tion tg the chairman of the district republican congressional com mittee from My. Littlefield, in which the latter gave 'gs his reason for his resignation his desire to resume his practice, which, in a! largh de he has been compelled to aban of his: congressional du hundred second cases Gib- | law hecause resigned Andrew's A Little Flower Taken. On Sunday the gentle spirit of little Fana McDonald, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A McDonald, passed to' he® heavenly home, a beautiul Hower plucked, alas! too soon by death, from a home wherg devotion and love was always evi by fond parents and friends Edna was a beautiful child, frail and tender, but full of roguish joy: and contentment When the sudden -Hiness developed weeks ago, it found her in the midst of studies and play Day by dav she drooped, despite all possible carve," until Sunday her soul wafted quietly heavenward. In their loneliness and sorrow, the hereaved have the econsglation of of friends bv whom Hina was greatly be loved eleven-vear-old fireworks enced dence prosecute ¥ Rock sland. Monday some press on ROOTES mings, Because her marriage to Leo sd jesnki, Plachek, Milwgdlnd Wie was poisoned by Monday, and died The man ended Arrested At Napanee. Charles Whaln, a young man, ing Watertown as his home, was rested at Napanee, Saturday Chief Graham, a charge at tempting to draw some money at a bank there, on a bank book stolen from a farmer at Newburgh. He brought before the magistrate, remanded. Whalen was in Kingston Lon Friday, but did not attempt to get in his work here claim proposed ar- Miss Nettie seventeen years old, her sweetheart, on within a few hours his own life. About 300 of the unemployed men of Hamilton, Ont., met on the market, this morning, and listened to speeches from Robert Roadhouse, the socialist, and others. A committee of four waited on Mavor Stewart, who, after listening to their complaint, deplored the action of the government in bring- ing undesirable immigrants to this country and intimated that the city by on of was and -- Where's The Silverware ? The local O. HA. champions are be- ginning to wonder when they will re ecive the J. Ross Robertson silver- council might take steps to give them | ware, from Stratford The western work on road and sidewalk building. | team scems to feel very keenly part Hh . ing with the cup, but, nevertheless. it APPEALS TO BRITAIN. must come cast, where it bas found a home more times than in anv other Family is Suffering at Hands of] city since the league was organized. Portuguese. New York, March 23.-General Fran: eois Joubert-Pienaar, who fought in the Boer army against Great Britain, and who is now jn the United States urging that elorts be made to bring about the suppression of slavery in or poe, West Africa, has led ng a. ry the British iran city. Dr. Hanley made enquiries. but for foreign affairs, to save his family] "ould rot find any rolatiors of the from aMeged unjust treatment at the] deceased hands of officals of the Portuguese government in Angola. General Joa] After Land Grants. : bert-Pienanr, in his communication to] The following have made applica: Sir Edward Grey, stated that his se-| tion, through Justice of the Peace cond son has written from Angola de | George Hunter, fer veteran Jand claring that the Portuguese authorities] grants : John Reid, Russéll county : induced him to leave British territoby Esiord, Buflale: J, R. John in the. interior to come to Angola, ] ston, Detrit, Henry Lyons. Alberta, Where he was ordered to embark at] and Charles Davidson, Weilington onoe. street, Formerly Lived Here. Dr. Hanlev received a telegram, toe dav, from Dr. E. B. Echilin, Ottawa. announcing the death in the capital, of Andrew MeCarmick, a Kingston- jan. The telegram stated that he had a sister, po Mrs, Jones residing in the The general, in another communica- tion to Sir Fdward Grey, states that he has received word that his son was Jros Angola, and be fears wad Faoperty. . MeUsnn has sold the resi- da or " bdward Botterell, Centre taken away | y street, to Povey U. Tawson, of Brook- ho has been Kil dh ol rd lyn, N.Y, who is returning to Kiog ston to reside, and Mrs. Bot m-- Donnelly, Descecntos Te ap- public ] 1908. \ SYDENHAM ST. CHURCH! Smmmmmmmssssss-- SND iE pastor "| The most gentle of Nature's laxa- \e----o.. . .. tives put into candy form. That's omer, -Demonimd vs. cura, Cascarets. Made to be taken --A Call to the Um-| in d . ty doses, when you don't feel at your best. A cure for the blues--for the grouch--for bad temper-- Casearets. Forthe cause of most of these troubles lies in the bowels. A Cascaret tonight means a cheery day tomorrow. Six bright days for ten cents. Are they worth it? Rev. Subject, ianiged"" saved. Preaching at thodist church, pastor, Rev C. A his "Demonized tianized The text was Mark 5. 9: "And he asked him, is thy name ? And he answered, in, mv name is Legidn; for we many. , In the olden days! as in the presenti time, men were influenced hy evil A person yielded to the | temptation, and did just influence | he should do. It was just the | same to-day, when men vielded to gambling, drinking, and other evils His temper would also get bevond his | control, and he was the terror of his | home. This was all caused bv the fact that he came under the power of | evil. When under this spell, | he was not himseli; he appeared to have lost all his self, { But there was the resurrection the better self. Salvation commenced | in thinking The reasongwhy a ~veat | more did not receite walation. | because they refused to think. | veople would think about their | souls for a short time, but would nut | aside the question as soon as pos- | sible. I they would but think con | tinually., the outcome would be that | they would be saved for all time To | the voune men who were now just at | the turning of the wavs, he would say | what is thy name? What would ithe | ~ if vou were to take this fatal step? | To the man old in sin, he would el "what is thy name *'" ls it any thing | like what it was ? Does vour name | describe what vou are? How will | name be repd when vou are To be Christianized, one must come under the spell of God and it was just as possible for him to come His spell, as to come under the spell. of the evil, spirit. He must vield to the. beautiful * and the ~ood He must be purified within and with out Christ matter Me the as { Sydenham Street evening, chose ve, Chris found in} what | say- | are Sunday Sykes, subject, sprints Don't think of Cascarets as a physic. good as they are geatle. Their effect is the same as the effect of some foods. They stimulate the bowels to natural action. Those who have learned what is best carry a box in the pocket. They take one as soon as they need it. y They are candy tablets, as as said Don't have a bowel wash-day. Don't take physics in large doses and rarely. You wash your face at the first sign of uncleanliuess. Why oot be as clean with your bowels? You know by the symptoms when your bowels need help. One Cas caret right then puts a stop to them, You can just as well avoid these little ills -- your best. Sugeest oO maby Just as well keep at was Rome Cascarets are candy tablets. They are sold by all druggists but never in bulk. Be sure you get the genuine, with fee on every tablet. The price is 50c, 25¢ and TEN CENTS PER BOX . Prof. Dovenwend Himseif Coming your gone ? PROF. DORENWEND of TozonTo under "Hair Goods = Hotel, Hl bu at I Kingston, or MARCH 26TH this we will be the latest Par ! isdn and York styles, What Consul-General Says. . spect ua Yon way Mofitreal Witness we Ta \ tons Nothing is known officially at the | Switches Feench = consulate-general"s office in | mations, Montreal regarding the withdrawal of | ~ : charves against "Kid" McManus, hut ! Dorenwend's Patent Toupee in conversation with a representative For Gentiewsen wi re Bald of the Witness, the consul-general said ; . of Sotcific 1 ir Contra he had heard unoffic ipllv, that the Swcurely sdlusted. Cou ub niu American Express company was try- protect | you from : protect | you from ing to influence the French govern: Neural, ate and ment to drop proceedings. Took 0 _Sear_ vows Ii that were he would learn about it, but as the ne ~otiations would be conducted in Paris he could | not know immediately. Nothine could be done, in anv hafore McManus' sentence expired, on March 28th; and it was too soon - to say that extradition proeceedinrs would be drovped. So far they had not even been begun. tandolph calls to men and women, no | how far they in wicked ness. Let make fellowship with Him. Let us vield to His spell-~the Te 1 I spelt of the eternal Christ." how ing are us visit very New "ny Pompadours Waves, Wigs net-Braids in " masterpieces tion ¥ them just indetectable. "I hey Colds, Catarrh wil make you Over 90, 00) of DORENWEND £0, of TORONTO, Ltd, 103-105 Yonge St. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE READ OFFICE, TORONTO ESTAILISULD 1887 Paid: uprCapital, $10, 000,000 00,000 To = Booets, - 13.000.000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the (United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BANKIN( Every facility afforded Farmers. for Shi banking business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection BANKING BY MAIL.--Deposits may be made or withdrawe by mail. Out-of-town accounts receive cvery attention KINGSTON BRANCH CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS, P. C. STEVEN SON Manager ote purity and cleanliness in the manufa COWAN"S PERFECTION COCOA (Maple Leaf Label) Healthful and nutritious. THE COWAN CO., Limited, TORONTO A EE We Will Continue our 'SALE OF FURNITURE During March. A few lines of Mission Furniture, suitable for Dems, at special prices. Plate Racks, regular price, $4.50, for $1.50. 634 | Iron Beds, from $2.50 to 25. | Marshall Sanitary and Ostermoor 12.27 | Combination Buffetts, from $25 to $75. Solid Mahogany Bedroom | Furniture, big reduction Parior Sett, in Solid ogany, $1.25 | for $1.00 $85 for $75, 3-Pieces Mahogany Sett, from $25 to $45, at R. d. REI D, £30 Princess street. PIG METALS 5:27. 80, case, Johnston Clear fon tv vears of ape, got three months jail, for erime with sister. The latter hore a child Toronto, about in to-day his ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. BH. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches B. E. WALKER, President | Pa |R } | NEW YORK STOCKS. Prices Furnished By F. W. Boschen (Per W. Hector H. Hume, Manager.) March Opening. 23rd Close - Stocks. Amal. Copper Amer. Loco. eo Am. Sug. Refin: Am. Smitg. & Re Am. Car Foundry Anaconda Min, Co.. Atches, Top. & St. Balti. & Qhio. .... oc... Brooklyn Rapid T. Central Leather . Canadian Pacific Ches. & Ohio ... Chic. & N. W. ( ( Co. Co Mil. & St. Paul olorado Southern N.Y, Iron Cons. Gas, Col. Fuel & Distillers, secs ;. North Ry., pid. Kansas & Texas, com Louisville & Nashville Missouri Pacific Min P.&S N. Y. Contral Eric Railroad N. Y. Ontario & West Northern Pacific. Penn, R. R People's Gas Reading Rok Island, pid. Sogthern Ry., com. Southern Pacific Sloss Sheffield. U. S. Steel, com... U. RB. Steel, pid. 17. 8. Rubber, com inion Pacific, com.... Wabash Wahash, nid... ... West Union Tel, National Lead ... St St. M. CHICAGO PRICES, March 23rd. Opening. Close 933-3 943-1 88-887 897.89 Wheat. av. ? July. Corn, 65% 66 Mattresses, at Sale Prices, 1245 1225 BORN. SNYDER. --At Fellows, 15th March, to Mr and Mrs. Delbert Sayder, a son FOSTER --At Napomie, on Sih March, | to Mr. ond Mrs. W. J. Foster, a son i PROUT --At Dorland. on March 13th, | to Mr. ard Mrs. J. &. Prout, asos RAMSAY On March 17th. to Mr. and Mrs. J. Ramsay. of Cawlen, » desgh- tor. on Feb. } W. Price. "Phone, 577. Copper, Lead PRICE. --At Sean Lake Mas. 20th, to Rev. and Mrs. T. a Solr We are headquarters. Send us your inquiries. 2 Canada Metal Co.,Ltd. "toronto. ONT SMITH --At Napanee, on 17th March, | to Mr. aml Mrs. Albert Smith TROON At Doseronte. th Fon Oo Nn, (a Mr. ad Mrs. Guorgs SOB, @ SOR.