Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Mar 1908, p. 3

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8 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1908. 0000T00000CO0COOGOIOSIROOGOS . Everyone Admires Our New Spring Hats and thé Prices are Invariably Pleasing. Such a massing of Millinery loveliness, such a collection of Millinery masterpieces, such a show- ing of extraordinary beauty. Truly our Millinery Department has surpassed itself, GOGO 0000000000000000000000000000000D0000000000 Nothing ordinary, common-place, stereotyped about these hats. Just as different as they are new, and each a captivating expression of Paris' latest fancy. The New Spring Coats While viewing and trying on the hats, don't forget the Spring Coats. They are worth a thorough examination. Perfect fit, style, work- manship andl material, and prices the very lowest possible. $5.00, 7.50, 10.00, 12.50, 15.00. F CRUMLEY BROS. BED, SRT AOI TO CASH COUPONS. 9000000000000000000000000000080000000000000 The 20th Century Policy issued by the Canada Life Assurance Company fits into any case requiring life Before placing your insurance correspond with, or call into the office, where full information how insurance. a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you. AGENTS WANTED --- Apply--Office, 18 Market St. J. O. HUTTON, Manager, Kingston, Ont. see my 5 inish ! N Tr "Ys LA %' 7 34 CD La 3 " His " Mr: Swell Dresser. omit. 100; IS Coats by BF OulauwlATT Spring Cl Whether it is a Suit, Overcoat, Raincoat Dee. everything neat. The best work of the best Makers haw been put into Clothes ; Styles from the most gifted Designers th richest eblorings and patterns ; Clothes Jou'll take pleasure in wearing, : x New Spring Suits, $10, $12, 213.50, $15 to #20, New Spring Coats, $12, $15 and up. We "are Agéits for the Célpbrated # The best brand Clothing sold in Canada toxlay, See for Solis ' By prt 3 Th QUT 15 TREASURER WOULD NOT AGREE TO | REDUCTION IN SALARY. { The Township Council Gave the Office to H. Glasser--Other Township Business--Sales of Farms and Movings. March 21.--The municipal Abinger and Ash- ! met at Veunachar, on the Mth | inst The membérs were all present | & number of accounts were presented jand orders on the treasury given { therefor. The auditor's report was handed in, and after considering it, it | was accepted and the clerk instructed | to get the usual number of copies j printed. H. Glaeser was then ap- | pointed municipal "ti€asurer in place of | John Lane, who held that responsible office ever since the municipality was organized, in 1866. The only reason | for the change is that Mr. Lane wonld | jot submit to a reduction of his sal- ary, while his successor is offering to elise harge the. duties of the office at a reduction The usual Denbigh, council for Denbigh considerable number of other were then appointed, and the forma- tion of another school section, respect ing the dividing of school section No sideration, for diverse reasons, no ac- tion was taken. August Kollues enlarged his estate by purchasing from Adam Dool the 100 acre farm adjoining his own. M. Rodgers leased his farm of 500 acres to Thomas Pringle, for a term of three years, and is going to work a rented farm dearer Kingston. Thomas Dool has moved bn the farm owned and formerly - occupied by William Greer, and Henry Bartsch, after shift- ing around considerably, has moved back on the old Bartsch homestead, where he intends to remain as long as he can Patrick Rodgers has moved, with his real family, on Charlton, in New Ontario, intends to reside in future Fritsch is busy fdrawing lumber where he Emil and lohd a car. He intends to leave Den- bigh with his young wife, for their fu- ture home in Saskatchewan, in about a week. Adolph Warlich also intends to start on his return trip to Saska: toon in a few days. Miss Mary Rahm has just veturned from eo pleasant visit to' friends and relatives in Arn- prior. Peter Rodgers, who left ben. high quite a number of years ago, has just arrived on a short visit to his mother and other relatives. -------- Lombardy Lines. { ombardy, March 23.--The concert given on the 17th inst., by the Meth- odist Sunday school was well patron: jzed. Miss La Vertue, of Ottawa, re presenting the Viavi company, has heen here for the past week in the in- terests of that company. She leaves this week for Lanark. N. Donovan and Miss M.' Pownovan, Toledo, visited friends here last Sunday, Miss A. Dooher visited friends in Smith's Falls, last week. Miss Edith Healy of Smith's Falls candidate in the Her ald tour contest, has many friends in Lombardy; who worked hard in her behalf, And who are pleased to hear that she headed the list in her dis trict last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 8 Bissonnette have been ill with grinpe for the past two weeks Both are im proving. Miss Anna Bellamy is home from Toronto. A Couple Married. Clarendon Station, March 23 --Feed quantities of hay and oats Miss Mary Campbell and Ambrose Bates, of this place were dmited in marriage. The ceremony wes perform: od in Renfrew, and on their return an reception was given at James Camp bell's. The bride received handsome presents andthe young --eouple---have Silas Mose and Delbert Barr have cared positions in the mine at bur. Messrs, Johns and Thomas id- dell visited friends 'in Renfrew, day. Mrs. Hunt returned from . son, Mich. Miss M. Kilborn, Sharbot Lake, is renewing old acquaintances. Delbert Cook is home from Hailey- bury. Miss Lotimér, Lodore, and Mrs Melntosh, Fleming, Man., are visiting at R. Lieshman's, ---- News Of Sydenham. Sydenham, March 23.--A social even ing was spent with the members of the S.Y.M. Brotherhood, on Thurs. day last. Among the visitors for the past week were: Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Barrett, Tweed; F. M. Clow and mother, Kingston; Miss Effie Day, ol Mount Hope, spent the week-end with friends herve. Mrs. O'Connor, of Centreville, will spénd some time with het daughter, Mrs. "J. Hogan." Miss Lacey, confined to the house for the winter, is improving. Miss Armitage is romaining with Miss Lacey. Mrs: John McRory went to Capthage, N.Y. last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. K. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. McRory and daughter, of Kingston, were call- ing on friends a few days ago. Owing to the great depth of snow in the woods, 'there will be no maple syrup made for some time yet. Charleston Doings. Charleston, March 23.-- Quite a num- ber in this section are drawing oats from Lansdowne. Joseph Kelsey has patho) a gasoline launch for the of conveying tourists to the furphte waters. Cedar Park hotel has no proprietor as yet. Miss Har riet Green has leased "her store, post office and residence to Thomas Spence. Mrs. R. Johnson, Lansdowne, who was visiting her sistér, Miss I. Green, has rotursid home. Mr. and Mrs. A Slack and family were visitors here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joba C. Sykes, Long Point, and Mrs. Me , Lyndhurst, weve recently the guests of Mr. and Mes. D. Beach. W, H. Jacobs is making preparations to build a eottame. se municipal officers | i { 7, dlebated upon, hut aiter mature con- other settlers' effects to Renfrew, to] arce ers are buying large | . is scarce and farm are yins reel Westport, March 23 the best wishes of their many friends. | -------------- Tr i | Hmusemenis. | (GRAND OPERA HOUSE ) | TO-NIGHT. i JOS, M. CAITES OFrERs : JOHN L. KEARNEY {In RICHARD CARLE"S Greatest Mugical Show | "THE MAYOR OF TOKIO" i 75 Peopie--73 Peaple | A Girly Whirl of Music end. Merriment { See the Famous Peauntt Ballet, Blue {Ribbon Chorus. 5 * 4 Pirst 6 | Speci' 26-50-75-$1 ove. $1.50. Seats now on sale. THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, New Musical Mystic Melodrama, THE PHANTOM DETECTIVE } A New Idea Detective Flay. Musical Chorus of Pretty (Wris. Quartette of Singmg Comedians Den of Real Lions. Massive Trick Scenic Production. Evening » Nothing Prices 26¢-35¢-80c Higher Seats now on Sale. n ---- SATURDAY, MARCH 28th. Matinee, at 2.30, Evening, 8:15. The Roark Company's Production. The Distinguished Musical Comedy Satoess. ""Coming Thro' the Rye" A great big matchless compagy of Comedinns, Singers and Dancers and an Immense Chorus. Superb Scenic and Costume Display Matinee, 235¢ 125¢. to amy reserved sea Evening, 25¢., 50c., 75¢., $1, $1.50, Seats on sale Wednesday. MR. FRANK SPEAIGHT'S Dickens Re- , 50¢., 78c. ; Children d | Dramatic and Humorous dgers has moved, wih bis | py AT COPPERFIELD { City Hall, Thursday, March 26th. { | For the benefit of the Limestone Foot- {ball Clubx | Pl wt {B80c., 75¢ i Mr Speaight kept his | shaking with laughter the Whole { Cambridge Daily News. Smoker! Grand Rally of Young Liberals. A meeting of the Young Liberals, of Kingston, for purposes of reorganization jand election of officers will be held in ithe WHIG HALL, 'Wednesday Ev'g., March 25 AT 8 O'CLOCK: Uglow's, tickets, 25¢., 835c., audience time' -- IN THE ROOSTER'S CROP. (New Jersey Girl Found Diamond Her Mother Had Lost. York, March 24.= Mrs. John T. wife of a farmer residing near Niteh, NJ. lost a three-karat last fal' The daughter, vesterday, in | the of a young while | preparing it The | girl thought it merely a picce of | glass, but her mother noticed it. When she tried it in the setting of the ring at fitted perfectly New Wilkins Great diamond found by hes stone was crop rooster she was for dinner { - | Items From Westport. \ wedding took | place at the home of the bride's fath- fer, H. Sickler, when his eldest daugh f ter. Mabel, was united ip widrriage to Leeman Stuart, -of Jofes Falls. P | M Bilton will soon feturn to Arrow | Head, B.C." John and Mulville {| made -a business Wip to Kingston last | Faday. Quite a Tew farmers in this vicinity have tapped their sugar | bushes. I. MeFadden has purchased jan imported shire stallion. Doctors Highly Delighted. They say for fattening and nourish- nothing excels the pure '"'So- Olive Oil, which we "import di- rect from France. We have it in seal od bottles, fresh from Sunny Niece, 30¢c., 50c. and §1 per bottle at Wade's drug store James jing, ciete" Marlbank Notes, Marlbank, March 23. Frederick Cook leit for Watertown last week. KE, D. Shangraw visited friends at Na panee, this week French, of Roblin, is visiting his cousin here. Thomas Parfit, a well-kpown farmer, intends to leave this place. Ross *" "Take care of your fur garments Moth. camphor and Red Crags moth destroyer, and double strength tarihe moth proof bags are sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drag Store. "hone 230. Thieves broke into the jewelry store of A. Brittian, at Wyothing, Unt., on Tuesday night, and took a lar quantity of jewelry, ofc, from the show case. The mafe comuaining the most valuable goods and customers' property was untouched. Dean Lavell has been called to To- ranto to attend a meeting of examin ers, hence he will po? be able to lec ture before the teachers on Friday next. i aE The original genuine make of sul- plur, cream tartar and molasses is sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Take no other, ' Mre. Thomas "Burps, who has beet iil at Burns' mothet's home, at Pres- ton, Ont., is improving. Burns is ex- 3 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First iosertion lc. a word. Each con- secutdve insertion thereafter hall cent a word, Minimum charge for one in- sertiom, 25e. WANTED---GENERAL,- TO PURCHASE 3 TO 7 ACRES WITH dwelling, near city, Apply McCann, 861 Brock street. PLAIN SEWING PONE OF ANY kind. Cuil or write to Mrs. Cayiess, 334 King street, over Armstrong's. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, or other age carted. Prices night. Apply to Bb. Lytle, Gemeral Carter, 35 Maing St WANTED, DOWN TOWN, ABOUT 1ST April, sitting-room and one or two bedrooms furnished, for two gentle- nen Address Dox "A, 6." Whig office. UPHOLSTERING AND CARPET LAY- ing, sowing, general reparing, by R w Millard, 285 Wel on Se. Orders taken at Drury's Coal Office "Phone, 443. DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET their Sprang Suits made at Gallo Btyle, price and finish guar anteed to please. 181 Brock Ht. next to Bibby's Livery, CARRIAGES, WAGGONS FURNI- ture, Pianos, or any article for stor age, by the month, Year, or any way required. For further information. apply to Laturney's Carriage Works, 690 and 392 Princess St, 'Fhooe, 152. KINGSTONIANS TO KNOW THAT Newman and Sprigg's Electric Co'y are always ready to do repair work, at moment's notice. Estimates fur- nished for wiring. 'Beautiful import ed fixtures a specialty. Fresh Dal- teries and Sparkers on hand Tele- phone, 44); 79 Princess street. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR fice, Cor. ELLIS, Queen and Bagot ARCHITECT, OF- eets. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, "ER- chant's Bank Building, corner Mrock and Wellington streets. "Phone, 212, HENRY Pr. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. 'Anchor Bdilding, Market Square. 'Phone, 345. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor over Mahood"s Drug store, cormer Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street 'Phone, 608. BUSINESS CARDS. ¥F. J. BIRCH, FLECTRICIAN, HAS removed from 179 Wellington St. to 206 Wellington St. All work preempt. ly attended to ; estimates furnished MARRIAGE LICENSES. ISSUER ' OF Clarence St. 5. KIRKPATRICK, Marriage Licenses, 42 LIVE STOCK MARKETS. ---- The Prices Paid at the Various Centres. Modtreal, March 23:=There were about 1,146 butchers". cattle, 112 calves, 161 sheep and lambs and 1,162 fat hogs offered for sa'e at the Point St. Charles stock yards this fore noon. 4H butchers were out strong and trade was brisk, with the pric of cattle a shade lower than gn last Monday's market, but hogs are dear er. rime beeves sold at 0c. to near per lb.; pretty good cattle, 4c and the common stock, to dic. per 1b. A few large bulls.ivgre sold at from 3c. tp 4c. per Ib. Calves soldat from $3 to $12 each, or #% to 6c, per lb. Sheep sold at about Sie. per Ib.; lambs at about 6ic. do "Good elite of "fat hogs soldat wbout 6c. per lb, March 23 leeves, Chicago, 25,000, Cattle receipts, strong. $1.60 to $6. and heifers, 32 to 85.50. $1.10 to 85.140; calves, $4.50 westerns, $4.65 to $5.50 and feeders, $3.15 to $56.20 Hogs, receipts, 45,000, market, B¢ higher: light, $4.85 to £5.10: mixed, $135 to $5.15; heavy, $4.85 to $5.15 rough, $4.55 to $4.95. pigs, $1 to $4, 65: bulk of sales, $5 to $5.10. Sheep, receipts, 17,000, strong: na tive, at $4.25 to 36.65. western, $4.50 to 86.55; yearlings, $6 to $7.15; lambs $5.85 to 87.65; western, $6.70 to $7.86 COWS Fexans, to £6.50: stockers East Buffalo, N.Y., March 23. --Cat tle--Reecipts, 4750 head: active and 25¢. to De. higher; prime steers, $€ to $¢ shipping, $5.50 to $6.35: but chers, 85 t6 $6.25; heifers, $4.25 to $6 cows, $3.25 to $5: bulls, $3.50 to $5. 25. stockers and feeders, $31.50 to $4.75. stock heifers' 83 to 83.50. frost cows and Apringers good, active and $ 'higher: common, dull, 820 t, $36 i Veals--Receipts, 2,000 head active and 80c. lower, 85 to $8.25, af age Rurvipes, 12.800 head: active ad 5c. to 10¢. higher. heavy and mix- od, 85.95 to $6.45. vorkers, $5.35 to 85.40. pigs, $4.25 to 84 %0 ronohs, $4- 6 to 84.90; «tags, 83 to $3.50. dairies 28.2 10 I . Sheep and Lambe --Recsipts, 11,000 heal; active and 2c. to 0c, higher: Tamhs, 85 to $75. vearlings, $7.30 to 3 wethers, $6.75 to $7.25. ewes. 25 to $6.50; sheep mixed, $2 to 5 Frank B. Seeley Removed. Albany, N.Y. March 24.--For a sec ond time in two years, Francis RB Seeley, of Lockport, superintendent of répairs of section 10 of the Erie canal, was removed from office, this time by Superintendent Frederick C. Stevens, of the department of public works, on sharyes of incompetency and miscon: act, Smith's Falls is applying to the lag. laws, the debentures to bear interest A moth cannot live Red Store; Be. bottles, costs at the rate of five and a quarter per count. . 3 whens "Red Cross Moth Destroyer" is placed. in only at Gibson's S00 to paint the Fife Su ™ B wi WANTED-MALE. The People's Forum. FOR SALE, A GROOM, WHO UNDERSTANDS something of gardening Apply to 480 Princess Si., in the evening. SALESMEN FOR AUTO-SPRAY Best bend Spraver made, compressid -r, automatic Liberal ters Cavers Bros., Galt, ust y WANTED-FEMALE. APPLY TO AN EXPERIENCED COOK otel Congress HOOD KITCHEN WONAN, AT Apply 207 William street GENERAL SERVANT, PLAIN COOK Na washing Apply in evening to Mrs. T. F. Harrison, 183 Willian sireet A MAID, FOR GENERAL WORK. AP- ply in the evening, to Miss PFergu- son, 191 Kiang street. GENERAL SERVANT Apply in the evening to Mrs, pherson, 162 Earl street NO WASHING Myc GENERAL cook, references St., between SERVANT, Apply 191 and 8 pan. PLAIN Johuson GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, plain cook. Apply to Mrs. Kptinger, 105 Albert St, below Brion on GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH ing. Apply at 128 Barrie street, be- tween 7 and B o'clock in the evening GOOD GENERAL SERVANT plain cook, no washing Apply in the evening to Mrs. Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot street. CAPABLE housework, GIRL FOR family of two required Apply in the evening, (except Friday), to Mrs. J R. C. Dobbs, 60 Albert St, Cor Earl street STEADY, general ruferenmces SITUATIONS VACANT. IN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR-| ber trade. Graduates earn t®elve to eighteen dollars weekly Help secure positions Will equip shops Cor stant practice Carelul instructions Few weeks complete course Cata- | A Write Mole Barber Exile free ollege, Toronto TO-LET. TWO FRONT ina private dwelling. Wellington street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, | Apply at 223 | } CLEAN | 299 | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, and dry Frost's City Storage, Queen St. 'Phone, 526. UNIVERSITY AVE. COR. JOHN son, 9 rooms, hot water furgmee, B & C. Apply at McCann's, 51 Brock street. | 251 NINE CARDEN conveniences, electric Alfred 5t HOUSE, ROOMS modern gas, furnace, 2856 on premises. Hight Apply 'ROM. IST MAY, 1908, NUMBER 158 Eat] street, at present occupied by Liewt -Col. Hudon, C. MG. hot water heatmg and modern dmproverents islatuee for ratieation of money by. b Apply to Armstrong McCormick, 102 Centre street, or Thomas Miia. 99 | i Clarence street, | UNIVERSITY sO, 138 solid VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALI Double house, on Johr treet property of the late son, now used as a dwell plumbers shol Apply 11a Walkems & Walkem A CHESTNUT STALLION, 1s good action, sound II broken. Formers handled Ly | McGill For ial ation apply t Stratford, I87 Princess sieee Kingston Messrs ITANDS i Kind NO. 76 SYDENHAM, SOLID BRICK with extemsion kitchen, 6 bed rooms, hot water heating. Recently renovate ed throughout, Fossession 1st May Also pair of good houses Nos. 80 and 62 Wellingtun street. Apply A. B, Cunningham . ONE 19 FOOT LAUNCH WITH i horsepower gifts, speed 10 one 25 foot eviinder speed, 12 hull, cheap for the Kingston Club Yard MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents then any other company offers Exaniine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Marks et Square LIVERIFoOGI LONDON AND Fire Insurance Company, Avai easets $61 187 218 the i I GLOW 3 able PERSONAL. FAUL tent SHAMPOOING MANHIU RING HAIR, MOLES; BIRTHMARKS, war et gemoved permanently, sear Twenty years ence. Dr. Elmer J, Lake, Eye Nose, Throat and Skin Specialist, 208 Bagot street TARIO CHURCHMAN, KINGSTON, has by far the best cirenlation "in Anglican families in Canada hers fore the hest to advertise In for reputation nud results. ts, without ERE BE AN Ri ah ROOMS TO LET DRAWING ROOM FLOOR FURNISH ed as bed and sitting r doors, als two Inrge second floor rit men, five mdutes OMe will, give 1} ~. Address "MN -- ---- {THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON, The Savior. A great leader who takes command in the face of battle does not in per the fighting and the $0 win the victory. He ranks to en and son assume all and inspires the men in the dure suffering, do the win the victory fe but only by leadership and spiring example, not. by achievement "Such ception : savior He saves the day in many a moral strug zie by the { his leadership human souls rather than by the | amount of work he himself or | the magnitude of the burdens he takes | apon his shoulders.--Rev, ( EK. St.} John, sullering, fighting, wise | of Jesus as a power of | wer | does | ' Address, Rev, C. W. Casson, at 25 | Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the | literature. THE HAIR BRUSH. Breeds Dandruff, Which auses Falling Hair and Finally Bald- | ness. Prof. Unna, Hamburg, European authority on skin diseases says that dandruff = as contagious as any other malevolent disease, and | that source of the | spread of dandruff is the use of the same hair brash bv different person I'he way to avoid tatching dandruff] or any other disease from another's] brush, is to insist on the use of New | bro's Herpicide. It not only kills the dandruff germ, but it is also an anti | ! German ong common septic that will prevent the catching of any disease whatever through con tagion of another's brush. Sold by | leaditig druggists Send We, in| stamps for sample to The Herpicide { Co., Detroit Mich. Two sizes. BOc. | and 81. G. W. Mahood, special | agent. FIRE ESCAPES! All lengths, all sizes and to.suit all condi- tions. Bailt to order and erected in place on short notice. Estimates Furnished on Request. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Printers in 8. John, N.B., are on sirike hwenuse their gers refuse to compel soe union to pay heavy assessments to the union, 5 f { | personal | is our modern eon % saves the day, | "Health and Accident Insurance That Insures The Fid of the business hu » of disability Ly 50 per week for 2 one or move d turabiog atio. Apply t W. J. FAIR, Cor. W tot a Fé THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863 President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Far i erties. Municipa aml Coonty [es res Mortgages purchased: Deposits eceived and mierest allowed 8S. C. McGill, Managing Director, EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades $1 complete, quality guaranteed. STRACHAN"S. \, ATTENTION, FURNACES i your furnase needs sant any work done in t Nate r ' or Plumbing, "give gi | , you will ow pt stlen tion ataction " DAVID HALL, pio ring, # you way of Hot New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street, Oped from 10.80 am, to 8 & wm. tha best plate to get an all round Lusch io ¥. Menis of ali kinds on shorten Hing! ish end Chinese dishes & s hone, G35. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete, for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday HIER IS] Cures ALL COUGHS fh ALWAYS. LEE ok SMe SI NS a

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