"BY Necessities. FESS FOLATEFTTTLETES 2 Floor Mops, Dish Mops, Hair Brooms, Corn Brooms, Banister Brushes, Feather Dusters, Metal Polishes, Furniture Polish, Stove Polish, Reliable Goods. CORBETT'. INTERIOR WOODWORK STORE OFFICE Finish, Fittings, in and House Quartered Oak, Cypress, Birch Nao of kind of wood Or any other your orders out need to send You just re on the spot, ces anyway. Always to furmishh estimates, S. ANGLIN & CO. Bay & Wellington Sts. "Phone, 68. ! Suffered From Heart 5 _ and Nerve Troubles i » FOR THE Last Ten Years. - -- The heart has ou to it two one seb which quickens, the slows its action. as good SEC ET WRU SEE ae i of: as BiF 1; "R. CRAWFOR "Phone, 9, Foot Qreen St. ; Corie sve Ne visit to. New pe 2. he og be will Aas e THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 24 1908. PLACE SEEKS THE MAN. The chairmanship of the rdilway comuussion has been offered and Judge Mabee, so that a ER EE -- THE WHIG, 75th YEAR| DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 308- 310 King street, Kingston, rio, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock pm. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, pub lished in _parts on Monday and Thursday morn- ing at $1 a year. To United States, charge for Postage has 10 be made S0c. for Daily; 0c. for Weekly. er Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap work; mine improved The British Whig Publishing Co., L#d. | EDW. J. B. PENSE, | Daily Wl er to accepted by fitting sucgessor has been found Judge Killam, and one who worthily carry on his work. The railway commission has, during the last couple of years especially, particularly its useful- ness, and, in its enlarged form, will render the to 'the state. it i which has been reached by York utility commissions, are preying of immense advantage in adjusting the correet relations which should peavail] between the great cor- porations andi the people. The chairman must, of necessity, be a man of judicial mind, and at the same of great capacity with the party | oor service, Judge Mabee the led. He has| ent, the legal experience, and the made of the borough of Battersea al physique, and is generally wegarded as municipal paradise. He believes in | the ideal official. helping those who help themselves in| 1 is true that ha was once a liberal making them industrious and thrifty, | a candidate for parliament, but in teaching them the political econ-| oo hid the home and! will demonstrated greater service is fast taking the place the New and big. OUTLOOK. difference A MOST There GLORIOUS is a distinet they be- " tween modern socialists and the clan | one calls the paternalists. The social- in their demands for ists _are not alike Jegfslation. The perial parliament "right to work" and not of one mind members of the im-| who 'advocated the | i 3 emists bili are xtremists i time a man has which John Burns has . pointment to the bench he omy which begins in in the state, in seeing that the has ceaselM@0 be a politician, and has Lie model judge. To his new virtues of ends conditions that surround people are, | office he brings the integ sible « u > ¥ . as far as possible, 'such as make for | rity and courage and is bound to be a for! Em ------ 'TWAS A FINE AFFAIR. "Barn Dance" Held By Granite Lodge, 1.0.0.F. "barn dance' SPIT OF THE PRESS A Hard Time, Toronto Globe, The light loaf will have a hard & for its hfe in the legislature, It few friends, but those 'it has closer than a jabel. njovabl rooms, King * Were pre- entertamed dancing lecorated with 1 electrical dis t was held in the and about fi and all Entitle? To It. + hall Hamilton Herald. | flags At eighty-eight years Florence Night. | Play with "LO.O.F," made a very pretty ingale cannot deny that she is an old | effect \ fine das programme was maid. But is there another maiden | carried out, and supper'was served in lady in the world who has a. better | the dining room, in true farmer fash- right to be known as The Grand Olq | 1°" The floor was covered with, hay, Maid ? . {and hayseeds were much in evidence oe | The menu consisted of brown bread, Preacher In Luck. f beans, fried cakes, pumpkin pie and cof- Montreal Her aon j fee. It would be a shame to state how Rev. J. A Mucd hi bas bad hie) fast the goods things disappeared when i Spe Macdonai) das had thir | the farmers got busy. During the even- ty-one libel suits in six years. The | ing three fine solos were rendered reason why he abandoned the pulpit { Charles Hopkins presided at the piano for journalism is now evident--mobody | Granite Lodge will hold a "rag-time Svat bothers to sue a preacher for { dance" on Monday evening, April 6th, 1 . J J ¢ and bunting, and ar A Fine New Steam Yacht. One of the finest steam yachts to be seen this year on the Rideau has just been turned out at Napanee, the *Bon- nie Bessie," which is about 36 feet over all and built in proportion. She has fore and aft cabins, the former being curtained and finished in black walnut, while the latter is entirely constructed of mahogany. This is lighted by six vindows on cach side and glass doors leading to the stern. The boat is of oak and the decks inlaid with black A Timely Tip, Toronto Star. To be successful in public life, says Organizer Birmingham, ane must join the Orange order. And some people wilfully misconstrue these remarks as an acknowledgment that the Orauge order is an association for landing jobs in Toronto. Touching Contrast. Toronto Globe. their success. ! ; great success, Mr. Burns did not support the so- Best of all the place has sought the measure, though he sympa- | qanf and he was the only one for the with many things that | time who was thought of for it. This clearly socialistie, for cialist thises are that bave not been set forth in the cable- gram. His position will be learned from the English press, for it is not reasons {in itself shows how he impressed those { who are the better able to judge of his merit and the work in which he will engage. to be supposed that he allowed a di ---- EDITORIAL NOTES Are women teachers vision to pass without an explanation | of his views. Eventually it will be; at found, in all probability, that he did | thirty ? They ought then to be near not approve of the sidic becoming a | their prime. Toronto decides other the in- | Wise. worn out great employer of labour, to ---- centre of light ! | {1 hat is evident in view of its experien are less noisy than | a . . | jury and perhaps distruction of all privaje epterprise Toronto is not a » 2 enter p. The paternalists ces in the election of controllers and not because they are mentally inactive' or inert. They visions of what milly happen by-and-bye. For Prof. Elkin, of the University of Missouri, the socialists, but : Bo reduction of licenses. The Hydro-Electric Commission is preparing to meet the palitics and have them enter into de- have glorjous them now munici finite and binding agreements with re to Whatever of finan- cial risk there is lies with the muni- painting a most promising outlook. "The earth," "during the coming century, will be- been he writes, | gard power. cipalities, however. ---- Is the education department doing all that it ean to raise the standard of the school teacher? Is a prefer- ence given every time to the qualified teacher ? Or is a teacher given a permit in the county while a qualified one goes idle ? and will and many times more fruitful finally 'a. heaven and new earth Every village, town have 'a public come appear.' city must physician, who must not only cure people, but keep them well; the government must supply lawyers who will give legal ad- vice fred; the clergy mkt take a brace | duly and gqnit imitating; the colleges should print and edit dhe newspapers; insurs ance should be a function of ment; railroads should charge more than one-fourth of a vent a mile; the gook 'question must be solved by gigantic eating clubs, and labor must keep on organizing." There, in a few lines, is the graphic outline of what man will be when re- deemed and disenthralled from the slavish conditions which the. average enduring (that is the What do LEAP YEAR ADVICE. govern no Seasonable Suggestions to Elipi- . ble Young Men. Thomas L. Messgn, in Harper's Weekly, Before PomICling vourself to he kissed, it is well to struggle. Don't overdo the matter, however. A little practice will enable you to know, ust when to: yield, Ii the girl insists on taking you in- to her lap protest' steadily for some time--as long as you think she will stand it. But Mang on. To get down from such a place at any stage of the game would be very rude. The proper moment to put your head on her shoulder depends upon |, circum- stances. If you are several feet taller than she is, allow her to sit down on the sofa first; you can then run yourself along the floor until you strike the right angle. Never say 'Darling, this is © so sud: den.' Tell her, on the coftraryy "that yoir've been expecting it to- happen' so | long that you were getting uneasy This will give her a chance to vary the monotony by sitting. on you. ; Accept the rigg in the same xindls spirit it is given. You can take it off quietly to have it tested, and if it isn't up to the mark, inform her coyly that it has been a tradition in your family for genorations back that the young man should have his choice out of several. Have it understaod at the start that she is to send vou ne gitte. For vou can depend upon it that even in leap year the kind of things a girl would send a man are not available as security anywhere, Finally--ajways have the last and kiss, paternalist . is word) for the present, think of it? GOING IT PRETTY STRONG. government may be in the you The provincial excused for its large incroase public expenditure, on the ground that Ontario is a large and growing pro- vince, but the promise of Mr. Whitney must be remembered --that the annual | expenditure was enormously large and! should be lessened, Nor is Mr. "Whitney who appears to be very inconsistent. Mr. Matheson, the provincial. treasur- er, used to spend his time in figuring the deficits of the Ontario govern- ment, and the process was easy. All| revenue from mines and timber he deducted. These the provincial capital which should not be included account. Last - year's nature were $3,068 - aside and not the only one out were in the current receipts of this 000, and to put this apply it for ordinary purposes would have left a serious shortage. Then Mr, Matheson took strong ground against the succession dues. These were a robbery of the Yet, in office, he strengthened the law under which the collections were made, and gloried in © the fact that it brought in $600,000, The corporations' tax was denpunce&d as an outrage, and there was every reason to expect that under a change of goveryment it would go, but it remains and last year it netted the province $670,000. Verily a change of position has made a change in: the views of the men id power, and they are finding it easy to swallow past professions and follow the very cause they so strongly re pudiated. The larger subsidy of $2, 138,772, irom| the Dominion govera- ment, has made the provincial posi- tion of the government comfortable, and it has been spending the people's money freely, ~ The Moutreal Gazette utters a word of warning and because it comes from & [friendly source perhaps it will be heeded. It is that there are liabilities to contemplate, and that if beyomd them, thers is an annual surplus the F people have a right to a benefit in} reduced taxation. Will Mr. Matheson word Through His Spectacles. Robert Henri, the artist, was among the crowd at a large private view of new pictures in New ork not long ago, and was pausing before a por trait by Sargent, when he noticed a big, brawny man, who looked like anything but an artist, engdged in admiration of the same canvas and murpunag : "They have given ge a good place at last !" Heuri grew interested immediately. ayou are in this sort of work ¥* he dead. "Been in it for twenty years," as sented the stranger, "and this is the ficst time Iver got on the line." "Ab, indeed ¥" 'echoed the now thor oughly interested artist, "And where is vour pi ye The stranger pointed to the Sar nded. "Why, Sar ; sniffed the brawny man. "Yes, I think Sargent was the name of the man that painted it, but it was me that made the fgame." An open switch at Burritt's siding, two miles east of Merrick make a note of this. : One of she ajabers fou Otiana is making himsell solid with the ers hy proposing a revival of the pen. | sion scheme. It is to be hoped the walnut and white maplé, producing a pleasing effect. She fitted with a compound engine of the latest fore and aft type. The craft will be not only handsome but speedy. - Sne is fitted with cupboards, lights, etc, Yor cruising and carries a sailing dingy on her hur- ricane deck. All stanchions, cleats, chocks, etc, are nickel plated over brass Ottawa Journal. which adds to the boat's appearance. It seems too bad that men should | She is named in honor of Miss Bessie be unemployed and asking the pro- | Wright, of Ottawa. eldest daughter of viacial government for assistance in {the late Rural Dean Wright, of Athens, Toronto at a time when the immigra- | whose uncle and brothers will use the tion authorities in Winnipeg have 1,- [boat for summer cruising on the Rideau 000 applications on their books for help, and more applications are com- ing in at the rate ol twenty-five to fifty a dav In all Canada is there no man ca- pable, in some way or other, of bring- ing together the employers who want men and the men who want employ- ment. Brantford was represented by two of its orators in the debate on the budget on the same day. But if Mr. Paterson is Big Thunder, Mr. Cock- shutt is just a zephyr blowing through a keyhole. 15 Great Unemployed. Hearing Him His Catechism. The late Alderman Gaskin never fail ed to create some amusement at every city council mectifig Fast year when the budget was being presented. It devoly ed upon Ald. Kent to explain a certain portion. Ald. Gaskin quite innocently asked how many policemen there were on the force and'what wages they were paid. This information Ald. Kent did not have at hand, but replied "Surely Ald. Gaskin knows all about did Toronto Street Market, Toronto, Magch 23.--Wheat, white, bush., 92¢. to We; wheat, red, bush. 92. to We; wheat," spring, bush., Yc.; wheat, goose, bush., 58c. to 90c.; oats, bush. 52¢, to Dic.: barley, bush., 60c.; hay, timothy, ton, $19 to $20, straw, per ton, $15 to £16. Seeds--Alsike, No. 1, bush., $9.50 to $10; alsike, Nou 1, bush., $9.50 to £10 Alsike, No. 2, bush., $5.10 to $8.75: Red clover, No. 1, $12.50 to $13; Tim- othy, 100 lbs., 87 to. ¥8.50; dressed hogs, $7 to $7.50; eggs, new laid, doz- en, 22¢, to 25c.; butter, dairy, 28¢. to 32¢.; butter, creamery, 32¢. to ey geese, dressed, Ih., 10c, to 12¢.; chick- B. A. Hotel Arrivals. eng, per Ib., Me, to 16¢.; ducks, dress T. A. Ritchie, R. W. Vant, Brock ed, lh., 12¢c, to 15¢; turkeys, per|ville; W. F. Gilchrice, Cape Vincent; Ib., 20¢, to 2¥c.; apples, per bbl, $1.-| D. Gray, Glasgow; Mrs. J W. McLean, 50 to $3: cabbage, per dozen, 10c. to Miss McLean, Picton; L. Glover, Chas. 50c.; potatoes, per bag, $1 to $1.10 ;| W. Sams, J. ( Newell, Jas. Durange, onions, per bag, $1.25 to $1.10; Lee, | Geo. Laird, Addison Pegg, A. M. N hindquarters, $5.50 to $10; beef, fore Shaw, Toroita; CJ gohan, i quatiers, $5.50 to 36.50; heel, chojer, Belleville; Sam. Meyers, Ottawa; Thos cercase, $8 to $9; heef, medium, car- A Ne cqSLEF Lansdowne: 'W.'H. Mor case, $6.25 to $7; rgutton, per owt. | = Yngersoll: B.D. Ewin. Morris 38 to 8: veal, prime. per ewt. 37 tol, "hi N.' Harris, Cobalt: W. F 810; lamb, per cwt., $11 to $12.50. Kelly, Walter F. Drury, Oil City; E DeRousie, Cornwall; S. M. Chappelle 3. Simpson, Orillia; B. M. Hurst, Sudden Death At Stella. Hirer ps BTV les. St Jobe Death came with terrible suddenness N.B.; J. C. Elli tt, Calgary; C. Twigg on Saturday - afternoon, - at | four Seattle: Geo. Janiicson Lockport, NY: o'clock, to William McMaster, an - old Wm 'Weese, Arnprior Thos. Coulter, and much respected resident of Stella, Arden; - M. McGarrity, Three Rivers; Jecomsed was working around his farm | Harrison, Fredericton N.B.: Alfred as usual, during the morning, and ap- Neish, Chicago; S. Richards and wife, peared to be in good health. In the Ogdensburg afternoon, when about to read a book, he ws tgken suddenly ill, and passed away before medical aid could Te summoned Heart failure the cause of death. ' Dedpased was widely known, and 'his death caused wide spread regret. He was illy-one yveard of age and is survived by bis wife and one son, Roy, who lives at home, Gaskin admitted that he "Then why are asking me?" queried Ald. Kent "Oh, 1 just want to find out if you know," was the reply "Well," said Ald. Kent, "what right have yom to put me through a cate- chism on such questions?" The incident was greatly enjoyed by the aldermen you An Emergency Physician. k s suffer life by hav of Smith's vital. im injurics be remedy You are sure. to save needle ing and you may ing at hand a White Liniment portance that. pain or treated promptly. Here that relieves pain in an almost magi cal way, and bruises, lame backs, 'ete, quicker then any other remedy we know of. 20¢., at Wade's Drug Store. was save bottle It is of 15 a cures strains, Paid To Get Him Back. Windsor, Ont., March 21.-- Police ia- formation may be laid against Mrs Carrie Becker, of this city, who is charged with witcheraft and sorcery Lizzie Bastien, said to have paid fifty | dollars to have the veil of the future lifted, is one who claims she contribu ted liberally to have her sweetheart return to her Hopes To Return. Ensign Madele Wilson left this after noon for Belleville. On Thursday she will go Toronto and remain with friends until Monday next, when she re to New York. She hopes to be to return to Kingston about the middle of April with the remains 6f her father. Many people attended Christ church, Cataraqui, on Sunday evening, hearing that Ensign Wilson was to speak, and were disappointed. She at tended service there, however, her father being a former rector of Catar aqui turns One hundred dollars paid by Dr. | ae Shoop for any recent case of grippe or acute cold that a 25 cent box of Preventics will not break. How is this for an affer ? The doctor's su- preme confidence in these little candy cold cure tablets--Preventics--is cer. tainly complete. It's a $100 against 25 cents--pretty big odds. And Pre ventics, remember» contain no quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sick- ening. Pueumonia would never appear if early colds' were always broken Safe and sure for feverish children; 48 Preventics, 25¢. All dealers. Miss Fmma McNish, second daugh ter of the late Samuel MeNish, died, Saturday afternoon. at the family home, on the second céneession of Elizabethtown, near Row's Corners, after an illness extending over [three months. Deceased wae born fifty-four Opening Will Be Later. On March 28th, 1907, the steamer Pierrepont made her first trip around the tower, breaking through i four inches of ice. If 1s not likely that she will be able to%do so this season. It is the general opinion among the mari ners that the harbor will not be open sufficiently for any boat to make a start unl April sth or 6th. The old gun hoat has been the first vessel to get om in many years and is all ready for the charge again this year ago. ---- 7 -- Master James N. Asselford, son of William Asgeliopd, a farmer living two miles: from New Dublin, died, on Sut- | urday might: he had been a pa- tient for one week with an' internal t The wedding of noe Wilhelen of Sweden 0 Grand hess Marie Pav lona, has been fined fox May 3rd. Civic Flags A Disgrace. For the good name of Kingston the City Property Committee should pur: chase a couple new sets of flags for the city buildings, the flags now being used would be a disgrace to a backer camp. Let respectable Zags Lo floateq from the city buildings or none at all Battered bunting is only excused if it has historic merit. Died In Toronto. The remains of the late John Ben. nett, who died in Toronto on Sunday, arrived in the city to-day, and were re- moved to his late residence, King street west. His sorrow family have the singerest sympathy of a host of friends in their bereavement. The funeral will be held on Wednesday cemetery. ; Burdock with sarseparilla compound 181 bottles for 75¢.. only at Gibson® Red Crofs Driig Store. It's a : medicine and will cure boi to Cataragqui Q Q : : 3 9 : Q | | gle! ant five ent the ¢ cept part bel vids Se fron ever was thy loss aw eral Noo Cy utes sant All I Fre plea Ca 0000000000000 00T0OY their work credit to both pupils' and teacher, and lands, Mamie Marjorie Merrick, Mamie Tierney, Ma- Sweet of the Year," voyage a pleasant one friends in the old land A MOS Mr tario street remedy acts like magic. nothing harsh. A with Canadian laws, HAVE YOU CATAR failed to get body, you can be permanently - OOO O0000CO0 0000000 0000a We're in fine feather for the new season, Life and animation fill our store, for every- thing is fairly booming with Spring fresh- ness. We've been in constant touch with the most noted manufacturers of every line. For weeks the new Spring Wearables have been coming to us almost daily, gnd we now wantwou to see-- : What We've Prepared For Spring ! We shall call this week our opening week, and, while there will be no sounding of trumpets or pyrotechnic display in front of our doors, a cordial welcome awaits you and we ask that you favor us with a visit. Should you see anything that just suits you, we will put it aside until you are ready for it. j Bibby's for the best $15 Suits in Canada. + Bibby's for the best $2 Hats in Canada. a THE H. D. BIBBY GO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHIHRS. * OOO COOOL OOOO 000TO0H C00000000000000000000000000000 00000 Q00OVR0ON ------ A Piano Recital, { Monday €vening Miss Louise Sin 1, Brock street, gave another pleas plano 'recital for her pupils. Dur ---- ing the winter Miss Singleton has given | recitals for her pupils in the differ grades, or at different stages of! Each one has been a great me on Monday evening was no ex on. The following pupils took : Misses May Chown, Evel§a New- Garrett, Reta Mitchell, ESTABLISHED AND ADMITTED FACT. 3,000,000 USERS Edith Da sang "The voice, Meek, Mabel Milo and nm, and Miss Garrett also mn sweet Pair in 8450 Sergt. Snodden Home. Pouite Cameams $250 rit. Snodden has heavy - a his holiday trip to Ir across the. ocean no rough we being experienced kept quite busy lo tor beards "Carbo Magnetic" Elastic Cushion Stroge, $1.00. Free booklet "Hints to Shavers." returned home ir SILNERSTEIN, wk, N.Y, Firm of 176 A. 1 . | roadway, New ¥ t enjoyable one | ' | For sale by McKelvey & Birch, 69. + | Death oe An Jatant 71 Brock 8t., Kingston, Ont. have the sineeres trcle of friend and In Country PY i of a lars f their vy on Mr v held at tw Good Sleighing wi I W t leig! I 8. unt was o-clock i oup positively checked in 20 min Dr. Shoop's 20 minut erouj No vomiting, pea She simple croup am -- Dance At Whig Hall. Fi held t , dependable dealers. yikhobors syrup. who ar Whig Canada, and refu citizens, or olwy a hon the fined where may wh fla se, g have orgen in ye I doesn't matter bow |e ifforesd often you Wir 3% redief, even though Catarth may effect every of soothing vapor tarrohozone, through ( ley clear the the throat The nostrily LNisive salar awl ar muasus dis and Wr at ones and soil of snwering Partial Joss and headache {very com- ymptomas of Catarth) are cured &nd in a short tract of Catarrh dis mon quickly time avery ART that Cg4- Your ( ing tor confident Fure 1 will will tarrh that +. & fund t ONCE In every case a purchaser is fully satisfied Catarrhorene hae afforded » lgpt- clit. Nothing could be WwW 8 vour chance to Get Catarrhogoie to watisfy yourself asx to curative powers OTR @ Are feo not cure , and wondeginl CATARRHOZONE Cures When All Others Fall, Two months' treatment guaranteed to sure, price $1. rig] size, 2c at all A dealers, or N. C, Polson & Lo, Kingston, Ontario,