THE Dany er -- BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1908. Ur oes A} ---- ---- ¥ Prize. Winners SL. George's Powder Limerick $200.00-Mn, W. R. PRINGLE, 1552 King St. West, Toronto, Ont. The Prize Limerick: For cakes just as hight as a feather-- And biscuits and pies the You can easily bake them best ever-- St. George's will make them The Acme of Kilchen Endeavor, $50.00 Mes. RICHARD McBRIDE. 148 Hamilton Road, London, Ont. $25.00 -F. W. FRITH, Lennoxville, Que. $5.00 PRIZE WINNERS Miss Mary Seath Hd, Crompton, Alice 5. Norfon, Alice K. Ross Mrs. I. Rogers Mrs. BF, H. Wali H, M. Foot, Mrs, W.L. Taylor Mrs. Alice A Bak: r Mri. N Yates, Miss E. H. Kobbins, Mrs. L. A, Rush Geo. €, Thompson Mrs. W, W, Howe Mrs. Rebecca Murphy L. Phillips mn. Goddard Feawick H. BE. Skeates, Mrs, Jerry McDonald, Mrs. R. Brown, KR. J. Williams, Miss Annie Meehan, Margaret F. Large, Mrs, James C. Craig, Mrs. IL D. Keast, o RAE aig " Vit Bw The Wate 22 RE ENNSsuRyEy MO Manning Ave, 119 Rue Masse 218 Camphe!l Road, 20 Gwendoline St. 4363 St. Catherine St, 15 Wright Ave Gow, 1171 Hornby 8¢,, : 6 Churchill Ave, 456 Fnclid ay Fourth St, Kictor 3 Holten Ave, r St. 45 Fourth Ave, Waverley St, H Jarvis Se. #21 Queen 5t,, #2 Redwood x 2 Toronto. Ont. mebec, Que hariotictown, FE. L Halifax, N.8. Alberion, FE. LL Winnipeg, Man. Moutreal, Que, Halifax, N.S, Collingwood, Ont. Vancouver BC. Vancouver, B.C. Toronto, Out Toronto, Ont Edmonton Alta. H. Walkin & Co. Ave, toria Road, aterloo St Moutreal, Que. Granby, Que, Ottawa, Ont. Montreal, Que, Toronto, Out. @ Charlottetown, P, BR. I Winnipeg, Man, Farabam, Que. Ave, $1.00 PRIZE WINNERS Mrs, William Murray, Miss Ida Bouvain, R Palmer, DA Guildford, E. J. Woodyer Dorothy Sparkes Geo, B. Phelan Stephen C. Matthews, Mise Suis Hales Thy w | H. Robinson, Yictor Woodland, William J. Foster, rs. J. M. Birnie Mrs. HA. Mattice, {ohn 1), Spring iss Bella Little, Mrs. 5. Lees, Mrs, K. Crompton, Mrs. Peter Adams, Mrs, Britiadn Mrs. B. M. Wood, Miss Ethel ¥ringloe, Mesr J. R. Aglesworth, Mrs. Price Olive Lawrence, Mis, Cole, Mrs. A Matteson, Mes. C, Raven, Mrs. H. G. Gocdfetlow Mrs. Chas. Mackay Herbert 8. D, Bugler Mrs. ¥rnest Robinson, €. W. Clarke Mrs. B, Hugmah, H. Price, ré. A, Colwell, Alma McKa hn Mackiin, Mr, P. Eo Smith, Mrs, Herbert Atkins, Miss Nellie Bagot, Settle McKee, James, LA " Parnwell, a 6 Bo . Rey Annie Nolan, A. Monroe, Mrs C W. White, . Ferrabee, Kipp Maggie Hall, Robert Phillips Mrs. A. Hornsey, Mrs. John Pierson, ames Orr, irs, B, Forsayeth, Mra. B. Rogers, F. Powell, Migs A. MacDonald, Egtriou F, Smith, Wm, Grant M, D., Eicanon Wich, James Mabon, Fred O, Judge, Mrs. Walter Wainwright, H. G. Orton, Mrs. Annie Edwards, Mrs. H, P. Baird Miss W { Pitcher, Edith Belford, Miss B. Anderson, Mrs. A, Gordon Mary Mcllhargey, Miss Alice Ha . Mrs. 6G. H, O. Thomas Mrs. J. H. Carruth, T. Strong, Mrs A. Hiatt, Kalhlees Parshall, Mrs, PF. Skedden, Mrs. RP. Anderson, Mrs. Robt: Hutton, » Misa August Beers, Wm, Robertson, I. F. Howell, Miss Doidge, Miss Ernest Babcock, Marion Ross, Lena Lannin, T. A Hawkshaw, Mrs. Ellen Solly, Mrs. EB. Carlett, Mes. W. Slade, Alfred Spencer, Mrs, Emil Ross, Mrs G. F Holyoake, 0 un 3 n n a 8 m = = » od 41 "° a i 5 LU ® 4 0 61 2 " 4 [od 8 8 58 50 wm ol ow an o 64 08 é 0 il i? i sm 85 St. jo 6 ISH a ase 35 St g8= TAR 108 Vidail St. South Cor. Queen & SpadisnAve, 0 Leinster St, St 77 Canard St 6 Dartford Road, 301 Harbison Ave, Western Union Tel. Co. 100 Brunswick Ave, A 508 Dufferin Ave, Box 107 256 Besserer St, #73 Dorchester i. E, 408 Greene Ave, 520 Twelfth st, 70 Cazelais St, 63 Convent St. 1000 St. Catherine St, W. Av 1066 Rspianede Ave 124 Irvine Ave, 22 Wellington St. 22 Church St 2 City Conmeeliory St.- 12 Prevost Ave 12th Avenu. E. Ochterloney St 196 Victoria Ave, 49 Souvenir Ave 23 MacCanley § 1540 St 19 Margaret 84. 108 Kent St, 122 Mowat St. 3 Agues St. 18 Ossington Ave, 13 Lockman ®t, Corge 8 Selby St. , Ap Spence St, 31 CHAT 8¢. 12th S¢,, Pox 1104 11 Ingleside Ave astings St, 110 Queen St. Kingsion 40 Anderson Ave 81 Blake St., 3 York St, 4638 Sk Catherine St, W 47 Rampart 8¢,, 510 Ma 5 St. John St. Box 80 135 Victor Awe, 218 Bever 65 Ste 74 Sarah St. Je Darling St. Queen St. K 218 Robinson St. Z5 Lock St 12 Clarement St 8 Czar St 15 Temperance St, © T 193 Wilton Ave, 145 Lisgar St, Imperial Hote! 183 Chraritan Ave 505 Ontario St 5 Pearl 32 Jarvis St Box 508, Cor. McPhiilips and Callagher A ve Sarnia, Ont, Torento, Oat. ohn, N.B Halifax N.S, Chester, Ont Elmwood, Man. Sackville, N.B. St. John N.Ii Toronto Ont. London, Ont Oakvili> Ont, Ottawa, Ont. Preston, Ont. Montreal, Que, Montreal Que New Westminster, B.C, North Coaticook, Que, Mowtteal, Que, Montreal, Que. Three Rivers, Que, Montreal, Que, Granby Que. Sherbrooke. Que. Montreal, Que, Montreal oy Montreal Que, Montreal, Que. Motitreal, Que, Montreal Que, Montreal, Que Terrebonne, Que. Calgary Alta. Dartmouth, N.S. Montreal ie. Montreal ue. Edmunton, Alta, Montreal, Que 8: Thomas, Ont. London, Ont, Toronto Ont, Brampton Ont, Stratford Out Winoipeg, Man, Toropto. Unt HaMfax N.§, Loudon, Ont. Goderich Opi. Moutrea!, Que. Winnipeg Urbain § George Sse, P.O. ectory, 40 Eali Out. Winnipeg Man, Stratford Ont Hamilton Ont, Simcoe On Alberton Montreal Montren Fanvilic, Ql Channa Newfoundland Oue! One Montreal Que Qn bec. One land. Ont Luke St., ange St ley Se. wart St, 16 Spring 81. 18 Ross St Torono nt 154 Catherine South, Hamilton, Onl, I Rorold, Ont tracebridge On a Ont for. Ont sed Ont, mo; Ont Hadilion Ont Hawititon Out Toronto Ont Toronto On ronto On! Alferd Junction Ont Toronto Ont Perth Road. Oni, Cornwall, Ont Toronto, Ont Rrantfonl Ont, Hn Ont Toronto Out Londan Ont Toronto Ont Norwich Ont Winnipeg, Man, N. milton w. St 60 Money orders for these amounts have been mailed the winners. BIG CLEARING SALE Our own make. > ~OF -- Parlor Suits and Couches. Wearlike iron. Oray's Syrap breaks up a cold--helps to reduce the fever--and often prevents Pneamonia if taken in time. 'This Sfrup isscom of Spruce Gum, Flood Root and other valuable drugs-- well known for their efficiency in all throat, bronchial and pulmonary troubles, Gray's Syrup has been tested for 50 years--and is the recognised cough specific throughput Canada and the U.S. It was nevéf so popular and =] CHIRGE oF NURDER {AGAINST AN AUSTRIAN IN TORONTO. {A Eigamist Gets One Year in Prison--East Simcoe Ministers Petition Against Lodge Par- ades on Sunday. Toronto, March 24.-That "you v and kill one Yeo Meketch,' "by Magistrate in the police court, this , against Leonard Bakinich who was involved in the {shooting which followed a drunken carousal among the foreign quarters in the water works tunnel at the foot jof John street. "A lot of his fellow' workers have be present,' said Crown Attorney Corley, "and pend- ing the getting of an interpreter, | | should like your worship to remand {him until to-morrow." Col. Denison | agreed to this. Two of Bakinich's } companions were charged with wound- ling and assaulting, but as. their nagies had hecome mixed they were left till the next court. Norman Wilson, alias Robinson, ad- mitted in the police court, this morn that he had been guilty of bigamy be hav- did was the formal charge res Denison, morning the Austrian to i i ior, |» ben he married Lepa Ashton, ling, five years before that married { Leonora Minns. His only excuse was | that his first wife left him shortly ai- f ter their marriage, and as he never {heard from her, he thought her dead. { Wilson had a child by his second wife, ta little time ago. He got a year in {the Central The ministers of East Simcoe have isent a petition to the legislature, {asking that secret and fraternal leieties parading on the Lord's dav for {attending church or other purposes be {forbidden to hire bands and make a that they general dinner af 0 {big display, and also be HHorbidden to hold a | terwards | A deputation from Orillia and neigh- waited Mr. Hanna, | boring pednts on i | this | sewage from morning, i the provincial "asylum, ut { Orillia, is pouring --raw into Lake Simeoe, and asked that means be | taken to stop this pollution of an important water supply. 'The deputa tion also protested against the action i of Maora township in granting a |i | for a lignor at Atherley | Atheriey only a from Orillia, | where local option to take effect lin May. { A remand, until in the of Dr Ashton and Harry Saunders, charged murder of Jesse Helen Gould, Poterhoro hed result of a criminal opera Attorney Corley was ready although '1 ( Robinette, and J. W. Currie, K.C., for the were anxious to proceed. Dy. Edward M. Cook, commit- Ited" for trial, by Police Magistrate Kingsford, to day, on the charge of { having committed an illegal opera { tion upon Lillian M. Reid. The {against Dr. D. W. Shier, on a similar | charge, was dismissed, the magistrate holding that all that was against Dr. Shier was that he had accepted $2 of the money. The alleged ope ration is supposed to have taken place at the maternity home of Mrs. Maud Jones. The eirl herself swore that Dr Cook had an instrument upon her, while Jones admitted that {at the time the alleged operation {supposed to have taken {the girl, Dr. Cook and herseli were in | the room, | The redistribution committee of the [ogibleture met this morning, announcements were made regarding changes in a number of constituencies [a is to have eight members ax | originally intended, while the Rideau is to be the dividing line of the constituency. y cense store 18 mile is made, Friday, was to-day, cases Fletgher {with the | the young { here | tion. | not 1 K.( | defence, | girl, who as the Crown was case | 4 | I used Mrs. is place, only whe canal | Otte ~~ WILL GO TO EUROPE. | Result of Montreal Herald's Com- | petition Announced March 24. ~The Herat sold which has 'been sults i country Montreal, re Fhe Montreal { tour. contes., { tor hive are | winners in Montreal are | ro, Millie Cohn, Florence Mahoney, Grace Brown, Kate Flanagan tomprising Ontario, MePhee, Alexandria: Edith Cornwall; Edith'A. Healy is; Eo May Merkiey, ~ Wil ennie CC. Moe, Sherbrooke to the winners the Herald Miss Ruby Gillihand Conroy, of Montreal Edyth M. McCourt, Rich the old country trip and other svoung laces on a the Saguenay million running announced The Isabel Mun Mar M months, Johnson { garet {| Campbell and { triet No. 2 | part of eastern {are : Isabel B. Glasgow, Smith's | Quebec the | hamsburg In addition take Jennie also Miss { and Miss mond, {will and on sun riv votes Wer the at held here eleven i mer 8 outing or | Over one hundred least." The | est interest on aroused kind ever contest of its gre HE WANTS HIS HONOR. Carter Places Good Name Above All Else. March '24.--The Tribune to Oberlin M. Carter, former- the United States En- gineer Col will seek restoration to the army and to bis rank asa result of the vindication of the Savannah Harbor gratt charges, given him in the decision of Judge Kohiseat, which was handédd dpwn on Saturday. Restitution of the honor that was torn from him is placedgmbove all oth- er considerations by th® former cap tain. It has been known along his friends for some "time that he has re- fused repeated offers of high salaries { from engineering concerns that reopg- nized his ability. He would not ac cept them while his reputation was under: cloud and he always has de. clared he 'would devote She rest of his tife, if neeessdry. to Tenby the stain on his name. Chicago, day says ly captain in Has Entered Protest. Pekin, March 25.--The British mer chats of Tien Tsin and Nieuchwang have sent a protest to the British government. concerning the course pursued by Japan with regard to the Tein Mintun Pakmen railroad. It is held that Japan's obstruction to the continuation of this not only is in violation of the given at Portsmouth, in the jeace Arenty with' and complained that the SQUARED WITH HUSBAND, Winnipeg Eloping Couple Captured at Barwick, Emo, © Bx -police rested Unt with with she pasad broug tried befor No the was a + sworn, it is said, and ly asked if he w answered in negative. and the when asked if he had made no answer was then discharged. and at liberty. It is said that a com promise was effected between the par ties, immediately Justice one was prisoner He pro any The is Wis mere nity the secutor, to prisoner thing SAY now concerned Electric Belt Line. ille, March 24.--A blue print chibition here of a proposed belt line which looks good on Starting from Brockville, the marked out to run through parallel with the B. & into Lanark Perth and corner of Brocky is on ¢ electric paper line Leeds unty, W. R. to Athens, ce county, connecting with Lanark vi Across a Renfrew county to Ottawa, Dundas counties along the river front taking in Iroquois, Prescott. The hne forms one pa through an rural territory, 'much of it without | railway ction. 18 the 1 lage, down throngh Russell and to Morrisburg, and to Brockville, Cardinal and hig loop, excond conne Boy Was Shot. ceived at 3.30 pm named ("Reilly had been while out in the of his infurics was taken to the stat living A rep ed that a on Corrigan tally The learned. H Dien The injured ley's broom fac moved to the yulance, The lv was struck re lad street, acciden ma was n Hotel shot extent taken to Bai later was re Reid's em friey ay ()'Reil let. They 0" Reilly ! men marsh t lad was tory, and hospital i boy's LS were walking ahead the rear A guns dozen or so with were seen about the afternoon, No Seed Grain For Ontario Ottawa, March 21.--Before the or ders of the « wer lod, "Wr. Bove (Algoma) the minister i pro sed] rain but to Onta ay asked the be extended replied that wo visions of distr act would Sir. Wilinid had government rope tation been received from provincial To Be Well Grouped. The Mic-Mac 'hackey their photographs taken, will have them mad some group picture, which the Setator" Powell will hold a prominent position ------------ plavers had to=d " ana hand midst of trophy up into a in the Scott Griflin, railway express intendent in Winnipeg, moted to manager of with hepdgnarters in i= a son-in-law of William the president Mrs. Richard Hooper, Albert met ettable accident fell and twisted be laid up for the. Canadian Northern and telegraph super has been pro the entire Toronto MacKenzie ton with a ago, ankle, and little time. A moth Cross- moth of furs Cross reg She will da 1 lavs her some camnot live" destrover Sold only Drug. Store B. Wragg Emma nox Red Thomas Mrs enty-one ageil and wlor vears, are dead if the may be this and a upport a man, eig support a railivay train Drown shades are fashionable spring. We them. Crawfe Walsh, Ww. C is dead at Huntingdon, forty-three years Moth camphor balls phor fresh at Gibson Store. "Phone 230 Miss Gertrude Free town, N.Y} Ix in the The lake we Mile Pe luv Abbey Drug at Quel camp celebration military In view there: Niavara fee no at year half ht inch inches tl thick v one for have & ta rs taker. 8 former Belleville Indiana and lar Red Cross 'am Drug Water few man, of sper has ding a city. vas reported to be int, t Salt Store vi alternoen it Gaibsor Cross It's fresh there Pdistibution into Charleton county | Ren '{ Am. Car open at | | Ma ERY: Mo THE ATBT NEWS| ; ROM FOREIGN LANDS AND UNITED STATES. Unusual Values in Spring Coats, Suits, Skirts & Blouses Up-to-the-Minute Styles Moderate Prices AKE IT A SPECIAL POINT to visit the busy Ready-to-wear Section. Full displays of the new Coats, Costumes, Skirts, Blouses, Cor- | © sets, and the best values you will find anywhere. Ladies' Spring Coats Possible to Arrange For | Duel--Attack Made on Revolt- itg Natives--Pledged to Ua #old Dignity of China. three hundred and on the North Atl we fall winter , believed to be tha London, Unt. river near Mount wrod members the don Stock Exchange may not their -- subseriptions, owing dearth of spending money Henri Mosse, a french globe arrived in Montreal en route from Calilornia He ve made Sw in Not fifty nie ox lives t ast k and IRC BR during i . t of Henry | wa pe found Brydges Lou LADIES' COATS in black Venetian and broadecloths, all the season's newest styles, $5, $8 $10, and up. ONE NATTY made of the faShionable stripe covert, hip-length, are to he close-fitting, cut on correct lines, man-tailored collar styl CPR. { R which will be divisional i ¥\ and revers, lap are Wilkie, Wynard and] pockets, ish 1 00 sleeve with cuff - - ANUVTHER PRETTY MODEL is made of plain covert, smooth fitting, self. strapping extended shoulder, lined throuch- coma rs havel out, very a el 10. 00 they it can be | in style, and will do their duty ¢ Dav id M. Spe nce, finish considerable solid we nl The Leading ! Millinery and Mantle Store, renew | to a BRR trotter, at to! clams i STYLE is months. | Fifty-one town western | Stes' in the provinces placed on the mar ket mer, by we company this um wiree ol points Fhes Chithe A part ed thr 320 Barnardo boys pass mnireal Tuesday for the he Peter- | They up | they landed on from Es In and Toronto. came Halitax, the Dominion line. That Sunday liquor selling will have | the lecision the | boro where were by Ji ot pr con i fn pi to be stopped Montreal at the There i Erie, 1s GY License arrived and believe HHL 3 done if police Fo po ro se i RE the vicinity of the Pelee likely, hows that | warm wea will | short | in it ing Lake Passag: wer, the change is prey Sher BRR conditions within ¢ Albany illette from M i message Mrs. | aorted, Olse uno a re review carefully How Much Do You Wish to Pay for a Spring Suit? $15 to $35 is the Fit- Reform range of prices. $15 marks the lowest --and $35 marks the highest--that any man should pay. Five Reform Suits at $15 mean reliable fabrics, handsome patterns perfect fit and absolutely & St. Paul correct styles.. Fit-Reform Cone Ga ay 73 109) Suits at $35 are the finest that Lol. Fuel lst Fit-Reform makes --and that means | Distilters the finest in Canada. Kans No matter what price you pay, the Fit-Reform "trademark guarantees satisfaction. 312 ; Til-Felorm CRAWFORD & WALSH | Louisville Sole Agents for Kingston. . NEW YORK STUCKS. | Prices Furnished By F. W. Boschen (Per W. Hector: H. Hume, Manager.) ! March 21 Stocks Opening. Amal, oe Amat Am. Sue. Refin | Am Smite. & Re Foundry Anaconda Min. Co Atehes. Top. &8t { Balti, & Ohio { Brooklyn R. Central Leather Pa Ww cake & & NW Copier com Loe He Chieago G Ches J Chis Ohio a Iron Hudson. Ry., pid Fexas Texas & Ne Paciti P&S Om pid shville | i | | | { Pacific R. R (as SHIRTS There are reasons why Shirts arc the best sl value ever off -ed to the public erial used. in tuem is made specially The patterns on ail Jooke Shirts are designed, controlled, and registerc.. b us Our colored shirts are made with soft, pleated, and short and stiff hosomis Tooke Shirts are made in a clean up-to- ma for us The Russia, but that it also affects the fupire "of "at wine te Sia on meer. oe (Canada Metal Co.,L date plant where the floors are scrubbed daily--not made in sweat "hops The Neglige Coat Shirt is becoming very popular. It wears longer, looks better, and gives more comfort than any other 7 TOOKE BROTHERS, LIMITED MONTREAL. We Will Continue Our SALE OF FURNITURE 'During March. A few lines of Mission Furniture, suitable for Dens, at special i prices. Plate Racks, regular price, $4.50, for $1.50. Iron Beds, from $2.50 to 25. } Marshall Sanitary and Ostermoor | Combination Buffetts, from 825 to $75. Solid Mahogany Bedroom Furniture, big reduction Parlor Sett, in Solid Mahogany, $1.25 j for $1.00 $85 for $75, 3-Pieces Mahogany Sett, from $25 to $45, at R. Jd REID, £30 Princess street. PIG METAL Mp are lendquartess, Mattresses, at Sale Prices, Moga. 577. _--- --- Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc. Send us your inquiries. 31 WILLIAM ST. 9 TORONTO, ONT