7 YAGE EIGHT i THE 5 P.MLEDITION AN IMMENSE CORTEGE SIGNALLING AT BANQUET. {A Jolly Affair Held Saturday, Zvening. € , a very pleas- met Congress hall, being a ban uet McGowan, LW.O. the of the turday ering ven y occasion Maj structor Lhe ~ergt Furs Agdis Tanto EXCLUSIVELY HIGH- i Sass class, its course. The , which Han has been the wy a pleasant gathering «d in gala attire, The ta- i ble itsell was a model of the caterers' art After a most enjoyable supper partaken of, a8 decorat | had been toasts Were lorts of the g appreciation of the Maj, Moliowan during en John McKay Fur Hou, vais das McLelland toast, "The could not well be Jost sight of, 'He's King' and Lieut | King," | and with hn arty ch and |: Jolly Fellow." "The a Trill a replied To REPARE For House- | A very pleasant evening was brought Cleaning Time. to a close with the singing "Auld tart at ycur Furniture and rub it up Lang Syne" and "God the King." And you will le that have such good looking Furniture in the Bouse. Sold in two. sizes, 265 and BO0c. dt is the Grandest ¥er put on the market, SOLD AT a was Save i with Seeking Big Damages. Action has been taken at Water town, NX., to recover $50,000 from the C.P.R. company for the death of Albert B, Perney, killed in railway ac (€ident in Alberta in August, 1907. H; was a brakésman and negligegee is al The company has moved wine held in the federal court N.Y., on the ground that 15 brought Between a resi United States a foe that the accident oc tale, and that the than £2,000 surprxed you leged to have the pat Utica, | the nection dent of the tn corporation, out of the m and Furniture Polish | curred action is for more ¥ W. A. Mitchell's, 3 HARDWARE, trover layan "Moth flake camphor, der camphor and sold at Gibe camphor," moth de cedar camphor, tarine moth proof ons Red Cross Drug for disposed | bags, Wood's the s Phosphoding, Kineaid, traveller The Great Engl flemedy. | James Smart company, has Tontrnn i etethen lof his property in Athens, and is go nervous system, drockville to reside Blood © to Bro kvil : " " ja y Noor, d H. Cunningham, piano tuner from secu! Weakness, Emissions, ia Chickering"s. Leave orders at Mo oo H Fae bret Auleyv's Book Store. eure, per bey b: or mailed in | County Treasurer Morris is ge 2» | ing spoken fos Mai ine Go" of as next conservative candidate in Fronto, On. | North Renfrew, if Mr. Dunlop retires 'Special | Sale Hid Morning, 8.30 O'clock $ .560 Only Black Sateen Underskirts The complete stock of a large manufac- turer, Regular value $1.00, for | o8¢c. EACH. ALL SIZES IN THIS LOT. 1600 Black Sateen Underskirts Comprising the finest and largest assort- ment of New Spring Styles in pleated, flounced and tucked styles, made of ex- cellent quality fast Black Sateen, full stride room in each skirt. Regular values $1.50, .2.00, 2 50, 3.00. YOUR CHOICE FOR 98 c. EACH. "ALL S17 ZES IN THIS LOT. 3 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. | Paul's whi ch S| proposed and replied to, stories told and songs sung, Capt. Mills of the 1th Regiment, made a most cap- able chairman. The toast, "Our Instructor," was | | responded to by the members of the | class, in which all testified to the stron | dergt | tire course. i "The Ladies' | Setgtant fa or | At such a gathering the INCIDENTS or fae DAY, | au--y onaragzaphs 2 Plaked Lup By | IFoLLoweD THE THE REMAINS | Willem Sw bill wn oO OF ALD. JOHN GASKIN, | re Funeral Thi» Afternoon to St. Followed and Watched All | 4 e | Al ' ; | from i street to | themee tg | cortege was one { has passed through | Kingston in years. [nem of the veteran is afternoon the funeral of the late rman the John took family re St. Paul's church, Cataraqui cemetery. of the largest the streets Following the re that ne man, Orangeman and was an immense concourse of the de ceased s fellow citizens, The cortege {left the residence at two o'clock, and jmoved up Princess to We ington, to | Qieen street to St. Paul's church. The casket was borne the hearse six firemen and policemen. W. Richardson, John MeKelvey, R. F. Ellio4, Capt. John Scott, James Bernie (repre _nting the Orangemen), and H. A. Grabam (re- presenting the "Prentice Boys), the honorary pall-bearers. The floral tributes were numerous. They 'included a large wreath and sheaf of wheat from the city council an anchor from the Kingston Reform Association: an anchor from the Kingston officials of the Montreal I'ransportation company: the Kingston Conservative Associa- tion; gu pillow from the Montréal of- ficinls of the Montreal Transportation company; an anchor from L.0.L. No.| a pillow from P.A.P.B.. No from Frontenac County from the Provincial Grand | Kast; a pillow from | St Paul's church; Hon William Harty from the an anchor Martin, and J, white roses, John Melutyre. wreath, Mr. Mes. Richard Waldron; anchor, and Mrs. J, Macdonald; pillow, and Mrs. R, S. Waldron; wreath, Isabelle Waldron: cut flowers, Paddon: calla lilies, Mr James Gowdey; pink roses, Captain aml Mrs. Robert Fraser; anchor, Mr. and Mrs. H, W. Richardson: anchor, R. J. Elliott; sheaf, Mr. and Mrs. F 3. Mearns, 'T'oronto; sheaf, Mrs, Gas fin and daughter, Jean: cross, Dr. aud Mrs, W. W. Sands und John and thomas Gaskin, ent towers, 'Thomas Powers. The order follows : City 'ouncil, ejty Orangemen: R, tor in carriage two carriages lowers; Nonosery pall-bearers; hearse, with four police constables aud - two fimmen on either as bearers, mourners including deceased's brother, Ihomas Gaskin, and his two sons, lohn and Thomas, also other r.la tives, citizens in general, carriages. The Orangemen and "Prentice Boys instead of wearing their full regalia, wore on the left arm a band of crepe, tied with orange ribbon, thyg present. ing a ynitorm appearance, The Masters' and Mates' Associ members, to the number of fifty, also in the Among the Or angemen were a number from the var- ious county lodges The merchants were largely represented Among the clergymen noticed were Rev. Dr Mackie, of St Andrew's church, and Canon Starr, St. George's cathe dral:. Theve about fifty carriages, The route of the funeral was crowd ed with people. On arriving at- St Paul's church, the casket wad carried into the sacred edifice, where the de- ceased had worshipped. for many years, and taken to the chancel. The | ¢hurch was crowded to Reév"W. F. Fitzgerald. the ducted an impressive service. choir was present After the service, carried: forth, and i to 352; wreath L.; a star ( Ontario the ladies of wreath from M.P.. 'a sheaf Wrecking Laptains Murray, phy ; Donald a from | James Mur company Charles Jaseph Miss Nis and Mrs of the police oflicinls, J. Reid, cortege was as and firemen, city Prentice Moye, funeral direc side ation were cortege. very of wore sO vicar, ton were again remains cortege the the Division street, street A large number accom-] panied the remains "wagui ceme- tery, where the rites of the Orance or- der were conducted by Past Master Berney. ; to ross o { Reform President's Tribute. The following letter was sent to the family of the late Ald. Gaskin by J McD. Mowat, president of the hing ston Reform Association : "Please accept my sincere sympathy in the lose that you have sustained. It is not a private merely, but a pub- lie loss, as the city of Kingston had no better, more patriotic, more un- solfishly devoted) citizen than, the late John Gaskin. As president of the Kingston Reform Association 1 have been depvted to attend the funeral this afternoon, to represent that body and indicate its respect for an oppon- ent who fought us more strengously perkaps than almost any one efee in the city, but who always fought us fairly and bore no ilFwill when the fight was over." A message of sympathy was also re- ceived from the Kingston Old Boys' Association of Toronto, Masters' And Mates' Condolence. At a special meeting of the Masters' and Mates' Association, held last night, the seeretary was instrucjed to forward a letter' of condolence to the Jataily of the late Captain John Gas kin, who Was an honored of the assceintion. The members also des cided to attend the funeral in a body. A Catholic Tribute. The Canadian Freeman pays this tribute to the late Ald. John Gaskin: "He was respected in life and honor od in death, and as he was loved hy those Who knew him more ya so is deeply mourned by his - low-citizens to-day in Kingston. ot Church--Thousands'} Thousands | Along the Route. | place : on Untarwo | and | The of | alderman, mar- | churchman | by | Ald. | were | wreath from | ib | Donnelly { Mr. | with | the doors. { moved on, proceeding up Queen street | and then up Prin- | league | | received at McAuley's, "Phone 77! { The Kingston Automobile wen admitted to membersh ip Ontario Motor League. "Protect your furs.' jers and prevéntatives are Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. 230 mn Moth destrow® all fresh at "Phone 'Mediaeval His tory in t Schools," by Dr. Lavell, dean of faculty of education in Queen's Uni- | versity, is one of the addresses at the Educational Associa- he Hi i | coming Ontaris tion. The genuine sulphur, cream tartar, [and molassed is sold only at Gibson's Red Croxs Drug Store. Beware: | worthless , imitations. { Another interesting lecture was add season's series at the Cana- | dian Military Institute, Toronto, on | Monday night z by Lieut.-Col. | Thornton Taylor, commandant of i | Royal Me litary College. He chose as his subject, "Ihe Seven Weeks' War in | | 1568," of {ed to the epi 5 "POLICE WORE IN BIG CITY. | Sergt. Snodden Visits the Courts | in Liverpool. | While taking in the sights in Liver- | Wh Sergt. Snodden, of the lo al | | police force, who has just retuned | {from a trip abroad, was given | opportunity of attending court | sions in that great metropolis, and he was very much impressed with the | way business was carried on. The | sergeant says that the cases were dis- {posed of in fine order, and he has {great praise for the work of all the court officials. Some two hundred ! cases, includibhgy many for drunke nness | and theft, were on the docket in one | | court, and he says that it is most | | surprising to see the way in which | | they were disposed of, the system in '| being such as to dispose i each case very quickly. Kingston 's-sergéant was most cour- | | teously received by all the guardians |of the law there, and he came back f beimful of good "pointers" on police | | { | Vogue . -- | Four Days Of Genuine 15 nice large nutmegs for Que 1de. bottle Worcestershire sguce, | | Be. | One i0e. tin Durham mustard, 2 lbs. pure lard, 25, 4 Ibs. pure cornstarch, Two 1 1b. tins of finest baking pow- der, : Oue Bargains. | he. 2c. t { | Ih. best cocoanut, 20e. 7 Ib. pails jam, 35. | EET «Ue. Japan, black, or mixed | ¢ { tea, 2c. 1 1b. pure 40c. Java cofiee, Choice print butter, 30c, la h., Wednesday, Thursday, land Saturday only, -Mullin's cery. 25¢ and | Friday gro-| | tected Ready To Locate. Windsor, Ont. March 24.--As the first fruits of the illustrated booklet, published some time nga by the Windsor board of trade, half a dozen United States concerns, which pPropos- ed to establish branches in Canada al-{ | ready have written to the hoard { the city elerk enquiring what induce | ments the eity has to offer. It is de- finitely announced that the Mississippi | { Pear! Button company will open up | a branch factory here in the near fu-| ture. The company's headquarters are [in Burlington, Iowa. | | | or Began Using Ice Boats. | The Cape Vincent company | was forced to resort to the ice boats, | { to-day, to cross the American! chan nel. The boats did not brea through. at any point, and were pulled | with horses, but the ice was not strong enough to carry the | The stage was used be- | city, and | to in Stage over quite heavy sleighs, tween Wolfe Island and the the drivers report the ice goed condition: be but the surface is still quite solid. } To Form Baseball League. i is quite likely that a baseball will be formed shortly, with | | teams from the same towns as enter St. Lawrence Hotkey League could lhe formed un | to embrace] It od the If such a league {der good management, Brockville, Gananoque, Kingston, Na-| panee and Deseronto, it would be good thing for all the towns on line, and it is to he hoped that will go through without a hitch, { the it Death Of A Brother. Joseph F. of A. W. Burtch, 451 Division street, | died at his home in Boston, Mass Bi on Fab. 17th, aged fity ou years. He! owned an orange grove Tampa, | Florida. Darias Burtch, father, | who left here some aged eighty-eight, is lying very Albany, N.Y., and not expected to re cover. Nix Elected Its Officers Last evening - the junior Woman's Auxiliary of St. James' church held its annual meeting for the election of officers, which resulted : Superinten- dant, Miss Etta Kirkpatrick; presi- dent, - Miss M. MaeMorine; secretary, Miss Mabel Selby; treasurer, Miss Bes- sie Comer; delegate, Miss Annie Wil mot, | The Mulloy Case. Toronto Globe, Information has heen recvived that Mr. Mulloy is on his way back to Canada on the Mauretania. and that no final decision should be come to in the inatter of the fund until Sir Sand. ford Fleming and his other Canadian friends have had the opportunity of consulting with lim, ------ Corporation Men Busv. The tild weath of to-day ecnused the water to run . ary freely, and the corporation "men. had a busy tire looking after the drainage. The men repori that they hawe had very little trouble with sewers boing blocked up and jew complaints Rave been made. Club "has the | | pawn » { worth about { work in the | accept i : ring for { wards are {tal wreck oc lo'elock, ed by [ sev eral | was addressed by { did not | of the | entered | telmen There are two or three a The full | inches of water on it in some plates, | | beside {and the known. {to buy alts Burtch, voungest brother two years ago, | ill at] Xo " MCCEPTED A NG] 'A DET ECTIVE | MAY LOSE HIS JOB THEREBY. Post Gave the Token to the | Officer in View of His Work in a Murder Case--The Detective's Opinion. Mich, Match 24 dent in counection with the Percy Bowin, the Canadian boy, | on trial here fur the alleged murder of { Mrs. Welch, for hee money, may {the retirement of Capt. James Me { Donnell, chief of the Detroit detective { bureau. After Bowin apprehend jed in Ontario and here, {C harles Post, a4 son of Mrs. Welch {came here to see him. Post had ticket covering a diamond ring 8250, which Mrs. Welsh had pawned for 360. McDonnell want led to buy this ring g, but the latter was so well pleased with MeDonnell's case that he asked him to ticket as a present. and redecmed the presse; is or Ie turned over as no oft --~An inci of | now | Detroit, arrest cause was brought a Smart spyles , new cloths, a¥'prices vou will find moderate. the pawn McDonnell' did so, 260. Such supposed to be $5.00, 6.50, 10.00. up to to the police pension fund cer i= permittdd to accept them, under McDonnell says he did not matter came within the department. the rules. the the believe | rules of The Boycott Growing. Hong Kong, March 21.--The boycott crusade is growing stuck on all the Japanese are The Chinese love the people The Chinese will boycott of the Ja and can gee anni within a Javan En walls, par ese velopes are | re ading "The barous humbug | men ! not does are a govern who now weeping a bloody immediately is expected { cause pancse hilation few years. which Seven Persons Killed. Farrodshurg, Ky March 24 curred on the Queen north of Burg Pridg about oe being o« A fa andl Right up to March 21 in style, at prices less than you ex- pect. Come and see these even if not ready to buy, ~ rescent, two miles just south of High this mornin, nsion a head-on collision between a south-bound freight passenger. traan reported killed both envines and Seven through a | north-bound | people others many and are injured, and cars demolished. $12.95 D0. The Propaganda Unfitting. Lp to Hamilton, Ont., March 21.1 here was another meeting of the unemploy ed on the market, this morning, which Lockart M. Gordin Socialist Society, and others of The unemployed apparently take kindly to the principles society, and it was remarkod the socialist propaganda would secure food' for them in their dis- a9 thier NEW SPRING SKIRTS In Violes, Panamas, Chiffon Venetians will he kind, of t his that not tress, pet Pierced Bael. Ont., March twenty-four years and married, is in St Vincent Paul hospital with a huliet his back. He was handling a rifle, last night, not knowing the weapon to he loaded, whengt went off. The bullet Fetferley's body under the arm and the clos back. he cannot 2. --Roy of age, De Brockville, Fetterly, mn j rig rht lodged in mu of the recover, It is feared Will Pay High License. Peterboro, Ont. March 24 Havelock have decide proceedir to quas) by recent! The action to to be based watches not of drop the high license that town by-law was | ground that the officers were law of turm Hw tandard time Duke Of Devonshire Dead. Ma 21. --The Duke is 1 at Cannes, France Many new designs. other firms here, $3.00 see with no to $13.75. you London, shire ( evan ian was found Teulon, Man. returned ver parties ines," It pas 's Red Cross there of +« G trail near Coroners jury of mary » The body li the a fict gains un Yon may choose any Suit, Coat or Skirt or all three and have them placed aside until required if not ready to buy now, Only Come Early To take full advantage of this offer, as many of the New Suits and Coats we c an- not possibly duplicate later 0 "Spring hlood ie them Store, 230 mi at Al Labaor Drug fresh "Phone wavs REPAIRING OR RESETTING Of valuable rings is neces- sary after much wear, other- wise a costly jewel is likely | to be lost. Our workmen are skilled in the setting of diamonds and other precious stomes, and We can promise you first- class work, at reasonable prices. Engraving, desigming and manufacturing a special feature of our business. Spaagenberg JEWELLER Diamond Merchant. English Boots Made on American Lasts and Patterns We induced an English manufacturer to make us up a lot of Gent's Gennine English Tanned Box Calf Blucher Cut Lace Boots on up-to-date Ameri- can Lasts and Goodyear Welted Soles, They are here, and to introduce them have marked at the low price of $3.50 A Pair. he Toochett Shoe Store. Pearsall's Millinery Call in and see the Dressy Hats we are showing this week. The BEAUTY of STYLE and MATERIAL, PERFEFT in DESIGN, speak for themselves. We 'will be pleased to show yeu them. We advise making your selection early as Bogeibla. 0 Sesenstategasess