A A PR | Che Pail) 1 rit a EAR 75--NO. 72. _ BINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MaxCH 25, 1908. ; _LASY EDITION nt aj a ¥ ote . bn re ba UNIQUE DETALR OF DUTY Prom OF THE -- psi or Probabilities of the aur The an Is Being Done By Enaitieer of U. | The Very Latest Culled From All '} Toronto, Ont 2 ment. of He returns in the hot of Bo ~ ' - omens caused a scene d ey i Ove Tha Wand ? DN March 25, Ottawa Lane atre, in ndon, was st excitement. 'There were unior | Phir iA lv destroyed by Bro carly} Cif . Valley and Up- -- ! Sn---- * shouts demanding tha thw rn 2 mandi t i ER, 3 Wednesday morning. Be per St. Lawrence { ment resi gn. In the general election A 3 To Obviate the Immigration i 1900 Goddard Clark, ier), cor. /A Korean Admits He Shot! | : , he Be Made In The Ontario, he Contest, Tou - in the reichatagl] (10a. m.)--Fine Difficulties. Folia a G. Stevens. " -. h Constituencies ---- have consented to return) | "2 and cold to-day. | Banbury, unionist, by 5903 | to work T 4, a majority of 2,33 i f Y : y j « 3 | vy k In an attempt to ruin' Pasquale! bursday, Strong Keir Hardy, the leade i i x { a, np or 2 4 Patia, an Italian banker in New southerly winds, | ciatist labor party, in the commons i : cad . 2 COMING EN CANADA ia rebum loom his world sn sand THE CAUSE OF |] | he ts SOME 38 UNGHANGED fos o hi k Hand men engineered {with snow, turning to raie. turn from his worl NR . 2 a pan rerun rom lu rid trip, sai ! : J. WI Burton, Port Hope, collec RYerera ere g es he would not réecomme send anad for hain Ltor s 8 sr A nd w ! Canada 4 } - of customs, ha etired and ul | an emigrant as the country was be ing | a pension of $540 a year W. 8 & on i a = eloped too fast and the land sys | fi J MR. WHITNEY OUTLINE {2 A COMMISSIONER FROM THE | olored too fast and cognicy. He CHANG IS READY T0 DIE As | [ : : . roo D PRO- fgictcher will likely swooped him. BRITISH GOVERNMENT. {fond "overy 'encouragement for the fy | MARTYR. a PECTS ORE COMMITTEE. | A woman masquers ling as the | {tire of socialism in all the countri 2 ' { "Countess of Monteil, and now ' 1 un es | | MN | but especially in Canada. In the west! i 5 | Ottawa to Be Cut in Two--Bur- | harged with 1 thidt yf - Smoly fd a or . . Jar} Ie . | : ES ote of, has on ests ie among the ie ie he declared so-| Says Stevens Was Responsible ; i } ford to Be Taken Out of drant of in Paris i € 10 rea Iv ® ony o n i » k lism areas af a strong grip. | For Much Bloodshed and Be- _-- --List of Unchanged Constitu-{ In Havana the Miguelistas have un Asking Protection As British | In another interview Weir Hardy said | : : TR p } trayed His Trust--Claims the : . encies. janimously nominated Gen. Jose Mi Sublests--Wired to John! that in the dominion he found little | . g . | ruet E 16 talk for the empire, there was Koreans Are Not Happy. | : Toronto, March 25.--The detai | guel Gomez and Gen. Eusebio Fernan Morley From Vancouver. il pire, there was al | i i oronto, Arch =n.-the cetails ofl do; for president and vi e-president re i : vay¥ Canada for the Canadians. I San Francisco March 25.1. W 4 ; the proposed change in the old On pectivel of Cuba sondon, March s a result of | ttm, L¢ hag thi Kore | "wl ; : "x onstituencies were sul ed Po : , the rean who shot Ww 1 : | tario constituencies were submitted hy Because the Washin Te " x ronosrehi ors A { 3 of ¥ 79 8 glon government ! the representations regarding Hit du | MORMONS FLOCK IN. {| Otevens, diplomatic attache of the 3 2» the Hon. Mr. Whitney to the special | doesn't wish the vovage of its battle Imtigrhtion into British Columbia : | Koréain government, has made a writ. committee of the legislature which is ship squadron to be further dolaved made at the colonial office, recently, | win Probably Soon Have Separ-|ten statement from which the follow considering the redistribution bill. The] Great Britain has = not asked the ay al aie {bing Canadian g puty ate Schools. jing extracts are taken | COL. CHARLES S. BROMWILL | committee also passed a list of twenty. | squadron to visit any of het ports minister of labor, it is probable that p : g a "This day 1 shot Stevens. I shot! Col Charles 3. Bromiwell of the | five constituencies, which will remain; { th M Sllette. the | & a special commissioner will be sent ardston, Alb., March 25.--A very ik h ; | engine f: the U i 8 | unchanged | I fifty-eight 1 : : is i ah me. Cuilatte, the over to Canada for the purpose {| heavy movement of Mormons fram |. "0 Pecause he was the main factor | eugieer corps of He hited States unchanged. BB viaeeigll NGINES | wife of a merchant, arrested in Hayti, ¥ the ta " a y hilieiteics Utah is in progress to. this section. | the Japanese reign of bloodshed | army, is now en ged Wa unique de- fave been passed unaltered. The prime on March 13th, on the charee of brib. | 3 a_i I . oy y - a the population of the town being {and oppression in Korea, and because | toil of duty and one which frequently | minister announced that Ottawa Will ling soldiers, died in prison from the | my ie lines ol least resistant h , 0 1 eng - % o PRE d ; tt} brings hi conspicuously to ( « a John Marley Socr v of state for | temporarily doubled: and all accom he, a th head and adviser of the | bring m ns ously t pabli be divided practically by the Rideau effects of tortures inflicted upon her ¥ The Terms Will Be Along the Lines of Least Resistance--Hindus! India, receiver a telegram from the, madation exhausted. -. The soason's | TERME Pig 18 responsible for the deaths Bt tol bromed] heen Se sana). : diote ve } " It is charged that she was outraged | British = Indians oR at Vanco | thok from. Utah promises to assume of u- athers, mothers and brothdvs H 3 ol 4 i hate 0 3 3 i ; ¥ 4 ng Fay ge a and kept in chains during her im ver, asking for prot tion a British [Proportions of an invasion, and it is | Ora 5 , d ol W, . ! (On Be et and ou hn i To Bice, ASL prisonment : J : subjects. and he annouice in the | threatened that shortly there will be Stevens is the adviser of the Kor Dosition i ontribts { ol ihe: f Wer eo gin, 3 £ Mand, East and] United States Senator 8. B. Fran Housy of Common esterd after. | more Mormons north than south of 7 Soverument, - paid the . Korean ative. fort of of the or yl t's La i a ¥ at a Le Lambton, | chot, Niagara Falls, N.Y., died in noon. Abat tha b fi ary and) r: Prlornational Rounders Tre oo government, but Ww working for Th un he 2 She J i 8 Lineo . 1 oie . arth ane ", outh| Montreal, on Tuesday, where he had the colonial office tesaplated cent . Fe however industiions. acd) he interests of wn and t | tha A nit i i RB out ) rapes, erth, East, Centre anc est Simcoe, | gone to have an operation Senator ing nn RY to the anadian govern. | good witizens, and very welcome. ex | those of 'the natior ; ke { ahi h Oncle Sam Jann) TI be East, Noreen, Guth nd Want Faron: Franchot, Liteon years ago, was one ment in the hope of bringing to anlcept for their peeulinr religious views Jim as an Ameri PF Justh andi 5 out fhe positic is the uy, : ast and est ellington | of the best known mining men in this| end, it possible od extremely diffi likely several Mormon separate good rule He : endeavored » ich. was formerly held Gen si Boa fav part of Canada. For a long time he enlt, intricate ossibly dangerous | sch will. 'he established in: south-1 2xe the peo e United States | 1} a wh i he en. n ) rant county 3 ur ord is simply! lived in Buckingham, Que. aituation."' 3 torn Alberta this | of America hy lieve that the Japaness I i cerulotam Ricaccii pe X trans erred from outh to North{ The London couneil has established The most keenly-fought bye-election| st ---- | protection of Korea 'was the } spice vis administr tha on Brant In Hastings county there are!trades scholarships for boys They for the present parliament, which was | | thing for that nation in the \ " Now York on to be three constituencies, as in theyre intengled to offer boys of thirteen At The Police Court. and will be so in the future. \ i AW oid oh ty 0 past, but Huntingdon township is| or fourteen years of age opnortani : Et iets as Miltary aid to | taken from the north riding and plac-| ties for technical instruction which will | necessitated through the death of ! I I that the Kor 1 | : . : ai he sai \ e an people Charles Goddard ( Tlarke member for! Charle McConville, arrested y A) 3 ! orean peoy > | happy under Japanese rule. So ed in the Kast Fhe county of Hur-| qualify them to become skilled labor. | on is to be divided into north, eentrelers. I hey include scholarships in en Heckhum, a district in Loudon, south | drunkenness, was the only offender and south ridings, instead of east, gineering, building, wood carving sil 1 centre and west. versmithing, printing, leather work of the Thames, resulted, yesterday, in| the police court, this morning Ie Hil : k 1 . } srent victor for the unionists, | wa ent down for a month. McCon- | . receptions fren \ GB a grea lary " id 4 o warning to others who take his place ' Juced One \ vig Ss 10 y =i aq : to rule justly and deal with the peo- not the § | The only change in the three divis- and gardening, ov. £ Hi whose candidate, 8, ( Gooch, was|vi'le was arrested by Constable Me de ty of well over two] Adoo. i . elected hy a majarity of well over two | Ado a lé in his care with Riaduness and hu aa lions of Middlesex are that Metealf thousand. Yesterday's contest een housand ) manity. 1 will make no complaint te | township and the town of Strathroy l " treed largely in the government. licen > 3 x = the punishment that will be meted | | are taken from the west riding and ne ess Goods ars more y wii ) large | | [ g } ) joods a more Sing hill and the Sonversion of A -- Co A H PAR IAM \ {out to me, and should my aet aid my 0 A | plac «dl in the north. Lobo towns ship i ea he ' 4 iE TIecY 4 SouAEY in struggles for free jom | 18 taken from the north and placed in ol) 40 ubmhow od Be wall die nobly and well, . 1 shot \ | the west. checks and plaids in the deep rich DAILY MEMORANDA. idan | Lom tusget and Loather Browns Board' of Works , 4 p.m., Thursday. CALLING ATTENTION TO ens, and I wish i die. *livevenri si Smpengnsy] tpt Sort ursteriand a ne youl: | THETOWN OF GJ GANANOQUE | in the hn rah $a ot Mo i and Masters' and Mates' Smoker, 8 pan. { Vu L GETS ITS REQUEST i Tans, Blues of Ll y¥ shade Young Liberals Smoker, Whig Hall, & PRESS STATEMENTS. | ! A WEEK AGO. | ohan 1s added to West Northumberland . including Delft an ot pm i | COMMERCIAL . MATTERS. | { having been removed from West Pe : irwens in. tho of tos Opa Sesion , Girls Daskethalld oo opoo ; , { terhoro.. The other Peterboro con-| An Inspector Appointed--Police | in yr ' i Mateh, 'i : Gympasiom Claws | Sir Wilirid Laurier Tells Why New | What is Going on on ™ the Business | Whelan Was Sent to Jail For a stituency, the east, is given the village! Magistrate Soon to Be Named | 9 at the X. wu. Thursday, at 8 mu, Immigration Regulations Were World--The Markets. i Month--People Are Still Leav~|of Lakefield, in. accordance with the ~Erecting Big Residence on! Plai 2 Cl ih ) The am Lions resident and might be termed for his falsehoods. shot' Stavens gengea! anager of social affnirs Vi House. At all the big : the him and I die, it will he a Adwission, 15¢. She snow IR sty faring, ; Draited-House Considering | There is a general strike. called by ing For the Far West. with of the people of that municipal: The rotsins are around, Supplies { the Alaska Branch Western Federation| x ak . ity. Leek Island. . | ) y March 25.--A very { And in George Mills & Company's Yat i ath | aie " . ; Ly v ' 'store ¥rom Our Own Correspondent. {hin a I Toliatsaainte | . wedding was obrated.: oh Wednes- | Th he changes in York county are as Gananoque, At Lans If - eeial favorites too We The new spring styles abound.' Ottawa, March 25.--Dr. Sproule be he pri Ssnrsemen iT Interest] A 18th, at the residence of | follows AH the village of Stoufivillejdowne, on Saturday evening, the St fler 1 delightful rang Worndertond Three Comedy Pictares, | ri i : tia tiing Cy and dividends in the Lt ( States the: bride's aunt. Mi \ a i. | now partly in North and partly in] Lawrence horkes team defeated the colo r TN including "His Sweetheart When A Hoy Ihe [ROR PROCOECINGS by quoting a Lana: oi coed $126.000,000 : tr ince, Miss | Kast York, is to be included in Kast] Ramblers, of. that village, in a Aricky, Twins, and The Jeicens in the | dian Associated ress despatch from | © yy 00 eon 060 000 have been clipped | C8mden East, when her niece, Miss York. So also 3 tos f . y by a keore-of § h { Shel Cloth Aik Lot Ma Write What 1 Never| London to the effect that J. Oted |, POUL iL : Y pedi la Hineh. onl ighter of George | York. So also is the town of North |fast game by a score of % to 4 elma oth, Dared Ta Tell" by Geo. B. Toohey Smith istant mnissiones fim from the value gi the copper st SS. Hite ' : th I iy l'oronto, which was formerly in West | Mis Edith Rogers Stone Lt ' 3 , assista « $80 o hy A icles lirich, ' o oly | € } i , migration » of I ondon. had stat} wl there is a decided contra 2 A nds of oti o' Dr. Yourex | York. Cardwell, ¢ rde-up" eonstitu- | held an organ recital for the pupils of Queen s Cloth, y wad ste I I 4 if mat v to ourex, | WHIG TELEPHONES. ay 4 ' a i ar t i that | ividends and vield to v y ' oan Dowdell. Selby | eney, will remain y we town-| her chuss at her home, Monday even-| Panamas , e course of ¢ nterview th ; . » . owilell, Selby, gt . : 243 Business Office, it A 1 th tent an : f the depart the Coppers compared w L tind 4 niet ii i at <1 il ships now in it, namely will, x ' 229--~Editorial Rooms. is 'not the intention of the depart-|, ! knot a hour off Xe ha is , : he. dentition snubints B02 obling Department. " meat {o. keep. gut of Canada, any but | "G,. sor Criggenhelm. ' # of "honeymoon the aver r, he Foon hak ¢ putat apy po d by Sedan Broadcloth, Legul Forms, all kinds, at Whig. tha las ¢ taranta. : & nh aL Meg : 3 . ' i reside at Queensboro | coeds An irockville have el town council te oronte A Fhe Daily Whi ts clwaye: on Zale ut | the worst class of immigrants and | ve thot prosperity is returning gra: 2 ; - @ a o 0,4 considered tometer. Te proposed ay before the Ontario legislature the Amazon Cloth, very lucrative g | Te Dre . 2 ske y sinister of s intetid ols ! re nk ) oA the g 1 ¢ | : 8 : Oven ui Jig Tt rene Square fk ? beth p Ne Ph " Smith : had { hs fel hat sho i I ce : t. Cj Gral i ne his nin % ( wT 1 a og the St Dr y t ve \ Shadow Stripe, urrestly Satu the attitude of the forth a ek tad! ted -C arin ; hel of Watertown, ark, Grey and Ottawa to bé consider elon. aul rocky " bo Map Broadcloths and : Mr Olive IP tod Jag - would has : the Granhv Consolidated mpany w ill us Bn Demis i : Dak h 4g = ------- ni Rock, - has perfor ed its duties andl' Tweeds, 0 De Assumed that £. Smith had | axpend $250 000 in enlarp fit leu ewburuk Whelin ried fo WEAKENED BY TIABIT jas a resu an-.appo intent. has a 3 Viscose Voile, . soted - as wiol tatemen a 3 . © been misquoted as such nn # atement op, ing 'its smelting ple x an A made to locals who will look after does not correctly represent the poli- | prki B.( : hot seit that wav , | Commander-in-Chief Calls Halt in| United States infringem at . A tian Voile etc. ' ' cy of the department 'as to assisted] Ay. uncemont ade the an ' in 3 . lishery laws, and also local infringe | m immigration of which Me, Smith was | ual report of the etherlands- Ameri : hel ph agistral # mn, Smoking Coffin Nails ment of law regarding the 1 of nets JY J speaking. jea Steamship company, operatin H Sia BN then 5 London, March 25.--The growth of No further licenses for netting will be . : Mr. Foster drew. the attention oli Hotand-America--1tint--of ctor thi ys. Lo E {eigarette-smoking--in-the-British-army{ siaitet and those Siow Giefent will Be | the prime minister to the despatch shows that the company earne in | Any : os BEX 11s beginning to disquiet the higher of {discontinued as soon as their term teacy' S from the Pacific const telling of the | 1907 a dividend of cleven ro on 3 ' 8 wilh a [fie ers, whose reports indicate that the | pires The mnewly-appointed inspector If you are doing up Mar- mass meeting of Hindos at which ait capital stock malade, don't forget we have table was framed to. be sent to the] One of the most promi i Hon, Mr. Morley all kinds of ' Mrs J. Doyle will leave, |health of the men is being seriously | will be duly garetied in the course of 3 It lad \ at for Olds. Alt : Mr. Doy le impaired by indulgence _ in this prac- {a few days protesting against) est millers in the United States y : Ms. We i 2 "EY Ly Lice Lieut tren Lirendeil, ec I'he livery business of William Gr rif | i Arnold Wolie has |er-in-chief of the forces in Ireland. has fin, King street, was sold out a : the treatment the Hindug, are receiv-| that the North-Western wl i the west s ing in Canada. He thought the mat-| are bound to decrease hea after | P'urcha Irvine Vanalstine tal ust issued an order to the troops of | turday, under the requirements of Tamblers and Jars ter was excite a great deal of | this week, a belie that the pon IS and started his new#job, ves- [hi command Hing att ion to the | mor ge. It is understood that talk outsigte, Car , and the premier | ernment report of farm reserves was | Morn . a : Vils ol such ex ots a d appealing tor {greater part of ghe stock wa 1 Suitable for that purpose shuld make a clear statement on the! ficursd anvwher from 30.000.000 to re Haw len o-aa | . Sil early action to combat {for Mr. Grillin, and that he will and at the right price. position of the government in. respect | 50,000,000 bushels too high tuo-high | nipeg, aft re w th ) vhat i lually but greatly afiect- { tinue. to the Hindus, : Sir Wilfrid Laurier said the matter | arge residence on Leek Island, which po Jeans and ROBERTSON BROS was easily explained, Immigration WHO WILL PROVIDE IT? 1% to be put up this season Ihe COCHRAN] * { laws provide for the exportaticn of m 1S Pp work of underbrushing and clearing up Roth 100m all updesirable and incapable immi | The Money to Complete tae Insti- | tops Jone late jas t fall ; It is xh t- | widow of this will be at the close « the aged xt grants. Sometime ago it was Found; e Building ; neral Fr 4 tut ason one of the bandsomest resi. |FU™T2 Cetnet however, that various people ~ were| EMPLOYER REMEMBERED | Picton, Ont., March 24.--The town | No ATTEN ES FLUENCE ces among the islands adiacens 10] 4 Mil Ceuta ---- T= leoming' to Canada, not from the HIS FAITHFUL CLERKS | } Hf . vith the an ' | fathers are sill Wirting with th ithe town 51 country of their origin, but from oth: * Yauestion of a en 31, | i 3 { Rath Magnificent Properties For Sale|' ney of 4 ir origin, but from oth: | question of an increased yrant of % BRITISH POLICY. l The. mild 'weather during the. past Bh RINGWOOD, 13 acres beautifully wood | x lo As loun m j U00 to the completion of the new | few days has caused the great snow |For all water from, | Gardens, Walks, ete, | Possible to force the steamship' com«| Lucky Young Men Belong to St.!in.inie lrictit, e. A meeting was t A Towtaune hen Eutagr c. k pf 3 2 B leglate Institute. A m 9 | Chancillor Von Buelow Spoas in 'beaps that lined the streets of the A a -- ae tonch. panies to take wadesirables back to | Catharines--They Succeed to last night, and the motion of Reeve the Reichstag--The Germans '0%n to go down very rapidly. caus 4 San a site in Canada | the land of their birth. In conse | a Fine Drug Business. |W Hiamson to grant 20.000, and F Bi 1 B ing in a great many places a filling | WAKTMAN LAWN, handsome spacious subur | quence mew mogulations were framed | i s ask the county council to! grant the | eel itterly Over Eitish £4 the adineent pellary with Wate: residence : "ds DR few ow, All a Tovaments, out. which provide that immigrants must hh amis m Out. " March "25. --Wordi| balance was turned down. It was de Publicists' Acts. some having as much as three feet is hes his ; va fig od buildings, { & been received hers: anbolnsine th 4 ! | nahas ) % as] and grounds. SWIFT'S REAL] have a through pamage from the | ok i her : os i at ided to send a deputation to ask the! oo yo 0 ox Speaking in the [depth {| euhtythres . ortune o oung v well | Ahan i ' i : . ¥¥'uniural private ATE and Insurance Agency. country ko which hey belong. The] ge reoioriri he Wo He ey S01 county council, now in session, tol. cop oiae yesterday. Chancellor Von| It is understood in town that an or. 4? waeral priv nes . regulatic i hi re heing put} on did pals " Re wo ¥HH0 and Len the umn po Juelow said he regretted his inability | der-in-comncil has been issued appoint | - in force are not directed agains oe | are = on § vote the - balance providiig the | v ut tl § : ring a new police magistrate for : an y " H ¢ 10 o& Five « the contents o MPeror « we aan Hindus any more than other nation: | of the lat IW x Bove, of i tw ork be completed under a commit [Wi Iam' $0 r to oa FS petor anoque. The name of the person ap ROBERT J. REID, harines g i. forms § lam's Jette Gre y. alties i is a § bad hy Jam A : ateer, tou | | teo appointed by the two councils and | First Jord of the © Blitish admiralty pointed has not yet been made public The Leading Undertaker. The second readings of the follow. |orly © gr ' Ro } rt Ny have | the work be done by tender. Thi ® 1 swhich had created such a etir in Eng} {but will be duly gazetted in the course | "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. ing bills were passed : (Mr. Fielding), | j resided in BN Omhelle, N.Y. l0rD eins rather a ndemnation of the!) + s. Mr. Bone and Mr. ( arier | wy " i ac¥ to amend the companies 'pet: (Mr | some year : ' HAI ofl i ' he . 1908 hciency of the army Work has already begun on the | Ra {of a few days. land. Heo said this communication was | . Messrs. Reginald and Elmer Scott, purely private and the assertion that | the { Wellington street, left, during the We carry a completes line of Aylesworth), act to amend the sup- | {have been for many wears in the om- | 1 1 | pl w of James J. Coutant, a drug: | 08 {it was an attempt to influence bi . I 8 w ant, ug Tha ike . . 8 b JA : "I Weddin me court act: (Me. Fishes). ett Rist of that place, whens week ok | "The sowp fathers do not like the |, of policy of Great Britain was | Post ey dps for Cobalt, where they Crosse 'and Blackwell's Stent ng 3 Ace mariang {Inst Saturday. died there Mr. Bone | 908 that the board bas now com absolutely without foundation The lt spend the summer. Mre H J old and : : . | Moore, King street, who has heen | Celebrated ams | art baek asking for £311,000 when in the H 8 ' siness, | P24 18 Fo ... rely defensive charactd « u {Bad acted as manager of the busines { purely of iy { our na «pending a few days with relatives in Peach Plum The hose then resblved itself into | original plang it was estimated that). : ' : ide - {and Mr. Carter as head clerk, and for gig. plans | a, , {val programme in the face of at- | ' | Stationery sommitten to concider supply. but : | the work could be done for $30,000. tempts to impute to us aggressive in} | Kingston, bas returned home. Joho | Damen Greengags tabilities and efforts of the high school their faithful services their late om- fn i noth & > < . : . | Shield i re W « ni : S00 oth ng of public interest was heard. plover: batioenthed them the busts Vrs Philip NM timmon died at her | tentions and piads: toward Great Bri | oD a of Fo bam, whe has hee | Aprieot Gooseberry i i bothe in Milford, on Sunday. She was | tain, cannot be repeated tot often or [1 ng a couple of weeks here with { Cherry Pineapple aged thirty-thie tev. V. H. Emory; | MM sharply." the = prince declared. | {his family, on Charles street, left | Strawherry Raspberry | pastor 'of the First Methodist church, | We desire 0 live'in peace. aul in| "7S afin, 16-day | Black Currant Had Currang Raspberry and Curfant in Cabinets of 50 5 + o) s } Sit y . : . aad ------------------ The benches Were =~ more consvicuous | s ill in the hospital in, Toronto, He Luict with. Great Britain. and = we:| Mo To Torgnto has not been able to take his servie- { therefore, féef bitterly that some Brit- ved . Raspberry and Oooneterry yilations, hy the absence Xathey than the pre ah 5 ster, March U5. ---A large wum-} _ ¢ ARs = y - gh Ta i i - $y TR Stra wh 3 sorice of oetupants, Sanyst har 5A | W ¥ | os for two Sundays, but his condition | publicists should continue to talk Hugh Tavior, teller : the local Strawherry snd Gooseberry ; rm | hex attond he dance 8 . Ryan's | i now reported invorable, He will | the 'German danger. especially | branch of the Standard bank, bas Pitwapple and Apricot y Will Build Walk Of Teeth. jon the 17th. Patrick Egan lost 3} likely be home the end of the wiek. | when Girent Britain always has had a | been moved to Toronto, and will Quisce Marmalade, i Altoona, Pa. March 95.«A walk of | fine three-year old colt. Mise Minnie! "There are ww number of cases of {fleet several times sifonger than onrs| {leave in the coarse of a day or two | R & The opposition continued {ts ob } i The Celobrated Faton-- struction tactics and kept the house | 87d the building in which it is lorat i i 'Buarlbut manufactures, doing nothing 4ill a very late hour. |®% valued in all at $140,000. Sangster Statements. The latest and neat. teeth is to be built around the novel | Barrett spent a few days with friedds | small-pox in the county. Oge ease in ini: : to take up bis new duties. Capt. Tay est in wedding station. new home of Nr. John Rinse, 1 Bal | in Kihgston. Visitors : Mr. and| she heart of the lig Broom: | "1 other nationd also have mote {© will oo a great lobe to the Teh! ory. . Other Jintw as belly The doctor has boon savieg ap | Mrs. T. Young, at James Connor's field. A case has developed in the vil-! Regiment, as he has always been one * Wells Neatly printed - Hl the sehe-producers he has extracted | Cole Lake; tyeorge Murphy. Westport, | lage of Hillier and being opposite the | jof the mest popular officers, i Importers Of Fine Groceries. » Tee for the past twenty years, and he has | 81 John Daley's: J. P Barns, at M.| school house the trustees have desm-| Jastios Clement gave judgment, nt! ; A rT a big stock of them on hand at the | O'Connor's, Cole Lake; Misses Ellen it wise to close the school for al Vancouver, finding the minion orde | TWO MONTHY SALE 5 {present time. Te never knew exactly | Benyon and Jessie Cameron, Niog-{ime J is thought the cases came | in-council, under which several Hindus | The Liberal Secretary. ou nll kmow that 1 have u bin Btoex t what he would do &ith them until he | ston, at T. Barrett's, 'Godfrey; Joseph fram Trenton. where it is reported | were hold * for deportation. invalid voseph Fournier has been aj pointed (Bt ! Furaivare, ve. ATs, | decided to build a "round houde" for | Murphy, Westport, called on friends) po. are sever] aR ol a wild type. | Hon. Francis Oliver will introduce leg. sectetary of the Kingston Reform As 1 iy ochary, : a a Sweany, Then he concluded to use lash week; I'. Walsh, at Elgmburg: Mr. re lislation to remedy the defect. |socintion, and will enter upon his | 239% of the teeth in the walks Si John Goodheart, at soha any The estate of the late Duke of De new duties about the first of ! 3 : af Murphy's: Edward McAlister ay dares) Willian Radelifl, a Bah sulrject vonshire, covers 156.900 erm, with font. Mr. Fowrnier has awistod iu | The temple vet dissovered, Phomns. Barrett a in Ioared DPertyy- powerful 'navies than we." nr' of. Murph, » . : : in bawcashire 's work on former occa- tdating back 10 2500 BE, bas been me dige; ett : a mob in 1901, hes ju ; Fistor €; W. Cavendish, M.P., oe and is well Steed 1a £1 ibe senrihed in Wisya, Central Baby: . d fo the title and sitates en -- ; fre: wn me