THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1908. : 7 PRUE THRER. -- oe : -- Gold in --22> 1] The People's Forum. Re -------- I Buwiligh I THURSDAY, MARCH 26th. | CONDENSED ADVERTISING WANTED MALE. FOR SALE, | FossssessRIIIISIIIIGS New Musical Mystic Melodrama, RATES YOUNG MAN OF 17 OR 18 YEARS OF IN rs." o i > . i for dry oid Busmess A Mrs."J. H. Hoppes and Miss Cox, First, insertion 1c. a word. Each con- ic J LR al | Johnson street, were joint hostesses sbcutve insertion thereafier half cent al a very enjoyable at home on a word. Minimum caarge for one in- r | nah i? New Idea Ivtective Play. Musica) sertiom, 25¢c. - "N \ r PY Monday afternoon. The cards said A vv CHiris a) on, SALESMEN FOR "AUTO-SIRAY i bo i - G1 Chorus of Pretty Glirls, Quartette of Best band Sprayer made npr from four-thirty to six-thir - | Sing ymedians ' © six-thirty, and Ix inghg Comedia -r automatic | tween those hours some very exciting Den of Real Lions. WANTED-GENERAL, Cavers Bros. Gait {games of euchre were played, Mrs. B | Bajus aad Miss Balfour winning first] Massive Trick Scenic Production 0 FuRCHASE 5 TO Fe WITH 1 s P ri fiizes. Wise £6% looked after the tea| Eyeing 2§c.36c-80c Ngitine dwelling, sear city. Apply McCena, | MRGANIZERS FOR A FRAT] | things, Miss Weir and the Misses Pear-! gots now on Sale. en With Xperience {soll assisting her. The affair was of nn PLAIN SEWING PONE, OF ANY ; ¥ {the most enjovable nature. kind. Cull or write to Ts. Cayless, 2 SATURDAY, MARCH 28th. 834 King street, over Armstrong's. A i Matinee, at 2.30. Eveming, 8.13. ~ jo Qo " a t . Irs, J, F. Sparks, Wellington St..} ou pot company's Production. The | THE: OPPORTUNITY ~TO FURNISH {is getting to be quite her old self, | Distinguished Musical Comedy Success. estiinites on electric work, All kind again as usual, and all her friends of work promptly dove, K..d. Birch, -- - . i a . : 6 * ro' 3 Electrician, 179 Wellington street, : ENCED COOK are very pleased.' Her sister-in lay, oming t e Rye : ." o . he Hotel Cdugrass Mrs. C, P, Johus, of Thornhill, is A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF} ---- rn dlso on the mend, or in reahty is A great big matchless company of yards or cellars, or other 'bagg egege quite mended, so this news of the we | Comedians, | Singers Jind Dangers and "an qerted, Jrices fght. Ap A Sy 00D KITCHEN WOMAN, AT Ch recoveries brings a doubling of plea- | Costume Dist 12 ! te wa Fhe, a Apply 207 gHhith = Bure, {, Matinec, 25¢ ie, 50¢., T6c. ; Children | WANTED, DOWN TOWN, ABOUT 18ST] | "- a ow By ened 1 $50 April. sitting-roow and ons or tea [GENERAL SERVANT. PLAIN COOK | On Tuesday Toronto, Mr. W. D. [a VETINg, SUC... WIC, Pe 50. bedrooms furnished, f 4 y © wodbhiter Apply in evening Eh a 2 Fh 1 t R. WV. Bark Seats now on. sale. . nen Address box . , ! %. F. Harrison, 183 "Wil itasm . + Bon ah Lue Ale 5. aries Or - Street NO. 76 SYDENHAM, SOLID BRICK and Mrs, Barker, was married to Miss | Se. Bec mmf eeeeet een - With extension kitchen, ¥ bed ro v Re renov hot water heating tecent!y Ruby St, John Hepburn, daughter of | cE ESET ED ep the late St. John Hepburn, of the) UPHOLSTERING AND CARPET 3 A MAID, FOR GENERAL WORK. AP ed throughout. Possession 1st A ; 3 © ing, sowing, general FopuHg: by ply in the evening to Miss Fergu- Also pir of good houses N Jamaica. Coustabulary, Kingston, | W ard, 285 Wellington son, 191 King Rat 62 Wellington street. Apply Jamaica. Me. Pense, M.P.P., was one id Siders taken at Drury's Coal afies. Cunningham of the relations at the service. v _- ni " - THE HOUSE OF HITS - v Goon % GENERAL SERVANT, x a >T plain cook. Apply to rs "tiinger SINESS. I'he commandant, staff and gentle- i DRY te EN he SET 105 Alpert St b below Union tis MONEY AND BUSINE Ss at | men cadets of the Royal Military Col- { . way's. Style, price end finish guar- ' OUR POLICIES COVER Mont ar {lege have issued invitations for the | prooran: WEDNESDAY " ? anteed to please. 131 Brock St. building and Sontests that a th | lege h t ogramme WN ESD wud THURS- . | assault-at-arms, which is to come off DAY. : ; Bext to Bibhy's Livery, AGENTS WANTED. Son fay 3 i SA on April Sth, between the hours of ' Sas00 CRAYON : Pe JRTRATT < odin a ta a! rance mp half-pust eight and hall-past ten. "M1; thea CARRIAGES, WAGQONS, , FURNI|M9*20 ; : By dhe -- - - Ly | His Swee t When ture, Pianos, or any artifle for ster. conta irusngs Ho o } Y r i . og a ege, Ly the month, Year, or muy way ' ung he : PIAS 1 ONDO Mr R, V, Rogers, Barrie street, a Boy " ir For further imformation, = i on Insuran oe ; 3 1 asked a few old friends of Mrs. WH. apply to Laturney's Carriage Works, O50. and 892 Princess St, 'Phope, McMurray Kelso to tea this afternoon! "" : . ' i y gsi wich th ? ) on | ' t hiea or i to meet her sister. Mrs. Kelso will The Tricky Twins 153 wens os - 1 security th shortly move from Toronto to Hamil Comedy. holy ck ton. KINGSTONIANS TO KNOW THAT SITUATIONS VACANT. . . Newman and Sprigg's Electric Co'y m-------- -- { "The Princess in the abe iways Tea? 15 do repr Work. Inn AND WOMEN TO LEARN iad - Mrs. RB. Bertram Nelles, of 220 Al | at moment's potice. Estimates fur- ber trade, Gradeates earn bert street, will receive for the first | Vase" . nished for wiring. Beautiful impor eighteen 'dollars - weekly time on 'Tuesday afternoon and even ' ed fixtures a specialty. Fresh Bat. tions Ni oqtin si ing . . : An Archaeological Comed teries and Sparkers on hand Tele a practice ful instru ing, March 3ist, and afterwards on | - phone, 441; 79 Princess street Fe - ue complete course -- -- ogue free oler the third and fourth Tue sdays, | rm , son 1 A t i TARIO CHURCIIMAN, KIN( nr ene hn ein : . . "oe 31 , Toronte The bridge tournament was played | Song Illustrated ARCHITECTS. off at the Armouries, this afternoon, . : THUR Ss 2 ECT, OF- O-LET. | 4 and on Saturday the Badminton "LET ME WRITE WHAT I NEVER ARTH Br Luis, oe Ji OT ts pe 0 ---- reputation and resu towrnament for Major N. A, | PARED TO TELL sung by GEO. B. | -- [TWO FRONT UNPURNIS HED Roe ME ; THAIR Scott's prize will come off "Tou HEY, the piusing Baritone. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- in a private dwelling. Apply a wi - - - v4 chant"s Bank Building, corner Broek Wellingten street. Dr: Loonacd. Jones sailed. on Marchi. J. THEO. BK, Mgr. ond Wellington streets Phone, 212 5th, from New York, for Orizaba, - HENRY P SMITH. ARCHITECT, [STORAGE FOR FURNITL RE, CLEAN as private physician to a New York Princess ete. 'Anchor Building, Market Square. and dr 7. From » ity Storage, 299 gentleman. The party will be = gone 'Phone, 345. Neen a ivssmitissiinies about two months. : {Er , | ~ ol a a GEO; HAMMOND, MGR. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF-l,., | NIVE RSI ry AVE Cor. JOUN MARRIAGE LICENS# . fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug |= ot water furnace, I etn A number of the younger girls met store, corner Princess and lagot & A at McCann's 51 Broek 0, s KPATRICK It streets. Entrance on Bagot street street. phy 8 : * Marriage Licenses. 432 Cla at Mrs. Frederick Brownfield's, on We change TO-DAY. What TO-DAY "Th 608 . { one, . _ Saturday evening, and had a jolly few Why centainly, and 'We change CRUM EY BROS hours of it, Sain FRIDAY, : 0M 18 Y, 1908, NUMBER 158 . -» . "a | Prograimne for TO-DAY, BUSINESS CARDS. Rr A a), BO atl occu; fed hy STRAYED DASA ---- Mrs. J. C. Gwillim, Barrie street, | 1st Subject-- Doings © OF "A Fool,' Lietit.-Col. Hudon, C.M.G., hot water r . ' has asked a few friends tq com d | (Comedy). ELECTRIC CARPET _ CLEANING heattg and modern fmproverwnts. | COLLIE $04 a 1 a el 9 4 an 2nd Subject--""Bobby's I'ratical Jokes, : : } - L he AA) aticad « Pl, i . $e A ol to Armstrong McCormick, 102 «Mundi CABH COUPONS. spend this evening with he, (Comedy). . Sais Os Laying, Festtar : Daly tre 'rirest, of Thomas Mills. 79] ) . - - Ard Subject All For A Flower Milne, 272 Bagot street ol street. ® y S0 (Dramsgtie). Mrs. J. B. Mowat, 150 Johnson | "00 Subject-- Good «© Luck For The ---- A street, will not receive on Thursday, [Coming Year." dor Again this séason. Sth Subject--(Song), ""Wheti 1t's Moo THE SPORT REVIEW, RAPH ULPIT "> - - light On The Prairie, Mary," (Western Mrs. J. 8. R. McCann will receive | gin Supject--WEE CHANGE AGAIN | Y.W.C.A, Girls to Give Exhibi- Unitarian. on Friday of this week, and not again [FRIDAY. 3 chines a wok here tion on Thursday Evening. REV, C. W. CASSON, Monday Wednesdays amd Fridays. . to alts No Higher. "No Tite. The classes of the Y.W.C.A, will put in. =» whibit at the XY. M. C. A Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, Barrie MR. FRA SPEAIGHT"S on an exiul nN AT At Ya 1 » } ns y NK gymnasium on warsday evening. we a never should be a street, has gone down to Ottawa, for | » girls will also Yput on a basketball | nism b en religion and a shott visit, : | Pramatic and Humorous Dicken's Re-| came. Every year these performances | ti Jesus said, the ; Dr. C', K. (larke, who is down from | © ta have drawn large aadiences aud this | made for man, not man for the Si Toronto, is the guest of Profess * DAVID COPPERFIELD one promises to be no exception bath."" Honest, respectful happiness | apfl Mrs. Adam Shortt, King street. will never hurt any body at any tim Miss Aileen Rogers, Gore street, has | City Hall, Thursday, March 26th. Baseball The Talk. God mist want us to be happy, ver been detainéd in Lachine, longer than | Por the benefit of the Limestone ¥oot- Baschall is the onle talk now in | happy sometimes. "That js what' th px pecte or siste ss Grae Club, : she expected, as her sister, Miss Grace {vf lan ww Uglow's, tickets, 25¢., 88¢ spring ere les, and manv teams will | lowers gay to ug, and the sunshine Rogers, has bad a little set back inf soe. . organize for the seagon in a few days. | and the stars. Religion does not right TRADE MARK her recovery from her recent illness. M "Speaight kept his audiemece | [f the hig league is formed there pro- fly wear an austere fa Throug "- - - shaking with laughter the whole time' -- 4 t Ye . ood tear il Ith . he Id Cambridge Daily News mises to be some goo ams an walthy jov she woul . 0 dot . a . , \ wl . GIVES ADDED CHARM TO ff | Yo fies Smith wont back 1c | Simo 20 es |i ecm yt oF oe. "| toe of vita a po, oh 1 omg iS ar BRIE With her : put on a long face when religion "He, lth « od Ac id THE WEARER little Miss Helen MeKav who will | the late Sehator Mclnnes, and Miss A Funny Hockéy Incident. seeks to you. Open your. heart ed { an CCl ent x Yui her wut till Easter. * Muriel -- Macdougall, daughter of the Toronto Stai 3 "Chaucer" Elliott ses rood cher hd mile le F 2 A riends will regret that Miss Helen | [ate Mr. Alan Macdougall, C.E. Oronio. Sig 1 Tren 3 ~ Th I ae am ful Kickpatrick's visit to Miss Macaulay, | "Ald. J. W. Bengough, Toronto, to [ iaieh WG os SE COC vary JEIIest | FEHey: nsurance at Insures set des . ing street," will come to an end to- M Anni . iis nciden e essed during - n own fac " " i he \ rs. Annie R. Matteson, of Chicago. | Kk atol Address, Rev, CW, Casson, at 25! M Aisa weliing Jae anit a ne A tJ MOLL lise Kirkpatrick will leave; "Fo --marringe-- wil take place --some h It ¥. at the Victoria-Ottawa | Beacon sifeet "Boston Mass. "for the] Tha J Re rn Le AN DT § | then, for Toronto, to join Lady Kirk: | (ime during the summer This me ' Mont i th tee" said'lliteratun : . ' of * tie fect figure, while it improves ordinary figures patrick, who is éoming out from Eng ng . mot without Tis ro Home ih Hex real this. winter, sal iterature. "ut of albrecogmitioh, land K- | portant event _ n with : i ¢ Chaucer: ljusting "one of his gol hy J Corset" c 4 . i i | mance: Irs. atieson was porn In| don eurls "My old ond Alf. Smith, id ob4 A De Live Co ato b dhe i pine Julia Wilovishs has returned to { Whithy, and in childhood attended the was playing on the wing for Ottawa, B s a 8, . icton from Napanee. same school as Ald. Bengough. and exactly in the centre of the tinction and comfort, | se y Li 1 ir, v ced 1 Miss M > - " = y Arena right near the rail t a fel Light as air, yet guarant to outlast Miss Meta Dobbs is in town, and is Society in" Ottawa Ia Aittle How and tivo uirls. Pvery time AHN ! wd ordinary corsets, il | the guest s. F 8. Svea Rw aut Ju © gest of Mrs. F. W. Dobbs, Syden- | gutter over the discovery. that, Mr passed them, the fellow leaned far PRICES - $1.00 to $5.00 1 | ham street. Nor G Foster, i. the Quebec t il and shouted "Dirt - Mrs. Fdward Beck hat o { orman r. 8 or ou over the rail and shouted ty - DO! CORSET ? As come up from | p.nk. and Miss Leta Mills, of Lyon | Smit} . W. J. FAIR Montreal to Kingston, on her way to cet. Ottawa, who made an excur- When a game was scored and the ~All lengths, all sizes a . 4 and bo yu all condi- yg will he with Mrs. w.J sion trip to Ogdensburg last oueen's players skated to their places for a days. » University avenue, for a few birthday, ip there and thén mar | new face, Smith had to come in range tions uilt to order THE FRONTENAC . riec sides the contracting parties | of the fellow with the girls, and was . . 4 STC . s O8 IY olin. 1B ¢. Doble, Albert street, [and the witnesses, none of the friends | greeted with 'Dirty Smith.' This kept fl and erected in place on {0A AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY Boo Be Som: Beud fo, a. Mitchell's of either party, knew. of the wedding {up for quite a time, and I wondered short notice ESTABLISHED, 1863 g, happily. o oY four h whe . . . ree hs 360 was or > mend, together with poly on ihe till a few days ago, when the ro- {at Al's" patien The i very President--S8ir Richard C artvrig self. il her- I mance was discovered, and Mr. and | wet that night, in fact it was cover - Money Joaned on ¥ i > - Mrs. Foster ure now receiving the | ed with water, and right in front of | Estimates Furnished erties. Municip ' unty 13 Mrs. M. © oe _- 8 congratulations of their friends. the place where the fellow was sitting R ¢ oFtguges purchased beponi te onsides, o wtoria, mms as 8 yol some inches deep And on eques ny an , 3.( was a jx ne ir P, Aas . hei ta 3 wo has ng in the iy, on " ide IT WAS AMUSING, several feet square. But Smith's time q ' Is. C. McGill, Man: a ng Director p y Ir. an rs. J.B. ove lly came. In this particuldr " Drummond, Welling. wm street tet ventually' ea : pari Bh sLroe But Was ually Bruising to the | puddle the puck got lost, and Alf 8 pe Wengen Zt" Equi wiih 0 5 SE Selby & Youlden, Ltd. J EVER-READVSAFETYRAZOR | ronto by his bank has caused { Blades oie i of TORONTO aused much wo tel t th Skat the fellow, and making a pretence at | 12 Blades $1 complete, quality regret among his friends here. The hoekey match, atthe MLSE] digging for the puck, scooped - up Kingston Foundry. | guaranteed. the Kates oods: Art. Colonel Hodgins, club, on Saturday night, between the a ist ne ar ever : odgins, of Ottawa, spent battery officers and \ a team picked] about four gallons of water rh he STRACHAN'S. he fe { -------- coin the week-end with Col snel and M . 0 tant x adda { Hair Goods Sami les W. BD. Gordoh, Ring street, " T.. from town, was most amusing for the knocks and his Ja ly in ml Te & Pp Pr. J. D. Lafferty, 1 a spectators, and bruising for the play= | *o% Yaa Crenthins 50 were lip Ri. cago, and there is "a call for addi- | xn be at Rawdolpk = Fotel, been 'the guest of his "ha Major r ers. 'The heads of the latter encoun- | and Ag rote away Janphing The tional public links. In fact, the situ i ATTENTION, FIPNACES ingston, on b. Lafferty, t od th tick uite as often s 4 frowd also gave We noOCke: he hn ' Ly i : > at the staff Ai ered the sticks q a ve *" ation is such that the Tribune feports i your furnace needs airing, ff yom MARCH 26TH residence, at the Royal Nilitary Cor pick did. The chief place where the ha. the course at Jackdon Park to be so |Want aky work fons in the way of fot isi crowded that one has to wear hin ; {Water § Heating. or Plumbing, S8 me 8 During this visit we will be lege, for a few days. latter requisite of the game was not - a pot be sent, was between Sporting Notes. guards revepsdfl 10 prevent those con wn, Yniatart ida prompt atustion sed showing the very latest Par \ Mrs. He & and could : un a Fw Yo street, is he em Torrie Earl the goal posts, pot because of any| A new American record for ski Jim ing from bfhind injuring him by step Phone spect and try ad : particular vigilante on the part of thei ing was mate on Sunday by - ohn ping on his hocks abd cutting Lim DAVID HALL, Broek of these crea & Mrs. Edward T: Tony, of Halifax, En apeere hut shiofly from fh 15 Pho, binaed_ the fo ~ a at i Neskke eo ey wit : is gett \ ayers shooting something afte o mall See > Feng J Springheld, Mas. kas been delictol Tahun: Waves Wis, Siar Curin Sorin Rely 5 8 y er Wb fo tel fruits horsell. again way in which Soman drives a mail, 15 Jour, bap i, on nding: » New as the plage for the annual regatta New England Chinese Restagraat situde. She has not vet been very ac- The score ended ope all, ! ¥ To rie he rig -- of ihe National Bowing Asyox 3 King Street, tive, socially, but a few days AZO re- It lian, French No. i, and German. It will be held August 12th ag 154 Open 240i. 1020 amv, to 3 , His ceived with Mrs. OC. W. Dury. The Late Isaac P. Powers. The Tra RL ow in Califor - ms best, lack to get an all rousd Lush in Miss Kathleen MeParland, who is] Watertown, N.Y, March 36--Isanc a / an H's safe to knock 'some men down | Be city Nenls of ail kinds _cfinmhortest part i bh enice. will spend a good | P. Powers, aged ghey twl, president | ©; don Field Rowing means much without surgi the Stier Sioa, | dwciaity. Triiome, "055. RINSE oy a part of the ~ummer in the highlands | of the National Union bank, and § . eo : 3 dug, esi - of Seatiand, whete some friends have many years a leading business man Sr tai lies the ong hr i. Lightening Remedy For Cramps Ww BN A 3 a; shgoting bos. Mr. and Mrs. Ham- [and banker of this city, disd yester-§ fri movement, the delight of pure | S0me People have eramps pretty of m. urray, uctioneer : mond, of Toronto, with whom she ja{ dav. rhythm, which the rowing man is ten, others only now and again. But | 2 DORENWEND €0., of TORONTO. 1 wis Yonge St. now travelling, will sail fof Canadn perfectly justified in claiming must be when you do have them it's a mights { 7 BROCK ST. ' ; Ba: on the 1th of next month. Half Of Town"Gone. experienced to be understood. quick' lief you want, Poldn's Nervi'! Wow Carriages, Cutters, Harness n------ R Mise Agnes Reynolds, after a short | Middleville, Mich., March 25. Nearly "Sporting Life," London, England, | fine is as sure as * death to relieve) ote for wale: : oy , i i sot this "Fommy" Barns' | T8mps in thirty seconds--it's almost| Sale of Horses every Satorday. » . NSANSNNRISEESHR SNe sus esses ssa . : : * i" » > > 2 : > »> ! | : | i Everyone Admires Our New Spring Hats and the Prices are Invariably Pleasing. Such a massing of Millinery loveliness, such a collection of Millinery masterpieces, such - a show- ing of extraordinary beauty. Truly our Millinery Department bas surpassed itself. Nothing ordinary, common-place, stereotyped about these hats. Just as different as they are new, and each a captivating expression of Paris' latest fancy. : : The New Spring Coats : : : While viewing and trying on the hats, don't forget the Spring Coats. They are worth : horough examination. Perfeet fit, style, work- s manship and material, and prices the very lowest ' possible. $5.00, 7.50, 10.00, 12.50, 15.00. he 00000 etecsocccoocacne BESET IYI ESTs eats act sos sos ties reves son, roo 000000000000000000000000000000000 ws 1 thid season -- Pleasure. Sabbath visit to "Mrs. James Yesslio, William | half of the business selion of commenting . upon s street, hits gone home to Brockville. | town was burned today. if book, "Scientific Boxing And Self-De- | instantaneous, just a few drops in in mon tbat --= . Mr. W. B. Skinner, King street, and fence," says that it is well deserving | sweetened. water and the pain 1 Copper, Lead Master Kerr Skinner, have gone to} Lighting his pipe in his cell in the | of notice, because of its genuine and | gone. Bay a bottle 'of Nirvilire "to RES SHORT STop | Tn, Zinc. Bermuda for a trip of several wecks. village jail, kv Doberty, of Mitldle- | breezy sty do, resembling the man him- [day and keep it handy. Nerviline is : LC Ohad ville, xX. accident; it Mo the} weil. 'Tt is a marked departure from | 8 common household nécessity, be ol J L c The engagement is ansounced of i. | mattress of {has i help | the stereotyped phrasing of other cur. | cause it both prevents and. cures URES L OUGHS ine Lil hr ins, i: daigh Wd A hie He was bu ped oe publications." Ta the hook Burne | More pain Killing power in a bottle of ALWAYS P win sr of Mr. and «Mes. ©. " speaks highly of the British spirit of | Nerviline than you can find in anv ' George F r 'of Boston, United Statin flust wil visit ort 4 | other preparations. Test jt today--al! | EERTORRSToTS ESE T0E Beverley Melanes, ¢ "won of {Ch GA Si : ollie sneselingly popilar 4a Chi- Uealery gel] ll Nerviline. A , __