' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1908. shod : Necessities. -------------- Floor Mops, Dish Mops, Hair Brooms, Corn Brooms, Banister Brushes, Feather Dusters, Metal Polishes, Furniture Polish, Stove Polish, Reliable Goods. EDITORIAL NOTES. It is costing Toronto $30,000 to protect the schools, as they should be, against fires. THE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 308 310 King street, Kingston, Ontarig, at $6 per year. iti at 2.30 and 4 o'cltk pm, WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, pub in parts on Monday and Thursday morn- ng at $1 a year. To Vaited States, charge for e has to be made 50c. for Daily; boc, for Weekly. $ AR Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap work; mine improved presses The British Publishing Co., Led. Hon. Mr. Sifton must have struck a sa ». hres Erector. high key of public debate when the house, regardless of party, applanded Daily Whig. him. GREAT FIGHT IN SIGHT. The quashing of the by-law under Toronto will assess the civil ser- vants. Every municipality will do it if the law allows, The Toronto News is very anxious that Mr. Sifton, like the late Sir John Macdonald, should be accepted which the Toronto council proposed to as an essentially patriotic statesman, cut off some thirty-four of the liquor! who is concerned only for the good of licenses Las relieved the situation of | the country. some of its sigein for the time being. | or SE J The matter will now drift along until | Is religion to be a test of one's ap- the next elections, and will then be Poingment. to the civil service? Is the determining issue. The grievance | that the inference to be drawn from against the couneil is that it did not| Pr Sproule's resolution asking for the have a mandate om (he people, and|P®Wes, remuneration and religious that its sudden attack on the license] ?8# of the employees of the senate system was not supported by public| 204 commons ? 3 opinion. It was expected that an Hamilton, as a city, is being in- immediate appeal would be made 1o|yited to go into the street railway the people, as the standing of three | buginess, and the usual prospectus has controllers had been legally assailed. | heen issued for the eed Wo of poli- For the time being this result was | tical economists. Hamilton is am- warded' off by the referee who passed [bitipus, but not in the matter of upon the case. But it is still before municipal ownership. the 'council and on _a technicality the! , = elections may be nullified, There iss The Beld Telephone company has a then, sooner or later, the prospect of |™OPOPOly in most towns and Cities, a great battle royal between th forces fue better that than the tearing up SPIRIT OF THE. PRESS - Question Of Questions. Montreal Herald. A The question now is, when are the | Montreal sehools going to shoot the | chutes ? / { -- | Only A Step. | Huditon Herald. Dr. A. T. Thompson, the independent | member" for the "Yukon, has stepped | into the Borden camp. It was only af step he had to take. An Effective Measure. Hamilton Times. | Chief Justice Hunter, of British Co-| lumbia, declares that the divorce law | of that province is valid, and will do! the business. There may be a career | yet for Dritish Columbia, as the South | Dakota of Canada. i BOVRIL Nothing contains so much concentrated nour- ishment as Bovril. Take some daily. It. will build up your health and materially increase your strength. Gy -- An Old Campaigner. | Belleville Ontario. . { The trouble with Mr. Foster seems to be that every thin Ww hich he EE ------ charges against the or he Detiegeed and E. Crawford had a tooth was himself ' guilty of when in office. | "FOXeN by an opponent's stick. . No wonder that his diatribes are dis-| Capt. Charles Cummings is moving from the village to thé city, where he regard ple. & * arded by the peopl { has secured a good position. William Watts 'has moved to the village, into the house owned by Killa Woodman { The latter has movéd to Watts' farm, on the point, which he bought. W. Raneous had the contract of loading A Canny Scotchman. Montreal Star. 3 . : The leader of the liberal party in Ontario is a Scotchman and saving is Li that i always ular, ) Thorefore a ech Td the ferry steamer with hard heads for bis steps. Let him, says the opposi-| ballast. John Colfar has let for tion, take care of the pounds and shil- | Buffalo to fit out the boat for open- . Miss Sadie Fur lings 'and Pemse will take care of} 08 of navigation. : : himself, long has secured a position with the | Steacy dry goods firm, city. lined up as license reductionists and antireductionists, It will he the fierchst fight that has ever taken place in Toronto, and will be a fight to a finish, ------------ ROOSEVELT AT THE BAT. Announcement has *been made that Mr. Taft will surely be the republicans candidate for the presidency, but Mr Roosevelt is exceedingly busy, and it though he will outline the platform on which the party will go before the people. looks gas had conferences leaders of the senate and congress, and has prepared them for the message he is now writing, It will provide for an amendment to the Sherman trust law, 'for an employers liability law, for concessions to the combinations of labour and eapital, and for a revision of the tariff next vear, At a glange it will be seen that the president has aimed at a conciliation of the masses and even at a concilia- tion of some 8f the classes, which he has considerably hurt with his big stick, The question may follow, Is he doing all this for the benefit of Mr. Taft? © ln Or is he doing a little lobbying on his own account 7 He hag become an expert in the management of men, and has been able to dictate to them in a most remarkable way. They like it, too, and have come to regard Ted- dy as a kind of king whose word is law. | It will not be surprising if Mr, Roosevelt, in developing his plans for the party, incidentally exploits his own plans, and becomes again, des- pite his protests to the contrary, a candidate for a third tern. Why not erown him at once ? -------------------- EMERGENCY DOOR LOCK. In Buffalo the fear of fire has caused the 'school trustees ta go to extreme lengths. These men have excited themselves over the fact that the Collinwood school (at Cleveland) was not accessible from the outside, be- cause the rear door was clased. They decided that rather than assume the responsibility of a similar contingency through the carelessness of anyone, they would hire men whose duty it would be to watch for fires, Fancy the expenditure of $40,000 for the service of a company whose whole employment it is to look out for fires ! These men are in addition to the caretakers, whose office brings them into contact with the furnaces where the fires are most likely to oc éur. 'The Buffalo Times is in sym- pathy with the precautions cenerally which are being taken to guard against fires, but it protests that there is no occasion for becoming panicky. There is something quite as good, and much cheaper, than the watch- men--& Jock which will' open upon gentle pressure agginst the door from the inside. 1t is called the emergency exit door lock for public buildings, fi and has been in use in the United Li A Stated for ¢ years with success. N.C \ 4 ® It opens the doors automatically, and, LL COAL swings them back. Watchmen will a Wi sleep or let up occasionally in their A Ig The president has with the NVIGTUS z } : ati A hoa for well-dressed men. \ Costs enough to Insure a ect shoe, but is as low as a of this character can be sold Seen beside a cheaper shoe, the Qiffer- ence is unmistakable, Men who want appearance, sat- Isfying wear, and solid comfort, should wear the "Invictus Shoe." ~ THE SAWYER SHOE STORE Agents. F. W. BOSGHEN Membier Consolidated Stow Exchange of New York. . STOCKS, BONDS and -- GRAIN Bought asd Sold for Casi or 00 Margin, DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE TON.Y W. HECTOR H. HUME, max. Qlargnos Chambers; Phone, 688, POTATOES IN ANY QUANTITY # Wholesale or Retail. A very choice stock grown in sandy soul, at 3 . + ( A. GLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. I vigilante, and the danger then of fire is as great as ever. By the way the Kineston school aS > jand destroying of the streets by competing iines. What would King- stom look Jike with the poles and ob- struction of another company ? » ---- When Mr. Sifton was a member of the government he was criticised as dominant and dictatorial force. Now he is referred to as a great con- and that with bis withdrawal for the government a good deal of its virility. disappeared. William its structive force, The C.P.R. (for which Sir Van Horn speaks)| is very much against the "All Red Route." But Lord Strathcona is one of its greatest advocates, and he was, and is yet, the most powerful factor in the C.P.R. for company. How do you account that ? A new deal is on with regard to the in England. It is all religious teaching who school question proposed that shall be paid for by the people deserve it, and that the secular schools only shall be state aided. It is a proposition which may be ac- cepted. HARROWSMITH HAPPENINGS. A Budget of News From a "Dry"" Village. Harrewsmith, March 24.--On Tues- day last death called away Mrs. Buck, She had been ailing for some months. She had reached the good old age of eighty-nine years, and could téll of many incidents of the earlier days. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Service, and Rev. Mr. Lid- stone on Thursday in the Methodist church, Harrowsmith. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bradshaw are visiting friends at Brockwiile. Mrs. William Dowker, a one-time resident of this place, returned to her home in Wakopa, Man., on the 28rd, after spending a few weeks with her many friends here. H. Dowker and Miss E. Buck are at, Wesley Martin's, Verona. Miss Pearl McLean is visiting friends near Colebrook. Miss Myrtle Gal- lagher has returned home after spend- ing a few weeks with friends in To- rontd. H. Alport is proving nice ly, the nurse having returned to her home. Mr. MeCarthy, bank manager for 'some time here, has gone to Ban- oroft. Mr. Kennedy has taken his. place. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hart, Cole- brook, are at Mrs. Davidson's. Mr. McLean and Miss Wood are at Mr. Hart's, Colebrook. Marl 'Ward has been offered a position on the C.N.R. train. Edward Jackson, is on the sick list. George Blackhurst has left for Mazl- bank to act as station agent. Miss Lela Gallagher is visiting with her cou- sin, Lucile Gallagher. The stage en route for Kingston makes its semi- weekly trips as usual, in spite of bad roads. Mr. Ludbrook, Verona, has rented Mr. Bolten's house, Miss Nellie Boyce, Belleville, is visiting hey pa« rents, Mr. and Mrs. G, Boyce. Mrs. Lockhart, Svdenham, at Dr, Lock- hart's for some time, has returned to" her home. The Literary Society will hold their social evening at J. B. Cook's on Wednesday evening, which will be the closing for this season. Mrs. Silver, Wilton, and Mrs. Liddle, Kingston, are at D. Buck's. H. Wal- ker and Arthur Guess spent Sunday at Sydenham. A boy has come to stay at B. Botting's. Miss Myrtle Tallon is now at home. Alexander Thompson is home from Cobalt, to stay: Mrs. A. Cowdy, Murvale, at S. Cowdy's. Miss Nellie Stewart, hav: ing spent some time with Miss Ste wart and Mrs. Day, has returned to home in Toronto. Miss Florence Deline entertained a few of her friends on Friday evening. A Man Of Reform. Ottawa Free Press. Hon. Clifiord Sifton, in the course of a splendid speech in thé commons, yesterday, expressed himself in favor of civil service reform. The report of the civil service commission is now in the hands of the government, and it is understood that the commission- ers also recommend some changes in the method of appointment to the ser- vice, INDIGESTION CURED By Dr. Williams' Pink! Pills After Six Doetors Had Failed. That gnawing. pain in the stomach, sometimes shooting up into the chest, often producing a choking sensation in the throat; fierce padus around the heart; a feeling of drowsiness and a distaste for food---that's indigestion. Its vietims are numbered, by the thousands. To them hfe is a. bur den. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done more towards relieving this suf fering than any other medicine, Often they have cured after all other help had failed, as in the case of Willis Herman, of St. Catharines, who says: 'I had been afflicted with indigestion and stomach trouble for years. At times my suffering was almost indes- cribable. Sometimes for whole days I was unable to touch food. 1 dieted and at different times was treated by six doctors, but they did not help me; I only grew worse, For a time | was living ip New York aid while there consulted a specialist but he was un- able to give me any relief. 1 then decided 10 try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and in less than a month | felt sqme relief. I continued their use for ga couple of months longer and gained in weight; my appetite improved; the pains left me and | now feel better than 1 have at'any timé during the past twenty-five years. | will always gladly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to other sufferers, helieving that | what | they will surely do for others they have 'done for me." When you use Dr. Williams' Pills as a blood builder and tofff® you are not experimenting--they have been tried and proved successful in thousands of cases. It is their power to actually make new, rich, red lood that enables them to cure such troubles as anaeimia, indigestion, rheéu matism, Ridney trouble, St. Vitus' dance, partial paralysis and those special ailments of girlhood and wo- manhood tnat cause so much 'miseiy For sale by all medicine dealers or hy mail at 50¢. a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Pink nerve WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. The Island Boys Won Two Hockey Matches. Wolfe lsland, March 23.--On Wed. nesday last the village boys played a hockey team from the city and the score stood 5 to 2 in favor of Islanders. Dr. A. Spankie was time keeper and Frederick Whitmarsh re ferce, Some rough work was e {at the village with stone. George Keyes is filling in his wharf Mrs. R. Bullis is on the sick list. W. L. Al. lison is repairing his store house on the wharf. Mrs. J. Hogan bas a severe attack of grippe. The villagé hockey club went to Cape Vincent Saturday and played the high school boys: the score was 1 to 0 in favor of the islanders. Wilham Cum ming, in the half, the lucky score, S. Briceland sold a team of horses in the city last week and has now purchased the famous stal lion, lately owned by Wallace Mosier Mrs. Kelly has purchased Mrs. Doyle's house in the village, lately occupied by D. Cummins. Alexander Livingston has been fined to the house with rheumatism Mrs. Michael Ryan has her nephew, Owen Dumphy, of the city, engaged to look after the farm. work. Louis Doyle has returned after a six weeks' course in the Kingston dairy school. The English church is undergoing an overhauling on the inside. Captain James Kenny, of the village, will second made oon shortly leave for Port Arthur, where )® the Whalen Co for the moved is engaged with at a salary of $100 a mofith season. William Hawkins has into one of James Covne's houses, It is rumored that a gentleman to the south of the island will take wnto him- self a wife, a village lady, after Lent, Born to Mr. and Mrs. James MeDon ald, a =on. The death of Kdward Bates ocenered at the foot of the Island on Sunday from rheumatism. The deceased was a son-in-law of George Gillespie, who moved here from the United States last week, . Little Boy's And Girl's Dress. We The design for a little boy's suit shown above is adaptable to either woollen or wash materials. The ghove was made of French pique. It has five box plaits in front and five in the back. The sailor collar was of biue pique; having a deep border of the white, with an embroidered star of blue. - The little girl's dress was of white batiste. The skirt is attached to a the phar yoke, which has an embroider scallop as its trimming. A four inch ruffle on theibottom of the skirt gives it a dainty finish. 'One Dose Ask your doctor to tell you, honestly and Jrankly, just what he thinks of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then do as he says. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral R : REVISED FORMULA Often a single dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral at bedtime will completely control the night coughs of children. It is » strong medicine, a doctor's medicine, entirely free from alcohol. Made only for diseases of the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs. Full formula on each label. Alcohol "Free from | 000000000000 OORACCVCACOODOVOTVVVCOVR0VV0000 fl wy Q Q 2 | We're in fine feather for the new season. g Life and animation fill our store, for every- thing is fairly booming with Spring fresh- ness. We've been in constant touch with ihe most noted manufacturers 9! every ine, For weeks the new Spring Wearables have been coming to us almost daily, and we now want you to see-- What We've Prepared For Spring ! We shall call this week our opening week, and, while there will be no sounding of trumpets or pyrotechnic display in front of our doors, a cordial welcome awaits you and we ask that you favor us with a visit. Should yon see anything that just suits you, we, will put it aside until you are J ready for it. Bibby's for the best $15 Suits in Canada, Bibby's for the best $2 Hats in Canada, THE H. D. BIBBY CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHIHRS. ' o0000000 0 O00OPOO0O000000 0000000 VO0VVOVTODOT i ---- TE ------ THE 20(f GENTRY The Source of all POW, , ciscoreea The Fountalg of Youtn, fares cepe, 'Ihe result of §0 years of scientific research, manhgod brought back efter years of weakness and) despair, Nature's Secret restored by combining three of the rarest chemical reagents in the world, "Fie ir no experiment. it is proved by its use in the 5. Japitaly i of Europe, Tens of tava by | weak and Cases cured by 30 days treatment. 'This is a Prove it yourself by a test. A § days treatment full particulars sent absolutely free: All packages carefully sealed in a plain wrapper with no mark, full 30 days treatment (180 doses) With cure or refund of money, for $3.00 Bend for sworn Canadian testimonials received within the last twelve months, m Re. K HR MEDICINE CO.. P.O. Prawer L 2341. MONTREAL ~ TT -- Surgical Aids to the Afflicted Trusses . Our success in fit. ting Trusses is phe. nominal. Yet it is not to be wondered at, For 48 Years; we have studied, tested, examined, invented. o-day, we guarantee 1g fit every ruptured person with a truss, that ie not only easy and comfortable, but also & truss that will retain the rupture, X 135 Church St. Toronto. Est 1860 Our ability to help the afflicted, bs limitless. Our Artificial Limbs enable those ~~ who have lost one or both legs--1to walk, ride hi. cycle, and even skate. Other helps for Spinal Curvature, Us- united Fractures, pnd other deforma-' ties, are made to order. If you are afflicted in any way, write us for the appliance to help you. . ------ - EE ---- BIG GLEARING SALE Parlor Suits and Couches. Our own make. * Wear like iron, A bargain for you. JAMES REID, The Leading The St Lawrence Sugar Refining Co Lt. MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest ° REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from cane Sugar. Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." RE Sr Grane