THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1908. ---- TOOK SOME POISON NO ALUM InN Foob zd stric tly Zeohibits the sale of alum baking powder-- So does France So does Germany The U. S. Congress has made ghe sale of alum foods illegal in Washington ( District of Columbia ), and alum baking nowders are everywhere recog- nized as injurious. To protect yourself against alum, when ordering baking powder, Say plainly- ROYALS POWDER and be very sure you get Royal Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Gr "ya , Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and someness of the food. '| bab le winners in New York, because he | -- Ss SETTLED THE TROUBLES. But People Think | Commission the Railway | is Needed. March I'he Canadian Pacific treet won receipt of which declared the services commission was ¢l im petting the matter { publi Sweeping changes are ed by the railway. Guarded the Centre street crossing are el and automatic bells others: The will ring when trains bowl along the main track. The railw would have four present street wether A new roadways would Out., 5 se proposal of the arding Chatham, | cret NO HONING. { railway, re | this crty thw quire NO STROPPING. crossings in "aly, wy fathers railway not re «For a 1 minute shave or a leisurely shave is Propos at Propos- three ~for a close shave or a light shave ~for a downy face or a heavy beard -as a cure for all shaving troubles get a Gillette Safety Razor. No honing--no stropping-- always ready--always sharp. If you want a quick; clean shave every day in the year, for less'than 2c. a week--buy § | a "Gillette." | The Gillette Safety Ragor consists of { a Triple Silver Plated Holder (will last a lifetime) 12 double edged flexible Blades (24 keen edges) packed in velvet lined: leather case apd the price 1s gs. 'Atal Jewelry, Drug, Cutlery, Hardware, Sporting Goods, and "Dept. Stores. Write or ask your dealer fof Trée hook iets. 1{ he cannot supply you, write us, GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. CANADIAN OFRiCE AND FACTORY SY. ALEXANDER 8Y., MONTREAL. gales at bells only Ay crossings closed alto a re | Sompense,. toee i constracted which ould enable teams to cross the tracks other | pointe Min not thought ae citizens {ll sanction such a deal, The opin { ion is express that the railway com jp missioners should have been permitted | to settle the dispute, WOLVES KILLING DEER. ine 4 Destrpction in Algon- quin "National Park. Moutrealy March ¥4-Ur. Long, the famous Cir: story writer, has reach {6d herp im. on twad weeks' trip to Al- | gong Park. Speaking of the havoe which thé J wolves of fhe Algonguin National Park { are playing amongst the deer, the doe | tor stated that at 8 very moment there are more that a thousand car | casses of deer lying inthe woods of { the park 'as a result of the work of wolves, leer there are very numerous on account of the grounds and the protection given them but at this rate gerious inroads are be- ing tiekie on their numbers. RHODES SQHOLAR DROWNED. Enormous, 3 good feeding Manny Washed Off the Rocks Coruwall. Eng., March 25.-R { Manny, a Rhodes scholar, Orleans, La., at Oxford, was after off "the rocks and drowned xt Isna¢;, Cornwall, Ralph=t Manny secured his appointment to Oxford in 1906. A coincidence is the et" that" "A. 'K. Read, the 1904 Rhoades. scholar, from Louvisiana, died in. March, 1906, from meningitis. a -- Claimed He Is Ringpr Moncton, N.P March 25. graphs of Ulaude Oren, who with the Fredericton | hockey now champions of the maritime vinevs, has been identified in broke as Owen Frode, Renfrew, who played for a time with the Semi professional Pembroke team of the Uppee Ottawa Valley Hockey league The Vietorias, of this «ity, protested fren helore all the games in which | ke played against Moncton, and put | the matter before the governing as sociation. "Oxlord, _.CURE Eri reliéve all the troubles toch to abi stale of the nival the apbten, . such af Distress after whshe ol | Port ig Tn the Ble; hor While thete most wncoten Ras beh show in Suslng ~ sick Batre ha, eb Carter's Little Liver Pills are Constipation, curing and pre jh aanoring compan his hey tre as petals Ewin If they only "HEAD eT Hil bialmont pricalissta these uly their goodness does notend bers, and those once try theta will find these little pills valu Boney ways (hat they will not be Bevd without them. But afterallek ACHE bane many lives that here ts whee BI Our piliscure it while Carters Little Liver Pills aro very small and At bebe Duca ts |i 113 wake s dose, vegetable and do not os "put uw thete Se RR vor ERE or as jean MEDIGNE C0 hoe ol : mal BL Sol Dus Small Pris oN of COM: vesterday. Moto played the Pembroke team, the name in that book being Frode. 1.C.R. Detective Willi 4 has been on the case for fn weeks. If the report is true Fredericton loses the Starr trophy, the toani "Bétagy disqualified, State Trustees Fur Coat. Ottawa, . March 25.--A cool thief hag beso going about the rounds of fhe city of Ottawa, while he' 'knew the pupils and teachers were absent from particular class rooms. He has latte good hauls in clothing on re tent days but, this morning, exceeded ha hy. appropriating a trustee's dur coat. He has not heen seen or (Reed. The methods are a mystery for Ottawa. Roosevelt's Latest Message Washington: D.C, March 235¢2A 2 special messag. Irom Presider Roose =P Walsh, Coal DORLT Rs ho i bert or nl sting capital and labor amd other matters, wax read in both Houses of Con today. The message was peerived with great enthusiasm by the vepublican's leaders. Death Of Paralysis. Montreal, April 35.--The late Sena- remaing were sent Falls, N. X., ng Fon some y | hate hariie hen certificate which the body conld th was doe BARRACK STREET. the | made | at! rt] This Should Be Stopped. team, | pro- | Pem- | * | Kohniski, 'Oren's photo also appears | in the unofficial guide as a member of | to WANTS THE CHILD. t to Ease Wife's Mind, Ont., March 25 the funeral of his wile ho Pitt, a hotel wgainst his dead t asile an agreement mtenim injunction ghed Aoreen aa AND SLEPT INTO ETERNITY Hamilton --A STUDENT'S ACT. Man Stole His Sister's Diamonds and Took Them to 885d lor an Buffalo--Show Horses Very Hizh in Price. aan wife's and res In December last Pitt signed an agreement to 'hand bid to Mrs. Pujolas, M when Mrs. Pitt d a couple of days ag I took place yesterday day Pitt issued a writ] the agreement, it merely to ease his Charles Grant rs School Practical died at General this morning Marek { Carmichael, a FNCIence 22 of 1 the Mrs. Pitt from morphine | 2nd the Un the set & student, { Hospital, poisoning. He took {the stuff late last was thirty vears { grad ated | three | Louis { fall, : about ten grains of | night. Carmicheel of age. He electrical engineer went to St Toronto last his fourth vear, and! cle student been | to he signed mind, and also injunction restraining his sister-in-lay of taking possession of his child. T granted for eight days was wife's Vears , and He a to complete {was looked upon in electrical studies idrinking heavily was born in Norwood, {relatives sur him {| In the police court, Joel Wolfis fon the charge re injunction wal as un ver had Carmichael Ont. KLONDYKE DAN ARRESTED. { Held in Connection gling. S., March 25. --Daniel Me Blace | Bay, popularly Klondyke Dan," was ar- night, by Deputy Sheriff McDonald was the owner and no With Smug- vive } this morning, was committed for trial of stealing diamonds i : nown as $200 and $300, from | oci0d Fast his sister-in-law, Catherine Wolfis. De-| Ingraham ective New und Wolfs he n y : ; : n d € on Ho n olf snd the of the schooner Chloris, which was i On } mn ou nia, o i ae seized some time ago by the customs {mitted Ins intention to pawn these | officials in connection with the sug, | stones, claiming Catherine's husband | ac "oo 5 oo ges Newf i AL i ghigg into Cana om Newfoundland EE re Thi { of eighteen Chinamen. It is on A serious failure, charge along the above tors of the Canadian | Donald was arrested | sont to be held hate | before Stipendiary A. j to. Nuy reparigt | released on bail. It | prices of 1 80 high, in spite of phe financial jpression. Horses of prize winning | | qualities are extremely difficult to se cure, except at fancy figures, in Can | ada One leading Toronto amatepr, | { John J. Dixon, is buving some pro- Sydney Donald, of | worth between here w which the exemu- National Horse April '29th that the horses has never been He was G. is on Ind a 2nd, i stated that show de-] ails of the supposed wholesale at- tempt by some Upper Canadian peo- | ple to smuggle the Chinamen into this | country will be hrought out. The {Chloris was sold bv the thorities' a few weeks ago. are more reg- BABY IN THE MAILS. claims that prices there than Toronto. Hon. Adam | hid no less than ten hunt- | has one which | sonable | Be Jers to his string. He he says is better than Kakabeka, | which won premier honors at the In- | Horse Show in London |C k ha Body Turned Over to Officers For Investigation. Col.. March 25. Postmaster OMerach, of Partales, N.M.. has re Inorted to E. L. McKee, chief postal { inspector of the Rocky the discovery of the infant in the was addressed to N.M.. and bore the return of a woman of Woodstock, the outer cover of the package | Westmoreland Avenue | was the following unsigned message : | Methodist church, accompanied him to | "1 did know what to do {the Union station, this morning, and | Burn or do something fight away. after making arrangements with the | not open." United States officials, helped the | Postma young man on the train. {over to the officers Inspector McKee Action to annul the marriage of | says an investigation will be made, { Harriet Emma Noble and Joseph Lynd | {has been bey here. Jt is claimed | that the girl was under ace at the | {time of the ceremony on July lst, { | | Denver, | ternational last. July | William Pe amputated as in hoth street road, turned back at times, has succee getting to Buffalo to pur limbs. Rev. 1 G. | Under rev, who had a result of a Dovercourt body of an mails The a man at car | gion, | last Nia- led { accident, | fall, after being {gara Falls three Bos- ad | age well at last, in | dress | chase artificial | Bowles, of the not else LATE ROBERT CLUGSTON. un Funeral Took Place on Wednesdav Afternoon. 1906, being seventeen vears and six months at the time. The action | taken by the mother of the girl under the new act Rudyard novelist, 1 ston took place, on Wednesday after- 3 inoon, from the family residence, at cibling, the ok 1l- Known |: 396 Brock street. 1 he funeral cortege against Morang & Co., publishers of as gute arg ie: De. NocTavish, Toronto. The claim for $636.13 | Rey r. aR) ivray, and Rev. G. rovalties on a number of the works of | A, anchenzie Sfiiciated the he Ripling, and was originally $1,219.20. - Hie tich Re ect" rs 2 3 Mr. Kipling alsa asks for the return Tne in hiGh WeReng ad ea EC of certdin plates and electros alleced | Mpa Rarer big : Messrs, to bave been supplied Morane & C j liam Hazlett, J. ¥. Knapp, R. Miller, "9 91D. Scott, George Boyd and Serot.- -_-- | Maj. Birtels. i is Trapped A White Wolf. Ottawa, March 25.- The rare trophy { of the hunt, the skin of a white wolf, | has been brought the city by Henry Fitzpatrick, who has been serv- ing as clerk for the E. BB. Eddy com pny at River Demoine. The anima was vaught in a trap. The skin is a | beauty, seven feet two inches in length, and three feet six inches wide This species is known as the Russian | timber woli from its resemblance to | quartette, the wolves of that country. This is | Mack, N. Armstrong, F. Gardiner and the fourth wolf Mr Fitzpatrick has | W. Timmerman, rendered "The Boys {trapped during the winter, the other of the Old. Brigade." The octette, ordinary grey wolves Gave A Good Concert. The school room of Princess Methodist church was well filled, Tuesday evening, when the" choir pre- | sented an excellent .conceft. Rev. F. Sproule occupied the chair. Vocal d instrumental music was offered by choir members, and each number was { well received. All the voeal ere encored. The Princess street male | composed of Messrs to on {three being the numbers. Mrs. Sproule and Rev. Mr Sproule each gave a humorous read- ing. Miss Katie Gardiper acted as ac companist, and much credit Miss L. Wilder, for the trouble | took in arranging the affair sum was realized by the section, but extremely dithi- f cult to shoot or entrap. = Complaints are made | num ber of persons are | stroving muskrats in | the east end of the | taken down there The law abiders are very much dis { contented, and want to know what { the game . inspector is doing® that he | { allows this condition of things to go unheeded, a de that quite illegally the swamp in city. Dogs are and set at work neat adven | ture. Hearing Postponed. John Flett, of Hamilton, general or- ganizer for the American Federation of | Labor in Canada, who Wwil' represent the here on the commission appointed to adjust with vessel owners, to-day, and 1s conlérring with the agent here, Thomas H. Fleming. Word has been received to the effect that the | date for the hearing has been post- sailors Seven Years In Prison. March Rousseau who were accused of com- { plicity im the mail robberies aboard | the stehmers La Lorraine and La Sa jvoie, were found guilty. The former | ast Th 3 sis was sentenced to iseven years' and | potted pe are iy required t : y | the latter to one year's imprisonment. | "other ate ! as they will be away Semele . " . ' .. | give evidence, ! | Semette, the third prisoner, was ac and the postponement is not looked | 8 . upon very favorably. Paris, and is Given Rhodes Scholarship. Montreal, March 25.--The McGill an- thorities have been advised that Francis Ernest Hawkins, a fourth year arts man, formerly of Ottawa, has been awarded a Rhodes scholar- ship"'at Oxford. -------- Had A Collision. Simcoe, Ont, March 25.--Grand Trunk train No. 63, on the Port Dov- er branch, in charge of Conductor Hunn, collided, head-on, with the north-bound freight engine, 198%, in charge of Conductor Higgins, abou mile and a hall north of Simcoe, la night, about ten o'clock. Four pas- sengers and Conductor Hunn were in- jured, but none of them serious The track wae cleaved aheut three o'clock, this mornine, by the auxiliary from Stratford. Simple Corn Remedy. Peek"s Corn Salve simply softens the hard. dry tissue of which corns are composed, and detaches it from the healthy flesh. Never fails. In big boxes, J5 cents, at Wade's Drug Store. Minister Wants Salary Cut. Boston, March 25.-Rév. E. D. Fisher, of the First Methodist church, here, has asked congregation to cut hit salary from $2,100 to $1,200, say- ing that he thivks this _snough for a bachelor. Retudes To Receive Him. Washington, D.C., March 25.-The German government has declined to recive Dr. David Jayoehill in the capacity of American ambassador to succeed Charlemagne Tower, An End To Marriage. Paris, March 25.--In yesterday's pas sage of the law cutomatically con- verting a separation into divorce if if either party desires it after three uals of Hie Fle Nar, the French press, generally sees the end of mar gay as an indissoluble tie. Died Of Jov. y.--4In the | g her from taking possession of | 1 and | died. | claiming | asked for an imterim| al lines that Me- | taken | Mclean and | { with the arrest of McDonald other de- | customs au Mountain re- | pack- | mn. | Do | ter Olerach turned the body | The funeral of the late Robert Clug- | Wil- | Street | numbers | { made up of Bethel and Princess street | | There are many of these fierce animals | male quartettes, contributed some fine | {im that { due | she Quite a | their differences | arrived in the city] NEWS OF THE WORLD| | OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED | _ IN BRIEF FORM. as tind | matters That Interest Everybody ~MNotes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, { Evans Brothers, wholesale { of Toronto, bave assigned. G. Lindsay, of Guelph, has been ppointed city engineer of Belleville The C. N, R. Hudson's Bay line has been constructéd as far as Lapasse. It 1s said that there is a move on oot t. urseat Alderman Hales, of 'wronto, Norman Wilson, alias Robinson, was entenced at Toronto, to one year for | bigamy. | The late Duke of Devonshire | buried at Chatsworth, Eng., nificent seat. exander | . clothiers, i { will be his mag | Foci Anthony was hnocked {down by a Grand Trunk freight train | at Toronto, and instantly killed. | It is likely the death sentence upon | Harry Orchard at Boise, Idaho, will {be commuted to life imprisonment. I A.W, Wright will be a candidate for | the legislature in West Toronto upon | the municipal ownership platfcrm { By overturning a kettle the six- | year-old son of a Pottérsburg farmer, named York, was dangerous sly j ed. I" a hill | brought before the Ontario legislature | to permit members to ride | electric railways. { It is hoped the Prince of Wales will | i | scald- is said that is to be visit Australia after his visit to Que- bec, his visit synchronizing with the | visit of the American Beet. Presbyterian Augmentation section), decided not he possible to salary increffses to The j commitlee (western {that it would | grant proposed | Pastors. | The British premier, | Campbell-Bannerman, had a { might and a good sleep, but is weak | axel his condition gives cause for | npnsiderable anxiety, Striking. workmen on | approach on the Detroit | have returned to work. They have | received: an increase in pay, although { not the full amount asked for. 4 Seven men, who were members of the | Risenbath Hemgersn Floating Theatre | troupe, were drowned on Wedne sday, I which was starting out on a season's trip, struck a lock in the Ohio river. Hon. R. F. Sutherland, speaker of the Canadian house of commons, will deliver an address on transportation | before the Adcerafit club, of Detroit, | at the Pontchartrain hotel, 8 { turday night, | Johm W. Stewart, Middlebury. for i mer governor of Vermont, was ap- | pointed to the United States senate | by Governor Proctor to fill the | ey caused by ghe recent death of Sena | tor R. Proctor, of that state | The Russian senate, the highest tri { bunal in the empire, has overruled the Fog made by the 167 members of | i | | Sir Henry quiet Windsor river tunnel the on a vacan- the first douma, who, on December 3st, were convicted by the cpurt of appeal and sentenced te three months' imprisonment. | When her husband | request, to avenge | either real or fancied, offered her by | Peter Wilson, Mrs. Mary Strozzi, Bos | ton, Mass., snatched the revolver from | his hand and fired a shot that tally wounded Wilson. The shootng | occurred about midnight. Wilson died | Wednesday morning Among the succe.siul | the old country tour, by | Herald, are Miss Florence | the advertising department Grand Trunk railway, Miss Cohn, who was the candidate of | Grand Trunk boating club, and L. M. Campbell, whose father | Grand Trunk conductor. refused, at her an alleged insult, mor candidates for the Montreal Johnston, of of the Millie the Miss I= a NEW YORK S10CKS. | Prices Furnished By F. W. Bosch 1 (Per W. Hector H. Hume, Manager.) . March 25th. Opening. Close ov €0 42% "t 1264 | Stocks. | Amal, Copper | Amer. Loco. | Am. Sugar Ke. Co. Am. Smits. & Re { Am. Car Foundry | Anaconda Min. Lo. | Atches, Top. & St | Balti, & Ohio a Brooklyn Rapid T. Central Leather i Canadian Pacific | Ches. & Ohio. C. Mil. & St. Paul | Colorado Southern... Cons. Gas, N.Y. . I ol, Fuel & Iron ... | Distillers, secs. G. North Ry., pid. | Kansas & Texas, com. | Kansas & Texas, pid. | Louisville & Nashville... Missouri Pacific. . Min. \St. P. & 8, M. N.X. Central ... ... ... ... Erie Railroad . N. Y. Ontario & W Northern Pacific... Penn. B. R. ... .......... People's. Gas... ..... .... Reatibg...os wii can win es Rock Island...... ..... Rock Island, pid. . Southern Ry., com.... .. Southern Pacific... {U. 8. Steel, com.. FU. 8B. Steel, pid. tl. 8. Rubber, co i Uniort Pacific, com. ... .. Wabash West Union Tel. National Lead. ...... ... . com. | Lo i ot. CHICAGO PRICES, March Opening. we 954 gn 673% 641 . 12.50 Mr. Forget May Retire. Montreal. March 35. --Jt is ruméred that Rodolphe Forget, MP. will re- fire from politics and will not be a in Charlevoif county at the Close MIR soi 810 6438 12.47 free on f PAGE FIVE "se { PE-RU-NA CHEERFULLY RECOMMENDED FOR COLDS AND CATARRH. A Prominent Canadian Gives His Expe= rience With the World-Famous Remedy For Catarrh. PHP ROrCr PrP eG B rr ale AP Chronic Catarrh Always Begins| o; C. 1. Parker, R3-Wanien of Compton With An Ordinary old. 0., Quebec, has been mayor of Scots } town for a number of years.' He is an influential resident in Scotstown and So Says Dr. Hartman, the Greatest | Living Authority On Ca widely known. He writes concerning Peruana. Read tarrhat a «3s letter below: HE first effect of a cold is a thick- ening of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. This gives rise to a discharge, or at least a stufliness of the nasal passages. Sometimes fever accompanies the first attack, also a feeling of languor, dull- ness and aching of the bones. 1f no attention is paid to it, the mucous congestion is liable to spread down into the larynx, producing hoarseness and into the bronchial tubes, producing » cough. Even when this occurs, many people Pay no attention to it. Under such circumstances, the con- gestion is liable to become chronic, pro- ducing a condition of the mucous mem- branes known as catarrh., Catarrh lasts an indefinite lL. CURE COLDS time. Catarrh PREVENT CATARRH. is essentially a chronic condi- tion and Joes not leave except some- thing is dong to relieve it. | | What should be done when a person | estches cold is to take a few doses of Peruna. Taken st the onset, Peruna would break up the cold and prevent all the train of sy mptomswhich usually follow. But, even in cases where the cold has been neglected and hoarseness or a cough has developed, Peruna can be relied upon to give prompt and per- manent relief, { severe attack developed into ca- The frequency of coughs and colds in ? tarrh. "I was advised to use your cele- the winter makes Pernna a popular rem- edy for these ailments, A number of the best people of various ! brated catarrh remedy, and after countries have given testimonials as to $ taking three bottles I find myself { completely cured, and I no longer { suffer from catarrh or colds. the value of Peruna in such cases, Followed Dr. Hart "s Advice-- i . Tealt "I can choerfully recommend Peruna for colds and catarrh." Restored to Health, Mrs. SBsanuelle Vigneau, Avre au Berd, COCR CPO G er If Peruna had no other medicinal Isle de La Magdaline, Canada, writes: "I write to tell you that I am perfectly well, 1 took only three bottles of your | value than the promptness with which Peruna according to your advice and { it relieves common colds, it would be thediroctions in your book and it re- | well worth while for any family to keep stoned i health." it in the boueo constantly. -- | . H. PAR! --- A Say Fer had several attacks of colds | colds 4 from timo to time and finally a We Will Continue Our SALE OF FURNITURE During March. A few lines of Mission Furniture, suitable for prices. Plate Racks, regular price, $4.50, Iron Beds, from $2.50 to 25. Marshall Sanitary and Ostermoor Combination Fuffetts, from 825 to $75. Solid Mahogany Bedroom Furniture, big reduction Parlor Sett, in Solid Mahogany, $1.25 for $1.00, $85 for $75, 3-Pieces Mahogany Sett, from $25 to $45. at R. J. REID, £30 Princess street. Dens, at special for $1.50. Mattresses, at Sale Prices, "Phone, B77. MEN ONLY. Regular $5.00 Now $4.00. The most delicate and dainty sweetmeats are OWAN' Maple Buds, MilK i Chocolate, Cream Bars, etc. Sold by "Grocers and Confectioners. THE COWAN CO. Limited, TORONTO Men's Foss Packard Patent Colt, Blucher cut, natty lasts. Men's Gun Metal, Velour Calf Blucher Cus, all sizes and natty lasts. Reid & Charles, 111 Princess St. Succes- sors to D. J. McDermott. The 20th Century Policy issued by the Canada Life ance Conipany fits into any case requiring life insurance. Before placing you: insurance correspond with, or call ints» the office, where full information how , a policy on this 'up-to-date plan will shape for you. AGENTS VWANTED----Apply--Ofiice, 18 Market '8t. "J. 0, HUTTON, Manager, Riveston, Ont.