Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Mar 1908, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WED NESDAY, MARCH 25, 1908. -- - RS oA X Synopsis of Canadian North sest BOMESTFAD REGULATIONS, a on numbered section of Domine ony in Manitoba or the North-West Provinces, excepting 8 smd 26, not re served, may be homesteaded by any pers son fhe sole head of a family, or male pyar' 18 years of age, to the extent ©O poe-quarter section, of 160 scres, more oN ercation for homestead entry must be de in person by the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency or Sub cy. Fon. by proxy may, however, he made at Agenty on certain conditions hy the father, mother, son, daughter. broth. or of sister of en intending homesteader. Aw application for entry br oancella- tion 'made personally at any sub-agent's pilices may be wired. to the Agent by the Bulb-dgent, at the expense of the appli- cant, and 4 the land applied for is vacant pn receipt of the telegram such applica tion is to have priority and the land will be id until the. wecessary papers to eomifiete the transactiom are received by mails dn case of "'personation® or fraud the applitant will forfeit all priority cl claim wr entry has been grauted it will be wu ily cencelled. An application for cancellation must be madd in pérson. The applicant must be Jigihlo for homestead entry, and only one spplibation for cancellation will be re celved from an individual until that ap- ont has been disposed of. an entry is cancel to mptitution of cancellation pre ngs, the leant for cancellation will be en to prior right of " in - entry: for cancellation must state particulars the homesteader is it. homesteaddr whose entry is not the et of cancellation proceedings may Bt to the approvel of Depart relinquish it im favor of father motBer, son, deughter, brother or sister Uf eligible, but Yo Xa one How, on fling atfom of ab ontoent. - T1IGS---A settier is required ta per- form' the duties under one of the follow f1K At least six months' residence wup- pn cultivation of the land In each pear during the term of thres years. (37 A bhomesteader may, if he so de sires, perform the required residence Hutid® by living on farming land owned solely by him, not less tham siglity (850) acres in extent," jn the . vicinity of hi tend. Joint ety I and will hat, na requirement. tha ) ather (or mother, Mather is om farming by him, not less than Signy (80) aeres im extent, in the vicinl ty the homestead, or upon & homes stead entered for by him in the vieloity, such homesteader may perform his own residence duties by living with the fath- or (or mother.) (4) The term "woinity" It the two ing paregraphs is defined as mean- not more than nine miles in m direct he, exclusive of the width of road al- Wance crossed in the measurement. (5) A homesteader intending to perform Mis residence duties fn accordance with the Sbove while living with ts or on farming owned Ly himsel mus Rotify the Agent for the gistrict of such tention, Hefore making wpplioation for patent She settler must give six months' notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of kis inten ton to do.so. BYNOPSIS OF OANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, LOAL~Coal mint rights may be foasod for » period of twat y-one Tyeare At an annual rental of $1 ser acre. Not 2,500 acres shall be vidual or company. 1 royalty at the rate of five cents per toh aall be oni the merchantable com "ined QUARTZ~A person eighteen years .4 over, having discovered mineral in pce may a claim 1,500x1,500 Tha foe tor if the h upon other requirements, hase the land at $1 Yor ary ur The pa Provides for the went Bf a Poyalty of 34 per cent om at Plager mining claims generally are 100 fast hguare ; entry fee §5, renewable yomr- AN hpplican® may obtain two leases tg Bredge for gold of five miles each for a twenty years, renewable at the Bf the Minister of leasce shall have w dredge tn Within one season from the date the lease for each five miles, Rental 0 annum for each mile of river b # Royalty at the rate of 34 per cont | um output after it ex- beads $10,000, Ww. WC . Hd of the Minister of the Interior. NaBlo-- Unauthorised publication of this Miyartisoruent will got be paid fory EDUCATIONAL. BEG00000000000000000F If, you wish to be successful at- £ » tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele gtaphy, and all commercial sithjects thoroughly taught - by cioMnpetent experienced teachers. Day and night classes. Enter at any tune. Hates very moderate; 440 ". METCALFE, President. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. oosTesIe Day and Evening Classes ut the Frontenac Business ~~ College, w Bagrie and Clergy Ste. . -------- » T. N. STOCKDALE, ~ ti¥ione, 630, Principal: dandruff but a loxuriant suit of hair. aio POOR HEAD" Stop Those Headaches. neuraigia are pro- blood poisoning. | the blood comes | the boy 4 Writer lerms it Nonsense--The aan ul City Doesn't Need Any Such i Thing, and Besides Can't Afford It. Kingston, March 24 or): More fagaries is what "One of the 3 so-calied, said in Friday's Whig, 20th. What is next ' doubt it is such nonsense mors for, that is likely to city's general revenue to rise to $7,000 i this year, on account of increased as | sessment, last year's deficit having wiped out half of that amount, and th® board of education l quire the balance. That is what Whig surmised on the 17th, and in the face of this, such jim-cracks as this chap comes forward again, and more expensive nonsense, apparently, that this city and nothing else MGITATO 'OPPOSITION TO HIS PARK SCHEME. -------- Headache and nounced signs of This poisoning of from the waste matter of being left in the, system being carried and skin. ! n the boyels do not. move re- | i, the refuse Is ahsorbed by the Thus, the blood is loaded foul poisons which irritate the nerves, Poor skin action also causes head- ache and neuralgia. Impurities cannot escape through the skin, so the blood must take them up and deposit them on the nerves. If the bowels and skin are mot rid- ding the system of waste, the kidneys try to ds so and are overworked. There is just one way to cure head- aches and neuralgia--to regulate bowels, kidneys and skin so that all the poisons of the body will be proper- ly carried off. "Fruit-a-tives" keep blood pure and rich--relleve the stomach and kidneys ~regulate the bowels; and invigorate the skin to healthy action. "Fruit-a- tives" are a wonderful discovery, being a combination of fruit juices and tonics, G0c a bex--six for $2.50. At cates, which only increases taxes, and all dealers, or from '"Fruit-a-tives* which most of us at present are Limited, Ottawa. {unable to bear, and it would be well {for the council to be careful to gmard tee -------------------------- : 000000000000 0000000000 | ARNT and to discourage all such fads, There has been for some BRASS ; |Past t00 much carelessness and ex. KETTLES ftravagance for the taxpayers to stand, and who will not longer endure | them, which they will not, if properly alive to their own interests, of which they have been too careless in the |past. We would be all right now, {were all those who have a right to They have become almost 8 necessity and are just the thing to heat water at a moment's notice. A Brass Kettle makes a very suitable gift at any time, our stock in this line will be found most complete, every kettle is fitted with the newest patent burner, Call in when passing and let us show you what we have. Our prices range from $4.50 up, reg y the at. That ed Ones,' the No cla- 10 come as he ause the yet asks for supposing, is full'ot Croesuses, { Perhaps he is one, or hopes to be Who is he anyway ? He may {be the same promoter as he of isilly and costly Clarence street park If not one of such as these, he surely i would not be so keen and anxious for the useless expense such as he advo SOON. 8 use, belonging to the city, {done elsewhere. It may be said that this new agita- tor urges the appointment of a park | commission and park architect | What | nonsense ! What is the need of them ? { same as is Our present park caretaker 'is a com- petent, good and careful man, and we { need no better, and no other. Ii there Is any Wrong ahout that position, it {may be in the incumbent's pay, which {| have often heard complained of, If there is a defect in that respect, he should be compensated by what is just Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers. Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets. stead of taking on expensive employ- IE i, who are less competent than he, | for we need none such, we already have such a careful, com flea and industrious man as Mr, | Phillips is known to be, who deserves no undue reflection to be east upon | vocating an expensive architect, whom { we don't need. And our: peck commit- { tee, what about them ? We need no better, They have done well, and have so done for years past, they hav- ing made mt one mistake, and that was in disturbing and mutilating the government land on Clarence street, which should not have been disturbed at all, as it was to no purpose but a useless and an expensive one; and it | was not completely finished then; the at the back of it which WE'RE AT IT TOOTH AND NAIL. liron fence atone wall on the west side of it to that on the east side, back of the cus- tomhouse, till the completion of which it will be in an unfinished state. Our council, for some years past, has done badly for the eitizens, which I will not further dwell upon at pre- sent, but may later, as somethin~ is may be 4 "In_hot | required to awaken the aspera ba metke onds meet," | al oh : " out-sttipped by apy-| 5 that they get more carefu » body in furnishing satisthction to th | safe men to represent them in the buble. Te Soi) the naked truth we are | council, as some of them, who Rolng to out<do ourselves in toeinm { Ran > class wark this coming season. ® | now there, are no use to any class o If vou have any City Piroperty to sell, | citizens but themselves and thei at ar with Fi ut te F have several (friends. No man, for one thing, tn Rout of town' who want to buy | thas nie si~ in Kingston before May next. | should be there who occupies a posi tion similar to that of a contractor, vi of benefit to no one but himself. If T. J. Lockhart, | | |: Interested One'" is not ashamed of Real Estate and Insurance Agent | his position-and considers it -a-eredit- 159 Wellington, Street. able and proper one, why doesn't he | sign his name, unless he is ashamed fof the whole thing 7 Bat, perhaps, he Cc . {is one of those who are trying to THISTLES AND DANDRUFF. Our competitors Water," "trying to but we won't he {drive our best people out of the city, {for that is what they will shortly do, unless the prevailing extrava~ance speedily put a stop to, and those who {ay no taxation at all, on property , x h | which should bear it, nor comvensa- Ease at Home | tion either, are soon made to. de so. -- | and to drop out of positions unbe- With { coming for them to occupy, where 'no Sure Results (contractor, or those akin thereto, are A , T-------- Jallawed to sit, especially to advance {their o in erests soc. for =o | thelr wn interests, Frank LL. Benedict & Co, Montveal 18 Having merely sign myself -- advocates either. for notoriety, | | KINGSTONIAN, { The Late James L. Dunning. Cape Vincent, N.Y., March 23.--The | remains of James L. Dunning, who An Interesting Parallel and a | died after an illness of several months Valuable Deduction Therefrom. |ot his home in Schenectady, arrived Cutting down. thistles no more re-|®% the Cape, Saturday, and were tak- lives the land [of thistles than does |" 10 the Presbyterian church, where lucted by Rev. J. scouring the scalp cure dandruff. In | the. funefal was Lol each case permanent relief can only | Elmer Russell, Chittenango, a former come from eradicating permanently | PAStor of said church. the cause. A germ that plows up the| J8mes L. Dunning was born in 'Am- scalp in searching for the hair root, |Sterdam, N.Y. on May 12th, 183, and whersa it saps' the vitality, causes | "me to Lape Vincent with his par- dandrufi, falling hair, and baldness, | B® in 1835," The greater part of his If you kill that life was spent on a farm. During the { second presidential term of Grover Newhro's Herpficide is' the only hair | Cleveland Mr. Dunning, who had al- Preparation in| the world that germ, you'll have no the germ. "Dedtroy the cause, vou re. | FOSUBastor in this village, and con- move the elect." Sold by leading | ducted the affairs of the office in druggists. Send 100, in stamps for | MOE satisfactory' manner. He was a sample to The! Herpicide Co.. Detroit, | Man who had the rey et and esteem Mich. "Two. sites, Sl. 'and 1. "G, W. | of the peoble of Cape Vineant Sehesal- i ly. and uprigl in is Mahood, special agent. dealings, he made friends with every. abe, and the announcement of his death caused sincere regret. Nearly two wears ago Mr. Dunning, with his family, moved to Sechenecta- dy. He is survived by one son, Claude C. Dunning, who resides in Mexico, and two daughters, the Misses Maggie E. and Nora M. Dunning, of Schenec- tady, also two sisters, Mrs. Charles Morrison, of this village, and Mrs. J. C. Graham, of Kingston, Ont. For every woman who is above sus. picion, are nt least two men be- low jb. 4 yi has still 400.000 - i | i § B RIDIGULED Edit- | the | will about re- | Q 3 | pay Just taxes made to pay them, land to pay a just rent for what they | | | { and right, the same as the other em-| | ployees of the city are said to be, in Q especially when | | him, as your correspondent did in ad-| | should have heen extended from the | are nor should their | no desire | | cures | WAYS been an active and enthusiastic | dandraffi and {falling baie by killing | democrat, received the appointment of | EE ------ WOULD FREE MABEL. Ogdensburg Attorney Takes Up : Case of Girl. NY. March 2 ney Lieorge Morton secur { habeas corpus, vesterday, {ial Surrogate Chapin in the ca | Mabel Bushey, the young g ed to a reformatory at Tre charge of drinking in a saloon Mr. Morton argued that the girl had committed no crime; that she had legally restrained of her liberty |'and charged that the recorder had act- ed as judge and prosecutor in the case and that he had failed to make, out a commitment until twenty-four hours after the girl had been locked up Attorney Walter G, Kellogg appear: [ed in the absence of the city attorne explained that the girl was before the court on a sum utler section 603, Ogdenshur i. and brought | mary proceeding laws of 1892 and sent away { the public morals might itted to remain at lar onduct hersell as she has been He also argudd that the recorde vidence, and that having pass al judgment a writ of habMs could not deliver the girl from Judge Chapin reserved his because suffer we she permit ample | corpu | custo on. the | Of Course It Paid. Judge tells this story of a boy wrote on the blackboard at school : | "John Jones can hug the girls better | than auy fellow in the class." A | inquisition conducted "by the teacher | fastened the authorship of this declara- | tion upon John Jones himself, and the {culprit was commanded to remain { after school was dismissed. His sym- pathetic classmates lingered in the vi | cinity to learn his fate. "Well, did {she lick you ?"' they inquired, when | he finally appeared. "Nope," said { John, "What did she keep yon in for, then ? hey asked *f ain't a-goin' | to tell," he answered: "but it pays to | advertise. ' Mr. ' Merchant, don"t | some advantage ofer the general | --some particular point of superiority ' who stern you possess run | --which it would pay to advertise SINPLE HONE TEST ITO FIND OUT IF THE KID- NEYS ARE WEAK. | Highly Recommended Prescription Which Anyone Can Easily { Prepare at Small Cost. } A well-known authority states that | there are more cases of Kidney trouble than ever before, while re- | cent reports show that more people | succumb, each vear to some form of | kidney Uisease than any other cause | When there issickness, examine the urine. Rheumatism is only a symp | tom of kidney trouble. It is nothing | more or less than excessive uyic acid | mm the blood, which the sluggish; in- | active kidneys have failed to sift out, | leaving it to decompose and settle about the joints and muscles, causing [inten sufiering; frequently resulting fo deformity; often reaching the heart here now when death ensues. I Pains across the back, frequent, pain- | ful and suppresped urination and oth ler symptoms of weak bladder are not { the only signs of kidney trouble; many cases of stomach disease, headache, | pain in the heart, inactive liver, oti, can but symptoms, the cause of which can be traced to feeble, clogged, kid neve, | The physicians for the j companies always carefully examine { and report on the condition of the urine, It is a certain sign of sickness | or healvs of the human hods : | A test of the urine should be made | by~€very man and woman at least once each year. A simple test is to small quantity of urine in a insurance | voul a { bottle or glasé and let it stand | night; next mormng, if there is a red | dish brick-dust sediment, or w hite, | fleedy substance present, - either | sult some reputable physician or take a good vegetable treatment. The fol lowing prescription recommends | highly in these cases, and ii desirable | the sufferer can mix it at home Any | good preseription pharmacy has the | ingredients, which are harmless and | inexpensive : Compound Kargon, | ounce: Fluid Extract Dandelion, | half-ounce; Compound" Sy rap Sarsapa- | villa, three ounces. Shake well and {use in teaspoonful doses after each | meal and at bedtime. Wher {the symploms enumerated | present, good results are sure to follow | immediately the use of this simple pre- scription, How He Made Money. | Washington Star Toke Rich, isn't he?" "Fabulously." "Where did he get ft 9 "He's the man who applied the ear | window principle to the doors of safes and safety deposit vaults, making them absolutely burglar proof." ------ Embrace The Dears. Toronto News, Journalists and university graduates should draw closer togethor, says President Falconer... There is a gleam of hope in this. "Some B. As are girls. 4 H a-- IS YOUR TONGUE FURRED ? The Beginning of Spring Sickness and Should EBs Treated Promptly. How few feel well jn the spring. The whole system needs hotise-clenn- ing, blood is impure amd needs some- thing to westore jts richness. Where can anything more certain be found, than Dr. Hamilton's' Pills, Take them at night, and feel better next morn- ing--they work wonders in the body while you. steep. Being composed en tirely of syoh vegetable juices' as Wan- drake and Butternut, even the oldest or youngest person ean use Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills. "For an invigorating spring medicine | recommend Pr. Hag miiton's Pills," writes' Mrs. E. £. Rd- ward, of Plattsburg, We have used them in our family for five vesrs-- give them to children for their blood, use them for headaches, consti- pation or loss of appetite, they '- ways do immense #ood, and are so aay to take that we. wouldn't - think i= one one any of above are The United States a of forest * | 900; Tain, fio being without AlN dealers | | FIFIIIFITIVIIININITINITRIIITI III TNIV aver We 'have put the best: of! all laxatives into the best possible | form. That is all. Cascarets bring theif results | ina natural and gentle way. Here is a dainty habit-- To keep the bowels clean. Do it just the same as you keep your s severe applications, applied at rare and regular efforts. It pays immensely, Not by | But by gentle Low 3 11 Ciear 1s i intervals, Many people dread physic, They think of castor oi i They shrink from the So they postpone the do do the cleaning in 4 heroi That is all wrong. Then they Cascarets are a gentle laxative else, and more natu And they are pleasant -- They are made to carry with you, You'll know. The result is your best. t Try it. You'll never a They are just as effective as anything Take one just as soon as yoti need it. bowels arc always ac You always feel at your y without them $ » without them, i s« They are sold by all druggists, but never | i nuine, with CCC on every tablet, The price | Cascarets are ¢ andy ta in bulk. Be sure to get the is 50 cents, 25 cents and -» g 10 Cents per Box. Pro A ---- -- -- -- ---- A Reteecesssstrssesetssee VELLA L000 000000008 PA Men-- We are just in receipt of a big shipment of Men's Fine American Shoes, made by thereat house of ~ Thompson Bros., Brockton, Mass. These shoes are Young Men's Shoes in every detail. For 25 years Thompson Bros. have made nothing else. We invite the Young Men to call and see these leading shoes. They are undoubted- ly the best goods imported into Canada. Prices $5 to $6.00. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. 2 The Home of Good Shoeg, What, Everybody Has Been Expecting and Looking For. A Record Sale for the New "Writing in Sight" L. C. SMITH & BROS". TYPEWRITER Prt-- At ------ We have just closed our first 3 Years' Business. We have SOLD over 1,400 Machines in Canada. We hold the biggest record for the sale of placed on the Canadian Market. Have you seen our new Ball-Bearing Type Bar? Our Opponents said we '"Couldn't do it," "WE DID." It will be money in your pocket to look at it. Let us demonstrate it to you. any No. 9 Jordon Bt., Toronto. Branches --Halifax, N.S., Ottawa, Ont., Winnipeg, Man. LOCAL AGENTS: i i t i NEWMAN-SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., 79 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. A Full Stock of always on hand. ; We have a large stock, all makes, 2nd band Typewriters; sold on easy tepms. Typewriter Supplies for all makes of Machines | Ripe Bananas, . Pineapples, Tomatoes, Tangerines, Malaga Grapes. 1 ORANGES CHEAPER THAN EVER. $50 To se pu Ma Ontario, rou t © The Shoe For Young } | West } Typewriter | w.w Newsome & Gilbert, Limited, I SELES COT Pemeroxe IN CQANECTION WITH Canadian Paclfic Rafiw 1y LOW ONE-WAY} RATES 'Second Class One Way Waily, February 29 to April 29, {Various B. ©, 1 0 Points, + ¥Yancouver, Pome Seattle, { Portland, eto. K.&P., and C, F. (ONWAY, Gen, Pasy, Agent. AY OF QUINTE RAILWAY A pn? danion , station, On Napanee Full particulars wt FP. R. Ticket Office, Untario St, B Tr : aves anion ood, Sydenham unockhurn a ck ue bh, and your VINO OM Quinte Railway lars, apply Phone, No. 3 RAILWAY, GRAND TRUN SYSTEM § ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES Feb. 29th ta Apr B.C, Victoria, : Seattle, Wash, tland, Ore o, Ca Daily my Wash, San Franc San Diego, El Paso, 1 Mexico City . - $57 Local Branch Time Table. ~ 4 wi save an arrive at Foot of Johuson street; GOING WEST. De pot . lot GOING EAST. Lve City No Sunday apply "wo J Johnson p ' i ars, 3 HANLEY Cor and {Ontario Sts INTERCOLONIAL LV NESLT 04 yal Mail Trains From Montreal | to Halifax CONNECTING WITH { Royal Mail Steamers ! From Halifax | to Liverpool { '(anada's Famous Traia \ THE MARITIME EXPRESS MONTREAL Fridays at 12.00 ye tiagiage and ching the steamer's the following Satur Ro Leaving NOUN) Carries pass | Burapean { rs na r HALIFAX aftervoon. SPECIAL TRAINS carrying passengers iis when inward steam Ct With the MARITIME ea HALIFAX jmmediats al of the steams uk Ottawa, Toronto, wes! 4 AND"FERTHER IN (FORMATION, apy to nearest GHAKD nt HAILWA AGENT, or to Montreal Ticket Office | " 141 Se | {Hleirait and points FOR FICK ETS X NK James St QUEBEC 8.8. COMPANY BERMUDA { ached in "fow n Na tf Tith dal Me 2nd Apr India tear ry end perfectix ' Ane ving mehdp Ce AMERY Ticks ALLAN 72: LINE TO LIVERPOOL * 50. Third-(Gass, $34.75. passage and fell paforme. be of ed from J, F. gent CTH, of Oy 8, CK, Local Agents, COAL! The sudden changes in weather aight to suggest the wisdom of putiing in some good coal. We sell good Coal It's the kind that sornis out the most heat, and makes the homes comfortable ; t's § the best mooey wd ¢ and at the very bottom iver it t slate, 4 3 ¢ 4 Booth & Co., § Phone 133. Foo: of Wes: St » w "JUST IT." For the Breakfast on & edld hit slice of "Mild Cured How," snd trictly Fresh Fees, st MYERS, 06 Brock street, : $70

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